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Astros and Yankees four game series underway. The Yankees coming back yesterday in thrilling
fashion. If you're a Yankees fanlike Nick taturo Is and beating the Astros
and they're looking to go up tooh to start the year, Nick,
you're on with Adam and Adam.Adam Clanton right here, Adam Wexler over
there. We talked a little bityesterday. I tried to be very courteous.
I knew it was a season opener. I was like, I'm not
going to talk during actual game action. But we had a nice visit during
the the top and bottom halves ofthat first inning. But this is actually
your first time to come to anAstros game, as I as I discovered
yesterday, you've been trying to getdown here. Yeah, it's actually my
first time in Houston. I've beentrying to, you know, get to
h down for a number of years. I thought maybe I could change the
the mojosince you guys have owned us. So I don't know. Being in
the building, maybe I made adent. But it's only one game,
you know. But it's nice whenyou travel fall and you get that WAU
You're like, wow, if youcome out there and they were down three
four nothing on a heartbeat. Thensame old craft, double play, double
play Gus. But I don't know, you know, we pulled it out
and maybe one Soto was good tohave a guy like that on our side.
Well, I gotta tell you itwas. It was a thrill for
me to see live and in personthe type of video content that you post
when things aren't going well for theYankees. You handled it well. But
like everybody already knew who you were, everybody in our section around us was,
you know, just giving good natureback and forth with you because they
know that at the end of theday, everything else stripped aside. You're
a diehard baseball fan and a diehardYankees fan. That's right. I mean
that you couldn't have said it better. No matter how critical or how crazy
I get. I'm a die hardYankee fan to the end. I mean,
I don't even know, you know, what the Yankees think of me
sometimes, so I don't really carebecause it's all about winning, you know.
And I've been two blue Yankee fansfor year, so I live and
die with them. And I evenhad one of the guys, the GM
guy, Omam and I I thinkhe was there and you know, I
told him we need a little morepitching. He kind of looked at me
like, you know. I waslike, all right, whatever, because
I'm giving you my two cents,that's all, you know. So I
feel like, you know, I'ma real fan. I speak to a
lot of fans because you know,a lot of times that's feeling what I
feel, and you know, Irelate. Even yesterday it was all the
fans from the Ashles looked great.They were great. I think they just
got to kick out of seeing mein the building. And I thought they
were going to be more harsh,more like, you know, but not
at all. Very very nice,almost too nice, but a little weird
being in that building, a littleweird. It was like I'm watching it
on TV. It's a little dark, and because the roof was closed,
so I don't know, a littlethere was kind of you know, when
you're finally there, you're like,wow, I'm actually here. Yeah,
no, it's and you're a Queen'sguys, so you're as New York as
it gets. And we were talkingabout that a little bit yesterday, and
I've got to ask because I knoweverybody's wondering that has listened to you.
And you've been on the Matt ThomasShow before here on Sports Talk seven ninety
and what do you think of Houstonso far? I know we talked a
little bit off the air today andyou were like, Man, I am
going through the meat down here,and that is It's so funny because that's
what we do down here. Weeat a lot of meat in Texas.
Yeah. Yeah, Well, youknow, like, my stomach isn't the
greatest, but and I'm addicted tobergers and I love my steaks. So
I had a great burger yesterday withBumby Trill Burger, which is lives up
to the hype fantastic. Wasn't nuttyabout Wantaburger. So but I'll let that
go. You know. So Iwanted to be I wanted to be a
lot of people hype it up,but Trill Burger is the real deal.
Bunby. I actually went to thegame with him. What a great dude,
a Houston legend. Yeah, andyou know, I had to barbecue
last night down the road to Idon't know the name of the joint,
but it was fantastic. It's justthat my stomach when I eat like that.
I'm gonna suffer. I'm gonna suffer, you know. I don't want
to get that diverticulated thing. SoI get to a chance for what I
ease. But you know, foodis you know, you guys a food.
He is here, man. Youlove your meat, you love you
barbecue, and I mean comes rightoff the bone. I mean it was
great. It was really really great. I actually like the town. I
would definitely come back. It's youknow, I want to see another game
tomorrow. I won't be in thebuilding tonight, but you know it won't
work it nick. I actually broughtmy family to New York last summer and
we went to a Yankee game.It was a Yankees Orioles game, and
I'm a nobody, so it's notlike the fans treated me any differently,
but we were sitting with so manyangry fans. It was a night they
played against Aaron Hicks, just afterhe had gone from the Yankees to the
Orioles, and of course he wasplaying great. They could not stop yelling
at him, and I got thefeel for what I think it might have
been like to be a Yankee fanas they feel about the Astros. The
last five six seven years. Canyou describe what's that like? And where
the Astro's Yankees was nothing, Therewas no rivalry. You never gave a
second thought to the Yankees for thefirst I don't know how many years are
your fandom, and all of asudden, the last six seven years,
the team you hate the most,the team that's in the way the most,
the team that sent you packing themost. How much discussed is there
for this ball club from Yankee fans? Yeah, there's a lot, because
it becomes a mental block. Itbecomes like, he can't beat these suckers
no matter what we do. Theygot on number, they got on number.
They seemed psychologically, you know,baseball is very psychological. And I
saw a skip swept by them.I was there a couple of years ago
and they ended our season. Soand I've seen so many bad losses,
the Chapman thing, you know,in that building. We were so close
in seventeen and I thought we couldhave won won game six, but we
didn't and we went to seven.So you know, you're just like,
where's this coming from? Because theAspers used to play the Mets. The
Askers were a National League team.Now, all of a sudden they come
over to the American League and theyget all these you know, they'd go
a great, little, great bunchand then they own us. And so
you know, we had that withthe Angels for a while and then we
finally beat them. So the Yankeesdo need to beat the Ashrolls in the
postseason, uh and put this thingto bed. And nothing against the Ashros.
They've had a great run. You'vegot two championships, probably could have
had another one, but and yearand year out they let guys go,
and yet they're they're really good.They're right there, because that tells you
they got a great foundation. Anduh, you know, I'm even friends
with Bregman. It's a little bitand he's a great guy. I kind
of player too, So you know, I didn't respect them, but at
some time, you know that thistaste it comes from that we can't find
a way to beat them. Youknow, I'm where the Yankees, but
we were supposed to beat them.Not every time, but we are supposed
to beat them. So that's why, like I'm in the building, I'm
like, I can I can't acceptlosing. I gotta find a way.
And then you know that play inthe ninth and Soto. They don't get
that guy that we lose that game. We're gonna lose that game. So
I don't know, I felt like, you know, I just felt like
I was gonna get the w whenwe get when we went ahead, and
it wasn't a pretty win, butI don't care. We grinded it out.
But the you know, much respectfor the ash Rows, but yeah,
are they annoying? Are they youknow, distasteful? Yeah? You
know, I'm trying to lose himto them. You know, I don't
even bring up the whole scandal thing, but it is what it is.
We're pass that, you know.But they've been great. They're a great
team. That's the bottom line.Do you think Garrett Cole was better with
facial hair here in Houston or cleanshaven as a Yankee? I think Garrett
with the facial hair might have beena little more intimidating. The Yankees may
have warded him down a little bit, you know, because the Yankees are
like, you know, if you'rea gangster, you're not supposed to have
any facial hair. You're allowed tohave a stash. You know, you
can grow those I don't want tosay what those stashes look like but porn
stasheah, the porn stash, right, yeah, right, yeah, you're
a poorn stash. But uh yeah, you know, Garrett has been great
for us, but he he pitchedincredible for you guys for some reason.
You know, sometimes guys get moreout of a guy than other people.
And you know, he came herewith a huge contract, huge expectations.
Even me, I was all overhim. But you know, I like
the guy's pitch. He's he's abulldog. Hopefully he's only gonna miss a
couple of months. Uh. Youknow, I was worried about that because
our pitching staff is not that deep. We are not that deep. You
can't afford to lose a whole age. So let's hope the guy that he
is okay. But yeah, byfar he was. He did his best
work as a show. Nick Taturo, die hard Yankees fan here on Sports
Talk seven ninety Friend of the station. Because you've been on with Matt Thomas
before and now you're you're considered afriend of us. I really appreciate taking
the time, Nick. I knowyou're having a good time here in town,
and look, you've got a groupdown here if anybody has some tickets,
Nick's looking for a few more.I'm not gonna solicit on the air,
but I am going to solicit onthe air because I think you're that
good of a dude. I willtell you one funny thing. I went
into the badroom yesterday and we'll endedit with this, and then a Brucey
chant will unbelievable, a whole bedroomwe see, well see, I'm like,
they don't even do that for mein New York. That was crazy.
I was laughing so hard. Iwas like, oh my god,
they were doing a Brusy chant.I got a lot of fans down here,
so you know, you know,it's a it's a friendly rivalry.
It's not it's not there's no hatred. It's just a you know this taste.
And when I'm in I'm in themoment. I'm just in a moment.
I'm mad. But anyway, thatBrucey chant in the bathroom, you
guys made my You made my days. That was that was funny as hell.
I love the fact that there wasa bruisy chant in a bathroom here
at minute May Park for Nick toTurrow. That is something that you just
can't make up. That is good. Okay, you can't write that,
man, I love it. Look, if anybody has tickets to this guy
for Saturday, I want you tocall Dan right now. I don't care.
I'm doing it. I don't care. I know. I know Wex
is gonna gt upset. This ismy boy, but I'm trying to bring
it. I'm trying to bring afew more. So right, Plus people
have tickets here, I know theydo. Plus Flying James Martinez from NYPD
Blue, You're a god in mybook for that, because that show is
just the greatest, No, it'sthe greatest police drama all the time.
I will tell you that was whenI was hanging out of a building and
I was definitely I froze that thuntmanwas screaming, yelling don't worry, don't
worry, and I freaked out.I've never hung out of a building on
a harness. There wasn't thirty stories, but three four stories was enough to
make me freak out. And Iwas like, I flipped out, Oh
my god, And and that's howthe line came Flying Jeans, I think
Caruso said it. But what agreat show. Yeah, it was a
special time in my life. Specialtime. The Yankees started that whole run
in ninety six, and it wasreally a magical time. You know,
I'd like to have a feeling likethat again in my life because it was
just great. The Yankees were great, and I was on a great show
on like a world championship team,and it was you know, I brought
the whole calf in ninety six.I had all the ticket connections. I
brought everybody to the to the Bravesand the Yankees. We were down two
to zero and we won four straightand we were shooting exteriors to NYPD blew.
I never forget it. Saturday night, you freaking closed out the Braves
and we won all three in Atlanta, and that was a great you know,
so like I, you know,I just have great Mendy in my
life, not only the show,but Yankees being great too. Well,
we hope you have a fantastic timehere the rest of the weekend here in
Houston and friends for life of SportsTalk seven ninety got it all right,
Nick Tatuo here on Sports Talk sevenninety. Thanks again, Nick, and
we will we'll see you this weekend.