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July 23, 2024 12 mins
It's fitting that on a rainy day, Craig and Cameron begin the show discussing the Dallas Cowboys. Plus, listen to today's show to learn how you can win a free copy of Dave Campbells Texas Football Magazine.
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He's a Texas legend, a Hallof Fame broadcaster, the voice of the
Texas Longhorns, and your host ofthe Craigway Show. Here he is now
Craig Way. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the program here on sports

radio in thirteen hundreds. So myname is Craig Way. Thank you very
much for joining us, Joined asalways by the producer Cameron D. Parker,
the deed on the versonjerificate fans forDallas as in the name of his
favorite NFL team, which he isabout not to watch this fall, but
says he will still follow us.We'll see how that all works out.
And they're getting ready to head thetraining camp in Oxnard, California. Where's

Jerry Jones would say, Oxnard,getting ready to go to Oxnard, California.
So excited for training camp getting outof the way tomorrow. Well,
I'm glad I know it's Auxnor,not Oxford as I called it yesterday.
Oxford, of course, Mississippi,which is probably where I'm overside of the
watch. Oxford, North Carolina too, there is right near the Virginia state
line. We're getting to the point, Craig, where we just wrapped up

SEC media days you were at thethh SA SCA Coaches Convention. Start talked
about how it's getting closer and closer. The kickoff thirty nine days, I
think until Texas football begins. Andyeah, there is an NFL preseason football
game next week. Next week.Football is almost here, folks. I'm

super excited for that. And actuallyI was driving down listening to uh this
is Football podcast hosted by Kevin Clark, some some training camp stuff, some
notes and nuggets, and I'm like, Okay, so I'm not watching a
single Cowboys game this year. Whois going to be my NFL team?
And maybe someone listening can help meout. I'm leaning leaning maybe Chiefs because

of Xavier Worthy. I like thelike the Bengals with Joe Burrow and Jamar
Chase. So I got to figureout what team, you know, I'm
gonna pull for this year. Butman, we're getting closer and closer.
I'm excited for it. I've gota question when I ask you, But
before I do that, just gonnauh to follow up on what Cam was
saying. Uh, Yeah, it'suh the the the preseason game that we're

talking about is the Hall of Famegame and it's a week from Thursday night.
It's nine days away from the firstpro football game, albeit a preseason
game. It's football, and it'sthe Texans and Bears. So with it
being the Bears, it's barely profootball, but it is uh Texas and
Texans and Bears. Texans opened campyesterday because they had to start getting ready

for that, so the Texans andTexans and Bears will were playing. So
there is that. But I needto I need to get clear. I
need you to help me on somethinghere. Let's let's see if we can
get this on the books once andfor all and get it completely clear.

Your favorite NFL team is Dallas Cowboys. You plan to not watch them?
Yes? And you said I needto find a team to watch. Yeah,
kind of have like, have rootinginterests this season. Now, wait
a minute, how can you haverooting interest for another team if you claim

that the Cowboys are still your team? How does that work? Well,
I'm just I'm protesting Jerry Jones.I'm protesting the front office and refusing to
sign resign Dak Prescott and Ceedee Lamb. And I'm protesting Mike McCarthy as a
head coach who is in a lameduck this season. I mean, he
should have been let go this pastyear after that disgusting, disappointing, inexcusable

performance against the Green Bay Packers athome, just another display that the Cowboys
can not get it done when itmatters the most. So he should have
been let go. They could havehired Belichick, they could have hired whoever.
And frankly, I'm just tired ofgetting my hopes up because Dallas always

they start off really strong, thedefense looks incredible, they're forcing turnovers,
dak is an MVP candidate, KayDallas win it this year. And then
as the season goes on and onand get closer to December, there's some
weird losses there that remind you thatmaybe this team has some holes, has
some weaknesses. And then you getto January and the Cowboys lay an egg,
which they have done pretty much everysingle playoffs since since yeah, since

I've been around. So what thissounds like is that you're divorcing yourself complete
from them, from the Cowboys evenbeing your favorite team anymore. That's what
it sounds like for the year.And you know, when Dallas misses the
playoffs this season, or loses inthe first round, whatever, and McCarthy
is not re signed. We'll seewho Jerry hires. We'll see there,

and then I'll go from there anddecide what I'm going to do. But
it sound like fair weather fav Youcan call me that. You can call
me that. Sound like that.I'm just very, very fed up and
frustrated with this Dallas Cowboys organization androster and coaching staff. Okay, Okay,
I just wanted to try to beclear on this because when you said
I need to find a team towatch a minute, you have a team,

so and then you say you're notgoing to watch them. Okay,
I interpreted that to mean you're justgonna watch the NFL overall. I will,
but I will love that. Butbut now to hear you say I
need to find a team, itsounds like you're angling to have a new
favorite team and probably not just justmore like a rooting interest. And that's
why I mentioned the Chiefs Xader Worthy, because I want to see Worthy do

well, in which I think he'sgoing to do extremely well if he stays
healthy with Mahomes and this Chiefs team. You know, and I'm you know,
a big fan of history. Soif the Chiefs can go back to
back to back, I mean,that's has any NFL team minute done it
before? No? Yeah, sothat's that's history right now. Think he's
ever won three straight Super Bowls?The last team to win three straight quote

unquote NFL championships were the sixty fivethrough sixty seven Packers. But sixty five
was the last year prior to thestart of the Super Bowl and then they
won sixty six and sixty seven andwon both Super Bowls that year. But
no team has ever won three consecutiveSuper Bowls. Yeah, so that didn't
happen, and it'd be fun therip for something like that. Okay,

all right, So one more questionfor you about all this and then I'll
leave you to your privacy on it. Is your dad still a big Cowboys
fan? I think he's almost inthe same boat as me. He probably
has less faith than me in inMcCarthy and in Dak Prescott. So has
he vowed not to watch the Cowboys? Here's where I'm going with this.

No, he'll he'll still watch,Okay, because all right, I've been
to your place. What's going tohappen there? When he wants to watch
Cowboys, say, play the Eagleswhatever, all and said, what are
you going to do? Just gooutside, you know, just go outside.
Four hours of every Sunday, Isit like an idiot giving my hosts

up watching Dallas beat some team witha backup quarterback in But still I'm gonna
talk myself into thinking they're a goodteam, or I'm going to watch them
play very poorly. Either way,it's a waste of four hours, and
I want to be productive. Nowthat could be four hours. You know,
I'll go to a friend's house,or I'll go to a sports bar.
You go to sports park Cowboys on, Well, I'll go and buy
in secluded room and say, hey, can you put on the Texans game

or the Chiefs game? Kidding it'llit'll probably be impossible not to see a
single not not see a single Cowboysplay. It's gonna happen, especially since
I watched Redstrom. But what Imean is, I'm not going to vote
and plan my entire week around sittingdown and watching just a Cowboys only broadcast.

So you would be I just wantto make sure I got this clear.
You would be okay with if youwere just hanging at your place watching
Red Zone. Cowboys come on fora series or a Secrets or whatever,
then they cut away from it.Yeah, that's okay, that's fine.
Just not gonna devote time of sittingdown and watching the whole game. Yeah,
and I'm not going to vote anytime to thinking what if could the

Cowboys? No, it's not okay, all right, just to make sure
it was clear on that. Allright, let me tell you what else
we have going on today. Yesterdaywe gave away several copies of Dave Campbell's
Texas Football Magazine. We're going todo it again the day. Now here's
how you do it. We're doingit through and it worked out really well
yesterday. I'll tell you when we'llstart taking them. And what you want

to do is, if you don'talready have the iHeartRadio app downloaded, just
download the iHeartRadio app onto your smartphoneand then when you do that, you
go to AM thirteen under the zoneand when you do, when it comes
up, you'll see two buttons.One one is to just push the button
and listen to us there on theapp, which we always encourage you to

do. But there's also a littlered button and you hit that red button
and you can record a message tous. That's the talkback feature. And
so what we're doing is to givethese magazines away, and we're giving away
several per day. And so whatwe want you to do, and we'll
give you the cue when to startdoing this. You push the button,

ad that red button, and youtell us in about you know whatever,
thirty seconds or less, because that'sabout all the record. It's about thirty
seconds in't it cam something like that? Maybe max of thirty seconds? Okay,
max of thirty so don't go overthirty probably if you want to go
in twenty is probably a good idea. But anyway, you tell us what
you look forward to out of thismagazine every year? What do you want

to see? What are you anticipating? Is that the cover stories in this
case that would be Quinn Youwers andConnor Wigman, the Texas and Texas A
and M quarterbacks and they and thestory about the rivalry being reborn? Is
it the stories on Texas or onA and M or on the SEC.
They have an SEC preview. Theyhave a big twelve conference preview, especially

for those of you that are TCUand Baylor and Tech fans still in the
Big twelve and interested in that thereis an American Conference preview that has like
North Texas and Rice in there,Conference USA with UTEP, Sun Belt with
Texas State, Southland Conference for theFCS programs. And then of course almost

half of the magazine is devoted tothe high school football preview. So we
had several people access us via thetalkback feature yesterday and said they look forward
to the high school preview seeing howthe area schools. When one guy said,
you look forward to seeing how theEl Paso schools are doing, and
whatever your reason is, tell usin about twenty seconds or so what you

want and then we'll be a warningmagazines today. We have a apply that
we do every day. We're doinga group of them every day this week
and next week until the gone.So that's how you can win a copy
of Dave Campbell's Texas Football Magazine.Access us on the iHeartRadio app and just

leave us a message on the talkbackfeature. All right, we've got pro
football notes to get to as wellsome Major League baseball. We do have
inconceivable as well. That includes theaforementioned Jerry Jones, So you've got all
of that and more. If youwant to just text us with a question
on the program, you can dothat as well. All you do is
text the word Texas follow by yourquestion or comment to eight one five three

zero. Again, this is justif you've got questions or comments, not
for the magazine. The magazine istalkback feature only. But if you have
a question for us, text thatquestion or comment after you text the word
Texas follow by your question or commentto eight one five three zero. Standard
messaging and data rates may apply.We'll jump into some nfl up next when
we continue on Tradio AUM thirteen underthe Zone and the iHeartRadio app
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