Episode Transcript
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Yeah. Now, let's pretend likeI'm on the stage and when my feet
drops, everybody goes insane. Okay, this is to go crazy on the
she had down booty popping in thehandstand ash and you know what, look
at how she thought thought forget anybigger bubble. Go on. I want
to show you walk like a jokeycar because anything's better than nothing. That
all nothing, it all nothing nothing, know on you. I know you
feel where I'm coming from. We'regoing less other things in my past that
I tell them, tell them,tell them, tell me. I'm in
my zone. I'm feeling that.Yock. We all we the mask.
If you was to go, ifit wasn't, let's for the podcast.
If if if hey, y'all bob is on the cruise show, let's
go. Who was that? Thatwas a nice intro, man, I
got some slaps, man. Imade that myself. Man, it's in
a crazy man. I know thatthat's a good one. Bro, That's
very welcome. Man, I don'tknow for arms along and the balls don't
respect to the one that made it. I'm so sorry I was lying man,
Okay, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I just
started DJing, so I know thata whole different respect for DJ. Bro.
That's not easy, right, it'snot Jackie just started DJing too,
Yeah, just when what was it? My boyfriends of DJ so me and
my wife DJ. Yeah, okay, kind of thing and don't want to
battle. We we've been doing itfor like a year, so it's gonna
be real. It's gonna be amateurnight four months. Yeah, like we're
here and there. I'm addicted toit. Yeah right, it's addictive,
Like I can't stop doing it nowfor sure. If you need you to
teachure some things, man, he'sready though. Yeah, man, I'm
trying to learn. I'm up tofour decks now. I know how to
do it on four decks. It'sdigital, not like yeah city, I'm
doing the controller Okay, that's right, that's right. I ain't doing the
citdjs yet. I'm not at theflash drive point where I just pull up
pop a flash driving as a dJ. What's your favorite genre to mix
at the moment? I like,okay, I like like I'm a piano
house music, reggaetne, Brazilian funk, Brazil, Yeah, a little bit
Yo and Andrell. You can youcan mix all those together. You know
what I appreciate about Brazilian funk,it's the distortion in their vocals. It's
kind of like distorted. It soundslike it's actually on a mike. So
you've got Yeah, it's gonna soundlike the favela, like right right right,
right right, So you got crappyequipment. It's all good recorded anyway.
Best. That's where the best musiccome from. Man, shout off
the DJ fuse for that intro.Man, straight up, many many,
Ye, what's your DJ name is? It's not Boney will Money will want
to DJ? Won't he will?Won't he will? Because won't he do
it? Yes? He did?Yes? That's great man? Yo?
How you been man? Everything good? Yeah? I've been great? Man.
I mean like, yeah, lifeis good. And you know,
you know when life be good sometimesand he'd be like you don't trust,
don't trust. Yeah, one goodthing happens, He's like, great,
my life something we're so we comefrom the struggle docs. Every when everything
something good happens, you always somethingbad, always following something like yeah,
I'm like I'm not falling for it. Where Bob says, if it's too
good to be you, it's toogood to be true. Hey, that's
true though, that's for real true. But that's traumatic. We're walking around
with a lot of trauma. Thenpasta syndrome. That syndrome. Yeah,
yeah, man, it's real.I think that's a It's one of the
many true signs of genius. Ithink syndrome. That's true. And then
like you know, I feel likecertain things though, like I knew I
was supposed to rap, like soanything that came out way with that,
I was like, yeah, I'msupposed to get this, like give me,
give me all the opportunities, andbut but it's like, you know,
I guess because it's like I doit because I love doing it,
and it's not you know, somepeople do it to be just to be
famous, which if that's what youwant to do, you know, I
have a class where I can teachyou how to do that. I have
in my class. I teach peoplehow to if you want to be a
producer, an artist, an independentartist, or if you want to just
if you want to just sell outand just do we can do that.
We can. I can teach youthe right way to do that too.
But like you know what I'm saying, I really teach it all. But
you know, I think because Ireally love the art of music, like
I love DJing and making music.So it's like the enjoyment I get isn't
like a lottery ticket. It's likeI really look at it, like,
oh, this is what I'm supposedto be doing, Like this is my
life. You know what I mean? Yes, sir, you appreciate it.
Oh yeah, absolutely? Like arewe live right now so I can
cuss? You can. Yes.You've never been wanted to like nail it
in though, Bob Right, it'salways like, you know, you appreciate
music from the ground up. It'snever let me just point me to where
I need to go and I'll domy job and I'll get out of there.
No, there's more to it foryou unless I'm just you know what
I'm saying, I'm ready to gohome smoke with Dubie. Yeah, but
yeah, I really I really likeI like to give people what I like
to give people as much as Ican in each moment, you know what
I mean, Like whether it's likeon stage or if I'm doing a DJ
drop or if I'm putting together evenif it's like a five to ten minute
DJ set, like I'm gonna tryto make that shit hit like you know
what I mean? So yeah,Bro, Yeah, are you it's kind
of a curse too, like causeI you should be trying to go too
hard. Yeah, that's what happens. Yeah, are you prepared to play
in Vegas night clubs and you wantto do all that? Coach them?
I want to do. I wantit as long as it feels like a
side quist. I'll do it likeI like you don't want to do feel
like a job? Yeah, gotit? You go translator, that's my
food translator, bro, Bro thephilosophers, he's a philosopher something. Yeah.
So if it's just like a funthing for you to do, or
you and your wife to do,then you're in. You're down. Yeah.
Yeah, gotta feel like a hobbyfor sure. Yo, I'm feeling
zoot Man, congratulations was crazy?Yeah, Tomorrow I'm finna go down to
uh what's the city called? Theymake authentic zoot suits? To go,
give me a zoot suit out herein Los Angeles. Yeah, I mean
that's where it went down, right, the riot? Yeah? Yeah?
What was it like nineteen forty threeor something like that, nineteen forty three,
Yeah, yeah, I'm going outthere where they where they make them.
I can't remember the name of thespot, but if you need a
translator, we're here, okay,ben Bro Because I was it was it
was hard. It was hard toyou know, it's hard to find like
real authentic zoot suit like it.Yes, that's why I'm going, Yeah,
I'm going, yes, what I'mYou're gonna have that bitch on my
whole trip? What about the wasit for you? That that kind of
like oh ship you? Honestly,all this everything just like kind of lined
up because like, you know,like I heard the mask. I mean
I heard the mask, but thetheme music I saw it on like a
Explore tab or something, and Iwas like, yo, nobody's ever touched
that. And that's one of myfavorite movies. Man, the mask is
like a classic you know what I'msaying. Yeah, And so I lift
it's simple and I was like,man, what the fuck? And I
was like, let me just dothe line. I know, we all
head a mask metaphor. And soI started looking up, you know,
I'm like, well the zoot suitwhere just you know, we start looking
up the zoot suit and I waslike, dang, Like I never knew
it was like riots, Like nobodyreally knows that, Like I know,
if you live out if you fromhere, you know, but like on
on the East Coast, like we'remore familiar with zoots suits from the Malcolm
X movie and Harlem was in Harlem. Yeah, so I didn't know it
was like that out here, man. So uh, I just discovered all
of that, and and so everyall of the lore and the and the
sound effects and the sample, likeall that tied into just the whole thing.
And I was like, this issupposed to it's supposed to have.
Yeah, it really came together.It came together. It sounds so good.
You did it again. Yeah,I appreciate it. I do want
you taking that initiative to take adeeper dive into the meaning of it.
You know that says a lot aboutyou. You don't like it, It's
more than just what you see onthe fucking outside. For you, it's
got it's gotta come from a goodplace. Yeah, man. I try
to take I try to take likeuh, real life ship and like kind
of like make it like a littlebit lighter, like a humor to it.
So so you know what I mean. But I'm I'm you know,
I definitely I'm a re. I'ma I'm a student, you know what
I'm saying. I really am astudent, you know what I mean?
I know, I know a lotof people learn from from me, and
I do teach classes and ship likethat. But I'm I'm I'm able to
do that because I'm a student andyou know, you know, sit competitive,
bro, like you know, tryingto keep up with the world,
bro, Like you know, beingthe kids that are born into the world
now their their starting point is whatwe've learned. It took us our whole
life to learn at this point andthere that's the where they're beginning at.
So you know, like I'm Iknow how to do. I gotta teach
myself how to do so many thingsconstantly, you know what I mean,
Like like I know how to editvideos, I know how to UH,
I know how to engineer, produce, play instruments, I know how to
mix, I know how to djUH. I'm starting to learn how to
work on Harley's Like I'm trying tobe able to do that. So why
I take it to the shop everytime, you know what I'm saying?
Many change? Yeah, man,it's cut your hair ball now on ball.
I ain't got no hair to cut. I mean, I just gotta
shave it. We must learn howto do things for ourselves. Man,
you got to did you work regularjobs? Because that seems like this ethic
seems like the person who never fired, who wants to learn everything so they
don't get fired. Yeah, Imean I grew up. I grew up.
Really I grew up. Uh.I don't like saying I grew up
like poor or broke. Like Igrew up in a very un a series
of unfortunate events, circumstances you weren'tcontrol up, unforeseen circumstances, Hunger,
there was poverty there, and I'mlike, yo, I don't never want
to go. It's like I'm soused to like you know what I'm saying,
so used to like we like,yo, we didn't have like we
kind of moved out of our apartmentprematurely into a house that wasn't finished yet,
and so we didn't really have doorsand windows for quite a while because
you were squatting. Way before squatting, I'm talking about we had bad squirrels
pigeons flying through the house. LikeIt's just feels so disrespectful when you're just
looking up and you just words flyingthrough your crib, like if somebody just
throw some newspapers. But you know, like I think just just like feeling
uncomfortable allows being being comfortable, beinguncomfortable allows you to like be able to
overcome any type of adversity or anytype of like you know, a rigid
schedule, you know, or likejust having to get up or go to
the gym, having to get upand catch a flight, and like,
ironically I dropped out of high schooland pursued music just so I didn't have
to like get up and catch thebus at six in the morning and then
just to have to catch a flightat five in the morning. And so
it's like, damn, I'm doingthe same stuff, but like it's something
I want to do. Though,yeah, you know what I mean.
So I can't complain it. Webuilt for this. We've been chasing the
bus, you know. I wantto I want to know your tape because
you talk about being an engineer andbeing a producer and learning all those things
on your own. Now with AI, I know there's an AI that can
mix and master a song. Yo, that's crazy. Did y'all hear about
the the Amazon uh you know,like they used to have that like just
you put you take the product,and you throw it in the car walk
out. Yeah, and if itturns out that wasn't AI, it was
just an Indian guy like a wholebuilding or yeah, they outsourced it and
they were just looking at the camerato see what you were putting in you
it wasn't really like no way,bro, I looked up the article and
everything. Bro, it's real.Meanwhile, someone was watching you from another
car, right, So I feellike, Yo, I don't know,
like I feel like I feel likeit's still somebody have to use, like,
for example, the camera, likeif a camera's auto focus and some
some of that is AI, youknow what I mean, like knowing how
to sure. I still feel likethere has to be an intelligent user using
AI. But what I'm sorry,what was the question? Do I use
it? Like? What's your Iguess, like take on it? Because
like is it as genuine as likean actual person, you know, mixing
and mastering it taking over? Ifeel like, okay, all right,
you remember in the movie The Matrix. Well, I don't know how many
y'all watch all of them, butlike there was a point where this dude
was talking to Neo. It's likeone of the elders or something, and
he was like, you know,who's really who's really using who? Because
like you know, the machines gotus hooked up to them using us like
batteries, and we got we usingrobots for for us, and we both
fighting a wars, Like what who'sreally you know what I mean? So
it's like I feel like, youknow, is it taking over? I
mean, you know, sure,you know what I mean? I mean,
you know, I guess it can. I mean, but is it?
Is it like necessarily a bad thing? If if like every the society
does become fully automated and every gardengets watered and every fruit gets picked,
gonna need humans? I mean it'slike I need us, like we need
a I do they need us?I think? So we need to create
it. It doesn't just happen onits own. Control it or we have
the ability to control it. Ifeel like I feel like maybe humans could
be AI to something else. Maybeyou want to go down that rabbit.
We're a YouTube video at this momentright now, right now, yo,
you survived fame? Right? Ohboy? I love how you described it.
What it is. Fame is crazy, right, But there had to
been some stuff that you've seen orsaw or heard that made you question this
business and made you question yourself inthis business? Like what am I doing
in this? Yeah? Man,it's a it's like a you really got
to sign up for this? Youreally do. It's like a labor of
love, right, it is.Man, It's like what I'm built for.
And that's kind of I think that'swhy I kind of grappled with with
fame or just and I really don'teven like calling myself famous, bro,
because like there's so many like Ican still go grocery shopping, Like I
can still go to the movies andlike blend in. Like I'm fortunate enough
where I can like pick and decidewhen I want to pop out and show
niggas versus when I wanted to whatI always tell you, that's the perfect
place to be out. It reallyis always do bro, Like you keep
your sanity? Yeah, I meanit's like you know, you can use
your face card if you want,but you don't have to, you know
what I'm saying, Because like onceyou once you get to the to the
to a certain level of familiarity youcan't like none you can do. And
it's like when I had my locks, man, oh, man I was
I was groovy. Man, Iwas out public just nobody ain't nobody know
who I was. It was like, man, I thought that was you,
but you had locks and I remember, and so once I shaved them
off, I was like, oh, yeah, everybody know here we are.
Yeah? Who would have thought?Man? Just here? No?
For real, man, you mentionedthat Kadok line, right, you know
during that battle there had to bea bar. I mean, you're a
lyrical guy, right, So isthere a bar that stood out? Whether
it was from Kendrick or Drake oreven That's who really were perfect place to
be at. He got to theparty early, he left thirly. That's
growth broke out before the fight brokeout, you know what I mean.
Yeah, that's that's me too.Like when I be in the club and
I'd be like, it's a littletensing here, it's time to deal,
bro. But yeah, I meanthe line, yo. I literally I'm
trying to get this song out ofmy head, which one the song that's
in everybody's head. I'm trying toget trying bro, No, it's not
going nowhere. It's not. It'simplanted, yes into our brain, Yes,
into our psyche Dune, Dune,I gotta fail. We got that
simple from too Yeah. I heardit was ether kind of pitch down,
pitched down, a little bit messedwith. I'm not sure. Yeah,
bro, I heard that's what Mustarddid. Mustard produced it, but I
don't know. You know, it'sTikTok. Bro, what's the craziest ship
you see on TikTok that you believed? Okay, it's not it's not that
I it's not that I believe this, but there are parts of it where
I'm like, all right, that'stoo far. But like, there's this
whole lord on on TikTok about pandasnot being real. What I know,
pigeons aren't real, but pandas aren'tWhite pigeons aren't real, That's what talk.
What are they saying. They're sayingthey like, we've never seen a
baby pigeon. We haven't who justdrivers seen a pregnant pigeon, pregnant pigion
But they're saying you never see Okay, But what they say about pandas is
you never see a panda in thewild. The real panda in the wild
is the red panda. Yeah,and they're saying that like they just make
these in a zoo, like theymake them there. You never see Yeah,
and then and then they kind ofI'm like, but it's like,
I gotta I can't confirm or denythat because I never been just out in
the bamboo jungle like like right right, yeah, somebody check on designer make
sure he's okay, that's true.I guess we've never but we don't know
because we're not in the wild.We don't know what. Yeah, we
don't know. Man out there,you know what I'm saying. They are
fun to watch, look cuddly,Yeah, I mean I would. Would
you have a panda? Hell no, they'll rip your face off, right,
Yeah, they're there. They can'tbe aggression. I never seen aggressive
panda. I didn't know that.I thought there was like puppy dogs.
Apparently if you poke one in thestomach, it's a problem. Like this,
it's kind of like dolphins, likeyou think they're so cute and cuddly.
But yeah, he posts, looky'all, hit y'all. Yeah,
ros is on site, b bro, It's all it takes the watermelon in
one bite. That's crazy, bro. Even the elephant that remember the elephant
that found that found the lady funeralthat the lady just saw her and she
took her out again. Elephants don'tforgomble her side? Did you grow up
the travel chatt or not? Wasthat? Was that on cable? Because
I ain't have cable? I thinkI did. I think when we got
we're able to get cable. We'rewatching. I was watching. I had
the worst thing about not having cableis like when you have it for a
little bit and then you don't haveit. Got Yeah, bro, when
it gets cut off, it's crazy. You remember that like it did something?
Bro? Like Yo, it's likeliterally like you just in time out
for life. Now you're seven andyou're watching the news. Yeah, the
family got that? That's all yougot? Are you constantly creating music constantly?
Now? Yo, I'm not gonnalie Now, I'm constantly DJing like
I'll be I'll like our dj likeall night till the sun comes up,
like just in my own and I'mlike, damn, I never knew this.
So it's like you constantly hear newsongs. I'm like, yo,
I gotta add that to the Serado, got to add that to the surride,
man, and I got a wholelist. It's just it's constant.
So I mean, as far asmusic, I joined the rock band.
I joined a rock band called HockeyMore okay and working on the R and
B album. So I'm like lookingfor different R and B artists to work
with, collaborate with, because youknow, I can hold a no,
but I'm not. I'm not goingto carry a whole R and the album.
Yeah I can. It seems likeR and B Sensation, Bob Bobby
Red. It seems like you're doingwhat you you love and you want to
do. Yeah, that's a goodplace to be at. Yeah, like
I feel like I feel like itsounds so simple, but like to get
to that point, man, likeit really you gotta work on that like
constantly, and you gotta keep likerefining, refining your method, refining your
regimen, your schedule, the people, the people you talk to, the
people you accessible purpose, Yeah,all of that. You gotta keep working
on it, and then eventually you'llget closer and closer. Like, man,
I could, I could do.I could, yeah, put it
on auto pilot now, like forsure, yeah, this is easy.
Here a scorpio, scorpio gang,November scorpio. Not to be confused,
he was in November scorpios. Wegotta get it right, yeah, November
fifteenth. Now there is there atrait that you actually think scorpios. It's
like one hundred percent. What doyou blame on being a scorpio? Okay,
I think the jealous The jealous thingis a thing, but I think
because we get the wrap for beingfreaky, everybody thinks it's like a relationship
jealousy. But it's kind of likea Oh, you watched the movie and
you you watched the movie without me, or you watched the episode the rest
of the episode without me, oryou got something to eat. That sounds
like a scorpio. Yeah I'm ascorpio. I'm November fifth all right,
Okay, that's how I am.Though, Like my boyfriend watched the Brittany
Spears documentary without me two years agoand I'm still sick. Yo, what
I'm still sick? Yeah it's likethat, bro, It's real, it's
real. Shave your hair, youfucking what? Very personal. She had
a break down. I like whatyou did there. I like what you
did there. That was a niceone. Yeah. Yeah, man,
and we're still getting tatted or weuh oh yeah man, I got I
got the head. I just gotthis done. It's like I think it's
it's peely now, but I gotthe un beat down damn dog. That's
right. You might as well moveto l A with that. Yeah,
you saying it's hard to find.I had to find a real uh uh
he's Vietnamese. I think it's Vietnameseor tie, I think, but he
had to get a real like fineline artist who find who knows how to
do that because you can't just youcan't. You can't just use the regular
gun. You can't use regular tattoostyle on the on the scout and then
if it's spread you just got likeyeah, yeah, it's it's me a
while to find this bro. Yeahyeah, now did you use just what?
All right? So look, youknow there's guys that go under tell
us I would never I would neverdo that. I feel like that's too
far, like like I get yourwhole backyard that gets burn. It was
it an NBA player, No,no, no, NFL tiger did it?
You know what I'm saying. NFLa player that just did it recently
passed out? They did his wholeback. I just I can't. I
can't do that. I gotta gottafeel now. All right, okay,
you can use number cream, butyou can't really the whole time. But
like at the start, how youlook this happened? You start, I
put some numbering cream on it,right, and I was like, I'm
just gonna get the number cream right. But like when he put the stencil
on, it was like and thensit right, So we had to take
it and then redraw it and thenshrink it down. So and then he
put it back and I was like, nah, we gotta move it,
so we can't take it off againand put it back. So by the
time we started, the number creamwas gone. So I sat through all
of this and then it's like,you can't do numbing cream, like once
you do the lines, because youguys go back and do the shading.
So like once he puts the stencilon, you can't put numbing background.
So once it were off off,so I would say I did like thirty
percent and cream all right. Tookit like a man. I took it
like I took it like a teenagers. You took it your new man just
turned eighteen. Just not my ID, A little protection, a little raw,
you know what I say. Wedo it. Yo. How has
your writing process evolved throughout the yearsand how do you make sure it evolves
by working by working with other songwriters? Yeah? Better better, better better.
But see, like I think,like, because I'm in a round
where I'm working on like R andB music and rock music, you know
you're gonna be working with songwriters.Yeah, sure, you know what I
mean. But I think like,Okay, So for example, on on
the Elements, my Elements mixtape series, everything historically that I've done, that's
all. That's all been me,me producing it, writing it, and
all of it. It wasn't untilrecently I got a sangle to produce one
of the singles on this new project. And you know I got I got,
I got some help writing the hookfor one of the songs. But
like, you know, the importantthing is when you're like collaborating with songwriters
is like you got to know whatyour voice is. And I talk about
that in my class too, likeyou really got to understand your voice.
It's some comedians understand, like youcan't try to tell somebody else joke,
like you can't try to write andit's like it's certain, it's certain.
Shit, I want to say that, like nobody can write it for me,
like I have to. I haveto write. It has to come
from you. It's got to comefrom that voice, man. And it's
like, you know, that's whatI feel like is important when you collaborate
with songwriters as an artist. Andso it's like you gotta know what your
voice is and what you Yeah,if you ain't, it's like to fit.
Like if you ain't, you can'tjust give somebody a kilt and be
like yo, put gets killed onLike yo, it's got to make sense.
You got how to walk in it? Yeah, you to feeling yeah,
yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sowhen someone writes something for you,
right, it's it's more than justwriting on a paper, right, It's
there's a motion involved. There's yeah, it's like it's like a it's like
a it's like a it's like acipher. Yeah, like you know,
it's like uh like headband. Forexample, I wrote that hook. I
mean I wrote the verse and gotto the hook and I was like,
damn, I don't know what thehook should be. And me and mister
Fab was in the studio. Fabwrote. I think Fab wrote half the
hook and Tie dollar Sign wrote thesecond half, and then he put the
Oh that was him, that's hisvoice. So so it's like so it's
like it was like a workshop,I guess. Yeah. And so I
feel like I feel like that's sortof how I like work with songwriters,
you know what I mean. Surejust called on you and said, Yo,
you gotta write this for me,only you can do it. You
got to produce this for me.Yo. I feel like I'm the best
at like writing, the best oflike writing hooks, you know what I'm
saying, Like I'm the best oflike producing and like writing hooks for people.
I did some stuff for I didsome stuff for t I, I
did some stuff for UH, Iwrote. I did a hook for Ludacris
like way back. I feel likea lot of the ship I did was
like before I even popped off,Like yeah, like way back and so,
but like I don't think I could, Like I don't think I could
write, Like I don't think Icould write for another rapper. I don't
know. I never really tried it, though maybe I might say something.
Hell, I don't know, likeif I had like if I could really
say something that I can't say andI could, someone else could do it
better. Oh, y'all would loveto do that, Like yeah, oh
yeah, yeah, best advice you'vegotten in the game? Was it from
TI? You never it? Waitdid he say this? I think this.
T I has a word of words. I think he did say this.
But he's basically it's basically as sayingwhere you're never as good as they
say you are, and you're neveras bad as they say you are.
That's true, and it could bean imposter syndrome thing. But sometimes when
it be like too much love,like yo, hold on, I need
a couple of hate. When Iget a couple, a couple of hate
comes, I'm cool. It's real. It's real. Yeah yeah, yeah,
because you could be told what youwant to hear all day, but
you got to hear what you needto hear. Yeah sometimes yeah, yeah,
a lot of me sometimes. Yeah. Question as far as like a
business structure goes right with all thethings that you do, you DJ,
you know, you wrap, youproduce, is it the same email or
as the same person for each oneof those projects or is it the different
team for each one Wow, somany emails. Do you still have the
bo beat beats at Gmail? Idon't have that email anymore. I emailed
it once fourteen years ago. Fourteenyears you did. I was trying to
get DJ drops. Oh man,I got you brother today. It's gonna
happen for closing years later. Butwe're here. It doesn't matter how long
it takes, as long as youcan, as long as you get there.
It's about the journey. It's aboutthis to finish. Yeah, man,
wait a guilt trip on? No, no, no. I I
was gonna do it anyway, Iknow, but I asked because I feel
like if I were in your position, right with everything I got going on,
I would structure to have emails foreach company. Each thing is a
company, you know. I mean, we got so many emails when we
did like we do like contests,we have email will producers and beats.
We got emails where people could signup for my class, got emails for
like yo, so many emails.I don't even think like you got an
email for subscriptions too, that's whatthey really need any like A. I
mean, I know you could dothat. They got the mail app.
But it's just I don't know.Bro, It's like it's really bad when
you have when you use your laptopbecause on your phone you can do it.
Well, I guess you could dothat on the laptop too. Yeah,
I don't know. Man, Ifeel like I feel like i'm i'm
i'm ankstatus now because it'd be likeI'm yeah, like I hear too often
like yo, you know they gottaapp for that, Bob. I'm like
what you would he was talking aboutme that you was talking about nephew.
That's right, man. So wehave albums on the way. We got
albums on the way. We gota lot of music on the way.
I feel like every time I thinki'm I'm feeling like retire or going to
hiatus is like something pull pulling meright back every time. Bro, I'm
gonna stop. The trick is tostop saying that ship like just like yeah,
right, motherfucker. You ever belike you have to be on vacation,
but like, man, we're gonnabe up all night partying, be
the first one to go to sleep. Whenever I got an early flight,
I be up all night partying.It's just it's just how life is.
I feel like you gotta trick life. Sometimes you do you do, you
gotta trick. You gotta go uptonight. Now you're lying to yourself.
Delusion, delusion,