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January 6, 2025 10 mins
Monday's show is here and the NFL Playoffs are set! Craig and Cam react to the final week of the NFL season and the playoff matchups that loom.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Glad to have you with us alongside, and us, of
course includes the producer Cameron D.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Parker. The D.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
On the birth certificate stands for Dallas. That's his middle name,
as in being named for his favorite NFL team who
has frustrated him enough to the point where he has
refused to regularly watch them this season. I said regularly
because he watched them in time or two. It's kind
of mixed in a little bit, but it can mercifully

be said that maybe the D stands for dismissed because
their season is now mercifully over, and you're happy.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
About that, aren't you.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
I would say it stands for a disaster, because what
a disastrous season for the Dallas Cowboys, and it continues
to get worse.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Was it finished seven to ten? Something? Who?

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Yeah, Hey, they were three and seven and they did win.
What was it for their last five? I guess, so
you know they Okay, so they or I guess three
of their last fours?

Speaker 2 (01:02):
What there they were?

Speaker 1 (01:03):
They were three and seven and then they lost their
last two games, lost their last two Yeah, okay, so uh, anyway,
they're done. There was a humorous moment yesterday in case
you didn't know it and didn't hear it. It happened
during our broadcast of the Texas women's basketball game. Cameron

was doing the halftime show, and it was during the
halftime show that Washington hit the game winning touchdown passed
with two seconds left. Correct, And then when and because
you made a remark about it on the air, because
Linda was listening and she got a big kick out
of you saying, oh, yeah, Washington just won the game.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
I think they I didn't know how they won the game,
but I saw the score update.

Speaker 2 (01:46):
While I was doing the yeah halftimes. Yeah, and Washington
the way the way you enngine was hilarious. It was.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
It was perfectly summed up the Dallas Cowboys season, I
thought looking after it.

Speaker 2 (01:57):

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Afterwards, okay, all right, Jerry Jones was asked, is he
gonna make a change. Jerry Jones's ass, is he gonna
keep being the GM whenne we'll hear from Jerry about
those things coming up. They are rather predictable responses, but
we'll hear from Jerry a little bit later on. Clearly,
obviously there's a lot to discuss with regard to the

Texas Logorns, the college football Playoff summi Finals the Cotton
Bowl in Arlington. Speaking of Jerry at Jerry World on
Friday evening. Our coverage will begin at three thirty Friday
afternoon with Cam and My Cardball Hard, Ja, Mark Henry.
You guys gonna be up there with us, right Yeah,
We're gonna be doing our show live from Boomer Jack's

Gryllan barr And North Arlington, the lake Line location. So
if you're in that area and it's safe to travel,
please come out. We're gonna have Jermichael Finley, the former
Texas Longhorn tied End, joining us. We're gonna have an
insider on and of course we're gonna visit with Craig
and Roger from the booth at at and T Stadium.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Your first time back to eighteen.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
Stadium in Oa, like a weekend three weeks, two weeks,
every weeks.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
I think it will be actually be three weeks to
the day of.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
The last game I did, which was also a Friday,
So I got one more Friday at at A Stadium
because I did those two games, the the four A
Division one and five A Division two state championship games
there on that Friday.

Speaker 2 (03:26):
The what was it the twentieth.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
I guess, uh so, yeah, you know it'll be it'll
be three weeks to the day there, but different booth. Yeah,
worst booth, right, yeah, yeah, it's I've worked in worse,
including this year at least with Jerry World. And and
for folks who don't know that all of the radio

boots are way up in the corner around into the
I guess it'd be the east windsor and east end
zone because we're member the field faces east west because
in the setting sun, as we know, the players have
to look back up through the windows because Jerry didn't
draw the curtains.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
So there's that.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
And interestingly enough, Tom Hart from ESPN and I were talking.
He was were in College station when we were over there
for the basketball game on Saturday, and he had done
that First Responders Bowl between Texas State and North Texas.

Speaker 2 (04:26):
Really good game.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
We got to see Drew Mestebaker, who had been a
backup at Vandergriff had been a starting safety and hunter
absolutely he'd been the backup to Deuce Adams at quarterback,
and Tom U was given all this information about he
hadn't played quarterback since his freshman B team, and so

I texted Drew Sanders about and he said, you know
how sometimes the TV.

Speaker 2 (04:51):
Prep can get a little out of whack.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
He said, he played a lot as the backup at quarterback,
and he started.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
In JV as well. He played the game I called
against McNeil.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
He came in after Vandergrift kind of ran away with
it and garbage time Messmaker came in and played the second.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
Now, yeah, yeah, so Hed, It's not like he had
never played it before, but boy, he looked like he'd
been playing his whole life. And after he played really
really well, and he gives North Texas some hope going
forward with regard to that quarterback situation for them. But anyway,
Tom Hart and I were talking about and Tom said,
what is it about the Metroplex and the setting sun?
Because there was a thing at at at Gerald J.

Ford Stadium there on the SMU campus we had guys
looking back up into the sun. You had that, And
he said, that's a thing here in the Metroplex here,
because we know what it's like at Jerry World. But
the broadcast booths at AT and T Stadium are elevated
up pretty high and kind in the corner, so you
can see the whole field. The depth perception gets a

little challenging once a cross minfield, but you just look
up and there's a giant jumbo tron there.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
Do you even need a monitor in your broadcast booth
when you got that except.

Speaker 1 (06:00):
The well TV replays are a little bit different than
what they show on the booth there. But it's good
to have that big board there because once it gets
down around the thirty or so, just to be exact
with the yard lines, that's kind of important, and so
so it does help with that.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
I've talked to Brad Sham about this point.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
He said, once across his midfield, he's calling it off
the board because it's just hard to get the exact yardage.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I can see it.

Speaker 1 (06:24):
I've done enough games up there out of those booths
where I can see it really good till about the
thirty yard line. Then it starts to get a little tight,
and so then you'll you'll cheat a look up there
just to see exactly the yard line on it. But yeah,
that'll be that'll be on Friday. So we've got a
lot to get to with regard to the Longhorts. We're

gonna hear from long Wrts Head coach Steve Sarkgan from
some of the the media zooms that have been going
on in preparation for this Cotton Bowl. We're gonna hear
from some defensive players today. They were yesterday on display,
and this afternoon following practice. The offensive players will speak

some of them, and we'll hear from them tomorrow. But
we're gonna hear from some long corn defensive players this
afternoon in the three o'clock hour, and we'll hear from
those players in the four o'clock hour and a little
bit in the three o'clock hour. In the three o'clock hour,
we're gonna visit with Paul Keels, big Daddy, play by
play voice of the Ohio State buck Eyes, good friend,
and they call him Big Daddy up there, got great pipes,

great broadcaster, and so he will. He'll join us in
the three o'clock hour, and we'll talk about this Buckeyes
team and how how good they look ever since after
the loss to Michigan, what they've done to flip the
script and turn it on. So we'll visit with Paul
to talk about that. We do have inconceivable for a Monday,

as you might imagine. Yeah, we'll talk some basketball. It's
a tough start for this Long Corn basketball team, losing
in College Station to a good.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
Texas A and M team.

Speaker 1 (08:01):
They're up to number eleven, but it was tied at
thirty seven and a half, and then in the second
half A and M got way too much in the
paint forty eight points in the paint, and that was
a big part of it, and A and M pulled
away one by twenty then won eighty to sixty, and
the Texas women, still looking the part, looked really good
after winning that tough ball game up in Norman last

Thursday against a ninth wing to Oklahoma team, which by
the way, went to Knoxville and beat Tennessee yesterday, a
previously unbeaten Tennessee team. That's how big that road win
was for Texas on Thursday for the Texas women. And
then they turned around at home and just blew out
Arkansas yesterday. They won ninety to fifty six. So the
Long One women are off to it to an o star.
They have a good Alabama team coming in to face

them on Thursday night. Christy Curry, one time coach at
Texas Tech, the coach of Alabama. Texas beat them in
the second round of the tournament. Last year, Alabama defeated
Missouri yesterday. Missouri was number nineteen going in. Alabama won decisively.
So Texas has Alabama coming in and women's basketball on
Thursday night. Also on Thursday, will have our first conference

season edition of Long Worn Weekly with Rodney Terry will
be back out of Pluckers. Now we're going to because
of the compressed week and the bowl game that we
have going on, with all of that stuff going on,
we are going to actually kind of do like we
do like we've done during football season with Sark. We're
actually going to record the program with Rodney on Wednesday

at six o'clock from six to seven. It's when we'll
record Long Worn Weekly with Rodney Terry out at Pluckers
the West Campus location there at twenty two twenty two
Rio Grant. Hope you can join us for that. That's Wednesday.
It will air Thursday night at seven here on the Zone.
And of course Thursday night, the Texas women's game will
be going on on one oh three point one fm
SO and then the Cotton Bowl is Friday, and then

men's basketball against number one Tennessee on Saturday and women's
basketball at South Carolina, the defending national champions, on Sunday.
So there's it's a busy week, no doubt, so a
lot to hear and we'll do that. Coming up, we're
gonna hear from Long Worn's head coach Steve Sarkegon, coming
up next here on AM thirteen under the Zone and
where you always listen to us for free on the
iHeartRadio app.
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