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June 13, 2024 28 mins
On this episode of The Cruz Show Podcast Jackie told us how she's preparing for her engagement. She also broke down all the hints that she's dropping Nico's way. We also talked about Kendrick's upcoming concert & we asked you if Caitlin Clark is going though Rookie Hazing or are they hating on her. 
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Yo, what's up. This isJordan Lucas and you were now checking out
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right, welcome back to it.It's a Cruise Show podcast. Hey you
guys for joining us. It's beena minute. Welcome back. Yeah,
my pleasure, it's been a minute. It's it's It was weird not being
on the show for two I've nevertaken a two week vacation ever. Yeah.
How that feel? Yeah, youknow when you're having fun time flights.

So it was cool, but Imissed a lot of stuff. Oh
god, yeah you did. Uh. Jackie got tattoos, Yes, yeah,
they were I want to talk attentiontattoos. They were not distruction.
They were distraction. They weren't attentionbecause Nico was out on a bachelor party
in New Orleans in the time ofhis life without Jackie, okay, and

she thought they were going to thestrip club. So what did she do
at fat I'm getting tattoos. Yeah, if you're going to the strip club,
that's how she combatd I'm making itring on myself and I'm going to
pay for these tattoos. No,literally, you guys are distractor. I
think yeah. It was just like, I mean, I wasn't working that
weekend. I was bored and Iwasn't gonna have anything else to do,

so I was gonna go visit myknees. And the tattoo studio is where
my brother and my sister and Ilive, so I was just like,
all right, I'll go get tattoos, three of them, three of them.
I learned that finger tattoos really hurt. They really do. Yeah.
Yeah, it was like it wasit burns. I'm pretty sure the nerves

really Yeah, the fact that Igot dog, I should be fine that
they had to do with nerves,but like it was, it was burning
a little bit, but it wascool. It was fine. And then
I got another one behind my ear, So I got one on each hand
and then one behind my ear.Who are they for again, because I
I don't remember from you? Sothere's one on my left time. It
says GDL, which is where mymom's from. And it's in her handwriting

Mexico, which is where my mom'sfrom. And she didn't know I was
going to get that. She alwaysI don't get a tattoo that represents me,
and I did it anyway. Andthen I got the one behind my
ear is a silhouette of a hummingbirdor an outline of a hummingbird that represents
my dad. He calls me hishummingbird. And then on my right hand,
I got a custom like la logobecause I was born and raised here.

That's right. So you did thisbecause Nigro was gone. But Nico
got nothing out of it. Hedidn't get a tattoo. Well, he
because he has two initials at leastsomething. Okay, No, he told
me that I couldn't get his initials, but no, he had, like
I have a heart behind my otherear that he drew, and he has
one that I drew. Ok.And then we both have like a matching

ish one, which is a stampthat we got in Hawaii. If he
were to get your name on him, are you doing that? I am
I getting his name. He getsyours, probably not as big, but
yeah, no, I'm serious becauseI like more dainty tattoos. I'm not
gonna get a big, thick tattoo. And he's done that before. He's
gotten like somebody's name before. Soan X, that's right, Yeah,

it's coming, it's coming up.What do you mean? No, it's
covered up the day because they hadthe day and actually, yeah, I
know, I remember. I rememberthe day because it was like around my
birthday. You never got another woman'sname tited on you. You're a guy.

Just Sarah, just Sarah, yourwife, right, just the main.
Yeah. I heard also, Jackiethat you've been getting your nails nails
done, uh an anticipation for aring. Oh yeah, just in case
I ever gets your posed to Soit's not gonna well, I think she
felt that it was coming on right, So for weeks on end she was
getting her nails done, spending hundredsof dollars for that for the photo op.

Well yeah, and then like Idon't have my nails right now,
but I'm getting I have a nailappointment on Friday. So yeah, but
your nails, they're like this,are you going to give nicos? Are
you gonna give nico an invoice forall the nails that you had to do
with no ring? No, that'smy choice honestly for me, So I'm
not that crazy unless he wants topay for When he wants to pay for

my nails, then that's when Iknow he's probably gonna like propose. Ah.
He like because he doesn't do alot of things. What does that
mean when he when the time actuallydoes come and he like starts to do
things and be like all right,I think I know it's coming. See
I would never think to like getmy girl's nails done because I'm going to
propose, because I'm so focused onthe proposal. So yeah, that I'm

not worried about your nails because Ifigured, like that's on you. Yeah.
But like Nico is also the typethat doesn't really like he just he
doesn't do any like uh what isit. I guess like gestures like that.
He doesn't do like acts of servicelike or like his his thing is
like as long as the language.It's like just basically like spending a as

long as we spend time together,like that's his thing. Like yeah,
it's very thoughtful like little things likehe does. Um, yeah, I
guess because you just I can't reallyremember what he's I remember he told Jackie
he thought about buying her flowers.Yeah, exactly. Man. Yeah,
that's the part that I'm curious aboutbecause you're psychologically getting yourself ready for a

ring. But what if it doesn'tcome, Like that's disappointing, right,
Yeah, it definitely is disappointing.But I think I've like I've kind of
accepted the fact that it's not gonnahappen this year. So it's cool,
Like there's what seven months left inthe year, and it's not going to
happen, you know, It's likeit's quick, though, do you lean
on? I know it's coming eitherway, though, No, I lean
on. I lean on more likeI know it's probably not gonna happen this

year, So I'm not sat fordisappointment. Yeah, but then like as
long as there's Vanders signing up forthe Mexican Pano Fool fashion it is.
It's a lot of pressure. Ididn't tell you now that I'm thinking about
it, I left out of detailwhat she sent him, the rings that

she wants. He recently he asked, like we were talking about rings,
and it's not me that just bringsit up, Like I think a lot
of people think that me I justa but like he brings it up a
lot. And he's told me like, hey, like there are certain things
that I need to get done andneed to like have happened in order for

me to like really propose and I'mlike, that's fine, I get that.
So we have those conversations and thenhe asked me, like he knows
my ring size because he's bought inme ring. But then he also like,
doesn't know what kind of ring Ilike. So we were talking about
it and he's like, here,just send them to me, and I'm
like, okay, so he knowswhat kind of ring. I like,

he knows what ring, says Iam. It's just up to whenever it
happens at this point, but I'mnot expecting it. Does he have the
money for it right now? Imean just in general, I mean,
does he have the credit for it? Yeah, yeah, he does.
But I think it's just I don'tknow. I think again it goes back
to like him wanting to be likefinancially ready for everything. Yeah. Yeah,

So I don't know. We'll see, it's not gonna happen. Diana's
engagement ring. I had to likeI had cash in like a Nike shoe
box that I was saving. ThenI pulled out like some cash out of
the bank. When I say somecash, like the six bucks, and

then I like, I used mysister's credit cards. Yeah, I see,
Like I'm like Look, I don'teven care if it's a moist and
night ring. I don't even careif it's a mois and I ring.
I I really don't care. Aslong as I'm married to him. Yeah,
that's all that matters to me.I don't care. I could literally
give an a means like, isthat a nice word for fake? Yeah,

it's a man made diamonds, lotof blood grown, lab grown,
that's right, not just as diesfor it? Yeah, exactly cheap?
Is it really six hundred? Yeah, I've said it. So, it's
a vegan diet diamond pet ap proofs. I have a question. I just

wrote this down because I is Jackiepossibly taking all the fun out of it
for Nico? Yes, no,because he's not. And I don't mean
that in a bad way Jackie,I don't. But if we were to
ask this question on the air,I would be really curious because to me,
there's a slight bit of pressure,well right, and he has all

the like part of what I mean, you know, part of proposing and
going through the whole thing is kindof a guy tapping into the girl's feelings
without kind of being told and justkind of hoping that it works out.
And I know you don't like thatbecause you rather have what you like,
you know, But like, Ijust wonder if if Nico feels a type
of way and it's not as looseygoosey as he would want it to be,

you know, there's still some pressure, right, So there's still pressure
on on on getting it all doneright and like the finances of it all
and then picking out the right one. Like you know, Dana never gave
me an idea of what she wants, so I would like that pressure was
off, right, so it waslike it was up to me, So
any pressure that was there I puton myself. Luckily, Dana didn't put

any of that on me because shewas just like, whatever you pick,
that's what you want from me,and that's what it is. Yeah,
but there are different times, it'sdifferent. It's different times. And like
I also think that Nico needs guidancewhen it comes to like you know,
it's like some men have zero clue. You're looking at him, have zero

clue. So it's like, okay, well, I'm not going to tell
you where to go get the ring. I'm not going to tell you like
what you need to do. Whathe wants does he just want you to
like, do you think I canhinder his growth? Though? No,
because like growth thirty but but no, but yeah, that's right. It's
like it's like it's like if Ihelp the boys with their chores, they're
never going to learn how to dothem on their own, right, Like,

so I think for you, ultimately, if you want Nico to have
higher than zero clue unless you lovetelling them what to do, look,
okay, there's certain things. There'scertain things that like I will let Nico
like just figure out on his ownbecause I feel like, as a man

of like the house now, figureto figure things out, like if I
don't know what it was. Butlike I was just like I told him,
I was like, well you figureit out, like I'm not gonna
I know how to do it becausemy dad taught me how to do some
certain this certain thing, and honestly, like he didn't grow up that way.
He didn't grow up that way.So it's like, well, you're
gonna have to figure this out.When it comes to like buying a ring

or buying jewelry, he has zeroclue. So if I can just tell
him, like, hey, don'tthis is like okay, he does has
no idea what a diamond cut,what type of diamond cut? He has
no idea what pearl cut? Likewhat he has zero that kind of information.
But he no, like he doesn'tget it. He doesn't. You

won't think that far to go toresearch it. I think he just looks
at He's like, Okay, it'sa circle. I'm the same way,
I'm the same way, and Icut but like, no, it's not.
It's not a circle. You know. It's like there's certain cuts and
like and honestly, if he buysme a circle ring, I don't like
circle like the circle cut, Like, so why am I gonna like,

yes, he might just think it'slike, okay, well that's a cool
shape or that's I'm like, that'snot how it's supposed to be. What
if he goes off course and getsyou like a like a like a green
emerald ring. I told him thatthat's fine, it's okay. I told
him, like that's cool, Likeif it's if it's a circle cut,
yeah, like if it's like Itold him, I was like, if
you're gonna do like a colored ring, at least have it like either your

beer burst own or my or makeit something of significance. Don't just oh,
it's a cool fucking color, becausethat's how he is, right,
right, right, right right,He's typical dude, right, doesn't make
him a bad guy or wrong.No that and no judgment here. I
just curious on that process because theprocesses are different. Yeah, do you
ever wish you could put a humanleash on Nico like like parents do with

kids. I'm like, bro reallyback in god like dude, because I
let you. I see what you'resaying in a way, because like I
enjoyed having a little bit of freedomand just going, man, I'm gonna
trust myself and what I got.I enjoy the surprise element of it,
right. Uh. And those thingsI would Jackie, I'm not lying.

I would probably crack under the pressureof trying to remember all the things that
you wanted, and I'd be moreworried that I fuck it up because I
would forget one detail details, youknow what I mean? Like I say
all this, that's just me though. Yeah, I say all this,
and he could propose to me andhowever which way he wants, and I'll
still love it. But it's it'sthe fact that like, Okay, well,
if I can at least get thering cut that I like right,

like don't get get there, let'sdo that. Get that. Yeah.
So I don't know it just thesame way of those dude like, yo,
bro, if you tell me whatto dude, is a good chance
I'm gonna mess it up. IfI do it on my own, it's
gonna be perfect. And like Nico'salso the type. Like we were talking
about it and then he I toldhim. I was like, well,
you do know that you still haveto ask my parents' permission even though I

live with you, Like it's it'sjust the thing that I would want,
no, yeah, And he wasjust like, well you think I still
have to of course you forget doLike see, that's the that's what worries
you. That's what worries me,is that I'm gonna end up like facetiming
my mom or my dad and they'regonna be like, what the fuck?
Wait, you don't want that,you know what your parents want for them
to ask? Yes. My brotherto me, like when he was proposing

to my sister in law, Ithink it's a man, you have to
do that, Like that's just thething that's like undergo like it's not negotiable.
Yeah, and it's just like itwas like like I don't I'm not
trying to plan everything out. I'mjust also trying to teach him, like,
hey, if this is what youare going to do, there are
certain things that you have to gothrough. I think in your relationship dynamic,

there's a lot of teachable things justbecause you guys come from different cultures
as well cultures and he went toprivate school, so a lot of teachable
things. I grew up with bothparents in the house, but pretty pretty
tough parents. I think some ofhis questions as silly or I guess you
would say childish, as they seemthey come from a good place because it's

new to him, like a childask questions because they don't know, true,
Yeah, and they asked us kidsbecause they want to genuinely know when
I think maybe sometimes some of thosequestions are like what the heck for you
the way, but it's because he'snever been exposed to certain some of us
are very late to the dance.No a thousand percent, and like there's
just certain things that like I knowthat I don't know how to change oil

in my car and Nico probably doesn'tknow either. But I know that I
can learn. I know that Ican like go, I don't I know
that if I absolutely needed to havethe access to actually learn. That's that's
to my point. Where's like weall have access to certain things. It's
just he's the type of like whyI could just take it to somebody.

Yeah, that's my way of thinkingtoo, Like let me find the chiefest
way to get I think I thinkNico should get married. I think Niko
we should get an apartment together.Like, and I didn't grow up that
way my dad. I literally mybrother. I had to fix my brother's
flat tire one time because my dad'slike, well, you're gonna have to
learn just in case. Jackie wasthe son they always wanted. I'm sick,

but it's crazy. Jacob. Jacobis a good dude. Man.
He's thank you Jackie for being soopen about it. Like, I mean,
it's cool. It's a great discussionbecause every situation is different and I
think there's a lot there to unpackand it's cool. And I think it'll
happen this year. What does everybodythink? I I don't want to say
it will happened this year because Idon't want to get hopes up. I

do know, I do know it'sgonna happen. I do know that you
deserve to have and celebrate your guys'love as best as you guys can to
you whatever ability you guys can.And I do think that sometimes I think,
Yeah, I think Nico's going aboutit the right way. He wants

his way. No, I thinkhe wants to finances and and other things
in order before he can give herthe life that he wants for both of
them. Yeah, and I appreciatethat. I mean so to that point
though, like if you keep addingthat pressure, like there's already enough pressure
for him to do that and givethat for you. You know. So

I have a prediction whatever I thinkNew Year's Day he's going to propose at
the DJ No, not like NewYear's I think New Year's Day his his
thinking, right, if me andNico are pretty much the same person,
he's gonna think we're gonna start offthe year with this and this is that

sounds like because that sounds like somebodywould do. And he was like he's
gonna be engaged. But you know, I can see him saying, nah,
babe, this is how we're goingto kick off the year? Will
you marry me? Look at I'mnot trying to get my hope. So,
but is that okay? Like NewYear's it's gonna is that okay?

Yeah? And honestly, like whatwe happen for New Year's this year,
if we do what we want todo, then it's not going to happen.
If we don't do what we wantto do, it might happen.
I'll say this. Last year youwanted Boots right, that was a big
discussion. He read the signs andhe got it done. So I think
Nicole could read the writing on thewall here with the ring, I think
so, And he's going to getit done smart despite all of the faults

that you just mentioned, jack List, I do want to say this really
quick, jack Nicole's a smart dude. I think he's a smart guy,
A smart guy circling all back likethe Boots. He told me send me
the link like I like. Hehe needs me to just here well help
us out a little bit. Sofor a ring, I don't think I'm

wrong for that. Boots is fine. The ring, that's something that's different.
He I think he'll appreciate I thinkhe appreciates the help, and I
always think and I think he wantsto deliver the right thing, so he
I think ultimately it's gonna work outgreat. I think he wants to do
a really good job. I thinkhe wants to knock this out of the
park for her. I think hereally wants to impress her and her family.

And I think he wants to giveyou a moment to brag about.
Yeah, I think that's very special. So I'm going to offer another prop
bet because we have whether or notit will happen this year, another prop
bet? Will he say something inappropriatewhile he proposes, He's gonna say something
inappropriate. Alter That's what makes Ilove it. I remember the first time

I said I love when we werenaked. Bag that's something else say at
the wedding. Yeah, when wewere naked and we said I love him.
If you had to walk walk threethousand, make you the woman though,
let me shut the fuck up.It's the cock cock walk all it.

Because he gets down in the hemay say something inappropriate or start laughing,
or he's gonna mention the like thetime that he met my parents.
So yeah, you were extremely drunk. God bless Nico. We love you
man. Good luck, good luckNico. He don't need it, man,
he's got this. He's got he'sgot, he's got it. He
knows what he's doing whenever he does. All right, So let's shift over
to hip hop. We've been playinga ton of Kendrick Lamar, giving away

an of a ton of tickets,not like us, setting streaming records going
crazy. Uh you know, Isaw something like the Song of the Summer.
I mean, that's it, rightlike I mean, I don't think
there's any other debate right now.When I got home yesterday, my three
year old son Carson was running aroundgoing, they're not like us, dunt
dunt donna. That's afternoon. Imean I mean all night, I mean

til bedtime. And Diana's like,he's been doing this all day. That's
so great, man. That songis a hit. He's getting a hit.
He's gonna be performing, and wegot your tickets. Like we said,
what is the besides not like us? What song do you want to
hear at that show? I wantto hear some off Section eighty, bro.

I think I think Section eighty deservesits own show, to be honest
with you, but I think he'sgonna run through his catalog. But alright,
is always so good in that introthat all my life ass to fight
like that energy is crazy and everyonefeels so empowered, especially the black and

brown when we hear that. Wesee it at the MLK, right when
that comes on, people just swellup. It makes you swoll with pride.
You feel me because we've all beenthrough some shit. Yeah, I
really want to hear come on,Yeah, humbles good, DNA and A
is really good. Yeah, No, it's gonna be a great show,
So keep tapping in for your ticketshere on the Cruise Show. We also

talked about this week on the showCaitlin Clark and was it roocky hazing or
is it hating? And I thinkJackie, you did a really good job
with your opinions on that, LikeI mean, because you offer the most
direct experience in that because you didplay women's sports, so if you anyone
knows women hating on women in sports, you would know that. But I

think you had a lot of reallygood stuff to say, and I think
the listeners articulated a lot of reallygood opinions. So let's listen to those,
right Now, Michael Jordan when hecame in the league, he had
all that hoopla. The Detroit Pistonsmade Michael Jordan and what he is,
and so what needs to happen isthat he just going through the right of
passes and at some point in timeshe will get them back. This thing

about what Jordan went through for likesix seven years. Man, it won't
make the better, It won't makeus strong. Did you feel me done?
Yeah? They used to have theJordan rules like specifically do so right
now we're talking about Kay and Clarkruled. Yeah, they've been doing a
lot of non basketball plays. Butin the long run, they better get
her now because when it's time forher to destroy all these people that's doing

this tour. So you gotta lookat it a different way, man,
that's the part of it. They'regonna make her bigger and stronger, and
she's gonna get her get back.You feel me, don't. Yeah,
she gonna come back and take names. Thanks, brother, she's checking names,
baby, all right, Cruise,I love you for it. Keep
doing keep doing what you do.I love you to bro. I appreciate
it. Man. Yeah, Ihope Kaitlyn Clark is just making a list
and checking it twice straight. Rookiehazing and ain't no hate. The older

people in the league is like,boom, this is why you're here.
It's because of us. Check thisout. Wow Okay, yeah, yeah,
she's there. She's there because ofthem, And I completely agree with
that. No, you don't seeit, but I still think it's rookie
hazing. I just think it's becauseso much light has been put on her.

It's more on it than any otherother works that's out there right now.
The show this is cruise. Ithink it's fifty to fifty, to
be honest with you, Yeah,hello, Hey, what's going on?
Guys? I believe it's Hey,I think so, just because she's a
white woman dominated in basketball right now. I believe if we switched the tables
around and we had a black athletebeing hazed by white women and with life,

there you go eight six six twofour six eight ninety two three.
Kaitlyn Clark experiencing rookie hazing? Ordo you think they're just hating on the
Garcia. I think he's simplifying ittoo much there. I think that's the
easy out. Ah, yeah,you know, I mean for his opinion.
I feel like that's simplifying it too. Listen if you agree or disagree
with that, dude to Garcia,listen, you're more than welcome to call
ladies. Please check in on thiseight sixty two four six eight nine two
three. If you produce exogen,that's right. If you can give birth

eight six two four six eight ninetwo. All I'm saying is you don't
hear about Cameron Brink being hazed.Angel rees, Yes, you do hear.
He's caught a few strays. He'sgot a few strays, but more
than anything, her team made backher up. For the most part.
Kate Martin, who was Caitlin Clark'steammate and is now in the Las Vegas
Aces, is living her best life. Like bro, what is up?

Where's the biggest l is is Caitlyn'steammates. Though they ain't got her back
first crop, they're just there.That's what I'm saying, Late maitelyn private
because of her Let's be real,car. She is living her best life
because her teammates back her up.They do. Where are Caitlyn Clark's teammates
WHOA Listen, agree or disagree?Here we go Kaitlyn Clark experienced rookie hazing
or do you think they're just hatingon her eight six six two for six

eight nine two three fusse, let'sget back to it, let's go I
think it's a little bit of aboth. She's she was hailed as the
savior of the league, but there'sa lot of like Jackie said, there's
a lot of great players in theleague, and they're they are a little
bit jealous, but she is bringingthe shigne to the rest of them,
to the rest of the league andcrew and increasing viewership and all that.
So in the long run, it'sgonna be good. But they're just trying.
They are trying to get a littleget back too, because like the

Kandas Parker's and all those other DianaTarassi's, like those all those other women
put into work. Yeah, andyou know what, I'm not saying that
like everybody's gotta love her. Theygotta like her, but you gotta respect
it. I was there. Isaw her first w NBA win right against
the LA Sparks, and she hadthat place packed. My g and I
was speaking to an employee. Theemployee was like, we've never seen this

place like this for a w NBAgame. This is the first time in
wn's history we saw crowd like thisin LA And it is a business,
right, so so the league obviously, if it's making money, they're gonna
come on, she's a cash cow. She's gonna be giving that much more
love, that much more publicity.And I think that's what's gonna get other
women upset. Exactly. I've beenupside of a women's ball for a long

time and I was just talking tosome friends about it the last couple of
years, and now just the otherday he's like, man, I love
women's ball now, and I waslike, see, I've been like it's
you know, if you like goodbasketball, it's good basketball regardless of who's
there. She's just he's bringing theeyes and the money that that the WNBA
hasn't had for the last twenty fiveyears. Appreciate it, man, Thank
you. Yeah, I trus creuse, appreciate it. What do you think

I think they just? Do youthink so why just because she is who
she is? Hey? Do youdo you think women hate on other women
more than men hate on other men? Hell? Yeah? Period? Yeah,
thank you, have a great day. Yeah. I think they just
say no. I think they justneed to gone let her get her shine
on man, because she she didwhat she was supposed to do in the
w NBA coming up, you knowwhat I mean? In college she put

it down two crew I do.I don't think she blongs on the Olympic
team either. I don't even thinkshe should be a reserve on the Olympic
team. I think they should makeher work four years and that she could
do it here in LA. Hasthe rookie ever been a part of the
well team? Well, when theydid the Dream Team back in the day,
right, there was only one collegeplayer on there, and it was
Christian Layner and he played for Dukeand he had a really really big college

career, right, But everyone elseon the team were fucking like legends.
It was magic Charles Barkley, MichaelJordan, and Michael Jordan remember, and
if you remember the documentary, heleft Isaiah Thomas off on purpose because he
was petty. Right, Yeah,So Christian Layner took that spot, but
Shaq was also up for that spot, and Shaq talked about that a lot.
I'm kind of glad I didn't getit because I think he was a

rookie at the time, it wasgreater Later bro Well, yeah, and
for him, he's like that ChristianLater barely played. I want to travel
all around the world and play fortwo three minutes to be on the bench.
What's the point of that? Ithink for Caitlin Clark too, Yes,
that'll be the eyeballs part of it, which greed. You know,
NBC and the people that are puttingthe Olympics on TV would honestly love her
to be there, But no one'sgonna want to watch her sit on the

bench and she's not one of thebest twelve women in the league yet.
Okay, okay, So I thinkthat that's I think it's better and like
you said, greater Later is agreat way to put it. Do they
also worry right Garcia? From acoaching standpoint or point of view? Do
Are they also keeping a excuse mekeeping her away from possibly getting hurt?

No, because she died her rightnow. I think it's just I think
it's a hierarchy and I don't havea problem with it really, you know,
I think it's good and I thinkit's a smart play. I need
coffee. You question should have beenthat tough on that note, we're gonna
go ahead and bounce out of here. Thank you guys for listening. Don't
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