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Two lifelong Houston sportskys named Adham TalkingYour Teams series. Adam Clinton and Adam
Wexler are the A team A What'sUp Houston? Back at it again for
a full week here on the eighteenSports Talk seven ninety What I already mess
up? Ten seconds in? Iknow we have a shortened show. One
of those days, no show Wednesday, no show. I thought it was
just shortened that day. You cancome in. I'm not going out.
Oh, I forget because of theWest Coat. That's what always throws me
off the West Coast games. Weactually get the day off. Sorry Matt
Thomas, but yeah, hey,we will have two full shows today and
tomorrow before we step aside and MattThomas complains about it again. But in
the meantime, I should be veryhappy. The Astros won two and a
half games over the weekend before oneof the wildest that was. I do
like that. Now let's start therewith the show today. Welcome in,
everybody. Let's say, like someother sports where you can get ties and
you get a point for it.You gotta win, you get three points,
you get a tie, you geta point. What did the Texans
get for that tie? That onetime. Well, they don't get anything.
In football, they have them,but you don't get anything for it.
You just don't get a loss ora win. If they really went
that route in baseball this year,oh, that would be very helpful for
the Astros, considering they don't oftencome back, and they do often all
things considered, allow other teams tocome back. Terrible starting pitching performance yet
again, and then a poor bullpenperformance and you let a team who you
hadn't let do anything for two dayscome back on you and win in dramatic
fashion to send you on yet anothertwenty twenty four unhappy flight. That has
been the biggest difference of many,many, big, big difference between last
year and this year. Despite aroster that has not dramatically changed, the
Astros made up ground over the weekendand then gave it back a little bit
yesterday. All that in front ofthe Mariners, who had a very difficult
series with a very good team.Wrap up yesterday with an extra inning was
win over Kansas City. Well,they they start a series with the White
Sox as the Astros start a serieswith the Giants. That'll be right here
on Sports Talk seven to ninety tonightTomorrow night, and again that is an
afternoon game to wrap up the sixgame road trip. On Wednesday, another
off day, which again will helpthis team as they continue to try to
navigate their way through five starting healthypitchers only, which means bad starts by
them just being well, they'll getanother start the next time through. And
the guy who through yesterday has hadthe most of them. Unfortunately, he's
been the worst pitcher they have asa starter during this best stretch of baseball
that they've played. And I amtalking about Justin Verlander, although he's only
the worst if you go by thenumbers, So yeah, what else would
you go by? That's what I'mgoing with. So I'm not sure how
resume. I'm not sure exactly that. Again, I'm not sure how people
are trying to sugarcoat it, becausehe has some good starts in there,
but it's a it's a good wayto not allow your offense to keep humming
along and feel like everything's good.It helped to point out they could have
had twelve runs in any of thosegames this weekend. They managed to not
need them for two straight days becausethe pitching was so good. They did
need twelve runs or so yesterday becausethe pitching was not very good and they
had every opportunity to do it withrunners all over the base paths, basses
loaded situation for Paynia and Yaner Diazearly in the game, after a very
smart intentional walk to Jordan Alvarez byRon Washington, Payne came through. He
ripped a single through the left side, one run score. Ds won the
next pitch six four to three.Out of the inning. DZ has been
hitting better, just a matter ofcircumstance. He and Alex Bregman are the
kings of the double playball, andthey seem like they come up in those
situations quite often and deliver it forthe other team. Bregman, of course,
then, like everybody seems to bedoing the manner in which they're getting
hurt in these games. These aren'thamstring pulls trying to stretch a single into
a double, an awkward slide ona stolen base, a collision at the
plate. Kyle Tucker is on theIL, finally put on the IL immediately
after my rant on Friday, andthat's because he hit himself with the baseball
off of his own bat twice.Alex Bregman has been hit by a pitch
twice in the exact same place.Yes, luckily is not exactly. And
I think some of the pain inAlex Bregman's face was that he thought it
was so I mean, probably feltlike it was in the very same place
a little bit on the wrist.Yesterday, stayed in the game for a
pitch and that was the last pitchof the inning when you're on grounded out,
and then he did not come backout for the sixth inning, with
Dubon moving over to the third andimmediately contributing a pair of errors. Very
good fielder. It just happened.And then Jiner Diaz. The easiest lesson
to learn as a catcher is theworst, most difficult pain tolerance lesson for
a catcher. You can't have youroff hand anywhere in front of you when
a pitch comes. I know heknows it. I know every catcher knows
it. And we've seen many majorleague catchers suffer from that foul ball off
of his hand. Flush he doesn'tleave the game, he ends up throwing
a runner out at second later inthe game, and he obviously is finally
going through the best hitting stretch ofhis season. Having homeward in four consecutive
games that ended yesterday, they taketwo out of three. They obviously need
it at least keep doing that.But when you have a lead like that
and you're turning it over to abullpen who's been pretty good for the last
forty days, forty games, thenyou expect that to be a win.
And except for the one guy thatgave up the runs, Josh Hater,
No, well, then one guydidn't give up the runs. So Ryan
Presley, Well, the bullpen's beenvery good. Ryan Presley has not been
good. He hasn't. I'm sorry, I'm gonna disagree with you on that.
He just hasn't. He might notbe bad, but he hasn't been
good. And every time he comesin you can bank on at least one
run given up. He's been reallybad, is a better way to say
it. Oh okay, Well that'swhat I really meant, and that time
has come to make a decision,and I don't know if the astros are
willing to acknowledge that. So wewill talk about that. And Steve Sparks,
a regular visitor to our airwaves.It was on this morning with the
Sean Salisbury Show. Hear from him, so we can share his and our
thoughts on what will be to mea move. Nothing any different while I'm
mentally I think it's tougher to takebecause you are gonna appear in a third
of the games, maybe close tohalf sixty sixty five somewhere like that,
as opposed to an everyday player that'sgoing to bat in one hundred and forty
or one hundred and fifty games.It's really aside from that, which we
can debate how big of a similarityor difference it is. It's taking Alex
Bregman out of the four hole andbatting him six. It's taking your Diaz
out of the five hole in battinghim ninth. It's taking Jose Abray out
of anywhere that's important and having himin the lineup somewhere you feel is the
least important. If Brian Presley continuesto pitch later in games, it's not
about the leverage of the situation somuch. It's about timing. If he
can't hold the game where it is, there's a limited amount of time to
overcome it. If he's pitching inthe eight to ninth innings, and most
often this year it's been in theeighth inning, and that's the case yesterday.
The offense had three at bats afterRyan Presley's appearance, three batters,
two bat one, two, threeinning and the ninth inning, and that
was it to overcome the fact thatthey were now in a tie game.
If he's pitching in the fifth,sixth, seventh, whenever, that might
be. Like Montero has over mostof his career here in Houston, there
are opportunities to overcome it. Plentyof different parts of why this team is
not on a happy flight to SanFrancisco and not a little bit closer to
the vision, and not still ahalf game back of the Rangers, but
rather a game and a half backof two teams that they're chasing. They
have outplayed them over the last fortygames, but not by enough to make
a big enough dent in the standingsto have them anywhere other than looking up
at more than half of the AmericanLeague, and not straight up when they
played the Mariners unfortunately that I meanbecause again I go back to that series
and those games were all for themost part competitive, close, you know,
any any number of terms you coulduse, and the Mariners found a
way to take three out of fourof them all decided by the bullpen.
Their bullpen would stop you, sothey could come back, and your bullpen
would not stop then, so theywould come back. And we just got
done doing what last week complimenting theAstros bullpen and how it's been one of
the best, if not the best, in baseball. Those the one guy
it wasn't Pressley every night, andit's been other guys all throughout the year.
They're in a good stretch where he'sclearly been the worst one, and
the numbers absolutely backed that up.Every pitcher they have in the bullpen has
been more successful than he has.Granted, a guy like Dubin and a
guy like Hernandez have hardly pitched,but everybody else they give the ball to
on a regular basis not only hasbeen better than him in different situations,
but significantly better than him. JoshHader gave up two runs and yesterday's game
and he doubled his RA over thelast forty games and it's still under two.
I even I hate I mean,I know that's what happened by the
facts, it's just it just feelslike he didn't. It feels like it
was a fluke because of the waythose two runs came home. That the
guy hit the ball over the fenceand the guy who caught it hit the
fence and dropped it. He hitover the hints, he hit it into
his glove and then he dropped itthe Yeah, but he had the ball
in his glove. Runner on firstand one out. You feel good?
No're right. No, I'm notsaying that things you know turn out any
better. But they don't. Theymay not lose the game. They might
lose an extras. They might goto extras though, and that would have
been better. Yeah, make ittougher to win these three games. Burn
some more arms that he doesn't havebecause he used them all yesterday. He
being the manager. Montero didn't lookgreat yesterday. I don't think Montero should
have been in the game for Martinez. I don't think a brave should have
been in the game for Montero.There is a humongous difference that we don't
point out enough. It's not necessarilya good or bad thing, except it
almost always seems like it doesn't workout the last manager, and seemingly most
managers in baseball these days don't liketo give guys you know, get down
and get back up again. Cleaninnings, just start the inning. Most
managers like to do that, andI understand why you don't sometimes, But
yesterday was probably not a need togo get seth Martinez, is probably not
a need to have Montero used inthat way. I think he wanted to
protect him, But he's protecting Monterothing. Oh, I just get one
out and only throw eight or tenor fifteen pitches, and he's already burned
because he pitched yesterday. That's allI can get up. I can't get
a full inning out of him.Well, you were expecting a full inning
out of a bray, which youthen have to get more then because you've
brought him in in the middle ofan inning. And then Hater has to
come in in the middle of theinning because Presley can't get his three out.
So again, it's not all onJoe. But you might want to
go back to Saturday to add tothe discussion. Luckily, we have eleven
more segments with which to do,so we will hear from a bunch of
the people involved in the game.I'll hear from Dana Brown, also Joey
low Perfido back with the Astros.That move I mentioned earlier putting Kyle Tucker
on the IL opened up a spotfor him on the active roster for just
two of the games this weekend.Lest people forget, wasn't there on Friday,
so he was only not in thelineup two games, one of which
yesterday against the left handed pitcher thatthe Astros offense murdered. Murder. I
think they were missing Joey low Perfido'sbat yesterday, but yes, I would
expect them to be in the lineup, not only today but potentially throughout this
series. All right, So wewill get to those thoughts from a spata
at all when we come back hereon the eighteen. But first I want
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That's Men's Teaclinic dot com. Backto Adam Clinton at Adam Wexler The
eighteen on Sports Talk seven ninety eighteen. Rolling along here on Sports Talk seven
ninety Wexac the Showkiller Dan Matthews withyou up until six o'clock tonight. Astro's
taking two out of three over theweekend in Anaheim, But it should have
been a sweep. Should have beenman, I was so sure too yesterday
watching how things were unfolding, thatit was gonna be until Ryan Presley came
into the game. And I saidto my in laws at the time,
because we were doing just a plethoraof honeydews around the house, I just
had TVs on so I could peekin on it when I needed to.
So, well, Presley, they'vegot a two run lead, Presley's definitely
giving up his customary run. Thenit's just whether or not they can avoid
the rest of the equation and thedominoes falling and me wanting to punch the
hole into the wall that I'm hangingpictures on. But he did, and
then the way the game ended wasjust as gut punch, if I had
to put it in a certain descriptiveterm. But yeah, I think you
mentioned Joe Aspata in the way he'shandling the bullpen in general or just pitching
in general. I had a lotof people over the weekend text me some
variation of I think Joe Aspota isin over his head, and then I
heard it when I got to thestation today. I'm gonna protect the innocent,
But I like, you agree withthat at all? Or do you
think This is just the typical baseballfan reacting to this point in the season,
this particular game, the way itended, and it's just easy to
point fingers in different directions. Idon't believe in that. I will not
cuss, though I want to.I wish people would. I don't know
every day. This is what theconclusion is. There are four runs on
the board when the bullpen was askedto get the final twelve outs. Who
pitched well? Hater nope, Presleynope, Montero no. Martinez pitched well.
He doesn't give up any runs.If not for the error he struck
out the two guys he retired,he would have been in and out of
the inning with three backs. SethMartinez a pitch fine, Yeah, he
was fine. Yeah, And aBray got himself in trouble with his customary
I can't find the plate portion ofhis outing, and then got a strikeout
in his customary fashion for his fourteenthhold of the season while turning things over
for an eighth inning blown save.The fifth blown save. Again. It's
the kind of an odd stat Youcannot earn a save unless you keep pitching
through the ninth, which nobody does, but you can't get a blown save,
and he got that yesterday, Andobviously hater could only be the picture
of record if the score changed.It did the other team scored, his
didn't, and he lost. Butthe idea that you know, Joe actually
might be in over his head,Like I could almost buy into that argument
for plenty of the reasons why peoplesay it, But the idea that you
can't ignore what the players are doing, and if you don't ignore them,
you can't possibly sit there on yourcouch, in your car, on your
phone in front of your computer atthe games wherever and think that's Joe's fault,
that's the manager's fault losing a gamebecause where he placed his relievers in
motion yesterday. Yeah, that's managerialdecision making. That's probably not the best
usage of the guys with the waythey're pitching right now, even though you
got to consider all the other factors, which a manager does and people on
their couch don't. But I'd beokay with you saying that he makes some
mistakes. The manager did, buthe's not making mistakes when he's sending regulars
out there fifty five times in sixtyfive games and they're hitting twenty. It's
not his fault that players that haveperformed for their entire careers aren't anymore.
I mean Ryan Presley with a fiveforty era basically at the middle of the
season, tenth of June. Ihaven't had the research team look it up
because I don't think we need to. I mean, that doesn't happen,
not as an astro, not reallyever. But here he is. Okay,
that's again where you use him canfall on the manager. We just
went through that in the opening segment. But the fact that one of the
guys you've clearly counted on forever andstill has this stuff isn't getting it done
nearly often enough. Joe's Spotta obviously, was asked about that right after the
game, right after a seven tofive game was turned into a seven to
seven game and then ultimately turned intoa nine to seven game, with Hater
and Presley only able to get fourof the final six outs while allowing four
runs in the process. Joe Spotta'sthoughts on Ryan Presley, We're going to
continue to rely on that man.He's one of our guys. He's big
part of our bullpen, and wewe you know, I believe in him,
he's going on he has gotten bigouts for us in the past,
and he will look it is lowhanging fruit when the guy's in his first
managerial campaign and nothing has been smoothsailing, as we pointed out last week.
But I don't I don't necessarily wantto hear that at this point,
given what he's done recently. Andit's it's not like it's a it's not
like it's an epidemic of blown savespoor but it's not good. And if
you can move guys around in thelineup, and he has at the very
last second against all other options,there's no reason that you couldn't maybe bring
in Presley earlier or just go ina different direction. And I know that
the options are limited when it comesto the bullpen, but right now,
of all the guys, including theaforementioned Montero, he's the weakest link.
What did Steve Sparks say about thatvery thought this morning when he was on
with the Sean Salisburg Show. Youknow, it's probably a few things,
and you touched on it. It'snot easy, you know, and it's
not easy when you're not doing welland what that does to your psyching,
What that does to the mental portionof the game. He's been around this
game long enough to realize that it'smore about the process and just going out
there and executing. But it's easiersaid than done. So do you demote
him? You know, when Isay demote, do you put him to
the seventh inning or sixth inning?Where it's he fall in Right now?
I think there's probably a little delicateline in there right now for especially for
a young manager to realize, Okay, do I want to show faith in
a certain picture because of what he'sdone. Don't forget his last nineteen appearances
in the playoffs have been scoreless.Do I want to show him that confidence?
You know that? Or gratitude foreverything done and show my belief for
I need to pull back a littlebit, And they pull back with guys
in the lineup from time to time. Bragman's batt at six a few times
this year when he wasn't hitting theball well. So you know, maybe
it's time that you do take himout of that specific role or give it
to another guy every once in awhile, just to kind of massage Presley
until he gets back to where heusually is. I swear I didn't hear
that sound by it when I saidwhat I said, Yeah, I mean,
it's the same thing I said inthe opening segment. Now you said
it in the same segment that SteveSparks has said it. And I'll add
this to the not going to getdone portion of things. His era on
the season is five forty. It'sonly been slightly better over the last forty
games. The last forty games,the bullpen as a whole has been insanely
good. They went into the gameon Sunday is the best bullpen in baseball
since April or in the American leaguessince April twenty second. He's obviously been
a big part of that for howoften he has been used, but nobody
on this team is more hittable intwenty twenty four than Ryan Presley. If
you step into the box against RyanPresley, the expectation is he is now
facing a three to eleven hitter.That is miserable, That is unsustainable for
a pitcher in the late stages ofa game. He's had good stretches,
he's had more bad stretches than good, and at this point in time,
pitching in the eighth inning of closegames high leverage games is not working out
unless you're the other team who aresent And it's not just the first hitter,
it's every hitter on average is hittingthree to eleven against him, is
batting average against is the worst it'sever been. But again, if you
want to, you want to talkabout moving him, I guess up.
In this case, it's not.It's not exactly the same terminology as with
hitters because it's not a lineup,but it is an inning. And I
don't know, like when I hearlet me put it this way, when
I hear anybody, he didn't haveto be Joe Spota say well, we
want to be essentially loyal to himfor what he's done. That's no different
mentality than trotting Toiah Bray. Youout there all the time when he's terrible
because of what he's done. Hewas younger and faster with the batspeed.
True, But comparison to a Bralliin Presley's case would be if the guy
stepping in there was a four toeleven hitter and he had a nineteen point
eighty six era like a Braill became. Literally, it's not about protecting him,
it's not about pride. We can'tput you in the lineup. You're
an oh ninety nine hitter. Thisis ridiculous. We're not that dumb with
Presley. He has had enough goodwith bad and as a reliever. If
you give two runs up on oneday and then you have three scoreless outings,
you have a four to fifty Araight, you succeeded seventy five percent at
the time, but the day youdidn't, the team lost because those runs
came across. There is an obviousaspect of this that we have not touched
upon, and we'll do that whenwe come back here on a Monday edition
of the eighteen. You like freestuff. We all like free stuff.
Guess what our iHeartRadio app is freeand free never sounded so good. Eighteen.
Rolling along here on Sports Talk seventyninety Monday edition of the program,
Wex and Ace with you and mentionthere's something obvious about this ole Ryan Presley
situation. I mean, we justgot done hearing Steve Sparks talk about,
you know, kind of comparing thebullpen roll to moving a guy like Alex
Bregman, for example, up anddown the lineup when he was struggling.
I know you can't predict how peopleare going to respond. You can't predict
how mentally it may or may notaffect a guy, and on and on
and on and on and on.But did the Astros not sit down and
discuss this? And I'm sure theydid, I'm not accusing them of not,
But did they not sit down anddiscuss that this could be a possibility,
especially given his age and where he'sat and the mileage and whatnot.
On Presley when they went out andessentially replaced him by giving insane money to
Josh Hater this offseason, you're sayingit like you're applauding them for doing exactly
that. We know he's going toregress. So let's get a really good
closer. Why do you know theywere going to regress immediately? Like that's
the exactly why I can't understand theWhy did they break something that knowed something
that wasn't broken. Yeah, I'mnot at it. I know what you're
saying, get it, but that'snot what I'm saying. And it maybe
other people have been, but I'venever said that. What I've says like,
if you think that it's worth goingout and getting Josh Hater, then
whether he realizes you're doing that becauseof his decline or not. Why risk
the residual of And I'm not evensaying it's a clubhouse thing. I'm not
in the clubhouse every single day.I don't know how they interact. I
don't know if they interact. Idon't know if it's been a problem.
I don't know if it's affected RyanPressley. From a mental standpoint. It
may just be as simple as he'sjust not as effective as he was two
years ago, two twenty five,er in twenty one, two ninety eight
and twenty two, three fifty eightlast year, five p forty this year,
it seems like it's he's not agreat trajectory, been a middle or
a non closer, a setup manbasically his entire career before arriving in Houston,
and that's five basically full major leagueseasons. Is really the end of
the world To tell a fifteen milliondollar pitcher that, even though you have
helped us win lots of postseason gamesand win a World Series, and if
Mariano Rivera didn't exist, you mightbe considered the greatest postseason reliever. Ever,
it's outrageous and crazy to think hecould help you in twenty twenty four
getting three outs seventy times a yearin the eighth inning, and his mental
psyche would be up for it.I don't think it's that crazy to believe.
While it is an insult, Iget it for sure. It is
you're just hoping the pitcher can pitchthrough it, can understand it, and
publicly he said that he can.And he has never said anything publicly that
this is the reason things are goingto the bad anyway, He wouldn't,
I don't think, but I don't. I don't think it's the reason is
especially he hasn't said it, Like, what's the difference. They're paying you
fifteen million dollars. You're a hugepart of why this franchise is enjoying the
best years of everybody's life, includingyou, And you look around your clubhouse
and you're like, we can wina World Series. He's not purposely pitching
badly. He's not I'll show thempitching badly. He cannot quite execute the
same pitches with the same stuff thathe's had for most of his career.
Maybe there's a little bit off ofhis fastball, which guys were still swinging
through yesterday when he locates. Well, just it's pretty easy that this I
would liken to what the Dodgers dummiescomplain about the Astros. Man, look
at them tee off on Kershaw andmy ada and stripling. You mean on
all of these pitches right down themiddle, you mean on all these pitches
they're supposed to do, on allthese especially Kershaw. That these pictures are
making Kershaw the noted postseason I crapmy pants when the moment's the biggest.
But yeah, it was because theAstra were cheating. Whatever you guys got
to tell yourself, to tell youthat you would have had an additional real
championship next to your Mickey Mouse.One Dodger Spence, not all of his
pitches have been so called pitcher's mistakes, but a lot of them have been,
and a lot of them have beenpitches that catched a little bit too
much of the plate. A lotof his pitches are catching so little of
the plate he's not enticing as manyswings and misses on what's still a nasty
sinker, he still has good stuff, or he's just playing walking guys.
At times he has been a littlebit less trustworthy to keep his walks down
his again. His whip is goingto be out of control this year because
the hits, not because of thewalks, but his walks per nine inning
at three point two is the worstit's been in his Astro's career. His
strikeouts per nine are basically what hiscareer numbers with the Astros are came into
this year at eleven point four andchange, it's at eleven point nine.
He's striking out plenty of batters,he's getting plenty of swings and misses,
and he's getting enough guys chasing.He just hasn't been very successful as a
you know, guys getting keeping guysoff base. And you know, again
yesterday wasn't a fluke. Some havecalled these outings you know, he's got
bad luck or hitting them where theyain't, they crush two balls. He's
just it's too much trouble. AndI think the time has come. And
you look at his recent outings again, not of all of them are awful,
but I definitely think something could begained through this. You know,
you could have a situation where nowBrian Abraid, who is less successful.
Anything can happen, but you're probablynot supposed to continue doing the same thing
over and over and over again,and they've shown that this year, at
least with their offense. I'm eventuallynot going to keep batting Bregman fourth,
and eventually I'm not going to keepa Brall in the lineup, And I'm
not sure where we are on theeventually trained with Presley. If this team's
going to be great, Odds arepretty good that Presley's going to pitch the
seventh, eighth or ninth inning ofthese important games in August, September and
in the postseason pretty good. Butthey don't have to happen now while things
aren't going well. Is it reallyas simple to it as we're talking about
moving him potentially in our own littlemanagerial play here cost whatever you want to
play, whatever you want to callit, just flipping him in a bray
you it could be, But howabout the other part of it? Because
of it does to me at leasthave some residual effect on what happened in
yesterday's game. You know, HunterBrown goes out there and you're sitting in
a really good spot, You're upfor nothing. You get to the seventh,
eighth, ninth inning, and prettymuch because of the day off and
things that had happened in the lastseries, and the way Framber had pitched
to open the series. You're ingreat shape. You could probably finish the
game off with whatever combination of pitchersyou want. Montero gives up the home
run and it's still a pretty comfortable, not overwhelming for one lead. You
get him by sending a bray youout there who throws fifteen pitches because he
can't find the strike zone and getsout of the inning, and then you
immediately score two runs and it's sixto one. So Presley pitches a twenty
five pitch and then obviously Hater doesn't. But why were you treating the two
of them differently? Did he needthe work? I wouldn't think that's the
day you'd want to get him thework. Probably think more about the next
day when you're in a different situationwith the rest of your bullpen. You
put yourself in a negative situation yesterdayin a game you couldn't put away.
You did need your leverage guy,so you felt like you did. So.
Now Presley's throwing twenty five pitches ina five run game on Saturday,
and then yesterday he didn't need tothrow twenty five pitches because by then the
damage had been done. They hadto go out and get him. How
many did he throw yesterday? Fifteen? No five? No more? Seventeen
pitches okay more? Yeah, Iguess this is correct, but it's almost
impossible to be seventeen pitches thirteen strikes, and he walked a batter, So
he threw thirteen strikes to every singleon every pitch he threw was a strike
except to the one batter. Hewalked on four pitches, but he gave
up to this that was walk andthat was a second hitar he faced.
He's not executing his pitch as toomuch plate And by the way, is
it just me? It could be, but when you're watching him out there,
in any given scenario doesn't even necessarilyhave to be a high leverage scenario.
I feel like more often than not, and I say this about a
lot of relievers because especially with theAstros, and they've had so many good
ones over the years, you know, when they're on almost with their first
pitch, Presley's probably more that guythan anyone else where. That first pitch
goes a lot of times tells mehow his outing's going to go. Unfortunately,
but also in the case of Presley, I feel like, and again
could just be me, he justlooks like he's laboring wherever the ball's going,
whether it's in the zone, whetherit's way outside of the zone.
It just feels like, and maybeit's the way he delivers his pitch,
and I'm reading into it more becausehe's struggling, but it just feels like
whatever he does, he's laboring moreso to do it of late than usual.
Twenty seven games for him. Hedid get the save when Hayter was
unavailable pitch the ninth inning in thatCardinal series. Earlier this month, Fase
three got three piece of cake.He's had a three batter outing, a
one to two to three situation andsix of those twenty six outings because some
of them the opportunity to pitch afull inning was not there. But that
means he's facing four batters more oftenthan three. He's faced five batters the
same amount of times he's faced three. He's faced six and seven batters,
and these are all one inning appearances. These are all three outs or fewer.
He's not gotten more than three outsin any outing all season, but
he's faced six or more batters fivetimes, he's had a lot of This
is a struggle to get year threeouts. It's very unlike what he has
been over his career, even lastyear, when again I think people somehow
it's only a few months ago.The twenty twenty three season was only a
couple months ago. People forget thatwhile the save numbers were there, and
this team was very good, andthey won a division, and he was
their closer, and he certainly wasn'ta problem in this or any other postseason,
which are the most recent games played. I don't think you deem last
season a dominant season from your closer, certainly not from that particular closer who
had already produced multiple dominant regular seasonsprior to that. I just wish they'd
passed the Rangers in the standing soyou can at least start to get a
little bit of hope for the division. Well mentioned, the White Sox are
the opponents for the Seattle Mariners immediately. They start their series tonight, last
sweep, so they'll continue that onTuesday. The Rangers, on the other
hand, are out West. They'retaking on the La Dodgers starting tomorrow.
Good luck with that, By theway, did they win the series with
the Yankees? They won a gameagainst the Yankees, so no, they
won last night. Why did Ifeel like Saturday night they were the other
way around? It was at YankeeStadium, let's see, right, yes,
and the team at home won once? That was yes, So the
Dodgers didn't win. Did win thatRogers? Yeah? Okay, that's I
don't feel this crazy? Watching thehighlights again this morning, and I was
too. I was taken off mysharpness because I was forced to listen to
another miked up player. No,I finger the player. I hate it
that it happens with Cone Eduardo andthe even worst call Ravage, Carl Ravage
sucks. I knew when you saidwhat you just said that you were inevitably
either watching another press conference or inthis case or no, no, no,
I'm talking about this morning. Imean, why just were going on
and on? What about the atmosphere? Well, you guys don't play each
other a lot, but oh my, he's like trying to. They just
hit a ball down the line.Can I go get it? And we
all shut up? All right?There you go? Hey, U X
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it's weird to not be wearing shorts. Well Barby queuing on Christmas Day to
Adam Clinton, Adam wexlerk on SportsTalk seven ninety I think I have a
pretty good idea on what Wex's opinionis on certain reporters Baseball, national media
type porters. And I think Ihave a pretty good idea on your opinion
of John Morosi. He's not nearthe top of the list of your favorites.
I mean, I am looking forwardto the Astros hosting the Blue Jays
later this year, so the Astrosfans can stee shoho TAWNI. He said
that, Yeah, he was ona plane to Toronto. Don't remember that.
Oh that's the I mean, Ilost track on all that kind of
he's a hockey reporter anyway. Heis also, Oh I didn't know he
did hockey. MLB Network and NHLNetwork are the same, and he does
a lot of hockey work too.So does like row Flow every way in
on a hockey No, he justhosts a baseball show in the morning.
It's the best in the business.So then why does John morose He try
to dabble and build likes it.He should just stick to one. Okay,
So what about John uh? JakeMyers is an intriguing trade candidate with
the Astros for the reasons we discussedon MLB Network today. Did you happen
to see him on MLB Network sinceyou said that Roe Flow is the best
in the business, which means youwatch him religiously every day. I'm usually
clanging and banging when that's on.So I missed it today. Did they
they have him network here in thebuilding? They might, but the lone
television set in the facility is notoperational. It's just a really just a
black like the one behind you forinstance. It's just a black screen.
Well that does surprise me. Whywhy would they do that? Why?
I don't need it. I havea cellular phone device. It gets a
streaming information and videos and whatnot.I plenty entertained. So you're watching John
Morossi on your phone? No,okay? But in all seriousness, like
they're going to trade one of theseoutfielders, I would almost bet money on
it, wouldn't you. So oneof these outfielders low Brafito McCormick, and
Jake or you including Kyle H.McCormick is the one I was really going
to zero in on. Okay,So not Kyle Tucker. And despite what
Philly fan on Twitter would have youbelieve, the Astros don't want to give
them the ways off. There's awhole half a season plus this year plus
the twenty twenty five season. Areyou anticipating Kyle Tucker starting for you in
twenty twenty six? That's a toughquestion. So Kyle's nott is your answer,
And you've now just traded one ofthese three. So you're starting outfield
with Jordan as the DH is lowPerffdo Myers, and I don't know,
low Perfido is gonna be playing firstbase, haven't you heard? If he's
out there tonight, then I willanswer with a yeah, I've heard,
But he won't be. There's noyeah. But I can see a scenario
in which they don't sign Kyle Tuckerbecause it's just exorbitant money, which we
all know it's gonna be regardless ofwhere he lands. But they do spin
to go get his replacement. Idon't think they would because the answer to
the I don't know is they hopeis Jacob Melton by twenty twenty five is
one of your starting out Can youstart an outfield that is a winner,
a big winner in the American LeagueWest and the American League at large.
If your outfield is with your DH, Jordon, Alvarez, Myers or McCormick,
Low Perffito and Melton, somebody betterbe freaking awesome because that's three non
All stars in Jordon Well, Jordontypically is freaking awesome. That he's never
not played with another outfielder that isone right, whether it was Springer or
it's Tucker. Their outfield has alwaysbeen super plus offensively. I maybe that
would be, but you're banking onlow Perfido, who's never been a major
leaguer. Essentially, you're banking onMelton, never even been in a major
league game, and one of theseothers who's had much more of a poor
career than a good career. Inwhichever one you've decided not to trade,
name the better name, let's justdo I want we actually just let John
tell us what he's thinking about,since that dumb sound is in the system,
John Morosi, Jake Myers trade possibilitygo. I'm gonna mention one name
that I don't think has been talkedabout enough as a possible trade deadline candidate,
Jake Myers in center field. Imentioned Jake Myers because he's actually playing
exceptionally well. It's been, ina lot of ways, the best year
that he's ever put together in themajor leagues, and for that reason,
for a somewhat struggling up and downAstros team. Okay, so somewhat struggling
up and down team, not upand down. They've been down. They're
not up and down, they're onlydown. So you could arguably they're six
games under. They've been under fivehundred the whole year. They are down.
They've played their best baseball for thelast forty games, which is twenty
five percent of the season, andthey have made up half a game on
the Seattle Mariners in that time.As noted in our Daily Post Mexico City
Reboot, they're twenty three and seventeen. I don't know if that, I
guess that's up. Then it's thelamest roller coaster ride ever because it's still
totally going on. It's not downlike if they were here twelve in the
AL there's only fifteen teams realize they'redown. But if you're starting the season
in Mexico, which is what we'vebeen doing, okay, I can't say
it's just down. That's fair.That's what I'm saying now. They're up.
But the Jake Meyer stuff, Imean, I applaud him for almost
paying attention to the Astros as muchas I applaud the local media for almost
paying attention to the Astros. Whoare you? Who are you throwing strays
at when you say local man?Anyone who thinks Jake Myers is hot right
now? No he's not. Butit's been about two and a half weeks
since he could do anything. Butthat's not what John Ross saying. Under
two hundred in the last fifteen games. He's a liability almost every day,
not the entire season. Though,That's not what John Morosi said. He
said he's having the best year ofhis career. He was barely saying he's
like you could say, in someways, he's having in every way,
like I know, it sounds likeI'm talking about both sides, but he
hasn't been anything as a major leaguer. This is the best bar is very
low correct as again, it's notJose's fault, Abred's fault. But if
you look at this Astros offense individuallysince he has returned, basically it's like
Bregman and Alvarez and I'm done.Everybody else is in a tail spin,
miserable, Altuve awful, and Myersis right along with him, hitting one
ninety five in his last fifteen games, leading the team in strikeouts. You
have to give him, sure othergms are dying enough looks go get Jake.
You have to give him enough looksto bray you and before you finally
cut the cord, because Jeff Bagwell'sfeelings will get hurt. You. Oh,
the Astros lost a game yesterday andit went fifty six minutes before we
got to jose A. Bray.Just so you guys know, unplanned,
but very purposeful. He is notthe reason they are down for the eighty
billionth time. Tomorrow will be withyou, I'll tell you for the eighty
billionth and one time. He isnot the reason you were going for eighty
billionth and first time. Not no, eighty billionth and once time. Yeah,
there you go. That's a littlebetter. It's not as ridiculous.
Um well, okay, but havingsaid everything we just did and it's all
factual, you're going to the tableand you're trying to trade him and Chas
McCormick. What No, just wouldyou let me finish. You're going to
the table to theoretic trade either JakeMyers or Chas McCormick. Jake Myers has
the hater higher trade value. Ialmost didn't laugh when I said that at
some point. As I've said,also, if you your roster has to
have some low salary players, itjust does. You just can't have all
overwhelming salary players. It just doesn'twork. It's not gonna work, and
they're not gonna try to do that. You do that. They have tons
of overwhelming salary players. They havea lot of them. Yeah. Well,
they're also the best team in theAmerican League. And and for as
much as I talk about how goodthey are, they're really really good right
now, right now, right it'snot July yet, very seriously, they're
gonna play better baseball later this yearthey or in the playoffs. I'm waiting
for one of their big stars toget hurt or more. I mean it's
not always apter a bad injury,but so too missed the weekend. Yeah,
that's fine, But Judge is theone that we're all waiting to go
down for like a month, becausehe does every year. All Right,
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Two lifelong Houston sports guys named athim talking your Team Adam Clinton and Adam
Wexler or the A Team A.During the break, I was alerted to
the fact that you know, wewere talking about National Baseball writers. Well,
I'm not a huge fan of busteronly. I'm not going to speak
for WEX, but I don't thinkhe's exactly a member of his fan club
either. Do you trust me toread his most recent tweet word for word?
Yeah, because I know that it'sbeen updated. Sorry I got hacked
exclamation point. He only put twoperiods in the shortened ellipse after sorry,
and put a space in between thefirst word and the next three. But
he did. Actually, he justtweeted another thing. What is happening?
He was hacked? And he sentout a bunch of stuff about investing your
money in uh crypto and your mom'swhat did he want to do with your
moms? I will come on readthe rest of it. Let me pull
up the graphic screencapped fid ways Iwill you guys will see it said just
a couple other words in there,Oh my gosh, Like if you hacked,
if you were such an awesome nonloser that you hacked popular people's X
feeds, wouldn't you kind of trudgealong with borderline? This might still be
from him before you hit people withthe doozies instead of just firing right out
of the gate. So then theymight almost believe it because you actually have
more time than you think, becauseI've seen as much as like twenty two,
twenty four, twenty six minutes ago. Hey, someone better get a
handle of a buster roll on hisTwitter account. So it was a while
before they were able to recover itand go back to the boring Sorry,
I'm sorry, sorry for being sorry, sweets. You know his his avatar
is minute made if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, has that always been the
case? Or who hacked him?Twenty twenty two World Series champion Houston Astros
as you can see by the picture? Yeah, why just it makes me
think it was an Astros fan thathacked him, because that's not his normal
avatar. It's usually his stupid facewith his sad smirk on him in the
press box covering the most prestigious baseballevent in the world two years ago,
two years ago. So why wouldn'the put one from Arlington? For example?
How can you tell the difference Arlingtonmimic made Park? What's the difference
to Shay? Absolutely so, wespent the better part of the first hour
lamenting the final game. You wouldn'tknow. The Astros took two out of
three over the weekend. Jose Altub would know that they took two out
of three over the weekend, becauseJose al Tuove sees the bigger picture and
wants everyone to recognize that as theyget on their unhappy flight, which they
did last night to San Francisco.This is what Jose said last night about
seeing the bigger picture. No,I think we you know, came here
and played good. You know,took two or three today. It was
a really good game for both hands, you know, and they ended up
winning. But like I said,I always see the big picture. We
won the series, and we gotto go to San Francisco and try to
do the same thing. They wonthe series, same thing as they did
the series before, unlike they didin the two series prior to that.
So again six games under five hundred. The Astros were twelve under when they
went to Mexico City, and itdidn't take them very long to kind of
recover from that, and they've nowjust kind of been stuck and hovering in
that ERAa. They had their onewinning streak of the season of consequence,
end of the Detroit series swept Oakland, began the Milwaukee Series of the victory
six consecutive victories and they were sittingat twenty and twenty five, which means
they're under five hundred since then atten and eleven. Man, you just
you delve into the numbers way,way, way too much. Sometimes it's
not a bad thing, by theway, Well let's see, let's get
the GM to delve into the numbers. Also, because you know he likes
to do that. He made anappearance on the radio broadcast, as he
always does on Sundays, Robert Ford. He also dipped into the broadcast as
well. But Dana Brown was talkingabout a number of different things, among
them the keys for the Astros.And I think you might have heard this
more than just yesterday's conversation with Robert, because he's been talking like this ever
since they fell into this hole twelvegames under five hundred seven to nineteen they
were twelve and twenty four. Hewas talking about getting some players back and
hopefully things go well for rehab forcertain guys, and he talked about what
the keys for the Astros are.Now, this is what Dana Brown said
Sunday, what's the key for theAstros? Now? The key for us
right now is we really need toget hot and stay hot, get back
to five hundred, get back tofive hundred, run off of five or
seven game winning streak. Before youknow it, you're five over, seven
over, ten over, and you'reback in first place. So that's the
code, before you know it.I love it. That's super great confidence.
It doesn't seem like that's reality,considering they've played sixty six games and
have a winning streak. They havewon more than three games in a row
one time. I just gave itto you the idea that they're about to
win five or six in a rowto get to five hundred and then win
five to seven to ten in arow and be back in first place.
That's pure math. That has nothingto do with the baseball team that they
have. And yesterday is a perfectexample of why they got a phenomenal start
from their ace for Amber Valdez.They got a phenomenal start from someone who's
pitching like a frontline guy in HunterBrown. And then, as we go
back to the numbers, the worstpitcher in their current rotation laid an egg
Justin Verlander in the forty games sincethey left America and came back. He
is their worst starting pitchers. Again, as I said in the opening hour,
well, if you base it onthe numbers, if you base it
on how he's pitched. He's beenout pitched overall in this stretch by Ronelle
Blancos, Spencer Araghetty, Hunter Brown, and from ber Valdez. And that
hasn't included all horrible outings. Infact, those exactly. Yeah, that's
that's the alarming part of that.But it's actually but that's a compliment to
the rest of the staff as muchas anything else. If you appreciate five
inning outings from your starters, Iguess, I know, I know.
I can't. I didn't say itwas perfect like it's. It seems like
when Hunter Brown pitches, I'm constantlylooking at man. I can't believe he's
already up to twenty seven pitches.I can't believe he's already up to sixty
three pitches. And then he somehowmanages to get through six innings, and
then Spencer Araghetty goes out there,I'm like, geez, he got it
done. They didn't score, andhe's given up. Man, he's not
gonna be able to go deep intothis game. And they're not anywhere near
as bad recently as JV. Bythe way, way who's the best?
Is it, Hunter Brown? Iknow you would think immediately it's fromber because
he had a complete game, Butno, I wouldn't think. It's a
longer stretch of time than would allowfor the answer to be Hunter Brown.
His ra during those forty games isthree ninety two. Frombers is three eighty
six, Ronel is three eighty two. All three of them have been good.
And again this kind of points outnone of them have been oh my
gosh awesome for that long stretch.But the bullpen has been so remarkably sharp
for the most part. When they'vegiven them a chance to win, they
have closed the door. We're focusingso many on the days they don't,
and yesterday is worth one. It'sdefinitely worth it to spend the amount of
time on it, lamenting it,because the team should be too. It's
not just a bad day by thepen. It's a bad day on the
worst day. It's like leading theother team in a basketball game until the
final three minutes the whole game andletting him make a comeback from down eighty.
You won forty five minutes of theforty eight and you didn't get a
win. The Astros were in frontfrom the time they had the four run
inning, from the end of altwo Bay home run swing into the seventh
inning, I mean into the eighthinning when Ryan Presley was out there,
even though it was only seven tofour, then seven to five. You're
six outs away with Presley and Hayterready to go. Gotta win, you
gotta slam the door on those realquick. Nick tweets and he says Dana
Brown has come across as a usedcar salesman any time he talks this season.
I know what Nick's probably pointing to, But do you think that's overall
been the case or do you thinkhe's been put in the unenviable position of
having to speak for an organization inwhich he's not making all of the personnel
decisions. He would like to me, those are two not coordinated things.
They don't have to be the same. What he's saying is, look at
the roster that me and James andeverybody else is put together. There's no
way we should be six games underfive hundred, no matter what has happened.
I see the names on the backsof their jerseys. I think is
a fair thing to say, becausenow you're pretty much talking about the offense,
like at some point this this groupshould be better. What's he gonna
go out there and say we needto shake things up. I do need
to make a move. Me andJeff and Reggie need to put our heads
together and figure out what to dowith this and not need to put his
hand and say that cuddle. Hejust doesn't. Me and Jeff and Craig
and Enis and Reggie have got tocome together and figure out how to make
this team win. You know whatI like best about Craig Bigio in his
post playing careers and Astros whatever theycall him these days, you never hear
from I mean, he might bein the booth once a year if that,
and he's there plenty, he's atthe ballpark with Dano, or he's
around, But his involvement I don'tthink has changed hardly at all during all
of his years as an a frontoffice, consultant, advisor, et cetera.
So it can be done, ofcourse, it can't be done.
Okay, I'm just making sure thatwe all knew that. But all of
us. But again, there's atiny, tiny window that shattered in the
Astros faces, the window of postclick pre brown gmless franchise, not ideal
firing. Click to begin whatever anyway, all right, the A team continues
here on Sports Talks seven ninety theGood, the Bad, and the Ugly
from over the weekend. It's ourtypical Monday signature segment right around for twenty
Cody Bellinger o'clock, whatever you wantto call it. That is up ahead,
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Adam are so Houston they still can'tsuccessfully manage their roundabouts on Maine. Hey,
this is h Town, not LondonTown. To Adam Clinton, Adam
work on Sports Talk seven ninety Nowthe good, oh good, the bad,
that's my good and the ugly don'tmake me good with the A team
we're it is the good, thebad, and the ugly from over the
weekend. We catch up on allthree categories each and every Monday around this
time. As for today's schedule.Well, I'll be good, Dan will
be bad, and Wex will beugly, but it always changes. Don't
worry. We'll take on those variousroles sooner rather than later. So since
I am going first, I willit's probably gonna be the last time we
talk about today. But who knowsmuch handwringing and whatnot going on about the
Lakers coaching search and Lebron James's involvementor lack thereof in that, depending on
who you believe. And uh,I just think it's good that Dan Hurley
told the Lakers, keep your money, keep your mediocre roster, keep your
headaches from having to be the latesthead coach to deal with Lebron the DIVA.
I'm just gonna stay put. Ithink it's a very good thing,
and it's not the first coach todo that to the Lakers. Good for
who, Good for Dan, goodfor the danod for well, I don't
know if it's good for the NBAor not, because maybe Dan would have
been a good coach and that wouldhave been good for the NBA regardless of
what franchise he was a part of, because I think good coaches make it
for a better league. But Danfor what. I don't know his reasoning.
He'll probably tell us something and itmight be the truth, it might
be a little bit of a stretch. Historical things can happen for him as
a college basketball coach, title winningfive or six titles, which sounds crazy
because he only has two just gotthem. But with what he's done and
what he might still be able todo, if he doesn't have any reason
to jump like in the future whensomebody else comes calling, then this makes
a lot of sense. I stillcan't help but think if everything was exactly
the same, the money offer,the pursuit, the timing this offseason.
I mean, I think Tibbs dida great job, and I'm not saying
he deserves to be fired at all, but at some point they'll be looking
to move on from him. AndI just can't help but think if Dan
Hurley is going to coach in theNBA and he said no to the Lakers,
it's ever gonna happen. It's gonnabe when the Knicks reach out to
him and he gets to become NewYork Knicks head coach. But at the
end of her day, isn't thatwhat this is about? Because look for
example, you just mentioned two ofthe two biggest marketed franchises in the NBA.
Their respective ownerships couldn't be any moredifferent. And I'm not saying Genie
Buss is perfect, far from it. I mean she's so far from what
her dad was. Even level headedwell, I mean, I don't know
if i'd call him level headed,but exactly I wouldn't. I well,
level headed people doubt level headed.People don't give Rob Plinka the GM role
either, right. I mean,all I know about doctor Buss is that
I believe one hundred percent of howhe was portrayed in showtime you think he
did? You think he enjoyed sexualacts at public restaurants in LA for example,
I can't. I know, theactor was quite good in Step Brothers,
and he's been quite good in manyof the movies he's been in,
but there's never been a better role. And he killed it, nailed it
as Doctor Buss, and then awesome, he nailed it. And then I
was only saying Hurley to the Knicksbecause of his Jersey background. That's what
I'm getting at. I think that'sa good good actually, for for someone
to say no, for someone tostay where they are he was. It
is not at all lost on mewhere this whole story came from someone who
in the media, who could notbe any closer to the family, in
Adrian Wojanowski and now talking, Well, they were already had a contract extension
for the second year in a row, in the works with him, and
he will get more money. He'salready he's gonna be one of the highest
paid coaches, will be nowhere nearthe eleven point six seven million. But
go, bikers, we go backto what you just said, and I
happen to agree with it, evenwith what I'm about to say. You're
talking about going to work for JamesDolan versus Genie Buss. Why for the
exact same reason he said no inmy O and he said no the Lakers.
The roster isn't good. It's justnot Yeah again, none of that.
I'm only saying, like he's aNew Yorker or a someone from Jersey,
if you will, I think itmight be a dream of his,
or it might be cool for everybody. And he gosh, I'm sure that
we would go crazy for it.But yeah, we'll take that as a
good And before we move on tothe bad, we have to ask the
real question. This opens the doorfor somebody else. JJ. We brought
the name up this very last show. Why can't Sam Cassell become a head
coach? Because he's not JJ Reddick, He has not been hosting a podcast
with Lebron Wex. Come on,now, he's in, He's in the
leader, He's back in the driver'sseat. All while Sam Cassell is two
wins away from a fourth ring asa coach of basketball in the NBA.
Sixth total too as a player,I believe, and I think it's four
total, not as a player,and this would be number two as a
coach. Excuse me. Yeah,by the way, if if, if
the Celtics could manage to not fouror five to the baths, they won't.
The last head coach that Lebron gotfired back to the Bucks, Darvin
Ham least yesterday. I'm that's verybold of Doc to add his potential eventual
replacement. He's gonna replace me whenGiannis and I eventually ever follow you out.
What's the bad? Well, Imean, if it's possible, it's
gotten even worse for Buster only onTwitter. So I'll let you guys fill
people in on that a little bit. Later. I know, I really
like to crack on Aggie and Aggiefan, but the bad is one of
the top players in the country.Braden Montgomery breaking his ankle over the weekend
and he is done for the season. Congratulations and on going to the College
World Series. But I still hopeyou go too, and Q. You
hope what I hope they go toand Q. When you go hero and
two, it's called two and barbecue. You're going home. Your season's over.
Well, So that's different from one, two three, can coon Because
I'm going to tell you right now, I'd rather be sent home early in
the NBA than college baseball. Ifthat's the case, it is possible that
could have happen. Oregon did notto n Q them. Quite the opposite.
That's what happened to Oregon. Grantedthose games were in College station,
and as some of you noted lastnight, I did as well and posted
about it. They were down fourruns and then scored nine and then added
to it and one going away.Four of those nine runs in that seventh
inning came off the swing of CadenKent. Do you know who Caden Kent
is? Does he have a pornmustache like his dad did when he played
in pinch drives here in Houston.No, he does not. He has
facial hair, and you could callit a mustache. I would not call
it a porn stash. Why that'swhat his old man had. His mustache
doesn't look anything like his dad,not to me at least. I mean,
I guess you could argue or debate, but I'm not going to.
I'll look it up, seeing ashow I don't watch college baseball on purpose.
It was pretty I mean again,if you're like sports and you're not
a fan of either team, soyou could just root for something fun and
exciting, the place went absolutely berserk. I mean, that's as much as
some of these games are out ofcontrol, especially like the series that yet
twenty four to four one day,and then the very next day they went
to extra ratings. It's just wildsome things that happened in college baseball.
You're right, he would have tobe able to grow a mustache in order
for the soft year. So thereare plenty of people now. I like
when they show the Oregon bench duringsome of the getting crushed, My daughter
walked by and I go, dothese guys look like they're in college?
Like you are. She's like,no, they look like they're thirty.
By the way. I like thefact that. And again, this is
not a this is not a recentpicture that I'm seeing of him. I
can, in fact, let mejust make sure when this was taken.
But the point of this is,yeah, this is from twenty eighteen,
so it's not that long ago,but it's not necessarily recent either. Game
five of the ALCS, Alison Footerhad posted a picture of Jeff and his
son because he threw out the ceremonialfirst pitch at Game five that would have
been against the Red Sox. Jeffcan't look exactly the same as he did
in two thousand and five. Prettyamaze a bit. The ugly just goes
back to the baseball and the astrosand the pitcher. I know there's a
lot of things to pick at,and I hate doing that over and over
and over again. Last five startsfor JV, he's given them five innings,
are less four runs three times infive starts. I called fromber At
Valdez the ace of the staff fora reason. And even though he's been
far from awesome and he's not havinghis best season, it's he is and
until things are consistently different for JV. And I could also say in three
of his last six starts, he'sgiven him six innings or more and given
up one run or fewer. That'sjust a model of absolute inconsistency, which
is not the mark usually of anace of the staff. And they're pitching
well enough to be in a lotof these games, and they're still in
a good stretch with their starting pitching. But his opening performance and then the
bullpen's final performance, four runs fromthe starter, five from the pen,
all while I'm not getting to yourtwenty sixth or seventh out. That was
an ugly way to finish off threegames series. I've said it before and
I will continue to say it untilthe number reaches higher than one. The
Astros are gonna play Game sixty seventonight against Dusty Baker San Francisco Giants.
They're looking for their second. They'reBakers Giants anymore. He works for the
Giants in what role he helps themwin baseball? Does he own them?
Is he either manager? Not theowner or the manager? He's just a
consultant, he said, someone whoknows a lot about baseball. That's helping
them a lot when he's not drinkingwine at a winery sampling and offering samples
and shown. But yes, theAstros have one series sweep the entire season
of more than two games. Theydid beat Colorado in two games, then
they have a serious sweep. You'renot going anywhere. I love winning series,
as they would all say, andthat's nice. You gotta gotta mix
in a sweep here and there.Not only do you get all the wins,
makes you feel good, makes youfeel like, hey, puff our
chests out. We just did somethingand we can continue to do it.
And that's when what Danas said earliertoday on our show from the weekend is
well, and they'll go on thatsix game, that win five out of
seven, that win ten out oftwelve, and that hey and all next
thing, you know you're in firstplace. Seems simple enough, get a
serious sweep, get one. Whata wild time under raty or underperforming season
by your Yeah, Dusty Bakers Giantsthirty two and thirty four, two games
better than Joe a spot as Astros, they're not in the same role wex
I know you're feeding into the JeffBagwells are coming in at thirty and thirty
six. That's even worse. CraigBigio's Astros heading since tonight with thirty wins
on the season. Could you imagineif Dana Brown was just like, I've
had enough, I'm done, I'mout for whatever reason, and Jim Crane
was like, uh, all right, I'd like to introduce everyone to the
brand new general manager of the HoustonAstros, Jeffrey Robert Bagwell, Jeff a
few words. Well, before Jefftalks, we're going to open up to
the media. Uh, just sayyour name and affiliation. Yeah, Adam
Wexler Sports Talk seven ninety Jim,did you call cal McNair to decide how
to handle the interim general manager spot? As he has experience doing that?
Did he give you any advice onwhat to do when you needed an interim
GM and what direction you might gowith with somebody who absolutely doesn't deserve the
job? Okay? Does Jeff doany stand up at religious revivals? Does
Jeff being at the press conference wouldbe something that the other guy never did?
Jack, wasn't it? I thoughthe was sitting there he attended Shawn
Watson signs his new contract press conference, being that it was in the media
workroom, it's a huge room thathe could just hang out in. That's
even more awesome when you consider thatDeshaun absolutely pointed him out in his social
media post. Yeah awesome. Well, actually that was and it was Andre
Johnson's media post that Deshaun was standingin in the picture. All Right,
when we come back, we're gonnagive you a little insight into how you
can win free concert tickets. That'snext here on the eighteen timing stop by
New bomb Man. Fantastic play byMarion. This is Mariso Devaugh supports Stock
seven to ninety and the iHeartRadio.You're a home for Diastro. You need
to continue listening to the A teambecause you never know when we're going to
say something that you'll need to know. When we give away some tickets in
about an hour from now, Styxand Foreigner come on Wex. I know
I'm always trying to tell you tolet's go this, let's go this show.
You got to go to a concert. Fine, that's got to be
the one, right, Oh forsure, that's got to be the one
that finally gets you out of thehouse. I definitely want to know what
love is. Do you want somebodyto show you, they will is it
our Uh? She already showed mea couple of times. At least,
it's not. I want to knowwhat love making is? Clanton? What
the hell? Who calls it that? By the way, we know who
calls it that. Matt Thomas,when he already talks about sex on the
radio, he calls it love makingis often no one in real life says
that except for him, did youever like, I don't, I mean,
did you ever look at a womanand say, I'd really like to
make love to you? I've neversaid that one. I've ever been an
actor, so no, I haven'thad to say that. That's the thing,
is that what it is? Amade up line that people can say
in film, television and whatnot.That's not you know, what most people
actually say. Might be what yousay if someone your partner, your your
your second said talk clean to meplease? Yeah, why would anybody say
that? Probably would not. Sotop of your head rolling around the thirty
two City Team NFL that we knowand love your top five head coaches,
Mike Tomlin's one of them, righthas to be, and that he's only
the third ever for the franchise hecoaches for. Right uh, Chuck Nol,
Bill Kauer, and Mikey Mike MichaelTomlin tenth or excuse me, eighth
on the all time list. Huh, and my Tomlin is tied for eleventh
on the all time list. Now, I knew there would be a gap
when I looked up this number.Mike Tomlin got a three year extension from
the Steelers today, which is whywe bring him up. It'll be their
head coach barring something changing, becausecoaches can't always be fired even though they're
under contract. That's this year.In the next three seasons, it's got
one hundred and seventy three wins.Two things I found weird about where he
sits on the win list and someof the things that come with it.
I knew that there weren't that manyother current active head coaches with a ton
of wins. There are actually onlyfive coaches currently active that have more than
seventy five wins. There's only five. He's obviously one of them. All
five of the coaches that are activethat I have more than seventy five wins
have at least one hundred and sixtylike the gap between so six is bringing
up the rear endways so like that'sgoing to be my first question after these
five read Tomlin Cowboys head coach MikeMcCarthy. Come on, he has one
hundred and sixty seven wins. Wor'sTom Landry on the list? Not active?
John Harbaugh and Sean Payton both havewon sixty. There is your current
top five. There's twenty seven othercurrent NFL coaches. None of them have
seventy five wins or more. Theclosest has seventy three, the second closest
has seventy, and Demiko only hasten. Do you think you can name
either one? All right? What'sthe question again? Who has seventy three
career wins as a current NFL headcoach and rests six on the active winns
man or who has seventy right behindhim? That is, to give you
this this clue. Kyle Shanahan isright behind them at sixty four, Doug
Peterson behind them at sixty, MattLafleur behind them at fifty six. There's
two in the seventies. Who arethey? Shanahan actually surprises me in that
he has kind of crept up thislist. Well, he's not been a
head coach for very long, butall I do is win double figure what
I'm saying, so he can getthere pretty quickly. Gee, there's a
coach ahead of him. Both ofthe coaches ahead of him, I should
say, have coached for the sameamount of time, but they've just won
a little bit more. Give methe top five again, because one of
them read Peyton, not Jim,but John Harbaugh, McCarthy and Tomlin is
the other Harba on this list.The other Harba is not that high on
the list. Okay, I meanhe's technically active, even though he hasn't
coached another game yet again, right, but even his stay as a head
coach previously was much shorter. Geez, he said, Sean Payton, You
say, any Andy Reid, you'rethinking, Wait, these guys just became
head coaches in twenty seventeen for myfirst time twenty seventeen. Gosh, I
know, I'm just drawing a blend. I mean, one has a Super
Bowl and one coaches a team thathas, while been very good, very
disappointing in the playoffs. When yousay that, I think McCarthy, but
you are mention him very good butdisappointing in the playoffs, and clearly has
coached way longer than since twenty seventeen. No, I know that Sean McVay
is the one in with the SuperBowl. That seems obvious now that you've
said it. And the other headcoach is wait wait wait wait, who's
in Cincinnati again? That's mister Taylor? Is he? He's not one of
them though, he's definitely not.When did he get hired nineteen? Uh?
Maybe twenty? Okay, yeah,I got Sean McDermott in Buffalo sixth,
the winningest active head He goes hiredin twenty seventeen. Yep, he's
been there that long. They keepwinning a ton of regular season games.
There's no reason to get rid ofhim, even though he's done some things.
And Josh Allen wasn't drafted until nineteencorrect. Hm, wow, if
you say so, well, itseems like it. So I again,
this goes back to stems from Tomlin. This is exactly what you should do,
and I don't. The game hasn'tpassed him by. You've asked him
to continue to win games after decidingnot to provide him with a reasonable option
at quarterback following Ben Roethlisberger's career.They made the playoffs with that horrible group
of quarterbacks a year ago, andnow at least you've tried something. I
don't know how it's going to playout. I do know that Justin Fields
is going to be fun to watchthis year because they're going to find a
way to get him on the field. Even if they're still starting Russell Wilson
at quarterback. They have two playersbetter at the position than anybody they had
on their roster last year, whichis at least they step in the right
direction. I do think they madesome good moves in the offseason. Somebody's
gonna realize the more we get GeorgePickens the ball, the better off will
be. They figured out how torun the ball with Najee Harris and Jalen
Warren, and it's an awesome divisionand it's difficult to win consistently, and
that's what he keeps doing and hewas rewarded for it. That's I mean.
I love Mike Tomlin. I've neverbeen shy about sharing that on this
show or anywhere else. It isinsane that a franchise like that, even
with all the winning. I getthat. It makes sense from that standpoint,
has only had three head coaches inthe history of the organization. Well,
again, just simply put, whatallows that to happen? Winning?
See, But I don't agree.I realize that that's the easy answer,
and it's the factual answer in thiscase. I mean, but stability is
not the same as winning because theyhadn't been winning big of late. But
they've been stable that whole time,as they always are. Like, that's
the number one word that comes tomind when I think of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
It's not the word winning, it'sstability. There's many seasons. Do
you think they have with less thansix wins since you were born? Nineteen
eighty one? Yeah, less thanfive? How about one? Good lord?
They've won at least six games allbut one season since nineteen eighty one.
Yep, what year was that?Nineteen eighty one? No, I
mean eight? They won five andeleven. What a down year. I
mean, six wins is not fun. It's never fun. But and you,
I'm sure since it comes up everytime they talk about Tomlin. The
last three years for Bill Kauer werea fifteen and one season and they did
not make the super Bowl that yearthe loss of the conference tidle game.
Next year they won eleven and fiveand they won the Super Bowl. The
next year they went eight and eightand he was done. Mike Tomlin took
over. So those three seasons thatpreceded him, plus all of his season
since two thousand and seven, zerolosing seasons, even with and that's harder
to do now, technically, Imean, you have another chance to lose
or win. Iow, it's fiftto fifty. It's just incredible. All
right, we will continue here onthe eight team Sports Talk seven to ninety.
I'll give Wex a choice. Doyou want to talk about the NBA
Finals or do you want to talkabout FBI documents when we come back to
wrap up the four o'clock hour.Come on, I need a choice before
we go to break. I needthe choice. Four hundred and seventy five
pages worth. There you go.I knew you would have the right answer.
All right, we will discuss whenwe return. Well, Adam Clinton
and Adam Wex Sleworth. The ATeam now continues. It is the A
Team here on Sports Talk seven ninetywinding down the four o'clock hour on a
Monday edition of the program. Wexbringing it to my attention during the break,
just how many national baseball riders havebeen hacked either recently or have a
list doubled today. Wait one totwo. Well, hang on a second.
This graphic you sent me is inaccurate. That makes that statement inaccurate.
Well, they already knocked on andentered Jeff Passon's room. They already knocked
on and entered bunch Busters room.Now they're knocking on Ken's door. Aha,
here we come. Oh I seenow I didn't look at the meme
carefully enough. Ken's never gonna gethacked. He's much too smart for that.
Those other two are boobs. Andif you want, I can get
you a T shirt that says SurviveBuster only getting hacked six' ten twenty
four. But you probably don't wantit. Nobody should want that, nor
should anybody be trying to sell thatjoke. Calm down, Do you realize
how insignificant that is in the grandscheme of things though, to make a
T shirt about? So? Whatdid you really want to go into in
possible to read very illegible four hundredseventy five pages worth of notes on this?
That's where it ended for me.I got to like page thirty,
what was the super small font longparagraph something they will do often release documents
and investigation finding. Let me retractthat statement and correct it. What the
FBI will do is release those typesof documents long after the fact, when
they have little to know, youknow, bearing on the topic at hand,
when if they did it in amore timely manner, it might actually
affect things. And they do itafter the subject is deceased. That's probably
the most important part of this equation, But there was. It was interesting
now the lengths to which they went, travel costs, et cetera, to
get more intel on the shoes.You're surprised that they wasted taxpayer money to
do something. I'm not, no, not saying that. That's kind of
that's what happens. I mean,there is a non functional roof on top
of a stadium's stop wasting our money, Feds go ahead. It's it's you
can say it. You can evenscream it like you did. That's clearly
not going to change it. CouldIt won't. Small victories. Did you
get one? It's very It's along process. Wax. Oh, okay,
yeah, I was. There's toomuch. I really would have to
spend way too much time making everysingle one of the four hundred and seventy
five pages, larger and large enoughto actually read and make headway through.
Uh this again, it's it's interestingenough for those who are interested in everything
that happened in OJ's life. Setand someone killed his ex wife and a
waiter. He did, he killedhis ex wife and a waiter. The
civil court said, so he's responsiblefor their deaths. Yeah, I know,
why didn't have such a problem.I'm alive, I was here for
all the It's like you think thatbecause he was acquitted, which is hilarious.
Yeah, that has a criminal court. If you're convicted or acquitted,
it doesn't mean you did it oryou didn't do it. Yeah, but
I'm That's not what I'm saying,though. Anytime I bring up the fact
that he was found that in acivil court to be liable for their deaths,
you almost dismiss it as if it'snot being responsible for their deaths in
a court. I know, hedidn't go to jail for it, but
he was ordered to pay millions ofdollars for it, which to me pretty
much says yeah, a court sayshe killed these two people. Glove was
a work glove at a ski gloveas previously reported by the media. Oh
okay, Goldman was wearing blue jeansand a sweater when killed parentheses, meaning
that he went home and changed clothesbefore he went to Nicole's house. Yeah,
it's only two blocks away. Whywould he go home to change clothes
first. These are all some oftheir notes as they're walking themselves through the
scenarios. Well, maybe he didn'twant to wear his waiter uniform to her
house. I don't know. Probablymy favorite part of this is that apparently
ABC seven Eyewitness News in Los Angeleshad some attorney named Leu Shapiro on and
he had the following to say aboutthis. What probably the shoes issue is
about? These are the Bruno Marleyas OJ put them, ugly ass shoes
he would have never owned or wore, even though he owned and wore them
on television a lot. He goes, what probably the shoes issue is about
is that because they were rare shoesand there wasn't any direct evidence of OJ
at the crime scene, that theywere trying to maybe match up some fibers
that may have been left by shoesthat he was wearing at the crime scene
with these rare shoes that are madeout there in Italy, so maybe they
were trying to make that kind ofconnection. I don't think they made it
though in the end, because wenever heard about that in the trial.
Literally, everything he just said iswrong and false and inaccurate and stupid,
especially coming from an attorney. HisDNA was all over the scene, so
they didn't have to try to matchup some fibers that may have been left
by the shoes. Also, theseshoe prints were at the scene, hence
why it was brought up at thetrial. Literally, everything you said is
inaccurate, lou Why are you soagitated as you just told and me because
he was convicted. No, hewasn't convicted, he was found liable.
Difference, he's a murderer. Idon't like when people go on television and
lie to people because a lot ofpeople are stupid enough to believe it.
That's what I get upset about.It happens all the time. He just
in politics. He didn't misremember,he knew what he was doing. People
that have a straight face and tryto say that oj didn't kill those two
people as hilarious. Oja was famousfor not and was not a former NFL
player, so he was just aTV guy, just somehow movie or famous.
Would your interest level be quite ashigh? No, and it would.
It would understand fit quite as wellas an a twenty twenty four topic.
Still this is well, that's justbecause I'm weird. This is to
me and I've always thought about this, like if that didn't happen when I
was thirteen years old, would Ieven be as fascinated by it? Probably
a little bit, but not asmuch. Oh, you realize that the
timing of this discussion falls right inline with our friends over at Space City
Home Network bringing us back. Isaw you got to watch Game one again?
I didn't you have a digital videorecorder? Don't you? Ah?
Got? Did they win Game oneand lose Game two? They won Game
one despite being completely and utterly unableto score like the final twenty five.
And I'm glad you brought that up, because you know what that final series
and every Finals game so far thisyear have in common with the Dallas Maverick.
Nobody has gotten to one hundred ineither scenario. Now, the Boston
Celtics have and they have a twooh lead, But the Dallas Mavericks,
who have the best backcourt in theNBA and they can score it will haven't
even cracked the century mark yet.But you're right, Luca is awesome,
and so is Kyrie. Luca isawesome. He's played, he had a
lot of turnovers in last night's game. But even when they play a real
team that could play defense, theyget their asses handed to them because Kyrie
has been shut down. Yeah,and they can't make their other players play,
But you can't shut down Kyrie becausehe's literally the most skilled player ever
in the history of man car differentlike, have they totally shut him down?
I would definitely say they've played reallygood defense on him, but he's
just he's missing. The Celtics evenhit three. Yet the Celtics shot like
ass in the first half from fromlong range. Then they decided to continue
jacking up ass like shots in thesecond half and they still want to have
a two oh lead. It's hilarious. The Dallas Mavericks are a fraud.
So, in other words, thequestion asked of me prior to the segment
was both. That was the questionagain, which one do you want to
talk about four hundred and seventy fivepages worth of lies and shoes or the
NBA finals we got them both inLoui Shapiro should be disbarred. That's what
we learn from this segment. Thatwas forever in what year and we're in
what year? No, this was, this was you're thinking of Robert Shapiro,
and I know the difference. You'resaying somebody recently gave an day.
Oh that's why I'm so mad.This guy forty thirty years later misremembered.
It was thirty years misremember where youwere. He's just lying. He doesn't
know anything. He doesn't know whatfrom his ass he doesn't know. I
was not confusing Louise Shapiro. Rareshoes that were made out there in Italy.
It doesn't matter where they were madeor how rare they are. That
actually is very pertinent to the casebecause he was wearing them when he killed
two people. Maybe Marcia should havebrought it up, Marcia, because according
to lou they didn't. I wastold that the actress that played her in
that mini series on Fox very rudy. Awesome. Yeah, not a very
pleasant person in real life. That'stoo bad. Let me talk to you
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just west of Highway six, that'swhere you're gonna find Classic Elite Buick GMC.
And when you head on over there, you tell him Adam Wexler sent
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and Adam Wexler or the A TeamA. You're right at brussal football.
It's five o'clock. Some five o'clockfootball. Professional football in America is a
special game. I have found thecontact information for Louis J. Shapiro in
Los Angeles. I'm thinking about callinghim after the show because they're still during
business hours. On my way home. I can give him a piece of
my mind about this O. J. Simpson case appearance that he made.
It's football at five obviously, sowe can talk about this. He was
a football player who then later becamea double murderer. Who did lou play
for? Not lou Oh, andit's Lewis if you want to be Lewis
J. Louis J. Shapiro SQUS. Somebody informed me during the break that
I'm very consistent about my OJ ifyou were to guess based solely on as
we continue with football five here onSports Talk seven ninety Yeah, based solely
on Lewis J. Shapiro esquire's appearancein his photo that you'd be on board
with saying he's younger than you,right, yes, so that would give
him even less memory of the actualevents as they took place. Well,
seeing as how there wasn't any wayhe was born until after the murders based
on his picture. Yeah, thatwould also be accurate. Continue, So
everything would he would speak on wouldbe gleaned from reading and learning about it
so as to be an expert onit. When you speak, I mean,
if he wants to call himself anexpert on case in which he doesn't
even know the most basic effects.Sure, I mean, I mean,
come on, hey man, somesome of some of your business in the
legal realm is marketing yourself. Yes, it's h Town. So no,
in the middle of the summer inh Town and you are talking about what's
the saying no bad press or nopress is bad press, or can go?
I just that's fine. But ifI come out on television and I
say, hey, look this skyis pink, so you do. You're
pretty good at this. And aswe get into football at five, you
are being asked to join HBO.They're putting together a huge special on the
history of the greatest franchise that's stillactive in Houston professional football that plays in
the NFL, the Texans. They'redoing a big and you are looked to
as a historian and you're asked todescribe some of the things that have gone
on the coaching changes, the ownershipchanges, eating the Cowboys on Opening Night.
But you have to answer all yourquestions about Texan's history like your Lewis
J. Shapiro. God, howwould you answer the question? Like you
would be one hundred percent wrong withwhatever answer you gave. Well, forst
of all, they never should havemoved on from David Carr because he's the
greatest quarterback in franchise history. Afternot even a full season of games.
C J. Stroud is the greatestquarterback in franchise history. So that's line
number one, mister Shapiro, Wouldyou agree that, upon his unfortunate,
ill time dismissal from the franchise thatDavid Carr was, in fact the best
quarterback the franchise I'd ever seen,and in fact, the only point in
his career there the only quarterback whodidn't use ladders at practice. I know,
don't We don't give Chris Palmer aflack for his teaching methods and first
general appearance. I'm not. It'sa football coach. Can't look like that
and be that bad. You hitone or the other. I mean,
we just ran through the list ofthe top five active wins leaders and coaches,
and Mike McCarthy's one of them,Andy reads another. It's fine,
you can look however you want.It's like a very very unattractive woman being
super rude. Why maybe what's wrongwith that? What's right with it?
But you didn't talk about what they'regood at, Like these coaches are good
at coaching football, So the firstPalmer wasn't good at coaching football. Long
coaching career might not have had anysuccess here, but elsewhere sports is littered
with people who were put into highpaying, very important positions who aren't good
at it. So is our presidency. It happens everywhere. Yeah, we're
not just picking. It's not likeif cal had to rely on two different
groups of football fans nominating their headcoaching candidate and then letting the public vote
on it, that might turn outa little different than they just get to
make their own decision. Well,we thought we would do that with our
uniforms, but it turns out whenwe did it with our head coaching,
it didn't go as well as wethought it would. So if they asked
the public to come up with theirlist, let's just say it's let's call
it twenty twenty one. And let'ssay the taxes are looking for a head
coach. Yeah, and they askthe smartest one thousand people in Houston about
football, then correct, none ofthem would have said how long would they
have taken till they said, youguys have to consider David Cully. He
needs to be one of the candidates. You're missing the obvious joke here.
None of those people with two differentpeople that were the worst possible choices.
Seriously, right now, I gottagive you a poll question. It's an
instant poll. What would have beenthe worst choice of those two? And
you have to pick one because theywere both heavily considered, and that one
of them got the job, thatone of them was the correct choice because
of this. The guy they chosewas correct because he had coaching experience.
No, because the end justifies themeans, as much as it sucked,
as much as it was on fun, as much as the butt of jokes.
The city of Houston is a footballfranchise was for three consecutive years.
Look at us now, but here'sa look at our city. Now.
Look at the Texans now, lookat the hype. Now, the Texans
should be I was ready to askthese players. Are you like you guys
have always answered this question the sameway. We know we block out the
outside noise. Well, the outsidenoise used to be saying you suck,
You're terrible, you're a joke,you're embarrassing. Yeah, it's completely turned
one point eighty. You guys arethe greatest thing ever. You're about to
upend the Chiefs. If anybody's gonnakeep the Chiefs out of the super Bowl,
it's you. Oohy. Baltimore Ravensfans hate you for saying that.
Well, they know that the Ravenshave had how many chances to do it?
All? Right? Yeah, maybeyou should do something. What's the
meme? Do something? Yeah,they're getting poked with a stick by the
stick figure. I love that meme. No, but like Josh McCown,
could have lost better, he couldhave lost more. He could have given
you a two win season, ormaybe a one or maybe the vaunted opher
that only the Detroit Lions have suppliedus with. Neither of them, Dave
or Lovey sent the Texans to theoverall number one pick. Either of them.
That's true. Other head coaches withthe Texans have done it. Those
two supposed worse than your numbers too. That's what you have to get.
And they couldn't manage to only getthis idiot Kully won three games four actually
believe no, Coully was a threewin Oh, you're right. It was
a season before that. I forgot. I thought they had back to back
three win years. They were fourand thirteen in the inaugural seventeen seat win
seventeen game campaign in the NFL,in the inaugural David Cully campaign, and
it was the campaign and then whatgosh, man hm, and how about
this? How about at the sametime this is all happening, the Rockets
can't get the number one pick.Well, that kills me. That's strictly
based on record. In the NFL, if you're the worst team, you
got the number right pick the Rocketsin the NBA. Like tanking in the
NFL, tybreakers love showed us.Tiebreakers still doesn't even exist, even in
the last two minutes of a verylosable game. The anti tank right in
the NBA, tanking is just apart of life. You can't say that
out loud. The commissioner will haveyour head. My head's fine. I
mean they're not trying to kill Imean saying it out loud is okay when
everybody's watching it. They I mean, it was nice that they find the
Mavericks for doing it on purpose andtelling everybody you know what they did clearly,
Like just a year ago at thistime, we're talking about the MAVs
fumbling their way intentionally outside of thetop ten right in the West. Now
they're the last one in the West. Well that's true, they're the last
one in the West. But they'redone. Well, let's we can't talk
about that. Five games or sixin four seconds, five games or six,
uh, it's probably five, sayfive. There you go. They're
gonna win this game. Game twowas winnable. They weren't really going to
They will likely win Game three onemotion. They'll lose a heartbreaker in Game
four because it's on their home flooror something like that, and then they'll
get smashed in Game five and Lucawill demand a trade. Amazing, why
not, because they're on the cusp. They are. You know how many
teams have thought they were on thecusp only to man. Kyrie is going
to be so pissed off when theylose this finals. He'll call it his
most satisfying season. More satisfying thanhitting the game winner over STEP's mouthpiece and
winning the title, because he'll talkabout the person that he is and how
he's changed and how he enjoys himself. He's no longer a flat earther.
I didn't say that. Well,how has he changed. He's told you
how he's changed. He's not happywith how his life and how he was
in his time in Boston and elsewhereevery other stop. He's much happier now.
His time in Brooklyn kind of wentsour, but not quite in the
same way dal Boston. Gang.On a second, nobody's happy in Dallas.
Let's just kid. He's only therefor six months. Happy the year
he can go where every six monthstoo many? I mean, look how
much time he spent in Dallas inthe last month and a half in the
playoffs. Not that much. Youhave to listen to Jason Kidd every day,
and then you have to watch MarkCuban pretend he's not still the owner.
What a horrible existence. Oh andby the way, your best player
in your team is Dowey and good. Not last night he was he was
he was fine last night. Whydidn't they win? Because nobody else did
anything. I was told, ifLuca has an awesome game, see you
can't lose. That is a louShapiro. No, that's what you said
that on this show. You saidthat What did I say? You said,
if Luca has a big game,the MAVs can't lose. Oh my
god, that's awesome. And youalso said that Kyrie is not very good
and you said their supporting cast playsterrible defense. Did you hear me,
Spiro? What did I say aboutDallas? The city itself, my personal
feelings about them and their teams thegreatest in Texas. That's what I thought.
Well, their team, love them. They don't have teams in Dallas.
Make me sure I'll wear it.I love the Dallas sports teams.
Go ahead, unless you count.I'll give you that they had. They
do have two teams of the BigFour that play in Dallas, and the
other two play halfway to Fort Worth. Don't worry, Swaggy l will get
things done for the MAVs soon.The Arlington Rangers and the Arlington Cowboys don't
count Luca Magic coming to Dallas.Do you think you think Luca done showed
up to training camp and he wasjust absolutely shredded a lah James Harden in
twenty eighteen. Did you see Lucahe Is said that about James? Remember
that? Did you see James thisweekend? Yeah, his unfortunate significant others
catching of the bouquet and he lookedlike he wanted to light himself on fire
when she caught it, because hedoes vintage James. Guys that will never
get married, hardened Comma James,It's never happening. He's not getting tied
down to anyone. No ball andchain for him. Good job, James,
snuck your way into football five.It's always lively. You know what
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Seven one three nine one three fiftytwo eighty five. Seven to one
three nine fifty to eighty five forQC Kinetics. We now return to Adam
Clinton and Adam Wexwerth on Sports Talkseven ninety Anything goes Monday here on the
A Team, our football at five. Segment was hijacked by James Harden.
Let's seek jus well, he's afootball player. In case you missed it,
a couple of things that we mayhave not gotten to at all,
or some of the things that weopened our day with that maybe have not
had a chance to revisit. Allthese popular options here for in case you
missed it, what do we havetoday? All right, so let's start
first with a local side, becausewell, just a peak behind the curtain.
This was number two, but we'llgo local with it since you know,
we need to make the most ofwhen we talked basketball. Congratulations Rudy
tom Jonovich, the Chuck Daily LifetimeAchievement Award recipient over the weekend in Boston.
He took a chance to stump fora couple of his guys while meeting
with the media last night in Beantown. One is current Celtics assistant coach Sam
Cassell saying, yeah, he deservesto be a head coach in this league.
The other big shot, Bob RobertOrriy, deserves to be a Natesmith
Basketball Hall of Famer. So wewon't take too long on both of those
topics, but both worthy of alittle bit of discussion. We'll take the
second one first. I think listenersto our show and myself included, will
try to remember correctly you do believewhat Rudy said about Robert Orriy should in
fact come to play. But letme just quickly explain why he has those
rings. Where with Michael, whenhe flashes his six rings, everybody's like,
well, yeah, you won those, you were the best player on
those six teams. Robert Ory wasnever the best player on any of those
championship teams. But none of thosechampionship teams, of all seven of them,
I would argue, especially in thecase of certain years, ever get
to the finals, let alone winthem without Robert's shot making Chloral, So
he was, you know, RickCarlisle presenting Rudy with the awards. This
is a monster sized award, bythe way, and I don't mean literally,
I mean the magnitude and the honorthat it carries with it. And
Rudy t was really touched by,pretty emotional about it. And when he
got the phone call from Rick andwas obviously honored before the game and then
spoke about it, the exact commentsabout or he said the other thing I
want to say is I made alot of good moves. I made some
crazy moves. I traded Robert Oritwice. But I really believe he belongs
in the Nasmith Hall of Fame.He's proven it time and time again.
He's made so many teams champions playinga role, and that's so important.
It isn't just about the shots,It's about getting results. I pray that
one day is going to be ableto stand up there and accept that honor.
I do. I'm watching more ofthe people that are getting in get
in, and this last group includesone of those type of players. If
Michael Cooper is a Hall of Famer, and according to the voters, he
now is, then I can't saythis like to me if I'm just comparing
Robert or to that Hall of Famer. I definitely think he meant more to
more championship teams, not too,I mean both parts of it. He
meant more to each of them andalso meant to more championship And yeah,
he'd have to get in. Imean, I don't want to lower the
bar, but you've already put somebodyin that I do not think had as
big of an impact on winning ashe did, and unless Michael is going
to get up there during his speechand relay all of the sexcapades that happened
with the Showtime Lakers, especially involvingtheir point guard who's six foot nine in
his name rhymes with tragic. Thankyou. I thought you were talking about
Norm for a second. Then RobertORI's speech alone is reason enough to get
him in because think about all thathe played with three of the greatest big
men ever and David Robinson. Hiscomment Rudy's about Sam Cassell, he thought
he was talking about Elajuan and howobviously that was a huge part of why
he is where he is, standingup there and getting these awards. I
had great players on that team,he said, and his quote about Sam.
Every time I see them, Isee Sam. I'm looking for the
day that Sam Cassell is a headcoach and I want to see him cussing
a players the way I cussed athim. Yeah. Remember in Game one
of the or is the game twoof the Finals in ninety five, there's
that in the commemorative video. There'sthis moment where Sam's not paying attention on
the bench and Rudy goes Sam.Sam hey like looks over and he's like,
hey, come on and whatever hesays, but he was like yelling
at him because he wasn't paying attention. He was zoning out. It's like
Carson at the dinner table. Andby the way, Carson is a kid,
well, but you have to tellhim twenty times to do something like
pick up his shoes. This timeof year is always a good time of
year on the on the Twitter versebecause a lot of this day in NBA
history stuff comes up and wintering.Your team has won two championships, your
team has a day in history ona lot of these June days thirty years
ago. Yeah, June eighth,nineteen ninety four, Rookie Sam Cassell with
an acrobatic lip that gives the Rocketsa two point lead over the Name at
the end of the first quarter inGame one of the NBA Finals. I
even the biggest shot of the seriesfor him. Well, this is the
first quarter of the first game.Can't wait for five days from that.
And don't worry if he was ifhe would have missed that shot. Chris
Gent was there for the putback,Necessaria, Rudy, Why was Chris Gent
on the floor in a Finals game? But my re post of that post
said, Cassel always with the bigones. Dude, just wait until until
game three? All right, whatelse do we have in case you missed
it? All right? So thereporter over the weekend, and this was
one that created a lot of hubbubCaitlin Clark left off the initial Olympics roster.
However, Sean Sharania to the rescue. He's reporting that if someone drops
out, she's at the top ofthe list along with Brianna Jones, to
be replacements on the roster should aplayer or to drop out. I've never
been more sure that a player willnot drop out than I am right now
for any Olympic participants of any kind. What about injury, Well that's different.
Yeah, nobody's gonna just gonna withthis squad so that nobody gets hurt
well by drop out. I thinkthe inference is more if someone is unable
to participate. This is I mean, if you again, if you want
to say the next best player wouldget the next available spot, and they
did. They You know, peoplekeep saying, oh, if you want
to put her on the team,all who who should be off the team?
There's at least two of the playerson the team, even though they
don't have a whole lot of size. If Britney Grinder's not on the team,
she's barely been healthy and it's notnearly the player she used to be.
And obviously her teammate Diana Tarassi's aboutto play in her fifth she's my
age Olympics. Actually she's a yearyounger. Also not near She's definitely not
one of the twelve best players uhin the United States pool. She's a
legend, clearly, but not atthat level and next in line, if
you were really just taking the nextbest player, it's not Caitlin Clark.
Now she would do all the thingsthat all the people have been writing about
for two shin Layner can be anOlympian, and soa can Caitlyn Clark.
Well, the actual re like thesame thing I just said about Grinder and
Tarasi. You could say the samething about the Dream Team and leave Laterner
out of it. How about Ican't even move Larry Bird was on the
team, Magic Johnson was on theteam. You know who wasn't Isaiah?
I remember, and I know thatyou want to show you're not gonna convince
me not an a hole. Ihad the qualifications. I mean I had
the qualifications, but obviously I didn'tmake the team. I just got back
from Red Lobster. Actually they closedthem all because it's an updated Isaiah.
By the way, I know that. I just told Dan that I don't
give a bleep about Buster only Twitteraccount. Why'd you say that? But
since since we're doing in case youmissed its, popular Major League Baseball writer
for the Worldwide Leader has had hisapparently account right and apparently I was given
access for just one tweet only becausewhat somebody retweeted on my timeline that buster
Only's account just tweeted show a showa Otani has been banned for life from
the MLB in connection to charges withgambling. His trial is on August twenty
eighth. It is speculated he couldget life in prison. I love this
act. Yeah, hacked, hackedbuster only account just tweeted that. Yes,
obviously the uh Caitlin Clark not anOlympic choice. It's been a huge
topic. And by the way,somebody just tweeted us, take me to
your ly Bob never played on ateam that had David Robinson on it.
Who cares? Oh, he's right, but who cares? Whoops, whatever,
I'm not retracting it. How aboutthat fine? Something I can't pronounce
handle on Twitter? Okay? Anythingelse in case you missed it. Yes,
as a matter of fact, itwas seventeen years ago to this date,
I woke up this morning, madeyou get yourself a gun? Well,
we can play themes when it comesto this. For the podcast,
you know, but Don't Stop Believing, was playing Tony Carmela. Soon enough,
aj would show up and Meadow wastrying to parallel park and then it
all went black. Why didn't youplay Journey because this is better? Yeah?
Or wait, hang on, whatdid you just say this is better
for recognition of this show? Okay, I thought you were gonna say this
was a better song. It's agreat song, Alabama three, I think
is what it is. It's notbetter than Journey. Don't stop believing.
As far as TV, I meannot specims written for the show. Obviously,
this is a really good one drivingthe Jersey Turnpike. I hope most
people even though now that, asyou said, what was seventeen years ago?
Tonight the finale aired, so obviouslythis series much well seasons was it?
Dan six? I believe so thinkingabout the general thought on this program,
is it overly highly regarded or properlyregarded. I'll tell you what's overly
highly regarded is the why sorry sorry, Ross, it's not one of the
greatest TV shows ever made just becauseit over hyped. Probably it's probably perfectly
hyped. It's really good, thewriting, the acting, the unintentional comedy
on the show. One of theseasons the actors they have that are mobsters
in all of their movies that they'veever acted in. It's where they did
a really good job Fellas on thiswith recurring roles. I don't know why,
but I still just never will stopenjoying Tony in his robe in his
living room eating ice cream with thebowl resting on his stomach. It's just
hilarious and and in the ultimate ironyhe's continuing the ability to do that with
what he's consuming. I like somepulp, not all helps the cause.
Do you like pulp in your orangehue? No? Thank you? What's
it good for in your teeth?How are you drinking your orange juice?
If it's getting in your teeth?Uh, it's in your mouth, That's
where your teeth are. I mean, I'm not just taking shots showing your
orange juice. Orange juice, man, you must have got some super pulpy
juice. What if you are enjoyinga nice Grand Slam breakfast and you are
using pulpy orange juice to help washfresh and fruit tea breakfast. They're closing
those two wall Star that's true,man. We need to bring the draft
back just so we can draft breakfastfoods. It is the summer. If
they just decided, hey, everySunday night we're rolling out the Sopranos,
I'd probably watch, even though thereare many other ways to watch it and
binge it. I would do itfor sure. It's really really good.
All right, when we come back, we're gonna give away tickets to stick
with an X and Y and ForeignerMyers prusses it. Hey, catch Every
Apple was named on Sports Talk sevenninety before the iHeartRadio app Home of Your
Astros, like Steve Perry can leadeverybody at Giant Stadium? In a not
Giant stadium? What do they callOracle Park? What is it called over
there? Are you talking about theone in New Jersey or the one where
the Astros are playing? That one? A pack bellow t and t Stadium.
Yeah, something like it's Oracle Park. Okay, Yeah. Steve Perry
in a video that was recently circulating, and I don't know how old it
is, but it's recent. Hewas leading everybody in a sing along that
don't Stop Believing. But he can'tgo on stage and perform with Neil Sean
and Company, Jonathan Kane and theboys because what royalties? They're fighting about
something. He can't move around,not in the band anymore. That's stupid.
That's the main reason, right,Like, I'm sorry, but you
know how they got their new leadsinger. They found him on YouTube because
he sounded just like Steve Perry.And while that's great and fine, why
don't you just use the real thing? Like when what Steel Dragon found?
Well, yeah, but that wasa movie sounded just like him. This
was in real life doing He wasactually in a cover band because he loved
the band so much, and thenhe got the ultimate opportunity with Anison as
his girlfriend, to join the bandas the new lead singer. I gotta
be honest, I've never seen thatall the way through. Is it good
or is it really bad? Oris it so bad it's good? Which
one you'll definitely laugh. I don'twant to laugh about that now, Okay,
secondary follow up question, which vocalperformance is better, the one where
he sounds like the lead singer inthat movie or the other one? You
got to touch John c Riley behindthe board. I think the base is
cutting into the vocals. You heardhim, it's so good. I haven't
watched that movie in far too long. It's long, though, isn't it.
It's like two and a half hours. But going on here, they're
gonna come back to Jack at theend. So Burt Reynolds, in his
Academy Award winning performance, may herest it is? That is kind of
a I do find that odd whatthat roller Girl didn't also win a trophy.
He was good, yeah, butwhat he was doing to be good
was rather simplistic in the grand schemeof honest about that movie, if you
were going to pick anybody to givean Academy Award too, there is only
two obvious choices. One the colonel, oh do you think so? Doctor?
Are you dead? Are you myFred? And that's the other one,
actually though it's not. It's notHeather Graham, it's Amber Waves,
Julia Moore. There was a motionbehind it. Yeah, she was very
good. You could just like sayyou're my mom and then you'll be my
mom. Man, you don't thinkWilliam H. Macy deserved any recognition,
what allowing his walked all over byNina Hartley. Yeah, Lenny, she
walked all over him. She didother things to other men in the movie,
Like you would think that New Year'sParty, the key scene would probably
be the Scottie scene. Well,that's where I then it really screwed this
up because the third and most obviousperson who should be given an Academy Award
for that film is I'm a believingidiot. Hey can I kiss you?
Derek? You look at me sometimesyou want to kiss me? No,
why'd you do that? I guaranteeRoss is somewhere listening to this right now
thinking I'm so glad I'm not there, because if I were producing the show,
he'd be having me play all thesesound bites, which by the way,
are still in the system. Sweet, no, good stuff. It
is all a very good acting poolin that movie. And that's why you
should go see Sticks and Foreigner.Like Robin Spring, who knew that Mike
Tomlin had exactly one hundred and seventythree career wins in his cupboard. He
knew that because he's been listening tothe show today, and we appreciate that.
If you had to choose between thosetwo bands, who are you going
to see? Forerner? Who areyou going to the concert to see?
More? And don't say less?Probably sticks? Really? I think so
you like Come sail Away? Doyou? Oh lady, Come sail Away?
Who has more hits? Of thosetwo? Mistert Robato will probably get
played. That's just not I don'treally do that. Renegade, that's a
good song, that's their best song. Caller man, Yeah, but I
MC foreigner, Come on now,I already told you I know what love
is. I don't need them totell me. You don't have to go
straight ballads, although they have twovery good ones. Waiting for a Girl
like You that's the other one,hot Blooded, cold as ice? Here
box heer an urgent, all good. Urgent's got a good saxophone riff.
I'm still waiting for what a girl? All right? Final segment of the
show coming up mixed here on theeighteen. Adam and Adam are so Houston,
thank you for asking. They too, have received spankings after staining their
good school clues rolling down the hillat Miller Outdoor Theater, Bad Adams,
go to your room, Adam Blattinga work on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Seriously, how much would somebody haveto pay you right now, at your
age to go to Miller Outdoor Theaterduring this heat wave slash humidity on purpose,
And it's not for a Texans draftparty, which is a terrible idea.
So because of my age, Ican't go to the concert that's outside.
Let me explain why I say thatI go to a three hour Texans
concert like thirty Days in a Rowin July and August. Well, if
you go to the Woodlands Pavilion togo see Sticks and Foreigner, you're gonna
have fans on you if you situnderneath the actual pavilion. And if I
go to the Texans parties I'm talkingabout, which of course is training camp,
I can sit inside the tent ormaybe get lucky and get invited into
the cool zone after practice. Whywould you live in Houston and have training
camp outdoors? Don't be giving themany ideas about having Texans training camp not
in Houston. Please, why youwouldn't go to the Green Brier to watch
CJ. I've done it, andit's not better than doing that's because Bill
O'Brien was running things. You don'tthink Demiko at the Green Brier would be
way more fun. I mean,sure, there's no rest staurants and restrooms
for millions of miles around, butstill a it makes no sense none.
What was the reasoning then, Jack? Did they used to be doing that?
The Cowboys going to Oxnard, Oxnard, California for the who they are
and what they've always been and allthat. I get, I get it
a little bit, but most everybodyhas moved their training camps if they had
to be back to where they belong. Where are your fans? These Cowboys
have a massive facility. Why don'tthey just have it there? They also
have. It's relatively new all thingsconsider, But yeah, they they could,
and they can, and some oftraining into the whole thing's not in
California. But yeah, the Texanshave no reason to ever do that,
and I hope that they don't.The Texans obviously, I mean, excuse
me, the Oilers obviously did thatfor years. Where did they go again?
San Angelo? Which is San Antoniokind of to me and my massive
excellence in geography. Right, it'snot Houston. Where is San Angelo,
Dan in the middle of the state. It is central to northwest, like
Temple Area, close a little tothe west of it. Okay, once
you get past like Austin, there'sreally no reason to keep going. So
yes, I'm fine. I caneven at my advanced age, ac I
can handle. I said that becauseI'm talking about myself at this point.
Every time summer gets here, Iget a little more irritable with the heat.
Well. A couple quick notes aboutthe game tonight out in San Francisco,
where it'll be fifty five degrees nodoubt. In June, should be
relatively comfortable. Could be a littlewindy, not like Candlestick, but windy.
Nonetheless, Giants lineup is out andas you'd probably expect, got Harrison
on the mound. Tonight. SpencerArighetty throws for the Astros, and again
he's pitched like the other four starterspretty comparably over the last forty days.
The Astros lineup not yet out DustyBaker. According to those reporters that are
there with the team. Our guysBrian McTaggart and Chandler Rome is on the
field and catching up with some ofhis former uniform wearers. JV. Mauricio
or usually has a lot of guysto catch up with as well with the
Giants, even though that was nowseveral years ago. And Ari Alexander with
KPRC two has reported that Ceesar Salazaris set to join the Astros in San
Francisco. He is a catcher.He's on the forty man roster. He
made the opening day roster last yearand spent weeks with the Astros while hardly
playing, so they could have threecatchers he Martine and Jiner. But in
this case, if I'm going toguess this is more about the finger injury
to yin Or Diaz, which heplayed through the remainder of the game yesterday,
I thought for sure, a battedball from nine to twelve inches away
that hits you directly in the finger, he's probably going to break something somehow.
He was able to make a coupleof warm up throws, wins through
them, stay in the game,throw out a runner, take his at
bats, and handle the pitching staffthe rest of the way. But maybe
they have seen something otherwise since then, and either he needs time off and
they don't have to eye ol him, but they have to go into the
game with more than one available catcherwho's in the game already, or he
maybe does require longer off than that. It would be the most twenty twenty
four Astros thing ever to see Yinerfinally coming around at the plate only to
break his finger in the most flucishway possible. And as I was speaking,
the lineup has come out, He'sobviously not in it. Talking about
Diaz. Kartini will do the catchingtonight, and I believe everybody else who
played yesterday will be in the lineuptoday. Altuve, Bregman, Alvarez,
Peena Myers, Dubonabra McCormick batting onethrough eight in front of Victor. How
how would you characterize the twenty twentyfour San Francisco Giants, Because obviously the
Astros lost out on Blake Snell tothem. Well, he's not at all
he And obviously they lost out onCarlos Carrea to them for about a split
second. And Arson Joe and Arson, well, the Yankees lost out on
Arson to them before they won outon him. I mean, they're just
not a very talented team. Theyhave a bunch of okay players. So
the Astros will lose to A three. I mean, they're basically just like
them. Record wise, they're thirtytwo and thirty four. The Astros are
thirty and thirty six. Just asa team itself, they have one really
maybe more than one really good startingpitcher Web but they're kind of average in
almost every which way you look at. I don't know where they actually sit
ranking wise, offense, pitching,et cetera. But you just look up
and down that roster, what thoseplayers have done in their career and what
they're doing this season, it's justa bunch of average players. You know.
Confordo was a player that a lotof teams wondered if maybe we should
go out and get him mid seasonwhen he was away from the game and
had the injury and was looking forwork. He ended up there. He's
been okay, But they just don'thave anybody that's really doing anything outside of
very average work. And that's whythey are a very average team. Hopefully
teams so different than a lot ofthe teams on the Astros schedule. Here
the next couple of weeks outside ofone series. The Astros are just like
them, and we keep pretending theyneed to be running circles around them.
If they could prove otherwise and actuallyget to the we belong at five hundred,
then yeah we can start believing it. But until they go out and
do that, they're just kind ofspinning their wheels a little bit. But
the problem is the names on theback of the jerseys just make you want
to believe something that's not the case. I get it, I totally get
it. I said it earlier today. It just does not seem like this
team should be having as much troublesweeping series, winning six games in a
week, winning eleven games in twoweeks. They just haven't done it.
The only things that will be worsethan what's happening right now should they fall
short of the postseason or whatever happens. This is just the most underwhelming Astro
season in the last decade, wouldbe for Alex Bregman to depart and then
just rake next year with his newteam. I would be very surprised by
that unless it was ballpark related,and I don't know how he can find
a better ballpark for him than theone he's already in. That's true.
Is there a shorter left field porchanywhere in the majors besides minute made?
It can't be right. I meanthe New York is the antithesis. It's
the right field porch is even shorter. I think, yes it is.
It is shorter, but there's none. There's nothing technically shorter. But there's
different ways to get your home runsin different parks because of the scoreboard we
have that they don't unless you're Baltimoreand you move it back. True,
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GMC off the Kdie Freeway just westof high Way six. That is going
to do it for today's program.Back at it again till tomorrow when we
will have the first of this setwith the San Francisco Giants in the books
and we'll have all sorts of thingsto talk about and hand ring over and
pontificate about with whatever happens, winor loss. That's the way it goes
here in twenty twenty four for theAstros, for Dan and Trey helping him
out, for wex I may seeit is the A team here on Sports
Talk seven ninety Back at it againtomorrow at three o'clock, the nightcap with
ross Veria leading into Astros on deckcoming up next