All Episodes

June 22, 2024 • 32 mins
Is Anyone Still Out There?... Can Anyone Hear Me?....

Real Fans vs Headline Fanboys, Star Wars The Acolyte, What is Canon?, The Wrestling Minute Update and New Music Out. Plus Finding What Makes You Happy.

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Episode Transcript

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Howdy partner, who are you West? Hello? Test? Test? Can

anyone hear me out there? Cananybody hear me? I think I might
be a skateboarder. I think Icould be an audio editor. I think

I could be a fanboy of StarWars, and I think I could be
possibly a Hookemon Beast of the CantoChoto Hoen Alolan and Howda regions. I

am sports and this might be theBordcast? Is the Bordcast back? Is
the Forecast here? I don't know, but I can tell you that I

have a lot of opinions on agreat, many deal of things that are
transpiring in the fandom worlds of prowrestling, of Star Wars, of video
games, of all sorts of things, and believe it or not, most

of them are positive. And whenI first started doing the Bardcast, many
many many moons ago, before westopped, before we went on a grand
hiatus, I started the forecast becauseI did not like people's opinions on things
that I loved, of things thatI appreciated, on fandoms that were growing,

that were becoming amazing and hitting newheights. And all it took was
people's opinions lack of good opinions onthe film of Detective Pikachu, Pokemon's Detective
Pikachu, which struck a chord withme and made me go, you know,

besides the other podcast I do withmy friends, which is also on
a long hiatus, by the way, about the Paranormal, about the Supernatural,
I went, you know. Ihave opinions on video games, on
the Pokemon franchise, on Star Wars, on wrestling, on music, And

these are opinions that I hold firmto because these are things I care about.
These are things I love, Theseare things that I focus the majority
of my life on appreciating, andnot just appreciating, but things that I
This is what I spend my moneyon, This is what I spend my
time on. These are things thatI want to gain more knowledge on.
So what am I doing here rightnow? Well, people's opinions on a

lot of things suck right now,and I'm here to give you the opposing
perspective. Maybe again, from somepeople's perspective, the Jedi are good,
but maybe from mind the Jedi areevil, and the Jedi have always been
evil. And in my Grand NewEmpire, maybe we'll just point out that

some of the Jedi are good,some of them are evil. Maybe some
of them were lost a long longtime ago in a galaxy far far away,
and maybe they succumb to the darkside without even knowing it. And
we will get to that in aminute. I promised myself that if I
wanted to do this again, thatif somebody still subscribes to this podcast,
as somebody still has this subscribed intheir iHeartRadio app and their Apple podcast feed

and their Spotify feed, maybe youwill get a little surprise today whenever this
uploads, if I could give fifteento twenty minutes after one of the episodes
of The Woodie Show this week,could I actually do this and share my
opinion, And if I can,you will hear this. And if I

can, maybe I will see youat the next Raising Caines event, which
by the way, will be happeningin July at some point two be determined.
Keep a follow on MENACE's Instagram atMenace on Instagram for the future date,
and maybe at that meetup you'll say, Hey, instead of I miss
the boardcast, I want you todo the broadcast again. Maybe you'll go,
dude, thank you so much forthat one episode of the broadcast,

which might or might not return afterthis. We will see. But for
right now, right now, youwill get the opinions that I will share
with you. And you know what, maybe you're a fan as well.
Maybe you're somebody out there that's goingyou know what, I am so effing
tired of hearing the headline fanboys iswhat I like to call them, the

headline fanboys. It's not fan ofgirls. Don't get me wrong, because
the headline fanboys hate the fact thatfemales appreciate these fandoms as much as they
do. Because they're not allowed tolike this stuff. Obviously, they're not
allowed to direct this stuff, they'renot allowed to star in this stuff.
If they're not Carrie Fisher, wedon't want them in Star Wars, is
what these people like to say,which I disagree with. There's a lot

of amazing people that work in theworld of Star Wars, a lot of
people that are in the world ofStar Wars, a lot of amazing characters
in Star Wars, and these headlinefanboys will take one headline, they will
share it to all their friends andthey will say they will die on their
sword saying this is the truth thatthis is what Star Wars has become,

This is what Pokemon has become,this is what wrestling has become, and
it's going to all absolute hell.And that's how they share. They never
watched the show, they never watchedthe movie, they never read the books,
they never learned anything. All theyknow is the headlines that they see
on the news sites and on Instagramand social media, and the little clips

that can they can get out ofYouTube or the YouTube. Fanboys that go
absolutely ape ish over the fact thatthey think, oh my god, they
broke headed, they've ruined by stories. They weren't your stories to begin with,
They're everybody's stories. And did theyruin them? No, they didn't.

And you know what, let's let'stry and get into that. Right
now, nobody calls hot, Sowhat do we appear to be? Fanboys?
Star Wars A galaxy far far awaya long long time ago. Yeah,

I said the reverse, I'm Yoda, and shit, what do you
expect? So let's talk Star WarsAcolyte. Everybody will say Star Wars Acolyte
is blank, Star Wars Acolyte isblank. This that all these negative comments,
I'm I'm gonna do the opposite ofthat instead of adding a negative connotation

to a show, I'm gonna sayStar Wars Acolyte is a very enjoyable television
show, and it adds a lotof great mythos to the Star Wars saga.
It adds a lot of perspective anddepth of perspective of history to a
lot of things that we don't knowabout by the time we get to Star
Wars Episode one, the Phantom Menace, and I will share that with you

right now. Now, let meadd this to the show. Does this
feel like The Mandalorian? No?Does it feel like Obi Wan Kenobi?
No? Does it feel like Ahsoka? No? But it does it feel
like and Or? No. Butnone of those shows feel like one another.
They all feel different. And youcould say, well, bored,
Dave Filoni works on all these showsand they all feel the same. Incorrect,

one thousand percent incorrect. If youlook at The Mandalorian, you look
at Ahsoka, they are shot completelydifferently, and the style of which of
the characters that are portrayed and thescope of them are completely different. If
you look at Obi Wan Kenobi andyou look at and Or, those are
shot completely differently, and the scopeand focal points of those shows are completely
different. All the shows are different, but they all add something to Star
Wars. And I will also addto this, I absolutely love The Mandalorian.

It's one of my favorite Star Warsshows of all time. I absolutely
love Obi Wan Kenobi. It addeda lot to the depth of who Kenobi
is. By the time we getto him in a New Hope as opposed
to Revenge of the Sith, wesee his connection to Lea. We see
his connection to his niece, notjust his nephew of Luke Skywalker, but

his niece, Leah Organa, whohe lost his brother, his best friend
in Anakin, He lost his sisterin law in Padme, who he knew
they were already together. He approvedof them being together. He may not
have agreed with it when it cameto the rules of the Jedi, but

he never stopped them because that washis brother and he loved him, and
he loved his sister in law PadmeAmidala, and he loved his niece and
nephew. And you finally get tosee that love and his niece in that
series with Kenobi and Lea's not justabout Luke the son to the heir to
being the chosen one. It's abouthis niece too, and I absolutely love

that show. Everything with Vader andKenobi in that show is Grade A Star
Wars Mandalorian Grade A Star Wars.Season three, I will say could have
used a slightly bit tighter editing,and I know Filoni was not around for
that and need a little bit tighterediting. There was little scenes that went
on long than they should have.However, the growing Baddie of the week,

the growing monster of the week thatwe learned in seasons one to two
every single episode there is your monsterof the Week came back at the end
of season three and it was oneof the most epic finales in all of
Star Wars. It was great.I absolutely loved it. Do I love
and or yes, do I loveAhsoka? Oh my god, Ahsoka.
You have to rewatch as a fan. You have to rewatch the end of

Rebels to refamiliarize yourself with the connection, the depth, the little subtle connection
vibes and threads. That's a beingand Asra have by the end of it.
And then when you see that inSoca, you're like, this is
an amazing show and if nothing elsemore than this Star Wars is all about
found family. It's all about goingon these adventures in space to uncharted areas

that we in our imaginations cannot evenfathom. Getting that found family, founding
a place in the universe, aplace you belong, and becoming a hero
that you think you deserve to beand sho be. Ahsoka is pretty much
like a New Hope in ways,parts and instances, is it exactly?
No, of course not. Nothingis a new Hope. Well, I

mean unless you want to try ForceAwakens, which really did try to be
a new Hope. But nothing isa new hope. Ahsoka is its own
story and I absolutely love it.But Acolyte. Acolyte feels like a very
different show. It seems like itis more shot like, to be honest,
babilon five. It relies on alot more realistic sets, which we're
not used to anymore. And tobe honest, everybody's complaints about it really

don't add up. And now I'mgonna shoot through these real quick. Kay,
Here we go. The Jedi arenot allowed to be fat, The
Jedi are not allowed to be soso pompous, so arrogant. Well,
yeah, that's the whole point.We get to see the Jedi at their
highest, at their high Republic standard, how they've grown, how they've become

these instead of just these samurai warriorsthat are out protecting the galaxy. They're
worried about politics. They're worried aboutpolitical enemies. They're worried about letting the
High Council find out about certain thingsthat shouldn't even be happening. There's a
middle management level to the Jedi inthis. They wear there's sparkly robes.

They go out into the universe andthey say, you're not allowed to train
this child in the Force. Onlywe are only we have the right to
do this. Only we have theability to decide who becomes one that's empowered
by the Force and not. They'rearrogant bastards. They're completely arrogant. They're
completely full of themselves. They havelost exactly what it means to be a

Jedi. And this is where thedark Side starts creeping in. This is
where the dark Side starts taking themon a path of no return. And
by the time we get to episodetwo with Mace and Obi Wan talking to
Yoda, and Yoda starts speaking ofa lot of arrogance has within a lot

of Jedi, young and old.It's not a good trade of Jedi.
But more and more we're seeing it. More and more, we're seeing this
happen. And this is where theJedi fall. You start seeing the Jedi
fall all the way back. Whywould a Jedi be allowed to get out
of shape, overweight, grab achild like the way that one Jedi did,

manhandle them, call them a littlebreath. That's not the way of
a Jedi. But you see thatonce any power, any order, any
army, builds to such a greatlength, a great size, they get
clouded, they get misguided, andthey start losing the focus of I actually

made them Jedi in the first place. That's the point of the show is
to show you this. Now let'sgo to the the other thing that breaking
the canon. Start with Kiatimundi,Kiyoti. Moody's in the shot. You're
breaking candies. Not that old,remember kids, Cannon and Star Wars.

You got the movies, and yougot the television shows. Everything else George
Lucas allowed to be done, thevideo games, the books, the comics,
the extra stories in magazines, tradingcards, the backside of active figures.
When they used to have bios onthem. Those are all accessories to

the greater story that they could betaken and reused to make into canon.
That's the way Star Wars has alwaysbeen. It's been that way since the
seventies. And if anyone wants totalk about breaking Cannon, the same people
who are complaining now complained about everythingthe prequels did twenty plus years ago,
and now they're going, uh,nope, Lucas would never do us wrong?

Will they flow with the currents inthe wind? You know? Oh
this time, I'm over here,and now you know what. I don't
agree with this. Now I'm overhere. Just get over it. Talk
about the art part of Cannon realfast. I promised myself I would give
myself fifteen to twenty minutes to dothis. I'm already over on time,
just for Star Wars. So herewe go. Did Star Wars break canon

by the Witches using the Force toconceive twin children? No? No,
they did not, not what soever. Anakin Skywalker himself was conceived inside of
his mother by the Force itself,just like the story of Jesus. Whether

you believe in Jesus or not,that is the story. The Savior of
the world, the savior of thegalaxy, the savior of everything, depending
on what religion you believe in,and if you're a fan of Star Wars.
I'm a fan of Star Wars,so I do believe that Anakin skyworkers
a chosen one. Fight me ifyou want to. He is a chosen
one. He was conceived by theForce. He was conceived by the universe.

He was conceived by everything that makeseverything work, the Big Bang,
all that stuff. That's what hewas conceived by. The twins are conceived
by the Mother Witch, who usesthe Force with her dark powers to help

conceive the twins within her partner.That is completely different. That is one
thousand percent different. Hey man,there was an atomic explosion, Well,
how to go off? Well,actually it was because you know, these
atoms are depardoned because it was actuallysomething that happened in nature. Okay,
hey, what happened over here?Oh, we set off an a bomb?
Well how'd you do that? Well, we actually build a bomb to

do this, and we kind ofmanipulate the atoms. Those are completely different
things, completely different. Do theybreak canon? No? Actually, if
you read Star Wars comics produced byMarvel, there was a hint that the
possibility that Darth Plaguis and Darth Sidioususe the Force to you somehow conceive the
Chosen One child in Anakin's mother.How'd they do that? They didn't do

that. That's not part of canon. That was some writer who decided,
oh, I'm gonna try to dothis, and everyone's picked it up and
run with it. That is notwhat George Lucas envisioned. George Lucas envisioned
that the Chosen One was brought asan answer by the Force to help rebalance
everything. And why was the Forcebalance? Well, because there's two Sith
and there's a bajillion Jedi who werealso clouded by the Dark Side. How

do you fix this? Well,we even it out. We even it
out, We show the arrogance,we show how blind the Jedi are,
we show how Keyoti Moody says,well, the Sooth even been around for
millennia. Well, Uri know thatthere was a Dark Side user because you're
covering up the damn thing, andeverybody going, well, how do Kyoti
Moody not know? But Doroth Maul, there's Doyth over here because he's covering

it up. Have you guys neverread anything about governments or how now any
army works. They cover things upall the time. That's what he's doing
in the damn movie. Man,use your brain. That's the thing I
can't stand about these fanboys. Noweof them use their brain. They read
the headlines. Like I said,headline fanboys, and that's all they freak

out about. They can't use theirbrains to figure anything out. I can't
stand it, and I know alot of you can't stand it either.
That's why I'm here, That's whyI'm shedding this light. Share this podcast
out, Share this episode out.If you agree with me and you think
that I'm right, which I knowI am, because I'm rarely wrong.
I'm very rarely wrong. Will Imess up a name or two, Yes,

will I mess updates? Yes?But am I wrong about the Force?
F No? Hell No. Ihave spent my life loving Star Wars.
I spent my life watching all thesemovies and TV shows and embedding myself
into the world of Star Wars.I spent my life reading the comics and
disagreeing with a lot of the ExpandedUniverse because those don't feel like not all

those stories felt like Star Wars tome. Not all the U portrayals of
characters I agreed with. I don'tlike the portrayal of Sidious Invader in the
comics. They always make it likeSidius is messing with Vader. I never
see that in the movies. Inever see that. That is not the

same Palpatine Invader that I see inthe films and the television shows is the
one that's show in the comics.I don't agree with that version. And
you know what, if you don'tagree with a certain point of fandom,
you don't have to You don't haveto argue about it. You don't need
to hate somebody for it. Youdon't need to send death threats to people
about it. And that's what's happenedover this last week. People were updating

Wikipedia, the Star Wars wiki,which, by the way, I love
Wikipedia. I stand with Wikipedia,and I love you Wikipedia. If you
guys need your Star Wars facts,go to Wikipedia dot com. Show them
some love. Also share this tosay that fort at Forecast and at the
Woody Show loves Wikipedia very much.People were sent to threats, people were
sent hate emails. That doesn't belongin this. If you don't agree with

something, you can have a gooddiscussion with another fan. You can have
a discussion with an actual fan.You could voice your opinion. But you
know what, don't ever do thatto people. Don't ever send harmful things
like that, Life's too short.Why are you doing that, especially to
be a keyboard Warrior and do that. That doesn't matter. That's not what
life's about. It's really stupid todo that. If you love Star Wars,

go enjoy Star Wars. If thisisn't your Star Wars, that's okay.
You still have the original three movies, you have the prequels, you
have the sequels, and you haveall these television shows. You don't have
to watch and enjoy all of it. That's fine. Enjoy what you want
to enjoy. I haven't watched allthe Marvel movies. I stopped. I
watched the Marvel movies that I enjoyedand the characters I enjoyed, and I

went, you know what, Idon't need the rest of these. I'm
okay. I watched the ones Iwant to watch. I still have not
finished the new Batman movie. Istarted it, but you know what,
that's not necessarily my Batman. Appreciatethat there's new stories for Batman, and
as a lifelong DC Comics fan,I appreciate that people are still making films
and television shows and cartoons, butthey're not all gonna be my Batman.

And that's okay. If I don'tenjoy it or like the way it looks,
I don't need to watch it.I don't need to read it.
I don't need to do any ofthat. You don't need to spend your
time on things you don't want toenjoy. Why watch something to not enjoy
it? If you know you're gonnahate it, don't watch it to hate
it. It's very easy. Butthere's more Star Wars you want to enjoy.
Watch the Clone Wars. Watch thefinal season of the Clone Wars.

It is breathtakingly beautiful. Watch thebad Batch, Watch Star Wars Rebels,
watch any Star Wars you want becauseit's all beautiful. A long long time
agoing to Galaxy far far away,and I can't wait to see where The
Acolyte goes. I think The Acolyteis a great show. I think it's
a really good, enjoyable TV show, and it's adding a lot of great
lore to the Star Wars universe.And can't wait to see where it goes.

Real quick, real real quick.I am running over time, So
let's do this real fast. Here'syour star here's your Star Wars. Jesus,
I'm not editing. This was onetake wonder. Let's go. Here's
your wrestling minute, bubble Do Ihave everybody's attention now? All right,

your Star Wars minute. We're gonnakeep this quick and we're gonna go fast.
People. Here we go on Viceso you can watch the Death of
WCW documentary. I think it's aawesome documentary on the view of the final
days of WCW from the start tothe final days actually, and it gives
a lot of interesting perspectives on whathappened with WCW from a business standpoint,

which I think is actually the mostinteresting part. So you can find that
the Death of WCW on Vice onYouTube. The Hardy Boys have returned to
TNA, which actually, I thinkis the best place for them to be.
I am a big fan of theBroken Hearty's broken, Matt is there,
Jeff is there. I can't waitfor Brother Nero to return out out
of Jeff and I can't wait tosee what they do, because you know

what as excited as I was forthe Hardy's in AAW. And yes,
I'm still a giant fan of AW. I love AW. I was a
AW fan since day one. Iwas a fan of the Elite since day
one, and I was a fanof them in Ring of Honor and eight
in New Japan Pro Wrestling, andI can't wait to see things get more
momentum behind them and things for toget better. To be honest, we

all see it, you know,things Ebb and Flow. Things go from
highs to low's and maybe they're ina low but they're in a rebuilding phase.
And I think they're in a goodrebuilding phase. And if they stay
on target, much like Luke Skywalker. See I told you guys, I'm
not editing this. I'm just gonnakeep going. If they stay on target,
like Luke Skywalker, I think Sky'sthe limits for them and they really
got this. But the broken Herty'sin TNA, I think is great.

Cody is on top of WWE,the WWE Universal World Heavyweight Champion. I'm
very happy that Cody's on top,and I can't wait to see him become
a heel because heal Cody in NewJapan heal Cody and Ring of Ams was
something that was just so beautiful andso perfect. If you're not familiar with
this, maybe a wrestling fan thatdidn't watch any of that, go back

through the episodes of Being the Eliteand see the heel turn of Cody where
he turned the Elite and Bullet Cluband split them in half, and it
was something. It was a reallybeautiful story. I really enjoyed every single
moment of it. Cody on top. You just took out Aj. I've
loved AJ's new persona, the LoneWolf, kind of rekindling from his TNA
Impact years, and you know,Cody going after the New blood line.

I really can't wait to see theNew blood Line versus the old blood Line
once Roman Rains returns. Kenny Omegais still on the recovery. He just
got surgery recently. If you're afan of Kenny Omega, go send a
tweet, go show him some love. He is my favorite wrestler in the
entire world, and I can't waitto see him come back and again the
heights that he takes AW once hecomes back, because we got Swerved as

aw Champion, we got Ospray asthe International Champion, and we got Okada,
we got Hangman on his way back, and we got MJF back of
the building. And I think that'sgreat. By the way, Okata is
a gift if you guys watch Dynamitethis week. Okata is a gift to
the wrestling fan base. And youknow what, I can't say more about
that. John Moxley is a championof New Japan Pro Wrestling aw Forbidden Doors

coming up very soon. I amloving Moxley as the new Japan Pro Wrestling
Champion. But I can't wait tosee what the Blackpool Combat Club does from
here. And honestly, I kindof want them all to go Japan.
I want them to invade Japan,and I want the BCC to run Japan
ragged. By the way, also, Bowl Club Gold is amazing. That's
your wrestling minute. It's more thana minute. But you know what,

that's what we got. Uh,let's see if there's anything else we get
to get to right now, realfast, new you'd cone you know.
In the final days of the BardcastSeason one, as we'll call it,

I talked a lot about music.I talked a lot about positivity. I
always had an album another the week, and I talked about things that make
you happy. So I'm going togive you something on this. Here's the
things that make me happy right now. Here's the things that make me positive
right now. And it hasn't beeneasy to be positive. I recently went
through a loss of another pet,a pet I love dearly, a pet

that made my world every day,and to not have her around is very
saddening. It's very de energizing,it's very crippling at times. But you
know what, I wouldn't change anythingfor the world, but sometimes when that
happens, you need things. Youneed bright spots to kind of help you
get through things. And here atthe bright spots that are helping me get
through a lot right now. Music. I've been going to a lot of

concerts lately. Because of the pandemic, we couldn't do concerts for a long
time, and I think I forgotthe amount of happiness and joy and just
feeling like I'm in the right placethat a concert brings me. I've always
felt this way from going to livemusic. I've always felt this way from
being at a show. I metmy wife at a show, my beautiful
wife who has an awesome boutique shop, which you could find at Shasta Jeans

boutique dot Comtuto's because Spooky find itfor all your mystical needs items and some
stone bracelets and stone necklaces as well. You can find all of it Shastajians
boutique dot comtuos go to Spooky orhit the link in my link tree.
At Saint Port. There's no What'sNew podcast for the last week or so,
so I just wanted to share thatgive her some love, go buy
something. It'll really help her out. It really helped me out because you

know what I got, I gotsome pets. I got more pets.
I gotta feed. So music,music is a place. There's a song
by Rancid. It's called Radio.It says when I got the music,
I got a place to go.And that's really how I feel. Every
single time I'm at a show,I feel amazing. So I was recently
a couple of shows recently and recentlyI had a couple of shows recently.
You could tell that I don't dothis that often people. I haven't done

this and lead a podcast in along time. I had to recently lead
a segment on The Woody Show,though when everything went to crap with some
audio that maybe I'll play that audioat some point. But anyways, music,
I went to go see our friendsof Calabres. Recently we went to
go see Tijuana Know, we sawthe Meteors, we saw blitz Kid,

Dark Ride, Zombies, and alot of these bands have new music out
right now. So if you guysare into punk rock, you're into rock
and roll, you're into horror rock, horror punk, Psycho Billy, go
check out all these bands. Calbrey'sgood brothers good fans of the Friends of
the Show. I don't know ifthey're fans of the show. Maybe Davey
is Davey Calabres has been on theshow a couple of times. He was

on my favorite episode, the Pokemonedition of the podcast. Go find them
Calabres rock dot com or follow themat Calabre's six' sixty six on social
media. Blitz Kid just dropped anew single this past week, blitz Kid
Again. You can find them atblitz Kid. Goolesby, one of the
singers and bass player for blitz Kid, is now playing in Calabres. He

has taken the spot at Jimmy Calabres, who has retired from the band,
and you can now find Goulesby ontour right now. Calbreys again if you
want to go see them on tourca aubresrock dot com see Ghules being Calabreys.
I call them Cali Ghouls. Tellthem bort sent to you and you
could listen to the new Blitz Kidssingle on all platforms where you stream music.
There's new baby Metal that came outabout a month ago, Rattatata.

It is by far my favorite songof the entire year. So if you
want to love some baby metal,maybe like some DM style metal, and
you want to listen to some quimetal embedded into it, go listen to
it. It's with Electric Callboy,They're collab with baby Metal. It is

fantastic. I absolutely love it.Maybe I'll make new imaging for this.
If I decide to do this againnext week, maybe I'll make some more
imaging with some baby Metal involved.You can go listen to that anywhere where
they stream music. And then theAqua Bats. The Aqua Bats, oh
see Scott Legends. Throw it upfor the Bats. They have a new
album that's out right now. Soif you want to listen to some SKA.

This is some Kawhi metal with somemediam metal mixed in. You want
to listen to some horror punk,go check them all out. Calabres,
Blitz Kid, Baby Metal, Aquabatsall new music out right now. You
can usually hear me talking about themon my social media. You can follow
me at Saint port on all socialmedia. You can follow all my friends
on social media. God quick shoutout East sound Wave. Hey it's Randall

Tyler on air or is it HeavyTea on air? Whatever the hell his
name is? This week at Menaceat the Woody Show. You follow Calibree,
Splitz Kid, Baby Metal, Aquabats. You follow my wife Shasta at
Shasta three three three, follow herboutique at Shasta Jeans Boutique on Instagram as
well all other links. Hit mylink tree in my bio on Instagram at

Saint Bord. Closing life advice foryou today, people, Three things one.
Whatever makes you happy, go enjoyit. Whatever makes you smile,
go find it. Life's hard enough. Like I said, you lose people,
you lose animals. Life's kind ofhard. So you need to find
the things that make you smile andgo enjoy it. That's the things that
are gonna rejuvenate you. That's thethings that are gonna make you cherish your

time with your loved ones, withyour pets. Weather still here. So
whatever makes you happy, just godo it. Find some happiness, Go
enjoy your life. One last quickthing. Something that has made me extremely
happy mobile gaming. And I don'tmean on your phone, I mean Nintendo
DS, I mean Nintendo Switch.I was playing the DS because I'm playing

Soul Silver all over again. Andyou know, it's just so easy for
me to play mobile gaming. Iguess my mind off of things. Between
that and having my earbuds in,it really reminds me of being a kid.
Because the things that made me happyas a kid skateboarding, having my
headphones in as I was listening toa new CD from my new favorite band
or whatever band has a new albumout that I was really enjoying at the
time, and having my game boyin my pocket. Yes I did have

those big pockets in my jeans ormy big old trip pants where I was
able to fit a CD player,a game boy, and a bunch of
other stuff. And those are thethings that made me happy. So whatever
makes you happy, try to findat least fifteen minutes a day for yourself
and just have a great have agreat day every day, try your best.
And that's it for this week.Maybe I'll be back next week,

maybe not. I hope you've enjoyedthis very shortened edition of the broadcast.
And yeah, that's it. That'sall I got. May the Force be
with you. I hope it's withyou always.
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