Episode Transcript
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I was good? Is your boyyd? What was good? Everybody?
This is Neil? What's good?This glow? Really? And you're checking
out the Cruise Show podcast. Makesure to subscribe, rate and sure Liz
go go good morning, Hi,good morning. Hello. Hello. How
are we doing? We're doing great? How are you doing well? Are
we in your living room? That? We're in my house? We're in
my house, in my living room. No, we're at a hotel in
New York. Hotel in New York. Didn't you flee from New York?
Why are you still there? Iknow, I know it didn't work.
I'm back season two. That's right. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
I appreciate it. Eva Longorioas andThiago co Land of Women, The
Other in muheadas Apple TV Plus.The series starts Wednesday. Congratulations. The
best way I can describe it outthe gate is if life hits you fast
was a series? This is it? Yeah? Yeah, that's a really
great one. No, it's areally fun show. I think. I
always tell people you like Desperate Olives, You're gonna love this show because it's
a drama edy. It's tonally inthe same world. It's about this woman,
my character Gala. She has toflee New York all of a sudden
with her her crazy mom and heryou know, Braddy kid, and they
have to go hide in the hometownof my mother in Spain. And we're
like, I'm like a fish outof water. I've never been to Spain.
I don't speak Spanish. And soit's an era of comedies and it's
really a lot of fun. Yeah, no, exactly. There you are
living a very comfortable life and thingsare well. All of a sudden,
your husband owes some very bad peoplefifteen million dollars and next scene, you're
taping cash to your body and you'reon the run. On the run.
Yeah, and I got to go. And I mean, I hide in
this town and I'm protecting my familyand providing for my family, and I
have to do things I've never donein my life because i was just a
New York socialite and now I'm like, ah, what is happening. I
know hits her hard, and thenshe hits me hard literally, yeah,
and prashes into me, and yeah, I love that argument. By the
way, it felt like an argumentthat I would have with my wife.
So it was very m Yeah,it was a good argument, valid argument.
I love how you tried paying fora rental car with cash too,
Like that's that's so Latino of you. Yeah, I'm convinced it's going to
work as well. Yeah, allI was to do is wink at the
guy. No, my uncle trieddoing that one too, and I'm like,
THEO, that's not how it works. So I was lucky enough to
get a few episodes in advance,thanks so much, And I held a
screening in my backyard. So ifit ends up in the swap meet near
you, I'm very sorry. Hey, the more people that can watch it,
it doesn't matter how exactly that's right, that's right. So these questions
for both of you, Right,there's a there's a few. Oh,
there's a lot of scenes in therethat are very emotional, right, and
that they stand out, They standout tremendously. What do we tap in?
And again for both of you,what do we tap into to get
into that zone and to make itfeel so authentic? Yeah, it was
saying to yes yesterday as we watchedin the cinema, and I hadn't noticed
how much those seeds they really allowthe show to breathe because it's so fast
paced, and it's funny and itmoves, and then you have those emotional
moments and they just really play sowell. And it's a real insight into
the characters, I feel, andyou really go into the into their past
and you start to understand them forwho they are and sympathize with them.
I think, you know, andhave empathy with these very flawed human beings
and that, and they're the onesthat take you on a journey. So
it's it's great those moments and they'reso well timed and and and I think
just the truth of it as well. Yeah, really, you know,
there's not you don't have to tapinto much when it's when it's the truth
is there. Yeah, yeah,yeah, the truth is there. And
that's how it does feel very authentic. And you know, with Spanish being
tough already, right, and butMexican Spanish and Spain Spanish it's completely different.
And if you're not at you know, you don't understand that. Some
people are like, oh, youspoke Spanish. I was like no.
First of all, I didn't growup speaking Spanish. Then when I learned
Spanish, I learned in Mexico.So to go to Spain and to the
motherland and speak Castilian Spanish. Waslike a brain teaser every day. My
brain hurt. I was like,what word is that? What are you
saying? Yeah, we don't pronounce. Yeah, he's Chilean too. Yeah,
you go there and you got toyou gotta really like really chew those
words and pronounce them. And yeah, yeah, it's tough, especially as
as Mexican Americans, like we justwe know the bad words really well exactly
we do. We know all thebad words in any any dialect of Spanish.
Because a strong Latina in this business, how do you navigate through obstacles
and barriers that a lot of womenhave to face in this business? Yeah,
I mean I think you're right,like there's this uh barrier being just
a woman and that you know,no gender equity in any industry by the
way, not just in media.But then you're Latina on top of that,
and so it's it's definitely hard tonavigate, and especially when we're such
a big percentage of movie going audienceticket buyers, but yet we're really underrepresented
in TV and film, and somy media company is trying to bridge that
gap between who's creating the content andwho's consuming the content and really trying to
position the Latino community as heroes andand as people who are full of potential
and full of great things and fullof great opportunities. And I think that'll
that'll be a challenge for us fora little while longer. Congratulations Land of
Women, Apple TV Plus airs Wednesday. You guys knocked it out of the
park. Thank you, jam youheys. Check your Richard with the Cruise
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