Episode Transcript
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I'm gonna take a bougie throwdale andthen let her pick up whatever you want.
You love me because I got thecheck on me. I heard him
for the take in. I heardit got up crazy. I heard him
for the take in. I heardit got he's up going crasps something You
not the one b b B said. The kids on playing games and it's
loving at the same I don't knowwhat that that that. You're right,
it's really back on the cruise show. Let's go. He talk with you?
Bro? Good bro? How areyou? I can't hear you because
my headphones are loud all day inthere. It's insane. Do you have
that issue when you record only whenI fly? Only when you fly and
I land and I just can't hearanother flight forty eight hours right now for
real? Man? Then you're liketrying to like pop your ears and all
that. Yeah, it's insane.Man. The older we get, the
more broken down we become. Iguess, what are you doing to preserve
Bryson tilor you're working out drinking water. I've been drinking a lot of water.
Yeah yeah, squats, squats,you know I'm getting there. Yeah,
it's tough, right, It istough. Absolutely, it's making it
out. By the way, BrysonTaylor out now, welcome to the show
that that intro brought to you byDJ Fuse right there, DJ Fuse,
come on, man's my favorite one. You gave us nineteen nineteen Crazy songs?
Congratulations, Thank you. It's alot of work. Yeah, you
know, in a world of EPs, why nineteen songs? Why nineteen Because
it's gonna be the last one fora little while. You know, I'm
taking a little little break. We'regoing back inside, going back inside,
okay, and outside here and therewith my with my kids and family.
There you go. Is that thereason? Yeah, spend more time with
family. That and I'm pursuing agame design right now, so that's like
will be my favor saying video gamesand all that, right, yep,
Yeah, it's crazy. So doyou worry about what your fans are gonna
say or feel when they miss you? Because fans can love you, right,
but when they miss you, theyget very emotional, right Yeah,
they do. Like people bug Rihannaall day for this album and she's like,
yo, fuck y'all's you know,as long as you're not asking me
to leave away? From my kidsand something that I'm really passionate about,
which is game design. Then it'scool. Is that the toughest part about
being a parent? Time? Yeah? It is absolutely yeah. And with
your schedule, damn, you gottafeel very guilty at times, right all
the time actually all the time.Yeah, all the time. Yeah.
I mean I'm there with my kidsall the time, and I feel guilty.
So I can only imagine how youfeel, you know what I mean?
Yeah, because you miss out ona few things do man? Yeah?
Man? Because of music? Sois it a gift in the curse
music? It definitely is. Yeah. I wish it wasn't. I wish,
you know, they could just bewith me all the time. I
could be with them, But it'stough. That's why I try to take
them on the roll with me sometimes. You know, my daughter she's gonna
be on the roll with me startand tomorrow. So that's amazing. Yeah,
that's the way to do what.Let you know, you know,
going back to to you, youknow, game design, I think I
admire that. It's it's you're you'releaving your comfort zone to really just go
after another dream of yours in andthat in itself not easy. It's not
it's not easy. But fans arejust on a human level. You got
to understand that, Like, yeah, you're doing what makes you happy.
Yeah, man, we only getone life, you know, I might
as well do exactly what makes youhappy. Why should I spend, you
know, the rest of my lifedoing something like you know, music made
me happy for a very long time. It doesn't make me as happy as
it used to. I definitely havefun in there a lot of the time
when I go in there, andI know I'm good at it, and
I always be good at but yeah, I just I just want to do
something else in my life. Youknow. For sure, I said I
would drop my first game before Iwas thirty years old. I'm thirty one
and I still haven't. So I'mracing the clock right now. You're racing
the clock. Don't put too muchpressure on your It's not good kind of
games are you entertaining? Like theideas of what kind of games? Every
every kind of game? You know. To be honest with you, I
like I like all genres. Yeah, what's been the toughest part about game
designing that you've like realized? Like, oh, I didn't even really know
that this went into it. Imean, honestly, the toughest part because
I've been doing a lot of researchand stuff and there's only like a couple
minor mistakes that I made that couldhave been done. But I think that
the toughest part is balancing my musiccareer with that, because it's like I
be on tour and it'd be hardto talk to my my devs on my
art team, and it's just itgets a little Yeah, for sure,
when you're on stage and performing,is that muscle memory it is? Yeah,
Yeah, it's become muscle memory.So you can do that and then
get off stage and do something completelydifferent. Absolutely right away, Yeah,
right away, because you get onstage and it's just like you're feeling it.
You've been here before, you're accustomedto it, and you can do
it with your eyes closed. Yeahpretty much. Yeah, I'm there with
it. But you're also there forthe crowd too. I mean, you're
that crowd. I mean, Iknow it's muscle memory, but the crowd
still feels like you're there just forthem, and you are. Yeah,
some of the crowds, uh canbe a bit robotic, you know,
but uh, and then there's othercrowds who are just like electric and they're
just like, oh my god,believe your here. It's just like that
makes me sometimes forget the muscle memoryand I'm just like doing new ship on
stage here in the moment. Yeahyeah, yeah, man, I'm doing
a backflip. Yeah, I'm gladfor it. My throw. Yeah.
But sometimes when you say robotic,yeah, sometimes the crowd makes you work.
Oh yeah, it's okay, that'sfine, you know what I mean,
Like, yeah, that's cool.Yeah. Who's been the biggest or
best celebrity you've seen in the crowdwhen you're on stage. I've never seen
a celebrity in the crowd. Ionly see him after after Yeah, you
never see them like, yo,that's so and so right there, Like
no, I don't really, Isee like some diamond chains or not.
What's up, Jack? When you'reon stage? How often is it that
you forget your lyrics? Every nowand then? Sometimes I might miss a
cue or I might like skip certainlike there'll be certain lyrics. I'm like,
hen, what did I say?Right there? It yeah, not
that often, especially like you said, muscle memory. So if I'm doing
it long enough, then you knowI'm pretty pretty good with that. If
you can compare the music game toa video game? What what? What
video game would it be? Wouldit be Zelda? Would it be fucking
Super Mario? Would it be Gtauh Frogger? What video game? And
I go back to the video games, because that's what makes you happy right
now, So I want to getthe happiness out of you. You know
I would. That's a great question. I will compare it to the game
that I'm making right now, whichI can't tell you. I we'll compare
it to the game. We'll makeit right now. It's a crazy game.
I played it a few minutes agoalready, No wow game, you
know what's crazy. I've always hadthe dream of, like one of my
songs that I create, make itonto a video game. So I'm might
have to stign into the DSH whenthe videos over, like when we get
on the soundtrack. No, no, no. When I was twelve,
I went on the Twitter activision.I used to go to buy and Girls
Club and video games or something thatI kind of enjoyed. I never really
could afford video game calls soles,so I probably did so I didn't really
play. But video gids are alwayskind of like fire. Yeah, man,
it's my life. Yeah, No, for sure, it's life,
and so is music, and sois being a parent and a friend.
Yeah, and family. Is ittough to balance? Man, it's gotta
be. All I do is thisradio show, and it's tough to balance.
So I can only imagine your life. Yeah, it's pretty tough,
right Yeah. Yeah man, Soyour family's blowing you up all days.
Just where your kids are blowing youup all they want to talk to you.
You got to keep telling them thatyou're working. Like that's the worst.
That's the worst. Right. It'stough because like my kid graduated today
from his Kindertots and I wasn't ableto be there because I'm here with you.
Yeah, you know what I mean. I chose you over my Why
Price and Chiller appreciate it. Creatingcore memories is what we're doing. Therapy,
No, man, it's work.Work, work is is everything,
you know what I mean. Igrew up work ethic was extremely important,
and you show up. You know, it's kind of like being on stage,
right, and like the process ofcreating an album, you have to
show up not only for everyone aroundyou, but you got to show up
for yourself. Yeah right, andyou got to bring these songs to life.
Yeah. Man, that's the onething that I had to learn earlier
in my career. I didn't reallyknow that. I was like Dann,
people are coming to see me,believe that I'm me, and early on
I didn't. I didn't. Ilook in the mirror and I didn't see
what other people saw. You know, Now I do, but uh,
or or at least I'm getting thereanyway. But yeah, yeah, man,
you know, is KFC to peoplefrom Kentucky like like Taco Bell is
the Mexicans in La probably Yeah,yeah, I would say Mexican consider Taco
Bell like real Mexicans. I loveTaco Bell, but yeah, you feel
me. But are you a fanof KFC in Europe? In Europe?
Whye Europe? Because uh, youknow, it's just sometimes you need a
little slice of American back home wheneveryou overseas and everything's just you know,
you order some you know, Idon't know if the meals over there be
crazy sometimes. But I did doa lot more dabbling this time. I
was in Europe and just trying differentfoods and stuff, so you know,
I didn't really eat too much fastfood. You're going to Europe? Right?
Yeah? So so next week,bro, where you going U?
Portugal, London, France? Ohokay, any tips, man, I'll
take France. Yeah, go toCaesars. Caesars great, yeah, yeah
yeah, Caesars restaurant. Yeah,it's a great restaurant. I love it.
Great pasta. If it's yelled,how many money signs is on the
yell? Right? Because I don'tknow she was working on radio budget.
I never I'll give five stars forsure. Five stars? Are you saying
you're payings for the first meal?That's what you're here to say? You
come on, man, I'm speakup overseas. I followed Night Trained and
I see videos of the actual shows. Man, energy is crazy, even
on the pre show, like himjust dropping a few records up the crowd.
I'm like, I can just imaginewhen when you when you're on stage
performing, like the level goes Iwas twenty. Yeah, he gets him
ready for me, for sure,they be turned up for Night TREMP.
But he's also just an excellent DJ. You know, he really knows what
he's doing. He's a star himself. So yeah, how did that?
How did that link up happen?Organically. Man. I went to a
club out here called the Highlight Roomfor the first time, and I was
just in love with the music.I was like, Yo, what is
happening right now? That feels likea dream or something. This is the
first time I ever it's the firsttime I ever enjoyed a club. So
then I was like, I gottago say something to the DJ. And
it was night train, you know. I walked up to him like,
Yo, bro, this is amazing, and then you know we've just been
locked in ever since. That's what'sup. Did he fan out? Nah?
He sees everybody up right, fool, He's used to it, right,
Yeah, yeah, I got yes, yes, sir, man.
Has anyone corrected you on the spicylike to hendline? Wow because it's not
spicy? No, because it's pronouncedda heen. No, you said him.
No, I didn't to him.I didn't say to him he said
to him in the song. No, I said's spicy like to He absolutely
not play it right? Now,play it right down, play right.
You might say he somewhere, butthere's there's to him clearly in there,
and we always look at each otherlike, yo, does he know he's
saying it wrong, but I understandsometimes the music you have to change the
way the words sound. The firstthing, the some song line I said
before that was what, uh,she don't hold a damn thing thing.
She's spicy like I was. Itwas in that was what I was rhyming
with. I don't remember what theline was before that. For the record,
I'm team Brice and Dog. Iknow it's got Definitely don't say we're
not even its wild. I didn'tsay. I have seen people spell it
like that whenever they're doing like drinkmenus for me and stuff. I'm like,
that's not that's not you spelled.Are you a fan of the heen?
Uh? Yeah, you put iton the fruit. I had it
with a drink one time. Yeah, so you think that he belongs on
drinks as like. I didn't mindit, you know, yeah, it's
fine on the rim, right,Pauls. Yeah, Like, Bro,
I'll stop you said it. Imean you laughed time he reminded you of
his bully, that's right. Ifhe told him that he reminded me a
bully that you had back in theday. Damn, I don't even what
you said to make you said,it's the way I look for real?
You bullied by Mexicans? Is thatthe problem I'm trying to Yeah, that's
crazy, Child's going crazy to Congratulations, Thank you bro for sure, man.
Yeah, that's it's gotta be aspecial song right on the project.
Yeah yeah, it is definitely oneof the definitely the standouts. Yah.
Yeah, it's kind of like theopposite or whatever she wants to because it's
like whatever she wants is like I'mI'm gonna spend it all. It's whatever
you want, and Child's like I'mtired to spend them Like on you man,
I ain't getting none out of this. Get your own job. I
ain't getting none out of this.I'm out. Yeah, you wrote the
problem and the solution. Yeah,you got to offer the problem like that.
Absolutely outside it's crazy as well,Thank you, thank you. And
the content in the music as well. I believe that it was chosen very
carefully and peacefully. Is Does thatmake sense? Yeah? Yeah, it
makes perfect sense. I was youknow, there was a lot of different
layers of love that I wanted tomake sure, like I just thought about
versus like my first album drop,So it was like really just one mood
and the mood was like me tryingto get somebody back on me, talking
about right my wrongs and just itbeing like something bad going on in the
relationship or whatever about how I missedsomebody. I'm longing for a woman I
used to be with, a womanI used to be with. This album
is just like there's a different moodfor each song, you know what I'm
saying. So, like the firstsong on the album was called Attention.
I wanted it to be a verysensual song without talking about sex at all.
I never mentioned sex, but Iwanted to make women feel that carefully,
like you know, walked around it. Yeah. Yeah. And then
you know there's songs like Found MyWay where it's just like it feels more
like, man, I'm in loveand it's is just this is just what
it is. And then there's whatevershe wants. It's just different layers of
just things that you go through andlove. You know what I mean?
Those are those are our experiences ashuman beings, right exactly. We're saying
one day we're insane, the nextwe're in love. We're not in love.
We wanna we want a whole phase, we don't want a whole phase.
Yeah, it's a lot of youknow, there's a lot We're complex
humans, man, we're human beings. So I try to tell Jackie Eltown
it was just human beings, youknow what I'm saying. She hates men.
That's why she's got, she's got, you know what I mean.
But she's it's always it's always athing with men. I don't understand,
but maybe it's maybe it's our faultas men. It always is man,
it always accord. That's right,that's her model. Yeah, as a
person this year, what do youthink you're doing different than last year to
be better? I don't really heartoo many other outside voices like that.
You know, sometimes you hear youplay other people's voices in your head,
like when you're doing stuff, andI'm just I've just gotten a lot better
at like tuning it out and justdoing me, just having fun. Because
at the end of the day,I was just thinking about it. I
was like, Man, if I'mcrazy for thinking that I'm dope or I'm
a dope artist, or that Ican make a dope game and that I
could be a game designer, thencall me crazy. I'm just gonna live
and living that delusion and just youknow, because I only get one life,
Like, why not If this justmakes me crazy, then I'm crazy,
I guess. But there's a fineline with delusion R. Because there's
some people I'm sure that have sentyou music. Oh yeah, I have
asked you to hear music, andyou're like, you just don't have it,
you don't get it, you know, they just they just there's a
disconnect, you know. But evenme, like when I first started off,
everybody starts somewhere, you know whatI mean. Like I used to
be the guy DMM. I usedto send Soldier boy Ding messages on Xbox
Live like yo, and check outmy music, man, you know what
I mean? And I was trashat that time, you know, not
the best anyway, But everybody startssomewhere, So you know, maybe they
didn't got to figure it out rightnow, but you know, five years
from now, you know them menot seeing their message, that definitely can
be fuel for them to be like, I gotta get better. I just
I want this person to hear meand respect me. So you ever get
a chance to tell Soldier boy yo, bro, you slept on me.
I wouldn't even say he slept onme. He said, he just probably
has never seen it. He wasthe hottest thing, and he's busy being
soldier boy. Yeah, exactly,yeah, soldier boy telling that's our guy,
Soldier Boy's legend. Man. Absolutely, yeah, nobody can take that
away from him. Good dude.He still needs to send us something though,
right a topic, Forday price totell it? Yo? Do you
fight off the urge to get likea face cat? I was just talking
to people about this. I wasthinking, I just don't want I got
the kids, and I'm just like, not that you can't have face tatsing
kids. I just be thinking aboutgoing to school and dropping them off,
and I'm just like, they alreadysee me as the just the black baby
daddy probably and I'm just like,you're a celebrity guess no, no,
no, no, I'm talking aboutyeah, And I'm just like, I
don't, I don't. Yeah,I'm just I'd rather just keep it all,
keep it clean, yeah, yeayeah yeah. So do you cover
up when you go to school?I mean other I mean you can't really
see my they don't really see myhands like that. Yeah, So for
sure, Yeah, there's got tobe teachers throwing it, throwing themselves at
you nah nah teachers eight at leastnope. Lunch later the lunch lady.
The lunch lady Nah, Nope,experienced him more milk rice untila. Congratulations
man, thank you Until on alldigital streaming platforms. Come see us anytime
you got a home here at theCrui Showing Real ninety two three, all
day for real. It's a pleasure. Thanks love Man brist until a Cruse
Show Real ninety two three. Yes, Sir chack get Rich from the Cruise
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