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May 20, 2024 29 mins
Sweetie came through The Cruz Show to talk about her new single Nani & got into a discussion about her lowest moments + she had a HUGE reveal about one of her past jobs! She also talked about her new album, the music industry & so much more!
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Episode Transcript

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That's my best friend. She shewant me b B B in there.
Boys want from the West, wantto go downstairs from the Beta sacrament.
I want to wait. That's localeWest Coast for hellove them my best dress.
Next thing up grass some icy wifeyhey dos want to fight me?

Never been no longer r p upon a whifey figure. That's my type.
You can race with us when itain't dan d damn girl, Yeah
he ain. Let's play the newsingle too. Now, let's get to
it. Another one, another one. It's not stop intro by d J
feud. I did swaying that thirtyyelling, Who's gonna stop me? Sweeties?

Nanny is out now, Ladies inJones. The video is crazy.
It's not how out like in person. It's out on all digital streaming platforms.
Man shout out to DJ Fuse forthat intro as well. Thank you,
DJ Hughes. It's crazy right andthat's me. That's mommy, mommy,
mommy, mommy. Yeah some wouldsay that, would you agree?

Like what you mean? Did youa mommy? Mommy? Mommy, mommy?
What's the mommy mommy? I knowthat's right, I think so oh,
thank you cut so that's right.That's a nice second. Here she
is looking like life size right there. That's all you. Jackie had a

question about the Yeah, I'm like, how long is the hair? The
hair is that long? I'm likehow long? How many feet is like?
I think? To be honest,I don't know. But shout out
to Kim Kimball because she made thewag for me. But look at grown.
People thought it was photoshop. Ohno, that's that's really is.

It's a real wagon. Yeah,look at that looks great. You look
great. Congratulations, Thank you,you look great. You sound great.
Are you in a good place?I hope so you need to be,
you should be. I am.Yeah, that's right. Sweetie's here running
it. I love it. Nannieis a single. The video is crazy
congressulations. It's great. Thank you. It's been like I've been up here
for like five years though, right, it's been about five years now,

right, And we've seen you atnumerous iHeart events. You're always here.
You were just up here playing somesome some new music. You got some
records on the way though. Crazy. We're in docs office. We sang
heavy Birthday to him and DJ Lesliein the office. But it's crazy because
I feel like y'all are my friendsnow. It's love, man. To

that point, we could ask youanything, right, and you'll ask you
no no to that point, no, no, what you mean? No
no, no, no, no, no no. But I just think
that, you know, it's alwaysspecial coming up to like California radio stations
because you know we're all from here. So yeah, it's not happy to

be here. And people you grewup listening to iHeart Radio on your way
to school, You're listening to theiHeart Radio coming home. The radio has
always been a part of your life. It's always been in the background for
every moment, I believe right absolutely. Streaming yeah, yo, for and
radio pays more than streaming, I'llbe honest with you, Yes it does.
They haven't told you that radio asBrendan, I love me a good

radio and end of the life.I probably did radio. Yeah, that'd
be crazy. That's my radio name. I think it's Sweetie. I think
I can't be Nanny on your radio. I think it's the Icy Guinea Twinkie.
Okay, okay, we do thenat noon? At noon? Is

it allowed? Like? What's doingover time? Noons? Garcia, You're
about Yes, you seem kind ofweird to me, But I guess there's
why is it? I don't know. Noon we got something to do,
we got jobs. I find itstrange that you asked, like is that
allowed? Because I feel like you'resomeone that doesn't really follow the rules.

You'd like to push envelope. Isthat what it is? Are you a
rule breaker? Because that's the superstarsnot But listen, she grew up with
strict parents. Her parents were strict. That's more of a reason why to
be a rebel. They were onyou right, true, very true.
The ones that grow up with strictparents are always so wild when they grow
up. No, but I hadlike cool like my dad he was strict,
but he gave me a lot ofgame, so it like balanced me

out like he wasn't strict and thensheltered me. I feel like it's the
kids who are sheltered with strict parents, those are the ones who are wilding
out. That's a fact. That'sthe fact. Did they apologize for like
trauma that they caused in your life? That's what does that feel like?
Well? I don't ever see myparents apologizing for nothing they did to me.
You know, I'm grateful for thoseconversations. But I think because I

didn't let it, let it likeaffect how I I treated them As I
got older, what I've learned isthat our parents are just people as well.
You know, they're still learning.Your mom was just a girl and
my dad was what just a boy? Just a boy, you know,
growing up trying to like through thattrauma. I think it made me a
really strong woman with thick skin.So it's like, I don't know if

they would have raised me differently.I don't know if I would have been
able to like stick in this gameas long as I have, because to
be in this music ship, yougotta have thick skin. Yeah, yeah,
you do, because you're met witha lot of obstacles. It's not
it's not all just that right there. Well, no, it looks like
which is beautiful, right, There'sa lot of ugliness that comes with this
business. I was raised by likesome two real real people, So shout

out to my parents. That's right, keeping a gangster, that's right.
What do you think you get fromyour daddy? What do you think you
get from your mom? They're kindof like the same person, really,
Yeah, they are, like theytake their word very serious. They take.
They don't play around. Everything isjust black and white, and I
think that they, you know,just handle their business. Sweetie. You've

been in this business now for awhile, right, there's there there had
to been some stuff that you've heardand seen, right, and you don't
have to like talk about it.But I'm sure that you've been at a
party and opened the door and hadto close it right away because you saw
some weird shit going on. RightHonestly, thankfully, I've never saw no
weird shit. No, never sawnowhere your business. I'm in my business,

you know what. I pay attentionto energy. Okay, if shit
starts to feel weird, I'm out. You're out. I'm out. I
love that, not the curious cat. It's that instinct that it's just like,
all right, I'm not I'm notsupposed to be here. So only
sometimes you leave too early and youhear that something popped off, and you're
like, damn, it happened exactlyhow it was supposed to happen. You

never miss anything, but there's teathat you left behind. No, but
I mean, you know, I'vesaid, witnessed people doing some weird things,
but I've never were like open nodoors and saw anything like crazy to
where you know, I had toclose the door. So thank god for
that. Thank goodness, yeah,for your mental health, because Lord knows

there's a lot out there dog that'llthat that's ready to hurt us. I
guess right. I mean, it'sthe entertainment industry. Its wild, it's
wild. Is it everything you've everwanted? M I didn't know that it
came with all this. Yeah,most don't, you know, don't.
Right As a little girl, youthink it's all great. You're on the

stage and people are going crazy andyour fans love you. No, it
costs. It costs a lot.It costs all and I think if you
have morals and values, it takesyou longer. I agree, absolutely,
I agree. Yeah, same shittingradio. Wow. Yeah. I feel
like the entertainment industry though, Likewe all go through our things. So

I feel like whether you're a celebrityor not, whether you're on screen or
not, because there's people who are, like the production people who go through
their own things. So I justlike being around good people because we work
so hard, why not be aroundgood energy. Yeah. Yeah, you
have to surround yourself with the peopleyou need to be around, right,
that's why you keep coming back tothe cruise show. Don't lie. You

got me has hot ramen, hotcheetos. Last time it was special flowers.
Remember Jamaican food the other time too. Yeah, that's just making food.
Was hella good smacking and was fire. I never had your making food
like that. Yeah, look atme, I'm Mexican. What's your favorite
food? Doing Mexican food? Aftera few weeks, is there any plans
on going on a vacation lot getawayof so? What's the plan with the

You Deserve destination? I'm trying togo on tour trying like that. We're
trying to get back to work fromwork to work. What kind of tour
you're trying to do? Oh?I want to do like a really lit,
fun or fun summer or fall tour. I want to open up for
someone, you know. I feellike I'm reading urging back into the game.
I feel like it would be goodto just brushing up on my skill

set, open up for somebody,bond my own ship. Okay, who's
like the like top three that youwould open up for again? Pause again,
sorry, yeah, never mind,never mind that. Honestly, I
just want to get out there,I really do. Something about you is

different this time around. I feellike, what is the legend? I
don't know what is it? Doyou feel like you're not a redemption?
Era? But like is it thatI told you so? Era? I
don't know what. I feel likeit's like you got something to prove.
Absolutely I feel it, and Ithink he's gonna do it. M Like
you're moving hella different now and Iand it's a good thing. It's a

good thing. It just feels likethere's this like different different aura of something
happened, what happened or something click? I mean, listen, listen.
There's there's like there's meditation right,and there's rebirdens and there's there's reflection,
you know what, you know,what's good about like people? You know,
because I was down. There wasa time where I was being constantly

disrespected on social media and I feltlike a lot of people publicly and privately
took it as a chance to liketreat me in a you know, a
real horrible way. And it's crazybecause I find that the people that you
help the most hurt you the most. And after going through like what I

went through, there's a saying like, I mean, the world may have
not felt it, but I feltlike I was at the bottom. When
you have nowhere else to go butup, you feel like invincible because it's
just like, bitchy'all try to killme. You know, I'm still here,
and I'm still here, and Ifeel like I've seen so many crazy
things about me. I done wentthrough so many things publicly and privately.

It's just kind of like, bitch, I'm here to stay, Like nothing
can hurt me now because it's justlike already been hurt. You know,
he got the wounds, you know. So it's just when you really I
feel like the beautiful thing of beinglike a feeling like you have nothing.
It's just like you're not afraid ofanything anymore. For a good block of

time, I mean, there wasa sweetie rumor every day. Yes,
every day there was a new sweetyroom. You know. It's crazy.
When all this was going on,I was in my most vulnerable state.
I had like cut my hair off. I was like doing my spiritual journey
and I'm just like, whyuck withme right now? I'm away here trying

to mind my business. I literallysometimes it'd be funny when the tweets be
like sweety summer over eating like cheetosand macaroni and cheese and like a vanilla,
like a crazy food concoction. Ireally be minding my business eating what
I be eating. I'd be onmy Twitter. It'd be like sweety popping
up. I'm like, oh mygoodness, Like I didn't even know that
I was living this. I'd beout the way, not for real.

I see the merch. Merch,yes me, yeah, that's it?
Is it available? I must sendyou? Sure, I'll put it on
please crop top. I've lost nineteenpounds. I might I might be able
to squeeze one. That's right,I slam squeeze into one. Okay,
you know number ten on YouTube trendingright now? Number nine now, yeah,

we're moving with the fat jack another. You've literally been jumping all day,
respect the grind two hours ago thatI checked, so relax. Probably
at number six now let me probablynumber one, number five, number five?
My service? You got no service? What kind of service I got
at seven? You need to sayyour WiFi? Brandon said seven. But

I want to talk about the musicvideo because that choreo sequence. I want
to know is it actually hard,like to learn choreo, like it was
the hardest. Yeah, and youknow, the budget only gave me three
days rehearse, so I was soI've never been so focused and determined and
rehearsal because I was like, thisis I'm literally like relentless. I want
to like I feel like I havesomething to prove. I'm ambitious, and

I was like, I have threedays to learn this dance. I was
like, lord, please, that'slots of massages, lots of Ebsence soft
baths. I was sore, butwe pushed through and shout out to Courtland
for the Koreak for the choreography,and I had amazing, amazing dancers.
When you have three days to memorizeall that right and to get it right,
does that does everything else shut off? Yes? Yeah, phones off,

everything is just leave me alone becauseI have to focus. I'm checking
my phone a little bit right,Like you're not all the way off,
but you got to be focused,right, very focused, And it's just
like afterwards, you're so tired youcan't do anything else. And it's the
first time in rehearsals where everything onme was drenched. Oh yes, but

I was so proud I was soproud because normally I'll break a sweat if
I'm like, you know, waittraining, if I'm running a mile or
something. But the fact that Iwas drenched after rehearsal, I'm like,
Okay, yeah, bitch, youwant it. That's right. We sweating
for this. Yeah yeah, sweetie. When you were up here a few
weeks ago when you were playing newmusic, I don't want to say too
much, but those records are crazy, right. We have an EP,

we have an album, we havean album. We have an album.
It's ready to go. It's readyto go now. Yeah, I feel
like in this new day and aday Agent eraor you kind of like roll
out your singles and you see likewhat builds up because I feel like I'm
still crafting my story and after Isolidify you know that, sweeties back,
that's when I like can put outmy album. So I feel like I'm

I'm re entering the game. Absolutely. Yeah. I think that's a that's
a good position to be in,right, because it's like, yo,
it's it's it's an opportunity to reintroduceyourself absolutely and to drop and like shake
the world up again for real.What are some new accomplishments, accomplishments or
existing accomplishments that you're looking forward toachieving this year. Really seen this album

and just being consistent. That's mythat's my biggest thing. I have goals,
I have this and that, butI want my I want to be
consistent, you know, with droppingmusic because music is the platform and after
that it's solidified, I can doeverything else I want to do. How
do you document those goals? Isit? Is it a vision board?
Is it on your notes? Isit a journals? It's constant thoughts,

but I have notes, and thenI also have a whiteboard in my living
room. There you go, thereyou go. So it's in your in
your living space, so you seeit. What's on the board, the
name of my songs. And thenlike four projects that I'm working on.
Whoa mm hmmm. Four. It'sa lot not a lot of pressure on

yourself. You know, you haveto learn how to Like I've always worked
well under pressure though, Like pressurejust makes me move. Like I'm a
big procrastinator, so if there's alot of things going on, it actually
makes me focus more. So whenthere's like a lot of laundry, you
just you'll take a nap before werefolding it. I got made. I

know. I'm really thankful that I'mable to even do that because at the
beginning of my career, my houseused to be so messy. I never
had time to clean. And thenit's just like there's clothes everywhere, the
dishes in the sink, and I'mlike, I ain't no dirty bitch.
Damn you sound like my wife.There's laundry, there's dishes, there's got
to do all of this. I'mlike, well, yeah, we got

to do it right, you gotto do it. That's crazy. I
help, that's crazy, you know. On the music video, I feel
like there's so there's like I don'tknow how many, like seven different probably
outfit changes. What's your favorite eraof like fashion? My favorite era?

Oh girl, I don't know.It depends I'm moody, like my say.
It depends on my move for sure, Nineties fashion. I think it's
top tier still to this day.I think that's a lot of it comes
back for a reason. Like thebig baggy jeans, yeah right, you're
giving right now is like brats dollvibes for me. I feel like that's

like the nanty vibe. Yeah,but then there's times where it's like fashion
Week and like I have a wholebunch of like vintage fashion books, and
I just think, like the Parisianfashion era, especially like in the nineteen
twenties, thirties and forties, LikeI loved how big the skirts score,
how the corsets was in you know, like that's why I'm in my fashion
bag. But when I'm chilling,like I like this, like oversized sweatshirts

and sweatpants. I love me amonochromatic set vibe. Yeah, what is
that? At the same time,you know, like my friend blue bottom,
I don't know, like single colored. Yeah, there you go,
you're getting Latin roots. Get tothe room, sweety. I think a

lot of times I think you've beenmisunderstood, you know, for whatever reason.
When it's all said and done,what do you want to be remembered
for. I think I'm misunderstood becauseI don't speak on a lot of things,
which is why I've been more vocalon Twitter these days you're in charge
of And I'm glad you brought itup because it says don't bring up Twitter
in the notes. I'm kidding respectfullythough, No, But yeah, like

you're misunderstood, because yeah, alot of times you're like, I don't
have to respond to that, Butthere's times where you have to clear your
name, right, there's times whereyou have to stick up for yourself.
Yes, and note, because there'stimes where something is so outrageous, I
won't speak on it because I knowthat the blogs will make so much money
off my response and I'm not gettinga cut from that. Okay, That's

how I feel like, if somethingis so outrighteous, I'm like, all
right, bitch, you know,I getting a word for me because y'all
not cutting me into that. That'sright, because if I know if I
speak, you're gonna make a lotof money off of that, a lot
of money, and you see nothing. You also see nothing. Yeah,
that's crazy, any of the likethat because I know, I mean,
that can happen from times, especiallywhen it's really bad. Yeah, you

know, earlier in my career,I used to get really really like mad,
But now it's just like unless ifit as long as it don't affect
like my bag and my business relationships, then probably not for sure for sure?
Album tour are we are? Weone day? Looking forward to being
a mother? Oh my big Boyjust asked me that. Yeah, well

you're glowing. You know, she'sin her different era mode. You know,
the baby comes out to nannies isalso I feel like it's main character
energy. Yeah for sure, that'swhat you said the other day, but
I knew not it was something.Now what it is? It means a

lot of things, what you want, you wanted to be. I feel
like, like you said, it'sredemption, it's time. It's time to
get back in the nine era.Yeah, fair enough. It's the name
of my single, So that's theera, man. That's right. Recently,
you're part of the Cowboys rollout schedulefor NFL season. What is it

like? And you were the tokenforty nine Ers fan? How does it
feel being known as like the tokenforty nine Ers fan for that type of
stuff? I love it. Ilove it. Are we getting another forty
nine Ers anthem this year? Ithink that me and I love what me
and Pilo did. I wish itwould have came out earlier in this season.

I want to shoot like a musicvideo for it. Maybe we can
get like E forty to remix it. Yeah, let's call that's right.
Who is your team? I'm notreally a football guy like that his charges.
I root for the charges for Garcia. What about you? My best
friend Chippy likes the Packers. SawI root for the Packers, and I
look like a Raiders fan, butI'm not. I worked at Buffalo Wings

and we used to do fucking NFLSundays every week, and so I kind
of over for a Buffalo Wild Wings. Well, I worked there for like
two weeks. Nah, let itwork too. I do want to know.
That's the way that's over here.Yeah twenty for our fitness. Yeah,
yeah, that's when you worked there? Were you a server? I
worked there for two weeks? Didyou get fired? No? I left

because I was working at the stripclub being a waitress, and I was
working making way more money over there. I had just decided to try a
different waitressing job, and I waslike, I'm not making them. There's
so many like sometimes going back tothe strip club in a waitress thing.
Waitress waitresses and strip clubs there're sometimesfiner than the actual strippers one hundred percent.
And there's more than imagination too.It's something just what strip club did

you work at? Can you say? I worked at Dames and Games?
I know and throw your name atthe door. Am I good? Am?
I am I in? I hada different name. Shoot, you

have a stage name now. Ijust was like I didn't want no one
to know that I was working atthe strip clubs. My name was Carmen.
That's right, Carmen. But youlook. I just thought it was
like it just felt like a sexyname, a powerful second. You know,
I do. I do get thatbecause like I have like this like

other name that when like I wassingle, like would ask me like,
oh, what's your name? AndI give him Nicoll okay, Nicole.
Ni. We're so crazy. It'swhenever I tell people about Dames and Games,
no one knows about it to me, know, but that's so looking.
I feel like it's not popular.No, it's not. I intentionally
went there because it's not popular,like in the black community. And I

don't want nobody from like my familyor my friends of my family seeing me
work at the strip club because youknow, like the customers there like it's
very specified games. Yes, it'sa certain type of customer over there.
Hold on, I was gonna askyou if you could speak some Spanish to

Carmen. No, no, Ican, It's better get us, which,
of course, you know, they'lllet me bring you down. You're

looking at you unders I'm trying toget there going that way. Yes,
that's going on. That's a compliment. That's what'd you say? What you
guys have never heard that? Say? Get no, never mind no,
say no. The internet will getit. They'll get it. The internet,
we'll get the internet will get it, and we might cut this out.

Want that it's not that bad.I don't want to look crazy.
No, it's not bad. Manin something about Brad. Yeah, it's
just saying it's kind of like that'sa that's the early bird against the worm.
Like what time you stepping out soI can so I can follow.
You know what I'm saying to seeyou outside? Look at that? Not

nice, it's not nice, butit makes more sense, you know,
you know, I know that's right. Let you that's right. Ladies and
gentlemen. Give it up for aCarmen crazy man. But she learned a
lot working at the stripes. Yeah, j for a while at noon,

the toughest shift when I lived inPalm Springs many years ago, and it
was it's you learn a lot.You learn a lot about people, about
women, about money. There's alot. I have never been to life.
Really. Yeah. The guys wantto take me, but we want
to take her so bad. Yougot to go. We'll go to Dames
and Games. Yeah, yeah,because it's like a strip club and then

it's like a sports bar. Igo to the sports bar more. I
like, By the way, sweetie, if I get a Damon Games endorsement,
are you going to read a commercialwith me? That'd be great.
That would that would help me outto full, sir, full circles.
That much money I'm making would becharity. It would be charity for you.

What's the biggest check you've gotten froma brand? Not to say number,
but like what brand has paid youthe most for a campaign or collab?
I would say it would be withsween, mac and McDonald's. Oh
yeah, two big giants both startwith m's. That's right, that's right.

Yeah, it's Nannie's a summer vibe, man, that's right. What
I love about Nanny It reminds meof like that two thousand and fourteen of
twenty and sixteen era of La Yes, where it was just colorful and everyone
was outside Fairfax was popping, like, oh my god, I'm so happy
I was able to witness that.Yeah, full it through that for sure.
Vibes, good vibes, good vibe. Yeah. Phones weren't necessarily that

important, right you feel me?And it was just like hanging with your
friends, grabbing some pizza or someyou know, a talcover two and just
vibing, hanging out the car window, hanging out the jeep. Yeah.
Year, that's a good era.Yeah yeah, And this is this is
giving exactly that it's giving. Man. You know, we appreciate you and

love you here. I appreciate you, thank you for continuing to show radio
love as well. Of course weappreciate the wise. Radio so important.
I feel like we're all humans andwe all need to talk to each other.
And it's just like you guys areother direct that's to the people,
you know, like the everyday people. I feel it keeps us tapped in
connected. Yeah. And then Ialso like coming up here, I know,

come up here, man. Weneed to get you a key card
so that we could just come inwhenever you want. All. I actually
have my own show you want todo Sundays from three to seven. No,
I've been trying to give away thatshift, like shifting away at radio
hour would be crazy. But thenalso Sundays, no sweety Saturday Saturday because

that's outside. Yeah. But thenalso like I have to we as artists
have to respect y'all passion too.No, and we appreciate that, thank
you, just like you guys lovebeing here. No, we do,
and I love coming up. That'sright, that's the problem. But we're
more than down to give up aweekend for you. You know what I
mean. Solo Saturday airtime. Yeah, we talked to Doc Winter about that,

Like they keep playing Sweetie hours hoursthe album not stop. No,
you know what Snoopy, that's right, Garcia Snoop. You used to have
a radio show. Garcia was theproducer. Yeah, he would play Snoop
stuff. He played a ton ofunreleaseduff he doesn't played well yeah, whatever
the fun he likes. He playedso different, man, how long?

He do that for a lot ofyears and then he like syndicated it too
and everything like he was just itwas just great to be around and catch
a bible what he's all about becausehe would play things that were important to
him. You know that sounds alot about a person, right, absolutely,
do it? Man? The ladies, Sweet Saturday, isn't broadcasting in

your background? Huh? Isn't broadcastfor it? You? Okay you,
but I can't new. iHeart employeeCarmen. Everyone, We welcome, Welcome,

Welcome to the building, Welcome tothe to the organization. iHeartRadio.
Let me know I a climb abed. Let me know when I can
clock in. Hey, check yourrich for the Cruise Show. Thanks for
listening to the Cruise Show podcast.Make sure to subscribe, and hey,
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