Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Streaming live Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one o seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot Com.
Speaker 3 (00:09):
Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine the best
variety from the nineties and two thousands.
Speaker 4 (00:15):
It's Strawberry and Lazette in the afternoon. Welcome back.
Speaker 3 (00:19):
It's Cyber Monday. Perfect day to come back to work
after the long holiday. We have free internet access where
we could do all the shopping we want.
Speaker 5 (00:25):
I'm not spending no more money. I don't know what
you guys are thinking.
Speaker 4 (00:28):
Did you see all those memes this holiday season?
Speaker 3 (00:31):
That's like, all right with the Black Friday sales on
flat screen TVs.
Speaker 4 (00:34):
We all have flat screen TVs.
Speaker 3 (00:35):
Now, where's the Black Friday discounts on gas and groceries?
Speaker 1 (00:38):
Speaker 4 (00:38):
Have you seen that?
Speaker 5 (00:39):
I haven't. I haven't seen that this year, but I
have seen that in previous years. That's like that joke
that gets recycled every single year.
Speaker 3 (00:47):
Yeah, or got recycled, and I saw it this year,
and I agree. Where's the Black Friday Cyber Monday deals
on gas and groceries? On rent Hella headlines are coming up?
What do we talk about Lizette?
Speaker 5 (00:57):
So Billboard had to issue an apology to Taylor Swift
for their video montage celebrating her achievements. We'll talk about it.
Hell headlines are next. Here's Jason de Ruleau Kiss one
o seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (01:08):
Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven
point nine.
Speaker 3 (01:12):
So Sugaray on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.
It's Strawberry and Lazette giving you Hella headlines right now.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
So Billboard created a video montage tribute to celebrate Taylor
Swift as the number two greatest pop star of the
twenty first century. In the video montage they posted to Instagram,
it was a clip of her naked wax figure from
Kanye West, very controversial twenty sixty music video Famous, which
we all know was a problem.
Speaker 4 (01:41):
Kanye problem.
Speaker 5 (01:42):
Put that video out. Billboard did remove the clip. They
posted a new video montage without that Kanye clip and
said in the caption quote, we are deeply sorry to
Taylor Swift in all of our readers and viewers, and
sincerely regret the harm we caused with this error.
Speaker 3 (01:58):
Who accidentally po a Taylor Swift image that's of her naked?
Speaker 6 (02:04):
Like who?
Speaker 4 (02:04):
How is that an accident?
Speaker 5 (02:05):
That's what I was saying, Like who first of all
put that in there, thinking like, oh, this is a
great way to honor her for all of her accomplishments,
and then like who approved that or who didn't watch
it like they were supposed to. They probably were like,
oh it's done, okay, Yeah, yeah, yeah I put it up.
Speaker 6 (02:21):
Speaker 3 (02:22):
What what was the holidays? All the all the employees
are on vacation. It was like the part timers and
the interns running the ship over there. Hell Linda got well. Locally,
the Sacramento Regional Transits Holiday Bus made its return yesterday,
offering free rides through January second. The seasonally decorated bus,
we'll be traveling a different route each day, so.
Speaker 4 (02:43):
If you see it, jump on it.
Speaker 3 (02:45):
It's gonna be operating on the regular sack RT bus routes.
So yes, the ride is free, but you can also
choose to donate to the Health Education Council by dropping
some money in the bus fair box. I'm looking for
it because the sack RT bus is run in my
neighboro all the time.
Speaker 4 (03:01):
I'm looking for the holiday bus.
Speaker 5 (03:02):
If you see it, jingle your bells.
Speaker 4 (03:05):
I my peals will be so jingled on that.
Speaker 5 (03:07):
Know your bells so hard?
Speaker 4 (03:09):
Absolutely, and then make a donation.
Speaker 5 (03:10):
Of course, yeah, of course, of course, after what you
put them through.
Speaker 3 (03:13):
Sure, that's Hella headlines on Sacramento's New Kiss one o
seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (03:18):
Never miss admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one
oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on the
always free iHeartRadio.
Speaker 3 (03:27):
Out It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one
o seven point nine. The best Variety of the nineties
and two thousands. Now you know the song Party in
the USA by Miley Cyrus. Of course, it tells us
iconic story about how she's from the country, gets into La,
all the celebrities are there, She's out of touch, She's
not used to being in the big city.
Speaker 1 (03:47):
Speaker 3 (03:49):
There's a song from the taxi driver's perspective. Oh, because
this whole song is Miley Cyrus getting to La, the.
Speaker 4 (04:00):
Tax on new world, whole new world.
Speaker 5 (04:02):
Speaker 3 (04:02):
So there's someone on TikTok named Jax who recorded a
song from the uber driver's perspective of picking up Miley
at the airport while she freaks out.
Speaker 4 (04:12):
Here we go picking.
Speaker 7 (04:14):
Up this girl at La X and I pull up
to Gatebee. I'm like, Hi, are you Hannah from Montana?
She's like, you recognize me. I'm like, no, I'm the
uber you requested. We're kind of holding up bareport traffic.
She grabs the yaks cord from me and says, can
we listen to jay Z? She starts freaking out because
she forgot to pack stilettos. Then she stuck her head
out the window. I'm like, ma'am, that's dangerous.
Speaker 4 (04:45):
Put your head back in the car.
Speaker 7 (04:48):
Put your head back in the car.
Speaker 5 (04:50):
She's like, I'm gonna be star.
Speaker 6 (04:53):
So I'm like it up.
Speaker 5 (04:55):
That's funny, that's hilarious, that's super good.
Speaker 4 (04:58):
What's her name?
Speaker 3 (04:59):
Jack's writes songs I think on TikTok if you want
to follow her. Jax writes songs.
Speaker 5 (05:03):
I love when people write like other perspective, songs like
I don't know. If you remember a really really long
time ago, there was a singer named Emon or Emon
or something like that, and his song was really big
about how his girlfriend cheated on him and then some
girl put out a song from the girlfriend's perspective, and
that one blew up. Yes, I love when people do that.
Speaker 4 (05:25):
I love that too.
Speaker 3 (05:26):
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 4 (05:30):
Always streaming on the iHeart the.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
Full show every afternoon, whenever you want.
Speaker 1 (05:35):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (05:41):
Welcoming everybody back to normal after a long holiday weekend.
It's Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine. When last we left, m Lizette, you
said that you and your sister for the first time,
we're going to handle and cook and bake Thanksgiving dinner.
Speaker 4 (05:57):
Yes, all on your shoulders. How did it go?
Speaker 5 (05:59):
It went so good. Ay, the ovens didn't catch on
fire like it did last year. I wasn't cooking last.
Speaker 4 (06:06):
Year, mind you. Yes, Mama Coco did, so.
Speaker 5 (06:09):
There was no fires, nothing burns. Everything came out so good.
We of course did turkey, Yeah, and I did. We
didn't really like know what to do. We're head and
my mom was super sick, so we didn't want to
bother her. So we got a turkey recipe from TikTok.
Speaker 3 (06:26):
I have so many recipes, so many recipes from TikTok
and Instagram.
Speaker 5 (06:30):
Yes, turkey recipe from TikTok. If you are on TikTok,
you know about teenies mac and cheese. We made teenies
mac and cheese and went viral this year. That came
out so good. And then like yams and mashed potatoes
also TikTok recipe. Yeah, so half of Thanksgiving dinner was
TikTok recipes. But it came out so good.
Speaker 4 (06:49):
So here's the.
Speaker 3 (06:50):
Dangerous thing about social media. And they call them influencers
for a reason, right, you know how running clubs have
been popping up lately. It's like a thing where you, yeah,
people in your area, you go run.
Speaker 5 (07:01):
For a couple miles, hiking and stuff like that.
Speaker 3 (07:03):
I'm getting a lot of running club videos on my
social media and I don't want to get back into
running because I used to do so much, so much
runnings in five k's and half marathons.
Speaker 5 (07:14):
And until the same and they used to be no.
Speaker 3 (07:17):
But I'm getting influenced to go back, Like, hey, you
know what, these running clubs look a little fun.
Speaker 4 (07:21):
I'm all dip it I fall.
Speaker 5 (07:23):
Downs if it's from social media.
Speaker 4 (07:25):
I know social media be influenced in us to do things.
What has it influenced you to do? What have you
done because of social media?
Speaker 3 (07:33):
Send us a talkback message or give us a call
right here at Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss
one oh seven point nine.
Speaker 6 (07:40):
I want to join the conversation.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Send Strawberry and Lazette a talkback message while you stream
the New Kiss one o seven point nine on the
always free iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 5 (07:50):
Okay, So social media one hundred percent helped me cook
my Thanksgiving dinner and you know what, I'm not ashamed
because it came out so good.
Speaker 4 (07:57):
Great recipes on Instagram and TikTok.
Speaker 5 (08:00):
Kramena's New Kiss. When I was seven point nine, Rachel
in Sacramento, what have you done because of social media?
Speaker 8 (08:06):
I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but I
have somehow found my way into organizational TikTok Oh.
Speaker 5 (08:14):
That's so much that I have.
Speaker 8 (08:16):
Definitely fallen into that trap and bought the things to
make some nice, fancy organize. I do have like an
organized spike drawer and an organized pantry and all of
my plates, like they're stacked up and there's like organizers
in there.
Speaker 5 (08:32):
I'm going to co sign that because I also have
bought like those clear or like acrylic containers to put
like in my pantry or in the cabinets. Yes, I
love watching those. Oh my god, I love it. The
restock videos. I just spend hours. People make videos like
come restock my fridge with me, and they like empty
everything out and then they clean the fridge and then
they restock it after they come back from the grocery
store and it's all organized and like stacked.
Speaker 1 (08:59):
Speaker 5 (08:59):
I love it.
Speaker 8 (09:00):
It's been the best thing for my ADHD because now
I clean the fridge. Now I'm like restocking snacks. My
kids aren't starving to death because I forgot to buy
them for six weeks.
Speaker 5 (09:12):
Yeah, like now.
Speaker 8 (09:12):
It's become like a fun thing because it was fun
from TikTok. So maybe that secured my ADHD. We'll see.
Speaker 5 (09:19):
When I buy snacks, I no longer keep it in
the box. I take it out of the box and
I put it in a place. You and Chloe Kardashian, Yeah,
well it's cause of TikTok.
Speaker 8 (09:28):
We've become Chloe Kardashkian and we're okay with it.
Speaker 5 (09:30):
I'm not mad at that.
Speaker 1 (09:32):
Streaming lives Strawberry and Lazette every afternoon from three till seven.
Speaker 2 (09:36):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one O seven point nine and
Kiss one O seven point nine dot com.
Speaker 5 (09:42):
Do not brian your turkey in the lake.
Speaker 4 (09:46):
Oh I wish I knew who does that?
Speaker 7 (09:49):
Speaker 4 (09:50):
Does that?
Speaker 5 (09:50):
Sacramento's New Kiss went a seven point nine strawberry lysette
in the afternoon, So officials at the Great Salt Lake
State Park and Marina in Utah Real Life had to
remind red idents not to brind their turkey in the
Great Salt Lake. That just seems so insanitary, honestly, Like,
why would you throw your turkey in the lake? Let
it sit there, and then take it home and feed
its people natural.
Speaker 4 (10:09):
It's the way the Pilgrims did, really, I think, so,
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (10:12):
Apparently the turkey got loose and it washed up on
a beach somewhere, so officials were like, one, the salinity
is too high for a proper brine, and two there's
a good chance you could lose your turkey from the
strong waves, which unfortunately happened to this person that someone
went turkey list this Thanksgiving, and maybe for good reason,
because I wouldn't want to eat that. Yeah, no kidding,
brining at your turkey in the lake? No, it's crazy.
You know what people do in the lake, right?
Speaker 4 (10:38):
Oh yeah?
Speaker 5 (10:38):
Like, no, wonder the salt level, little lie?
Speaker 3 (10:42):
And you got some raw meat floating in there for
twenty four hours before you serve it to your family.
Speaker 5 (10:47):
That means two things. Who does that?
Speaker 4 (10:51):
Does that?
Speaker 5 (10:52):
Brought to you by Maverick Electric Heating and Air. They
get the job done right the first time.
Speaker 4 (10:56):
All Right, we got tickets to go see Stavros at
Hard Rock Live. Got those coming up at four.
Speaker 2 (11:01):
Man, It's Strawberry and Lisette.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
On Sacramento's New Kiss one o seven point nine.
Speaker 3 (11:08):
Pink with Sober on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven
point nine, The best variety for the nineties and two thousands. Now,
when you and your mom had a bench press competition
over Thanksgiving weekend, were.
Speaker 6 (11:19):
You both sober?
Speaker 5 (11:22):
She was?
Speaker 6 (11:23):
She was?
Speaker 4 (11:23):
Yes, you decided to hit the bench after four.
Speaker 5 (11:27):
It was like me and all my cousins and my sisters.
The guys started it, and then I was like, I
can do that because you know beer muscles, shirt beer runs.
You know. They had to take about thirty pounds off
and then I could do it.
Speaker 4 (11:40):
But I heard your mom was cranking out some weight.
Speaker 5 (11:42):
Yeah, we were bench pressing fifty pounds and my little
sister and my younger cousins couldn't lift it.
Speaker 4 (11:48):
Uh huh.
Speaker 5 (11:48):
I did about fourteen reps, and my mom did like
twenty five, and then my older sister, the one that
like built houses and stuff, she did like forty.
Speaker 3 (11:56):
Mama Coco showing the girls was up. Yeah, yeah, all right,
this is what we got going on with it right now.
Speaker 5 (12:02):
Also, it's raised by a bunch of men exactly.
Speaker 3 (12:05):
Comedian and Stavros Halkist coming to the Hard Rock Live
and Sacramento. We have your tickets and all week. All
is it gonna take to win? Just a quick talkback message.
Speaker 5 (12:14):
Yeah, we don't want to disturb your cyber Monday shopping
too much, so we'll make it easy. Just send us
a talkback message. Let's get your name, city, and just
tell us you want these tickets.
Speaker 4 (12:22):
Yes, star Ros at hard Rock Live, all yours. Hella
headlines are coming up next, So.
Speaker 5 (12:27):
Nick Cannon, it just revealed he has narcissistic personality disorder.
We'll talk about that coming up.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
Never miss admitted with Strawberry and Lazette on Kiss one
oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (12:37):
Stream live every afternoon from three to seven on Me
Always Free.
Speaker 3 (12:41):
Your Radio, Lady Gotga and Bruno Mars on Sacramento's new
Kiss one oh seven point nine. It's Strawberry and Lazette
giving you Hella headlines right now.
Speaker 5 (12:49):
So, Nick Cannon revealed that he was recently diagnosed with
narcissistic personality disorder aka n p D.
Speaker 9 (12:59):
When one has like extreme narcissistic behavior disorder, it has
things like the lack of empathy, rage, all of those things.
I don't have those. I've taken all the power away
from the term narcissism because I've researched it.
Speaker 6 (13:14):
I love that. You, Yeah, totally call me whatever you want.
Speaker 4 (13:17):
So, he said he was diagnosed with it, but he
doesn't have the symptoms of it.
Speaker 5 (13:22):
He said that for extreme narcissistic personality disorder, so he
just has regular narcissistic personality.
Speaker 4 (13:28):
You just want to know.
Speaker 5 (13:29):
Yeah, He's always been very open about getting tested for
different things and getting a better understanding of himself and
in Brandce's therapy and mental health awareness. He's always been
a huge advocate for that. He said, quote, I'm just
trying to be the best father I can be and
make the best of the situation I've created. He hopes
that his openness about his diagnosis will inspire others to
also prioritize their mental health as well and make sure
that they take care of themselves. So, I mean, I
don't know of another celebrity that has narcissistic personality disorder
or one that would admit it, that one, to be honest.
So I'm glad he's talking about it. Maybe it's more
common than we think.
Speaker 4 (14:04):
Have you been to me?
Speaker 7 (14:06):
Speaker 4 (14:06):
No, I'm not a narcissist.
Speaker 5 (14:08):
That's what a narcissist would say, would say.
Speaker 4 (14:10):
What headlines you got?
Speaker 7 (14:11):
All? Right?
Speaker 3 (14:11):
Well, locally, the Niners lost in the snow game last
night in Buffalo. That's three in a row and a
bad news. Christian McCaffrey injured his uh PCL. There you go, Well,
isn't that what? Al No, no, PCL.
Speaker 5 (14:27):
It's worse.
Speaker 3 (14:27):
Oh, that's bad. That's why he's out for the rest
of the season. The Raiders lost to the NFL script.
I mean the Kansas City Chiefs on Friday and King's
lost to San Antonio at home. That's six losses in
their last seven games. But the Kings are back at
G one C tomorrow to play and hopefully.
Speaker 6 (14:47):
Speaker 5 (14:48):
We haven't left the beam in a minute.
Speaker 4 (14:49):
It's been a little bit.
Speaker 3 (14:50):
Or rang our bell, No, we haven't rang the bell.
Where's that cow bell from your son's orthodontics on standby?
Speaker 4 (14:58):
All right, we may need it.
Speaker 3 (14:59):
That's headlines on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven point nine.
Speaker 2 (15:04):
The full show every afternoon, whatever you want.
Speaker 1 (15:08):
It's Strawberry and Lizette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 5 (15:13):
Heads up to anyone with a new boo this holiday season.
There's a new dating trend, and I don't want any
of our lovely listeners to be a victim of it.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
Don't fall for this this twist to cuffeing season Sacramento's
New Kiss when it was seven point nine Strawberry lists
in the afternoon.
Speaker 5 (15:31):
There's a new dating trend happening right now called snow globing.
Snow globing, snow globing. It's when like you have a
New Boo for the holiday season, and they're all in
and you're getting showered with like gifts and cozy vibe,
cozy vibes and lovey dovey all the things. Right, you're like,
oh my god, I think this is the one, Like
everything's perfect. Right, then what's going to happen after the holidays?
They're going to just kind of like fall off. Yeah,
and they were only all in because it was the
hall and then after the holiday's over, they're going to
kind of fall off, and then you're gonna be like,
what happened? What's going on?
Speaker 6 (16:04):
Cuddle weather?
Speaker 3 (16:05):
Right, they don't want to cuddle when the weather starts
warming up and they got spring break to worry about.
Speaker 5 (16:09):
It's called snow globing, and it happens to people I
guess essentially love bombing, but only during the holiday season.
Speaker 4 (16:19):
Yeah, So if you.
Speaker 5 (16:21):
Feel like you may be getting snow globed, I'm gonna
say is hold out, maybe wait till like February March,
see what happens, right, or that's too long.
Speaker 4 (16:29):
Might be a little long because end of January. Yeah,
because February also, now you got Valentines to worry about.
You don't want to get snow globed on Valentine's Day.
Speaker 5 (16:37):
Dude, rights, right, Okay, Yeah, let's feel out Bay New
Bay in January and see what happens. But just be
aware snow globing is a thing, and if you feel
like you might be getting snow globed, maybe don't go
all in just yet.
Speaker 4 (16:52):
All right, good to know you'll love advice from Lazette
over there.
Speaker 5 (16:56):
You're welcome, You're welcome, single mom and the best love.
Speaker 3 (17:01):
Advice I know all things Sacramento's New Kiss one oh
seven point nine.
Speaker 6 (17:05):
I want to join the conversation.
Speaker 2 (17:06):
Send Strawberry and Lazette a talkback message while you stream
the New Kiss one o seven point nine on the
always free iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (17:16):
Giving you good news every afternoon with What's Good with
Strawberry and Lazette on Sacramento's New Kiss one oh seven
point nine. So we had Black Friday, we had small
business Saturday, It's Cyber Monday. Today, budget some money for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, and we've all had a lot
to be thankful for over this last weekend. But it's
a good chance for us to give back to those
less fortunate. So many great nonprofit organizations not only nationally
but here round Sacramento that could use your help. So
several like the Central Downtown Food Basket, provide food for
those in need. You can volunteer locally through Hands on Sacramento,
which works with many different local nonprofits. You can also
create your own own charitable fund with the Sacramento Region
Community Foundations. So as you're thinking about what to do
for Giving Tuesday tomorrow, think locally, act locally. You can
also see reviews of local organizations by searching on Yelp,
or you can simply do a good deed on Tuesday
and spread that love.
Speaker 5 (18:19):
I also saw those big red giving machines like those
vending machines, but it's for donating, like a reverse vending
machine obviously, I know. I saw them at the Galleria
in Roseville. They're up now, not too long ago, so
that's also a cool, fun way to donat and give back. Yeah,
if you're ever shopping at the Galleria, which I'm sure
many of us are for sure there, they're pretty fun
to use.
Speaker 3 (18:43):
Too, all right, Giving Tuesday tomorrow, and that's what's good
on Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Screaming live Strawberry and lazette every afternoon from three pill seven.
Speaker 2 (18:55):
Un Sacramento's new Kiss one oh seven point nine and
Kiss one o seven point nine dot com.
Speaker 5 (19:00):
We see all the time people do and post the
most unhinged things for social media likes and reactions and
comments and all the shing Yes, there's a woman on Instagram.
She has to like top this list for me. Sacrament
has new kids. When a seven point nine stobberry and
less that in the afternoon. This a girl named Kate Heinzelman.
She posted a video on Instagram of her prepping her
turkey in the toilet. There's no way she took a
full sized turkey. No placed it in the toilet, No
stuffed it with veggies, no seasoned it, and then put
it in a roasting pan and then like sprinkled box
stuffing around it and like just put some butter and
then she baked it. Now she roasted it in the oven.
Speaker 4 (19:54):
For clarifications, is she at home or is she in jail?
And that's how they make turkeys in jail, the same
way they ma.
Speaker 5 (20:00):
I don't know, I've never seen no jails.
Speaker 4 (20:03):
With So she's at home and she chooses to brind
her turkey in the toilet bowl.
Speaker 5 (20:08):
Yes what? And I honestly, I hope this is just
for social media and she didn't actually cook this turkey
and feed it to her family, like hopefully the real
turkey was just out of sight from camera's view.
Speaker 7 (20:22):
Speaker 5 (20:23):
She posts this on Instagram and it's like, don't worry, guys,
nobody freak out. Germs are killed at one hundred and
forty degrees. I cooked this at three hundred, Like, we're good.
I thought of everything disgusting. That's so disgusting as you
can imagine. It did go viral and people are in
the comments like this is why you can't eat at
nobody's house exactly. This is disgusting. Someone else is like, girl,
are you okay? Because what is this?
Speaker 3 (20:47):
I'm gonna start asking questions now when I go to
people's houses for dinners, like hey, was this.
Speaker 6 (20:51):
Way to the finish in? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (20:54):
I need to go use the bathroom real quick. You're
all inspecting for seasoning crumbs, like was the anything cooked
in here?
Speaker 4 (20:59):
That's horrible?
Speaker 5 (21:00):
Ridiculous. Kiss one O seven point nine.
Speaker 1 (21:03):
It's strawberry and lazette on Sacramento's new Kiss one O
seven point nine