All Episodes

September 12, 2023 • 22 mins
I recently had a chance to kick it with WWE's 14x Champion CHARLOTTE FLAIR.

We discussed:

Her dream WRESTLEMANIA 40 scenario.

Who came up with the idea of flying into WRESTLEMANIA 35 in a helicopter.

What WRESTLEMANIA match stick out to her most.

Her most embarrassing moment in the ring.

The importance of her wardrobe and fashion to her character.

Favorite NYC Memories.

Crying to Dido's music.

Watching all "ROCKY" movies for the first time.

Country music she grew up listening to.

Most underrated fashionista in the women's locker room.

The first CDs she owned & so much more over 20 minutes.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Yeah, what's going on? I'mJosh Martinez from New York's number one hit
music station Z one hundred and iHeartRadio'snewest podcast, A Superstar Crossover with my
guest, future Hall of Famer CharlotteFlair. What's going on? Girl?
Now? Much? Thanks for havingme? Not enough? So I love
it? So I love listen.Fourteen time world champion? Who's counting?
You know what I'm saying? Itjust is what it is? Maybe it
is what it is? What keepsyou motivated? For real? Uh oh,

that's a good question. Hitting mewith the hard ones off the bat.
They don't get these jobs to champs, baby. I think because I
didn't grow up wanting to be aWW superstar and I definitely didn't see myself
following in my dad's footsteps. Soif you had met me twelve years ago
to now, it's like, well, are you even like the same person?

I think what keeps me motivated isjust my life gets better every year
as a performer, professionally, personally, and I'm like, man, if
I just put my mind in thismind to something like what can I achieve?
And that's kind of what happened.There were rumors recently that you took
time off to do like fitness competitions. It was that true or notough?

No, everyone think I mean,I contemplate doing one, but I haven't
signed up yet. Okay, it'sfunny because but I do love the bodybuilding
world. Our our videographer Alana shoutout to her. She was like,
oh, who are you interviewing.I was like, oh, Charlotte Flesh.
So she pulls up your Instagram andshe's like, oh my gosh,
she's a wrestler, and I'm like, she's more than that at this point.

You know what I'm saying. Whenthinking about kind of the next phase
of your career, do you knowwhat you want to do next when it's
time to get out the ring orare you kind of just taking it day
by day, day by day,Like I'm hoping something happens, but I
don't know what that looks like.Like I'd love to start in a movie
a series. During my off time, I did have the opportunity to become

a global ambassador for Smile Train.Ok So that's been really rewarding working with
the community on my off time.So I don't know, it's just whatever
happens next. That's dope. It'sfunny because you know, now, over
the last couple of years, thefashion game on social media has just kind

of gone up to a trillion,right, And I will give King Troy
his flowers. We follow each other, we dm one another every so often.
I think that he's had more impactin wrestling than anyone even realizes.
So I was on Twitter one day, yes, reading the comments, not
that I say that, and someonewas like, oh, Charlotte looks like

she's a manager of Starbucks, andthis was like a clip from like two
thousand and nineteen, and I waslike, damn, I do what am
I wearing? So when I metKing Troy, I just call him King
because we're on that level of friendship. He just like brought out a different

side of me, and I thinkhe really has added to the character,
like next level because I'm like whathe's bringing me sometimes, like you want
me to wear that? He's like, yes, I'm like seriously, So,
I mean all props to him.The robes are me, but everything
that's not robe is so. AtSummer Slam, you kind of debuted a
little bit of a of a newerlook. There was a hood to the

robe the kind of the attire andthe ring was a little different as well.
Is there a specific meaning to itor was it just like I just
want to switch. I saw Rockyfor the first time this year time out.
Yeah, I know, right,first time, first time? So
did you like sit down on Mondaywith one, Tuesday with two? Like,
did you go in order like that? Wow? Okay? Yeah?

And then I rewatched him three times? Okay, So which is your favorite
and why is it four? Idon't know, I can't. I even
liked Creed. Creed's good, Fire'sgarbage. I mean, well, I
think they're just gonna get into himworking with his daughter. So I'm interested
to see if that's the next movie, because they kind of left it like
that with her downstairs looking at allof his fights. You just it's so

good. The last time I ranthrough movies was Harry Potter. Never saw
Harry Potter. O. Mine wasTwilight. Twilight. You know when Twilight,
I want to say three came out. Was a twihard. Were you
were you team Jacob or teamd word? Okay? So were you went to
vampires? Were you kind of likethat girl that was Buffy? Because I
was in I guess middle school,elementary school when Buffy was out and then

Angel so David Boreannis, Oh yeah, were you went to Vampire Diaries as
well? Or no? Yes,so not as much as Buffy though okay,
well Buffy was a badass. No, I mean I just didn't like
I think there's a there's like oneseason that I haven't seen. Well nowadays
with streaming you could watch. Yeah, I need to get Yeah, I

need to finish anything. Which actually, when you what's a comfort show that
you watched streaming wise, I thinkwe all have ours own that sometimes you
put it in the City, really, what do you think of the new
like and just the newer shit.I just like it because of the nostalgia
of the girls. Because first Amandato come back, she hasn't appeared yet.
She will I think in this nextseason. Yeah, there's like you

know, it's confirmed that she will. It's a pop and apparently she didn't
shoot anything with any of the girls. It's kind of a no such in
the City is just easy to goback to, Like you can put on
any episode right now. I'm finishingup Nashville. Okay, before that Yellowstone,
after that nineteen twenties I had towatch the prequel and then I watched
the sequel. Was it nineteen eightynineteen twenty? I don't know the two

shows, one before and one after. Do you find yourself getting so sucked
into a show that you watch itlike while you're backstage, like because you're
just on your iPhone, your iPadof the first thing that you have that
time. I'm pretty serious. Itworks, so you wouldn't see me watching
a show. I don't really havethose days off at TV. Hey,
you're better than me. And afterthe show, Yes, I climb in

bed and watch on my phone,and I will say, you know this
firsthand, You're better than some peoplein your own job, because there will
be people at your job that willhave the iPad out and just kind of
watching something. In catering Shifting gearsa little bit. Tickets wan sale for
WrestleMania forty down in Philly last Friday, yep Friday, ten am. Last

time that WWE hosted WrestleMania in theNortheast. It was a few miles away
Met Life Stadium main event right here. What there you go, talk this
s girl, That's what we're herefor. Talk you shit. When did
you find out that you were goingto go on last Oh, I don't
know. I don't know. Idon't know what I found out. What

was that? Do you remember whatthat feeling was like? At least?
Oh? Yeah, I was like, damn right, like we were the
best story going int WrestleMania that year. And then the scene that happened with
the police car kneeing Rand in theface as she was hanging out, the
fight beating up the police officers,like it was just perfect storm, perfect

timing. Yeah, whose idea wasit to come in on the helicopter like
your father did back into day?I think it was Vince and Kevin Dunno,
Okay, I know everyone's like,so do you just like get to
pick a Hell? Yeah, it'smy idea. Hey, I need a
helicopter for my entrance. People thinkI have that kind of power. You
should pretend like I do. Imean, listen, when you were a

fourteen time chat, maybe you ifyou suggest something. Maybe I think it
was them. I'm sure it waslike Vince, Katie and Triple H.
I'm sure the three of them collectively, because I know it's Triple H's idea.
When I came out on the thronebecause it was his throne. Yep.
Similar to that was the first timethat you were technically part of WrestleMania

as a performer. What's your favoriteWrestleMania match that you've participated in? They're
also different. That's hard. Isthere one that you remember for a specific
reason that the fans wouldn't pick upon? So, WrestleMania thirty two,

the streamers on the ramp, Ithought it was gonna fall, like I
was slipping the whole way down.I was like, I was this my
first Wrestlemannie, I'm gonna slip onmy butt. This is like I was
like looking at the floor. Actually, at thirty five, there's a rumor
that Seth and I don't know whereI heard it, but apparently Seth Rolins
like almost passed out during his entranceat thirty five. I thought it was

like the fire he opened the show. I don't know if it was nerves
or if it was like the Pyrosituation, but there was like a rumor
that he almost like passed out,And I heard him saying in a podcast
interview that like he mentioned, yeah, thirty five, I almost passed out
there my entrant. But whatever,and kind of like poo pooed it.
Have you ever had like an embarrassingmoment slipping maybe on your ass and an
aisle or I mean I've had aslip maybe two years ago. I mean,

oops, fair, fair things happen. Dang you sticky dape. Yeah,
let me tell you something. Andlike I grew up with you know
sisters simmer Sam just like two weeksago. Really yeah, oh yo,
we have stopped the match real quick. I was there. I was there

sitting ringside. I don't know howit looked on TV, but I gotta
give you credit by just stopping andbeing like, yo, you need to
help me dog, because what wasit supposed to do? Some some people
may have just kept going, butyou didn't. Oh no, there was
no going. There was There wasjust no It was like, okay,

well here we are. I didyou go back to see how that was
shot? Where they like moved thecamera. That was the first thing I
asked when I came through the back, and Triple Hit said that they had
kept the camera on the other twowhen they like realized what was so like
the TV audience. I don't thinkunless you're like which fans are something that's
another conversation for another day. Mysister lives in Charlotte. She moved to

Charlotte recently. She actually had areally good question for you. What is
something that you wish the whole worldcould see about Charlotte, North Carolina.
M I heard your barbecue's pretty damngood. Wherebecue is good? I think

just colonial drive through the neighborhood andthe trees, the palmettos. It's pretty
growing up in New York City,palmettos and trees, I don't know what
that's like, bro, Yeah,it's it's very it's pretty. So speaking
of New York City, you've beenhere several times throughout your career personal life
as well. I'm sure is therea go to spot when you come to

New York City, whether it's afood spot or a place to just chill?
Well, you know where I wantto go that I haven't been able
to go to again. And Iwent after or after Summer Slam twenty nineteen
was Peter Luger's in Brooklyn. Butmy friend owns, Oh my gosh,
Hunt and Fish. I think he'sone of the owners Hunt and Fish.

Yeah, So I do make itthere a lot because I could just go
order, but other than that,there's nowhere like specific do you do?
You do you have a favorite memory? I'm involving New York City, whether
it is a summer slim or reallya personal story that you I like Magnolia
Bakery. Okay, No, Idon't have a personal story, by the

way, I just want to say, I think it's I feel bad that
you love a bakery and you lookthe way you do, and then I
love bakeries and I look the wayI do. I'm clearly the struggle.
The struggle is weird. My friendis sitting over here in the corner.
She comes in while I'm eating mylunch and I'm eating raw broccoli and plain
salmon, and she pulls out thisbig rubin with fries on top of it,

and she's like, I'm real sorry, I'm like me too, me
too. Please go sit all sideand need It happens to the best of
us. We are a music stationbased out of a music station. Growing
up. What music did you listento? So? I think my first
four CDs boys them in Okay,which one? Which album? Doing?
The first one ever? Okay AsaBass? I saw the sign Okay,

Shakira Wow, Green Day, Dukieor Doki Wow. That's a pretty wide
variety of music at such a youngage. Do you remember why you were
into all four separate artists. Ithink Asa bass was just so popular boys,
the men. They would play itat the ice skating rink. Green

Day. I don't know. Maybethat was just because of my older brother
listening to it, like maybe Iwas too old, but because he did.
Yeah. And when I say GreenDay, Shakira, oh Shakira,
when she did that first American album, I was in middle school and I
was just like nohow was in ninthgrade. Because it was also when Dido,

Oh my God came out. Yeah, so depressing. I love it.
I love depressing music. Yeah,I think those were oh you know,
Oh, I think I had JanetJackson too, Red No, that
was her one of her older CDs. Who do you? Who are you

listening to nowadays? Oh? Everythingfrom Bad Bunny Too. I know Bad
Bunny Too. I love E dM. Really Yeah, Okay, if
you needed to see like I'm gonnamake it to Tomorrowland eventually, you and
I both Labor Day Weekend. Herethere's a thing called ezo and it's like

literally you look at the lineup overthree days and you're like, oh,
I know them, I know them, I know something like that. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, I need toI need to work those days.
So hey, guys, I'm goingto Tomorrowland. I am not gonna make
payback. You know what, that'sa great It's it's Pittsburgh, which isn't
a long fly. I mean,especially well you're probably gonna be booked for

smack Down the night before. Yeah, I don't think that's happening. Son
of a bit. Stupid work getsin the way of all the fun.
I like country too. I'm surprisedyou didn't say that, being like North
Carolina like a lot of country,or who are you listening to now?
Country wise? Uh? Why?I really got into Mumford and Sons and

they're not even country. But priorto that, like all the classics,
Garth Brooks, Paisley, Alison Cross, that is all the I know that.
I know the names. I justdon't listen to that music. Dog,
I lived in Iowa. I didradio in Iowa for a little bit,
and there were people that were like, you gotta get into country.
He's Tennessee Whiskey's Ship Tennessee. Yeah, but he has like Halo Tennessee Whiskey,

He's got a lot. Listen.Whole album is good as a Puerto
Rican kid that grew up in thehood in Brooklyn and Staten Island like Baby
Steps, so like Wagon Wheel theDarius rock a version Tennessee Whiskey. That's
I mean, they're both good,but slowly getting into country, you know
what I'm saying. Although I didsay the other day that maturing means that
you start getting into country, soI think that's part of And Luke Holmbs

is blowing up right now as well. He's been big though. Yeah no,
no, he's been around for awhile, but the Fast Car remake
that he did is blowing up ontop forty radio. Pop Radio's wild.
Yeah. Same thing with Morgan Wallen. Morgan Wallen's good. Yeah, he's
blown up as well. Just tochange. I'm a huge Cane Brown fan.
He's good too. Actually, yeah, he was at our Jingle Bowl
this past December. So you mentionedbefore that you like sad music. The

other day I decided to just listento Adele because I was like, I
want to feel something, So Iblasted puts on the fields. Yeah,
when it comes to bringing yourself backto like an even keel, is there
somebody that you turn to to likebring you because you're feeling down and maybe
you're feeling too high and you wantto go to the gym? Really interesting?
How often would you say you workout a week? Oh, every

day for the most part. Forthe most part, you're better than me,
girl. Yeah, but one daycould just be lazy, like today,
I might just go stretching abs.No, I see you shaking your
head over there. No, Likeit depends. So I worked out this
morning and that's why I have energyand feel good. But I didn't work
off like a week and then youjust feel shitty. You're human, Yeah,

why it's fine. So when wasthe last time you did something?
Speaking of being human, the lasttime you did something to make yourself smile?
Well, a couple of things,but I don't know which one's appropriate.
Like I got a butterfly tattoo,I bought some Louie luggage for myself.

I felt like a baller. Ilike what, I don't know what
else diould I do? Nobody shouldI put it? This? If you
own Louie luggage, you should neverfly coach, that's how kind of like,
well no, but I was justlike, you know what, I'm
a grown up. I'm gonna gobuy that role so much in my and

like my like my character, Likeif you knew how much all my gear
was like, I'm gonna be workingforever to pay off my gear. But
I was like, you know what, look good, feel good? Right?
What else? That has been mymy credo the last couple of years.
And let me tell you, I'vegotten myself into a lot of trouble
because of it. No, No, this made me smile. I did

media for Smile Train on Monday becauseit's International Smile Day October six so promoting
or telling everyone to go upload asmile so we can reach a certain number
for kids with cleft palates to raisemoney. That's awesome. How how can
people be in contact with them?And because it sounds yeah that's amazing,

Yeah, great nonprofits. So SmileDay is on October sixth. If you
go to at Smile Train, allyou have to do is click on photo
album of smiling mouths. Anyone canparticipate. Go to every smile dot org
and click on I want to makehistory okay. By October six, we're

trying to have the Guinness World's Recordof largest Smiling album Voto Who's Smiling album?
Who's got the best smile in ww WE? Aside from Charlotte Flair,
I am never smiling? What areyou talking about? Who's got a
good smile? Stephen McMahon's got agood smile? She has that strong who

are we? We discussed? Wediscussed fashion before. Who would you say
is the most underrated fashionista in aw w WE locker room? Oscar one
to day she showed up in lockerroom and she was like decked out in
Versacchi from head to toe. Iwas like, okay, Oscar, Versacchi
glasses, Versaci top, the jumpsuitand her shoes. I was like,

okay, girl. But she livesin Vegas, so I'm sure the store
is right there there there. Sinceshe's come back at the Rumble, she
has kind of changed a character.Even when she's not kind of in the
ring and doing segments, you cansee that there's definitely a change in that
which I again I just can't helpbut go back to the whole kind of
King Troy movement with you King Troy, we love you, thank you.
I've given him his flowers via DMso many times, like he's inspired,

Like I've been inspired by by youknow, the performers when I go on
stage Madison Square Garden and do dopeshit, because we do dope shit at
the end of the day, wereally do. I say that all the
time. What are you grateful for? My health? I like that,
my family, my friends and gettingto do what I love. That's a

fact. It's never work, Like, no, not really. The work
is the travel. That's the work. Yo. I was just telling somebody
that the other days, those arethe hours because I just moved to like
Staten Island, which is about anhour and a half ish from here.
Before that, I was it waslike a thirty minute commute for me,
but I'm saving like two thousand dollarsa month and rent, so like it
was a yeah, right, So, but I was telling someone the exact

same thing. I was like,Yo, the way my mind works now
is basically like I'm getting paid bythe biggest radio station in the company.
I'm in the country to just geton a damn express bus and two trains
and that's it. Like when youlook at things that way, the psyche
gets a lot better because that doYeah really, like why am I in

a bad moon? Like? Orwhy does little things like irk us the
way they do this morning? Right, wipe not wiping your equipment at the
gym makes me want to flip tables. And it's like ever since COVID what
we kind of found out about it, But those aren't like I'm talking like
in general, like obviously things aregoing to upset us or make us made

or annoy us, but in general, like I'm very blessed. Oh of
course, that's why. That's whyI think the little things bother us the
way that they do, because they'rereally like mild inconvenience, No, because
you're more mad at the other personjust not being respectful might be respectful.
I get mad forgetting mad, ifthat makes sense. Yeah, totally,
I'm like, why is this botheringme? Right? And then a therapy

makes me realize like, yoh,it's okay to feel just feel it and
then let it go. Yeah,exactly exactly. Before we wrap things up,
WrestleMania, what what in a perfectworld, what would you be doing
at WrestleMania forty this April in Philadelphiachallenger or champion, okay, going in

okay, and what everyone wants tobe doing main event things? Ye too?
Yeah, who would who would youlike to get in the ring?
With the stage where everyone keeps askingme that I don't like. I feel
like there's so many opportunities, Likeobviously, I know bell Air versus Flair
is a main event worthy match,but if it doesn't happen at forty,

it's gonna happen a forty one.If it is at forty one, it's
gonna hapen at forty two. LikeI don't want to say this exact person
because it could like what if I'mnot giving credit to something that could potentially
be there and be incredible. It'sa good point, or I mean,
with the rise recently of La Night, who's to say that someone can't rise

up in the women's locker room?Similarly, Yeah, it's just I mean,
bell Air knows how I feel abouther, so I don't have to
say it like she knows that's gonnabe a WrestleMania match. But I just
that's an easy answer, like I'mlooking for who I don't know? One
more time Wrestlemanian forty Tickets go onsale Friday morning, ten am. Pop

Culture Extravaganza, biggest show of theyear. Two nights and Yeah, generate
millions, millions of dollars, tensof millions of dollars to the community events,
meet and greets, talent activation.We take over the whole city for
the whole week. I was goingto say next, you know what,
I don't even got to say.We're done, Charlotte, she did my

job. I'm at
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