All Episodes

January 8, 2025 165 mins
Adam Wexler and Adam Clanton talk about what's going on in Houston sports and more on January 8th 2025.
  • So long JV
  • Rockets rise in DC. 
  • Jalen Green unlocking a new side of his game? 
  • Best of X- A coach rips his team. 
  • CJ Stroud on the underdog role and Joe Mixon to Rex Ryan. 
  • Charles Barkley on LeBron, MJ and Kobe. 
  • Tom Brady maybe wants his old boss back?
  • Travis Kelce says they weren't ducking Cincinnati. 
  • Kamari Lassiter on facing Ladd McConkey. 
  • James Franklin taking shots at Notre Dame. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Two lifelong Houston sports guys named Adam Talking Your Teams series,
Adam Clinton and Adam Wexler are the A Team A team.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Just after two o'clock here in the greatest city in
the world, Houston, Texas, it is the A Team Sports
Talk seven ninety. He's Wex, I'm a c. We will
take you up until six o'clock tonight on a Wednesday
edition of the program Chilly Outside. Hopefully the Texans heat
things up on Saturday afternoon when they will take on

the formerly known as San Diego Chargers. I'm just doing it.
I'm putting it out into the universe because wex has
managed to not call them that all week, and I'm impressed.
In fact, he deserves all the credit that's due for
not calling them that once so far. There's still a
couple of days to go after today, So yeah, you've
got the Texans and the Chargers. Rex Ryan eliciting quite

the responses. We heard one from Demiko Ryan's yesterday. I'm
guessing we'll hear from Joe Mixon at some point today,
but hoping to kind of quiet the naysayers.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
C J.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Stroud also addressing that yesterday in his media availability so
that's something we can dive into, aside from the matchup itself.
Obviously some other big news. The Rockets continue to win
last night, I mean, it's the Washington Wizards, but the
somewhat drama surrounding Kim Whitmore had another chapter added to that,

or did it. I'm not real sure. It's just I
want all things to be good with regards to the Rockets,
but I guess we can't always have all the nice things.

Speaker 4 (01:44):
So that was social media around I'm telling you, man,
it is.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Would that have even been a story twenty years ago?
Would we have even known about it because of what
you just said? Nope, okay, just checking. So that's something
we can off obviously address. And I know we've already
done this once, but we will probably need to say
goodbye to Justin Verlander for good, unless, of course, Jim
Crane decides to trade all the prospects that the Astro

has got in the Kyle Tucker trade to bring him
back for a third time in July. I doubt that's
gonna happen.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
Yeah, there's no one less you had me at. I
think his time is done and we can say him
to his goodbyes.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
I was texting with somebody last night about this, and
they were like, he basically was not going to pitch
for a cent less than what he got from the
San Francisco Giants, and hey, good for them. They want
to spend that money on that guy. More power to you.
I did enjoy some people wondering. Now.

Speaker 4 (02:40):
I'm sure he will, provided he's healthy at the beginning
of the year for the first time in four years. Seriously,
be with the Giants when they come to Houston to
play at dyke In Park and the opening home stand
of the season for the Astros the last day of March.
In the first two days of April. It's the second
series of the season for both teams. I'm sure he'll
be here. But if you're forecasting that he will be

pitching against the Astros, that's interesting. It'll be the fourth, fifth,
and sixth games of the season for the Giants. He's
not their ace. He's not pitching in the last game.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Of the series. Do they opened up with a three
game series?

Speaker 4 (03:17):
Okay, so he's not gonna pitch the last game? Is
you would turn the rotation back over? Okay, so that
one's out. Well, if he's not the ace okay, Well,
in order to pitch here, then maybe he's the next
guy or the next guy.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Probably not the number two. Maybe is he? Is he
the number three starter?

Speaker 4 (03:34):
Well, the way he would pitch here start here is
if he's the fourth or fifth starter at fifteen million
a year for the San Francisco Giants, who fancied themselves
as a team who competed all year last year, finished
around five hundred, and are doing things this offseason to
compete again next year in a division that is extremely

difficult to compete in at the top with both the
Dodgers and Padres. Obviously there if not others, but probably
those two. If he slots in at four or five, yeah,
you guys will have a perfect opportunity to enjoy the
Verlander tribute video on a day he pitches. I wouldn't
spend fifteen million dollars on my fourth or fifth starter,

but the Giants might. What's their rotation look like? It's
logan Web, a bunch of kids in Justin.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
Where did Blake snow land the Dodgers? That's what I thought.
I figured I just couldn't. I thought that was the case,
but I wanted to make.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
Sure it's very possible that's what happens. It could even
be possible that, yeah, he's he's the number four or
five guy for now because of how spring training went
and because of the you know, minor setback he had
during his ramp up for yet another season. Whatever the
case may be good for him. It's not an awful team.
It's probably the least competitive team he's played for since
he was originally traded to the Astros from the Tigers.

But I think he wanted to well, I don't know
if he needs a big payday.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
My gosh.

Speaker 4 (04:58):
Between the two of them, I'm sure they're fine, but
you gotta kind of feel like, hey, this is who
I am, this is what I'm worth, this is what
I want. If it were me and fifteen million was
on the table from the Giants, ten eight nine was
on the table for a team i'd expect to be
winning eighty five eighty eight ninety games, I'd probably have
signed with that team. But he's got a really good

chance to start. If he's healthy, he might get twenty
eight thirty starts out of him. And I'm not sure
how many more seasons everybody else believes there are, but
there aren't any more in Astro's colors, And I think
we were already under that impression, even though I don't
think there's anything wrong with Dana both doing it or
acknowledging it publicly. Dana Brown, the GM of the Astros,
saying this offseason, yes, we've been in contact with Justin

his representatives. That's totally fine. It's totally normal.

Speaker 2 (05:44):
That's the job, that's what you should do. And when
they found out he wanted fifteen million, they hung up
the phone.

Speaker 4 (05:50):
Well, if they found out he wanted anything that had
eight digits in it, they should have hung up the phone.
They're not in position to have a luxury spend. The Giants, apparently,
are fifteen million dollars for a pitcher who's coming off
a year where he was hurt and had an ERA
over five and didn't break your three game series opening
playoff roster. And again, as everybody rewrites what happened last year,

even for the team he's now playing for, it's kind
of disingenuous to say he wasn't even good enough to
be considered for their postseason roster. For their wild card
series roster is an accurate way to say it. His
postseason roster is only accurate in that they didn't have
another roster to make because it was the only series
they ended up playing in. But I think we know

there's a very very good chance had they beaten the Tigers,
he would have been on their Division series roster. So
to me, I'd like to see the record reflect that
for those that comment on it and write about it.
But it will be cool to have him continue to pitch,
come through Houston early in the season, and hopefully he's
healthy and in good spirits, and then you move on

for the last time. This time there will be no
reacquisition there will They'll be you know, if he's pitching
at that level, then some other team would be the
team to go get him, or the Giants won't want
to move him because they're in it.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
That's as suddenly very well, I don't want to say suddenly.
It already was a very competitive division in and of itself.
It's certainly more competitive than the Al West, I think.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
I mean, if you want me to stop being nice,
I can go ahead. Justin Verlair's not going to make
a difference for the Giants.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Oh, I know, I know that. I mean, that's why
it wasn't even you know, the last time around, it
was kind of like a lot of us were resigned
to the fact he's probably not coming back, and he
went to the Mets, and this time around, it was
like he wasn't even mentioned in the most passing of
conversations about the twenty twenty five Astros rotation.

Speaker 4 (07:41):
He's what some people complained about with Blake Smell in
one regard, it's kind of tough to get a lot
of innings out of him. Early last year he got
your seven innings three different times. Later last year, he
got you more than fifteen outs once in his final
ten starts. He throws a ton of pitches, he doesn't
necessarily always get the call, doesn't have swing and miss

stuff anymore. Is coming off multiple seasons of setbacks due
to multiple different injuries. And I'm pretty sure, just like me,
just like you, just like Dan, and just like one
hundred percent of our listeners, he got older. It's just
the way things go.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
He was all the time.

Speaker 4 (08:18):
He was pretty effective for Houston last year. Upon his
return in mid April and through June when he got
hurt again, he was good enough to give him the
ball every fifth day.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Had an era just under four.

Speaker 4 (08:32):
He had kind of tailed off there at the end
of June to begin with, and then when he came
back the you know, maybe you've got a couple of
okay starts. He probably got two of those, and pretty
much everything else was, Man, how early do we have
to get the bullpen ready today?

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Okay? And that's the thing because at this point, and
I'm not even being a jerk when I say this,
who's the odds on favorite to take him to the
Crawford boxes if he does pitch against the Astros in
that series, Christian Walker, somebody's gonna hit a.

Speaker 4 (09:01):
Probably not Walker because he'll only bat fourth. I'd probably
say one of the three guys in front of him.
You're saying he's gonna be pulled all Tuve, Perettis, Alvarez
will all back before Walker does, so I'd take one
of them. I mean, actually knew that's actually fine to say.
That's not even the mean part. He's a home run machine.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
I know he's I preface that by saying I'm not
trying to be a jerk. What I left out was
I can't say the same for my co host. Yeah,
I mean, don't you think they'll certainly two of the three.
I don't know that Perettis really cares if he Homer's
off Justin, But I think, you know, Jose Altuve might
fancy it a fun trip around the bases if he
takes Justin.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
Four feet love each other, he prop they'll smile at
each other.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 4 (09:47):
The thing is he will be Justin's first start. He
won't you know, this first start against them? I mean,
and it's there are a lot of things that could
be at play. Hopefully, the Astros have taken care of
Juan Soto's team in the opening series of the season.
So when not wondering what I mean, are they going
to start one in three? Are they going to start
one in four?

Speaker 2 (10:03):
I don't need is that a four game series? It's
three games, okay. I don't need a New York team
coming in and sweeping the Astros for a second consecutive
start to the year. That's not what I'm looking for
this year. Although do I need to temper my expectations
or not? I just are they done or not? I
just need to know.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
Because even that, I mean, getting swept doesn't happen all
that often to begin with, even over the court of the.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
Four game series two because that's that was that was
last year's series against the Yankees. It was four games,
was it not? It was that was brutal, especially watching
that one game with Nick Deturo.

Speaker 4 (10:38):
Well, they they got beaten soundly twice. They should have
won twice, and they gave it away. That was what
was so hard to stomach.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
The end of the season.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
To open the season with an off day. We'll wait
and see when the finalized, finalized, finalized schedule comes out,
but I believe they will have an off day, a
rare off day, on Sunday Day really to open the season.
And then they got three games with the Giants because
I think they originally had the off day on Friday.
You know, typically they'll have a handful of teams start Thursday,

have the off day Friday, and finish out their three
game series Saturday and Sunday. I believe the networks have
jumped on Friday night, won Soto first game of the Mets,
open up his career there, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
We'll take it.

Speaker 4 (11:21):
Oh, they're playing the Astros perfect Friday night. We'll make
sure that they don't have an off day and instead
give him the very rare in fact, the only Sunday
off they will have all year.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Does that mean we have to listen to Carl Ravitch
that night?

Speaker 4 (11:35):
I said the network. I believe that I'm not one
hundred percent on whose network that is. I would assume
it'll be Apple TV hasn't started that early in the season,
But I don't know if that is not the case
this year.

Speaker 2 (11:45):
No, because remember the Astros championship season in twenty twenty
two started with a four or a three game series
in Anaheim against the Angels, and they had that off
night on the Friday, and I believe Apple had the
next game maybe as I recall, and that was the
I think it was Katie Allen back then.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
I've probably blacked it out of my memory.

Speaker 4 (12:08):
Well, it isn't anymore, all right, they'll have baseball people
in the booth.

Speaker 6 (12:12):
What is she?

Speaker 4 (12:13):
Not a baseball person, as she personally would readily acknowledge,
not a baseball person. Dennis Miller was more of a
football person than she was a baseball person.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
All right, Well, I didn't have Wex bleeping on so
many people in the first segment thing on her.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
They're the ones who hired her. They know she she
doesn't care about baseball, she doesn't cover baseball. She's an entertainer,
she's a comedian, she likes sports, she's in the sports industry.

Speaker 2 (12:39):
Shouldn't comedians be funny?

Speaker 4 (12:41):
Yes, If comedians aren't for everybody you name one, we'll
find people that think that person is not funny.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Everybody thinks Shane Gillis is funny. Bill Burr's funny, Dave
Chappelle's funny, considering.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
One of the attributes to Shane's act is doing a
dead on impersonation of the soon to be president and
once president already. I mean, if you don't like this
upcoming president, then you might not like Shane either.

Speaker 2 (13:09):
I'm going to buy Greenland and rename it to orange Land.
I believe me.

Speaker 4 (13:13):
I did ask the family if you know, obviously we're
going to send us, you know, Samantha back to college
here shortly, Roy will finish out the year and we'll
have summer upon us.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
No, very quickly.

Speaker 4 (13:23):
You know, maybe you want to carve out a weekend
sometime this summer so we can you know, go go
to the beach, go visit the Gulf of America sometime
this summer.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Why wouldn't you want to go to the Gulf of America.
It's the best golf of all that.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
I can't wait to see the Gulf of America for
the first time ever sometimes in our very near future.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
There are parts of it that are dirty.

Speaker 4 (13:41):
In Greenland America?

Speaker 2 (13:43):
How about that?

Speaker 4 (13:44):
We are there other countries that need to make sure
that other countries know they're not for sale.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Canada, I didn't realize all this was that we're going
to make them a stake.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
Now is he looking for like? Is he going to
generate like we do here in Houston. We want to
buy something, we want to build something in a new
stadium for instance, Let's put it on the tourists tax,
on the hotels, cabs, taxes, things like that. Where's the
money coming from to buy Greenland?

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Tariffs? Terriffs? I mean, that's how he pays for everything else, right,
at least that's what I've been told.

Speaker 4 (14:16):
Yeah, all right, maybe they could just keep some of
the money they give away.

Speaker 2 (14:20):
I'd just like to hear them talk about the Panama
Canal because it makes me think of Van Halen. That's
how we open up the show.

Speaker 4 (14:25):
We got fifteen segments of this greatness on the way
today we will dip inside the Texans facility as they
go through practice day number two Wednesday, Thursday, we'll wrap
things up and then they'll be awaiting the arrival of
the Chargers for the game on Saturday. So we'll hear
from Joe Mixon, we'll hear from CJ. Stroud, a little
bit from some of the others. Got quite a few

other items in the What were they just talking about
throughout the day here? Since we last left you before
Rockets Basketball last evening. Of course, Best of X comes
your way at two thirty four to thirty our signature segment.
That should be fun to so should the rest of
the show. Don't go anywhere.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
The A one Sports Talk seven ninety The A team
continues One Sports Talk.

Speaker 5 (15:18):
Justin What are you gonna remember.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
About this place?

Speaker 7 (15:20):
You know, the teammates that have come and gone, the city,
the way the city embraced my family and myself. You know,
the ovation I got walking off the field after a
really crappy start.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Maybe just being my last one. There's a lot of
moments that stick out.

Speaker 7 (15:36):
Obviously there's some great ones in there as well, but
you know, just more I think the vibe is is
something that sticks out to me here just in the
locker room and outside of it.

Speaker 8 (15:51):
That it.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
That's it. Now we can pretend we're the Matt Thomas Show.
Oh Man, Like I said, I think it was Monday.

Speaker 4 (16:03):
I'm Here's why I'm like this, Like, who's sad about this?
I know it's he didn't he didn't leave for the
first time. He isn't a good pitcher anymore. Yeah, he
wasn't gonna help him win, and nobody wanted him here.
And I'm not trying to be harsh to him personally,
that's not at all what I'm saying. He signed a
deal with somebody else, which we all knew was coming.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
For the second time since being here.

Speaker 4 (16:23):
Yes, well the other time that was like, well he
can still pitch. I think we should probably offer him
a deal. And Jim Crane's really good friends with him,
so I know he will and he did. And then
the Mets said, watch this, and they offered him a
deal nobody could say no to and he smartly did
not say no to it and got all that money
him man, Max Schurzer, it was a no brainer. And

even then, okay, well, what are they gonna Astro's gonna
do while he's gone. They'll they'll probably be just fine.
I mean it now, this time, they won't be just fine.
But he can't save them from that, and you can't
count on it he I mean, the idea that he
can't pitch well is probably the right one, but it's
not in concrete. That's why I pointed out what he

did when he came back the first time last year.
Perfectly capable of being a part of a rotation, perfectly
capable of your team, if you're a good team, winning
more than more than your share of his starts. That's
what you want out of a starting pitcher in any
spot one, two, three, four or five.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
And that's what I think the Giants expect to get
out of me.

Speaker 4 (17:23):
And I don't think it's an unrealistic expectation, but it
doesn't make any sense for where the Astros are with
what they're thinking is this off season, you're gonna trade
Kyle Tucker away and spend fifteen million a year on
Justin Verlander. You're gonna have all this dead money on
Rafael Montero and a bray You and then you're gonna

spend fifteen million on justin Verlander.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
It just it didn't make any sense for them. So
we all knew this.

Speaker 4 (17:48):
I think he knew that. I'm sure everybody knew that
the first time he left. That definitely some of his
thoughts about, you know, what it was like here, and
you know, listening to him talk about why the ass
were different. This is a guy who knew winning in Detroit.
He was a big winner in Detroit. He was a
World Series pitcher in Detroit. He was a cy young
winner in Detroit, and came here and realized, this is

way better what they do here as an organization. It's
just way better what they do inside the clubhouse, way
better now. Talent is talent. I mean, I'm not saying
any one season was no good there and it is
so great here. But he played with unbelievably talented teams
here the years he missed, they were so talented that
they were fine when he got hurt, obviously in the
beginning of the COVID season of what followed the following year.

I mean, I don't I'm sure it sounds a little
bit like it, but I'm not trying to crap on him.
I'm just saying it's not the same. I mean this
the tribute video I mentioned during this opening, what tribute.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
There's not going to I mean, I really don't think
if there.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
Hasn't been one because there wasn't an opportunity to do
it for the short time he left to pitch for
the Mets. Of course there's gonna be one, and that's
why there would be, but it's it's not coming off
again for the team too. Unfortunately, he's not coming off
of a year where man Justin really made sure this
team was one of the reasons they made sure this
team was great. Heck, if Justin Verlander had the kind

of years he had most of his time here, you're
throwing out from Er Hunter and Justin every fifth day,
good luck rest of the league.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
I guess they didn't have a chance to do one
for him yet because the Mets didn't come.

Speaker 4 (19:24):
Here the year that he wasn't a Met for very long.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
I know, well he was a half season, by the way,
it's not very long, no, since we brought up Max Schurzer.
That's kind of how I envisioned things going for him
this year in San Francisco. When he's there, he may
or may not be effective. I envisioned some sort of
physical setback or multiples.

Speaker 4 (19:46):
I believe June twentieth of twenty twenty three was a
tribute video day when he started and pitched and lost
to the Astros.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
What I thought, That's what I thought. Okay, I wasn't crazy,
So yeah, definitely no video for you.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
More than welcome to have one. But I've probably not
shed a tear yet over any player. How about Alex Bregnant,
He's probably not very near the top.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
That's a that's a real farewell. Although if you listen
to stupid people on SI for example, Oh, he's definitely
still coming back here. I just the ability of today's
fake media to just put something out there is something.

Speaker 4 (20:25):
It was not mentioned on this show for a reason.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
Yeah, well, I'm just pointing to that aspect of what
we do. It's look, I don't I am curious to
see where he ends up. I'm actually, oh, you know
this now.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
Yeah, I've put my name on it. As some would say,
if I'm going to dedicate this segment to the Sports
MPT show with Ross.

Speaker 2 (20:49):
That is a two horse leader in the clubhouse. Although
I thought it was weird when here's the third horse.
It's in Canada, but it's it's still trotting. That's that's
a leverage We've already established. That's the I think. So
that's the leverage play like Carlos Beltron did to Tim Pooperah.

Speaker 4 (21:05):
Well they already that's a second leverage play. I mean,
Boston is not the only team in the mix. Detroit
is a legitimate team in the mix. And why does Toronto?

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Why does Boston act like it doesn't have all this
money when they really do well?

Speaker 4 (21:16):
Sometimes it's like the Cubs for years. Of course they're
more money than almost every team in baseball, but not
if they don't want to spend it.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Then it crazy to me, Like, if you're them and
you got Kyle Tucker, why wouldn't you do everything in
the world to keep a talent like that, especially at
his age.

Speaker 4 (21:31):
Well, then you're starting to balance out what is this
owner really in it for? What is this ownership group
really in it for? I mean I could put all
my resources in it, we could all all of our
money behind it, and we might even win. But what
does my balance sheet look like? Did we bring in
there enough revenue to support this? I mean, you can
run it as a business that's they are business people
normally and have had some hand in a successful business

somewhere in their lifetime. If it's not just a family business,
but some outside business like logistics and him Crane, you're
in the business world. Everyone of making money. This business,
the sports business is a little different. Normally, winning equals
more money normally almost every single time. And in this world,

this sports world, some of the biggest money you're ever
gonna make is when you get out of it. When
you say, yeah, I bought it for eight hundred and
eighty five million dollars and now I'm gonna sell it
for two point six billion dollars. Yeah, I think I
did all right. Oh my god, I had a five
years in a row where I didn't make any money.
My operating costs were too And and what did you

sell it for? If you ever come to the well,
we're just not making that kind of money every year. Yeah,
and you're gonna sell it right, and you're gonna make
a ton of money when you do right, you can
probably get away with it. Plus you have other money.
So it's a it's a matter of what does that ownership.
Like the Yankees losing to the Mets, in a bidding war.
It's not because they didn't have the money. It's because

they drew a line and they didn't cross it.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
I thought the Yankees didn't draw lines.

Speaker 4 (23:03):
They clearly do. They haven't won every battle.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
They didn't when George was around.

Speaker 4 (23:07):
They lost less, but they lost on the field. For
some of those on field shenanigans. Like for as much
as the two eras of Steinbrenner ownership, the current version
and that version that's been mocked on Seinfeld endlessly and hilariously,
they had so many on field shenanigans, all the Billy
Martin stuff, just non stop meddling on the product on

the field, not with the personnel and how you signed
it and put it together. That's not there anymore. He's
not doing any He's not I don't think he's making
phone calls down to Aaron Boone or hanging out with
the team and making decisions and hiring and firing and
hiring and firing the same guy five times.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
But the best was when Houston was mentioned prominently on
that episode of Seinfeld.

Speaker 4 (23:48):
I mean, you tell those bastards from Houston if you don't,
if you wasn't your favorite show, if it just wasn't
something that was funny to you. And you listen to
us here you like sports. I mean one of there's
four main characters, and one of them who almost never worked. Granted,
I know he worked for a toy company. They didn't
like him there, but he worked for the Yankees. He

had a job with the New York Yankees. He was
teaching guys how to hit, he was redesigning the uniforms. Tartable,
Paul O'Neill, Bernie Jeets all made guest appearances, and Larry
David's voice played George Steinbrenner. George died, George Cassanza died,

and all his dad cared about was how could you
trade Jay Buhner.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
All of this on a show that bore the name
of a Mets fan. Yeah, Jerry is a Mets fan. Ironic.
All right, We will continue with what we do at
this time. Every single day we go to X. It's
this platform on social media. It's owned by Elon Musk,
and there's always something going on. We give you the
best of X, like we do each and every day

at this time. When we come back.

Speaker 9 (25:00):
The eighteen on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
But not before we tell you once again what we
are so excited to be joining the fray in telling
you about You've heard it on the Matt Thomas Show
for a long long time. You're gonna hear it from
us as much as possible. We're talking about Big City Wings,
Houston's wing joint. There are other wing joints. This is
Houston's and that means it's the best wall to wall
TVs to watch all the games that we talk about

here every single day, the only wing joint to offer
specials every single day on food and drink. And you're
talking about the delicious, fresh made to order menu items
just like the USDA certified Angus beef, the burgers, the tenders.
But it's all about the bone in and boneless wings,
which we will have delivered to us less than twenty

four hours from right now.

Speaker 4 (25:50):
You say something about specials every day, like all seven days?

Speaker 2 (25:53):
I did?

Speaker 4 (25:54):
Oh wow, Wednesdays today right Yes, eight dollar burgers over
at Big City Wings thirteen Houston Area.

Speaker 2 (25:59):
Okas more on the way.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
H't wait to all the time, whether it's right after
the show, whether it's on the weekend, catching games in
the evenings, catching games wall to wall TVs and every location,
fantastic stuff. They're at Copperfield there, Morton Rant starting a task,
a seat of there, and Ito and again. They are
where it's at to enjoy your sports, enjoy your wings
and everything that goes along with a great visit to

Big City Wings.

Speaker 9 (26:23):

Speaker 10 (26:24):
Hey, it's a men tops for all.

Speaker 11 (26:28):
Every Rockets game, sports talk seven to nineties and streaming
on the iHeartRadio app home of Rockets Basketball.

Speaker 9 (26:37):
Did you all see this?

Speaker 10 (26:38):
You should be putting out between five and fifteen.

Speaker 12 (26:41):
Posts a day. Four hundred people were arrested for things
some day said on social media.

Speaker 10 (26:46):
History repeats itself type benils succeed. Never doubt that you're
the one to plus no one building. You're the best.
Nothing's gonna have a top. You know you're the best
of the posting ever single day. You're the best of

XX breaking the entire Internet.

Speaker 4 (27:13):
I don't know about you, guys, but I will never
not already be tired of hearing that song each and
every day right here on the eighteen two thirties, bring
best of X.

Speaker 2 (27:23):
It's really the best of social media.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
Anything out there you might find in that digital landscape
we call TikTok, we call blue sky, X formerly known
as Twitter, Instagram, whatever you got, you can always find
a home here on Best of X. Normally, you guys
are the reason it becomes the Best of X because
it's a lot about comments and reply. Someone will put
something out there and we just really like how people

react to it. You know, Titans fire AGM and then
say we're gonna hire a new GM. He's not gonna
decide on who the players are. That's gonna be me
who hires the GM, who has no power, And we
like how you respond to things like that. We like
when Kazam and super Man battle one another with the
typed word on social media. What about music white people?
That's Dwight and Shack. Yeah, that was yesterday. And then

again the comments there were very good. But those two
adult men did enough with their own back and forth,
he said. She said were kids on the playground, arguing
that kind of took care of itself. Or sometimes you know,
audio we might not otherwise see if not for the
wonder that is social media, especially when someone's gone to
the trouble to you know, take a you know, three

four five minute interview or comment during a podcast or
a radio show or a TV show. Or a press
conference and kind of do some of the hard work
for us and edit it up, shorten it, get the
good parts out there. So yes, and find a home
here on Best of X. It is playoff time in
the NFL. There's fourteen teams with the pressure on them,

with an opportunity to win a championship.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
It's playoff time in college football.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
There's already eight teams that said, well that was fun,
but we're done.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
All one game of it.

Speaker 4 (29:00):
We got to enjoy each of the eight teams no
longer in the college football playoffs. They played just one game.
They all lost. The teams that have advanced of all
won twice. That's why they are where they are, and
they will play starting tomorrow night and then again on Friday,
if all continues as expected weather wise in the Greater
Metroplex area there at Arlington where they house that game at.

Speaker 2 (29:23):
The Att Stadium.

Speaker 4 (29:25):
So hearing a coach early this week yesterday kind of
going off on his team. Maybe the pressures getting to him.
That wouldn't be out of character. This was heard from
a coach earlier this week. I'll just give you the
beginning to see if you can kind of get a
sense where he might be going.

Speaker 5 (29:44):
We don't play. We're soft, so don't tell me you
want to win. I just don't tell me.

Speaker 2 (29:49):
You want to win.

Speaker 4 (29:51):
That if you heard it from a player during a game,
NFL game, college basketball game, NBA game, you're not gonna
be happy. He just called you saw often that is like,
that's pretty harsh, even though the word itself is not
a curse word, not necessarily even a bad word.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
It's not a bad word at all.

Speaker 4 (30:08):
And sports kind of is right, yes, So it doesn't
have anything to do with what I prefaced it all with.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
This is not a football coach.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
It's like the playoff pressure or anything else that's going
on with it. This is just your run of the
mill college basketball coach. It's been around a long time.
It's won a lot of games, which he'll explain to
you here as he continues at the podium to absolutely
tear his team apart from up one side and down
the other.

Speaker 5 (30:34):
We don't play. We're soft, so don't tell me you
want to win.

Speaker 11 (30:39):
I just don't tell me you want to win. So
don't just don't tell me you want to win. It's crazy,
you know, And it's.

Speaker 5 (30:46):
Every day I'm tired of it.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
It's every day.

Speaker 6 (30:49):
I have the most energy of all of anybody at practice.
Every day I'm upset with everybody in that locker room,
my assistant coaches and my players.

Speaker 5 (30:58):
I mean, I don't need to do any So I
almost got five hundred wins. I'm only fifty three. I mean,
it's a joke. It's a joke.

Speaker 11 (31:05):
But yet I come in and I have more passion
and energy and pride than everybody in And that's the problem.

Speaker 6 (31:14):
So what the truth of it has been, It's really
hard to coach people that are delusional. The hungry dog
gets the bone. We got guys that think they're way
better than they are. They're nice kids, they're completely delusional
about who they are.

Speaker 2 (31:31):
Okay, the best part of that, you know what? It was, right,
The hungry dog gets the bone. No, they're nice kids.
That is such a backhanded, passive, aggressive, I'm using air
quotes compliment.

Speaker 4 (31:43):
So he gave you a little bit of insight because
we haven't told you who he is yet. Longtime coach,
I don't need this anymore. I already have five hundred wins.
Almost as a head coach, got four hundred and ninety one.
I believe he thinks his current team can get them there.
But what kind of team is he talking about? Is
he's talking about a team that's, you know, fifteen games
into the season, they got seven wins. There are a

few games into conference play and it's not looking good.
They have national championship aspirations, and he wants to wake
them up.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
I mean, how bad can it be? What kind of
team do you think he's talking about. I mean, it's
got to be a bottom feeder, right.

Speaker 4 (32:17):
I mean it's probably someone at the very least they
have expectations, right, Yeah, otherwise he wouldn't be mad.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
He's like, I know, we're gonna blue blood program if
you will.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
Uh in basketball? Absolutely, that would be accurate. They are
in year one of conference play in the Big Ten.
This is UCLA head coach Mick Cronan. He's correct when
he patted himself on the back talking about his success
early in his Cincinnati career and certainly late on his
way to UCLA. Thirty wins not an uncommon sight to

see for his teams. He's been really, really successful and
helped people at UCLA who said, I mean, I know
it was a while ago, but real like the most
storied franchise, franchise because this is a business in college
basketball history, and yes, we should be back up there.
He got them back up there a final four constant

tournament visits. They lost more than they won last year.
If that would not have been the case, I doubt,
very seriously. After a third loss in four games, they're
eleven and four, Mick Cronin would have ever done this.
He's like about the only players he's going to have
this year.

Speaker 2 (33:26):
Well, a couple things about this number one after this rant,
he's like my fourth favorite Mick.

Speaker 4 (33:33):
All right, let's hear it. Foley, Mick Foley. He wrastles fleetwood.
He plays several instruments. He plays drums, rights with drumsticks,
sometimes with like little little rattles, little feathers, very soft brushes.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Sorry, I'm a drummer. I have to do.

Speaker 4 (33:51):
That's why I said it that way.

Speaker 2 (33:52):
I knew you'd know.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
And hold on, hold on, let's see a boxer.

Speaker 2 (33:57):
An actor. It's an actor.

Speaker 4 (33:59):
Is his name as the Is this a role he played? No,
the actor's name is Mick, and I don't immediately know Rourke.

Speaker 2 (34:07):
There he go. That's a wex way of referring to
also a wrestler. He wrestler, which was really really good
by the way, and depressing.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
Yeah, he spent a few weeks with Kim Basinger also
at least nine and a half.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
Wow, that's not a full week. So yeah, this is
it's I mean, is this a wake up call kind
of thing? Is this a is this going to succeed?

Speaker 4 (34:28):
Or does their two and two start in conference play
turn into a we are going to miss the tournament.

Speaker 2 (34:35):
I said a couple of things here. That was the
other thing. This is interesting because you know who he
reminds me of. He coaches right here in Houston with
his words. He coaches right here in Houston. It's not
tomko right, keep going, It's not Joe Nope, there you go.
It's just a different way of delivering basically the same message.

These people are delusional. Yeah, I think he he was
mixed sounded.

Speaker 4 (35:02):
He could have been talking season long, could have been
very much focused on what they're lost to Michigan felt like,
and they lost by nineteen to a top twenty five team.
Email seems pretty focused on I'm here in postgame when
you would normally get a comment like that from him.
What did the last forty eight minutes or fifty three
minutes of basketball show me, and I'm going to comment

on that, and then when it sounds harsh, I'm gonna
also remind you that there's other things on the other
side of it. It's not always like this. They're not
always making these mistakes. You know, maybe the last three
or four games. This is a constant pattern. But we
got to get back to when we weren't doing this.
I think he's done a pretty good job of not
burying anybody or any evening of basketball, even though he's

said some pretty clear and blunt this is on you guys,
or this is on this group of players tonight. What
they did tonight is inexcusable and it's why we lost tonight.

Speaker 2 (35:53):
Or this is.

Speaker 4 (35:55):
I don't think it's going to carry over into the
next game. These guys are better than that.

Speaker 2 (35:59):
Or this is on this particular player, but don't worry,
because it'll be another particular player and I'll name him too.
They're nice kids, like has no problem being a euper
equal opportunity offender. As weird as it is.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
May has spent two years here, and obviously coach Silas
would have had even a more similar situation whom Mitt
Cronin he could have said that these kids, these are
good kids. That's who he was coaching. Coach Silas was
coaching kids. He was coaching coach college age kids NonStop.
They've each of these college kids now is no longer
that age.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
Well, if you're if your name is Fred van Vliet
or Dylan Brooks, you're exempt. Everyone else is basically a kid. Yeah, well,
Jeff Green's not a kid. I don't think so anymore.
I know when their ages are. But they'd be a
junior in college by now. Are they'd be a senior,
or are they'd be a fresh or they'd be a first
year NBA player by now.

Speaker 4 (36:46):
We've we've they're number. The number is that. But Mick
Cronin's not coaching those guys either. There's hardly any players
you're coaching anymore. There are twenty one twenty two in college.
They've gone to another school and transferred away, or they're
in the NBA. If you're Mick and have a basketball program,
and he does so.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
We've established we're fans of both Ema Udoka and Mick Cronin.
All right, when we come back, you'll never believe what CJ.
Stroud had to say about what Rex Ryan had to say.
You'll hear that.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
Next the eighteen on Sports Talk seven ninety. The A
team continues on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (37:32):
It is amusing to me that Rex Ryan has gotten
himself into the news cycle here locally and nationally with
two separate sound bites.

Speaker 4 (37:43):
I nearly snuck him into the Best of X as well.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
What did you do now that I missed?

Speaker 13 (37:48):

Speaker 4 (37:48):
Yesterday, we obviously gave our opinion on Rex's comments about
the bye week, the off week that the Texans were
presenting to the Chargers, and for those of you that
miss it can catch it via our podcast, and it
was posted on our social accounts for you to get
a little bit of the gist of what we had
to say about Rex, our respective opinions on how we

should be treating comments made by current television personality potentially
soon to be a head coach in the NFL.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
I'm sure lots of other teams are.

Speaker 4 (38:20):
Also going to interview Rex Ryan, but I did want
to make sure everybody saw that, so our Sports Talk
seven ninety post about about two minutes of our comments
on that from yesterday's show was put out there. I
quote tweeted that, and I said, I guess we think
Rex put his foot in his mouth with this one.
And I attached an emoji of a foot now on

my phone where I quote tweeted it. The foot was
kind of upright, so you could really see.

Speaker 2 (38:46):
Just typed foot into my phone in a text, just
to see what it what it would look like, because
I've never used that before.

Speaker 4 (38:52):
Yeah, but it turned out to basically be the ankle
in the foot when it when it shows up there,
a handful of people I think got it understood, recognized
what I was going for there.

Speaker 2 (39:03):
Well, I mean it's like if the Texans pull this
off on Saturday afternoon, Well let me continue.

Speaker 4 (39:10):
Yeah, you get there? Yeah, why would that show up
on Best of X? That's just me acting like, oh,
way to go. You had a clever tweet for your benefit.
That was quote tweeted by a few our friend astros
Fan two one twenty seventeen. Twenty two Champs grabbed hold
of that quote, tweeted mine and dropped a gift on
it of one of your definitely one of the top

five movie roles of all time. It's a businessman saying
nice but he doesn't even say anything. He just goes, ah, yes,
Patrick Bateman, Patrick Bateman after or before returning some videotapes,
which no one knows what those are in anymore. Uh no,

not everybody's on board with that, you know. I like
when things from the past show up they're being run
on Flix, and oh, well, this is your last week
to catch this nineteen ninety one thriller. Although well, if
you have a VCR and a tape, you're good to
go without it.

Speaker 2 (40:09):
You don't need it on Netflix. The the caveat here
being that, of course, the American Psycho film you're referencing
is a period piece. He's a Wall Street yuppie in
the late eighties. So well, it's not.

Speaker 4 (40:21):
Really, but it was. Was it not made at that time?

Speaker 2 (40:25):
No, that movie came out in two thousand, so it
was set a couple of years before that, twelve years
before that. I don't, I mean, I'm not you left
out the nineties.

Speaker 14 (40:37):
I know.

Speaker 4 (40:37):
We're just learning, you know, because it's the eighth we're
learning the protocols and the rules, the boundaries for when
you can no longer say Happy New Year.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
Uh huh.

Speaker 4 (40:46):
So if a movie is made in blank year, we'll
call it two thousand. How many years prior to it
is the setting of the movie. Does it have to
be for you the authority to call it a period?

Speaker 2 (41:00):
Well, when I say period piece, I'm just saying like that,
that is how many years I think makes a period one?

Speaker 4 (41:05):
No, like fifty? Okay, Well a Yellowstone. I love Yellowstone.
I watched every episode. I've probably seen every episode fifty
times because it's on so much every time. Well, that's
all period series. Well, it's set current, it's current, it's today.
It just happens to be Montana. So people think, is
this really what they do there? But that it's today. Yeah,
well there's nineteen twenty three, there's eighteen eighty three. I'm

not watching either one of those because I don't watch
period pieces.

Speaker 2 (41:29):
Oh I see, I see. But yet your last concert
was also in the eighties, but it was current. It
was a period concert.

Speaker 4 (41:36):
I mean they had new music at the time.

Speaker 2 (41:38):
Yeah. Well, and you're still listening to it twenty five
years later, so I was not. I did not know that.

Speaker 4 (41:45):
If it was about late eighties Wall Street, Yes, but
it came out in two thousand.

Speaker 2 (41:50):
It was a period. It's either two thousand or two
thousand one. I did not know that. Yeah, it's it's
about it's about him going through I.

Speaker 4 (41:57):
Hardly feel like it was about wall Street, but granted that's.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
It's hard to be his profession and all of the
people that were co stars in the film with him,
especially the underrated scene where they've got the exchange of
the business cards wonderful. Yeah, let's see Paul Allen's all right.
Three o'clock hour coming up next. You will hear from
both C. J. Stroud and Joe Mixon responding to Rex Ryan.

Speaker 1 (42:24):
The a t on Sports Talk seven ninety two lifelong
Houston sports guys named Adam Talking Your Teams series, Adam
Clinton and Adam Wexler are the A team.

Speaker 2 (42:43):
A three o'clock hour is underway here on Sports Talk
seven ninety hour number two of the program, but the
first one simulcast on Space City Home Network. Welcome in
to all the television viewers out there, and hey, hey,
thanks for keeping up for all the listeners out there
on Sports Talk seven ninety He's wex I'm ac A

lot of moving around in the first hour. We covered
all the bases, the Texans getting ready for the Chargers,
the Rockets picking up the win last night, along with
the little drama via Cam Whitmore. Haven't really got into
that in depth, but we will. And the fact that
Justin Verlander is now a San Francisco Giant rolls right
off the tongue, by the way, something I didn't ask

you in the first segment, or I guess in the
first time we really talked in depth about this. Does
this change anything? If you even care at all about
what hat he's going to wear into the Hall of Fame,
because I've never actually asked you if you thought it
was Detroit or Houston.

Speaker 4 (43:44):
Those are the only two options. So what do you
mean does it change anything? I mean, clearly it doesn't. Well,
he could win three World Series the next three years
with the Giants. I can't imagine he would wear that hat.

Speaker 2 (43:54):
Right, But I mean, did you have a clear cut
choice between the first two franchise? I think it's easy
to be honest with you.

Speaker 4 (44:02):
I think he made a Hall of Fame name for
himself over a long period of time with one team
in that sport, in baseball.

Speaker 2 (44:09):
I think that's pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (44:10):
I think that's something that the player and the Hall
and fans usually you know, put a lot of stick.
It's just it's nice. It would have been even nicer
if he was able to get that franchise back to
that level. But instead he came here and helped this
franchise do that, and it was a little bit longer
period than when that first question arose. I mean, he
got here and they won immediately, and then additional cy

Young's came an additional World Series win. I mean, I
think that made what happened here in Houston, it put
it on such a high pedestal because.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Of the extreme success.

Speaker 4 (44:42):
I mean, what did they do while he was here, Well,
prior to last year where he wasn't a part of
their wild Card Series roster, all they did was go
to the ALCS. All they did was go to four
World Series. All they did was win to World Series,
and his participation in each of those postseason trips obviously
very due to injury, but almost that by itself. You

could say, how could what he did elsewhere be better
than that, no matter how long he was there, And
the answer would be it wasn't. It definitely wasn't better,
but it carries its own, you know, level of this
was pretty awesome. Honestly, he cannot go the Hall the player,
they can't go wrong. It won't be wrong. Whichever they want.

Speaker 2 (45:23):
Fan base is going to be and I think the
Tigers fans that's a given. See. I think the Tigers fans, though,
would be more upset. I think Astros fans will be upset.
But if you if you're an Astros fan, even if
you're the most staunched Justin Verlander as an Astro fan
out there, he's still to me, he's not homegrown, obviously,

because that was basically the rest of the roster for
all intents, and I mean the core players, and he
a little bit comes off like a mercenary, especially when
you consider he went to the Mets and I don't know,
he just it's not that I don't appreciate what he
did obviously. I mean they he put them over the

top in twenty seventeen. You don't win it without him.
In twenty twenty two, which was really his last good season,
it wasn't even dominant. It was well, it was good,
it was very good. I'll put it that way. I
wouldn't put it dominant. I mean twenty seventeen when he
got here, his era was like Randy Johnson levels of
minuscule that was dominant. When he pitched, they won, and
when you needed to get a win, like in Game

six against the Yankees at home, you know, when they
would play here and they wouldn't get any runs, but
they scored a bunch in New York. Just saying that
was the guy you turned to, and that's the guy
who forced a Game seven. But he's just kind of always,
to me, felt like a hired gun versus a guy
that felt like he was a part of the fabric

of this organization. Maybe that's too harsh in hindsight.

Speaker 4 (46:50):
Yet, everybody has their own kind of viewpoint on what
making money is in pro sports or baseball is all about.
Like Aaron Judge is not going to be considered a mercenary. Well,
his team offered him probably the most money of anybody
out there. He technically was soliciting offers and he decided
to stay with that team, a team that's gonna win
a lot. Wan Soto, I assume to you, is like

the ultimate mercenary. Yeah, but he's only chosen once where
he's going. He's been traded the other two times when
he changed teams. Could he have his best season in
New York last year. I think so, even though he
won a World Series in Washington and he put up
big numbers in San Diego.

Speaker 2 (47:33):
Oh, I think that. I wouldn't.

Speaker 4 (47:35):
I'm definitely not looking at any of his time in
San Diego, even though it was it was good everywhere.

Speaker 2 (47:40):
Yeah, I think what he did.

Speaker 4 (47:42):
You'd probably look at his season after they won the
World Series. That was probably his best season. I don't
think there's really much doubt about it. You know, the
guy won the batting title, had the best OPS, had
the best OPS plus, and finished fifth for MVP. He's
had higher finishes than he did that year. Well, because
he twenty twenty was the year after that. Yeah, it

was COVID.

Speaker 2 (48:03):
Everything about that year is just skewed for a number
of reasons.

Speaker 4 (48:06):
But I think all of the things that he was
supposed to do for the Yankees when he got there,
he had the best protection he's ever going to have
in his entire major league career, and he came through.

Speaker 2 (48:17):
He was awesome. I mean, he he came through more
than the guy who they still pay the most money
there in the playoffs.

Speaker 4 (48:25):
Yeah, when he come ounts Jan Soto last year, he
led the league in runs and Aaron Judge led the
league in everything else by a lot in some categories.
I'm sorry, though, I just having won Soto on base
a lot, having the stress of having to pitch to
Soto and then pitch to Aaron even if you got
Soto out. I don't think there's any doubt that impacted

Judge's ability to produce his best season. How long until
we start referring do you want to know what Capuan
Sota is gonna wear in the hole? Is that why
we transferred?

Speaker 3 (48:52):

Speaker 4 (48:53):
I don't even know how he know like the hole
and everybody associated with it, they're the ones who usually
come through with where They're definitely the ones. There is
some more collaborative process with the player, but I don't
believe they've given that ultimate sake to the player. It's
still the Hall. His numbers in Detroit are awesome. He
spent half of his career there, seven years here, thirteen

years there. This will be year two with some other team.
So it's basically, you know, twice as almost twice as
many years with one team. He had definitely had twice
as many more than twice as many starts there. Because
one of these seven years in Houston. He missed entirely
one of these seven years in Houston. He pitched six
innings the COVID year. So he basically played here for
five years, seven seasons. But he played five years of baseball.

That's a short period of time versus thirteen years or
twelve years with Detroit where he won a cy young
He won two of them here in five years.

Speaker 2 (49:48):

Speaker 4 (49:48):
But as a pitcher, it's not debatable. Much better pitcher
with Houston, much much much better, which is crazy. He
was really really good there, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (49:57):
But he was much much better here because the sample
size is, as you just said, more than twice as
long in Detroit. In multiple no hitters and all that kind.
But he also had one here. Actually you have two here,
two here, Yeah, jeez.

Speaker 4 (50:10):
And he played in the World Series with Detroit twice twice.
He played in the World Series here three times. He
won them twice.

Speaker 9 (50:19):

Speaker 2 (50:20):
Man, that's a tough one. And so that the Hall
really does. That's the final say.

Speaker 4 (50:25):
Like I said, I think the player had very very
little to say about it for many, many many years,
and I think the players involved, but doesn't I think
they all discuss it to where they agree on what.

Speaker 2 (50:35):
The decision will be.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
And you know, maybe maybe I'm wrong, because a player
could say, I'm very convicted I should be wearing an
Astro's hat if everybody else in the room that's helping
to make decision disagrees, I don't think his vote, so
to speak, wins.

Speaker 2 (50:48):
I feel like he's gonna wear a Tigers hat, as
dumb as that is.

Speaker 4 (50:52):
Probably for proximity's sake. The Astros have traveled pretty well
for their homegrown Hall of famers. Sure they'll travel well
for this one, but I think the Tigers probably have
more of a presence.

Speaker 2 (51:06):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 4 (51:08):
If he gets in, you know it, it reminds me of yeah,
that's a shoe in.

Speaker 2 (51:12):
It reminds me a lot of Clyde coming here from Portland.
The chunk of his career, the vast majority of it
was played in Portland, and he went to the championship
round twice. And what hat did he wear?

Speaker 10 (51:26):

Speaker 2 (51:27):
Well, I don't think they do that in the NBA.
He wore a hat when he first joined the Rockets.
He and Tracy Murray. I remember Matt Thomas was there.
You could hear him. He made it a point to
say he was from the University of Houston first, if
he didn't catch that when Clyde was it's not by
the way, it's not often that a trade acquisition gets
introduced to his new team in the middle of a

game like they did. Here was there that night? You
were in college or something.

Speaker 4 (51:55):
So this is a year's thing. So give me the
year Dawn when they won the title in ninety three
ninety four. So it happened during the ninety four ninety
five season. Assume it was in.

Speaker 2 (52:04):
February, Yes, on Valentine's Day, so February that they were playing.

Speaker 4 (52:09):
That's the fourteenth, right there you go, So February fourteenth,
nineteen ninety five, in the evening HM halftime.

Speaker 2 (52:16):
I believe it probably was.

Speaker 4 (52:17):
Supposed to be in the library studying to finish off
my senior year of.

Speaker 2 (52:21):
College, but I doubt I was. That's what I thought.

Speaker 4 (52:23):
I thought I was in the library while they were
playing some of their playoff games, unfortunately.

Speaker 2 (52:30):
In Utah, especially because I was in April.

Speaker 4 (52:32):
But yeah, then I called it a career for my
academics summer of ninety five.

Speaker 2 (52:36):
No more of that, noh of that. Well, you're using
your degree.

Speaker 4 (52:41):
It is framed and right there in the back of
my closet collecting dust, and both from its actual nobody
can see it, and I don't use it. You should
hang it prominently in your home in my office, yeah,
because I don't have one.

Speaker 2 (52:51):
Well, I think it would be funnier like mine would
be funny.

Speaker 4 (52:55):
So it's less funny when you're at somebody's office, an attorney,
at doctor, a podiatrist, and you see their diploma on
the wall. They went to where and they did this.
They've got some accolades us. Great, it's of no consequence
to see, Oh, great, you went to college talk on
the radio.

Speaker 2 (53:12):
Who cares? I think I'm gonna hang mine in a
prominent place in our house, like in the living room,
just to see what her reaction would be like next
to real art. Oh, I don't know about that. Don't wait.

Speaker 4 (53:23):
Where'd you get that?

Speaker 2 (53:24):
I like that? It took me six years. All right,
we promise when we come back, you're gonna hear from CJ.
Stroud on well Rex Ryan caused waves here in Texansville
and two plays.

Speaker 4 (53:39):
Artually in the ocean too. If he jumped in.

Speaker 2 (53:41):
That's mean that's a fat joke, is what that is.
Isn't it. Why don't you call him a whale while
you're at it. It's not nice, Well, it's not any
less nice than what you just said.

Speaker 4 (53:50):
This just in if anything jumps into the ocean that's
a human, it's gonna create a wave.

Speaker 2 (53:57):
I'll go one better for you, since we're doing semantics.
It's the ocean. There's already waves there, all right.

Speaker 3 (54:02):
C J.

Speaker 2 (54:02):
Stroud and Joe Mixon tell Rex Ryan to shut his
bum ass up. Now I'm kidding. That's a different show.
But they do respond to what he had to say,
and you're gonna hear from both of them as we
continue here on a Wednesday edition of the program Sports
Talk seven ninety Space City Home Network. So glad you
guys could join us as we continue to get you

ready for a Texans playoff game this Saturday afternoon.

Speaker 1 (54:28):
The A Team on Sports Talk seven ninety. The A
Team continues on Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 15 (54:37):
Ninety eighteen, rolling along here on a Wednesday edition of
the program Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (54:48):
It's January eighth, twenty twenty five, is already flying by,
now I'm kidding. The Texans have their playoff game this
Saturday afternoon. Traditional three thirty start time between them and
and the Chargers. And Rex Ryan has already declared this
game over. It is a bye week for the Chargers,
so there's no need to play it, as we mentioned yesterday,

and everybody's been talking about this SoundBite from Rex Ryan.
But what do the players themselves have to say about this? Well,
first of all, you know, Texans are dogs, the only
home dog in this opening round besides the Rams in
the AFC. And I was waiting on that, and so

you know CJ. Stroud usually pretty thoughtful guy. He was
asked about that about the Rex Ryan comments, a little
bit of everything as he was addressing basically the role
of underdog at home for the Texans at NRG Stadium
in a few days from now.

Speaker 16 (55:46):
Yeah, I mean always is always gonna be there. You know,
it's always you know, it's part of the sports, always
evident in the sport. And they said the same thing
about us last year, you know, so playing the Browns
and I'm not saying this last year, but you know,
we went out there, we did what we had to
do to win, and that's all to me. What the
playoffs come down to is, like you know, it's fourteen
teams now and you know the microscope is on you uh,

you know, we're the first team to kick it off
with the Chargers, and you know, so everybody has their
own pins, which they're entitled to have those things. So
you know, I really don't mind. I mean, it's part
of it. You know, guys are smart. They probably you
can see film and see that, you know, whatever they
want to see. So and for us, we know, we
have faith in what we can do, and you know,

you know that we're motivated to play. I kind of
like being on a dog. I've been under dog a
lot of my life in my career, so it's actually
comfortable for me. So but yeah, I don't I don't
really think too much about it.

Speaker 2 (56:38):
When he was talking about teams being smart and seeing
whatever they want to see on film, what he did did,
What he actually mean was, yeah, teams are smart, they're
watching film. They know that they can't block. For me,
that what he almost said, almost tripped up and said.

Speaker 4 (56:51):
No, not like earlier this year when he said the
guys in the Treasures the other reason we win and lose.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
Oh, hold that not lose. They're not the reason. But
he was act the first time Uh.

Speaker 4 (57:02):
He's been had some trouble helping this team win because
of what's been taking a slip. Honestly, the way that
he even put it out there, he should not have
been concerned at all about it was. I thought it
was kind of interesting that he was concerned about how
he had said that or how it might have sounded,
because he knows. I don't think what he was saying
there had anything to do with that. I mean, why,

he's a realist, like he experienced it more than I did,
or more than anybody else that's talking about it, did
more than Rex did, and more than all the fans
did in either city. Tell me, I'm all ears. We
got another two days of shows after today. The Texans
are gonna win because the Texans should be favored, because
you should be predicting a Texans win, because I mean,

I already know what I'm gonna say when I'm ultimately
put to it, and he can't do it today because
today's only Wednesday. About a prediction for the game. But
give me the reasons. Why give me the football that
you've seen so far, Give me the matchup that is
gonna tilt the scales in the Texans favor and you
can say all that, and you can back it up,
and you can have support for it, and you have

some good reasons for it, Yet could even call it
a gut feeling. Well, Vegas does what they do for
a reason, and Vegas wins for a reason, and numbers
are out there for a reason, and people don't come
out on top very often. And for every ten people
that say, man, I play daily fantasy all the time,
and look at me. I was over at Kushata and
I went over to the kiosk after I enjoyed my
great Cajun cuisine, and I kept winning. What about that

guy over there? What about the other people that were
on daily fantasy sports? It doesn't even balance itself out
or else. The businesses, the entities that are accepting the wagers,
that are setting the lines, they probably wouldn't be there,
so they're gonna be right more often than not. You know,
teams and the Texans. For all that goes into the

Vegas side of it, the Texans winning clearly means well
they covered their underdogs. Every underdog that wins covers. They
weren't underdogs a lot this year. They were favored quite
a few times, especially earlier in the season, especially when
they went five and one to start the season. They
weren't particularly good covering this year and not cover very
often this year. And yeah, it's all there for him,

everybody's seen it. I don't think that's what he's saying
so much is it's just obvious. I mean, it's great,
they're playing at home. Great, they won their last game.
That's why I ran through what they've done on their
road to the playoffs. That what they did at the
beginning the season is great. They wouldn't be.

Speaker 2 (59:30):
Here without the five and one start. That's math.

Speaker 4 (59:33):
They are here despite finishing five and six, the worst
record of any team that's still playing, the only team
that only had five wins in their last eleven games
that qualified for the playoffs. Why would they be favored
if that right there should tell you they're playing the
worst football of the teams that are available. They're playing

the Chargers, who are playing better football. The Chargers have
watched their tar targets, Will Disley, Quinton Johnston, and Lad
McConkie get better all year, get more comfortable all year
with Justin Herbert be more productive As the season has
gone on, the obvious and complete, absolute opposite has happened
for CJ.

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):

Speaker 4 (01:00:15):
He's got a great connection with Nico Collins and that's it.
He doesn't have a connection with anybody else he's throwing
the ball to. Even Dalton Schultz, he doesn't have He's
not building anything with anybody who's gonna be throwing the
ball to except for Nico Collins.

Speaker 2 (01:00:31):
It matters.

Speaker 4 (01:00:32):
This team is not the best Texans team personnel wise
that could have been here, And it's probably true for
every NFL team. Not everybody's gonna have one hundred percent health,
and guys that are out for weeks or have already
been out for the season, they're no different in that regard.
But in this specific area where you know the Texans
are going to have to try to make some hey,
it's a big net that it was a negative for

the Chargers earlier in the year. We don't know who
Justin Herbert's gonna throw it to, and his numbers were
indicative of that. And then he got more comfortable with
mccon There were weeks where he had nobody to throw
to Butt McConkie. They were weeks where he had nobody
to throw to Butt Johnson or nobody period.

Speaker 2 (01:01:06):
Well now he has both of them. Well, and you
know we're talking about on the Texans losing five out
of six down the stretch, and we talked about this
a little bit yesterday. It's not like the Chargers are
lighting the world on fire when they match up against
playoff teams down the stretch. I mean, they beat the
Broncos after trailing twenty one to thirteen a halftime, but

their other wins were against the Patriots, who fired their
coach yesterday, and the Raiders, who fired their coach yesterday.
They lost to the Bucks, they lost to the Chiefs,
they lost to the Ravens. They beat the Bengals, but
they didn't make the playoffs. You can't say they're a
playoff team. And they also won against the Falcons, who
also aren't playoff team. I'm not okay, Like, if you're gonna,

you know, point out all these flaws and warts about
the Texans, and if you're Rex Ryan making waves in
the ocean and telling us it's a bye week for
the Chargers, well maybe look at who they got fat
and happy against to win that one more game than
the Texans down the stretch. Yeah, I would still add
to it.

Speaker 4 (01:02:05):
You know, the Texans got to ten wins, even though
they didn't really play to get a tenth win. It's
fair to say that they outplayed a terrible team, but
they weren't running out their top players to do so.
The Chargers were because they needed it if they wanted
to rise in the state in the seedings. And they
got it, and they got there. And the Chargers lost
close games to good teams too, like the Chiefs. Yeah,
they're world beaters. Would be inaccurate. Finishing the season pretty

well would probably also be accurate. What they did this
last week. Yeah, they beat a terrible Raiders team who
fired their coach. What they did to set themselves up
to already qualify for the playoffs before the last week,
it's that Broncos game you mentioned. Those teams were basically
running even The Chargers had won the earlier season meeting,
so losing to the Broncos would have put them on
even footing both record wise and eliminated the tiebreaker that

they thought they would have. Well, instead, they buried the Broncos.
They beat him for a second time. They moved ahead
of them in the standings, and that's why they had
the opportunity to rise up to number five, and they
did it by playing well, really well late in that
game and in the second half. And they're so much
more well coached than the Chargers that people got used
to with the previous head coach, and they they kind

of stole momentum in that game with how they operated
at the end of the half with the free kick
field goal that Dicker put it on the board and
they kind of just went off from there. So yeah,
I don't I don't think people are viewing the Chargers
as world beaters, but viewing the Chargers as the team
playing better football heading into this game is accurate.

Speaker 2 (01:03:28):
Yeah, and that's why Rex Ryan said what he did,
among other reasons which we established yesterday.

Speaker 4 (01:03:34):
So so CJ said, yeah, there's noise out there.

Speaker 2 (01:03:36):
Yeah, all good. Yeah. And Joe Mixon was also asked
about this very topic and here's what he had to say.

Speaker 5 (01:03:44):
I'm just here to let my home at his shoulder
paths do to talking.

Speaker 3 (01:03:48):
I'm not.

Speaker 1 (01:03:50):

Speaker 4 (01:03:52):
You have your choice. How would you like to take that?

Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
A guy who's not wanting to necessary put bulletin board
material of his own out there, but yet is aware
of that did not probably care for it.

Speaker 4 (01:04:06):
Technically he wasn't aware of it. Had to be pointed
out to him, who actually said that about the Texans.
That's true, line of questioning.

Speaker 2 (01:04:14):
That's true. But once he found out, once he knew
what was.

Speaker 4 (01:04:18):
Said, look, bro, he gave it a I'm not into
the war of words. He same thing. We just got
through a CJ. He's talked about it. He even talked
about it different parts of his availability yesterday. He has
supreme confidence in this team. He knows what this team
can do. He said that all year long. At their best.
Of course, he thinks they're gonna win. He literally thinks
they're gonna win. I shouldn't even said at their best.

Speaker 2 (01:04:40):
He's going into that game with confidence that they're gonna
outplay the Chargers, and they've got another game on their
schedule wherever that might be against whoever it might be against.
He is confident.

Speaker 4 (01:04:49):
But is he not confident enough to say, tell him
to put on shoulder pads. We'll see who he thinks
is gonna winner. He can say what he wants. We
know what we have in this locker room. I have
just as much confidence in saying, you know, the Chargers
season ends here on Saturday. That probably has turned it
into what you suggested, bulletin board material. Yeah, so maybe
he just chose that's not what we're here to do.
Texans don't seem like a Demico Ryans led bulletin board

producing team, right.

Speaker 2 (01:05:14):
I was just about to say, Dimiico CJ Joe All
giving at least similar themed answers, which is basically, we're
not worried about anything but what we do inside this
locker room. As far as far as what we are
as a team, that's probably the best way to handle it.
Charles Barkley handling Lebron James, that's next.

Speaker 9 (01:05:34):
The a team. On Sports Talk seven ninety, Myers prusses
it said good bye.

Speaker 2 (01:05:42):
Hey, Jake Myers.

Speaker 3 (01:05:43):
Catch every Astros game on Sports Talk seven ninety or
the iHeartRadio app Home of Your Astros.

Speaker 2 (01:05:57):
Highlight of the night last night for the Rockets game
over the Wizards, it was not coming back from a
ten point deficit after the first quarter. That was hilarious,
And it might not have even been the fact that
a men Thompson just keeps putting up insane stat sheet
filling impressive paced numbers, particularly when he and Jalen Green

on the floor. It might not even be the fact
that Jalen Green hit as many threes as he did
last night, including what was it six and the third
just he was unconscious. I need that guy like every night.
I'm just saying that's what I would like.

Speaker 4 (01:06:34):
I think he would like it too.

Speaker 2 (01:06:35):
Yeah, I think we all would.

Speaker 13 (01:06:37):
But now.

Speaker 2 (01:06:39):
Craig Ackerman channeling the I think it's the Leangelo ball,
the one that doesn't play basketball.

Speaker 5 (01:06:46):
Yes, anymore.

Speaker 4 (01:06:47):
The other guys are busy.

Speaker 2 (01:06:49):
He's busy too.

Speaker 4 (01:06:50):
Not I meant busy playing studio. Alonzo is actually busy
playing NBA basketball Again.

Speaker 2 (01:06:56):
Craig Ackerman is a national treasure. It is absolutely a
travesty that he's not on Instagram. By the way, have
you heard his reasons for not doing it? He goes, No,
it's for looking at female pictures or pictures of women,
I think is how he phrased it. You talk about
this on a broadcast.

Speaker 4 (01:07:13):
Okay, I didn't know you did that on Instagram. That's
that's what igif is for. That's what it's for. I
thought that was a different, different two letters.

Speaker 2 (01:07:21):
I don't want to take you I don't want to
misquote him, but I think basically, he said, a Instagram's
for looking at pictures of women, and I'm not gonna
do that.

Speaker 4 (01:07:28):
But yes, I actually I didn't know that, all right,
I know what it's for.

Speaker 2 (01:07:32):
Playing it up, playing it up, all right. Charles Barkley
recently joined Instagram, although he did, yeah, you didn't know that.
I don't follow him, so no, dude, it's been like
a couple of months.

Speaker 4 (01:07:44):
I think, all right, Well, while you continue setting this up,
I will hit Instagram dot com slash Charles Barklay and
see what comes up.

Speaker 2 (01:07:53):
Well, he's uh, he's good at posting inside the NBA
is obviously fantastic dick. He's a huge part of that.
But he was actually this first clip he was recently
on is it Jason Kelsey's podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:08:08):
It's an ESPN program that they just started. There's only
going to be five episodes. It's also basically they are
hopeful that it becomes a you know, social media item
for them. So you're not. Well, like I said, it
doesn't really matter either way, because they were probably smart
enough to say, well, we'll put five episodes together, we'll

run it for five weeks, and then we'll move on.
They call it late night, and it's one of those exactly.
It is a show where they believe their host is
so entertaining, which is a tough one for someone who's
never done this that it's that kind of show. It's
not just your sitting down, we're talking, they're doing bits.
They're trying to make this will be fun. So it's

a little bit tough, but it did produce this from Charles.
Charles was obviously let's see, it was Brian Baldinger, Jason Kelsey.

Speaker 2 (01:09:02):
I can't remember who the other guy was. There's four
of them, right, Who was out there with him? Bad
Bunny not bad Bunny. Oh it was a different bunny.

Speaker 4 (01:09:09):
Yeah, little Bunny Foo Foo, little Dickie. Oh, he was
out there with him, that guy. So you got Charles
Barsley out there, you're going to talk some NBA basketball.
What's the easiest, easiest debate topic to trot out there
that just stokes the fires.

Speaker 2 (01:09:26):
Of all NBA fans. Well, we know what that is.

Speaker 4 (01:09:30):
That is the greatest of all time debate one may
be currently playing necessarily and one who recently got out
of NBA ownership, That debate MJ and Lebron. It was
presented to Charles, and he responded like this, I.

Speaker 14 (01:09:47):
Think it's lazy to get into the Lebron and Michael thing. Yeah,
could they both extraordinary?

Speaker 4 (01:09:53):
And that's what he had to say.

Speaker 2 (01:09:54):
Can you believe it was it?

Speaker 4 (01:09:55):
Can you believe he said it is a lazy debate
and they're both extraordinary. When I left it at that, well,
I mean this is in front of a big, huge audience.
It's a live show. I mean that's what he gave him.
I mean, Charles showing up for the show and dropping
a that's that's a lazy debate.

Speaker 2 (01:10:10):
You're bad, bad question. They're both great. Next shortest answer
ever given. Yeah, this guy loves to talk.

Speaker 4 (01:10:16):
He loves talking about basketball. He definitely loves to talk
about things where he's very opinion. And this is what
he gave him. Can you believe that?

Speaker 2 (01:10:23):

Speaker 4 (01:10:24):
I can't, well, because it's not true. He immediately followed
that with a but since you asked me, but I've.

Speaker 14 (01:10:31):
Never seen a better basketball player than Michael.

Speaker 9 (01:10:34):
Jordan and I and I and I always use.

Speaker 14 (01:10:40):
This analogy because I say, because I don't even put
Lebron above Kobe, I say, but the difference is the
difference is Lebron's a nice guy. Nobody ever said this
about Michael Kobe. No, And they're like, they're like, yo, man,
these dudes out here trying to kill people. And I

always tell people that's the difference in my opinion. I said, man,
Michael and Kobe they're they're mean, mean guy. They're like
they're going to kick your ends and tell you about
it the whole time. But Lebron's a great, great player.
But he's a really nice man. That's that's the that's
the difference.

Speaker 4 (01:11:19):
I can take that and say, Okay, there's not much
to debate him on if kind of this is what
he has to say, and he's not necessarily looking for
you to say, but this, well, how about that. His
viewpoint is less about the numbers, the titles, the MVPs,
the accomplishments.

Speaker 2 (01:11:36):
He just watched them play.

Speaker 4 (01:11:38):
Obviously, he's still watching Lebron play on the nights that
they played that they're on TNT, so he has to
watch it because he's going to be asked about it. Yeah,
and he just said, here's how one guy plays, here's
how another one guy plays Kobe and Lebron or Kobe
and MJ. And he plays differently from how he is
who the person is. He values that at such a

high level, which clearly does translate to the accomplishment part
of it.

Speaker 2 (01:12:02):
But he left all that out.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
That's why he thinks they have done some of those things,
and it might also be why he thinks Lebron hasn't
and he left it at that.

Speaker 2 (01:12:10):
Well, the interesting thing about this topic when it comes
up and everybody has their opinion and a lot of
like when the people started clapping there when he said
Michael Jordan, oh you can hear the old heads in
the crowd. You hear that all the time. That's that
is in and of itself lazy because I think it's
said by a group of people who are too young
to have even seen Jordan play in person, which is

not their fault at all. And obviously what Lebron has
done from a statistical and to a lesser extent, yes,
winning standpoint has uh.

Speaker 4 (01:12:42):
I don't know that was has to do with that
pay He probably wasn't. Baldy. I don't think it was Kelsey.
I'm gonna say that was a little Dickie's last.

Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
Okay, that's that makes more sense. But like what it
comes down to for me because I happened. I don't
know if you agree with what he said about Kobe.
I absolute lutely agree with that because I witnessed that
assassin too, and I know a lot of these people
did that we're talking about.

Speaker 4 (01:13:06):
I think about what he said there from the big
picture debate that we constantly, constantly are talking about. He's
giving you a second person that he thinks is better
than Lebron, and that second person he definitely doesn't think
is better than MJ. Right, Like he's it's not a
debate between like there are people who debate Kobe and Lebron.

As he's kind of putting out there, Well, if you're
debating if he's better than this guy and nobody thinks
he's better than that guy, well then why is the
debate with that guy?

Speaker 2 (01:13:36):
Right? But I mean, think about what we're talking about here.
I've always said this, I've said it to you on
this show. The comparison with Michael should be Kobe, just
strictly from the standpoint of they're the same type of player,
they're two guards, they're similar in physique. They're both better
and more killer than this guy who is eminently bigger, stronger,

and faster than both of them, and I firmly believe
that because of what he's talking about. And the biggest
takeaway is this, if you have to win an NBA
basketball game, I'm absolutely taking those two on my team
before Lebron because there's always a question of whether or
not you'll win with Lebron.

Speaker 4 (01:14:15):
Yeah, you have to take little Flying Warrior over Lebron.

Speaker 2 (01:14:18):
Don't you stop going to Basketball Reference and bringing up
the dumbest, non existent nicknames for these players.

Speaker 4 (01:14:25):
If you're not calling Kobe Bean Bryant little Flying Warrior,
then what are you doing.

Speaker 1 (01:14:29):
Nobody called him that ever. The eighteen on Sports Talk
seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (01:14:39):
Let's go see if we can make this little kiddie
per sex.

Speaker 9 (01:14:43):
Panther cologne for your radio. Sixty percent of the time.

Speaker 2 (01:14:46):
It works every time.

Speaker 1 (01:14:48):
Back to Adam Clinton and Adam Wexler the A teen
on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 9 (01:14:58):
Hey, wex.

Speaker 2 (01:15:02):
There was one more thing that I wanted to get to,
not the Lebron MJ debate.

Speaker 4 (01:15:09):
There's also one item Lebron related I could hash out
here rather than hit Lebron again later in the show,
Do It So. Top ten plays daily occurrence on one
of the worldwide leader's flagship programs. There are a lot
of good options. Yesterday, Zion Y Young Zion Williams return

yesterday and had a typical ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (01:15:32):
How did that fat guy do? At three sixty? He
did it just it was unbelievable. It's we haven't seen it.

Speaker 4 (01:15:37):
All year from anybody else because he hasn't played. It's incredible.
That was in the top five. It was number four.
Cooper Flag had an absolutely unbelievable pull a real poster.

Speaker 2 (01:15:46):
Get your rocket. If they win the lottery. When they
get Phoenix's picked.

Speaker 4 (01:15:51):
That will be their shot at winning the lottery. That
was definitely on many other nights that would be number one.
And there were two other plays that actually did land
in the top two. I won't tell you which was Witch.
He brought up Trey Young. They were down three under
ten seconds left at Utah with the Jazz inbounding.

Speaker 2 (01:16:07):
The ball.

Speaker 4 (01:16:08):
Hawks were able to bat the ball away, but Colin
Sexton ended up with it fired a game tying three
which found the bottom of the net with about five
seconds remaining.

Speaker 2 (01:16:17):
Clock was running.

Speaker 4 (01:16:18):
There were no timeouts available to the Atlanta Hawks, so
Utah retreated a little bit. The inbound pass came to
Trey and right before he reached half court, about a
second and a half remaining, he launched it from about
fifty to fifty five feet and it caught the bottom
of the net just after the buzzer went off to
give the Hawks a walk off victory on his beyond

half court game winner. And then the other play that
landed in the top two was in the first few
minutes of the game last night that the Lakers got
clobbered in by a Mavericks team that had neither Luka
Doncic nor Kyrie Irving Lebron James. After Claike Thompson was
standing around defensively and doing nothing, the ball bounced out
to Lebron after a miss they'd gotten the offensive rebound,

and he just drove down an unattended lane. When he
was met mid air, he switched the ball over to
his left hand and dunked it forcefully with his left hand,
an absolutely incredible play on Derek Lively on Derek Live.
It was a fantastic play in the first few minutes
of a game. They ended up getting clobbered in, but
it was really nice. It was very similar from a

oh Man. This is awesome. This is what it's people
on their feet kind of play like Zions was. It
was number one, Trey Young was number two. Trey Young's
sixty to fifty five foot game winning three at the
buzzer to win the game, right was not but a
play at the beginning of a game his team, who
hates defense, which is a bad thing in the NBA.

Speaker 2 (01:17:46):
And who lost badly.

Speaker 12 (01:17:49):
That was it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:49):
But it's just top plays. I don't want to go
too far.

Speaker 2 (01:17:52):
I will credit the twosome that was handling the anchor
desk at the moment because they kind of recognized how
silly it was, and they probably weren't in charge of
making this decision.

Speaker 4 (01:18:03):
That they talked about how their input might not have
been heard, and they said, you know, they recognized it.
But I also understand the other side of it. We
still want to promote certain things. We still want people
to be watching. We still want those who love this player,
who's the greatest thing the NBA has had from a
rating standpoint for twenty years, and he did this. We're

going to show it. It's going to be the best.

Speaker 2 (01:18:26):
We will not promote any other NBA players and then
ask ourselves why ratings are gone.

Speaker 4 (01:18:31):
I've brought up that very point many many times, but
I just they're definitely not ready to let go yet
and if he keeps giving them material. And the same
thing with Steph, it was an awesome play like Steph.

Speaker 2 (01:18:41):
Hey, look he made this shot from the tunnel before
the game, and that's number one.

Speaker 4 (01:18:46):
That is pretty silly. I mean, it's it's even less
meaningful than a shot in a game.

Speaker 2 (01:18:50):
And yet there is multiple angles and reactions ad nauseum
every time he does what he does every night in
every arena. Nobody else does it. I know, I'm taking
the great jump shooter of all time. For granted, it
is hard, of course I am. I don't like him anyway,
Speaking of people, I don't like Lebron catching more strays

from Charles.

Speaker 14 (01:19:13):
Well. I hate the Lakers. It's always somebody else's fault.
Renumber three years ago. It was Russell Westbrook's fault. Then
it was Freak Vogel's fault. Then it was Deiondelo Russell's fault.
Then it was Darvin Hawn's fault. It's always somebody else's fault.
The Lakers have they don't have. Listen, Lebron is one
of the all time greats. Ad is a hell of

a player. That's it. The rest of the guys are
just guys. Every team got those guys and it bothers me. Listen,
you don't always blame of the people for your shortcoming.

Speaker 2 (01:19:48):
Okay, forget the fact that he's one hundred percent right
on Lebron specifically, who has done this his entire career,
whether warranted or not, depending on the place he was in.
I absolutely was like, Okay, yeah, I get where he's
come from. The first time around in Cleveland when his
next best player was Zadrounis Algoskis's hampered feet and then
Booby Gibson and he dragged him to the finals where

they got swept by the Spurs. But then he went
to Miami, came back to Cleveland. They always had players
waiting or joining him in those areas.

Speaker 4 (01:20:16):
This early Cleveland days, He's played with Kyrie and Kevin Loves,
played with Ad, Yeah, Wadeen Bosh and.

Speaker 2 (01:20:23):
Then he goes and gets Ad hand delivered to him
on a silver platter. My question to you, since we're
coming off a game where the Rockets ended up blowing
out the Wizards, Yay, how funny is it to you
that the last time the Lakers had a plausible chance
to do it and did win a COVID Bubble Championship,

one of their best role players around those two now
plays for the Wizards. Yea, Kyle Kuzma.

Speaker 4 (01:20:52):
We've long since. He's been gone for as long as
he has. We've had this discussion many, many, many times,
and I just I don't not there with you at all.
He is exactly what Charles is currently describing. Kyle Kuzma
on the Wizards is really good because the Wizards suck
and the green light. Yeah, I mean, look at his usage, Rake,

look at his number of shots and warranted he should
be taking all those shots. He's become a pretty high
volume scorer. He's a pretty low level shooter, which is
exactly what he was with the Lakers. He's literally exactly
who they have on the current team and on every
team they've ever had in LA. They have guys. He
couldn't have said it any better. His problem was, it's

not their fault. I don't think people are blaming them.
They're trying to figure out what we got to get
somebody else. We keep missing, we keep adding players, and
we only have so much room to add them because
of how Lebron is and how Ad is and the
money that they're being paid. You know, I think the
belief is Austin Reeves is not just a guy, and
he's much closer to actually not being just a guy.
But everybody else he said, he's right, these are just

other players out there. The trade a wave of DeAngelo
Russell to get the two players they added, Finney Smith
most notably. That was a good trade. It helps them financially,
and he's just a better fit. He's gonna help them
win more games. But they have two stars and they're
not a very good team. They're an average team at best.
That's the issue. The issue is they're being led by

two still really capable offensive players. One of them plays
a lot of defense, the other one plays almost no defense.
It's not a coincidence that Lebron's current team is a
very bad defensive team. The Mavericks cannot shoot fifty two
percent against you without Luca and Kyrie. Oh well, they

just did last night, so I guess they can. It's
the fifteenth time a team has shot fifty percent against
the Lakers or better this year. Good luck winning and
they're gonna need luck because they're not going.

Speaker 2 (01:22:50):
To I'm actually shocked as I look at the twenty
twenty NBA Finals where they won in the bubble over
the Miami Heat. He wasn't even the fourth highest leading scorer, barely.
He was too tents of a point behind Rajon Rondo.
Kyle Kuzma was Lebron obviously, led, Anthony Davis, and then
Contavious Caldwell. Pope, How did the Rockets lose to this team?

Oh wait, James Harden traded for Russell Westbrook. Just awful.
Can't believe that happened. But here we are, all right.
Four o'clock hour is coming up. Next we will switch
gears to the NFL. Is Tom Brady trying to poach
a college football coach to come coach the Raiders?

Speaker 12 (01:23:31):

Speaker 4 (01:23:32):
Which one the A team?

Speaker 1 (01:23:36):
On Sports Talk seven ninety two, lifelong Houston sports guys
named Adham Talking Your Team series, Adam Clinton and Adam
Wexler are the A team A.

Speaker 2 (01:23:58):
That's the on button and it works not every day.

Speaker 4 (01:24:00):
Have You've probably heard me mid sentence from time to time,
But the A team continues here two in two to go,
Wexac and Dan here with you and appreciate all you
that have been a part of today's program and every
day's program. And that means you can catch us right
there on Sports Talk seven to ninety catch us via
the new and improved iHeart Radio app, which is fantastic

on a new bells and whistles as the kids like
to say. I mean, if you are, say, listening to
one of our sister stations that plays hit music, well
you can now find the lyrics alongside the hit music.
As a us, you got presets.

Speaker 2 (01:24:34):
What do you say there? All sorts of good stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:24:37):
So if you're listening there or if you're watching us
via our simulcast daily you catch us on Space City
Home Network from three until six around Rockets and Astros coverage,
and we'll have both of those for you as we
get ready for Astros season with handful of Astrolines still
along the way way before we get to spring training.
We've got Rockets basketball last night tomorrow night. We will

again by the way tomorrow night, another visit to Tom's
watch bar for yours truly that is, I can't wait
to get the heck out of here and go enjoy
it tomorrow night as they get set to take on
the Grizzlies the humongous battle for January ninth Western Conference
second place supremacy.

Speaker 2 (01:25:20):

Speaker 4 (01:25:20):
Yeah, but I'll be over at Tom's Watch Bar right
there on twelve to one Caroline Street, right next to
the Space City Home Network studios and just across the
street from Toyta Center. Food's fantastic. We'll have some goodies
for you out there, and we'll enjoy lots of the
great things going on tomorrow night, but most notably Rockets
basketball as they again have game two of their three
game road trip. Probably a good time for us here

on the show. We have not done it yet to
run through a little bit of the NFL carousel. Two
general manager jobs available, six head coaching jobs available. From
a local perspective, no date has been set, an availability
a little bit scarce when your team plays on Saturday,

although your season might be over after Saturday. Bobby Slock
was requested to have a head coaching interview with the
New York Jets. All the coaches that are coaches that
are coaching for number one seeds have the option of
doing that this week, but via Zoom, Matt Naggi will
do that with a couple of outfits. Aaron Glenn, the

same Tennessee has put their names together for who they
want to replace the outgoing Ran Carthon GM. Carthon had
personnel control. This GM will not quite have personnel control.
The other Texans angle, there's two of them. I guess
we could say Josh McCown. So far, I've only seen
one team ask for a head coaching interview. He's a

quarterback coach for Minnesota, and that is the Jets that
would like to speak with him. I ran through a
long list of Jets names that they are set to interview.
They've interviewed Rex, They've interviewed Ron Rivera, they've interviewed Mike Vrabel. Actually,
there's a couple of other Texans interests before I turn
it over to you. Aaron Glenn obviously former Texan. He's
gonna have a bunch of interviews and he'll short should

be able to take care of most of them this
week as he's another one seed coach Jets, Bears, Saints, Jags.
Same thing with Ben Johnson. There's no Texans size except they.

Speaker 2 (01:27:21):
Did interview him.

Speaker 4 (01:27:22):
Anthony Weaver, he's the DC in Miami. He is expected
to interview via zoom today with the New Orleans Saints.
Former Houston Texans offensive coordinator, as this particular team announced yesterday,
was one of two to interview for the vacant head
coaching job in New England. Pep Hamilton interviewing for that

job was not in the NFL this past season. Byron
Leftwich also interviewed for that job. Same story with him.
Both former OC's interesting names and getting back into the
head coaching interview carousel probably step one towards at least
being on a franchise's coaching staff next year. Be shocked
if either one of them were the new head coach

of the Patriots. Patriots and like every franchise seems to
have their eye on one particular former head coach, and
now we debate which franchise has a better end with
him as we look at Mike Frabele.

Speaker 2 (01:28:20):
Well, look, this is like the least surprising story. The
only reason it's even remotely controversial, controversial, newsworthy, whatever you
want to call it, is that this guy's been locked
up to coach somewhere already. So who talking about Bill Belichick? Yeah,

Bill Belichick. He has ties to the Patriots. Who are
probably not interested. Yeah, I would guess after one season
of Gerrod Mayo, they didn't decide to look around and say,
by the way, their owner has said, we're gonna try
and fill this spot fast. I don't think they looked
around and said, what's one more year of Bill Belichick,

let's bring him back.

Speaker 4 (01:29:03):
So Bill Belichick is a college football coach who's just
recently signed a contract. Quite often, one of the things
that you do with college football coach is knowing that, well,
he's here now, but where will he be then, especially
if you're not at a clear this could be your
last stop university. He's at an age where this could
be construed as a last stop. But I think there's
a step up from the North Carolina job. I think

I think most people would You're welcome, but they look
at the contract to see, well, how much would it cost.
How much would we the other university or entity that
wants to hire him, how much would it cost us
to get you out, how much does it go down
after this year or after that year, and who's on
the hook for it? And that was a huge, huge

storyline today. But he obviously has ties to one other franchise,
I say it obviously because I think everybody knows how
involved Tom Brady will be with his current franchise as
a very loud voice and small owner of the Raiders.

Speaker 2 (01:30:01):
Yeah, minority owner. And all we've talked about, almost seemingly
since he took the role with Fox Sports is what
can he not do to be in the wrong as
far as being a broadcaster that calls NFL games whilst
being a minority owner. And oh, by the way, don't
tamper either, which this clearly is in a way. It's

not you're tampering with you and c's yea, they don't
care for college, right, do what you want. But I
just you know what's funny about this whole story on
the surface before you even get to the details, until
Tom Brady's roast, which again Nikki Glazer.

Speaker 4 (01:30:39):
It is the number one reason why she was the
choice for the host of the Golden Globe, as it
should have been. If you can't get cooster long careers,
just stand up touring a successful comic.

Speaker 2 (01:30:51):
And then she got up there and lied to everybody
and told them she wasn't going to roast them before
she did it was good. Yeah, So I just feel
like there were people that were in I'm even like
saying this for effect. I think there were people, whether
inside NFL circles or not, that questioned whether or not
these two even still got along. I mean he left
him in New England for sunnier pastures and another ring,

and that was a story. People forget that was like
a big deal.

Speaker 4 (01:31:20):
What was a big deal is he won all those
titles in New England and the parades as it regards
as it relates to Tom Brady were boring and uneventful.

Speaker 2 (01:31:29):
Well, he didn't drunk and nearly lose the trophy in.

Speaker 4 (01:31:32):
The bay and he got sloshed with his kids there. Yeah,
that's why I added that there they're young and through
the super Bowl trophy. He needed assistance from Blaine Gabbert
to make his way back to whatever vehicle was going
to take him to his How much.

Speaker 2 (01:31:49):
Have you drunk? Drank? Drunken? If Blaine Gabbert is a
suitable assistant to help you walk.

Speaker 4 (01:31:56):
And then the backup quarterbacks have a lot of jobs
at where they wear a lot of hats.

Speaker 2 (01:32:00):
Do you think at any point Blaine Gabbert said to him,
whoa there him? You know at a parade.

Speaker 4 (01:32:07):
Very few people, especially teammates, say to each other, I
think you've had enough?

Speaker 2 (01:32:13):
Wasn't Blaine Gabbert the one that was caught on Mike
saying that to Brian Cushing? Or am I thinking of
a different thing? Whoa there? And then he used an expletive.

Speaker 4 (01:32:21):
I imagine he had played a game or two his
JAG's quarterback against Cushing.

Speaker 2 (01:32:25):
I don't think that's who it was. And somebody's listening
knows this for sure. He was miked up.

Speaker 4 (01:32:30):
Yeah, what we're saying is Brady without Belichick. Hey, he's
a fun guy. Now, all fun Bobby. So people were
looking at Belichick's contract quite a bit, not only when
he signed it, but certainly with these new coaching jobs
opening the Vegas Raiders and the attachment to Brady and
the relationship with Belichick. Well, it didn't matter until they
fired Antonio Pierce, which they did earlier this week. They

did that yesterday. So the numbers, you know, could I
think interested in about? Is he interested already? He just
agreed to do this, He just went all in. He
also just added six new people to follow on his
new Twitter account. He now follows Leo Delaney and Gordon
Cellars and Samurai Smoke Matthews all new Twitter follows for

at Belichick underscore b if you are unaware, they're all recruits.

Speaker 2 (01:33:18):
He's doing the right thing. Who's the one he stole?

Speaker 4 (01:33:21):
I don't know, but he's stolen quite a few.

Speaker 2 (01:33:23):
But there's a really good one that he stole that
helped beat the crap out of Carolina last year and
I can't place his You mean a transfer, Yeah, maybe
that's what it was.

Speaker 4 (01:33:32):
He's doing what and he's posting stuff on his account,
and all the things he was posting are nice meeting
this player, great being in the house with this player,
or reposting what they said about him. And since I
believe others also have noted this, but we'll go with
what Diana Rossini had to say not that long ago
about his interest in the NFL or lack of interest

in the NFL.

Speaker 2 (01:33:56):
By the way, his price yates of Yukon that he poached.

Speaker 4 (01:34:01):
If you can get somebody from ukont and you can
just counter wins Man. Belichick indicated from her sources that
he is uninterested in leaving North Carolina.

Speaker 2 (01:34:17):
I mean, you're always uninterested inuntil you're not, especially in
the coaching world sources.

Speaker 4 (01:34:24):
Bill Belichick has no plans to return to the NFL,
as you just said, and as it even says there
he had to have plans for it, he doesn't intend
to do it.

Speaker 2 (01:34:36):
I'm going to.

Speaker 4 (01:34:36):
Side with Tarhel Carolina Bill, he's coaching.

Speaker 2 (01:34:42):
Nick Saban had no plans to leave LSU. He had
no plans to leave Miami. That's true, although he should have.
He did eventually in seasons. Who would have thought at
that point in his career the best was still yet
to come.

Speaker 4 (01:34:54):
And it was no I expect Bill Belichick to be
roaming the sidelines in his Carolina Blue until he's no
longer coaching. This will be his last stop in my opinion.

Speaker 2 (01:35:03):
All Right, did one of the Kelsey brothers, the one
that still plays, did he take too kindly to accusations
against the Chiefs about laying down to avoid a certain
opponent in the postseason. You will hear from him next.

Speaker 1 (01:35:21):
The A team on Sports Talk seven ninety, The unauthorized
Houston sports shakedown continues.

Speaker 9 (01:35:29):
Because every time you say something that's not true, you're going.

Speaker 5 (01:35:31):
To get hit.

Speaker 1 (01:35:33):
We now returned to Adam Clinton and Adam Wexwerth.

Speaker 9 (01:35:37):
The a team on Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 2 (01:35:39):
Ninety shout out for the second show in a row.
By the way to Kevin Cooper, he's listening. He's the
one that confirmed that. Yes, it was indeed Blaine Gabbert,
who uh was a little taken aback by the pursuit
on the sideline of Brian Cushing in that game between

as you mentioned the Jags and the Texans. Texans were
leading fourteen to seven at the time, and I believe
it was battle Red Sunday.

Speaker 4 (01:36:09):
Well, apparently it is Deep Steel Blue Saturday.

Speaker 2 (01:36:12):
No this game colors involved.

Speaker 4 (01:36:15):
They're wearing blue on blue with blue helmets.

Speaker 2 (01:36:18):
Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Dark Blue is the
official name of the shade that they switched to this year.

Speaker 4 (01:36:23):
They will look to win another wild card round home game,
which they did last year, which they did in twenty twenty,
which they did in twenty seventeen, which they did in
twenty thirteen, and in twenty twelve. Those are all five
of the franchise's playoff victories, all of them in this round,

all of them at home. They have also lost in
the wildcard round, and they've never won in the divisional round.

Speaker 2 (01:36:56):
I'd love to say this is going to be the year.
But I'll just be happy they get out of this round.
That's how that's where we are right now. I hate it,
but until I feel like CJ's got time to work
that magic again, wait, wait, till we get there. I'm
so fascinated by the fact that for the most part

it's the same personnel and they were better last year.

Speaker 4 (01:37:20):
I mean, one thing is, you know the tackle situation
with Fant being there and quite honestly, Titus Howard moving
inside and not playing very well. He's been way better
this year. It makes a huge difference. You know, Blake
Fisher's played similarly to how played a year ago, and
the more he plays it seems like I know, there
was one play that was definitely highlighted when Harold Landers said, hey,
move your hand, it's keeping me from getting to CJ.

And he basically fly swattered it away very easily and
got to CJ. But more often than not, you know,
you're talking about sixty seventy snaps a game, and Blake
Fisher's probably more than held his own, which is why
you're able to function. That's what happened, albeit for one drive,
but it also continued for the rest of the half
with Davis Mills, they had zero issue functioning as an offense.

That's all we're asking for. We're not asking for four
hundred and fifty yards and five touchdowns. We're asking for
time to throw. We're asking for successful running plays. How
about getting into second and four more often? How about
seeing third and one instead of third and eight, and
third and eleven and third and fifteen and no team
has seen the bad side of that more than this one.

It's all we're asking for.

Speaker 2 (01:38:29):
I uh, when you start talking about playoff matchups and
you know Rex Ryan's not the only I don't know
what you would call. I guess former personality that was.
Which hassele Beck was with Seattle.

Speaker 4 (01:38:44):
Matt, Yes, I was gonna let you go, but you
immediately I figured that's the one to.

Speaker 2 (01:38:48):
Consider it this.

Speaker 4 (01:38:49):
If you're talking about which hassle Beck did whatever in
the NFL, the ANSWER's always Matt. Now Tim did play,
but not to any great suities.

Speaker 2 (01:38:58):
But is Tim the one that's married to the attractive
woman that used to be on the view before it
turned into a bunch of cackling hyenas Elizabeth? Yeah, yes,
but she's no longer on it. Right.

Speaker 4 (01:39:08):
I definitely know the answer, and it's not because I
watched the show, but she is not on it.

Speaker 2 (01:39:13):
You don't watch the show, why would I? Exactly, That's
what I wanted to hear.

Speaker 4 (01:39:18):
Whatever time it's on, how is it still on? Something
else i'd rather watch is definitely on, like.

Speaker 2 (01:39:24):
Boiling water or paint drying? Oh man, well it's not.
Could you imagine what Joy behar every days? It has
nothing to do with who they are or or what
their views are the name of the show.

Speaker 4 (01:39:38):
I'm not That's not the kind of show I watch.
You know, the show that has a totally exact same
vibe but has both male and female hosts like Jerry O'Connell.
I am equally uninterested in that format of a daily
talk show. I'm not interested. So you what, It's not
what you say or I don't like this person. I

I can just say, I'm not interested in any of you,
good or bad. I don't hate you, I don't love you.
I'm not interested.

Speaker 2 (01:40:05):
What if you had to choose? You have to make
a choice. I have to make a choice, all right,
what are my choice? This is like drowning or burning
to death? Okay, okay, you have to either watch you
have to either watch the view as currently constructed, not
with hot Hasselbeck on there, okay, or you have to
watch like any given you have to watch the original,

like the original Undisputed with Shannon Shay Sharks.

Speaker 4 (01:40:37):
That's the answer, and Skip Bayless.

Speaker 2 (01:40:39):
Of course it's the answer because there's sports involved, of course.
Like I'm not saying it's the worst option, believe me.
I'm just saying it is drowning or burning to death
now which is which?

Speaker 4 (01:40:50):
Well, Skip's no longer on any show. Shannon is now
on a show with someone who yells more and louder
than he does. And when it's on and other people
are around, like, how can you watch this? Like I
forgot to change it.

Speaker 2 (01:41:01):
I'm sorry. Have you gotten tired of the Joy Taylor memes?
Because I haven't.

Speaker 4 (01:41:06):
No, I haven't seen him as much. I've kind of
got back to come on now, Well, it's no longer trending.
I forget to look at svindet or two yeah or
three yeah. How about randomly in the middle of Sunday
NFL football. That's that story drop as we said when
it dropped, and have continued whenever it's come up. If

the other side, which is number of people, the executive,
the host, the other hosts. If any of them want
to say anything to dispute it or counter suit or
just whatever, then we'll have a second side, and we'll
probably have a better idea of where this might go.
We have one side. It's the only side we've heard.
That's not true. There are two sides there. I know

there are two sides.

Speaker 2 (01:41:49):
Well, no, no, no. What I'm saying is there's one that's
out there, albeit generated by AI. Because if you haven't
seen the clip of Skip's supposed response, you should probably
see that.

Speaker 4 (01:41:59):
I've seen the I think you'll know the one I'm
speaking of of Skip, the video that's been making its
way around probably the most regarding him.

Speaker 2 (01:42:09):
It's very brief it and that's it. You ways, as
long as you won't you too lost. That's my Shannon Sharp.
How'd I do?

Speaker 4 (01:42:21):
I thought, Skiop you wanted to talk about a current
NFL tight le.

Speaker 2 (01:42:26):
Oh okay, Well, since you've brought it up, let's talk
about the fact that, aside from having I would say
it's a relatively successful podcast talking about the Kelsey Brothers,
the fact that they go on and it doesn't really
matter what the topic is, and it doesn't necessarily have
to be sports. They're getting eyeballs, they're getting views, they're

getting clicks, what have you. That's I mean. Look, one
of them is a highly successful former offensive lineman and
the other one is dating Taylor Swift, and then he
also still plays football at times. But when it comes
to Kansas City's playoff run this season, and I even
my dad was sending me stories this morning talking about,

you know, don't sleep on Kansas. He's like, what do
you think of this? Because he's not He'll follow the
NFL just because of what I do, but he's not,
by any stretch a die hard football or really even
sports fan, but he knows that I am married into
a chief's diehard family. My mother in law will be
watching as per usual. And you know, when you win
as much as they have, which we've experienced here with

the Astros. Albeit I think it's a lot more difficult
to win in baseball at the highest level. It's not
easy in the NFL either, But when you have a
season like they've had and you've got this bye week
going in, you know, all these kinds of topics are
going to be talked about, because well, what else is
there to do, You're not playing a game, So the

question was asked or posed or it's been out there
that Kansas City tried to duck a matchup against Cincinnati,
which is really the only team you could say has
had real success against them consistently. I guess just because
they beat them to go to a super Bowl by

resting their starters in that blowout loss this past week.
And Travis, you know, the current player who's also dating
Taylor Swift. He took very, very much offense to this.
I ain't scared of nobody.

Speaker 17 (01:44:26):
I wanted him in the playoffs. I want to slay
every Dragon one by one, like Mortal Kombat. I don't
even want this to be like we play the lowest seed.
Just give me the best teams AFC, NFC, give me
all of them, Mortal Kombat style. I'll go through every
one of them, giving them my best effort.

Speaker 18 (01:44:42):
You didn't want to see the Bengals in Burrowhead or
in Cincinnati, I'll play him at the Walmart parking lot, listen.

Speaker 17 (01:44:50):
I love competing against the greatest. The Bengals were a
fun team to watch there. Towards the end, of the season.
It's a shame they didn't make it in the playoffs
because they would have made the playoffs that much crazier
and that much more fun.

Speaker 18 (01:45:00):
I mean, Burrow put up over like what like four
thousand something yards like it was something crazy.

Speaker 5 (01:45:04):
He had a great year chasing t.

Speaker 17 (01:45:06):
That was one of the wackiest years of football I've
ever seen from a team that I thought was ten
times better than what their record showed. I know that
just playing against them. We didn't throw any game. Guys
were out there competing theirselves trying to get a win.
It wasn't a fun game to be a part of it.
I'm just sitting here on the sideline like, hey, boys,
don't let ruin our mojo. It's go time. We got
to flip that switch and know where the biggest, baddest

team out there.

Speaker 2 (01:45:28):
The more you put f bombs in front of what
you're saying, the more emphosis there is on the salables.
That's what he's trying to do there. But in all seriousness,
I mean, I agree with him.

Speaker 4 (01:45:39):
How could you not quite? I mean, let's be real,
this is so silly.

Speaker 2 (01:45:43):
Well, but the fact that he's getting so heated about it.
It's like, doesn't he shouldn't he think the same thing.

Speaker 4 (01:45:50):
He thinks it's silly. He thinks people are being ridiculous.
You want to say they through the game. You can
because Carson Wentz played, you know the game meant what nothing?
We'll do something else. A signature segment.

Speaker 1 (01:46:01):
Next the eighteen on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (01:46:10):
Nice stream be us talking about frog baseball, Strike one.
Hey your dummies, listen to Astros baseball and Rockets basketball
games on any device with the free I Heart Radio app.

Speaker 1 (01:46:27):
A little help over the hump with some Wednesday bs, two.

Speaker 4 (01:46:31):
Adams, and a whole lot of bit stealing.

Speaker 1 (01:46:33):
Bit stealing with the bit Stealers, better known as the eighteen.

Speaker 4 (01:46:40):
Signature segment Time four thirty, we lean on the greatness
that is everybody but us at Sports Talk seven ninety.
It's not me, it's not you, it's not Dan. Well,
technically it is Dan. He hosts another show and we
can steal from that, but it's definitely not us. On
Wednesday's we bit steal Today's Wednesday Sean and do some
great things on their program each and every weekday morning

six to ten from ten to two. Ross does great
things on his program Matt Does Two. It's also his
show The Matt Thomas Show with Ross The Nightcap. Dan
hosts always want to include Doug Pike show.

Speaker 2 (01:47:14):
He hosts.

Speaker 4 (01:47:15):
We rarely steal bits Doug, dude, rarely steal bits from
from Doug. But we do have some bits to steal
and to enjoy today. What would be today?

Speaker 19 (01:47:24):
It's a lie. Lie, you're telling a lie. I never
know how to tell the truth. Tell the truth. You
don't know how to tell the truth.

Speaker 12 (01:47:36):
Yeah, on the A Team Sports Talk seven to ninety
Space City Home Network.

Speaker 9 (01:47:41):
Don't suit us.

Speaker 2 (01:47:44):
We won't.

Speaker 4 (01:47:45):
We are going to. I believe it's called to tell
the truth. Okay, if I have the rules correct, someone
of the three of us will give four statements and
we will believe three of them and one of them
is untrue, and you have to figure out which one
we actually oh the other way around, and it's what

you believe, and we have to guess that. So what
I believe? Three of them I do believe. I don't
know if I said and one of them is untrue. Yes,
three of them I do believe, and one of them
is untrue.

Speaker 2 (01:48:22):
Even Ros got mixed up this week with the rules.

Speaker 4 (01:48:24):
Okay, So, to tell the truth, I have four statements
prepared and I even went by the correct rules, which
I obviously don't even know.

Speaker 2 (01:48:31):

Speaker 4 (01:48:32):
Uh, Alex Bregman will sign with the Detroit Tigers for
less than two hundred million. All right, Cam Whitmore will
be traded by this season's trade deadline, which is in
early February. Okay, No matter what happens in the playoffs
with your deep still blue, Houston Texans Bobby Slowick will

not be retained by the Texans, and Longhorns quarterback Quin
Yours will remain in college football next year for some
fat nil cash, just not at Texas.

Speaker 2 (01:49:14):
Okay, So Bregman signs with Tigers for less than two
hundred million?

Speaker 12 (01:49:19):

Speaker 2 (01:49:21):
Isn't that what you said?

Speaker 4 (01:49:21):
I'm pretty sure you misheard me because I definitely didn't
read it that way.

Speaker 2 (01:49:25):
Can I fix it for you?

Speaker 4 (01:49:26):
Yeah, Bregman will sign with the Red Sox for less
than two hundred million.

Speaker 2 (01:49:30):
Oh Okay, I could have sworn you said. Did he
say Tigers are? Am I crazy?

Speaker 4 (01:49:34):
I said Tigers? Okay, I meant Red Sox. Well, it's
kind of important, it kind if you want to know
if I believe it. This is called to tell the truth.
It's just what I believe. All right, Bregman will sign
the Tigers for less than two hundred million camp what
more will be traded by this trade deadline? No matter
what happens to the playoffs. Boby Slow will not be
retained by the Texans. Quinn yours will remain in college

football next year, but just not at Texas.

Speaker 2 (01:50:02):
Because he's taken fat nil money somewhere else. Yes, okay,
all right, Bregman signs with the Red Sox, Cam Whitmore
Delta the deadline slowik out with the Texans. You these
are good because that's the that's the ideas. None of
them are jumping out as obvious as to the one
you do not believe, which is what we're looking for here.

Speaker 4 (01:50:23):
That's what you're looking for here. You can discuss if
you'd like, like it's family feud, and you look down
the line at the four dumb people, and you presumably
are the smart one who gives the answer to Steve Harvey.

Speaker 2 (01:50:34):
And it has to inevitably be something perverted which he
makes a reaction to.

Speaker 4 (01:50:38):
And that's what we really should be doing here on
to tell the truth. So I would have made all
four things about joy Taylor might have gone that route,
but I did not.

Speaker 2 (01:50:44):
You could have, geez, I didn't. All right, So, Dan,
did anything jump out at you immediately? Or are you
like me? Or it's like, okay, these are all pretty believable. Yeah,
they're all pretty believable.

Speaker 12 (01:50:56):
But the slow like one, I believe he kind of
gave us a tell.

Speaker 4 (01:51:00):
No matter what happens in the playoffs with your deep
still blue Texans, Bobby Sloak will not be retained by
the Texans, is how I read it and mean it.

Speaker 2 (01:51:09):
That's not the one. I think you're not believing.

Speaker 4 (01:51:12):
All right, Well, just walk through them and tell me
if you think that's the one, and I'll give you
the answer.

Speaker 2 (01:51:16):
Tell you no, I think I think you think Slowik
is out with the Texans. I think you think so.

Speaker 4 (01:51:22):
In other words, that is something you believe.

Speaker 2 (01:51:24):
I believe.

Speaker 4 (01:51:25):
Yes, Well, that is correct. I do believe that will
be the case. I do not believe Bobby Sloak will
be on the Texans coaching staff in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (01:51:32):
I think you actually do think that Cam Whitmore will
be dealt at the deadline. A good answer, good answer.
You know, and I do think you think that Alex
Bregman will be a member of the Red Sox next year.

Speaker 4 (01:51:47):
So the Bregman is a believable one, a less than
two hundred million, that is a correct answer.

Speaker 2 (01:51:51):
Okay, I don't think you think quin Yours is leaving
for nil money. That's the one I would say, you
don't believe I'm gonna go Bregman.

Speaker 4 (01:52:01):
Well, Bregman is a believe. I believe that that is
me telling the truth. Suck it, Dan, no matter what
happens in the playoffs. As I just said, that is
me telling the truth. I do not think Bobby Slowak
will be a coach here for the Texans in twenty
twenty five.

Speaker 2 (01:52:14):

Speaker 4 (01:52:15):
I think both of these other ones were tough for
me even to decide on, so good to land on
those two. I do think quin Yours is going to
get enough information about where he's potentially going to be drafted,
and he'll have definitive information on how much Notre Dame
or somebody else wants to offer him, way too much

for him to say no to. And he will play
college football next year, just not at Texas.

Speaker 2 (01:52:45):
Wow, Okay, that's interesting. You mentioned Notre Dame. I mean,
is that just something you threw out there, or do
you really think that Notre DAMEA I just threw.

Speaker 4 (01:52:53):
It out there now because it's so obvious. That's a
massive hole and they have the ability to do that,
and other people have tried to play connect the die.

Speaker 2 (01:53:00):
Why do a lot of people like them and give
them money? Uh yeah, well you say it like it
doesn't happen at all these other universities. I know, I know. No,
it's true. That's a price. So you think Cam Whitmore
is not being.

Speaker 4 (01:53:12):
Dealt not by this trade deadline?

Speaker 2 (01:53:14):
Yeah, I actually thought about that because it just seems
too obvious and it has nothing to do with this
actual game. It's just that what they're trying to do.

Speaker 4 (01:53:22):
Well, what I still believe is nonsense. That everybody is
freaking out about his attitude, perceived disinterest, lack of team
first attitude, kind of things. Not that dissimilar than what
we heard leading up to the draft, we heard on
draft night, and why he was available, if it's all true,
why he might have been available. And yet, seriously, man,

you're trying to win games. Who gives away talent.

Speaker 2 (01:53:47):
That's too good?

Speaker 4 (01:53:48):
Exactly and it's gonna work extremely hard to make sure
they don't feel compelled to move him because he's that good.
This same group had a player, in my opinion, magnificantly
less talented but extremely well thought of by different personnel
people across the league, and it's Kevin Porter Junior. It's

why he was drafted by the CAFs, It's why they
gave him a bunch of chances, It's why the Rockets
gave him a bunch of chances.

Speaker 2 (01:54:13):
And me even putting them in the.

Speaker 4 (01:54:14):
Same sentence, I hope you understand is purely just talent.
Whatever minor, minor basketball related issues Cam Whitmore might have
should not put him in any sentence with Kevin Porter
and his worst night, I almost want to apologize for
even doing that, but I'm making a point about there's
two that's a team of people that said what can

we do to make this work? When they definitely shouldn't have.
In this case, they should try to make this work,
and they will.

Speaker 2 (01:54:43):
On his worst night where he's pouting about not getting
the minutes he wants, he's not getting in his car
and leaving at halftime like Kevin Porter Junior did. Oh
my gosh, I can't believe that's actually a real thing
that happened.

Speaker 1 (01:54:58):
The eighteen It's Talk seven ninety, Adam Clinton, Adam wet
for it, The eight team.

Speaker 2 (01:55:14):
It is the eight Team Sports Sox seven ninety. Good
job on your debut on to Tell the Truth.

Speaker 4 (01:55:20):
Yeah, maybe I'll know how to play next time you
knew how to play.

Speaker 2 (01:55:24):
Doesn't sound like it, like I said, it was just yesterday.
They did this on Ross's on Matt Thomas Show with
Ross so long. Anyway, Ross was confused, and they've done
it several times, So don't feel bad.

Speaker 4 (01:55:36):
I definitely don't feel bad because I'm pretty sure I
will be confused the next time we do it as well.
I also want to tell to I want to not
might make myself a liar. We've done many bit steals
in the past, and a lot of them center around,
especially when.

Speaker 2 (01:55:56):
We hit.

Speaker 4 (01:55:58):
We're asked people to shut their mouths nicely and let
me say it, yes, shut your bomb ass up right,
and so we get it. Inevitably when it comes.

Speaker 2 (01:56:08):
To Josh Smith's words, not mine.

Speaker 4 (01:56:09):
Our suggestions, oftentimes they're road related, traffic related, vehicle related. Yeah,
and we've talked about comfort in the car, heating, cooling,
things like that, And I've said definitely, oh, those heated
seats and ventilated seats, Oh.

Speaker 2 (01:56:27):
I love them.

Speaker 4 (01:56:27):
They're the best, and I'm sure wish they're so good.
If you haven't, they're great. But I've also said the
heated seats, hey, I know it's cold. I'll be in
and out of the car whatever, it's fine.

Speaker 13 (01:56:37):
I don't.

Speaker 4 (01:56:37):
I don't use the other people do I don't. That
is a lie.

Speaker 2 (01:56:41):
Give it time. I just had to get low enough
on the thermometer.

Speaker 4 (01:56:44):
Well, I don't like when it's warm. It's awful when
we're in the studio and it's warm. I know I
can delayer to a certain degree, but not like you
can put in here. Yes, it's much sixty eight degrees,
much smarter way to do things. And similarly, in the car,
it's not that big a deal. I'm not I won't
put the heat on. I don't want all that in
the whole. I don't want it all over the car.

But now that I've experienced, it's just a little warmer
for your lower back, your you know what your seated on.
Provided you don't need a cushion in your driving seat
where you eat, then it should be right.

Speaker 2 (01:57:17):
Why do people put the things on their seats back
in the day, like.

Speaker 4 (01:57:19):
The beads for they're usually people who are in that
seat for many hours a day, cab drivers, uber drivers, truckers. Yes,
because that's your office for the day and night. Yeah,
but you know, I'm not gonna lie to our listeners here.
The heated seats were on both yesterday and today and Monday,
and it was fine. I managed to get all the way.

They this is a longer drive, I don't need it,
and it's later in the day, so they're not on
during the day the sun's out. I'm fine, but the
ride to school as brief as it is, the heated
seats wrong. This morning, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (01:57:52):
Yeah, it was his first day back. Finally, this was
day three.

Speaker 4 (01:57:56):
It's Wednesday. The week started on Monday. Technically it's day two.
They had Monday off.

Speaker 2 (01:58:00):
We just kind of enjoyed the silence.

Speaker 4 (01:58:02):
So I'm just trying to, you know, be real with
our listeners.

Speaker 2 (01:58:06):
Do you a remote start, No, not very often because
not for those reasons. Usually what on a hot day,
I might Well that's what I'm saying. But even on
a cold day, like this if you are to do
that and you have the heated seat option. By the way,
we sound so first, right, you guys are idiots. I
mean there's somebody driving around listening to us and we

thank you. That's probably driving a beat up hooptie and like,
you guys are total aholes, and they're absolutely right.

Speaker 4 (01:58:34):
I mean, now if they want to really feel like
we're as you discussed and described us as. Yeah, I
mean the remote starts in iconhol How much time does
it have to really do anything when you have to
be that close to the vehicle to do it correct?

Speaker 2 (01:58:47):
Because where I park, much to the chagrin of the
building management by the way, I'm not going to give
any more details, but we had to go around about it. Hey,
you're supposed to park on these levels of the garage.
Oh yeah, well, hey, your engineer is supposed to design
it to where they're all the same level and not.
Once I get to level three, it starts scraping the
top of my truck. Moron. And I didn't say that part,

but I thought it with my eyes. She knew I
was saying it.

Speaker 4 (01:59:11):
Is there a signage that lets you know that?

Speaker 2 (01:59:14):
No, no, you find that out when your satellite antenna
grazes it. And although it doesn't scrape the paint. That
was the first and last time I went up to
that level. Not to mention, well, not to mention my
vehicles rather large and wide, again like the women of
San Antonio that Charles Barkley describes. And so I'm like, hey,

when you design this place, was it for a pento?
I mean probably, unless it's a really really old building.
I mean, well it's not new. And again why not
the uniformity uniformininity? You had it right the first time
to it? But again, why does the antenna not scrape

on levels one and two? But when I get up
to three, you know where there's no more reserve spaces
for all the people who aren't using them on the
first two levels. Come on, Collier, Come on Ryan, that's
what exactly, Cadence, What else we got in here? Like
why is suddenly the ceiling lower? Who does that? What engineer?
Was this designed by an A and M graduate? I

only say that because of the hour I spent in
the garage after the George Strait concert. Because traffic flow
is that bad.

Speaker 4 (02:00:30):
I mean, Toyota Center has a garage just for comparison's sake.

Speaker 2 (02:00:35):
That's when you know the Rockets are good again, because
there's traffic after the game.

Speaker 4 (02:00:38):
Most of the people are leaving the same time. Yeah,
there's far fewer cars. It's a much smaller attended eighteen
thousand versus one hundred and eleven. But there's only so
much you can do. Yeah, you're going. In their case,
there are three exits, and they've done it. They've actually
included all three of them in the last month or
so where you can get out all three instead of

either two or some nights one. But you're also going
into downtown streets. But they're kind of working off. There's
only My point is there's only so much they can do. Yes,
there's a lot of very small space.

Speaker 2 (02:01:11):
See one garage that is closest to Kyle Field than
any of the others on campus. That's the one I
was in. What a dumb decision that was parking somebody's
front yard. Who's got to sign up? This says fifty bucks,
and I would have paid less, that's the sad part,
Just as much as I paid for those tickets to
nearly die of heat exhaustion. Well not me, but he

was so good if you just take it to like
the part where Teresa overheated and then we were in
the parking garage and the walk that got to it,
the part in between those two events, Gray as not
in my life. It was one of them.

Speaker 4 (02:01:44):
That's so it balanced out.

Speaker 2 (02:01:45):
I don't know if i'd say that twelve am to
one am in a parking garage in college station where
you're not moving, not great.

Speaker 4 (02:01:52):
Quick game of believe it or not.

Speaker 2 (02:01:54):

Speaker 4 (02:01:55):
George Strait has an album titled Cowboys and Dreamers.

Speaker 2 (02:02:00):
Hang on one, two three, but it has to be right,
of course? Is that his newest one.

Speaker 4 (02:02:05):
He's stadium touring it with it now.

Speaker 2 (02:02:07):
Yeah, he's not here for a long time. He's here
for a few time.

Speaker 4 (02:02:11):
I'm aware he traveled in case you weren't aware of that,
oh Man.

Speaker 2 (02:02:18):
One thing that is going to be interesting this weekend
is I mean there's several matchups between the Texans and
the Chargers, you know, matching up these guys, this defense
against this offensive player, all that kind of stuff. But
and we already heard from CJ. Stroud about Ohio State
this weekend. We talked about it. Well, he's rooting for them, clearly,

even though he's in the state of Texas where the
game will be played and where of course the Longhorns reside.
And he's got several, you know, teammates that are rooting
for that side of things. But it is interesting that
two former teammates are going to be facing off against
each other in this football game, and those would be

Kamari Lassiter, he plays defense for the Texans in case
you want to wear and Lad McConkie, who's quickly he's
rapidly ascending the ranks of the wide receivers out there
in the NFL. He's making you know, we keep talking
about the Chargers are playing their best football right now,
and you could argue that he's come on the strongest.

I mean, obviously he needs a quarterback to throw in
the passes, but as far as their weapons, if you will,
I don't think you're necessarily slotting anybody ahead of him
who's playing well for them right now.

Speaker 4 (02:03:33):
You might extend that beyond the Chargers. Since October twenty third,
Jamar Chase, Justin Jefferson, Jerry Judy, Pokainakua. That's the whole
list of receivers with more receiving yards since Lad McConkie
he's good.

Speaker 2 (02:03:48):
As Adam Sandler said in Billy Madison. Anyway, what Lassiter
has to say about facing off against his former college teammate,
you'll hear from that. Also, a high profile head coach
in college taking shots at another high profile program.

Speaker 9 (02:04:06):
The eighteen on Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 1 (02:04:08):
Ninety two lifelong Houston sports guys named Adham Talking Your
Teams series, Adam Clinton and Adam Wexler are the A
Team A.

Speaker 2 (02:04:37):
It is the eighteen Sports Talk seven ninety Oh no,
I'm bringing that up in the final segment of the show.

Speaker 4 (02:04:41):
So I was looking at a graphic that said number
of playoff wins as we get started with the five
o'clock hour, which is football at five. Here on the
eighteen year round, number of playoff wins all time per franchise,
and I saw the Texans number, and I knew where
to look for bottom of the list, last in line,

thirty second to out of thirty two. But I still
was almost and I knew that because we've been preparing
for it. Five five playoff wins, all five, as I
mentioned earlier in the show, have come during this round
of the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (02:05:14):
Gosh, even for them, that sounds low, but it's accurate.
How many does Jacksonville have six? Just yeah, they have eight.
They have eight. That's so sad. They've been around since
nineteen ninety five and they have three whole more wins. Yes,
although two thousand and two nineteen ninety five to two

thousand and two is not that big of a gap,
but it's sizable.

Speaker 4 (02:05:40):
Well, the Jaguars have been around, and what era of
Jaguars football do you just remember so much?

Speaker 2 (02:05:46):

Speaker 4 (02:05:47):
There's just no such thing.

Speaker 2 (02:05:48):
And Fred Jackson, yes, Fred one of the Fred Taylor sorry,
I mean.

Speaker 4 (02:05:54):
He's the least well known member of the pivot. He
and Channing and Ryan spent a lot of time together.

Speaker 2 (02:06:01):
On their One of the friend earlier the guys you'll
ever meet, heurely is and you know how I found
that out talking to him during a game on the sideline.
It's pretty awesome. That's not something that happens now. That's
pretty cool.

Speaker 4 (02:06:13):
But they just haven't had a long the stre immediately
they got to the conference title game. They did have
some other good years, but for the most part, not great.
Even though they have won the division three times in
the last ten years and the Colts are still at zero,
so up the list, Titans are at seventeen. Further up
the list you'll find the Indianapolis Colts twenty three.

Speaker 2 (02:06:34):
None of them, no team in the AFC South is
in the top ten.

Speaker 4 (02:06:39):
The team the Texans will play also closer to the bottom,
so they have that a hey, you gouper.

Speaker 2 (02:06:45):
That's where most of their lot of years.

Speaker 4 (02:06:47):
Some of their best years were with Dan Fouts and
obviously with Philip Rivers. Certainly the Philip Rivers years weren't
littered with playoff at victories. He happened to play in
an era where two other AFC quarterbacks were awesome, and
sometimes their season came to a halt for that reason.
But they only have twelve, and there's just five teams
with less than ten, and one of them could win

the Super Bowl this year.

Speaker 2 (02:07:12):
It's not the Texans of the Jaguars.

Speaker 4 (02:07:14):
So you only have three left, three franchises that have
less than ten all time postseason victories, and one of
them is only one of them's even in the playoffs
this year. Kind of cheat by just looking at the
The Panthers and the Cardinals are also under ten wins
and they're not taking part in this franchise has nine
and could win this year Super Bowl Detroit, of course.

Speaker 2 (02:07:37):
Okay, gosh, you know, for all the times we talk about,
hey man, it was pretty it was pretty dark times
for the Saints before they started winning with you know,
Sean Payton and Drew Brees.

Speaker 4 (02:07:47):
We will move on from this super exciting, awesome, fun
for everybody topic. When you start at the top and
give me who has the most playoff wins? We will
stop when you get one wrong, all.

Speaker 2 (02:08:00):
Right, of everybody in this everybody in the NFL all
thirty two franchises, who has the most all time playoff
victories out of everybody that's in.

Speaker 4 (02:08:10):
The NFL, everybody that's in the NFL all thirty we
will stop.

Speaker 2 (02:08:15):
You are incorrect?

Speaker 4 (02:08:16):
What their second to who the Niners?

Speaker 2 (02:08:21):
Uh? I guess Joe Montana and Steve Young did play there.

Speaker 4 (02:08:24):
Niners, Packers, Patriots, Steelers, Cowboys have thirty six wins or more.

Speaker 2 (02:08:29):
I feel like that now move on. Yeah, but I
feel like that was a trick question because who cares
about them? They're not in the postseason. We're talking about
who's in the postseason right now.

Speaker 4 (02:08:37):
I tried to make it as untricky as possible. Numerous
times it's very tricky. Well, I'm very tricked. Did not
try to do that?

Speaker 2 (02:08:43):
Yeah, so can we get to Georgia on Georgia violence, Yeah,
let's do that. I I like the fact that on
a team where Derek Stingley Junior is carving out quite
the niche Kamario Lassiter in his rookie season, you can't.
I mean, it's not like you're gonna confuse him with
Derek Stingley, but it's not like he's not pulling his

weight at all. I mean, you've got name a better
duo at corner starting in the NFL since we did
this with the wide receivers.

Speaker 4 (02:09:14):
I mean, there's a couple where both sides you feel
like there's no great way to attack. And I think
Lassiter's he's got some pretty good PFF numbers and there's
some very good coverage numbers, and he's allowed such a
low percentage of completions. That's great. But there have been
plenty of times where they got away with it. And
they got away with it a bunch in the opening

game of the season because Anthony Richardson doesn't know where
the ball's going after he let's it leave his hand,
and there were several instances of that. I don't mean
to say he didn't have a great season, because he did.
You know, thirty third team somebody we lean on every
now and then for some of what they bring to
the NFL coverage. They put out a first and second
team All Rookie this matchup both with accolades Kamari Lassiter

second team corner, Lad McConkie second team receiver.

Speaker 2 (02:10:00):
Seasons have been great.

Speaker 4 (02:10:02):
They are I think trending in a very positive direction,
and probably mconkie more than last year because last year
has been pretty steady all throughout the season. Had to
get through a little bit of an injury issue, a
concussion issue, and he's just gone out there and taking
care of his business where there's probably a lot of
pressure on him, knowing that they would love to attack
me a lot more than they want to attack the
other side. In the Texans, unlike many teams who have

a clear number one corner, he doesn't necessarily travel all
over the field. Stingley has on occasion taken their number
one receiver and tried to take him out of the game,
but by design, that's not what this defense calls for,
so it doesn't do as often, which does put more
pressure on Lasser, but an opportunity.

Speaker 2 (02:10:41):
To go against somebody.

Speaker 4 (02:10:42):
There's probably nobody in the NFL that knows McConkie as
well as he does currently, since they spent so much
time together there and obviously practice together and both have
now gotten as started on what should be awesome NFL careers.

Speaker 2 (02:10:56):
Well, Aaron Wilson was in the Texans locker room and
got this sound, so credit where it is due. He
tweeted this out, and this was Kamari Lassiter talking about
facing off against Lad McConkey.

Speaker 16 (02:11:08):

Speaker 5 (02:11:09):
That is a great person, a really good person.

Speaker 2 (02:11:12):
I got none a good thing to saying.

Speaker 5 (02:11:14):
That's my brother.

Speaker 20 (02:11:14):
You know, we we go way back since points from
Adam to leave whenever you train.

Speaker 2 (02:11:19):
To get you know, meet him and board training in the.

Speaker 7 (02:11:21):
Middle of nowhere sworder.

Speaker 2 (02:11:22):
It's like pretty much. And he was really.

Speaker 9 (02:11:25):
The only two other people that I knew, So Mad
is one of my one of.

Speaker 7 (02:11:28):
My good friends.

Speaker 2 (02:11:29):
But he's even better football player. You know, he came
up from nothing, really, you know, he was.

Speaker 16 (02:11:33):
Walking paid his own way, started on scout.

Speaker 4 (02:11:36):
Team and then got draft the second round.

Speaker 2 (02:11:38):
So I mean speak or south so and that's about
what I expected.

Speaker 4 (02:11:44):
Had little to do with the matchup, right, I had
a lot to do with This guy is awesome. This
is a teammate, this is a brother, this is a
this is a great guy.

Speaker 2 (02:11:51):
And he hopes to kill him. Sure, that's what I
want to hear. Like, and you know, you get this,
this criticism of today's athlete. You know everybody's We.

Speaker 4 (02:12:00):
Just talked about it with Shaq and yeah, Charles and
are not shackup with Charles and Kobe and MJ and Lebron.

Speaker 2 (02:12:05):
And he comes from a time where that would not
have happened at look at We'll just look at MJ
and the Pistons, you know, Isaiah Thomas, those two.

Speaker 4 (02:12:13):
I don't think MJ hated Bill Lambert.

Speaker 2 (02:12:16):
Are you sure? What about Rick Mahorne hated him? I mean,
but I have a healthy respect for him. No, how
I hated him losing to them in the postseason and
going to lift weights like the next morning because I'm
tired of getting beaten.

Speaker 4 (02:12:30):
Up, convicted. Very very focused, for sure.

Speaker 2 (02:12:34):
But I mean, and you see this all the time.
The Jersey exchanges, I think are still more prevalent in
the NFL than they are in the NBA, although.

Speaker 4 (02:12:42):
Well, if can you compare that to the NBA like
you really like, the comparison is just merely catching up
with guy's handshaking, they still do that. You can't you
can't exchange jerseys after an NBA game. Well, one, there's
another eighty one games to go after this, There's another
fifty seven games to go after this, and we're gonna
see this team again and maybe another time another time.

Speaker 2 (02:13:02):
One duo famously did.

Speaker 4 (02:13:04):
Yes, they two d players who are quarter that uh
injury report out for both sides and probably good news
on the Texan side, and that everybody is practicing in
some form or fashion other than Jack Mason, so other
than him, probably good news. Doesn't look like he'll make
himself available, still working through that knee injury stuffered a

couple of weeks ago, and again it keeps leaning towards
They will likely use the exact same five man offensive
line that they did against the Tennessee Titans, with both
Howard and Scruggs. Guard Scrugs on the opposite side than
where he was earlier once he was moved out of
the center position. Uh obviously, Jarrett Patterson back at center
and Jeremy Tunsel and the rookie Blake Fisher. The two

tackles Denico Autrey, Jake Hanson and John Metchi the third
did not practice yesterday. Each of the three of them
practice on a limited basis today, alongside fully fought Acasi,
who was limited yesterday. A variet knees, ankles, and shoulders
ailing each of them, and in Mechi's case, probably worth
noting it is a shoulder rather than anything related to

how he was hit in the head and cleared from
concussion protocol during the game on Sunday against the Titans.
Six other players fully participating and probably not much concern
about their availability. It's not necessarily a given that they'll
all be active. Giangelo Ross teaguing Quatoriano not necessarily going
to be active for the game. Ross is on the roster,

and Quatoriano, as we mentioned yesterday, has had his practice
window open and is designated to return. Was not yet
part of that fifty three. A roster move would have
to be made in order to do that, and as
I mentioned yesterday, all signs point to a fully participating
Christian Harris having the opportunity to share the field as
teammates for the first time with Aziz al Shaier a

welcome addition to have two speedy linebackers on the field.
And I don't mean you're taking Henry toatoa off necessarily,
but I think this will help their defense.

Speaker 2 (02:15:00):
It's against this particular team. Is it bad that I
want them to win this football game? I mean for
a variety of reasons, but yeah, more football for us
to cover. More so for the fact that Kamari Lasser
or na Kamari Lasner, that Aziz al Shaier would finally
get to face off against Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs.

Speaker 4 (02:15:18):
Maybe it's pending other results.

Speaker 2 (02:15:22):
If he were to knock Pat Mahomes out of a game,
they might arrest him right there on the field. The
NFL would just absolutely be beside itself. There would be
squad cars that would drive onto the yards, onto the field,
onto the turf and take him away.

Speaker 4 (02:15:38):
I mean, I guess he has a history of it.
The one time he's done it, the golden goose is
out for the remainder of the playoffs. You are Gonzo man,
I'll share here. Knocking quarterbacks out, Yes, it has happened.

Speaker 2 (02:15:51):
One time. He was trying to give himself up man.
He was just doing what he was told. All right.
There is a very high profile matchup in college football
this weekend, and one coach is taking shots at the program.
He'll be facing.

Speaker 9 (02:16:07):
The A team on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 1 (02:16:13):
Back to Adam Clinton and Adam Wexler.

Speaker 9 (02:16:16):
Now here's Adam.

Speaker 1 (02:16:18):
No, no, the other Adam On second thought, no Adam,
you take it? No, no, no, no, Adam. Wait wait Adam.

Speaker 2 (02:16:24):
Guys, guys, the A team, It is the eight team
Sports SOX seven to ninety. All the attention here in Texas,
especially here in Houston on this show has primarily been
on the other side of the bracket. This upcoming college

football Playoff Final four featuring Ohio State. I won't call
them the Ohio State because I didn't go there. And
your Texas Longhorns, my Texas Longhorns are Texas long Horns.
But of course on the other side of things, you
got Penn State, you got Notre Dame, and you got
James Franklin, who probably the best way to put these

comments or describe them is him saying what a lot
of people already probably think, like if you're not is
Notre Dame one of those teams or one of those
programs or I guess one of those brands where if
you don't root for them, you probably hate them for
any number of reasons.

Speaker 4 (02:17:22):
Yeah, you're probably not indifferent. It's probably one or the other.

Speaker 2 (02:17:25):
Do you think the Longhorns are like that? Though? Probably okay?

Speaker 4 (02:17:29):
But not every program can say Longhorns were the biggest,
baddest things in Texas and it's kind of spread nationally
the Notre Dame having think about the SEC network or
think about the Longhorn Network. They both spread that same vibe.
Oh wow, you think you have your own network, Longhorns, Well,
guess who have their own network? Before the Longhorn Network,
it was called NBC and it was Notre Dame's network

essentially because they carried all the Notre Dame games and
they are obviously there popular, they're Duke or they're.

Speaker 2 (02:17:55):
But that's because but that was because NBC had a
broadcasting rights agreement with their conference, right.

Speaker 4 (02:18:01):
Which conference was there exactly?

Speaker 2 (02:18:03):
So that's what James Franklin kind of was taking a
shot at the Golden Domers when he had this to say, I.

Speaker 13 (02:18:10):
Think it should be consistent across college football. I think, again,
this is no knock at Coach or Notre Dame. That
means is, I think everybody should be in a conference.

Speaker 2 (02:18:22):
I think everybody.

Speaker 13 (02:18:23):
Should play a conference championship game, or no one should
play a conference championship game. I think everybody should play
the same number of conference games. I was a head
coach in the SEC. I've been a head coach into
Big ten. I was in the SEC when the whole
conversation was whether to go.

Speaker 5 (02:18:39):
To eight or nine conference games.

Speaker 2 (02:18:41):
Okay, we're going to play a little prediction game here
following tomorrow night's game, whenever it's over nine thirty ten
o'clock ish at night. That's the thing. This thing kicks
off at six thirty tomorrow night. How long if Notre
Dame gets the victory, of course, how long after the

final horn sounds does the social media department make some
sort of reference to conference play the conference that Penn
State's a part of anything conference related.

Speaker 4 (02:19:13):
A picture from the game, along with the score and
the caption will read might not have had a chance
for the conference championship, but we'll be playing for the
national championship next week.

Speaker 2 (02:19:22):
See why don't you just take over their social media
tomorrow night?

Speaker 21 (02:19:26):

Speaker 4 (02:19:26):
This is the championship. We really want something like that. Yeah,
I think they'll definitely. These are great things to take.
That's why the social media teams for teams are so
good because it's and it's usually received pretty well because
that's the It's not coming from a we hate you place.
It's coming from a you kind of gave us this material,
so we're gonna use it, and vice versa. It's this
is a good thing. It's it's good natured. If peace

be with you, Big ten and with you in reality, like,
are people saying no way, Coach Franklin, that's ridiculous. You
think everyone should be in a conference or nobody should
be in a conference? That's crazy. Wait, you don't think
we should play a conference title game if they don't play.
What he said is actually pretty basic. If they were
able to kind of create something from nowhere, they're kind

of every year, they're kind of adapting to what can
we do next? And how do we include everybody? How
do we not exclude anybody? I mean, this is a
group of teams put together to make a twelve team playoff,
and essentially it's put together by the Power four, and
then we don't want to eliminate the team, you know,
will give Boise State or Navy or somebody that's outside that. Okay,
you could have a chance to not only be in it,

but kind of have an automatic bid if these parameters
are file filled and then based on standings in the
in their rankings, you could even qualify for a home
game or an off week, I should say. And they
did that for Boise State, and they did that for
the others. And what they did for Notre Dame to
accommodate them to get them in Notre Dame is different.

They don't They're not like other college football team. That
is a fact. By not playing in a conference. And
I know we're in a new year, but you know,
Georgia rolls through an entire season undefeated. Okay, Well, then
they lost a conference title game which they played without
lad McConkey and without Rock Bowers at full health, and
they're out of the playoffs entirely because they weren't one

of the best four teams because they had to play
a conference title game against a playoff caliber team who
went to the playoffs. By winning in Bama, Notre Dame
could have gone undefeated in their regular season. And what
would have kept them out of the playoffs. Nothing because
there's no conference title game waiting for them.

Speaker 2 (02:21:31):
This all started when, you know, so Franklin's sitting there
giving these answers, and he's sitting next to Marcus Freeman.

Speaker 4 (02:21:39):
That's the head coach of Notre Dame.

Speaker 2 (02:21:41):
Just in case, just set the stage here and uh,
this whole start. This whole thing started when he said
that the showdown against Notre Dame is about quote representing
our schools and our conferences. And then he goes or
our conference. Excuse me, that's where this whole thing start.
If your Marcus Freeman, there's nothing you could say to that,

because I mean, you have the job you have. It's
not your fault. I mean, I guess you could probably
have some sway. Maybe if you were a highly successful
coach and therefore basically effectively run the school like most.

Speaker 4 (02:22:16):
Well, it could maybe get us more money. We need
to make it harder to get to the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (02:22:21):
I vote for that. No one's gonna say you don't.
This is like salary cap in Major League Baseball. It's
never gonna happen. I get where James Franklin is coming from.
I also like the fact that it's very uh, you know,
tongue in chink week week like trash talk. But at
the end of the day, nothing's gonna change because of

what you just said. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (02:22:43):
With with the to these two teams programs, Penn State
initially having played earlier and then Notre Dame following them,
the question that elicited those answers is one as a
topic that's been talked about since this matchup was made,
since the obvious will happen when either team wins. The
question was, with the future generations looking back on this

ninety first edition of the Orange Bowl, what do you
hope they see in this moment beyond this just being
the first Orange Bowl in history between two black coaches,
And what pivotal decision or experiences in your journey do
you believe prepared you for this moment. And Franklin obviously
answering first, you know, he walked through a bunch of
other stuff, and he talked about some really great things.
He brought up Tyrone Willingham, who was a former Notre

Dame head coach, among many other stops, and Tony Dungee,
and he said, you know, in kind of summarizing what
he had said to that particular question, he says, I
don't take it lightly.

Speaker 2 (02:23:35):
I really don't.

Speaker 4 (02:23:36):
Gotten a ton of messages from people all over the
country that I've worked with or no, But ultimately, it's
about Penn State, and it's about Notre Dame, and it's
about our teams going out on the field and competing
and representing our schools and our conferences or our conference
excuse me, and college football and the Orange Bowl, and
really presenting a great game and game experience for everybody
to enjoy. But I do I don't take it lightly

that responsibility. So he was saying it in a really profound, awesome,
well thought out, super respectful answer to everybody that had
been a part of the journey for both he and
I think, to a certain extent, Marcus Freeman. But he
also wanted to be accurate. You're our conference.

Speaker 2 (02:24:14):
Yeah, and this is good stuff, but in all seriousness,
just talking about the state of college football, which is
I mean, it's never been stronger, right, Look at all
this talk about it. We're pretty interested exactly exactly, so
it's not suffering from that. But that's not even the
only thing that Franklin was talking about. And one of
the things he said is starting the season a week earlier.

For example, he's talking about making the support more uniform
to ease the strain of playing more games with an
expanded playoff. That is interesting when you consider that there's
two things at play here. You're obviously playing more games
if you're any program that's successful in college football. But
if you're starting the season earlier, I mean we're talking
basically mid August. For lack of a better way of

putting it, I mean.

Speaker 4 (02:25:01):
One thing it would do is you'd probably be even
more afraid of playing a big non conference game.

Speaker 2 (02:25:09):
First right already, especially in the South.

Speaker 4 (02:25:12):
Yes, well, from a weather stand point, maybe, but also
from I meant, I just got these transfers or these
high school recruits. I just got them, and I'm a
little afraid of not being at our best this week,
and I have to play it. We have to play
at our best because of the opponent we've put on
our schedule at this point in the season. I do

think that's a fairly significant factor. I do think the
timing of the calendar with NIL and transfer portal and
not a nil as much as the transfer port it
doesn't line up very well. That could help. But just
this whole.

Speaker 2 (02:25:46):
Conversation made you know. I think people know this.

Speaker 4 (02:25:49):
You leave high school as an elite college basketball prospect. Okay, well,
you got to play college basketball for a year or
go somewhere for a year. The NBA will welcome you
with open arms. One year later, you're an elite high
school baseball player. You can go right to the pros.
You can immediately be drafted if you'd like. You don't
have to do anything because one reason, they're not concerned

about your body not being ready for it in the
NBA or your body not being ready for it in
Major League Baseball or pro baseball. You're not even going
to be in the majors yet. This has long been
the reason why it's three years after you leave high
school to get entry into the NFL, if you so choose,
because your bodies aren't ready yet, right, but your bodies
are ready.

Speaker 2 (02:26:31):
To play a twenty twenty one, twenty four week season
with fourteen fifteen, sixteen seventeen games an NFL schedule. In
other words, I.

Speaker 4 (02:26:40):
Mean you better started earlier because you have to give
them more off time.

Speaker 2 (02:26:44):
They have two off weeks now, and.

Speaker 4 (02:26:45):
The playoffs are fairly well spaced from a health standpoint,
but they've also extended this year of football from August
into late January for teenagers.

Speaker 2 (02:26:56):
One other thing you mentioned as we go to break
that I love is the idea of a commissioner that's
separated from all this stuff, and Nick Saban at the
top of that list. That would be awesome just for
the press conferences of nothing else.

Speaker 9 (02:27:10):
The ad on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 21 (02:27:14):
No need for a roadmap when all roads lead to
as sweet iHeartRadio app, astros and Rockets games plus legendary
Houston Sports Talk seven ninety on any device with the
free iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (02:27:30):
Now that's the art of living.

Speaker 4 (02:27:35):
All right, let's get right to it because we're only
into our fifteenth segment. Guarantee you we've forgotten a bunch
of stuff to get into today, so it's a case
you missed it.

Speaker 2 (02:27:43):
What do we have today?

Speaker 14 (02:27:44):

Speaker 2 (02:27:44):
All right?

Speaker 12 (02:27:45):
So we hadn't heard from the Texans offensive coordinator Bobby Slowick,
who did address the Jets interest in him, but only
briefly today. But that's not where we're gonna go with this.
We're gonna go with how do you win in the playoffs?

Speaker 2 (02:27:57):

Speaker 12 (02:27:57):
I mean, you know, you gotta have really good special teams,
have really good defense. Offense, you'd like to be able
to be as efficient as possible. Well, Bobby Slowick says,
one of the keys get on a hot streak.

Speaker 20 (02:28:08):
As we work through some things, even even the last
three weeks, our emphasis beyond that was we got to
do everything we can to start to get hot. And
that's really all it takes is if you get hot
as an offense, especially around this time of year, that's
a really good thing for your team and your organization.
And I would say probably this year generally, like I
think last year we probably had a few hot streaks

in there. I feel like this year we didn't have
as many hot streaks and strides that we hit for
multiple games as an offense this year. And that's really
been our intent, like how on the details can we
be as we go through every single one of these
practices in weeks so that we can kind of.

Speaker 2 (02:28:43):
Start a spark weeks.

Speaker 4 (02:28:45):
I like that that means he anticipates an additional week
or two, or three or four of practicing. And I
also appreciate he's an absolute realist. He's been here two years,
he's run the offense for two years, they had way
more success, got hot, way more and found their rhythm
clearly a bunch in twenty twenty three, even in the postseason,

and they just haven't done that.

Speaker 2 (02:29:08):
How many screenplays are the Texan's going to call on
Saturday that make the fan base on social media absolutely
roll over and want.

Speaker 4 (02:29:16):
To die, probably more than they would want to see.
But I've said this before, there's nothing wrong with that
play call because you can't ignore it when you can't
do other things. You've got to get the ball out quickly.

Speaker 2 (02:29:30):

Speaker 4 (02:29:30):
That's why he calls so many of them. It's not
his fault that this player missed his assignment, or that
player missed his assignment, or CJ didn't put the ball
right where it needed to be so Nico didn't have
to wait a step, didn't have to jump for the ball,
give the defender. All parts of the play have to
be executed well for it to succeed. It's not an
automatic fail. The things that aren't working are your whole offense,

which makes the other team realize, well, if they can't
do this and they can't do that, they're probably going
to resort to screenplays. It works a whole lot better
when you can just it into your offense. He hasn't
been able to do that this year because the other
team has been able to stop too much of what
else they've tried to do. So it'll be there, I mean,
I would hope, and maybe it's maybe there's an opportunity

here with Deontay Johnson. You know Deontay Johnson on this field,
and I think he's gonna play a lot. Personally, I
think they should want him to play a lot because
they're gonna need players that can create separation. You'll find
out what kind of play calling day it will be,
you know, a couple series into the game, maybe just
one series, if they're having any kind of success running
the ball, if they're in good down and distance, if

you've put points on the board, which is something they
clearly did last week. They were able to get to
their offense off the field. There too, a couple of
starters off the field because they had a super successful
opening drive. That can absolutely dictate what kind of day
you feel like your game calling day can be for
Robert Slowick.

Speaker 2 (02:30:53):
Especially if they don't challenge your fumble.

Speaker 4 (02:30:56):
Slowik Yes, that helped Slowk acknowledged as Dan said, Jets
opportunity and said what I would think every coach who's
getting ready for a Saturday game. My focus is with
the guys in this building. I'm trying to get that
accomplished here. I'd like to play more football. I think
that is not only the right thing to say, but
the accurate thing to say. Hey, it's the Jets. Anyway,

what else do we have.

Speaker 12 (02:31:20):
A couple of weeks from this Saturday, we're going to
be out at new dyke In Park, at least newly
named dyke In Park for Astros FanFest. One of the
newest Astros, Christian Walker, he'll be there more than likely.
And he was on with our good buddy row Flow,
Robert Flores, and Harold Reynolds today on MLB Networks Hot
Stove Morning Show Roe Flow asking him about walking into

a clubhouse that is not going to include Kyle Tucker
and more than likely Alex Bregman.

Speaker 22 (02:31:46):
I don't think it's about replacing people. That those guys
are hard to replace. Their their you know, their perennial
all stars, their elite and what they do. So it's
not about replacing guys or filling shoes. It's you know,
it's finding new guys to fit into the team, all
of the clubhouse and and you know, bring something new
to the table. You know, for me, I'm looking for
I'm looking forward to the opportunity to meet the guys

and see what what the you know, the work ethics
like in spring training. That's something that I take a
lot of pride in and I think, I think, you know,
there's a lot to learn in those early reps in springs.
So even even just showing up earlier in the year,
I'm really looking forward to, you know, seeing seeing what
the energy is like in the clubhouse and then seeing
how the.

Speaker 4 (02:32:23):
Guys are so Christian will be joining the Astros. What
do you think it will be like this year for
you and the Majors to not have Kyle Tucker and
Alex Bregman as teammates, Probably like every other year of
my career when Alex Bregman and Kyle Tucker weren't my teammate.
Why didn't you just go that route?

Speaker 2 (02:32:38):
Well, this is not me. Yes, that's the simple quickest answer.

Speaker 4 (02:32:43):
The other part of that January twenty fifth, that is
a Saturday. That is the date for Astros fan Fest,
and we will be out there again broadcasting live as
we have been.

Speaker 2 (02:32:52):
Over the past handful of years. It's a good time
out there.

Speaker 4 (02:32:55):
Sometimes the weather mirrors what it is today, had quite
a few of those here recently, but good to kind
of figure out where things are for certain players, you know,
what they might have been working on. There are a
handful of players that are going to matter a great
deal to this year's astros, Christian Walker and each of
the three players, including Cam Smith if he's there but

Hayden was Nesky and esach Preitis. That be interesting to
catch up with them or get to know them a
little bit about what they have hopefully in store for
the fans that come out there to see that.

Speaker 2 (02:33:25):
How many times does he get called Isaac that first
day by the fans? Well, just somebody interviewing him that
doesn't know better, hopefully not very often spelled the same.
It is spelled the same. What else do we have?

Speaker 13 (02:33:37):

Speaker 2 (02:33:38):
Right? Final one?

Speaker 12 (02:33:38):
So last night on Rockets launch Pad, Wes you played
Lebron James Seeping praise on ASAR and also a Men Thompson.
How about the out the Mud podcast with Joe Kim
Love Out the mund Who you're gonna hear from first
and then Zach Randolph and Noah also a huge fan
of a men.

Speaker 8 (02:33:57):
Oh wat s Houston play the other day I saw
this kid, Amen Thompson.

Speaker 5 (02:34:02):
Oh yeah, goodness between up to or.

Speaker 8 (02:34:09):
He's a bad man Thompson. He's my favorite player right
now I'm watching it. I like, I like what he
made doing over there as a whole. He got some
young boys going yeah. I mean young boy's going no, no,
shout out to my boy. He made MANI fine.

Speaker 2 (02:34:27):
That sounds like an interlude on Snoops first album. You
know the name of the game.

Speaker 4 (02:34:34):
Zach Randolph, many good years in Portland. He may have
Portland guy. And Noah, who just now is apparently discovering
a men Thompson. It's pretty easy though, for players like
these two Thompson's to catch other players eyes. And it's
because of what Lebron and Cad Cunningham caid Is, a

Stars teammate in Detroit, said, They're not like everybody else.
If everybody was like them, we wouldn't notice they are different.
They are athletically gifted in a way that we just
don't necessarily. It's like Zion. Nobody's like Zion. He did
something yesterday, I said, We've spent three months of this
NBA season, I haven't seen it one time. He played
one game in the last two months he did that.

There are certain players that do things that other players
sometimes when he goes up and blocks a shot from
absolutely out of nowhere and he's four feet above the rim,
when he's able to open the game with three dunks,
you have five dunks in the game against the Lakers
in situations where you just you don't normally see a
player able to kind of fight into traffic like there
take the angle that he does, or be able to

grab the rebound and do it. And as the rest
of his game has continue to join him. Athletically, he's gifted,
but he's he's able to score from pretty much anywhere
now except consistently behind the three point line, and that
does mean sixteen footers and twelve footers and you know,
shots that aren't at the rim. And as a starter,
by the way, I mean, Thompson has been absolutely killing it.

Eighteen points per game, nearly twelve rebounds per game, two
blocks per game, and he's got quite a few starts
in front of him. We got tickets to see Monster
Jam we're giving them away next.

Speaker 1 (02:36:13):
The eight on Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 2 (02:36:18):
The eighteen continues, WEX, I know we gotta give away
some tickets here, Yes, and I know that I wanted
to ask you a question about Aman Thompson. Okay, save it. Well,

hang on, I have to go to the top of
the list of priorities in this segment of the show
as you are listening.

Speaker 4 (02:36:48):
Clearly listeners and their ability to win stuff from us.

Speaker 2 (02:36:51):
Second ac First, well, they're going to thank me when
I tell them who's available? Now go ahead. Who did
you think I said early or who did you think
I was going to refer to earlier during the break?

Speaker 4 (02:37:02):
Definitely not saying that.

Speaker 2 (02:37:04):
I just thought maybe i'd see if you'd do it.

Speaker 4 (02:37:05):
No, this is a this is a pop culture, you know,
celebrity world comment.

Speaker 2 (02:37:11):
I am who were now available?

Speaker 4 (02:37:13):
For those who didn't understand what he meant, I don't
know if he meant a head coach is now available?

Speaker 5 (02:37:16):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (02:37:17):
Yeah, I am a forty three years of age. You
know who else is? Don't know? Jessica Alba. Jessica Alba
is single, is what you're saying. Seventeen years of marriage
and they reportedly she and her forty five year old husband,
Cash Warren separated some time over the past few weeks.

Had not been seen together recently. But she's going to
be available now. By the way, this is my favorite part.
TMZ has seen both of them recently in public without
their wedding rings. On the other day, Teresa didn't wear hers.
We're clearly getting a divorce anyway. Just wanted to say,
if you got a shot out there, if you're available,

you and I are happily married, so it won't be us.
But that is very important news for a large segment
of the male population in this world.

Speaker 4 (02:38:08):
What is your favorite fake Jessica album movie? We will
give these tickets away momentarily and it will be based
on something you heard very recently on the show. You'll
just have to know the answer to that.

Speaker 2 (02:38:17):
Who is available? Fake? What do you mean by fake?
Like she's not a real actress?

Speaker 4 (02:38:24):
She starred in a two thousand and four crime thriller mystery?

Speaker 2 (02:38:29):
What movie was that two thousand and four? Yes? What
fake movie was that? I don't know? Head on? How
would I know that?

Speaker 4 (02:38:38):
She co starred with Vindison Chase.

Speaker 2 (02:38:41):
Oh, now I remember? Is she is her house, the
one they go to for the party.

Speaker 4 (02:38:48):
It's one of the places they go. Yes, sick View.
She showed up in some later I believe in the
movie when Ari is streaming through the set on a
golf cart and she's very upset that he hasn't greenlit
her pet project.

Speaker 2 (02:39:04):
Something like that.

Speaker 4 (02:39:05):
Yes, our question for you to win tickets to go
see Monster Jam has arrived. Monster Jam over at NRG Stadium.

Speaker 2 (02:39:12):
It's coming up.

Speaker 4 (02:39:13):
It's on February second. It also includes pit passes. So
we got a four pack of tickets. We'll actually give
it away to a couple of winners today. So four
pack of tickets to Monster Jam February second, along with
pit passes. And for those of you interested in going
the Monster Jam event, tickets are on sale now at
ticketmaster dot com. Last segment, we called it in case

you missed it, And if you did miss it, you're
gonna have a tough time answering this. But if you
were with us during in case you missed it, we
had sound from two former NBA players, super complementary of
one particular Houston Rocket Amn Thompson, even saying one of
them that it was his.

Speaker 2 (02:39:49):
New favorite player.

Speaker 4 (02:39:50):
Tell me, either of the names of the two gentlemen
from the particular podcast about Mud that was saying that
about Amen Thompson, either of the two former NBA players
on their podcast talking about current Rocket and men Thompson
glowingly seven one three two one two five seven ninety
seven to one three two one two five seven ninety
and those four pack of tickets with pit passes. Two

months you jam could be yours.

Speaker 2 (02:40:15):
Let's fast forward to a little less than two months
from now. Jabari Smith Junior, he's back. He's ready to
rejoin the lineup. He's not starting anymore, is he?

Speaker 4 (02:40:28):
Uh, well, I'm not quite finished with all the uh,
the Wexler research team is not quite finished. I thought
it was worthwhile to check on his, you know, men's
tomp Men Thomps's numbers as a starter versus as a reserve.
But I know full well they're they're gonna be skewed
a little bit by playing time. He's averaging more minutes
as a starter than any other Rocket by.

Speaker 2 (02:40:49):
A lot, like forty one last night.

Speaker 4 (02:40:51):
He's averaging thirty six point seven minutes per game in
his seven starts. No other Rockets averaging more than thirty five.
Those are James Hardening his prime as a rocket numbers.
He plays twenty six and a half minutes as a reserve.
So I was looking at his per thirty six numbers
to somewhat equalize those things.

Speaker 2 (02:41:08):
And they're insane.

Speaker 4 (02:41:09):
Well, I mentioned earlier, he's at seventeen point seven points,
eleven point one rebounds per game as a starter, fifteen
and nine as a reserve, and these are per thirty
six is So that again is an attempt to equalize him.
But what really stands out is he's really good off
the bench. He's a fifty five percent shooter playing with
mostly those players and a mix of the starters. But
he's a sixty one percent shooter when he starts, a

sixty one percent shooter when he's involved in the flow
of the game that much earlier and that much more.
He also, because Fred is out there and Jalen is
out there for almost all of those minutes, he is
floating around, he's playing in the dunker spot. He's offensive
rebounding like create the opportunity for him to get easy,
easy half court offense. Baskets is through the roof. Now

he and Tari Easton have played together a whole lot
less lately as the error twins. They're terror single for
the last ten games, and probably a few more terrible.

Speaker 2 (02:42:04):
Seeing Tarian streat Clows all the time.

Speaker 4 (02:42:06):
He's averaging two blocks a game as a starter. There
aren't that many players averaging two blocks a game, period,
and that's what he does when he's out there.

Speaker 2 (02:42:13):
What's Victor wibin Yama averaging per game? Four?

Speaker 4 (02:42:17):
Okay, these are also per thirty six minute numbers. He
also has four double doubles.

Speaker 2 (02:42:22):
You're telling me the top pick in the same draft
as a men, Thompson is only averaging two more blocks
per game.

Speaker 4 (02:42:28):
His per thirty six numbers would actually has sent his
up because he plays less than thirty six minutes a game,
so eight, not quite eight.

Speaker 2 (02:42:35):
He plays more than eighteen minutes a night. He's gonna
change the game.

Speaker 4 (02:42:37):
You know, five twenty seven games off the bench for
a men, he's had a double double five times.

Speaker 2 (02:42:43):
That's pretty good.

Speaker 4 (02:42:44):
Seven starts for a man, he's had double doubles in
four of them. He will be in eleven to twelve.
He's had back to back games of fifteen rebounds. It's
not about better, but it's so obviously about different than
Jabari Smith. He's a very different player. And mind you,
some of these starts, all but the last three, he

was starting with Jabari Smith Junior. Because it doesn't matter
what Rocket has hurt. If they're a starter, a men
is taking their spot. If there's a time where everybody
else is healthy and Alpern Shingoun can't start. I don't
think Steven Adams is going to start. I know Jock
Landell's not gonna start. I doubt Jeff Green will start.
A men Thompson will start if they can't because a
Jonas valanchouness type of center is on the other side

and they just can't go that small. Maybe, but most
teams don't have a player like that. He fits with everybody.
He's great with every lineup. Look at his lineup, A
combinations with anybody, two man lineups, three man lineups. For me,
it doesn't matter. His numbers are phenomenal. I don't think
he will be starting when Jabari Smith Junior comes back.

I went, I took you all the way down that path,
and I do think the Rockets are probably still better
off not putting Jabari Smith Junior with the reserves in
a bench.

Speaker 2 (02:44:01):
Role, because you think the drop off would be more offensively,
I think their opportunity to take a twenty six to
twenty one lead after the first twelve minutes to a
forty five twenty nine lead because a men Thompsonari Easton
and the rest of their bench Cam Whitmore are out
there against the reserves, it goes away if a men's not.

Speaker 4 (02:44:21):
They were already a great first quarter team. They might
be a little bit better with the last night. They weren't,
but they have over the course of the season. I
feel pretty confident their top eight, top five, somewhere in
there in terms of offensive efficiency. And it also helps
when Jalen Green scores twenty two points in a quarter,
which he did.

Speaker 2 (02:44:38):
Either, of course, would be a more interesting season. This
is a fascinating season. They are fighting for sole possession
of the two seed tomorrow night right here on Sports
Talk seven ninety and Space City Home Network, where you
will find us again less than twenty four hours from now.
By the way, sponsors going to stop by tomorrow. I
cannot be delicious.

Speaker 4 (02:44:59):
It is going to be delicious being big right here
in the city.

Speaker 2 (02:45:02):
Yeah. Well, Houston's wings wing joint is what it is,
so We'll do that and so much more tomorrow on
a Thursday edition of The eighteen.

Speaker 9 (02:45:11):
The eighteen on Sports Talk seven ninety
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