Episode Transcript
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Welcome and thanks for tuning in forTalk of the Rock public affairs, community
events, and public services for CentralArkansas from the iHeartRadio studios in Little Rock.
Here's your host, DJ Taylor.Thank you for joining us for Talk
of the Rock. DJ Taylor inthe studio, joined by Peggy McCall from
Miracle League and Grace the public relationsmanager for Win Rock of Arkansas. Welcome
ladies, Thanks great to be here. Absolutely, we love talking about the
Miracle League and we love working withPeggy, so we're super excited. Well,
you know, I'm so proud tohave Superu here in Little Rock because
you guys are always involved in thecommunity. I mean, whether it's the
Big Dam one hundred, whether it'shelping with Humane Society, or whether it's
helping these amazing folks and these amazingathletes at the Miracle League. It is
just an Honestly, it's just apleasure. Now, Peggy, for those
that don't know the Miracle League,let's talk about that just real quick.
What is Miracle League and how doesit work? So, Miracle League is
a baseball program for children starting toage four all the way up. We
don't have a cutoff age. Whohave an intellectual and or physical disability,
and so our field is made ofa special turf, so it's barrier free
and it's safe for our players incase they fall. And we have all
diagnosis. If you have a diagnosis, you're a player. So we have
folks in the high spectrum of aspergersto players that are nonverbal, players who
are blind, we have a ballthat beeps so they can see it with
their ears, which is so fascinatingto watch. And so if you have
a diagnosis, you're our player.And it is super easy to become a
part of the league. I imaginethat you're in the middle of a season
right now. We are, butif somebody wanted to join as it's still
possible to join during this season.Sure, we've got a couple of games
left, but we will never turnyou away. We play seven weeks in
the spring and seven in the fall, so you can go ahead and sign
up for fall season if you like, if you want to come out and
catch a couple of games and getyour player used to it and familiar with
it, because for some of ourplayers that's a trick and so are issues.
So it's a good way to easein and you know, they don't
have to get out there and playthe game right off the bat, real
easy and full of confidence. Sometimesit takes players weeks or a couple of
seasons to get comfortable. The othergreat thing about the Miracle League is our
backbone is the volunteers. And soSubaru was out this last weekend volunteered.
They Mike tore it up on themiss he announced and commentated the game.
Who is great, But we cannotdo our program without the volunteers. And
so volunteers are fourteen and older.You come out and play side by side,
and so it's a real meaningfully experiencefor someone out there because you're actually
doing it and you're not. Thereare other organizations that need volunteers, but
this is it's fun, it's hilarious, it's inspiring, and you get to
watch the parents in the stands andhave a smile on their face and swell
up with pride that their players playingabsolutely and being a buddy is truly a
fantastic experience. It's not the gloomything that you think it might be.
You just have to come out andsee it for yourself. And again,
if you know somebody or know somebodythat might want to be a player,
might want to be a part ofthe team, or to volunteer. Miracle
League ar dot com is the placeto go for that. And Grace,
like we were saying, you know, super of littrooc stepping up and being
such a big supporter of the MiracleLeague and also the presenting sponsor for Bingo
Night that's coming up on May sixteenth. Let's talk about that for a little
bit. This is a this isgoing to be a fun time as well.
Yes, absolutely so. Peggy cameto us with the challenge of raising
the last little bit to finish theirupdated specialty field after some flooding and little
rock and various things, and soit was a big need to keep all
of the players safe and protected thatthey have to have the right field accommodations,
and so we sent our volunteers outlast weekend and they had a blast.
We all walked in on Monday andthere was a new energy in the
store, you know, and justthe sparkle in their eyes after getting to
be out there and have an impacton these kids. But I think the
kids impact us more than we dothem. Know. It was incredible,
So we're all very inspired by theMiracle League and we are thrilled to host
Bingo Knight to hopefully raise the remainingmoney that the Miracle League needs to finish
up their field for the upcoming fallseason. Fantastic Now. This is coming
up Thursday, May sixteenth at theHall. All kinds of different stuff going
on. Doors open at five pointthirty. Bingo Night. Of course Bingo
starts six. There's going to bea food truck out there serving everybody.
Who've we got coming in with food. We've got Chrissy's Pub style and they
do some amazing things. And forour burger competition last year in June,
which is coming up, he finishedfirst, won the Golden ticket, went
to Dallas and got two perfect scores. Wow. So he is rocking it.
He's bringing burgers out, He's goingto try some out. Everybody can
share their opinion of what they liked. He'll be competing again. And so
we love a burger. Who doesn'tlove a really good burger. And Chrissy's
food truck has been great for us, So come out and get some of
that. And what's better than withthe burger than winning one thousand dollars in
cash or winning the fifty to fiftydrawing. I mean, quite the compliment.
You can have a lot of burgerswith that. On top of some
of our other community partners through Subaru, we partner with the Soma neighborhood,
who has donated two gift baskets whichare full of gift cards and little treats
from all the local stores down there. We have several superu giveaways like a
dog basket. You know. Yeah, we're talking and there's so much more
that's going to be involved in BingoNight, and we just are so excited
to get the community together and havefun. You know, who doesn't love
bingo? And Mike Wilson up therecalling it out the general manager for us,
will be an awesome sight to see. Oh, no doubt about it.
Seeing Mike up on stage, that'llbe fun. I'm excited for that.
And of course, now if youwant to make a reservation, yeah,
those are available. They're going quicklythough, so if you want to
get what is it by the tableor is it by the chair or chair?
Okay, all right, so tomake those reservations. It's Miracle League
ar dot com slash Bingo hyphen Night. If you're listening to this on the
podcast. The link is right therein the description, so super easy to
find. There will be food anddrinks for sale, and this is coming
up Thursday, May sixteenth at theHall. How great are the folks at
the Hall, by the way,I just got to shout out to them.
That is a fantastic venue. Iabsolutely love those guys and girls over
there. It's great. No,they've been great to work with. Make
sure you bring your cash. It'san all cash event. Yes, we'll
be throwing it around fifty to fifty, no doubt, I make it.
We've got some girls, some parentsfrom the Miracle going to be there working
it. They're having so much funbecause they're dressing up baseball nice. I've
got to figure out my outfit.I'm still struggling with that. It'll be
fun. But some of the otherprizes that we have are the trass suites.
We've got an autographed authentic auto baseballfrom Cliff Lee from the All Star
Game. Cool which stitching is different, so you know you know it's authentic
when you get one of those.But we've got a lot of good things.
Top Golf, We've got a lotof great prices, fantastic keep growing
is more people want to become involved. They're like, you know what,
we love this and we want tobe involved. So we hope that Bingo
Knight will continue to grow for thenext several years, and we couldn't do
it without help from the community.So come out to the all on May
sixteenth. Then let's finish up thefield, all right. So remember it
is a cash event at the hallon May sixteenth. Reservations Miracle League ar
dot com. I'm sure there's alink right there on the front page,
or like I said on this podcast, you can check out the link in
the description there and then if somebodymaybe wants to add two for this year,
maybe as a prize basket or somesort of sponsorship opportunity, they can
go to you. Peggy, absolutelyall right, So super easy to do
that also at Miracle leaguear dot com. So make sure you get on out
there and enjoy it. It's gonnabe a whole lot of fun. May
sixteenth, Peggy Grace, thank y'allso much for coming in and talking about
this and getting ready to help outthe kids and help out the Miracle League
of Arkansas. Thank you thanks forlistening to talk of the Rock public affairs
and community events from the iHeartRadio studiosin Little Rock. Be sure to subscribe
to this podcast and listen next weekas we talk to more guests about public
service, local charities, and eventsgoing on in your neighborhood.