All Episodes

August 22, 2023 • 33 mins
Alabama lost a chicken and we have a funeral for poor little Tommy Lou on the air. DJ New Era's son made the Birmingham Crime watch. PSL's from Starbucks will be back sooner than you think! How to handle a natural disaster when you're on vacation in 3 Things You NEED to Know and What the Hell Headlines HERE.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the Alabama Show. Hereis Alabama Era. I have big news.
Ah, You're getting married. No, I've only been dating my boyfriend,

not even three months. You ain't. I'm gonna marry that gun up
soon. I know people that dothat. But what's the news Tomorrow?
The day we have all been waitingfor all year long, the thing that
every girl loves Inde January also pumpkinspice slotte. It starboars. I'm not

ready for that starts tomorrow. Idon't think that the girl who starved me
my coffee today realizes that I talkon the radio and then I was going
to announce it to the world.I don't know if this is public knowledge,
but here's your insider secret. Pumpkinspice latte tomorrow, Starbucks. That
means the pumpkin muffin with the creamcheese feeling. They need to make you

pumpkin loaf. They need to makeyou to face the Starbucks get. I
don't know what other flavors there are. Do you want me to bring you
here's the question. No, youdon't want to pumpkin spice slote tomorrow.
It's off my diet. Are yousure? I'm positive? My little cousin
Hannah told me the hack. Shesaid, you need to get a ice
chi latte with two pumps of pumpkinspice flavor in it. What's the ice

child latte? Just you gotta gottago to Starbucks. I'm not a coffee
guy. That's not even coffee.It's tea. You gotta go to Starbucks.
Ice child sounds like coffee. Okay, sugar in its tea. Probably
it's gonna hurt my alps. No, no sugar. I'm saving myself with
a good Nah. Nobody cares ifyou have abs, but they do care

if you drink pumpkin spice latte?Does it come with an omelet? Sure,
you gotta bring your pumpkin spice lattetomorrow. Are oh, be careful
now, because I love to beexpected. Are you serious now? I'll
take a call the show. Whywould you a lot of arrows? Are
you excited for the greatness of pumpkinspy slat taste? Tomorrow? Eight thirty

three five one bamas the number?Good morning, it's what the hell headlines?
What the hell are you talking about? On the Alabama Show, Police
arrested a ten year old for goingto the bathroom behind his mom's car.
Why how you Okay, I'm prettybiased about this. Why. I mean,

he's ten, he's still learning.I know. Yeah, I don't
understand it. This happened in Mississippi. He was arrested. He was caught
by the police going to the bathroombehind his mom's car. Here's the mom
and her ten year old son talkingabout it. I'm just speechless right now
because, for one, I can'tbelieve it happened, right, Like,
why would you arrich eighteen year oldkid? I was like, Shan,
why did you do that? Hesaid? Mom My sister said, ain't

got a bathroom in here. Anotherofficer came over there and was like,
it's gotta get out of corn.He got to be arrested because he can't
do that. I started like harninga little bit. They like took me
downer if they got me out thefoot and I wouldn't I wouldn't go.
I wouldn't nor wolves happen. Also, this happened in Mississippi. You know

our Alabama police officers are a littlesmarter than that. And thank you for
what you do, cops. Welove you. Yeah, why sir,
how you are listening to Alabama inthe morning's fun demand? Is it an
adult movie? Your fingernail polished color? The funnest game ever that we play
every Tuesday. Got it right?If you want to play, We're giving
away tickets to Lana del Rey today. Eight three three five O one Bama

is the number of Jenna. Goodmorning. What are you doing right now?
Heading to work? Where are youcalling from? And where do you
work? Alixandrea High School and fromWeaver? Yes, you're a teacher.
No, I work in the lunchwhy okay, if you work in the
lunch tream, here's my question.Why do you have to go so early?

Oh? You gotta get everything right, don't you right? And we
have to cook for the kids andeverything and have it ready for when they
get there. What's today? Chickenfinger pizza day? It's steak nuggets.
Hello? Yeah, I don't dobreakfast in the morning. And yes,
but you have breakfast. They aregetting sausage biscuits. I love it all
the beef today. Well, areyou calling to play? Is it an

adult movie or a fingernail polish colorfor tickets to Lanna Delray? Oh my
gosh, fingernail color? Wait,no, no, no, I didn't
give you a name yet. I'mjust saying that's what you're trying to win
for tickets. Lanna Delray is anartist, not a fingernail polish color.
But I love you. Here's howit works. I'm gonna give you.

I'm gonna give you a name.You guess. Aara's gonna help you out.
Are you ready? Yes? Bunsup? Adult move your fingernail polish
color height again, buns up?Come on, come on, fingernail polish
color. Adult movie. It's afingernail polish color. You gotta right,
you gotta right, all right,sun tan adult movie, your fingernail polish

color. Come on, Bama sontan adult movie, fingernail polish. It's
an adult movie. How do youknow that you're losing hard today? Because
I go to Google and research theseevery single week. We do this game.
Yes, okay, butt loads oflove Adult move your fingernail polish color,

boat loads of love. I knowthis one polish yes, okay,
next one, See of Love.That's easy. Your fingernail polish color.
I know it. I got you. See of Love. I got you.
I got you. Don't movie?Yes, that is it? Also

single one? Right? Congratulations,you just one, is it an adult
movie or fingered out polish color?And we love you, thank you.
There's three things you need to know. Okay, don't forget. We're giving
away trips to our twenty twenty threei Heeart Radio Music Festival in Las Vegas.

We got a goal so we cangamble. Alabama wish, no nobody.
If you go to the Heart RadioMusic Festival, you're going to watch
all the artists. You're not goingto gamble after you watch the artists.
So it's gonna be a little line, yes, Travis Scott, Kelly Clarkson,
Miguel the food Fighters. Well,Ellouja, who said that? I
said a little Wayne, I know, but I said illocal Jay. Did

you maybe out on that? Anyway, It's gonna be fun. You'll get
tickets to both nights, your airfare, hotel or covered. Plus you get
a thousand dollars spending money. Youcould gamble with that. So listen for
the keyword to win the first oneat nine am today. Did you see
who secretly had a baby earlier thismonth? No, I didn't see this,
Brihanna, Really I didn't notice BrihannaAnd asap Rocky, Welcome to baby

number two. She's secretly birth tothe boy mate earlier this month. What's
the name with a baby? Augustthird? In LA We do not know
the baby's name. All we knowis that it is a boy and his
name starts within R. They've reallybeen on the day, Umbrella, Yeah
she did. Remember she announced hersecond pregnancy back in February when she did
the halftime show. That was thesecond time. I thought that was the

first. Now remember they already hada first where you been? Come on,
time is flying? I know itis weird that Rihanna and asap Rocky
already have a second baby, butcongratulations, I'm happy for him. Here
are the tips to find things thatyou have lost, if it's your phone,
your keys, your remote, yourheadphones, or your baby. Just

kidding, don't lose your baby numberone, Okay, check the spots that
you've lost it before. I losestuff all the time. If you are
new to the show, I hada stroke a few years ago. I
literally have put laundry detergent in thefreezer and milk in the laundry room.
How did you do that? Idon't know. I turned the Thank god,

my boyfriend was at the house.The other day, I turned the
kitchen sink on to fill it upto do dishes and just walked away.
And I came back in ten minuteslater, and he had turned the water
off and the water was about tooverflow in the kitchen. Wonder where you
would be also high check the spotswhere you've lost it before. That's number
one. Number two, retrace yoursteps. If you can remember your steps,
because I can't even remember my steps, Just think back to when you

had whatever it is you lost inyour hand and walk around and look and
see where you set it down.That's that's the best tip to me so
far. I do this, orI look in all the seating areas.
I lose stuff in the couch andchair cushions all the time. Yeah.
I draw a popcorn between the seats. Yeah, you just need to clean
out your cushions, period. Ido need to get some change out there.

Change the lighting. This is weird. Yeah, so sometimes this is
what the experts say. Sometimes whenyou change how our room looks, it
helps you search with fresh eyes.Plus it helps because you might have left
something like in a shadow of somethingand you can't just turned the damn lights
on. Just turn on your iPhone. Light the light on you. The
flashlight on your iPhone is super bright. Why you gotta get up and change

the light, Bulk. You don'tchange the light, I'll be just turn
the light on, like, changethe way the room looks. Turn the
lights, turn on some lamps,turn everything on. Use your iPhone light
that also works. Right. That'sthree things you need to know. You've
me worked too hard. Change thelight, bulk. More at the Alabama
Show dot Com. Catch up withAlabama in the morning on the iHeart Radio

app or wherever you listen to podcasts. It is a sad day. What's
going on here on the Alabama Show. I am very upset. We're going
to mourn the loss of someone veryimportant in my life. Okay, what's

going on? This is not Alsoeight three three five one Bama is the
number if you want to call theshow. If this has ever happened to
you, text the keyword Alabama andmessage to three zero three eight two.
Who Dad, my dog killed oneof my chickens. I knew your dog

was black. I'm so upset,Aaron, let me tell you what happened
that Krispy Chicken. Oh my god, like and it's my fault. It's
my fault. It's not funny.Dog was like, yo, gonnok,

get that bucket a crispy chicken.I got these. I got these chickens
from Tractors Supply on Saint Patrick's Dayback in the spring March, early March.
So they're like three four months old, loving at me so hard,
and my dogs like I have ahuge hundred pound Rottweiler German shepherd makes n
dogs. I raised the chickens aroundhim, and he follows him around and

thinks they're his babies. What Ithought, So I let you. I
was. I let the chickens freerange. That was so different weaknesses.
I'm laughing at me. I lethim free range the other day and I
let the dogs out and I wasinside cleaning. He said, oh,

I got a chance there. Mamastressed me. I was inside too and
laundry. What would stress me?And I left the dogs alone with the
chickens for good thirty minutes. Okay, stop crying. I opened the front
door and there's a chicken in theyard and it it's wayne was flapping and

I was like, oh, nobody killed a chicken. And my boyfriend
jumps up and he goes, don'tgo upside until I put my shoes on,
and I was like, no,I can't save it. It had
been a bad morning. He didnot want me to have to hold my
baby. My chickens are my babies. If you listen to the show,
I love my damn chickens. Soanyway, here's what we're gonna do.

If you've ever lost an animal andhad to bury it, just called show.
My boyfriend had to dispose of itfor me. Why did you bury
it it? I don't know wherehe put it. He dealt with the
body, so I didn't have to. We're gonna no, I just cook
it. Well, I almost broughtyou the chicken to cook. I don't
cook. Now I eat it.We're gonna have a eulogy. Okay,

I want to say a few words. Dear Tommy Lee, you were a
great chicken. I loved you somuch. Thank you for the eggs that
you have provided me in the nourishment. Tommy Lee was a good chicken.
Thank you for the content on theshow. I will never name another animal

after a dead person in my life. I named Tommy Leu after my great
grandmother, Nanny, because she lookedlike nanny. Okay, this is like
Tommy Lin. I'm sorry that Ilet the dogs out with you. I
know body thought that you were friendsand he was just playing. Body wasn't
playing. He was like I hearJerald talk about that chicken all the time.
Jerald is my real name. TommyLay, I'm sorry you had an

untimely death. It wasn't your time. I know you had much more eggs
to lay. You know what,Tommy Lou, costs you some money.
You gotta go to the wall rightnow. You will forever be remembered as
the first chicken I ever lost.The cardinal says, come to Kilcat,

I have learned my lesson, TommyLu. I will never let a dog
out with the other chickens. Dogis black. I will keep your sisters
alive for the rest of the time. What a grave, Yet I hate
you. Don't ruin this moment.Say a prayer for Tommy Lou. I
can say a prayer. Say aprayer for my chicken right now, just

real quick, Tommy Lou, Mayyou rest in peace, Tommy Lay the
hen. We pray that you restin peace and chicken Heaven and God.
And we pray that the cornel willfind you, oh good and puts them
on the wall. So where Okay, we're done, heymen, heymen,

catch up with Alabama in the morningon the iHeart radio app or wherever you
listen to podcasts. To be honest, I'm really surprised that my chickens survived
this long and I haven't lost oneyet. You can trust your animals too
much. I will never ever everdo that again. You know, a
dog likes to eat right ere.One man is the number if you've ever

lost anything. My dog killed mychicken this weekend, and I'm like,
I had to call our coworker whohas chickens, and she had to console
me. She's like, it's notthe dog's fault. The dog was being
a dog. It's not your fault. Just forgive yourself fault. Stop it.
Let's trust and see a dog.Good morning, Kelly, Yes,

and saw me two horns. Funnyabout my dead chicken right now, Well,
if you to put those helmets onhim that I sent you, maybe
they'd still be a lot. Theydo make chicken helmets. I I don't
know if body just I don't knowif he laid down on the chicken or
what he did. It's a realHe keeps going to the spot where she

died and sniffing. For the pastthree days. He keeps going there.
Yeah, because dinner. No,he feels bad. That can't be what
it is. Have you ever hadto marry a pet for your kids,
Kelly, I know you've got kids. No, Actually, I don't think
we've had to do that. Well, let's just all say a little prayer

for Tommy lu the chicken today,for Tommy lu I love you, Kelly,
thank you, but I'll take carebright. My dog killed a chicken.
Yeah, big old chicken. Itis not funny, Aaron's life.
I think way too hard at this. It was not a good day for
me. And then I love mydog. He's my baby. I just
started raising chickens. There my babies. I don't know who to be mad

at, myself or the dog.It is my fault and I am mad
at Mete eight three five one BAMAis the number if something like this has
ever happened to you. Chris,good morning. Would you like to say
a little a few words for TommyLee the chicken? Something good? Chris,
Yeah, you know you're gonna missall the eggs you provide time and

the delicious food Alabama was gonna makewith your eggs. No more cases,
no more keches. Oh my god, Broody thought you were a play toy,
but we're no more omelets. Iwill never give my dog a chicken,
a toy that looks like a chicken, I would hope not. Did
he even realize what are you done? Did he even get it? I

don't think he did. I puthim in the crate for thirty minutes and
he didn't know. He was justlooking at me like what mom, it's
my friend meal. And then hewas trying to chase the other chickens,
so we had to He's not allowedwith the chickens anymore. Talk better.
I love you, Chris, thanksfor calling the show. I love you
too. Sorry about the chicken.It's what the hell headlines? What the

hell are you talking about? Onthe Alabama Show, the owner of a
sunflower field is asking visitors to stoptaking nudes. Why sunflower in nudes is
so magical? I would do this. God, Well, that's what people
are doing at this famous sunflower fieldin England, and the owners are like,

please stop. They had to putout signs on the field that says,
please stop getting naked in public,after six different people had nudes taken
in the sunflower field in front ofeverybody, just in a month. One
month. Yeah, well, okay, what's the deal with like people taking
nudes in nature? I mean,when you think about pictures, I take

a lot of photels myself. Howmany nudes do you take? I've only
tooken. Maybe what's taken that weknow of? Ooh? Maybe three?
Why there's three things you need toknow. Okay, we're under another hate
advisory. God, I'm cell overthe freaking heat advisories. Bring me fall
time. I'm read. I gotmy hoodies and Timberlance boots. Ready.

I am ready. I wasn't,but I am now. Anyway, until
nine pm tomorrow Wednesday, it's goingto be in the upper nineties today.
It's going to feel like one hundredand five, between one hundred and five
and hundred and nine. Avoid doinga lot of strenuous work outside. Don't
be running in the in the streetstoday era. That's the best time the
workout though in the sun. Stayhydrated. Almost ninety million people across the

United States are under a heat alerttoday. That's a lot the whole country.
That's a lot global warming. Somebody'sgonna get mad. I said that.
That's why. Okay, if you'rea teacher, Sonic is doing a
week at Freebees for teachers throughout therest of the week through Friday. A
freebie like giving out free food.Yes, available in the Sonic app.
Here are the things that you canget the rest of the week. If

you are a teacher, being ateacher of how to get abs, it
does not count. Here's my voice, I am Professor Aaron Tuesday. Today
you get a free breakfast entree.Tomorrow a free small cold Bruth Thursday,
free medium tautra fries, and Fridayfree Sonic cheeseburger. That's not enough.
You got the word medium. Makeit a large. Our teachers work hard.

They should get a large. Here'sfour things to do. A finatural
disaster happens when you're on vacation,all right, Yes, our teachers do
do a lot and they deserve more. Yes, four things to do when
you're on vacation. Because hurricane seasonscoming up. We'll be going down to
Florida soon. God just run numberone, pay attention, stay informed,
and take shelter. Turn on thealerts and see if you either need to

take shelter or evacuate if there's timeto evacuate, evacuate if you don't have
time to take shelter. Number two, keep your valuables and your documents on
you, like your cash and yourcredit cards and your travel stuff. Also
medications. Medications. Yeah, ifyou're on a special medication like some people.
If you're diabetic, make sure youhave your diabetes medicine, all the

important medications that you take. Keepthem on you. As if you're stuck
somewhere and you can't take your medicinefor four days, then you're out of
luck. Just have a man bagready to go. Number three, stick
together if you are with your familymembers or a group, stick together.
Okay, I can see that.Yeah, And then pick one designated person.
This is the last thing. Thisone's important. Update someone back home.

But pick one designated person that youcan text or call and they will
let the rest of the family know. Because if you're trying to text your
mom, your brother, your dad, your uncle, your cousin, your
brother, cousin, whoever, you'regonna lose your battery power and you may
need that because you may be outof electricity. If a natural disaster happens
and you've got to conserve your fromI'll just make a video and post it
on Facebook before it happens. Okay, yes, you're updating the world.

Good jem, I'm okay with that. Just mark yourself safe on Facebook.
Got my main bag with everything youknow? Dear God. Yes, that's
three things you need to know.We're at the Alabama Show dot com.
Here's what's coming up next on theAlabama Show. We're gonna do something a
little different for what's awesome. We'regoing to give away something. What if

you want to win, call theshow Pentatonics at the b JCC December twelfth.
If you want to go, yes, call right now. Eight three
five o one BAMA is the number. Thanks for listening to Alabama in the
Morning on demand. I've just shownDJ Nuira the greatness of Pentatonics and you're
obsessed, now, aren't you?I love it. I'm obsessed. I
love a Bamma, he said it. Survibe Anyway, We're giving away tickets

to Pentatonics all week long. Eightthree three five one BAMA is the number.
If you want to win. Goodmorning, Grayson, what are you
doing? Right now. I'm myway into work. Where do you work?
Do you still work at the hardwarestore? I do still work at
the hardware store. Also, Idon't know why I know so much about
your life like that. I canremember where you work and what you're doing,

but I can't remember what I didwith my car keys this morning.
I just call them that much.I guess I know. No, it's
just you're You're one of our favoritecallers. We love you, Grayson,
we do. Are you calling fortickets to Pentatonics? I am because that's
where I run my mom's birthday?Can I see? Oh, it's your
mom's birthday. I was just showingEra the Brilliant and Penatonics this morning.

He was like, I've never seenthem play before. You haven't, no,
but I want to tell you,and you haven't seen them, that's
kind of crazy. They are freakingawesome. I've never seen them live either,
so the first time I'm actually hearingabout them like, they are super
cool. If you don't know whoPentatonics is, they are this group that
will do everything acoustic. There's noinstruments, but it sounds like there's instruments.

They're great. Oh yeah, theyhave one of the best de foxers
I've ever seen. Era is aboutto have a meltdown. So anyway,
if you if you want to win, we're giving him away all week long
on the show for What's Awesome atseven forty every morning, Era's having a
meltdown. Era, Why are youhaving a meltdown? Because he he won?
You won? You won these tickets? Ha ha ha ha. He's

trying to be Pentatonics, Grace andCongratulations. We're giving you tickets. You're
going to see Pentatonics at the bJCC in December. Eric, I mean,
Era do a Pentatonics do an impressionagain? You won? You want
these tickets, Grace son, haha ha I was. I was playing
him Bohemi and rap CD. That'swhy he's singing to the melt Grace and

Congratulations. We love you. Youwere listening to Alabama in the morning on
demand. If you've ever wanted toring your kid's neck like DJ and New
Era called the show, I don'twant to ring his nick eight three three
five one, Bama is the numberor text the cure Alabama and your message
to three zero three eight two.I want to ground him and he's eighteen

and you can't ground him anymore.I can do stuff to make him feel
my wrath. Yeah, what happened? I know you don't think this is
funny. You sent me the screenshotlast week and I left. My son
made Birmingham crime Stoppers, he madeal dot com. He even made the

Birmingham Police Departments Facebook page personal page. And I'm terrified because I'm thinking it's
like a warrant or some out forhis arrests or something like that. It's
not funny, but it's funny becausehe's not in trouble. He's not in
trouble. It's just you have tobe mindful of what you post on social
media. Here is what Jalen Era'sson is a TikToker and YouTuber. Yes,

and he's got like what hundreds ofthousands of followers, about three hundred
thousand, and so he like postsall this stuff on social media all the
time. Right, And what happened. He posted a flyer for an event
at CityWalk. I'll say that,okay, And it was for the flyers
said come to CityWalk get interviewed bymy crew. It was him and a

couple of other guys that do YouTubeand at the bottom of the flyer.
It had police like actual police carand like in parentheses circled ye with fights
and people fighting in parentheses. Soif you look at the flyer you would
think you're promoting like cut out here, fight and run from the police.

They get interview to act, youknow how it was after the fact and
said then Aaron sends me the screenshotand it was like the Birmingham Police Department
and Crime Stoppers said, we areaware of a flyer circulating on social media,
and then they put parents in parentheses, parents, please help us to
stop this from happening, and theneara like as the weight progressed. It

was on al dot com. Peopleon Twitter were retweeting, and I'm looking
like, Okay, he's a kid, so I get everybody's want to make
mistakes. I made mistakes. Idid some some dumb stuff when I was
at his age. Did you yellat your son for this? Oh?
He got a earful because what's socrazy? When I went to his YouTube
channel a couple of weeks ago,I saw the exact same flyer, just

a different date, and he hada video of people being interviewed and it
was fights in the interview and itwas police at this location. And I
said, right, and I said, do not do this again. You
are a brand. You gotta protectyourself. Yeah, like this will come
back to bite you in the buttlater on when you grow up, right
and when you get older exactly.And he turned around and did the exact

same thing I told him not todo. So we all have that person
in our life that does dumb thingson social media. Oh, we got
him. I want to make youfeel better because you are not the only
one. Eight three three five oone Bama as the number. What's the
dumbest thing anybody's ever done in yourfamily on social media? Anything that went
viral to my brother did something stupid, Well, I'll tell you what he

did next. You are listening toAlabama in the Morning on demand. Now's
your chance. If you ever wantto call out somebody in your family that's
terrible at social media. I alreadycall it out my son. Do not
Facebook list, That's what we're gonnacall it. I like this idea.
Thanks for listening to the Alabama Show. I'm Alabama with the January are de

January's son made the Birmingham crime Stoppersfor a fire here sounds so bad for
his YouTube channel. He didn't commita crime. He did not eight three
three five one Bama is the number. Let me tell you what my little
brother did do. My little brotherneeds to be banned to Chris. If
you're listening, get off. DamnTikTok. My brother used to be in

prison. Oh, my whole familyhas been in prison. My brothers.
My mother likes. It's an ongoingjoke. I am the most redneck of
all the rednecks. Like my storyis like sweet Home, Alabama. So
my brother was in prison, mybrother gets out of prison. My brother
post save video on his TikTok frominside a prison cell. What was in

the video a garden inmate fighting.I am driving home from work one day.
I get a call on my phone, ring, ring, I answer,
Hello, is this miss I'm notgonna say my real name. Yeah,
this is she. I'm trying tofind your brother. Where is he?

Do you know how to get intouch with him? I ain't now.
I don't talked to him in months. I don't know how to get
hold him. Why this is soand so? The head of the Alabama
Corrections Department for the entire state,that's not good at all. I will
not say her name, like incharge of corrections for all of the state
of Alabama. That's not good.I don't know how she found my phone

number. I don't know how shefound out that my brother was my brother.
We have two different last names.We're not even friends on Facebook anymo.
That's not good. He posted thisvideo inside one of our prisons.
It's gone viral. It had inthe course of he posted it that morning.
And this was at about twelve inthe afternoon that she had called me,
and it had been up for fourhours. It had already had like

one hundred thousand views. I wantto see it and all these shares.
We're trying to get your brother totake it down. We're watching his social
media accounts. You need to tellhim, if you talk to him,
to take it down. And thisis going to get him in a lot
of trouble. I would as,what's the punishment if he doesn't? Literally
I cannot. I was like,sorry, good luck, I don't even
know, Like have fun. Youknow how many people can sneaks phones and

jails and put stuff up like that. Oh, my brother used to do
that all the time. He wasthe guy hopefully he never makes it to
jail again. Also, if you'relistening and you weren't for the Corrections department
in any of Alabama, do notlook me on my family up. Please
call the show anyway viral. Iwant to see this. I think he
took it down. I'm not evergoing to say any of his social medias,

but we all have that person.Who's the person in your family,
in your life that should be bannedfrom Facebook? Call the chef? I
think you should be on Facebook?Who is it? Eight three three five
oh one? BAMA is the number? Catch up on Alabama in the morning,
on the iHeartRadio Act or wherever youlisten to podcasts. Who in your

family should never be on Facebook orsocial media? Who would you ban?
Ban myself? Aaron's gonna ban yourself. No, you're gonna ban your son
because your son just made Birmingham crimeStoppers because of a flyery posting. Eight
three three five one Bamma is thenumber? Who would you ban from social
media? Good morning? Who's this? My name is Bailey? Bailey?

What is going on? Who inyour family needs to be off social media?
My grandmother? What is your grandmother? Post? She was supposed to
send my mother who's a travel nursewho lost her debit cord shit to her
house and the mail was supposed tosend her a picture of it, and
posted the debit card on Facebook.Oh my god, did anybody use the

card? No? Thankfully everybody waslike, Hey, I don't think you
meant to do this. That's great. Yeah, I'll never let her live
that down. Grandparents should never beon Facebook. Thanks for calling the show,
Julie. Good morning. Where youcome from? Jasper girl? What's
going on in Jasper today? Notmuch? And I'm getting back on to

hang out girl. Yes, whineat home, take you a bubble bath.
Who would you ban from social media? Definitely my ex husband's mother,
Oh, your ex mother in law? What'd she do? Look? Is
she post some of the awful stuffand like she don't even realize that she's

doing it, Like she's a reallyreally Christian lady, but she posted like
sexual things and stuff, and wetell her all the time, we're like,
you got to stop. Wait,she doesn't know that it's an adult
meme? Is it like one ofthose like is it a dirty joke?
But she doesn't know it's a dirtyjoke? Yes, yes, Like all

of us tell her all the time. We're like, you got to stop.
Even her grandkids, they're so embarrassed. It's like, oh my god,
is she married. Yeah, herhusband doesn't have an issue with me,
it is. He doesn't. Hehas social media, but he doesn't
look and he's just like she don'teven know. Yeah, most guys that
age aren't even most men are noton Facebook. Oh that's lovely. I

love that. It's hilarious when shestarts tagging you, then there's a problem.
Listen. Sometimes she'll get on ourFacebook and start posting stuff and we're
like, no, you gotta takethat off or we'll delete it. And
it's like we'll all be sending itto each other like laughing. It's so
funny. I love it. Thankyou for sharing. You're welcome. You're

listening to Alabama in the morning.It's fun to man, Steve. Any
final words you would like to sayfor Tommy Lue the chicken today fry she's
oh, she's it's not a rooster. I'm sorry, she ain't gonna fry.
She's married. I can find itin fry. And my dog killed
my chicken. You big foot squashedher. I'm so mad. You wanted

some chicken. I loved her.What's your next move after this? I've
thought about do I get another chicken? No? No, hale no,
I need a bigger cope. Callthe show. Actually no, don't call
the sh I weren't done. We'relieving. Tommy Lou forever, rest in
peace. I love you. We'llbe back tomorrow, Brian Early. Thanks

thanks for listening to Alabama in theMorning on demand.
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