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May 24, 2024 15 mins
The Cruz Show is back with another episode and this time we break down the Tyga and Travis Scott Fight + we talk about Drake jumping on the Sexyy Red song with the BBL Drizzy Beat. We also talked about the end of the Cruz Show Weight Loss Challenge & BTS of our inteviews with Saweetis, TI, Bryson Tiller & More! 
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What's good this glow? Really?And you're checking out the Cruise Show Podcast.
Make sure to subscribe rate and surelet's go. All right, welcome
to it. It is The CruiseShow Podcast. Jeff Garcia Cruz. Jackie's
here, Jordan is here. Idon't know where is he. I don't
know where he's at. He's letyou he's talking to all the ladies in
the office. What he's doing.There's nobody here to find free food?

Oh so no one's here, sohe's definitely not like walking around mingling.
I don't know. Yeah, he'ssearching for food. He does. He
finds stuff and I brought food,so I don't know what's going on.
Let's uh my god, he's crazy, man, all right, so let's
talk about hip hop this week.Man, there's a lot going on.

So, uh, you know,the Drake and Kendrick thing was seemingly over
and then all of a sudden,here comes Drake popping out on the sexy
red and BBL drizzy, Like,is he just mad that he's not getting
attention anymore? Maybe? I meanI think he doesn't want to look like
he lost or he cares, orthat he cares. Maybe. Yeah,
So and like he's trying to changethe narrative with the BBL Drizsey. He

did his thing. It's Drake,you know, he knows how to make
a hit. He knows what todo right, he knows how to turn
it around. Pause. But yeah, I mean it's interesting. I wouldn't
have I don't know, dog,I would never use a song that was
meant to hurt me. But ifanyone can do it, it is Drake.
Like I said, I think hewas just being petty. I don't
think it was a hard enough verseto like be like, oh, like

I can own this BBL Duzzy now, and Kendri shouldn't even respond to this.
I no, I mean yeah,really there's nothing to respond to.
I think Drake forfeited like through inthe towel, within this fight and the
last song that he put out,it was kind of like all right,
I'm done with this and now it'sjust like he tried to own BBL Drizzy.
But no, it's did it helpor hurt him? I think it's

just like a whatever thing. Ithink it's kind of like all right,
like you're not as good as anymore, or we don't care about you as
much. If he was a trashrapper, it would definitely hurt, right,
but he does have still momentum.I know, some ladies in the
office here yesterday they were like,we're still team Drake, you know,
and it's like because they think he'scute or what they want to have them
and that's why. And they've seenthe video clearly about it. Yeah,

Chelsea's got so hazard Drake, likelife size boards, like if he's a
pedal then no, like if likeif that's proven, then no, I'm
like, well, he was textingMillie Bobby Brown when she was a child.
I think it hurts him a littlebit because it just shows like that
he's still reaching, like he's reaching, yeah, you know what I mean,
Like you know what I mean,Like it's just like, hey,

guys, let me put this outso I control you guys some more.
And it's like yeah. And thatwas one of the things I think that
really was Kendrick's advantage because he wasjust so lethal and just so as a
matter of fact about everything that therewas no troll. That was just you
know, facts, just facts,and it was an assassin and that was
that or as you know, andthat's one of the things. I think

that gave him the advantage because Ithink people are over patrolling ship, you
know what I mean, Yeah,just a little pain. I know a
lot of if I if you lookback at it, a lot of the
beef was like Drake defending himself becausehe could have really like I mean,
he threw in some nasty jobs,don't get me wrong, for sure,
but I think for the most part, it wasn't until like the very end
where he had those nasty jobs,where it was just like, oh,

okay, and we've yet to seethe eleven year old daughter. Well she
said, he claims she was fake. Right. I saw a theory that
it was somebody at like a label. Yeah, it was like a label
person I don't know, no thathas a daughter with Drake. Oh,

maybe mama is part of a label. Oh well, that could be because
I mean, at this point,anybody could be the baby mama, because
he asks everybody, because there's picturesof this little girl, this eleven year
old girl. Is it the girlcurly hair? Yes? Yeah, and
she he's like in multiple music videostoo. Yep. And hey there's video
of him like picking her up atshows and giving her kisses and then putting

her down. Wow, the Internet'sfound all this on the internet is vicious,
bro. They man a lot oftime on their hands. They're like
the Dea. They'll find your ass. That's a wild man. Well,
I mean, you know, we'llsee if anything pops off here anytime soon.
But I think Kendrick's done with ittoo, you know, like I
mean about a forty million dollar He'sfine, is fine. So new beef

starts right now. Tiger and TravisScott fighting. Yeah, can look though,
by the way, because of Kylieright, Yeah, Timothy his girlfriend
Yep, yep. So that's that'sthe origin of the beef that Yeah,
it just wasn't women the origin ofbeef the future and DDes always it's always
over y'all. I don't know.I don't know if it originally is like
over Kyle. Yes, they havethat same path. Now what exactly it

was? Nobody knows. It couldbe deeper, It could be definitely deeper.
Pause. But Chare's boyfriend was inthere fighting too. Yeah, he
got in a couple of licks on. Uh what Tiger? Why does hip
hop have to ruin cans? They'renot going to invite us back? Yeah,
Kans is not the place for thefight. Dude, do that at
a club downtown l A. Dogalways thought it was gonness. I wouldn't

even accept that fight at Vegas,you know what I mean. Listen,
I'll take a fight at the Grammy. Yeah, we gotta do better.
There's a lot of things going onwith Cans. Like it isn't Kelly Rowland,
Like she almost fought a security guardbecause she's like a security guard.
Yeah, they need to get ittogether. Maybe Cans needs to get it
together. And maybe I don't know, but that's true. I don't know,

dog. Yeah, Like, it'sunfortunate that hip hop still has this
stigma where there's gonna be a fightif we're invited. I mean, I
don't know. Maybe this is likethe violent person in me, but I'm
glad somebody actually threw hands, likeinstead of just like talking like you know,
I'm over the internet like Twitter fingersand hid the board him like at
least y'all like fought less caption moreaction. Gee, that's what they're doing.

Yeah, exactly, I'm a fan. I'm here for it. Well.
You can see the rest of thecruise's comments and the team's comments on
ig Real ninety three l A onthere. They commented on the fight and
stuff like that. It's pretty funnyfor sure, so make sure you check
that out. Weight Loss Challenges overguys. You guys kind of waved the
white flag on Wednesday. Cruise wasthe winner yea, and no, you

were, and we gave away themoney, which was very fair. Happy
about that. My son wasn't toohappy about that. He's seven years old.
He's like, Dad, so youwon the thousand dollars. I said
yes, and because I won thecompetition, and so he was like,
well, where where is it?Because I forgot I had told him I
was going to get him something withthat, not all the entire thousand dollars,
but I was gonna buy him somethinglike a little Lego set or something.
So I'm like, he's like,well, where's the money. I'm

like, we gave it away.He just had this look on his face,
like, why did you do that? Dumb dad? Now you gotta
buy himself. I still gotta buybut I've been buying him something, so
it's all good, you know.His mom, I'm you know, my
my wife Diana was like, lookat the playroom, he's boughting you enough

like go play, relax. ButI was happy to do that, and
I think that was the right thingto do, which also I told my
son, you know, we gaveit to the people that listen. Without
our listener family, there there nothere's no show. There's there's no existence
on these airwaves. So that wasthe right thing to do ultimately, And
I really you know, you guyshave both committed to continue the weight loss

process and journey, so I wishyou guys are a ton of luck.
You know, it's not easy,and you guys for two months it's it's
really really really not easy. SoI'm you know, just happy and proud
for both of you guys. AndI know you guys are actually happy that
it's over because you could do itat your own pace now, yeah,
which is sometimes easier. So yeah, good luck. And I found that
the workouts, like I worked outthis morning as well, and I found

that they were easier, maybe becausethe competition wasn't on my mind, or
trying to win or being competitive inthat way wasn't on my mind, so
it just felt easier and it flowedeasier. You know, I'm upset they
installed bikes downstairs in the gym downhere after the fact. Ah, And
I'm like, well I could haveyou know, I could have used that,
used that. Yeah. What kindof bikes are they? Cool?

Yeah, they're like stationary bikes.The other ones they had that Like,
I didn't really know how to usethe spin class ones. But then they
installed some like kind of like PelotonVibe. Yep. I'm like, oh
wow, these are new. Isaw it on my run this morning.
I was like, yeah, whatthe heck man a little too late?
Yeah, no, I mean youstill use them, right? Yeah?
True. We got a couple ofgood interviews up right now. You can

check it out on this same podcastchannel with Sweetie and also Bryson Tiller t
I take away moment for Sweetye foryou guys. Hmm. The Strip Club
I think was interesting. Were yougonna say that? Yeah, I was
gonna say something a little more hardfelt, but I'll go to the strip
Club, right, typical guy answer. Her working as a waitress at the

Strip Club was was was interesting.The fact that it's a local spot,
Dames and games as well, andthen the name change, well her alias
her aka Carmen. I thought thatwas pretty interesting. She seemed a lot
more open this time around, whichis very cool. You know, we're
watching her still grow as an artist. I think the like my takeaway from
it was was that like her heremerging into this different era because she's moving

differently now. And we've said that, we said that during the interview,
and you can just tell like she'sshe seems a lot more at peace in
her in her head. Yeah,and and I think that's great for her.
I'm really excited for her project,her album to drop, and we
really I mean, we got achance to listen to a lot of the

songs and she's got some fire onthe way. Yeah, fire on the
Way, and I really respect theAt some point during the interview, she
was she was saying that she wantsto go back on tour, but she's
okay with being an opener. She'slike, I don't want to be like
the head like the headliner. Ithink that says a lot. I think
that's very telling. Like you said, I think that's product of being in
a good headspace and controlling your ego, yeah, right, or silencing your

ego, or or at least,uh maybe putting it to the side and
using your ego when you have tomm hmm, like she said. She
said it too. She was like, I know, I've been out of
the game for a while for musicwise, she goes, so I won't
expect to just jump right back inbecause I need to start over. She's
one of those artists. I thinkthat something else she has it's like a

hill that she has to to walkup to walk up, is you know,
there's there's people, there's artists outthere that people just love to hate,
right yeah, And I think shemay be one of those artists that
people instantly want to talk crazy abouther, instantly have something to say about
her, which is good and bad, I think. But that's definitely a

hurdle that she may have to comeacross her. Definitely, I really felt
bad for her, Man, whenshe's talking about how at her lowest point,
it was just like everyday new sweetieroom or you brought up, you
know, and it just I reallyreally felt bad for her because no one
should have to go through that crap. It sucks, man, It sucks.
And then you know, and thento you know, then you could
see that she was It wasn't productivefor a career, it wasn't productive for

personally, Like man it just sucks, and it's all really because of the
Internet. Yeah. No, theinternet will help you lose everything and also
be there when you lose everything,and the Internet can't wait to break you
down, but they also build youup. So we got to be careful
with that, right as people andas artists are like as you know,

even as on their personalities. Youknow, it's love one day, could
we hate the next. It's thatfinicky. Yeah, yeah, it's weird.
It souks sad. Yeah, BrysonTiller, Takeaway Bryson Tiller. So
I said, yeah, like youknow, the in the era of like
EPs, right or like a foursong pack nineteen songs, I believe he's
given us on Bryson Tiller, andyou know, so I asked him,

like yo, like why that manysongs, and he's like, well,
it's not going to be there mightnot be much music for a while because
he's going to move forward with hisother passion, which is creating video games.
So I thought that was interesting.Yeah, I think take away on
Bryson Till there's an interview whereas thathe just like I aspire to be like
him in the sense of like Ijust want to be home and be inside

and do what I want to do. To be honest, that's literally how
he moves. He's like, Ijust want to do the things that I
love to do, and and he'sdoing exactly that. He's like, and
I'm just going to go back inside. You know, something tells me that
he thought, I really want todo this, but I'm going to do
this to catapult this so it'll allowme to go back and do this.

Yeah yeah, yeah, a partof the plot. It's up part of
the plot, right, So I'mgoing to make as much money as I
can and then I'm going to reallydo what I want to do, a
nerd out and sit in my roomand create video games. There's nothing wrong
with that. That makes me feelgood about my plan. Yeah, yeah,
that makes me feel good. Youknow, he's an introvert, right.
I think Sweety maybe in introvert towhether she knows it or not,

or there might be some kind ofintrovertant introvertess. I think bryceon Tiler is
definitely just an introvert, like flatout introvert. I think Sweetie is like
a little bit of an extroverted introvert, like she wants to be outgoing when
she needs to be or when shehas to be, but other than that,
she's kind of just like I'll beto myself. Mm hmm. Yeah,

two really good interviews real quick.TI thoughts, Ti Man, it
was good to see Ti man Is. Lama Lama was great. You know
it's Loama Lama Lama Rebe Djama.You can see it on the graund at
Real ninety two three LA and onYouTube and Real ninety two three la dot
com. Great Lama, great beatchoice, Garcia. You know, take
it back to the Rubber band Man. I mean that's one of the records

that got it all started, youknow. But yeah, I thought,
and you know, he's still afamily man, which is always good to
see. It's not it wasn't justfor TV. Yeah, you know,
he's a dad twenty four to seven. I think for for me, Ti,
it was just kind of crazy,like just to I mean, I
grew up listening to his music becauseof my tea and then like actually getting
to interview him that was kind oflike kind of wild though, yeah,

kind of wild. But I thinkto see how he's like just so straight
up and so like you know,unapologetically himself, like it's just like so
straightforward. It's just cool. Well, good interviews, good times. Yeah,
on the show. It's been alot of fun. Remember subscribe,
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Make sure you run up the numberstwo on the YouTube real nine two
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Lama lamas that they were referring toright there as well. Sweety killed one
as well, So Sweety did one. Yes, I would definitely check that
out. Yeah, and thanks forlistening. We appreciate it. Pay check
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