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June 2, 2023 6 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, it's Pride Radio andwith me right now is DJ Chris sucked
In. Uh, he's going tobe one magical weekend Friday, June second,
kicking off the weekend at the TherapyPool parties. Hey everybody, how
you doing? And this was unscheduled, but I am actually joining you from
Disney's Animal Kingdom. What we werejust there last weekend. I can't I

can't make this up. When Idecided to take the call, I was
like, well, I'm going tobe here, so that's incredible. Well
have you what have you done sofar today at the park? Well?
So far, you know, justseeing some some animals. Yeah, you
love. I've got four dogs andmade it to the bar. Well,
all right, that's important. Wherewe're still, We're only about an hour

and a half in so today's veryyoung, it is, that's true,
that's right, and they're celebrating theirtwenty fifth anniversary. It's crazy to think
that that park has already been herefor twenty five years. It's it's pretty
insane. Yeah. Yeah, butI'm glad that you're here and you're hanging
out because I think at the moment, there is no bigger ally in the

World than Walt Disney World for ourcommunity, well, especially with what's going
on in Florida. Tell me aboutit. I know, And that's why
I'm glad that One Magical Weekend isn'tstanding down at all, because you know,
we need we need numbers, weneed to be here in force and
show that we're not going anywhere.We're not just standing down. We're getting
bigger. That's right. Exactly?Is this this isn't your first time doing

One Magical Weekend, is it?Well, I've gone two times as a
as a patronage. Oh okay,the first time sitting there, so I'm
excited to bring my little uh touchto the experience. Well, now I
feel like you have an inside trackbecause you've been there as a guest,
so you know what you like andthen you know, is that going to

influence what you do in your set? You know, it's probably not going
to change a whole lot. Um. I always like to I don't play
music that I don't like, solike, if I'm having a good time,
everyone else is having a good time. It is generally my experience.
But you know, there's always beenconsistent artist there and yeah, great lineup,

So I'm just on or to bepart of the pot the mix this
year. Yeah, I'm excited thatyou went that you've upgraded from guests to
performer. Yes as well. Yeah, that's great. Uh and you're kicking
off the whole weekend, so doesthat you know, does that influence again,
like what you're planning to do.Are you trying to like start off
with a bang or you know,be kind of chill because it's the first

day. What do you plan ondoing? Yeah, I just want to
bring in a really joyful, happy, vocal pool vibe scene to my to
my set, So okay, Ijust want to get everybody going, get
everybody dancing, everybody's singing, Yeah, having a good time, get the
drinks flowing, and yeah, yeah, that's gonna be great. And you're
I'm hoping here for the whole weekendthat weekend, right, I'm here to

they kick me up. I likethat. That's gonna be which which means
Monday, so right, yes,everyone's gonna go home Monday. But I
mean, I guess technically you don'tgot to go home, but you can't
stay here. Right. That's hilarious. I love it And there's so much

to do that weekend. That's whyI was asking, because not only you
know, are you playing the pollparties at the Sheridan Lake Buena Vista,
but by the way, that hosthotel is sold out. I don't know
if you heard that. I actuallydid, and I'm not surprised because yeah,
I've been before you want. Ithink everyone who goes always wants to
come back, right, They justkind of build it into their schedule for

what they're going to do for thefollowing year. So, yes, I'm
happy when Magical is doing great,and yes, it's definitely gonna be I
think the best year yet. Yeah, I'm with you there. I think
it's gonna be really great, betterthan it's ever been, bigger than it's
ever been. And I think partof that is because we know we have
to band together as a community stilland and really send a message that we're

not going anywhere. We can't getrid of us that easy. We're not
going anywhere. You know, We'vecome a long way, but we still
have a long way to go.But I think our message kind of is
unified, and you know, certainlyevents like this bring people together and make
us remember what's important and keep fighting. Yeah, that's right, And as

I was saying, before you know, you're you're doing the theory pool parties
Friday, so presumably before things getyou know, real wild at Disney's Typhoon
Lagoon for the Riptidewater Park party.Um, and then Saturday there's more pool
parties, there's more events. Also, it's uh, you know you want
to wear your red that day becausewe have the big party at House of
Blues. And then Sunday it allsort of like I wouldn't want to say

it winds down on Sunday because Ithink Sunday might be the most fun of
the days. Uh, because it'sSunday's kind of tricky because yeah, people
think it should start start to scaledown. Some people might go back to
work on Monday, but I thinkI think Sunday almost inevitably becomes like the
main event where people just come outof the woodwork. Yes, you're like,

where have you been? Right?It should be a good time that
happened last year and remember Sunday thinkinglike where did all these people come from?
Because they weren't here, sad that'shilarious. I love it because I
thought maybe I was going crazy andjust I don't know, Yeah, you

and me both, So it wasthe two of us that might have been
it, but that was definitely myexperience. Friday, though, it was
a good day too, because that'sthe day everybody's picking up their wristbands.
They want to get right out therefor the party. You know, what
time are you starting your set?I'll be starting at noon, twelve o'clock.
Nice. Okay, So wow,so you are truly opening the weekend.
I'm I'm literally the entree to thewhole weekend. So yeah, I'm

really excited about it. That's alot of pressure because you're setting the tone.
Well, you know, I'm excited. Bring it on, all right.
I wasn't trying to make you nervous, but I'm just saying no,
no, I honestly, like I, I realized that I definitely excited for
it and appreciate the opportunity to,yeah, set the tone.
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