Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com.
Speaker 3 (00:09):
The six foot thirteen Montel Jordan right there it Sacramento's
New Kiss one oh seven point nine. It's Strawberry and
Lazette in the afternoon. We had a concert was like
two years ago and Montel Jordan was on the lineup
and we got to meet him backstage. The tallest human
being I've ever stood next to, but the coolest guy.
Speaker 4 (00:26):
He's at least seven to one, like no exaggeration.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
Yeah, and then he's a pastor now, didn't anything like that? Yeah,
love it the nicest tis sweet love it. Montel Jordan
right there is You're a streaming Kiss one oh seven
point nine on the free iHeart app. We are just
a one little talkback message away. Look on your phone,
you shoe that red microphone, Tap it and you can
send us a talkback here in the studio. We're gonna
send you all the info you need to know in
Hella headlines coming up.
Speaker 5 (00:52):
So in Arson suspect was arrested yesterday in connection with
the Kenneth fire in LA. We'll talk about that. Hella
headlines are next. Here is fall Out Boy right here
Kiss one o seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
Britney Spears right there, who revealed that she also evacuated
her home during these LA fires and says quotes, I
send my love is Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New
Kiss one oh seven point nine. Time for Hella headlines.
Speaker 5 (01:22):
Los Angeles police arrested a possible arson suspect yesterday afternoon,
who they suspect is in connection with the Kenneth fire.
Residents reportedly spotted this man trying to light a fire
just on a residential street in front of everyone's houses,
broad daylight. These people actually jumped in and held them
down until police could arrive to take him into custody.
Speaker 3 (01:43):
They went vigilanti style. Yeah, sometimes you gotta.
Speaker 5 (01:46):
Go there, got to, especially with everything that's happening down there.
They're like, hold on now, it's not this guy doing buddy.
An arson investigation is unwigh. And of course, if you'd
like to donate to help the wildfire victims or even
the firefighters out there battling the blaze. We have an
entire page of links and info for you at Kiss
one o seven nine dot com Absolutely Aheadlines you got Strawberry.
Speaker 3 (02:11):
Well locally, there is a lot to do this weekend
in Sack. Dine Downtown kicks off tonight. Like I said yesterday,
it's a great chance to check out restaurants and their
prefixed menu. A dollar from every meal goes to local charity,
so you can support on your date night and Friday
and Saturday. Teresa Computo do you know who that is?
Speaker 4 (02:31):
The medium lady.
Speaker 3 (02:32):
The Long Island Medium.
Speaker 4 (02:34):
Yes, that's what I meant.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
She'll be in town at Cash Creek for the shows
and from there air Yeah, big hair and the nails yep.
For more what to do this weekend in Sack go
to our Facebook and Instagram at one oh seven nine Kiss.
That's hell a headlines with Strawberry and Lazette always streaming
on the free iHeart app.
Speaker 1 (02:53):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's new Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (02:58):
Oh man, I hope that song's not triggering anybody doing
dry January shit Boozy on Sacramento's new Kiss one oh
seven point nine. It's Strawberry and Lazette in the afternoon.
Speaker 6 (03:08):
Hello, Hello, When do you guys start the money competition?
Speaker 1 (03:13):
Speaker 4 (03:13):
The pay your bills? Yeah, who's this Maria?
Speaker 5 (03:16):
Maria that starts on Monday, Monday morning, So.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
Just a few days.
Speaker 6 (03:21):
What time on Monday?
Speaker 3 (03:23):
Kind of all the time on Monday. It starts at
six am, and we'll give you a chance every hour
till seven pm.
Speaker 6 (03:30):
And how often can I call?
Speaker 4 (03:32):
It's not a calling contest.
Speaker 5 (03:34):
Actually, you're listening for a keyword and then you're entering
the keyword on the website at Kiss one o seven
nine dot com.
Speaker 4 (03:41):
So don't waste any time calling. You don't need to
fight your phone lines.
Speaker 6 (03:45):
Thank goodness. Okay, I'll be listening all day and be
listening out for that yword.
Speaker 4 (03:49):
Okay, awesome, all good luck.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
Never miss Admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one
oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on me
Always Free, iHeartRadio.
Speaker 3 (04:00):
You know when you go to CVS and a lot
of things are like locked up behind the glass and
you have to push the button and an employee unlocks
the item. Okay, CBS knows that's a turn off to customers.
So what they're doing, I guess there's a background check,
But if you are a CVS trustworthy customer, they'll let
you download this app that will open up those glass
cases without needing to ring the doorbell and bring then
employee over.
Speaker 4 (04:24):
That sounds not safe.
Speaker 3 (04:25):
I like it though. It's Strawberry and that Sacramento's new Kiss.
One oh seven point nine. Marcel, you were saying this
same thing just happened to you.
Speaker 7 (04:33):
I'm in Walmart. I needed some underwear, some boxer brief.
Speaker 4 (04:37):
We're really getting to know each other here, and.
Speaker 8 (04:39):
The underwear are locked up behind the glass feet. So
I hit the little red button and I'm plain that
it's bet.
Speaker 7 (04:46):
It's a dude. I'm like, let it be a guy.
Speaker 5 (04:51):
Of course.
Speaker 7 (04:51):
It was nice. Sweet little old lady. She comes around
the corner with the key. I'm like, oh no, I grabbed.
Speaker 8 (04:57):
The pack of underwear, the boxer brief, you know. She's like,
oh those are nice. I'm like, oh, okay, thanks.
Speaker 7 (05:05):
That was not my plan.
Speaker 6 (05:06):
Let's let a.
Speaker 7 (05:07):
Little old lady know that I needed some new underwear.
Speaker 3 (05:09):
So instead of an app to open up those cases,
if you had an app to open up an entire store.
You were a trustworthy customer, what store would you want
access to?
Speaker 7 (05:19):
Oh my gosh, that's a good question. Any store couldna.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
Be anything anything. You're a trustworthy customer, you pass the
background check, You're not gonna rob them.
Speaker 7 (05:28):
Let's go, let's go in and out. Bird.
Speaker 8 (05:30):
You know everyone need a midnight back And those animal
fries would would would hit.
Speaker 3 (05:35):
Pretty sometimes those drive through his clothes a little too early.
Speaker 4 (05:38):
Steal the secret sauce.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
Hey, you can't steal your trustworthy customer.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
You can't trust anybody in their favorite place. Like, let's
be honest, the full.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
Show every afternoon, whenever you want.
Speaker 1 (05:50):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (05:55):
Oh, we got some good answers here. Strawberry and Lazette
on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven veno point nine.
CVS knows you hate ringing the doorbell and having them
unlock the stuff that's behind the glass case. So they said,
if you're a trustworthy customer, we'll give you an app
to open that case yourself.
Speaker 5 (06:11):
What about the other customers who like, didn't pass the
background check and They're just standing.
Speaker 4 (06:15):
There waiting for the case open.
Speaker 3 (06:17):
It sucks to be you, Tanya. If you had this
trustworthy customer app, what store would you want access to?
Speaker 4 (06:25):
Can I say the grocery store?
Speaker 7 (06:27):
Like you know during COVID how old people were allowed
to go to the grocery store early in the morning
before everyone else.
Speaker 3 (06:32):
Oh I remember that? Yeah? Yeah, okay, So you want
to go to like Nugget or Railey's alone. You want
that VIP treatment when the shelves are stocked, but there's
no other customers in the aisle, clog in the way.
Speaker 4 (06:43):
Speaker 5 (06:45):
A lot of people will grocery shop at Walmart in
the middle of the night for that exact reason, just.
Speaker 3 (06:50):
Because there's nobody else there.
Speaker 4 (06:51):
There's nobody there and.
Speaker 6 (06:53):
Get you get the grocery cart with the really smooth
wheels that's not raping.
Speaker 3 (06:58):
They give you the good car, the ones that keep
in the bat Thank you for the call. Let's go
to Malcolm in Sack. If you could have an app
as a trustworthy customer, what would you like access to?
Speaker 6 (07:11):
Man, it would be Costco gas.
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Costco gasoline.
Speaker 6 (07:15):
That's a good one, yeah, because like I work different
hours and Costco has to keep this gas, but when
I need it they never open.
Speaker 4 (07:24):
Yeah, and when they are open, the lines are so long.
It would be nice to have long your own personal
access after hours.
Speaker 3 (07:33):
That's a good one.
Speaker 6 (07:34):
I could go there any time I want eleven o'clock,
no line and get my gas.
Speaker 3 (07:40):
With an app and Costco itself. Also because I think
my Costco closes at eight thirty.
Speaker 6 (07:45):
Yeah, well listen, you can go shop it and get
your gas all at the same time. Yes, at what Costco.
Speaker 2 (07:51):
Want to join the conversation, send Strawberry and Lizette a
talkback message while you stream the New Kiss. When I
was seven point nine on the always free iHeartRadio app,
remember that time.
Speaker 4 (08:00):
And went to the Sabrina Carpenter concert and don't remember
any of it?
Speaker 7 (08:02):
Speaker 3 (08:03):
Yeah, I do. Do you remember that song right there?
Do you remember doing in person?
Speaker 9 (08:09):
Speaker 1 (08:09):
Speaker 4 (08:10):
When I was seven point nine? And who does that?
Speaker 9 (08:13):
Speaker 3 (08:13):
Does that?
Speaker 5 (08:14):
A cop in Florida has resigned amid an investigation involving
him rear ending his patrol car into a civilian's car
because he was distracted watching adult time videos on his phone. Yeah,
so he initially blamed the wreck on his brakes locking
up when the car head stopped for.
Speaker 4 (08:31):
A school bus. That's what he said.
Speaker 5 (08:33):
Then, after dashcam footage showed him being distracted on his phone,
he was like, oh, no, no, no, I was scrolling through
the group chat with the other deputies and like, you know,
reading the text messages or whatever, and that's why I
was distracted.
Speaker 3 (08:44):
That's also a bad excuse.
Speaker 5 (08:46):
Then he eventually fessed up to what he was actually doing,
watching adult videos.
Speaker 3 (08:52):
Speaker 5 (08:53):
He racked up three policy violations, lying about the incident,
using his phone for prohibited content, and not wearing his
seat belt while doing any of these things.
Speaker 3 (09:02):
Officer, what are you doing? You put your bad idea
jeans on that morning?
Speaker 4 (09:06):
No seat belts?
Speaker 3 (09:08):
What was he up to?
Speaker 5 (09:09):
The one thing you could have done right exactly you
didn't do.
Speaker 3 (09:13):
Nope. Strike three?
Speaker 4 (09:14):
Who does that?
Speaker 3 (09:15):
It does that?
Speaker 4 (09:16):
It's Kiss one O seven point nine, streaming.
Speaker 1 (09:19):
Live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.
Speaker 2 (09:23):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com.
Speaker 3 (09:28):
Eminem on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine
The best Variety for the nineties and two thousands. It's
Strawberry Alzette and remind me of the story we just
had We call out the Foolishness every afternoon at three
forty five with a segment called who Does That?
Speaker 5 (09:44):
There was a cop in Florida who resigned because he
was under investigation for rear ending a car in front
of him because he was on his phone watching adult
videos right distracted.
Speaker 3 (09:55):
We just got this talkback message about two minutes ago.
Speaker 10 (09:58):
Oh my god, being rear ended by a cop because
he's distracted with his phone. It's a real thing. That
happened to my sister before. That was a huge mess
in itself, but it really happens. That's so funny. I'm
gonna send this episode to my sister so we can
make fun of her more.
Speaker 4 (10:16):
That's so funny.
Speaker 5 (10:17):
I totally wouldn't do the same thing to my So
you remember that type of cop ait you?
Speaker 7 (10:21):
Speaker 3 (10:21):
Well care?
Speaker 5 (10:22):
What what do you do in that situation? Like you
get real ended by a cop? Do you get out
and cust them out like you would a normal person?
Speaker 3 (10:29):
I wouldn't risk it. I wouldn't do that if.
Speaker 4 (10:31):
I was you, Like, wouldn't you be so mad about mad?
Speaker 7 (10:34):
Speaker 4 (10:35):
What do you do?
Speaker 3 (10:36):
You start recording yourself.
Speaker 4 (10:38):
How do you handle that situation?
Speaker 3 (10:39):
That's one of the that's one of the reasons I
want to I want to dash cam so bad because
it's your word versus theirs. Yeah, and they can easily.
I want to dash cam. If anybody has any good recommendations,
let me.
Speaker 4 (10:51):
Know dashcam dot com.
Speaker 3 (10:53):
Yes, that actually probably not. That's and that's why we
put these shows online after we get off the air
to search the Strawberry and Lizette on demand replace so
you can make fun of your sister. All right, Hella
headlines coming up next, Lyzette, What are we talking about?
Speaker 5 (11:07):
Sesame Street is heading for it's fifty fifth season. Can
you believe it's doesn't seem right? We'll talk about it.
Hell headlines are next.
Speaker 1 (11:15):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine, Teddy Swim's Lewis Control.
Speaker 3 (11:21):
It's Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine. Thanks
for tuning in Strawberry and Lazette with Hella headlines right now.
Speaker 4 (11:28):
The legacy continues.
Speaker 5 (11:31):
Sesame Street is gearing up for its fifty fifth season,
which launches on Max with Renee rap On January sixteenth,
following Renee rap Is, Sizza, Noah Kahn, Michael b Jordan,
Samara Joy, Chris Stapleton, Billy Jean King, and more. So,
they'll I'll be joining for like songs and other segments
and things like that. Episodes release every Thursday, and of
course we'll be on PBS stations across the country. I
feel like fifty five Sea Seas is not enough. Yes,
Sesame Street. I have a list of things that shock
me about that story.
Speaker 3 (12:05):
Number one is that I could have sworn Sesame Street
was like at least eighty years old.
Speaker 4 (12:09):
At least one hundred.
Speaker 3 (12:10):
Yeah. Also, I didn't know it was still on glad
it is.
Speaker 4 (12:14):
Speaker 3 (12:14):
And thirdly, since when do they have all these celebrities
on what day? It's like Saturday Night Live now but
for kids, an entire lineup of celebris.
Speaker 5 (12:22):
I don't know when the celebrity thing started. It's crazy,
though I like it. Yeah, we ahead lends, you got Strawberry.
Speaker 3 (12:29):
I will Locally, there was a lot to do this
weekend in Sack. The Broadway musical Hamilton has come to
the nine one six. They are at the Safe Credit
Union Performing Arts Center all weekend. Sunday. As we talked
about yesterday, Sutterhealth Park is having a job fare before
the MLB season kicks off. They are looking to fill
over three hundred ballpark positions. For more of what to
do this weekend in Sack, check out our Facebook and
Instagram at one O seven to nine Kiss That's Hella headlines.
Is Strawberry and Lazette always streaming on the Free iHeart app.
Speaker 1 (13:02):
Never miss a minute with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss
one oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on me
always Free iHeartRadio App.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
Okay, Strawberry, I have a question for you.
Speaker 5 (13:14):
Uh huh, Sacramentos a new Kiss one of seven point
nine Strawberry last in the afternoon.
Speaker 4 (13:19):
Did you see the story Jenny Garth from.
Speaker 3 (13:22):
Nine two and oh From nine O two and oh School,
Jenny Garth.
Speaker 5 (13:25):
One of the many who had to evacuate from these
wildfires down in LA. She had to evacuate not once
but twice. Luckily, her and her family are safe. They're
doing fine. They went to go take cover, take shelter
at her ex husband's house.
Speaker 3 (13:41):
Oh so.
Speaker 10 (13:44):
Very nice.
Speaker 5 (13:44):
I guess you know they're on good terms. And absolutely
doors open. If you need to come here, you can
come here.
Speaker 3 (13:49):
We like that, we love that.
Speaker 4 (13:51):
My question for you, if you had to evacuate your.
Speaker 3 (13:55):
Home, absolutely not, hold on, finish where not going?
Speaker 4 (13:59):
You don't know what I'm gonna say. If you had to.
Speaker 5 (14:01):
Evacuate your home and you had like nowhere else to
go but your excess house, would you go to your
ex's house?
Speaker 1 (14:06):
Speaker 5 (14:07):
If your ex had to evacuate your home and she
had nowhere to go but like your house, would you
let your ex come to your house.
Speaker 3 (14:17):
That's also a no. But I would just I would
just like not it not, replied her text message like,
oh I didn't see it. Sorry, Like I can't.
Speaker 4 (14:26):
But that's like life or death.
Speaker 5 (14:30):
But in this scenario, there's nowhere to go, it's your
ex house, or you're like fending for your life out
there in.
Speaker 3 (14:40):
These streets like actual life and death. Sure, but if
it's just like, hey, it would be convenient if I
could stay, Absolutely not it would it would be a problem. No,
I got now, I've moved on. It's no.
Speaker 4 (14:57):
It has nothing to do with the reconciling.
Speaker 5 (14:59):
Oh I know that relationship, Yeah, I know, that's just
about being a good person.
Speaker 4 (15:02):
I thought you were.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
I'm a great person, a great person who loves the
relationship I'm in and I would love to keep it,
love to keep my life. Do you not love your life?
I love my life.
Speaker 4 (15:14):
I was just wondering. I thought that was interesting.
Speaker 6 (15:17):
Mm hmm.
Speaker 4 (15:17):
You have to evacuate, yep.
Speaker 5 (15:19):
And the first place you go, the only place he
goes to your ex is out.
Speaker 9 (15:23):
Speaker 3 (15:23):
I don't know. Jenny Garth glad to take them the
full show.
Speaker 2 (15:26):
Every afternoon, whenever you want.
Speaker 1 (15:29):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (15:34):
I have been waiting all day to tell this story.
Here we go, all right, every afternoon, right around this time,
we give you some good news. It's Strawberry and Lazette
on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine. It's
called What's Good and Lazette. Yes, do you want to
hear about? Yes, jelly Bean, the running Chihuahua, The running Chihuahua.
That's jelly Bean right there, running Chihuahua.
Speaker 4 (16:02):
What do you mean, the running Chihuaha.
Speaker 3 (16:05):
So, for the last five years, jelly Bean and her
dog owner Andrew Owens, have become celebrities in Davis.
Speaker 9 (16:13):
I'll have people come up to me and say, you know,
we never plan on doing a marathon, but she inspires us.
Speaker 4 (16:19):
She inspires us to meet our own goal.
Speaker 3 (16:23):
Soy marathons, I'm saying. Andrew takes jelly Bean on his
runs and his workouts, and the six year old, nine
pound chihuahua actually loves running.
Speaker 9 (16:35):
She is my motivation and she motivates others as well.
Speaker 6 (16:39):
Hey, jelly Bean.
Speaker 3 (16:41):
So they started with a half mile jog and then
eventually went longer and longer distances. The two joined a
running club and over time have actually competed in several
races together, including three ultra marathons and six marathons. Marathons
are twenty six.
Speaker 5 (17:00):
So do they enter these marathons as one entity?
Speaker 7 (17:04):
Speaker 3 (17:04):
I believe.
Speaker 5 (17:05):
Or is he a runner and Jellybean is a separate
runner with her own tag and everything as my tag?
Speaker 7 (17:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (17:11):
I would. I think they just enter as one and
he's like here, I'm here with mine. We've actually trained
twenty to thirty miles every weekend peace. The goal for
twenty twenty five is to set a world record for
distance running together.
Speaker 9 (17:26):
Our goal is to try to make it in the
record books, not only for a marathon, but also a
half marathon.
Speaker 3 (17:33):
We're eternal optimist.
Speaker 9 (17:34):
I believe that if you put in the work and anything,
he can make it happen.
Speaker 5 (17:39):
I wonder if Jellybean can be some some inspiration to
my cat who's extremely overweight, so lazy, doesn't want to
do anything.
Speaker 3 (17:49):
Well, he needs to start running. Run with Jellybean. Here's
Jellybean running laps, Jellybeans laughing. Jellybean's Instagram is at jelly
Bean twenty six point two, so cute. Follow jelly Bean,
ruddy Chihuahua. That's what's good. Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. I want to join the conversation.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
Send Strawberry and Lisette a talkback message while you stream
the New Kiss. When I was seven point nine on
me always Free, iHeartRadio.
Speaker 5 (18:19):
App Sacramento's New Kiss. When I was seven point nine,
as Jo berrying was that in the afternoon and Monday
is the day we're gonna start paying those bills again.
Speaker 6 (18:27):
Listen, I'm ready for the money. Where's my money? The money?
Speaker 4 (18:31):
We don't have money for you yet, not till Monday.
Speaker 6 (18:34):
Now, well, you've got the tuven and money. Why not?
Why can't I have the money right now? You're gonna
give it to me anyway, So to get the time
that you could just hand me the.
Speaker 5 (18:44):
Money, love the confidence, But you gotta wait and you
got to play just like everyone else.
Speaker 6 (18:50):
Well, well, Jeff, remember my name because it's my money.
Speaker 4 (18:53):
Okay, what's your name?
Speaker 6 (18:54):
Raymond in the toomas.
Speaker 5 (18:56):
All right, we'll be looking out for you, Ray duly noted.
Speaker 3 (18:59):
We'll write it up, host it note.
Speaker 4 (19:01):
Show me the money.
Speaker 3 (19:02):
Started at six am Monday morning. We'll give you thirteen
chances each weekday to win one thousand dollars. Pay your
bills with Kiss one O seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till
Speaker 2 (19:15):
On Sacramento's new Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com