Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Un Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com.
Speaker 3 (00:09):
Bodley Friday some britty spears to kick off this weekend.
It's Strawberry and Lazette's on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine, the best variety from the nineties and
two thousands. Some special happening is it tomorrow with the
Old Sugar Mill.
Speaker 4 (00:24):
Tomorrow at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg.
Speaker 5 (00:27):
I'm so excited. I'm going to be out there at
twelve o'clock till two o'clock.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
You're getting married? No, oh no, sorry.
Speaker 4 (00:36):
Not yeah, but if anyone is getting married, the Old
Sugar Mill is like such a cute little venue to
go have a wedding at, or a bachelorette party, or
a bridal shower or does anything like that. So tomorrow
we're just giving everyone the opportunity to come see the
venue and me drink a little wine.
Speaker 5 (00:53):
We're gonna have charcoterie boards.
Speaker 4 (00:54):
It's gonna be so much fun, So get on the
info reserve your spot at Kiss.
Speaker 5 (00:59):
One nine dot com.
Speaker 4 (01:01):
Slash Old Sugar Mill, and let's get everyone on this
list and go have some fun.
Speaker 5 (01:05):
I'm really excited.
Speaker 3 (01:06):
Yeah, it'sking me a beautiful day tomorrow. So uzz's gonna
meet you at the Old Sugar Mill. We've got Hella
headlines coming up next. What are we getting into?
Speaker 4 (01:13):
Okay in a Hail Mary plot, twist TikTok I have
an update on the TikTok ban and we'll talk about it.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
Hello, headlines are next, here's all American rejects.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (01:27):
I forget your next chance to win one thousand dollars
to pay your bills. Coming up at three fifteen, it's
Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven
point nine. Time for Hella headlines.
Speaker 5 (01:39):
We are in the season finale of this TikTok ban
that's supposed to go into effect on Sunday.
Speaker 4 (01:46):
I can't tell you how many hours I spent going
through all my saved videos and screen recording recipes.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
Have to you gotta save them because they're gonna be
gone after Sunday.
Speaker 6 (01:54):
Right, Well, it might.
Speaker 5 (01:55):
Not now Okay.
Speaker 4 (01:57):
President Joe Biden made an announcement this just happened yesterday,
that his administration would no longer be enforcing Sunday's ban,
but instead would leave it to the incoming Trump administration
to deal with.
Speaker 7 (02:10):
Speaker 4 (02:11):
I feel like Trump used to be on team ban TikTok.
Uh huh, and now he wants to try to save it.
So we will see come Sunday if TikTok goes dark.
Speaker 3 (02:20):
Joe Biden said, I don't want nothing to do with this.
Speaker 4 (02:23):
In the meantime, everyone is on a red note. Now
what do they call it? The TikTok refugees. Yes, we
are TikTok refugees, and a red note is welcoming us
with open arms. That's so funny, bringing us to safety.
What headlines you got, Strawberry.
Speaker 3 (02:37):
Well, locally, there's a lot to do this three day
weekend in Sacks. Saturday, you can celebrate the A's at
Sacramento's downtown ice rink and skate for free. The Athletics
are offering free admission to the first three hundred guests
from noon till two. It's the final weekend to catch
Hamilton the Musical at the Performing Arts Center and Monday
is Mlkday in the March for the Dreams start at
nine am at sach City College. More of what to
do this weekend in Sacramento, go to our Instagram and
Facebook at one o seven.
Speaker 5 (03:08):
Nine Kiss the sack A's.
Speaker 3 (03:10):
The second no just they just want to be the
athletics the Sakas. No, the athletics SaaS. That's Hella headlines.
We're trying to pay your bills with one thousand dollars
after this song.
Speaker 6 (03:19):
It's strawberry and lazette.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
All right, in case you missed it, we just announced
another keyword to win one thousand dollars To pay your bills,
go to Kiss one oh seven nine dot com and
enter the word cash good luck.
Speaker 4 (03:34):
Sacramento is a new Kiss one oh seven point nine
is strawberry list said in the afternoon. Okay, Julie in
sac I have a question for you. Do you like
pineapples on pizza?
Speaker 7 (03:45):
Oh? Absolutely, the SASSA. I don't like my savory with.
Speaker 3 (03:48):
My sweet It's so good though, roundtables, MAUI wowie, or
just get a pepperoni pineapple? Julapenio pizza. It's so good
when they're together.
Speaker 7 (03:57):
I think it should be two separate things. It's no
reason in it all up.
Speaker 5 (04:00):
Have you ever tried pineapples on pizza?
Speaker 7 (04:02):
I an a child and I've never turned back.
Speaker 5 (04:05):
At least you've tried it and you don't like it.
Speaker 4 (04:07):
There is a pizza reha that's charging one hundred and
twenty two dollars for their Hawaiian pizza Whoa with the
purpose of making people not want to order it because
they also believe that pineapples do not go on pizza.
Speaker 7 (04:23):
It's be pretty smart because if you want me to
create something disgusting like that, I'm gonna charge.
Speaker 3 (04:30):
This is such a weird my way or the highway
type of gate keeping.
Speaker 5 (04:34):
So if you owned a.
Speaker 4 (04:35):
Pizzaria, you would do the same and just everything on
the menu that if you didn't like it, you charge
like an extra hundred dollars. You're basically making your customer's
decision for them.
Speaker 7 (04:46):
It's been unethical, but it's hilarious.
Speaker 1 (04:48):
It is.
Speaker 3 (04:49):
It's weird that they would do that, Like, I don't
like this pizza, so you're not gonna have it unless
you're gonna spend eight times in.
Speaker 7 (04:55):
The mine, right, but I don't also don't want to
buy pineapples for my.
Speaker 4 (04:58):
Business if they would still charge as much if you
ordered a pepperoni pizza and then was like, can I
have a cup of pineapples.
Speaker 3 (05:06):
See on the side, Yeah, we will charge for the side.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
Never miss admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one
oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on me
always free.
Speaker 6 (05:20):
iHeartRadio app still get a few more minutes.
Speaker 4 (05:22):
Sand to this hour's keyword for you shout at one
thousand dollars and to the keyword cash at Kiss one
o seven nine dot com.
Speaker 3 (05:28):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. I don't know anybody as obsessed with
Rihanna as you.
Speaker 5 (05:37):
Thank you borderline Stan, but thank you.
Speaker 3 (05:40):
It comes from a place love.
Speaker 5 (05:41):
Speaker 3 (05:42):
Well, it's now a legal document. It's in the court transcripts.
Rihanna is not married.
Speaker 5 (05:50):
She's not married.
Speaker 3 (05:51):
She is not married. Okay, her man asap Rocky. He
he's got some legal troupes right, he's in he's on
trial right now.
Speaker 5 (05:58):
Legal name as soon as possible.
Speaker 3 (06:00):
So the judge asked the prosecutor in the attorney like, hey,
when we refer to Rihanna in this court case, should
we refer to her as girlfriend, as wife and asap.
Rocky's lawyer says, uh, common law or wife. Technically they're
they're not really married per se. Uh huh, so it
is now a legal document. Rihanna is not married. You
want to hear the court room audio.
Speaker 5 (06:27):
I guess so is is girlfriend.
Speaker 7 (06:32):
Speaker 8 (06:32):
If they're not legally married, you know, we'd prefer that
she not be referred to as his wife and that
she is just referred to as a significant other. I
don't know if they are not leaving married anywhere.
Speaker 3 (06:50):
They are not legally married anywhere. So Rihanna is his
significant other?
Speaker 4 (06:55):
Yeah, as she should be. You don't get the call.
Do you know who I am? I am Rihanna, multimillionaire,
if not billionaire.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
Millionaire easily billion.
Speaker 4 (07:04):
You don't get to call me your wife, and you
ain't put a ring on it. She has no ring
on that finger, exactly.
Speaker 3 (07:10):
I would have been the.
Speaker 5 (07:11):
First person in there like, nope, girlfriend, look him straight
in the eye. Girl, friends, Yes, I am free to leave. However,
I see fits well.
Speaker 3 (07:20):
The Core reporter read that back to me real quick.
Oh okay, cool, thanks.
Speaker 5 (07:23):
I'm the what Oh okay, that's what I thought.
Speaker 3 (07:26):
Sacramento's New Kiss one o seven point nine, Rihanna's Not Married,
the full.
Speaker 6 (07:30):
Show every afternoon, whenever you want.
Speaker 1 (07:34):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (07:40):
And Sink wants you back and we want you to
be one thousand dollars richer. Kiss one oh seven point
nine is paying your bills thirteen times a day. And Laurie,
you just won one thousand dollars.
Speaker 7 (07:51):
Oh my gosh, that's awesome.
Speaker 4 (07:54):
Yes, have you been playing for a while, like forever? Well,
we're glad you stuck around because look at paint off.
What are you going to be spending this thousand dollars on?
Speaker 6 (08:03):
I have a fun that is graduating in May, and
so we're gonna need that extra.
Speaker 3 (08:08):
Class of twenty twenty five. Well, congrats to you, Thank
you for listening.
Speaker 6 (08:11):
Speaker 3 (08:11):
We have another one thousand dollars up for grabs. Anybody
else want to get their bills paid. We have a
keyword at four fifteen. It's Kiss one oh seven point nine.
Here's Gaga. I want to join the.
Speaker 9 (08:21):
Conversation, send Strawberry and Lizette a talkback message while you
stream the new Kiss one O seven point nine on
the always free iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 4 (08:29):
This guy up a dating app tricked a girl he
was seeing into marrying him.
Speaker 3 (08:34):
Well, that sounds like the goal.
Speaker 5 (08:35):
Who does that?
Speaker 3 (08:37):
Who does now?
Speaker 5 (08:38):
A literal trick?
Speaker 6 (08:40):
A literal trick.
Speaker 5 (08:41):
Okay, listen to the story.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
So boom does girl met this guy on a dating
app in Australia.
Speaker 3 (08:47):
Okay, okay.
Speaker 4 (08:48):
They're seeing each other regularly for a few months. Then
he's like, hey, come with me to this white party.
Oh make sure you wear a white dress. It's going
to be super fun. She's like, okay, sounds good. She
shows up. It's the she's dating a photographer, his best
man and inefficient. Oh and so she gets mad, but
he convinces. They're like no, no, no, this isn't a real wedding.
Speaker 5 (09:10):
It's just for Instagram. I'm just trying to get followers.
So then she goes okay.
Speaker 4 (09:17):
Only for him to then ask her two months later
to at him as a dependent so that he could
apply for permanent residency in Australia. Only then did she
realize the wedding was real, they were actually married. He
forged her signature on a notice of intended marriage two
months prior to that wedding. No, and then she spent
I don't know how long trying to convince the court
that she was tricked into this marriage before she could
finally get an annulment.
Speaker 3 (09:46):
She got tricked into that marriage.
Speaker 5 (09:48):
What I said at the beginning, well, now that.
Speaker 3 (09:51):
You spell it out, there was a lot of trickery
at foot during these nuptials.
Speaker 6 (09:55):
Who does that?
Speaker 3 (09:57):
Who does what?
Speaker 6 (09:59):
A psych go?
Speaker 3 (10:00):
But also who falls for that? Like, really, there's a
priest and rings you just signed a paper.
Speaker 4 (10:05):
I'm not having a fake wedding with someone that I
just met. I'd be like, you're weird, You're a weirdo.
Kiss one I'm seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (10:14):
I'm streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three
till seven.
Speaker 2 (10:19):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (10:23):
Dot com Lly Fortato on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. The best of variety from the nineties
and two thousands. Thank you for hanging out with us
on your Friday afternoon at Strawberry and Lazette and big
party tomorrow at Old Sugar Mill.
Speaker 4 (10:37):
Tomorrow at Old Sugar mil I'm so excited. Beautiful winery
in Clarksburg and I'm going to be there from twelve
to two. My sister's going to be there as well,
So we're going to be hanging out. If you've got
engaged over the holiday season or looking for the perfect
place to have your wedding or bridal shower or anything
like that.
Speaker 5 (10:57):
Tomorrow's the day that you can show up.
Speaker 4 (11:00):
Yeah, tour the venue, see everything they have to offer.
Speaker 5 (11:03):
Four wedding parties.
Speaker 4 (11:04):
We're gonna have like wine and champagne and charcouterie board.
Speaker 5 (11:08):
So it's going to be a lot of fun.
Speaker 4 (11:10):
Just us girls a hanging out touring the venue, sipping a.
Speaker 5 (11:14):
Little sippy sip.
Speaker 4 (11:16):
So that's from twelfth to two, And if you want
to be there, you can just sign up right now
and kind of like reserve your spot at Kiss one
of seven nine dot com slash Old Sugar Mail.
Speaker 3 (11:24):
All right, we'll see you at Old Sugar Mill tomorrow,
but you want to sign up and reserve your spot
and how on the headlines are coming up next? What
are we talking about?
Speaker 5 (11:31):
So sad that we just had so much fun talking
about weddings and now we're.
Speaker 4 (11:33):
Talking about Jessica's al Jessica Alba's separation.
Speaker 3 (11:37):
Oh, we can talk about this. We can talk about this.
I should check my DMS. Sack's in there.
Speaker 5 (11:42):
The updates keep coming. We'll talk about that next.
Speaker 8 (11:44):
Speaker 1 (11:45):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (11:49):
Think of all the espressos you could buy? Coming up
at four fifteen, Another chance at one thousand dollars to
pay your bills. It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New
Kiss one oh seven point nine. Time for Hella headlines.
Speaker 4 (12:02):
Jessica Alba has confirmed her separation from Cash Warren after
nearly seventeen years together. She shared a statement on Instagram
saying that she's been on a journey of self realization
and transformation for years as both an individual and in
a partnership with Cash, saying quote, now it's time for
us to embark on a new chapter of grown and evolution.
I'm sorry, growing and evolution as individuals. They have three
kids together, but she Rea shared fans that they are
moving forward with quote love, kindness and respect and will forever.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
Be a family with all that we're hearing from Jessica
Alba and those big words about self reflection and growing
over the years, I've been x Y and Z. It
sounds like she was the one who called it off.
This sounds this doesn't sound like a person who just
got dumped. It sounds like she's like, hey, I'm done
with you, I'm moving on.
Speaker 5 (12:57):
I feel like most times it is the woman that
calls it off, right.
Speaker 3 (13:00):
Yeah, because who's gonna get rid of Jessica Alba? Like, Bro, bro,
you fumbled the bag.
Speaker 4 (13:07):
It was probably years and years of her like repeating
herself to him and he's like, I don't know, bro,
she she just loved one day.
Speaker 5 (13:13):
I don't know what happens.
Speaker 3 (13:14):
Good point. Oh, you know, his group chat is in
flames right now. All his buddies like, bro, you were
buried to Jessicalva. His group chat is trashing him.
Speaker 5 (13:25):
No one's ever gonna believe him. I know my headlines.
Speaker 3 (13:28):
You got well. Locally, there's a lot to do this
three day weekend in sack All weekend, the International Sportsman's
Expo is happening at cal Expo. Sunday, the Kings are
back at Golden One Center playing the Washington Wizards. And
this is the final weekend of Dying Downtown. Plus Monday
is Mlkday in the March for the Dream starts at
nine am Monday morning at Sachs City College. For more
of what to do this weekend in Sack, go to
our Instagram and Facebook at one oh seven nine Kiss.
That's how the headlines. We're trying to pay your bills
with a thousand dollars after this song never miss.
Speaker 1 (14:02):
Admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one oh seven
point nine.
Speaker 2 (14:05):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on me
Always Free, iHeartRadio.
Speaker 3 (14:10):
I miss out on this money. We just announced another
keyword to win one thousand dollars to pay your bills,
So go to Kiss one oh seventy nine dot com
and enter the word credit.
Speaker 4 (14:20):
Okay, I thought this was just me that felt this way.
I'm just now finding out it's all women, most women, okay,
that feel this way about men shopping for their groceries,
picking up their Instacart orders, their Uber eats.
Speaker 3 (14:37):
You love it, no, oh no, you hate You don't
like men? Shopping for you. No, it's a thing.
Speaker 5 (14:43):
It's a thing.
Speaker 4 (14:43):
I'm just now finding out it's also a thing. Sacramento
has a new kiss. When I was seven point nine,
Strawberry lessett in the afternoon. So whenever I used to
place instacart order, I don't do it anymore for this reason. Okay,
how to place an instacart order. I would need something
from the grocery store. Right when I see it's a
female shopper, I'm like, oh, thank God, I'm gonna get
what I'm ordering.
Speaker 3 (15:05):
She's gonna take care of me when he knows her
way around the store.
Speaker 4 (15:07):
When it's a male shopper, yeah, I roll my eyes
because I'm like, this order is going to be completely wrong,
and I know it the minute a male shopper picks
it up, it's going to be completely wrong.
Speaker 3 (15:22):
Sounds little sexist of you.
Speaker 4 (15:24):
It's not my fault, y'all. Don't know your weigh around
the safe way. My order gets messed up all the time.
And I thought it was just me that like felt
this way about men's shoppers.
Speaker 5 (15:34):
Now this is a whole, a.
Speaker 4 (15:35):
Whole thing, and women are sharing their experiences dealing with
male shoppers. One girl said, I ordered tampons and he
gave me Q tips, Like what's that gonna do?
Speaker 3 (15:45):
All right? Yeah, I got no excuse for him.
Speaker 4 (15:48):
Another woman said, a man submitted a substitute my ground
beef for a watermelon, and I'm still confused about it.
Speaker 3 (15:54):
All right, no excuse for him either.
Speaker 4 (15:56):
Mine couldn't find the blueberries, but that's okay. He substituted
them with strawberries. Then he couldn't find the grapes, but
that's okay because he substituted them with blueberries.
Speaker 5 (16:07):
Like do you see what we deal with?
Speaker 4 (16:09):
I had a male shopper tell me they were out
of eyebrow pencil because he was looking in the school supplies.
Speaker 5 (16:14):
This doesn't happen with female shoppers.
Speaker 4 (16:16):
They know what we need, they see the brand that
we picked, We get exactly what we order.
Speaker 5 (16:21):
Male shoppers just don't do it.
Speaker 4 (16:22):
And it's such an issue that women are complaining to,
like the.
Speaker 3 (16:26):
CEOs of these like instap.
Speaker 4 (16:31):
I have these food delivery apps, and it's like, please
make it an option to request female shoppers, Like we
are begging you, We are on our hands and knees
begging you. Give us the option to request a female
shopper because we're tired of getting Q tips.
Speaker 5 (16:46):
We didn't order cute tips.
Speaker 3 (16:47):
Guys. We need to do better. We need to do better.
Speaker 5 (16:50):
Something, something needs to change. One O seven point nine.
Speaker 6 (16:55):
Full show every afternoon, whatever.
Speaker 1 (16:57):
You want, It's Strawberry and That on Sacramento's New Kiss
one oh seven point.
Speaker 4 (17:03):
Nine giving you your daily dose of good news stories
right here, Sacramento's New Kiss. When I was seven point
nine at Strawberry was set in the afternoon. So there's
a barber in West Virginia who was giving back to
his community by offering free haircuts each month to different
service professions.
Speaker 3 (17:24):
Oh I like that.
Speaker 5 (17:25):
I love stories like this too.
Speaker 4 (17:26):
So this barber will switch it up, like one month
he'll be giving free haircuts to police officers, and then
another month he'll do teachers, and then he'll do farmers
and veterans and like hospital staff and things like that.
Speaker 3 (17:39):
Okay, just supporting everyone that has supported me over the years,
all these community service members.
Speaker 4 (17:45):
They work very effortlessly, very tirelessly for us, and I
think we just need to give a little bit back
to them anyway we possibly can.
Speaker 3 (17:54):
Can you put down the clippers when you're doing the
interview though he wasn't cutting hair.
Speaker 5 (17:59):
He probably was next to the when I was cutting though.
Speaker 4 (18:01):
Barbara west Gab is running this all year, all twenty
twenty five, really just to celebrate and appreciate the hard
work and dedication of various service workers in his community.
In addition, he also supports individuals in recovery by giving
them discounts solely based off of their years of sobriety.
Speaker 3 (18:19):
I like this, guys.
Speaker 4 (18:21):
And he's only been cutting for three years too, Like
he's kind of a newbie, but already is making such
an impact. Like even if I wasn't a service worker
or somebody who is in recovery, I still be like,
I like where his head is.
Speaker 3 (18:35):
You want to support him because he's supporting the community.
Speaker 4 (18:38):
I'm taking my son Yea to your barbershop and you're
cutting his hair because I support what you do and
what you stand for sure and like you care And
I like that.
Speaker 5 (18:47):
So great plan for twenty twenty five for him.
Speaker 3 (18:50):
I like this.
Speaker 4 (18:51):
I like this idea, and that's what's good right here
on kiss.
Speaker 5 (18:55):
When I was seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (18:56):
I want to join the conversation.
Speaker 9 (18:57):
Send strawberry and list a talkback message you stream the
new Kiss one O seven point nine on the always
free iHeartRadio at.
Speaker 4 (19:05):
Sacramento's New Kiss one of seven point nine as Strawberry
and Lisette in the afternoon right here, paying your bills.
How can you want be your chance to win one
thousand dollars? We're doing it thirteen times every single weekday
and shout out to Robert congratulations, you just want a
thousand dollars?
Speaker 7 (19:21):
Well, very good. I'm very happy to hear that.
Speaker 3 (19:23):
Well, we're happy to give you the good news. So
what's the plan now? How are we gonna spend all
this extra cash?
Speaker 5 (19:29):
Speaker 7 (19:30):
I don't know. Talk to my wife and we'll figure
out how we're gonna celebrate.
Speaker 4 (19:34):
Yes, gotta consult the boss. Completely understand. Another shot at
one thousand dollars to pay your bills at five fifteen,
Right here at Kiss one O seven point nine.
Speaker 5 (19:44):
Here's Katy Perry.
Speaker 1 (19:45):
Streaming live Strawberry and Lasette every afternoon from three till
Speaker 2 (19:49):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com