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June 2, 2023 8 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right. It is Pride atRadio and I have a very special guest
with us here who's coming to OneMagical Weekend Bear Jamboree. This is DJ
t Don. Hey there, how'sit going. I am doing well.
You're You're going to be playing thewet for Oasis pool party at Bear Jamboree
this year. Yes, I'm superexcited about that. I love me Bear

party and a Bear crowd. Ye, I'm super happy about that. Looking
forward to kind of two different eventson the same day, so getting a
different crowd, different vibe going.Just happy to be a part of the
one Magical Weekend group. And BearJamboree looks like such a such a great
group to be a part of.It's hard to imagine how much is truly

going on in that one weekend becauseyou know, of course you have a
traditional one Magical weekend. Now youhave Bear Jamboree as well at the hotel
next door at the Crown Plaza.For people that don't realize, um,
Bear Jamboree is really it's being broughtto you by Orlando Bear Pride and it's
kind of a reimagined Bear event forthis weekend. And it looks like it's

going to be so much fun.I'm super excited. I think I just
realized, I mean, just havingthe conversations. I'm like, there is
just a full weekend of amazing eventsfor pretty much anybody to get involved in,
you know, whether they're into kindof the bigger production parties, and
Bear Jamboree is just going to besuper fun. I always love a Bear

crowd YEP, lots of vocals goingto be happening at those parties. I'm
sure there will be able magical weekingtoo, but it's it's sizes just to
have options, you know, andI enjoy that about our community, So
I'm looking forward to it. Right. That's a really great point that you
bring up, because this, youknow, if you're not totally into the
circuit side of things, that's wherethe Bear side, I think is a

little more relaxed and probably more abouthaving fun dancing and just having a good
time. Yes, I agreed.I think I tend to associate Bearer events
more to have kind of a socialdynamic. Like I feel like I walked
away having a good time dancing alot, but also having really good conversations
with folks, just because it kindof take more time to relax and get

to know people and circuit. Youknow, most people are there just to
dance and sing and kind of release, and they both have amazing benefits,
you know. So it's just sucha pleasure to be able to be a
part of both. And the greatthing about this particular party two is that
the hotel is completely you know,reserved for this event. That's fantastic,

everything all in one place. Yep, exactly. Let me ask you about
your set a little bit, youknow, when you're doing an event like
this, so how do you putthat together or do you just kind of
go with the flow once you're there. Oh so that's always the million dollar
questions. And I guess it's alittle bit different. You know. I've
learned over the past few years thatyou know, what works in one area

may not work somewhere else. Buttypically the way I kind of structure it
is, you know, I lookat the time of day that I'm playing,
you know, when I was indaytime set. The other one is
a nighttime but they're both at thepool. So you know, I wanted
to be happy. I wanted tobe joyous. I want people to be
dancing enjoying their time at the pool. But I kind of do everything on

the fly, you know. Ijust bring a lot of different variety because
you know, one day people mightmay be feeling some disco, other days
they may want circuit, and anothertime they may want some more of kind
of a house vibe. So itreally depends, you know, what the
crowd is vibe before, and that'skind of where I take it. But
I'm bringing a lot of goodies,so expect a lot of vocals, a

lot of good daytime hits, alot of anthems. I love to play
house music, but there'll be sprinklesof circuit in there. I think we
all love a little high energy dances. Oh yeah, for sure. Where
do you see your career going?What is it that you hope to accomplish
this career? It really started duringthe pandemic. I just simply wanted to

share music with people. Music thatmade me feel some type of way,
made me happy, made me feelmy feels and emotions, and it has
kind of just snowballed into something that'sit's surreal at times, and I think
for me, just being able totravel around so many cities and experience so

many parties and meet a lot ofincredible people along the way. You know,
for me, the next step reallyis being able to take my djaying
and produce my own music. Ithink that's really any artists and musicians goal
as they get into this is tobe able to have their own style,

their own flare that they can bringto each event that's unique to themselves.
And I think for me, Ienjoy sharing music, but it's just nice
to have a little bit part ofme a little bit more aged on having
things that really come from my heartand soul and things that you know,
I can relate back to the hardworking dedication that I've put into it.

So you know, for me,I don't necessarily have like a three to
five year plan, but I'm simplyjust kind of putting myself in a good
place. I'm focusing on, youknow, my happiness and career development at
the time and just kind of allowingit to take me where I need to
be. And I've trusted that pathfor the past three years, and you

know, I've been able to travel, you know, three different countries and
dj across all major cities, andjust to be able to do that,
that's kind of where I am atand the realm that I kind of live
in is just being happy, enjoying, enjoying life, not stressed about it
too much. But you know,it's it's catch to the point where it's

like I've made a lot of matchupsand specific type of remixes, but who
doesn't want to make their own musiccan have their name listed as the primary
artist, Right, That's really thenext step for me that I'm really looking
forward to. That's also I'm lookingforward to this for you as well,
because it just sounds like you're,you know, looking for happiness and you're

on the right path to that,and that's, like you said, all
you can really ask for in life, right, absolutely? Yeah, So
you are going to be busy thatday because I know you mentioned there's two
events, Um, I didn't wantto mis mentioning that You're going to be
at the therapy pool parties at themain host hotel, which is the Sheraton
Lake Buenavista, and then you headover to do the Bear Jamboree party.
So I guess, you know,do we get to look forward to all

of you across the spectrum of likewhat you do musically in that one day?
Well, I guess. I guessyou're just gonna have to attend to
find out. Right, We're gonnahave to follow you from the one pool
party to the next. Was alittle post, A little crowd coming with
me. That'll be fun, thatwould be Yeah. Have you been?
Have you played one Magical Weekend before? I have not? Oh no,

I haven't. Okay, my debutand my first one Magical Weekend, Wow,
you are, You're gonna have agood time. I've heard nothing but
good things. I trust those peoplethat have given me that information. I
think it'll be fantastic. And I'mkind of a big Disney person myself.
Okay, you know, to makemy debut then a Disney Yeah, how

awesome? Is that? Right?Not very often? Right? Right?
Are you here for the whole weekendor do you just come in for the
Sunday event? Yeah? I thinkit would be a mistake if I didn't
come in for the whole weekend.Okay, I'll be there for a couple
of days, enjoy a little bitof time off, maybe kick back a
little bit, you know, kindof make a little vacation out of it,
and and then meet colleagues and spendtime with friends. I always trying

to make a point to see thepeople I care about that are kind of
in my life during the time.I know it's busy for everybody, but
you know it can be months beforeyou see those people again, so I
try to make time for then.I love your outlook on life. It's
very you know, just all aboutmaking those connections and keeping those connections and

doing what makes you happy. Andthat's that's I always think the most important
thing. So I'm glad that youknow that's your priority. It's just a
great message to send out. Well. I appreciate it. Thank you.
It's it's a lot of hardships anddifficulties in life, but you know,
if we focus on our happiness andbe optimistic and treat ourselves with kindness,
I think life will reward us prettywell. Right. I couldn't agree more
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