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All right, it's Pride to Radio. My name is Houston. On the
phone right now is Roland Bellmars,who is going to be spinning at the
Therapy Pool parties at One Magical Weekend, where we'll also be broadcasting live.
Roland, thank you for taking sometime today. Hey, of course,
great to be with you guys.Yeah, it's great to talk to you.
I'm looking forward to the event,as I know you probably are as
well. Oh yeah, definitely.Yeah. Is it fun weekend? It
is? Yeah. I was gonnaask how many times have you been to
One Magical Weekend? Oh gosh,I've been going since like ninety nine,
so wow. Yeah, it's beena ride. Yeah, that's awesome.
So you've seen it through all ofits changes and how it's grown over the
years. Oh yeah yeah. Sowhat's your favorite part? Why? What
brings you back to it every year? Just the positive energy there and just
you know, getting to see somany friends and people that I've met along
the way. You know, weall kind of congregate back there every year,
so just that part of it isjust nice to get to see faces
I don't get to see all thetime. Yeah. So when you started
going, did you start as justa guest, not as a dj H
no I would yeah, okay,and then that became where I met my
husband. So that was like ouranniversary trip every year. Oh that's great,
no kidding, I love that.Yeah. Yeah. For folks who
have never been to this event,it's massive. It's it's so much fun.
And uh, you know, wewe've heard from some people that,
oh, well, it's in Florida. I don't want to go to Florida.
But but that's such a silly thingto say, because if you don't
go, you're hurting the very communitythat you're trying to help, exactly.
I mean, you know, it'slike you can't just generalize the whole state
right one person. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean Orlando, you
know, with Disney here of ittruly is the most magical place on earth.
Everybody gets along. It's a reallywelcoming city. And I know,
I know you believe that obviously.I just want everyone else to know that
exactly. I mean, Disney isjust such its own it's its own place,
you know. It's like, yeah, and every time you go,
it's always different, It's never thesame trip twice, so you know,
it's just yeah, it's something youhave to experience if you haven't done it.
So yeah, right, there's there'sliterally something for everybody. I think,
Um, you know, you havethe pool parties every day where where
you'll be spinning live. You haveparties at night if you want to go
and do that, and then there'sthere's even overnight parties exactly. And I
mean you don't even have to justdo the parties because there's the theme parks
and everything. So it's like,you know, it's whatever you want to
make of it. And that's what'sso special about that weekend. It's like
it is the parties, but it'sso much more than that. Yeah,
what's your favorite part of it asidefrom spinning at the at the event?
Definitely the theme parks. I meanDisney I lived in California, so okay,
Disneyland here, but disney World isjust such a whole, grander experience,
So it is I love getting toexperience the bigger part. One of
my favorite statistics to share is Disneylandcan fit in the parking lot of the
Magic Kingdom here in Florida. Right, It's crazy. I know that people
don't realize that it's really truly ona different scale. Um, you know
what kind of playlist you are?Like, are you already planning to do
for this because at the pool partiesit's kind of a chill vibe right Well,
it's still I mean, we stillwant to bring the energy, so
it's you know, it's definitely likehigh energy house, but I like to
throw in, you know, stufffrom over the years I've been playing a
long times. I definitely have awide range of music to pull from.
It's like, you know, Ilike to keep it exciting and fun,
but I like to also, youknow, make sure it's not like banging
like nighttime party type of fly either. Right right, you got to have
people conserve their energy for later,right exactly. I like to pace,
you know, keep it at agood pace. Yeah, that's good.
I like that. Um, whatwhat's your um, you know favorite thing
to do? Is it just tosurprise people with the music that you pull
out. Oh yeah, I mean, and it's always like live like there
could somebody could come up and requestsomething that I wasn't even thinking of that
would totally fit the vibe and ifit works and it's like one of those
things I wasn't even thinking of I'mlike, oh my god, that would
like go so good, you knowat this point of the party and just
stuff like that, when maybe it'ssomething I wasn't even thinking about that I
could throw on and like totally changeand and I get people to be like,
oh my god, I remember thatsong or you know now it's just
like, yeah, I was gonnasay, like, you're actually kind of
kicking off the weekend, right,You're you're doing Friday June second. Oh
yeah, yeah, so I'll begetting there Thursday and getting everything ready and
yeah, so I get to kickthings off. Yeah. Does that?
Does that add some pressure? Like, you know, do you because you
have to set the tone for theweekend right? Oh yeah, definitely,
because you know, I'm used toplaying like Saturday nights and stuff like that,
so it's like I kind of haveto rethink the whole vibe of my
set. But you know, I'veI've been at this for a while,
so it's nothing that I'm not usedto. Yeah, you're a pro,
that's true. Oh yeah, whatwould you tell people to make sure that
they see while they're you know,at the event this way, you know,
for one magic weekend, like ifthere's only one thing that they do,
what is it rip Tide because that'ssuch a unique party at the water
part yea, and most people havenever done a party at a water park
and it's just, yeah, somuch fun to be able to you know,
to go in the wave pool ordo the enter tube being you know
whatever. It's definitely a very uniqueevent. And if you haven't done that,
you've got to Rip Tide. Yeah, I totally agree with you.
That was my favorite part. Lastyear was our first year going to the
event, and I was just blownaway with like, you know, obviously
Disney does it right and they havea great water park, and then when
you're throwing a party at the waterpark, right, it's incredible. Yep,
it's something you got to see forsure. Yeah. That DJ stand,
you know right there if you againhaven't been, there's a DJ stand
right at the base of the wavepool, right at the start of the
wave pool. So everybody's kind ofin this like the low tidal water where
you know, it's it's not quitetoo deep, but it's cool and refreshing
and just partying NonStop. And then, like you said, you don't have
to do that if you don't wantyou can go and ride some rides and
then come back exactly. That's what'sso great about the weekend. It's like
it's whatever you want it to be. Yeah. And they have already sold
out of the Host Hotel, sonow they're onto the Crown Plaza, I
think selling rooms there. It's prettyamazing. It's gonna be a good crowd
this year, and it's so nice. You know, I think people are
finally passed the COVID fear. Ohyeah, for sure. Right, Well,
I was gonna say last year,I feel like that also wasn't too
big of a worry. But butthis year, for sure, everybody is
back exactly. Yeah. Yeah.Um. Well, so you know,
as you get ready for your youknow, kickoff day at one magical weekend,
are you playing more through the weekendor is it just Friday and then
you're hanging out the rest of theweekend. Yeah. I get my gigs
done on Friday and then I getto hang out and catch up with everybody
and have some fun. Well that'sawesome. Yeah, get your work out
of the way early, right exactly. Well, that's good. I know.
I'm looking forward to it. LikeI said, we'll be broadcasting live
so we'll see you on Friday.We'll actually be in the expo where everybody
picks up their tickets. Um.Yeah, and then on the Sunday we'll
be back outside at the therapy poolparties. And Saturday we're actually going to
check out the new event, theBear Jamboree that's happening across the street.
Oh cool. Yeah, so there'sa lot. Yeah, there's a lot
to do. So I can't waitto see you and meet you in person,
and it's going to be a goodtime, I think. Yeah,
I can't wait to meet you guys.