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March 14, 2024 14 mins
Back to back days of big time WWE guests as we welcome on Senor Money In The Bank and member of The Judgement Day, Damian Priest! We talk Wrestlemania and his upcoming tag team ladder match, plans for the Money In The Bank briefcase, and much more. Enjoy!
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Episode Transcript

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This is Austin Theory and you're listeningto the baby Faces podcast only on iheartradiot.
Wut right the Waller and you arelistening to the baby Faces on iHeartRadio.
What's going on y'all is WWE SuperstarKobe Kingston and you're looking into the
baby Faces on iHeartRadio. Bab youguys hear that music. I mean,

we are back to Babyfaces podcast hereon I art Radio and you can check
that out only on the iHeartRadio appwhere free never sounded so good. We
are powered by ninety seven to fiveWAMZ Kentuckyana's number one four country, and
we're also promoting some stuff that's goingon in North Charleston. Were talking about

the North Charleston Coliseum this Sunday Roadto WrestleMania. You guys heard us yesterday
we had ww Superstar Austin Theory onwhere now can continuing to roll with some
pretty pretty big guests. And I'mtalking literally big guests, because if you've
ever seen this guy in person oron TV, it doesn't even do it
justice. Damian Priesce, huge dude. I'm talking money in the bank.

Excuse me, Senor Poppy in thebank, Damian Priest, what's going on,
man? Welcome to the Babyfaces.What's up man? You didn't need
the poppy though, I just addon my whole little spice I have.
Me and a couple of guys,we have our own little little nicknames for
you. I don't know if you'veever heard of Puerto Rican Scott Hall,
have you? Because you do,you totally remind us of of a of

a Puerto Rican Scott Hall compliment.No, it's great because the Scott Hall
is one of my one of myfavorite wrestlers ever. He is the bad
guy. Billy loves Scott Hall toYeah, I'm a big, big razor
remone guy. I should have worethat T shirt today instead of Macho Man.
But hey, Damien Man, Iappreciate you taking a time to talk
with us today. And as weknow, it's super exciting time in wrestling

road to WrestleMania, best time ofthe year. And you found out your
WrestleMania plans this Monday on and Iknow you guys are too happy about what
you drew for the card this year. So talk a little bit about that
tag team the ladder match coming upat WrestleMania forty. Yeah. I mean,
we don't even know our opponents yet, but it's going to be six
teams totals. That means that we'redefending our undisputed tag team titles against five

other teams from Raw and SmackDown ina ladder match. I mean talking about
odds being stacked against you. Youknow, you got twelve other people,
you know, twelve people in thismatch. It's just it's gonna be wild.
I don't even know how to wrapmy brain around what's going to happen
at WrestleMania and like the chaos that'sgoing to ensue. I mean, we've
seen ladder matches at Mania, youknow, we know those turnout. Now

you're doing six teams. This isgoing to be brutal, but at the
same time one of those things.But I'm not happy about it because they
stacked all the odds against us,like basically, no one can beat us,
so maybe this way we could takethe titles off of them. But
and the other side of me iskind of like, man, I'm going
to be able to do a lotof damage to a lot of people,
So I'm kind of excited. Atthe same time, you have experiences in

ladder matches. That's obviously how youaccruited the money in the bank, and
that's how you're carrying on that withyou. What's what's one thing you think
you can carry over from a singlesmatch like that, obviously a high profile
one this past summer. Now you'regoing to be with your running mate Finn
Balor and you're gonna have a littlebit of backup. What are you looking
forward to? It's exciting about likea ladder match, and especially now that

you're in with the judgment day member. Well, I mean on the offensive
side, it's I'm looking forward tojust being able to hurt people with weapons,
Yeah, all types of furniture andgoodies. Well, you're punisher for
a reason, right, I rememberthose days. Yeah, there you go.
And then it makes it easier tome when you have your partner is

a guy like Finn Balor with thatresume. I mean, that's who you
want as a partner of that typeof guy. So for me, I'm
looking forward to them. But we'reconfident, you know, and I mean
as far as what to expect,I mean just everything. I mean it's
WrestleMania, and titles are on theline. They no holding back you know,
right, Well, money in theBank, you know, originated at

WrestleMania. That was a big stapleto have a multi man ladder match,
and it became, you know,something that to look forward to every year.
Obviously Money in Bank has evolved somuch over the years and do its
own pay per view, one ofthe biggest pay per views of the year.
But it's good to have that thatladder match where it's going to be
high flying. You know, you'regoing to get the cool spots, You're
going to get the crowd into it. So you know, you might be

stacked against against the odds a littlebit here with with your titles on the
line, but it should be areally fun match. I'm sure a lot
of people looking forward to. Sogood luck when you when you get to
WrestleMania. That should be a matchyou know, every everybody that is a
clamorant for So I want to talkabout, you know, money, money
in the Bank. Obviously that's beena big part of you over the last
over the last year or so.You're kind of up against the clock a

little bit here, Damien. Yougot any plans as far as cashing in
or are you just kind of waitingand see them for that right time,
just waiting to see it. Igot to July. Man, I'm good,
like like it doesn't expire WrestleMania.I think great people are confused with
that because it wrestleman. But Ihave to July. So I'm not.
Man, I'm chilling like we're We'refine. It's gonna happen. I mean

everybody, I know, I seethe stuff online with people aren't sure if
I'm going to cash in, isit gonna be successful in my championship material.
When it happens, I'm gonna shuteverybody up. You know, I'm
not gonna let anybody know when thatwould be, you know, silly,
but it don't happen, and it'sgonna happen big, So I'm looking forward
to that day and kind of shuttinga lot of people up. Well,

we promise not to tell anybody ifyou wish to reveal your secrets here on
the Baby Faces Podcast. It's maybethe biggest platform you're ever on. Amen.
This is life changing, so youmight have to watch what you're saying
here. We talked back to lastyear. We even had also one of
your running mates on Rhea Ripley isright before she won the Women's Championship at
WrestleMania and ww RAW came through,so it was really cool to talk to

her, and she just kind oftalked about what it was like being in
the Judgment Day and she also justmentioned that there is no leaders Judgment Day
is as a one. So,I mean, you talk about her titles,
You talked about what Dom's been ableto do with the North American Championship
and doing NXT, what you guyshave been able to do with garnering those
tag team titles over the last year. It's just up and up for Judgment

Day rights. We still haven't seenthe best of it, right, No,
that's the thing you haven't. Andwe want to add more championships to
the crew. I mean, Domand JD both need some championships, so
we're always wanting more and I thinkthat's why we're successful. We're not complacent.
I think everybody in the group understandslike for us to really, you

know, keep our word when wesay, you know, we run the
w W, we need these keyvictories. We need championships, and that's
the whole crew, not just someof us. And we push each other
to that, and I think that'swhy the judgment Dan has worked. And
I think I love I think Ilove that you know, you guys have
And she also said the same thing. You guys push each other and you
also help each other. We alsohad another former member of the judgment day

on not too long. You mightknow him as Our Truth. You guys,
you guys did some I mean,he came on here and said that
he was okay, said a lotof things. Man. Well, we
talked about him being world champion beforeand he still has that itch. He
had one heck of a run backin the day, and he is.
I mean, you're n W Aold n W A champion, He's an

old n W A champion. Youthink you might have picked the fight with
the wrong guy in Our Truth,think that you're kind of overestimating him now
now he's got himself a little groupgoing on, like I got to stick
up for our truth here. Youkind of put over that this is the
biggest platform and the didn't even saysome idiotic thing like that. I don't
even know how to answer that,man. I just I just beat him

in like five minutes on raw.Look, we had to we're always been
big fans of are True. Sowe had we had the like the guy,
you know, I mean I hadmy fun with him too, but
I feel like having those that funthat I had with him, I was
distracted. I was distracted from seriousbusiness. I was distracted from you know,

accomplishing goals that the Judgment they haveand I personally have, where I
was just having a good time andI needed to refocus and get serious again.
I feel like the judgment they losta little bit of its you know,
mustered there when with all the hotstuff. So we needed to cut
that out. And I unfortunately,like I did feel bad at the time,

but I had to do what Ihad to do. We had to
lay him out and get back tojudgment day business. It's a business,
right and you know, I meanI just gotta say watch your back a
little bit. Damien. He cameon this podcast. He said, you
know, Damien's got money in thebank. He catches that in maybe I
get a shot at the title.Crazier things have happened. So just putting

that out there, all right,just I'm just giving you a little heads
up on what our guy, ourTruth had to say about it all.
But you know, you talked aboutthe you know, he wasn't non official
member of the Judgment Day obviously,the group is. Finn re Jd recently
added, what's it been like workingwith such a talented, you know,
crop of individuals. I feel likeeverybody has their own kind of thing and
you're all still you know, afaction, a group and learning from each

other and building all of that.So what's that been like working with those
guys? Oh, it's great.So to your point, yeah, we're
it's crazy that we're all like sowe're all different, you know, but
somehow it works, you know,and maybe it is that we're different,
you know, and then we pusheach other and the talent that's in the
group. I mean, I feellike just watching you know, re Finn

Jd dom like it helps me bebetter just watching them go out there and
do their thing the way they doit and successfully. I'm like, wow,
you guys are really good at this, you know, and I pick
up things and you know, andI'm sure like everybody does that with each
other too, so which is againthat's why the Judgment Day works. I
Mean, we literally feed off ofeach other, and it's it's been the

coolest thing that I've done business.Yeah, well, we've had really fun
watching you, Damien and all jokesaside all the fun that we had today,
We're really excited to see you know, kind of what's next for you.
It's a huge deal to have moneyin the bank and we are on
the road to WrestleMania. Like wesaid at the start of the show speaking
of you guys are going to beat the North Charleston Coliseum this Sunday for
ww Road to WrestleMania. You know, we're expanding in these markets of wrestling.

For people that we always ask it'syou know, kind of questionable and
going out to a show or they'rekind of going out with their lady on
a Sunday night. What can theyexpect from a WWE live So expect one
from ww Road to WrestleMania this Sundayin North Charleston Coliseum. You know,
one thing is watching what we doon TV, but going live in person
to a show that's just get cateredfor the audience at hand. In you

know, in the arena, it'sa little extra special. You know,
there's a little bit of everything foreveryone, and I think the superstars themselves
have a little bit more fun withthese and the crowd comfeed off of that.
It's it's a different vibe from whatyou see on Monday Night Raw and
Smack. I think it's it's avery cool experience for the live crowd.
So if you're in the area andyou're a fan, like even if you're

not, and you know someone asa fan, you'll go enjoy yourself with
them. It's one of the moreenjoyable things that we do, and I
know the fans feel that as well. Well. Damien, this has been
awesome, man, really appreciate youtaking the time again. You can see
Damien all your favorite superstars this Sundayat in North Charleston. Damien, good
luck on the road to WrestleMania.Maybe we'll run into you in Philly.
We will. We will be thereand and good luck with everything involving money

in the bank. We'll be lookingout for that. Appreciate it, guys.
Thank you. You's a world tampion. Possibly, Damien, Let's get
it, Let's get it. Possibly. This is Damian Priest and you're listening
to the baby Faces podcast on iHeartRadio.
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