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June 13, 2024 33 mins
Comedian Jerry Garcia stopped by the Cruz Show to talk about his upcoming gig & had a blast with the Cruz Show Squad. He talked about his family, his previous jobs, switching lives with Cruz, George Lopez and more !
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Let's do it a screw show.Real Nighty two three l A is new
home for hip hop. Comedian JerryGarcia is on the show. My gosh,
I was how gross here, dogMan, and I said for having
me, Bro, thank you forbeing here. Dog. You always love
bros, always love respect. Bro. I appreciate what you do. I
appreciate who you are. You're atrue comedian. You work your ass off,
dog you make fun of your kidsmore. Please come on dog Out

on time. He's a GQ magazine. He still steals. At this point,
I think we could cut it.Therefore, thank you. Someone appreciate
that. That's that's another the intro, hey, Bro is the comedian.
Intros are very important. If someonesays the funniest man in the world,
Jerry Garcia, that's a lot offun time. Yeah that's too much,
bro. Yes you don't want allthat, Bro. Yeah, yeah,

you do that sometimes we do.I've done like the Barshows out and I
had like these four new jokes Iwanted to work out, which I knew
weren't gonna be that great funny.Yeah. Yeah, but yeah, welcome,
we welcome. I thought we gotthe door. It's a revolving door

roses, the cleaning lady walks in, people walking late whenever they want no
respect. Nobody respects anyone, No, not just me, but yeah,
intros are extremely important, right,they put the standard up way too high.
Bro. Then I'm going up therewith my little brand new joke.
So traffic was difficult today, guys, they're like, oh godness Jesus Christ,

yo, man, so listen JerryGarcia. You would be surprised.
People walked into the studio that workhere and they're like, hey, so
the singer's dead. Yeah, sohow is Jerry Garcia going to be here?
I'm like, that's the like atribute man going in? What's going
on? His son is singing?Now on? His son's got a tribute?

I'm begetting that. Joe Jerry ismy given name, bro all my
birth certificate combin. It's not astage name, it's not a state his
name. Bro. So my dadworked for a Deadhead, a big fan
of Jerry Garcia from a grateful deadand so he would tell my dad,
you have a son, dude,like you should name m Jerry. Jerry

Garcia is like super famous. I'ma big fan. And he did it.
For my that's just for job securityyou get so you don't get fired.
My dad came home to my mom. He was scared, like me,
Jerry Jerry, and it's like pasponJerry, Jerry Jerry Garcifo. And
that's my actual given name. Becausethat's also the way your dad kept his

job pretty much for like three moreyears, so you got a second to
u and then they couldn't laugh tohim. Go even helping out your parents's
birth bro. See know what I'msaying, Bro, my part. Bro,
that's how you do it. Dog. Do you think your kids are
going to take care of you oneday? No? No, I don't
think so. Bro. Boys don'tdo that. I agree, right,
they're too soft, Bro. Theycan't wait to get rid of me,

Dude, I know I could seeit in the rise. Look that look.
I only got three boys, andI would This is the only reason
I wish I had a daughter,because daughters will take care of their dads
stuff. You know what I'm saying. They're the ones who check up on
their way the suns. No,I'm just hoping they marry a girl that's
gonna want to take care of me. That's and that's a Russian runette,
and you still exist. That's arushianette. Or if they marry into a
white girl, I'm done. That'sit. Straight to the home. Straight

at the home. There's no way. Hopefully they marry. I want to
why Okay, when I said whenI when I says values, that will
let me actually tell them, like, hey, you should check on your
dad exactly, or just have themcome over and marry a woman with her
dad. That helps. That doeshelp? Yeah, that helps, right?
Yeah, daddy issues two boys.And you got a joke where you

know when you're on stage and you'relike, I'm wearing my son's drip.
That's what we do it right now, Bro, that's why I got my
kids shoes on right now. Idon't know what they could play. They're
taking my elevens, Bro. Ijust bought some eleven spaces. I haven't
seen them till the bottom. Bro, they're wearing them. I see them
at the class in the class pictures, stir see. Anyone can walk in.
It's all good, bro, notthat anyone outdoor man, answer man,

it's all good food. Somebody infood. Yeah, that'd be nice.
Start to check trumping, bro,clotophobic in here. Bro. So
Father's Day's coming up, you're lookingforward to you know what it is?
What it is? Right, Hey, we just got to get through it.
Bro agains as far as gainst nores, I haven't seen that one
edible arrangement reminder, not one emailfor nothing but that, Bro, how

do you think they should market uhFather's Day to make it at question?
That's a good How would you markthe Father's Day industry? Yeah? To
help the father's industry. You knowwhat at the bottom of this, if
I were tired of the problem,we should be the solution. We should
probably be. I mean I justdo It's just a little bit more effort,
right like this, just we forgeteverything, Bro, Like we just
legal now, Bro, put usin dispensaries, put to work or something.

Bro, I'll go just bring awarenessto what we love his Father's Day
something broquet. I saw a videothat you did and it was like number
one day balloon with hot cheetles anda doctor. That's not a warmar Bro.
Yeah, it was a warm doctorpepper, just one like one one
balloon. That's it. You havenothing to choose from, Bro, It's

a generic. Yeah. I've alwayswondered why on Mother's Day they get a
fancy lunch or brunch we take themout through all this stuff. Mact we
got a barbecue for ourselves. Yes, like we gotta make our own food
on Father's bring your own beer.You gotta bring your own beer. Yeah,
you gotta set up this Canopyes,mow the law. I think it's
your guys just fall for allowing that. Why y'all gotta set y'all gotta set

the expectations. Hey guys, thisFather's Day, can y'all Can y'all cook
me? Because back then he's donein our nature nature. I'm not gonna
ask. Make sure you guys dome something here is that you're not voicing?
What does? What? You know? What I'm saying? What you
want? I said, I threatenedto leave, but that's what they want.

Yeah, you're my kids are likewhere you're taking us for Father's a
Like, where are you taking usfor Father's That's where you're taking us for
follows like that? Where are youtaking up? Yeah? What are you
taking us? Crazy? It's differentfor girls, right, Jack? Yeah,
I mean at least like I thinkin the men in my family,
like for Mother's Day all the dadshad a group chat and we're like,

hey, we're all going to takeit. But still like my mom had
to cook the rice because nobody knowshow to cook the rice. Oh yeah,
well yeah, hey listen, butthat's you could buy from north Gate
or something anything. Jackey, Yeah, I do to get to the Dodger.
No, no, but do youcook anything for him or anything?
No? No more thoughtful. Yourdad gave you life. You boys give

you. Boys give your dad likeboys give their dad socks and it's like
youth socks. It's not even sucksthat they can't fit. You know what
I'm saying, I gotta tie andI'm like, bro, when I'm a
world tight when you know, well, I'm the world time. One time
it was with Court and I lostdog, Like, come on, bro,
broy Also the factory in Covina thisweekend, Yes, sir, all
weekend two shows Friday, two show, Saturday one Sunday. I'm an actual

Father's Day for your last minute shoppersfor people like you know what, we
have nothing to do. There's ashow in Covina right now, show Telebrady
Fother's Day. Go there, youknow what I mean. And Joe take
a shot whatever he fin I'll takea shot with every dad thereat free.
No they're not. They pay fullprice. But so we're the problem.
Let's say you're not helping your dives. Hey, so we're the problem is

I guess you're right, you're nothelping Doug. You're your kid. You
would think like dads are free,but this is a Dodger game. Relax.
So recently George Lopez, right,he's all age, Bro, that's
our guy. I love Orge,Ma bro, look like him, you
know what I mean? And hewalks off stage because you know this hecklers.

I think that's because the crowd workis such a highlight on social media
now want to do that? Andlisten, We've done shows with you guys,
and it's a party. There's aparty vibe this. This group of
young comedians have created a party inthese comedy clubs. And I don't know
if George is necessarily part of thatbecause he's old school, he's a true

comic. Yeah. In the clip, he says he's trying to get through
his material something like that. Bro, But uh, yeah, you're right,
bro. It is a little littletrend going on right now with the
crowd work, so people are expectedto be part of the show. So
that's a big problem of that,Bro. But not every comediing is the
same. Like I don't do crowdwork, for example, I love watching
CrowdWork, Bro, do that doit? I love watching it. I'm

impressed by it because that's not oneof my skills. Dog, I do
just jokes. So that's basically whathappened. That You're right, And I
want to give George the benefit ofthe doubt that you know, he's a
g he's a legend. Away nowI wish he would have say a little
longer and put up with it alittle bit more adult with it differently,
of course, and I'm sure hethinks that as well. Now, But

you're right. What it is isthese people and they weren't really heckling.
They were I don't know, Idon't think they were talking mess They were
just trying to be trying to gettrying to get a reaction. They were
just trying to get a reaction fromhim and attention. And that's where backfires
out there. Like a musician,right, he's focused, he's dialed in,
right, and so a lot ofit's muscle memory at that point,
right, Yeah, but he's stillperforming. He's a performer, correct,

and that performance and energy just can'tbe interrupted. Yeah, g bro,
you gotta respect little Franky. It'sokay. Yeah, yeah, he's up
their in age too, bro.You know away, you know when it
comes to hecklers, like I know, like comedians they have you guys have
your material, and then there's thecomedians that like go off of crowd work.
How hard is it to kind ofjust ignore everything that's like being said

and focus on your material Since yousay you don't do yeah, so you
For myself, I rely on thematerial. I rely on my material.
Shut him up, dog because onceonce the laughter gets contagious. So once
they're laughing at my stuff. Everybodylike that is. But sometimes you know,
but there's people that we do don'tknow how to behave bro. They're
not act bro. So you dohave to respond to it. You have

to act to it, and Ido. If I have to, I'll
do it, bro. I justdon't prefer to do it. But when
I watch people like my boys outfor role players, Rene Vodka, Ken
Florest, the Killers, all theydo a great job with its folder.
They do a great job with it. I love watching him do it.
Uh, but not everyone wants todo that, brow. We heard that
crowd work was the easy way out, even though it's tough. I think

crowd work well yeah, because it'smore like it's polo stuff. You know,
you're just like talking masks and stufflike that. Bro. But there
is a craft to it, bro, there's if you do it right.
There's an art to if you doit right. Not everybody does. But
what I said and bring it backto you, like kill it really quick
and just keep going. I thinkthat's right. But all that said,
we're all that great CrowdWork that you'reseeing out there, there's also a lot

of bad CrowdWork that's going out thereas well, bro, from communians that
we don't know, like what's goingon out there. So you do hear
a lot of that stuff too,Bro, Like this backfires. Bro.
It's not for everybody, bro.So like, unless you're a professional,
you know how to handle that stuff. Be careful stuff. You know.
Let's you we're we were hosting classclowns, and it's tough because you could

be talking and midsentse and somebody screamedsomething and if you're not seasoned, it'll
throw you off, threw me off. I'm like, you know what I'm
talking? Yeah, so I letyou huh what whatich is about my month?
Now? I'm just having a conversationthat no one can hear. But
yeah, who did you study comingup? Honestly, George Lopez was one
of my first guys that I startedlike looking up to a lot. Bro.

I used to go to the showsand stuff like that, and yeah,
and like you said, you sayyou look like them and stuff.
I feel the same way, bro, Like I'm brown dark, I mean
so like I saw another brown,dark, sweaty person on stage. I'm
like, hell, yeah, Bro, I can be that. That's me
right there, all right, notthe best looking act me scars and I
was like, that's me, yes, forty years just I mean he's almost
the most possible way. So Iwas like there, dog, I'm like,

I'm like, this face is notgonna get me laid, bro.
So I have to learn a craftlike that, Bro, I gotta learn
how to do something or go totrade school school or something. For sure.
Did you did you have regular jobsgrowing up? I did? I
work with kids, bro, afterschool Program's dog Woodcraft Rangers Dog. Yeah,
we used to work for them afterschool, dog doing a lot of
mentorship, cold ching Dog did allthat stuff. Man, So it was

great. So like when I whencomedy took off for me, like one
of my biggest dreams was to quitmy job. And so when I got
to quit my job, I gotto look at my kids in the face
and be like, I quit fuckthis job. You know, sorry about
that, just like you know aminals. And it was it was fun.
I love what I when I last, it was a great, great job
for Did you quit while you werestill doing open mics or were you officially

a comedian when I fished a comedyin twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen, and
so when I started like tapering off, like taking step downs and smaller roles
and just doing a part time seasonalkind of stuff just as needed and stuff
like that. But yeah, onceI got on Netflix in twenty seventeen,
that's when it starts really taking offfor me. Done. Yeah yeah right,
hell yeah. Family has your back, Family has my back. Bro.
They support me. They still don'tunderstand how I make money from this,

bro, but like yeah, they'relike, well, how do you
get paid for this shit, youknow, but but yeah, they are
supported. Got the kids. Man, got three boys. They've they've been
with me since I get Bro.I've been doing comedy fifteen years. My
aus is sixteen, so they've beenthrough this from the beginning. Done.
Have you ever chaperoned any of yourkids field trips? Yeah? It is
the best, Bro. But nowthey make me pay for them. They
may be paid for everything. SoI'm out here like buying like pizza for

other kids, Like, hey,hey, dad, Jimmy doesn't have a
dad, could you buy them somethinglike yeah, I got a dollar.
He wants a souvenir? Yeah?Yeah, No, were you that kid
growing up? I was that kid, Bro. I actually went to New
York. They sent me to NewYork, Washington. I was in gifted
class, Bro, fifth grade,went to New York. No, my
mom sent me with twenty dollars twentybucks, fool, because a teacher was

like, no, next to notthat we're gonna feed them. Obviously we're
gonna take care of them, butobviously you're gonna want to spend money when
you're out there. This is nineteenninety two, dog, twenty dollars in
my pocket, Bro, and wewere there for a whole week New York.
We went to the White House,we went to the Statue of Liberty,
went to fucking Valley Forge and uhtwenty dollars full and so wee dog

nolast it right away. But abouta couple of magnets, I was done
for that's it. Yeah, Igot I lost it too then never made
a whole bro, that's sad whenyou're like the kids. So I've been
that kid. I've been a kidwith no money. My friends saw me
get all day with Kamed, sothey're like buying me stuff and stuff.
Yeah that's crazy. I don't wantto laugh. It's not funny. But

I've been there too, you knowwhat I mean. But what the good
thing is that you know later onyou get to laugh at it, right,
yeah, and it fuels you almostright, Oh yeah of course.
Oh you know now you take everythingforget Now you want to spoil your kids?
I said, pas do this?You know they want they want everything.
They get Uber eats every day,Bro, like breakfast, lunch,
and dinner. That's crazy, Like, I'm like, what do we need?

It's okay, it's already, it'son its way. It's on his
way, we got chick fil Alike we live, honey, No park,
Chick fil A is a moner Raypark. Bro's like thirty five minutes
away, they're already Huberies chick Filate. That's fifty five dollars on a comeban.
You're from Milkshake. I'm like,come on, dude, she was
getting desert too. A nice tip, bro, thank you? Oh yeah,
it's tip hard, like it's tiphard twenty five percent, I said,

because it's not their money. That'syeah. Oh they go hardly going
on twenty five percent ago, that'sthe highest core that. It's score.
Bro. No, a course,it's a tip dog, it's money,
yes, Bro, Jerry, Ilost my ship when my kids. The
first time I'm sitting there watching amovie in the front room, someone knocks
on my door. It's Uber Eats. The McDonald's literally is one block.
I've got that to fucking block.Yeah. Way, we've walked to it

too, Yeah yeah, same,And I'm like, what are you doing?
He's like, I just didn't reallyfeel like walking right now? Yeah?
All right, cool, that's yourmoney. I ain't giving you no
more, man like man. Fortyfive dollars from McDonald's brother, get out
of here, just service fee suits. That's wild. You gotta love the
kids. You have to love thekids, Jake, You got to love
your kids. Do you see comediansin your family? Within your kids?

Are ain't even funny? No?No, I don't see his dog.
I don't see it. Is therenot enough trouble now? What they're speeching
pediments? I am kadi? Nah? I don't think so. Bro.
Nah, they're good kids, BROAtell the squad that way to get straight
a's bro. Their moms like adictator. Bro. She's on them all
the time with the grades. Bro. So yeah, bro, so I

let her take I'm the good cop. She's a back cop. She's on
it, bro. And so they'rejust good kids. They're gonna go to
college supposedly, and amos, Idon't know who's paying for that. You
remember all the you had for that'swhy? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
I applied for If one of yourson says I want to be a comedian,
I I've been hiding it. Idon't want to tell you I've been

hiding it. I don't want toin the closet. No, of course
I support them dog anything they're into. I want to support them for no
night. Okay, I got away, look I got yeah, of
course. Yeah, because you know, growing up, there wasn't that support.
Like if I told my dad Iwas I wanted to be I actually
told my mama I wanted to bea comedian, and she was like,
no, suspend that. Oh yeah, yeah, you're not funny. Yeah,
yeah, exactly, you're not funny. You that's funny? All right?

Cool? All right, well theregoes ahead. Yeah. Uh,
my parents are pretty supported. It'sjust like try I love it. I
love this cousins money, dog,go try for enough to give you a
ride. Yeah, go ahead,as long as it's free for it,
go for it. Got to giveyou a right. Yeah. So why
do you encourage people to have agay best friend? Oh because they're the
best, bro. They compliment you, dog, they buy you stuff,

like like my gay best friend wasthe best, but I think it was
trying to have sex with me.Dog. But that's not the point,
bro, Like you know what,this guy wouldn't take maybe for an answer
for for sure having a gay bestsie. It seems kind of fun.
Say gay dudes have the best weekends, Yes you feel me? Yeah,
No, kids are having a greattime, they can't get pregnant. Right,

let's move on. Dog regards Atthe Lave Factory in Covina this weekend,
we're there all weekend. Yes,we're a comedian. When it's got
to be a dream to say I'mthere all weekend. Yes, also to
have weekens, Bros. Yeah,you're right, Bro, it is a
dream of ours. It goales once. I want a comedy club once you're
there all weekend ful because you knowwe used to get the Tuesday night.

We'll give you Tuesday night, gethis way Sunday off Sunday ten pm,
say ten pm. But that's uh, bro. Yeah, I know it's
tough, dude, but so yeah, working weekends. And I want to
thank Lave Factory, Harry Basso,the owner out there, Jimmy Masada,
Bro for believing in Latino comics.Right now we're taking over that bitch over
there in Comino, Bro. Allthe big Latino comics coming through there.

Bro. And it's amazing man.And laugh Factory is so legendary, Yes,
it is. Imagine some markey homie, Jerry. Is there any comedy
clubs that are Latino owned? Latino? Maybe as far closely you get as
Haha. Comedy Club North Hollywood.Uh it is, but she's one two
thousand Terry Yeah, Jack Junior andJack Senior, I mean and miss Terry.

Yeah. That's but we don't haveour media coach center. But we
didn't the established Latino comedians. Youknow right now, is there any conversations
you know behind closed doors Worth there'syou know, that idea of like we
should all kind of start one.Our manager, Marty keeps saying, bring
that up, bro, like ourmanager we got concrete manager. My manager

would be that would be ideal.And we're trying to put all our money
into the funnel whooping one and ballHides one on First Street. I think
something that stood out that one daywe hosted a class CLOWNSPLMO was when we
were walking out, there was alady that said, Hey, I remember
this conversation. You know there's alot of us waiting for you guys,
meaning Latino comedians. We're ready tosupport at all times. The line,

Hey, we're just waiting for youguys. That's dope, man. So
it's like I sat from just beingon stage, like owning a fucking club,
and you know when say stuff,they say stuff, right, especially
after comedy show. People have beendrinking, you're kind of hot. Laughter,
But when you're drunk, you're honest. You're honest, exactly. And
this person honestly wasn't drunk or anythinglike that. But she just looked at
both of us and we and welooked at it. We locked eyes and
we looked at each other like,Yo, that's real shit. Yeah,

Like that made a lot of senseright there. The movement is down,
bro, I'm telling you, anda lot of these great comics are We're
all you know, I include myselfin there, of course, but we're
all they're all coming up doing greatthings. Bro. I mean, what
Rob Barboso did, Bro a coupleof years ago was an amazing feat.
Bro. This guy from from zeroto one hundred overnight. Bro. And
not only that, not only didhe get his opportunity, he's round with
it, Bro, and he's funny. Bro. He was ready, he

was ready for the opportunit. Anydog's hilarious. I think one thing that
I think he did well was connectwith people outside of Latino culture as well.
Like I'm in he's so like,he's not just a Latino comic.
What I'm saying, Yeah, AndHe's for everybody, and and that's how
I'm to I do that the sameI tell people that too. Like,
I'm like, Bro, we don'thave to keep reminding people that were Latinos.
Dog, we look like we alreadysound like it. We look like

it. Bro. Just do yourjokes, Bro, do your material for
like, people are gonna connect nomatter where they're from. Bro. And
that's the whole point. Bro.Like I've done shows that just we're in
solid City, Bro, a bunchof white people on the audience. Dog,
it was like, it doesn't matterwhere you're at, you're performing,
Bro, It's it's funny, funny, it's funny coming back, and it's
okay to throw a little you know, like growing up Latino. That's fine,

it's cool, but don't like relyon that, bro. Like you
won't hear me talk like that whenI'm on stage four, I just talk
about life, about what's going on, and people are gonna be relating about
everything. Bro. So yeah,just what it is. I know Latino
dogs, Dug like you know ofcourse, who, Like, we don't
have to keep reminding people. Itgets to a point where you just are
comic. Who happens? Yeah,exactly advice for someone who says, man,

I just gotta I gotta feed mycore my core audience. Bro.
And I don't want to be outsideof that because I get you something.
You gotta do what you gotta do. You're just not like comfortable going out
of that a comfort level. Bro. Uh. And I'm not gonna like
talk down on comics like that,bro, because way so like it's all
good. Yeah. Sometimes sometimes youfind a niche and you just keep going

to it, keep going to thatniche, you know. So it is
what it is. But there's alot of great comics coming out there right
now. Latino comedians, bro aretaking over photo. To be honest with
you, dog is like we're doinga great job. So proud of these
guys. Yeah, are you dating? Yeah? I got a girl,
man, Yeah, I gotta girl, the mother of my youngest Okay,
Yeah, that's right. We're onand off, on and up, but
we're I think we're on right now. That's least I checked. Yes,

check. Yeah, three kids,two babies, mamas, but I'm want
the second one right now. Ohgod, there was a time there where
there was a little friction, youknow, and stuff like that, you
know, it happens. But rightnow we've been going strong, yeah man,
and having kids like two baby mamas, right, and having kids early
right, Yeah, start that twentyfive, dog, I'm forty three,
Bro, that's good. Yeah,forty three, Yeah, that's yeah.

Five not bad? Yeah, twentysix years old? Yeah, man,
Why do I think he had kidswhen he was like sixteen? It looks
like look at pro fi. Yeah, this stereotyping bro yaya people that I
had a bunch of close calls inthe sixteen. Yeah, that's how you
feel love. You feel love fromfrom the fans. I do, Bro,

I really do it, man.It's a it's a it's beautiful things
going out there. Man. We'redoing a lot of sold out children now
with Concrete and everywhere else. We'retouring Dog and so like, I do
feel love comments and comments yeah,hell yeah, Bro. I know I'm
not for everybody. I know I'mnot for everybody, dog, So of
course, well you take the goodand the bad, but there's always more
good than bad. So you justthat's what you run with them. Yeah
right, you know, you justkind of have to roll with it.

See what as a comedian, it'salmost like a contact for right, you're
gonna get hit af you. You'regonna get kid bro, and people are
gonna tell you to your fans you'renot funny sometimes, dog, And that's
okay, Bro, that's all rightbecause somebody walk up to you like,
hey, Bro, I paid toget in. Bro, You're not funny.
Dog. No no way, notno, no, not like that,
Bro, not like that. Goddamn Jesus good. Yeah, tell

that to my face, your face, you give my money back. People
have the balls, though, youknow what I'm saying. Yeah, nah,
look that I've seen people in thecomments. Yeah, it's all in
the comments or they just walk outor they leave. Ye. But not
on me though another fuckers. Yeah, I couldn't relate happen. Could relate

other comedians, I know, butI'm Mese. People that say that's not
fun. There's people that say thatlike want yeah, yeah, yeah,
no, there's always someone who anyway, you can't take that. I'm a
grown man now, though I'm fortythree. I've been doing it for fifteen
years. I know that's not thelongest time ever, but I've seen enough.
I've seen you all. Like there'sgood days, there's bad days,

there's bad shows. There's good shows. Yeah, you know, it's part
of it. Dog. At theend of the day, I still love
and I'm blessed what I do.I feed my family with this dog,
with his profession. I'm living adream dog like I was. I was
you Cruise, but I wanted tobe comedian as a little kid. But
actually my parents my first let me. My parents let me give me my
dream. Yeah, dog, Yeah, I gotta connect that dog. I'm

living your life, dog, Yes, because I wanted. I wanted to
be on radio when I was young. Dog, I was a big Howard
Stern fan. I love Howard Stern. Dog, Dog, use my everything,
bro, And so like I'm I'mgonna do that. I'm doing I'm
be on radio one day. Dog, and same thing because like I've never
felt like confidence and my looks andall that. I was never the good
looking guy at school. So mything was like, Bro, I gotta
that could be a radio like noone's seen me right behind the micros a.

I'm down with that. So yeah, I actually started off like that.
When I was in my early twenties, I would go to night clubs
like Abzas remember a bes and aWittier and like ice clubs, uh yea
on green Leaf and other nightclubs thatmy friends were promoters. Our friends were
promoters, and they would tell melike, hey boy, you want to
get on the mic and pump upthe crowd. And I would. I
would get on the mic and pumpthe crowd, like, Yo, what's

up Friday night? So what thelady is that? Blah blah blah.
Dude. I used to get sucha high dog because this was before me
in a comedian dog. So thisis my stage dog. So it's just
being on that stage was like awesome, full like just being like yo,
so girls girls stage. Yeah yeah, and I love the dog. I
loved it. I felt like,because somebody, I want to make a

suggestion, You guys should swap livetrading trading places houses. Why so down,
brothers, time we switched things upat the house, should bro?
I think it's yes, yes,you know, yeah, I'm sure you'll
be okay with it too. Isn'tthat crazy though? You know, like

he wanted to be here and Iwanted to Yeah, that is facts,
bro, facts dog I was.That was everything to me. And then
just like I don't know what wouldhappen? I know, I had the
radio voice and the attitude and allthat stuff for a but still today,
Bro, it's still one of mylike dreams. Maybe later, like when
my fifties or something. Do whenI'm said, I don't want to be
on the road so much, whenyou're ready to give it up for I
got? I mean there's always apodcast, right, You've done podcasts.

I do pocket, I got apodcast. I got my own podcast.
I dropp weekly, it's not myweekend podcast. And then I do a
tragles on Modgo's podcast that's a musicreview. We select a different Mexican singer
and performer and we just break themdown, bro, and we talk ship.
We give him his flowers or whatever, and we do everything that's bad.
You're very busy with home life andthen work like that always, So
is that a fear like to notbe busy? I like to stay busy,

dog Like I wake up early nowfor no reason, dude, Like
I'm always up early? Dog Like? Why am I up so much?
Not like I don't even care,Like why the traffic's looking? Bro,
I'm not going nowhere, And I'mlike, why am I looking at the
good day right now? I'm concernedabout the one thirty four Freeways Dog.
Why for no reason that you're noteven gonna be on that? Bro Yo,
This is a world premiere the CruiseShow Funny Fiesta November eighth at the

Morongo Hotel and Casino. Jerry Garcia, Concrete, Alfred Roblast. It benefits
Cruise Cares uh and uh morning forso soon man, And this is really
happening. And of course we havetickets to give away. Tickets will be
on sale. This is gonna beanother legendary. I can't wait for that,
dog, can't wait? Can?I also plugging real quick Baker's Field
Fox Theeter Dog, July twentieth.I know you guys get to Baker Shield.

You guys go over to yeah youknow through the app man, okay,
cool cool cookart radio everywhere. Iwant to get that because a big
show that we're doing our first theatershow Concrete and I are doing our first
theater Fox Theater, Baker's Field.So we're excited about this man, first
time, Yes, yes, yes, yes, I love that. November
wrong yeah yeah yeah yeahed about this. We do a group on package or
something. Jerry, you you are? You do? You worry a lot

I'm not a worrier. No,I'm not worried this morning. You're like,
hey, I'm here, guys.Where are you guys at? Oh?
Because I didn't see you later,Bro, I was worried. I
know you started three or something.That's IM like, wait a minute,
I might I might hear. Iknow I'm early, but how early am
I? Dog? You know?Yeah? I tho't said I was worried
about, like me here all day? Bro? Where are you guys?

What's going on? I'm about tostart with big boy like, Bro,
we're on our way. We'll see. That's all that was. I was
just clarifying what time we started.Yeah, get something to eat and we
go live at two, right,but we get here early because we love
and respect. I appreciate to youand give you the respective time. That's
That's the best Father's Day gift anyone'sever here. Appreciate you. Right.
I was a little late, butto be fir big old sex extual along

with the guys, I figured thatactually have time. I thought, Yeah,
we did a whole hour though wedid like a who ari it was
cool man, big BIG's a gman O G right. Yeah, yeah,
when you get the call. You'relike, yeah, of course the
home bomb there and we all grewup listening to the big I'm excited though.
Yeah, yes, sir man JerryGarcia big was big, big,
big, big too. When Ifirst mad, I used to ride my
bike to go get his autograph.Yeah. I took George Lopez at the

Ice House and he'd be in theback. He would attend George Love shows
and he'll be in the back andI'll be like, oh, that big
boy dog taking up the whole booth. It's crazy over in my head.
And like I was skinny, youwere fat too, Yeah, you were
fat? Yeah, I remember,I remember. Excuse to be fat?

Guys? Oh yeah, they're soloud now and like they think they're all
bad. They're extroverts, extravert likethe extra skin. Have you Have you
ever been let down by a comedianthat you admired? Ah, Man,
it happens, It's okay, manhyeah, yes bro, it happens,
right, bro. But you knowI don't again, I don't worry about

stuff like that. Bro. LikeI get the business. I get how
people catch people on bad days andall that. Bro, But na,
man, I actually got the honorto work with George Opez. I was
able to do a I came onan episode of Lopez Versus Lopez. Yeah
sounds a mover dog and it wasfun dog. It was told dope,
kicking with him all week was great, picking his brain, hanging out doing
lunch with him on on the backclass of un Studios. Bros. A

dream bro the dream dog. Soyeah, Bro, like, uh,
that's the I've ever been to himand hanging out with him for and you
know, just taking what it isand you move on. Dog. You
know, you get your little guestspot and hope you're invited back. I
guess I hope you get invited back. But we'll see. There's a party,
you think, like this is itgoing to be? Yeah, Bro,
they're gonna sign me as soon asthey see yeah broy puts. The
writers, the producers, the directors. Everyone's so nice and they're hyping you

up. You're like, you're amazing, man. We can't wait to have
you bad. We can't wait tohave you bag Like, oh right,
you start to believe it and stuff. But didn't tell that to everybody the
same ship. Tell me, oh, we're gonna put him in the next
movie. You're you're funny. Eatcan say that I'm funny and he's gonna
put me. That's another legend.I haven't met. I want Tom.
I've never met him. That's it. My mom wall finally respected because told

me I'm funny. Yeah, healmost gave him a job to Bro,
like everybody gasses up, legend,Bro, all the time, they haven't
gassed up and everyone everybody else.I'm gonna gas up myself. Yeah,
that's what you do, Dad.He gave him a job on the show
you're looking? I got no.I mean we would have been a lot,
you know, heapier. I thoughtyou like that kind of stuff.

Get touched for some shots. Youwould have been in the documentary, Broy,
that's placement, Bro. Point pointat this didny dog where you touch
you shoulder my bag? Bro asa comedian, what do you think is

wrong with you? Uh No,everything's wrong with me, dog, Like
a little bit of everything I do. I have a little though, I
get I get mad quick full likenow everything bothers me now full right like
everything Like, what do you meanyou gotta stay for school? Melt the
heck? Bro? What do youmean hunger again? Why you know what
I mean when I have your sexto night, what I was going on
like, of course, like alittle thing, just little things like that.
That just triggered me. Now asyou get older, you get a

little bit more triggered quicker though,of course that's wrong, Like yeah,
my girl says like I stopped prettyquickly now, like I don't know,
just yeah, man, I geta little snappy now, bro, since
you turn for you think I thinkyou earned the right to be a little
snappy a little yeah, because Ilift the homies from the it's time to
react more, you know right.It says here you had sex on the
bus once. Oh yeah, thatwas one one time, and uh they

can't stop talking about the bus infront of the bus. Somebody called me
a metro sexual one time, that'swhy, And I was like, we
do in the bus one time.I'm not an addict. What was that
about? Though? If? Howdid that happen? I missed my transfer,
so I had to stay a littlelonger and we went through figure Oh
we took down for girls. Someladies were taking going to work that morning,

so I got could you know anyways, she was on you, so
she was honestly you made her daybro vice versa. You know it was.
It was an actual sex. Itwas like a touching and grining and
groping and me pain. Yeah.I thought it was like this lady from
the night that was going on theway to work and locks. That's still

a story, though, like ahell of a story. Maybe Mama two
or three. No, no,that's a hell of a story. I
kind of hands out one time,like a church, all right, sir,
in a church, you got up. I was the mat factory in

Covina this weekend, all weekend,Jerry Garcia. And we're in Bakersfield,
baker shows. You like twentieth Marty, you like to show funny Fiesta November
eighth, Cain and ads are notfree in cod those are not free this
week. Unfortunate. But I'll takea shot with you. That's right,
I'll take for me. Yeah.Please, have you saved me? A
shout off? Taken with you,Jerry Garcia, Salute bro a cruise,

Thank you everybody, man, youguys for having me bro Oh hey,
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