All Episodes

November 21, 2024 • 23 mins
Tuesday November 19, 2024 - On today's show Gavin Newsom may not give the Menendez brothers clemency, Lizette gives Strawberry a monkey update, Strawberry and Lizette google themselves after realizing how much personal info is online!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
When shopping for Black Friday appliance steals, you want to
pay less, and you probably think that means heading to
a big box store. But for the best appliance deals,
remember bray beats big. So skip Black Friday and get
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savings on our best selling ge profile and cafe appliances.
Save now during Bray Friday at brayon Scarf or it
doesn't cost more to get more.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Morning people wake up for peace and quiet. McDonald's Breakfast people,
we wake up for the sweet rush of getting that warm,
delicious breakfast right before it ends.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
Crush your morning goals with a steak, egg and cheese
bagel or any breakfast sandwich, and snag another one for
just a buck with a buy one, get one deal
only in the McDonald's app. Limited time only at participating
McDonald's valid ones per day must opt into rewards.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
Bottom streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three
till seven.

Speaker 5 (01:05):
On Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (01:09):
Dot com Lifehouse right there.

Speaker 7 (01:10):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine, the
Best Variety for the nineties and two thousands, it's Strawberry
and Lazette in the afternoon.

Speaker 6 (01:18):
We got lots for the show today.

Speaker 7 (01:20):
No room to vent, no room to express my frustration
from my doctor's appointment today. So it's a good thing
that you and I do an uncensored podcast. So the
episode of the Mexican Ginger podcast that we're gonna record
after the show today, it's gonna be spicy. I'm coming
through with some far off my chest. But right here,

this isn't the time, this isn't the place. We got
Family Show. Family Show. We're gonna have a random caller quiz.
In a little bit, we're gonna google ourselves. We'll talk
about full house, all.

Speaker 6 (01:53):
That ass coming up. Plus we have Hella headlines. The
clock is ticking well.

Speaker 8 (01:57):
Gavin Newsom Grant's lemency for the Menendez brothers. We'll talk
about it. Hella headlines are next. Here's Tupac Kiss one
O seven point nine.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (02:11):
Tanner Swift Cruel Summer.

Speaker 7 (02:13):
It's about to be a cruel winter storm in the
next few days. Sacramento's new kiss one oh seven point nine.
It's Strawberry and Lazette with Hella headlines.

Speaker 8 (02:21):
Right now, Governor Gavin Newsom is addressing the Eric and
Lyle Menendez case, and he will not be granting clemency
to them just yet. Yesterday he said that he wants
to see what the new La County DA Nathan Hodgman
wants to do about the case. First. The new das
that he plans to thoroughly study the case files once

he officially takes office in early December. Now, the Menendez
brothers resentencing hearing is December eleventh, so he won't have.

Speaker 6 (02:48):
A lot of time.

Speaker 8 (02:50):
Yeah, probably as much time as he would like to
go over everything. And December eleventh is right around the corner.
So we'll see what happens and we'll see what everyone decides.

Speaker 6 (02:59):
So what brought this on?

Speaker 7 (03:01):
Was it the people on TikTok who have been campaigning
for the Menandez brothers. I know Kim Kardashian tweeted out
a little while ago. They deserve to be free? Is
the Netflix documentary like Why.

Speaker 6 (03:11):
Little of Everything?

Speaker 8 (03:12):
The first thing I saw was Kim Kardashian talking about
how she went and spoke with them, and like they're
really nice guys and.

Speaker 6 (03:20):
They've served their time.

Speaker 8 (03:21):
So I saw in the order of Kim Kardashian, the
Netflix series and then just everyone kind of talking in
between that I'm sure there are people who have been
like rooting for them for a while, but I personally
feel like Kim Kardashian is web brought this to light
for everyone else.

Speaker 6 (03:38):
Outside of the loop. So weird head lendsa gets strawberry.
I well, locally, Theater of Lights is back this year.

Speaker 7 (03:44):
If you don't remember, it's a free, family, family friendly performance.

Speaker 6 (03:49):
I'm trying.

Speaker 7 (03:51):
It retells a story of twas the Night before Christmas,
and it also has stories about how the Sacramento Pioneers
first experienced all the calamities.

Speaker 6 (03:59):
Jack Frost will be.

Speaker 7 (04:00):
Their performance is taking place on the balconies of the
historic buildings on K Street in the Old Sack Waterfront.
Everything starts Friday, November twenty seventh, and then Theater of
Lights is going to be Fridays and Saturdays through the
end of the year.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
So tis the season. Tis the season?

Speaker 7 (04:19):
That's Hella Headlines on drinks to that Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (04:24):
That's a full bottle? Is it? Never miss?

Speaker 4 (04:28):
Admitted with Strawberry Lazette on Kiss one oh seven point nine.

Speaker 5 (04:32):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on the
always free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 8 (04:37):
Okay, remember all of the monkeys that escaped in South
Carolina earlier this month, and they were like running around
town and this was huge, like nationwide news for some reason.

Speaker 7 (04:48):
There was twenty three of them, right, twenty three of
them they three, there was forty three and they only
got like twenty of them back into their cages.

Speaker 8 (04:55):
Sacramento's new Kiss. When I was seven point nine, Strawberry
was that in the afternoon.

Speaker 6 (04:58):
Okay, another monkey updates.

Speaker 8 (05:00):
Yes, thirty nine of the forty three monkeys have been
recaptured after they escaped the research facility.

Speaker 6 (05:09):
In South Carolina.

Speaker 8 (05:11):
The recaptured animals just walked back into the facility. They
didn't have to like bring them in on a on
a leash or however cage.

Speaker 6 (05:19):
I don't know how they did it. They just all
walked back in.

Speaker 8 (05:21):
So right, all the recaptured animals, they've been running around
for quite some time, I'm sure, having the time of
their life. Sure, they're free, they're completely fine, seem to
be in good health. They're feeding all of them. PB
and J's back at the facility. So I guess they're
just looking for the other four.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
Maybe maybe they won't look for the other four. At
what point?

Speaker 7 (05:41):
First off, how many scientists got fired for letting the
monkeys loose? Secondly, at what point do they just put
out an APB for this neighborhood, like, hey, guys, if
you see a monkey, could you like throw a bag
over it and bring it down the street to the
to the research lab kind of need your help.

Speaker 6 (05:55):
No, No, they.

Speaker 8 (05:56):
Don't need the people to beause I feel like, first
of all, you can't trust what people are going to
do with these monkeys if they do catch them, because
from what I heard, they're like the size of cats.
They're like, they're tiny monkeys.

Speaker 6 (06:07):
Reese's monkeys, Reesis monkeys. I'm so keeping one. If I
found one, I'm so keeping one.

Speaker 8 (06:12):
They're like Reesi's Reesus macock monkeys or something like that.

Speaker 7 (06:16):
Look, I'm those scientists. I just love animals. Give me
the Reesis monkey, I'll take care of it.

Speaker 8 (06:21):
But you can't trust everyone to go like grab these
macocks running around.

Speaker 6 (06:26):
Sure you can't, No, you can't because what if they
what if they harm them?

Speaker 8 (06:30):
Now you got all these injured maccocks everywhere, you know,
Or what if they like, don't give it back.

Speaker 6 (06:36):
We wouldn't give it back, That's what I'm saying. That
would not That's why we can't trust. We can't trust.
How many more are loose out there? For four more?

Speaker 2 (06:43):
Go see?

Speaker 8 (06:44):
They try to lure them in with some some peeb
and j's. It's Kiss one o seven point nine.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
It's a full show every afternoon, whatever you want.

Speaker 4 (06:54):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 7 (06:59):
I have so much personal information about this one individual,
but there's a good chance she's a listener. So I'm
really trying to keep this story anonymous. Oh all right,
so don't ask me stuff that's gonna get me in trouble.
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (07:15):
I have a buddy who's single, and I try.

Speaker 7 (07:17):
To hook him up with with you know ladies that
I think that he may hit it off with. Okay,
so I'm on TikTok. Beautiful woman pops up on my algorithm,
and it's just his type. He's got a specific type.
He's very picky. So I send him remind you, just
a TikTok, send her, send him a TikTok video of
this woman, and I say, hey. Her geotag says she
lives in northern California. She's beautiful, she's funny. You know,

maybe you'll meet her one day.

Speaker 6 (07:42):
Good luck.

Speaker 7 (07:44):
Nine minutes later, he texts me back a screenshot. I
know her first name, I know the city she lives in.
I know her age, I know her maiden name, Lizette.
I have her current address, I know the last.

Speaker 6 (07:58):
Why do you have all these things? Who places she lived?
That's what I said.

Speaker 7 (08:02):
I said, Yo, you need to work for the FBI
forensic team. And plus, good news. The city she lives in,
uh huh is a lot closer to you than I thought.
And he says she's also divorced. Her maiden name is blank,
she lived in Blank, She's moved up here for X
amount of months.

Speaker 6 (08:21):
He said.

Speaker 7 (08:22):
There is so much personal information on the internet. Be
careful out there. He found from a TikTok and just
from a TikTok and he found it in nine minutes.

Speaker 8 (08:33):
So if I put my TikTok handle in Google, people
will know where I live and my age, and how
many kids I have, and what kind of car I
drive and my last four addresses.

Speaker 6 (08:46):
I don't know. I don't think so. I don't know
if it's TikTok related.

Speaker 7 (08:49):
But he's just a regular dude who went to work
on Google for nine minutes. In fact, let's google ourselves.
Let's play two songs. We'll google ourselves. That'll be about
nine minutes. We'll come back.

Speaker 6 (09:00):
We'll see what info we can find using our legal name.
Just Google. That's what he did, just googled. I don't
think we're gonna find much on me. I know her
whole history. It's scary out there. That is scary though.

Speaker 7 (09:10):
Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point nine. I'll show
you her picture. She's beautiful.

Speaker 6 (09:13):
I want to join the conversation.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
Send Strawberry and Lizette a talkback message while you stream
the new Kiss one o seven point nine on the
always free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 7 (09:22):
All right, we just googled ourselves in case you just
joined in at Strawberry Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one
oh seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (09:29):
I was trying to be a good wing man for
my friend.

Speaker 7 (09:31):
Found a TikTok and I'm like, hey, this girl's beautiful
and she lives in northern California.

Speaker 6 (09:35):
Hey you know, quick text message to him.

Speaker 7 (09:39):
Less than ten minutes later, he sent a screenshot of
everything he found out just by googling her full name,
maiden name, She's been married and divorced, where she used
to live, where she lives now, Like.

Speaker 6 (09:49):
Just nine minutes. Wait, Way too much information, way too much.

Speaker 7 (09:53):
So then Lazette and I said, you know what, let's
google ourselves, our legal names.

Speaker 6 (09:57):
See what's on the internet. You want to go first.
I really didn't find a lot.

Speaker 8 (10:01):
It's really weird because, okay, so I have results of
my name. I have like an old Pinterest account that
came up that I don't even use.

Speaker 6 (10:07):
There's nothing on it, and that's it.

Speaker 8 (10:10):
Okay, an old Facebook account and then one of those
like background search websites came up, and so that's where
I'm seeing old towns I lived in, old addresses. What's
weird is that none of them are my age. This
is age forty one, age fifty one, age eighty two.
But it's all my information, so I'm like.

Speaker 6 (10:30):
The birthdate is wrong, right, and then you have to
pay money.

Speaker 8 (10:36):
So I can't see much, but I can see old towns,
old addresses, old phone numbers, old emails, my siblings, my
parents' names, criminal records.

Speaker 6 (10:47):
So maybe it is me. I don't miss you. I
don't know.

Speaker 7 (10:50):
So neither of us paid for any services, just whatever
we can find with our legal names on Google in
the last six minutes.

Speaker 6 (10:56):
So yeah, same thing.

Speaker 7 (10:57):
All my social media pages of a bunch of images
my LinkedIn obviously a Flicker account. I didn't know I
had a Flicker accounts. Is that a bunch of workouts
I posted when I was a personal trainer at twenty
four hour Fitness Those are up there. There's gey all
on Google. Yeah, well, through Google I found all these. Okay,
there's getty images of me. And then here's where it
got scary. The names of my parents, my siblings, every

address they've ever lived at, every address I've ever lived at,
some homework assignments from college and high school. And again
this is just in the six minutes with us barely trying.

Speaker 6 (11:31):
I also didn't know so many people had my name.
I'm a teacher in Albuquerque.

Speaker 8 (11:35):
Hey I have there's a lot of people with my
name in New Mexico. Uh huh, which kind of makes sense.
We won't go into that, but really weird, Yeah, weird. Yeah,
this is kind of a I don't want this out there.

Speaker 7 (11:47):
Yeah, I know, Google your own name today, see how
much you can find out.

Speaker 6 (11:50):
It's Kiss one O seven point nine.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Dreaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.

Speaker 5 (11:56):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss nine dot com.

Speaker 8 (12:01):
Okay, this family in Fort Lauderdale has the craziest exotic
pet collection in their garage and they let their kids
cuddle with them.

Speaker 6 (12:10):
What city they live in? Fort Lauderdale. I can't handle Florida.
I know it was a Florida. Who does that? Does that?

Speaker 8 (12:18):
Sacramento's New Kiss When I was seven point nine, Strawberry
less that in the afternoon. They have over two hundred
exotic snakes living in their garage. They have BoA's, they
have pythons, they have rare snakes, and the two kids
they have, aged five and nine, they just be in
there cuddling with them, taking knaves and kind stuff.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
They said.

Speaker 8 (12:40):
It all started with a pet corn snake they got
in twenty sixteen.

Speaker 6 (12:44):
Like, okay, corn snake, I can handle. I'm still not
going to play with it, but I wouldn't mind if
it's just like in the corner.

Speaker 8 (12:49):
Sure, but snowflake, the corn snake is what sparked this
collection of one hundred and ninety nine other snakes they
went out and bought. They have a special pentarium built
into the garage, is with regulated heating zones and locked
enclosures for the venomous snakes.

Speaker 6 (13:07):
No, you have venom snakes with kids in the garage.
They claim to have never had an escape. But I
don't care how safe you make that. Absolutely not.

Speaker 8 (13:17):
I'll never be able to sleep with that many snakes
in the house, in the garage, wherever you want to
put them.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
I for sure, I'm not letting my kids cuddle with them.

Speaker 9 (13:24):

Speaker 6 (13:25):
Next thing, you know, you got the python sizing them up.

Speaker 7 (13:28):
Like how many times have I said this? You have
to put anybody who has reptiles as pets. You've got
to put them on some sort of watch list. You've
got to two hundred.

Speaker 6 (13:37):
You never heard you say that?

Speaker 7 (13:38):
Yeah, yeah, because they take BoA's out in public or
they'll walk.

Speaker 6 (13:41):
Oh yeah, and then you take pictures and stuff. Yeah,
you gotta watch those people. Yeah no, absolutely not not
not happening. Who does that? Does that? Brought to you
by Maviic Electric Heating and Air And they get the
job done right. So the first time, it's Strawberry and Lazette.

Speaker 4 (13:57):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.

Speaker 7 (14:00):
Are your chance this hour to win tickets to go
see Post Malone and Jelly Roll at Levi Stadium. Go
to Kiss one oh seven nine dot com and enter
the word sunflower.

Speaker 6 (14:11):
We'll have another keyword coming up at six.

Speaker 7 (14:13):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. We have talkback messages coming in about
everything you can find out about yourself online.

Speaker 6 (14:22):
Holy you guys were talking about all the personal info online.

Speaker 7 (14:26):
I did find my home and work address, which was
scary enough.

Speaker 6 (14:29):
But I found my old photo bucket in my Space account.
Oh no, that's even worse. Yeah, like I forgot I
had a Flicker account.

Speaker 7 (14:38):
I still don't think I do, but there's a bunch
of photos of me and my legal.

Speaker 6 (14:42):
Name in a Flicker account. I don't even know what
flicker is. It's kind of like a photobucket. Oh oh, okay, okay,
I remember that. Man, that's bad.

Speaker 8 (14:50):
That's like if you were to Google your name and
then all your statuses from your Facebook in like two
thousand and six came up, you'd be like, oh my God,
take us out.

Speaker 6 (15:01):
That's bad. It is all right.

Speaker 7 (15:02):
Hellaheadlines are coming up next, Lizette, what are we talking about?

Speaker 8 (15:05):
Lindsay Lohan's oh G Freaky Friday band will be in
the sequel. We'll talk about it. Those details coming up.
Hella headlines and two more songs. Kelly clarkson Kiss one
O seven point nine.

Speaker 4 (15:17):
Never Miss Admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one
oh seven point nine.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on me
Always Free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (15:26):
You watched the boy band documentary Larger Than Life?

Speaker 2 (15:28):

Speaker 6 (15:29):
Is in Sync in it? And is there story part
of it?

Speaker 8 (15:31):
There is so much not just about n SYNC, but
they go deep into the n SYNC Backstreet Boys beef.

Speaker 6 (15:38):
Yes, like we didn't just make that up. No, No,
they really were at each other's throat. That's what's up there.

Speaker 7 (15:43):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (15:47):
We got Hella headlines right now? What are we talking about?

Speaker 8 (15:50):
Well, Lindsay Lohan is filling all the tea about the
Freaky Friday sequel, Freaky or Friday on Jimmy Fallon her
character's garage band, Pink Slip, the one that she had
with all her friends, remember from the from the.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
Og Freaky Friday. They will be making a comeback for
it the sequel. I might have heard that might be
a little scenes. No, I'm Jamie may hinted, but Pink
Slip is back together.

Speaker 8 (16:15):
Yeah, yeah, that's probably my favorite song from the movie.

Speaker 7 (16:21):
Is it the original and the original characters or they
just have so Lindsay Lohan literally got the band back together.

Speaker 8 (16:28):
Jamie Lee Curtis even made a comment that Lindsay Lohan
performs what is quote sure to be a monster hit.

Speaker 6 (16:34):
Here you go.

Speaker 8 (16:35):
I can't wait. Filming did wrap in August. There's no
premiere date yet.

Speaker 6 (16:39):
I don't know what they got us all on edge over.

Speaker 8 (16:41):
Here for, like, just drop the movie, drop a date
so we can all be ready.

Speaker 7 (16:45):
Freaky Friday the original came out was it twenty five years.

Speaker 6 (16:49):
Ago something like that. It was a long time ago.

Speaker 7 (16:51):
Yeah, entire generations have been birthed and grown literally never
knowing the original Freaky Friday.

Speaker 6 (16:58):
What hell Lindsay got.

Speaker 7 (16:59):
We're just days away from the opening of Imaginarium at
callex Bo.

Speaker 6 (17:04):
You guys know about it.

Speaker 7 (17:05):
It's the largest holiday light show in NorCal It's gonna
open Friday. Millions of lights, story about characters. You have
pictures with Santa, also some additional twists. They have a
immersive activity room with lasers, mazes, they have glowing the
Dark stuff. They got bouncy ball, so much more. It's Imaginarium.
Three sixty dot com is the website to get tickets

in all the info.

Speaker 6 (17:27):
Hopefully it's doesn't it's not too rainy.

Speaker 8 (17:30):
Yeah, you know, because that'll make or break my weekend.

Speaker 7 (17:33):
It will.

Speaker 6 (17:34):
It will decide if I step outside or not or not.
That's hell.

Speaker 7 (17:38):
The headlines on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.

Speaker 5 (17:42):
The full show every afternoon, whatever you want.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (17:50):
Jennifer and Sacramento.

Speaker 7 (17:52):
You are our random caller for Today's randomcaller quiz.

Speaker 6 (17:56):
Are you ready? Oh?

Speaker 2 (17:57):
I think so?

Speaker 7 (17:58):
All right, it's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss
one oh seven point nine, Lizette, Let's let Jennifer go first.

Speaker 6 (18:04):
Campbell's Soup.

Speaker 7 (18:06):
They do a yearly survey to figure out America's favorite
Thanksgiving side dishes. America's favorite Top five Thanksgiving side dishes.
Jennifer go first, green bean casserole, green bean castrole number four.

Speaker 6 (18:21):
Lozette, your turn.

Speaker 8 (18:22):
That was gonna be my pick because he said, this
is a Campbell's Soup survey.

Speaker 6 (18:25):
Yeah, okay, mashed potatoes. Mashed potatoes number two, Jennifer.

Speaker 7 (18:31):
Back to you, stuffing, stuffing the number one.

Speaker 6 (18:36):
That was my next one. America's favorite Thanksgiving sides. We
still have number three and number five. Number three candy ams,
sweet potato casserole.

Speaker 7 (18:49):
Sweet potatoes, number three. There is one more America's favorite
Thanksgiving sides.

Speaker 6 (18:56):
Now, you said cranberry sauce first. I'm with you.

Speaker 7 (19:00):
I love a homemade cranberry sauce. However, it's not on
the top five list.

Speaker 6 (19:06):
Was that? Back to you for the win? Okay, what
have we said so far?

Speaker 8 (19:09):
We said, mashed potatoes, green bean castle roll, sweet potato castle.

Speaker 6 (19:12):
Roll stuffing obvious. Everyone has this, like what I put
on my plate rolls, No, not rolls, Jennifer back to you. You,
Oh yeah, it's not like gravy or something. No, no, no, no,
something people take pride in. This is my recipe. This
is Grandma's recipe. Nobody makes this but me. Mac and cheep,

mac and cheese.

Speaker 9 (19:35):
No duh, So it goes five mac and cheese, four
green bean cast roll, three sweet potatoes, two mashed potatoes,
and number one stuffy aka dressing.

Speaker 6 (19:47):
Thank you for being part of our random collar quiz.
I want to join the conversation.

Speaker 5 (19:51):
Send Strawberry and Litte a talkback message while you stream
the New Kiss when O seven point nine on the
always free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 7 (20:00):
It's Strawberry and lest on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. We give you good news every afternoon
right around this time. And here's what's good for all
my skiers and snowboarders. With the early snow they've been
getting up in the Sierra, several Tahoe area ski resorts
have already announced their openings for the season.

Speaker 6 (20:20):
Are you ready?

Speaker 9 (20:21):

Speaker 7 (20:21):
We head it up there this weekend because Heavenly and
North Star will open ahead of schedule this.

Speaker 6 (20:27):
Friday and Saturday.

Speaker 7 (20:28):
Palisades is opening Friday, also ahead of the schedule. Mammoth
is already open, Boreel is planning to open this Friday.
Soda Springs will open November twenty ninth. It looks like
Sierra at Tahoe is hoping to open Thanksgiving, and Kirkwood
is scheduled to open December sixth.

Speaker 6 (20:47):
So wow, snow snow already? Yeah, we are early this year.
That's crazy. Let's go. I've also never been snowboarding or
a skiing or anything. Are you going to be a
mountain girl or like a snow snow lodge? Gurley?

Speaker 7 (21:01):
Are you going out there in the snow or are
you gonna be hanging out with my fiance by the
fire and the bar.

Speaker 6 (21:05):
I might do a little bit of both, a little
bit of both.

Speaker 8 (21:06):
Yeah, I'll go by the bar in the fire and
then go outside.

Speaker 6 (21:11):
Oh okay, you're going reverse order? Okay? Is that reverse order?
But it all depends on is that not what we're
supposed to do?

Speaker 7 (21:16):
You can't depends on how well you want to get
down Judgment no judgment, No judgment.

Speaker 6 (21:21):
All right, that's what's good though.

Speaker 7 (21:23):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine. Let's
go up to Tahoe this weekend.

Speaker 4 (21:27):
Dreaming lot, Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three pill seven.

Speaker 5 (21:31):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com.

Speaker 6 (21:36):
Kind of sad news.

Speaker 7 (21:36):
A kick to the childhood seeing Dave Cooyer battle cancer.
A lot of us grew up with him as Uncle
Joey on Full House. It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's
New Kiss one oh seven point nine.

Speaker 6 (21:50):
Just damils.

Speaker 7 (21:51):
Uncle Jesse from Full House is getting some flak about
the latest photo he posted with Dave Koyer.

Speaker 6 (21:57):
I saw that.

Speaker 8 (21:58):
Hm, when was it announced that he had cant? Is
this brand new information? Because I didn't know that until today.

Speaker 6 (22:02):
It's about a week ago.

Speaker 8 (22:04):
It's it's still fresh, imo man, Okay, Yeah, I saw
John Stamos posted a photo with.

Speaker 6 (22:13):
Uncle Joey, Yeah that we all know and love.

Speaker 8 (22:15):
Yeah, who obviously has a shaved head treatment, so Uncle
Jesse's John Stamos put a bald cap on and took
a selfie photo with him.

Speaker 6 (22:25):
And did it in support of what he's going through.

Speaker 8 (22:29):
Yeah, but the fact that it was a bald cap
and he didn't actually shave his head the way we
normally see people do when they want to support their
family member or friend who's going through chemo and losing
their hair.

Speaker 6 (22:40):
They all shave their heads together and it's a sweet
moment and we all cry.

Speaker 7 (22:44):
It is and John Samo said, you know, nothing like
a bald cap and some photoshop to show solidarity for
my friend. And you know, maybe he couldn't shave his
hair for some something. But if you were going through
cancer waste and you're losing your hair and all your
friends put on some bald caps like hey it welcome
back to work, would you feel.

Speaker 6 (23:03):
A little way.

Speaker 8 (23:04):
At first, I thought like, well, if he's not bothered
by it, then like, yeah, who cares?

Speaker 6 (23:09):
You know, why are we bothered by it?

Speaker 8 (23:11):
And then I thought of that scenario exactly like you said,
what if I walked into work and everybody had a
bald cap on?

Speaker 6 (23:17):
Like it's a little mocky to me.

Speaker 7 (23:18):
Yeah, And I love those videos of when somebody is
going through cancer treatment and they're losing their hair and
they go shave off their hair, and their barber or
their loved one goes, wait a minute, me first, and
they shave their hair off.

Speaker 6 (23:33):
The tears and so Uncle Jesse robbed us of that video.
I wanted those those tears.

Speaker 8 (23:39):
Those I really feel like, if if that's what he
wanted to do, and he wanted to do that just
to post on social or whatever the case, he should
have just shaved his head.

Speaker 6 (23:49):
Yeah, like, either do it or.

Speaker 7 (23:51):
Don't exactly, but we hope both of them are the
best in their recovery. John Stamos from the Recovery of
the Anger, well the Anger of online trolls, and then
Dave Collier from.

Speaker 6 (24:02):
Aust to Know Recovery.

Speaker 7 (24:03):
You should know Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine.

Speaker 4 (24:08):
It's Strawberry and on Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven
point nine
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