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What's good. It's a lot ofwhat's good. What ups mustle you're checking
out the Cruise Show podcast, makesure to subscribe, right yo? What's
up Cube? Man? Yes,Cruise Cube? What up? Bro?
What's come on? Bro? It'sall man. We appreciate the time,
man, I know it's a verybusy day anytime for you already know,
dog, thank you so much.Ice Cube is on. Let's go don
Meggie? Yeah, yeah, allday yo. Big Three Season seven kicks
off tomorrow twelve thirty on CBS andParamount Plus. And it's also the man's
birthday ladies and gentlemen. Let's getit, yes, happy birthday Gemini season
Yeah, that's right, that's right, yo. Cube. Do you check
your horoscope daily? Nah? No, no, no, my horoscope check
me? No real cute, nobodycheck you bro. Cube. Now,
I'm just saying, you know,everybody check out what I'm doing, and
then they just write it down andthat's the horse scope for the day,
and that's what it is. That'sright, yo. Jeff Garcia, the
Sports Dude, is also on aswell. Garcia there, yo, Cube,
Swaggy p as a coach. Idon't know if the world's ready for
that. Wow. Hey, hea champion, you know what I'm saying.
So last year he was, hewas a player, and uh it
was it was Gilbert Arenas as thecoach. Then Gilbert uh you know,
in the middle of the summer hadto had to step away, and then
Swaggy Pe took over. They wentfour and one when he took over and
they won the championship. So hemight got something to say about that.
Man. He wanted to be Coachof the Year. That's right, that's
right. He's coming for it.Dog. Hey cube, listen Big three
season seven. Who's hitting that courtthat we need to keep our eyes on.
I mean, Joe Johnson and theTriplets are always tough, yes,
sir, But like you said,the Enemies they coming for back to back
championships. They play on the firstgame. So first game, uh at
at noon tomorrow on CBS Enemies versusTriplets, rematch of the Championship. Then
we got Jeff t He playing withhis brother Three Headed Monsters versus Paul Millsap
and his brothers on the Aliens.So you got the brothers going against each
other tomorrow. You know, RickBarry gonna be in the house coaching and
you got Leon Andrel Barbosa team goingagainst Jason richard team Jason Richardson. So
you know, you got Warriors that'strying to claim Oakland and so, uh
it's gonna be fun. Man.Yeah, knock you was going up and
it's going down, ladies and gentlemen, I promise you. Man, Hey,
you think Bronnie could hang in theBig Three? Yep, you know,
I think he uh, you know, big enough, strong enough.
It's just you know, it's reallyabout skill set. These guys are really
skilled, especially in the threeund threegame. And if he can get lose,
if he can get his own shot, he can have success in the
Big Three. Yes, sir,who do you think would be the next
Lakers coach? Sidebar Man, Ireally don't know. You know, I've
been thinking about players more thing.Coach. We need we need a center.
We know center. I don't carewho coaching. You have Phil Jackson
and Pat Rowley coaching and that ain'tgonna mean nothing. So they need a
center. They need a center.They need a center. They need a
center. What do we do,Garcia, what do we do here without
a center? No, He's exactlyright, because the West is loaded with
centers Anthony Davis for first playing thefour rather than the five. So that
makes Anthony Davis happy as well,so he's on point. Hopefully we get
a coach that, you know,we can work with Lebron to get everything
straight. HEYQ, we got tomake sure we mentioned that The Big Three
is also going to be in Anaheimon July fourteenth. That's gonna be a
movie, so locally they'll be ableto stop in and see the teams as
well. Right. Yeah, youknow people have been asking me when you
bringing it back to LA. Whenyou're bringing it back to LA, so
you know we be in Anaheim.You know that's right down the street.
So jumping that car man hit theninety one to come on high as too
easy? Yeah, Q, letme cross that question. I thought was
my next question when y'all coming backto LA. But there it is,
man, Yo, Cube, youwrote the best this song arguably of all
time. You know, so inyour in your professional opinion personally, where
does Kendrick's Not Like Us rank foryou? It's up there, and it's
because it's a hit, you know, at the end of the day.
The reason you know, people reallyyou know, like these songs on this
level is that they're a disc andtheir hit at the same time. Anybody
can write a this song, butcan you write a this song that becomes
as big as a regular hit.Yes, sir, that's what he did,
you know, especially with Not LikeUs. You know, that's just
a hanthem. So when you dothat, you know, it's kind of
like you're hitting the Yeah, yeah, you know that that Holy Grail kind
of of uh of disk tracks.You know what I'm saying. It's like,
I can't get no better. It'sgonna be playing in the stadiums across
the country with the Big Three.Of course, you got to you know,
we got a ride for the WestSide. That's all day, all
day, man, Yo, wehave an obligation. Man. So what
do you doing for your birthday?Obviously right it's it's uh it's the Big
Three season seven kickoff. But isthere is there a moment where you get
to celebrate with your family or haveor do something for yourself. I mean,
people been, you know, showingme love every since I got to
the bay. I'm in the bayright now. Uh, you know,
I done got cakes and happy birthdaysand presents and I'm good. You know
them. I'm gonna have a goodtime with the Big Three. Is nothing
gonna be better than you know,great ratings and uh people having a good
time out here and uh in Oakland. And I can't wait to get to
the house to drop this on you. You know y'all come through and holler
all day. Man yo cube,thank you man. Big Three Season seven
kicks off tomorrow again twelve thirty onCBS and Paramount Plus. We appreciate the
time, man, appreciate a younglegend. Thank you, dog yack Hey
checking Richard with the Crui Show.Thanks for listening to The Cruise Show podcast.
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