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Piece of Texas legend, a Hallof Fame broadcaster, the voice of the
Texas Longhorns, and your host ofthe Craigway Show. Here he is now
Craig Way Jam packs show for you, Darrel the Guru. Johnson joining the
show at four fifteen to talk LittleWest Coast action, give you an idea
of what's happening out there, plussec celebration happening this Sunday. You're not
going to miss out on that endSunday ticket. The NFL actually paying out
money because they might have overcharged yousay it ain't so, Roger Goodell,
tell you me you're not actually stealingmoney out of my pocketbook? Right,
That can't be the case. TheNFL would never rob us, right.
No? Maybe? All right,let's talk NBA trades and free agency.
As the NFNBA draft concluded last nightnight number two. Let me ask you,
Cole, the NBA Draft was happeningduring the show yesterday, and I
tried to be on top of everything. I am one of those guys that
I read, I research. Itry my hardest to make sure I'm in
the know so that you know whatI know. Did you know the NBA
draft date too, was gonna happenlike during the show yesterday? No?
Not at all. So I askeda couple of friends. Did they watch
the NBA Draft either night Night oneor Night two? They said no.
We put it on the poll questionon AM thirteen Huns of the Zone earlier
this week. Are you gonna watcheither of the night's? Resounding answer no.
I went on Twitter. I askedsome of my other friends, Hey,
NBA Draft, anybody interested? No? Uh? Was the NBA wrong
for trying to make this a twoday event? Were they in the wrong
for trying to make this like atelevised event. It just didn't seem like
it had any juice at all.Well, when someone like Steven a is
saying I don't know half of thesepeople, it doesn't do it justice.
Yeah, that's embarrassing. I know. Look, Zachary rashawse, I finally
got his name right. It onlyhas only taken me like forty eight hours
to get the number one overall picksright. And I went through I said,
is he the most underrated first roundpick? Is he the most forgettable
first round pick? Probably? Iforgot Kwame Brown was the number one overall
pick. I forgot that Greg Odinwas the number one overall pick got drafted
ahead of lifetime Longhorn, Kevin Ranin two thousand and seven. Markel Fultz
was another one that just did notcome to mind. So you know,
Rashonse may be in good company whenit comes to the forgettable number one overall
pick picks, I should say,so you know, it was a tough
draft. Spurs got their guy,Stefan Castle. They seem pretty happy with
him's. Castle and Wimby are gettingalong. They were FaceTime each other right
after the draft, which answers myquestion. Wwww what would Wimby want?
He wanted Castle. I'm glad theygot him all right, but that opens
the door now to NBA trades andfree agency. The New York Knicks decided
to build the twenty six sixteen Villanovaroster, which ironically you mentioned Steve day
Smith a minute ago, Cole,He is a Knicks fan. He makes
it very clear that he is aKnicks fan. He goes on social media
all the time trousing, his poundinghis chets about his New York Knicks.
They found a clip from a fewyears ago where it was after National championship.
After Villanova won the National Championship.Talking about Josh Harr, Jalen Bronston,
mckel, Bridges, all guys whoare now going to be wearing the
purple and orange, and Steve daySmith made it clear that he didn't think
any of those guys were NBA players. He said, there's no NBA players
on this roster and now they're allgoing to be suiting up for the next
Now, what the Nets gave upfor or what the Knicks gave up for
Bridges, I thought was a littlebit absurd. I think five first round
picks, two spick swaps, sopotentially like seven picks you're throwing in there
for a guy like Bridges. Ithought that was a little bit of an
overpay for a dude who's gonna belike the third option on New York.
But it did open up the doorsnow for NBA trades, we're seeing a
couple more. Reg Jackson got moved. We talked about Chris Paul in the
last hour about potentially getting moved fromthe Warriors. But the big fish,
the big kahuna, is Paul George. This is the dude who everybody seems
to want, and it doesn't makeany sense to me, Cole, it
doesn't make any sense why all theseteams are biting or biting at the bit
right now for a guy like PaulGeorge. I just don't get it.
Well, here's the thing. Whatyou're gonna get with Paul George or sorry
you said, Paul George George.Yeah, I mean he's a vent right,
He's not worth the max they theClippers turned him down on the max
deal for sure. But you're gonnaget someone who is going to mentor the
younger players at this level doing whatplaying basketball or podcasting, because that is
really the thing I need. Ialmost at this point, all of these
coaches, all these gms, theyneed to put a clause in some of
these players' contracts where no podcasting atall. If you want to be a
podcaster, congratulations, go get yourselfa deal, but don't do it while
you're also trying to play the gameof basketball. I don't like Draymond doing
it. I hated JJ Reddick doingit, and now Paul George is doing
it as well. So here's thedeal. If JJ doesn't get the podcast
as the head coach of Lakers,I don't think Paul georg should get the
podcast as the potential small forward forthe Clippers or the Warriors, or whoever
he goes to play for if hedidn't get traded in the summer of twenty
nineteen for the amount of picks thathe got traded for. Remember, he
was playing for the Thunder and thenhe was on a boat party with Russell
Westbrook saying like, oh, Iwant to be here forever. And then
the next thing you know, he'sgoing to the Thunders organization saying, Hey,
I want to get traded to theClippers. Now we all know it
can't be said, but it wasa handshake, wink wink agreement between Bomber,
Kawhi, and Paul George that ifthey went to go get Paul George,
Kawhi would come to the Los AngelesClippers. Now, Steve Bomber is
a really smart businessman. There's alot of these dudes make billions of dollars
and they kind of fall backwards intoit, right, Steve Bomber was not
one of those dudes. He wasa former CEO of Microsoft. He's building
essentially an entire new stadium out ofpocket. He is not a dumb individual.
But when you buy a new NBAteam or buy any professional sports team.
A lot of these guys want toshow how rich and how smart they
are, and because of that,they overplay their hand, giving up I
think it what was one hundred firstround picks for Paul George something in that
ballpark, right, Cole something.Sure, Yeah, So they gave up
their entire future for Paul George,and now they feel like they have to
keep them around. Now. Itis a smart business decision not to give
him the max contract with the newCBA. The NBA is essentially said,
you only get one. You getone superstar, and you get a couple
of other role players, but we'regonna make it very difficult on you to
go into the luxury tax, verydifficult for you. I think the luxury
tax in the NBA is actually higherthan the income tax on the one percent
in this country. That's how highthe CBA tax is to try to build
a or to try to buy asuperteam. They're really strict on it now.
So for Paul George, I don'tI understand why the Clippers are saying,
hey, we don't want to payyou that much money now. If
that first dominant falls and Paul Georgedoes decide to sign a trade to some
other team, to say, ifthe Warriors or anybody else, that will
be the beginning of the end ofthe Kawhi Clippers in LA, which sticks
because they're going to Englewood. They'regonna have a whole new stadium, and
the number one player they're going tohave to sell this team on probably will
be Tobias Harris. They're probably gonnahave to go a trade for a guy
like Tobias Harris just so they cansell some tickets. It's very tough.
Now as a Spurs fan, Iwill say this, you know, karma
sometimes plays its part, right.Kawhi Leonard was on the model franchise in
the NBA, the model franchise inprofessional sports. And instead of enjoying your
time in San Antonio, look,I know san Antonio. I'm not gonna
pretend that it's Paris. I'm notgonna pretend that it's London or New York
City or LA. But it's SanAntonio. Is great. I love San
Antonio. Nothing wrong with San Antonio. We were in the PreK talking about
how nice it is and I willsay this, it's only a forty five
minute trip up to Auston, whichis essentially now the most eastern part of
LA. I mean it's a prettynice area, Okay. I don't think
that Kawhi gave San Antonio the shotthat it deserved. That's all I'm gonna
say. So for it to allfall apart right now in La, I
don't really. I'm not gonna shedany tears, is what my point is.
Let me ask you this, wouldyou be okay if the Spurs went
after Paul George because they have twentyone million in cap right, if they
went after Paul or its contingent on, he can still do his podcast because
you're a Spurs fan. All right. Here's I will, I will.
Here's what he can do. Iwill allow Paul George to continue to his
podcast only if it's on the freeiHeartRadio Appy and b if he co hosts
a show with me. If PaulGeorge is coming in every off day to
host the show with me, I'mfine with it. I would. I
would gladly allow that to happen,but it would be a distraction for sure,
and I don't think women and Yamawould want it. And remember the
tattoo I'm getting after the show iswwww. What would Wimby want I'm gonna
take my entire life and use thatas the matra. Now, would Winby
want me to have my phone onin the movie theater? No? Would
Wimby want me to buckle my seatbelt? Of course? That is where my
head's gonna be. Where you gonnaget the tattoo at? I don't know.
That's a good question. Oh righthere on the Oh, he's pointing
towards his behind. Okay, somaybe on the behind. I need this
somewhere where I might see it.Maybe on my forehead. We're gonna come
back with our guy, Darryl theGuru Johnson, who's gonna ge us an
update on probably what the Warriers aregoing to do, the forty nine ers
favored in the NFC and all thatfun stuff from the West coast. They
say the West is the best,So I don't know. We'll argue with
Darryl Johnson about it next on theCraig Waves Show on sports Radio AM thirteen
hundred, The Zone