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He's a Texas legend, a Hallof Fame broadcaster, the voice of the
Texas Longhorns, and your host ofthe Craigway Show. Here he is now
Craig Way. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome in the program here on Sports
Radio AM thirteen one hundred of Myname is Craigway. I thank you very
much for joining us, and gladto be back in the studio this afternoon.
We of course went in Dallas Mondaythrough Thursday. Last week Friday,
we had a day off. Iwent down to San Antonio to prepare for
and then execute some rolls that Iwas tasked with with the Texas High School
Coaches Association's annual Coaching School Convention,which goes on through tomorrow. In fact,
so it was down there as well. We of course includes the producer
Cameron D. Parker. The Don the birth certificate stands for Dallas,
as in the National Football League teamthat his father so ardently roots for and
the team that Cameron used to rootfor at least through twenty twenty three.
Says he will not watch them intwenty twenty four, but will root for
them. We'll see how all thatworks out. This afternoon. But back
in the house today. How youdoing today? I'm doing great, Craig.
And also the team I root for. Who had to reschedule Jerry Jones's
press conference in Oxford, California becausehe has to testifying court today. Yeah,
couldn't be an Oxnard, had tobe in Texas, Cana Instead.
We'll have some stuff on that comingup and inconceivable a little later this afternoon.
Glad to have you with us.There are many things to talk about
the US Olympic team. The basketballteam barely squeaked by South Sudan, coached
by lifetime Longhorn roy Al IVY oneoh one one hundred. You can see
the impact roy Al's having on theteam. It's first time this team has
ever been in the Olympics, andhe did a heck of a job.
I came away impressed with that.Inasmuch as there wasn't a great deal to
be impressed about about the Americans otherthan the fact that they were resilient enough
to rally from a sixteen point deficit, down fourteen at the half and hold
on for the win. And youknow, that's probably a good thing,
you know, as they tune upto get ready for the Summer Games in
Paris, which officially get underway withthe opening ceremonies in Paris on Friday.
I think I asked you about thisfor you looking forward to this, you're
looking forward to the Olympics. Yeah, actually, probably a little bit more
than in the past. The golfswill be back in the Olympics again,
the second or third time since twentysixteen. Obviously, Team ussat basketball is
playing the last time. We're goingto have Katie Lebron and Steph Curry on
the same team. And then Ihave some friends who will be competing on
the swimming side, so excited forthat. I'll definitely watch more of the
Olympics this year than probably in thepast ten years. Okay, all right,
we have the Open Championship to reviewXander Schoffley winning his second major,
and we'll talk about that coming up. And NFL training camps do open this
week, as Camp mentioned, youknow, the Cowboys and Ox Starr and
Jerry couldn't do his State of theteam address today since he was testifying at
court. But NFL training camps areopen, and then there's college football to
discuss as well. Last week,of course, when we were in Dallas.
We brought you all manner of interviewsand press conference sound and things like
that from the coaches around the SoutheasternConference. And of course last Wednesday was
the the Texas was on stage andI had one on one with long WARN's
head coach, Chef Sarkeesian, whichwe aired, and there was SARX Press
conference, and then we had interviews, sit down interviews with Quinn Ewers,
with Jatte Barn, with Kelvin Banks, we had those as well. All
that's on our podcast page. Ifyou missed any of that, you want
to go back to that now.After that, of course, the coaches
scattered off to get ready for theirrespective starts of fall camp coming up.
But for the Texas coaching staff andfor coaching staffs of colleges across the state,
and of course of high schools acrossthe state, it was down to
San Antonio the Texas High School CoachesAssociation's annual Coaching School and convention going on.
The coaching school part of it isthat there are lecturers in not just
football, in a variety of sportswho who give of their expertise to the
high school coaches who are there forit. One of those. By the
way, one of those coaches givingof his expertise is none other than our
good friend and colleague Ty Harrington,who's asked to deliver a lecture and he
did so. Ty was down thereto do that, and as I mentioned
that, the Texas coaching staff wasdown there in complete attendants, and there
were a couple other things. Iswhere we're going to hear some more sound
from Long Worn's head coach Steve Sarkisiancoming up in a few minutes. This
is a little bit different than whatwent on in Dallas at the SEC media
days. The first thing that struckme about this particular set of sound bites
from this news conference you're going tohear is there is not one question,
not one about the quarterbacks, aboutthen backs, the wide receivers, defensive
backs. In other words, therewere no real specific personnel questions about student
athletes. It was kind of refreshing, really, But that didn't mean there
wasn't a lot to discuss, whatwith new rules implementations in the NCAA signing
day moving up to early Decemmer.Now the early the first signing day,
there was a lot of conversation aboutperhaps an early signing day in June.
You'll hear Sark his thoughts on allof that, his staff changes. He's
had some staff changes. They havesome thoughts about that, and a lot
of other topics that were not coveredat SEC Media Days, because everybody at
SEC Media Days wanted to ask Sarkabout Gwynn Ewers and Arts Manning and the
defense and all of these other things, which are certainly you know, uh
prudent to ask those types of questions. And that's what that form is all
about. This one at coaching School. It's a little bit different audience,
not entirely. Kirk Bowles was there, a friend of Howe was there Orange
twenty four to seven. I don'tthink I saw anybody from Orange Blood.
It might have been there, butI didn't didn't recognize anybody from there or
the other fan sites as well.But again I didn't, you know,
it was it was a pretty goodsized rooms, like a big classroom thing,
so I didn't I didn't see ifit. But my point was is
that there were newspaper writers, columnistsfrom papers all across the state of Texas
who were not in Dallas. I'llgive you an example one of one of
the sports writers in the state ofTexas. I think he's one of the
best in the state, hands downis Mike Foreman of the Victoria Advocate.
And he's been in Victoria forever andam and ever and and and covers college
football and high school football and highschool athletics and other college athletes and does
a great job. But Mike wasn'tin Dallas for sec Meedy Days, but
he was at the Thhssea Press conferencefor SARK, and there were other writers
like him from other parts of thestate, and the Dave Campbell's Texas Football
Magazine people were all there obviously aswell. So we'll here's some sound bites
from SARK. We will have Inconceivablecoming up. And we've got something.
I'm promising this to you for acouple of weeks now, and we're ready
to deliver on the promise. Everyyear I get the shipment from Dave Campbell's
Texas Football Magazine, they send usdozens of copies to give away, and
it's just now really hitting the shelvesand where folks can go and buy it
in all of its four hundred pageglory. But like we've done since,
I went back and I did allthe research on it. Nineteen ninety eight
is the first year we started doingthis, So this is the twenty sixth
year, twenty seventh year we've doneit where we will give away copies of
the magazine. And we're gonna doit different this year than we've ever done
it before because we have a featurethat we didn't have access to that we
do now in our brand new,swanky, really cool iHeart Compound studios,
and that is the talk back feature. I can tell you what the talkback
features, I really can, butcamera can tell you better about it exactly
since you deal with it a lotmore well. Step one is download the
free iHeartRadio app. Step two islisten to AM thirteen hundred the zone and
then during our show from two tofive pm, and technically it can be
before after. But there's that littlered microphone button you press that, hold
it down and you leave fifteen secondmessage. If you're watching on the live
stream, you see Craig is holdingup right there and it's that red microphone
button right next to the play instop button on your screen. All right,
geez Mary, yeah, right,So this is how it works.
Like Cameron said, if you haven'tdownloaded the app. Go ahead and download
the app, but don't do thetalkback message yet. I'm going to give
you the queue to do that.It's not a race about the in terms
of you know, caller number fouror anything like that. But we are
going to give away ten copies tentoday of the magazine to kick it off.
We're going to give away ten copiestoday. And the way it works
is when I give you the queue, the first ten people to do it
to leave us a message on talkback. And what the message is is what
you like best about the magazine?Is it wondering who the cover person is
going to be this year? It'sQueen Yours and Connor Wigman, Texas A
and M quarterback and of course yoursthe Texas quarter They also have what's called
the gatefold cover, the one onthe inside, and it's almost always a
high school oriented theme. That's whatit is again with father and son team
of Gary Joseph, Katie and JeffJoseph who won the state championship last year
at portin hs Groves. Maybe it'sthe cover thing, Maybe it's the high
school section, which, if we'rebeing completely honest and looking at it,
the high school section takes almost halfof the magazine. It's close to two
hundred pages. Maybe it's the highschool previews that you're looking forward to.
Maybe it's the individual team previews.Maybe it's some of the other features we
mentioned. The new cool, littleslick, little look this year is to
have the logos of the high schoolteams, the ones that are ranked,
say in Conference six eight in sixto A, for example, they have
the top fifty ranked and they havethe logos there. That's pretty cool.
But whatever, it might be thesmall college preview. Maybe this is where
you find out about junior colleges.It is, by the way, but
maybe it's where you first get youcaught up on what's going on with the
NAIA or Division three or Division twoor FBS or group of five schools.
It's all in here in the magazine. So what I want to know is
what do you like best about it? What do you like the previewing over
fifteen under the high schools? Sowhat is it that you most look forward
to and like best about Dave Campbell'sTexas Football Magazine? So download the app
when I give you the queue todo that, then go ahead and send
us a message on talkback and youknow, hopefully it's there in around fifteen
twenty seconds something like that. Butanyway, leave us a message on that
and then we'll select ten winners today, So that's how that works. Coming
up next, we're going to hearfrom Longhorn's head coach, Steve Sarkishan from
Coaching School says, brand new audiojust happened late yesterday afternoon, so we'll
have that for you coming up next. I well continue on a Monday afternoon
on Sports Radio AM thirteen under theZone and where you always listen to us
for free on the iHeartRadio app