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What's up, guys. This isTyler and you are checking out The Cruise
Show podcast. Make sure to subscriberates and shame. All right, welcome
to it. It's a crucial podcast. Been a minute in the building.
Right now. We have Jake Cruise, we have jack and I'm Jeff Garcia,
producer of The Cruise Show, hostof the podcast. I want to
start out with some major concern thatwe're having here on the show. Jackie.
We are worried about you health.Yes, we are. Honestly,
it's not I'm a little worried.It's not a joke. Yeah, we're
worried. We're more worried. Isjust a moment in times. Well,
it's been a long moment. Beenlike you've got a cop for six years.
But Jackie is like falling apart.Yeah, the body's breaking down,
falling apart like every day, alittle by little. But I've had Yeah,
I've been what I feel like,I've been sick for like three weeks.
Now you take a little bit more. I don't need to. I'm
fine. Because when I got backfrom vacation right and I was gone for
two weeks, cru was mentioned tome, Hey, Jackie's pretty much got
sick right after you six. Shewent on vacation, came back. That's
like a month. Man. Ohyeah, well, are you sure it's
not COVID? Yeave have you goneto the doctor. I've done visits on
yes, she's gone. Well,I've just kind of like selected my symptoms
and then they's like this sounds likethis, shout out the fair enough,
You're you're being proacticed self assessment.That's like the self checkout. I'll let
the grocery. At least I gotmedications, so it's good. That's right.
For a while, I swear Ididn't think you were taking it because
I'm like, sure, you're gettingbetter, man, I'm like, yeah,
I mean I'm taking now. I'mon my third day ish, and
yeah, make sure you take probioticstoo, because after you come off an
antibiotic, you can shoo yourself.Oh yeah, it's important because it's bacteria.
It's important stuff. Yeah, Andyou got enough problem you don't need
to be shipping yourself and you're notcough in my face. I'm covering.
You have really good, really goodimmune system that just got like prostituted prostitute
immunity. Like you can handle anydisease. He's got the immune system of
a whore. You are you are. I don't know why. Because you
drink top water, drinks water fromthe sink here diabola, you can lick
the bottom of an elephant foot.Nothing will happen to him. Yeah,
yeah, I don't know why Ikeep you guys, carry around with you.
I don't understand. You know whatit is. I'm a bunch I
remember around a bunch of kids,like low key. I was gonna say,
well, I'm around people who havekids, and I'm around a lot
of kids like my nieces and mynephews on both sides, like Nicole and
my family like that, and thencruise like you're you're always sick too because
you also have your kids. SoI think I also made it from here
too. So I'm just like,is that what you attributed to mostly is
just being around kind of like thewrong people. I remember you mentioned that
somebody was like a little girl wassick, right, your niece or n
Yeah, they're they they're always sickbecause they just started school and I'll do
it. So I don't know.I'm just it's just it's just because I'm
always worried the number one diet.You know what I mean, there's a
lot of there's a lot of stuff. I don't really eat that much anymore,
but like and sorry, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, Yeah,
I don't really rest that much.So yeah, I think Jack, like
that, that'll really help me ifyou just like really really rest and then
make sure you eat such such akindness that doesn't create mucus, because then
that'll have dissipate it as well.Man, Because I just feel bad for
you. Man, It's it's hardto do this show and have energy and
a lot of energy. Yeah,we're always on, and when you're sick,
I know how it is, likeit just sucks you. We have
a four day weekend, but I'mworking ress stress, I'm working every day
really well, I mean is afew hours, right, yeah, Galaxy
is a few hours, four orfive hours, but she's on the mic,
she's on the movie that requires alot of but sleep for tomorrow.
You get them away. This inthe middle of the podcast for this weekend,
I read something. I read somethingthe other day. Man, it
hit hard and said, like,you got to eat your food as medicine
before you have to eat medicine forfood. Oh that's good. That's a
boss scared Jackie because you got earinfections, you got an ear eye throat.
You'll text to you, jack don'tworry about that. Say it against
it. I said. So,it's like you got to eat your food
as medicine before you have to eatmedicine for food. I'm confused me.
And take care of your body nowbefore you before you have such a bad
body because you neglected your nutrition,and now you have to take Like sayings
like that, it takes me awhile to process. Like there's a movie
called The Day After Tomorrow And yeah, when I was like six or seven,
the title of that movie was somind boggling to me. I was
like, okay, so today isMonday, day after Tomorrow. Yeah,
so sayings like that confusing. Areyou dyslexic? Yeah? See, that's
it. I think that's part ofit. Right. Probably yesterday somebody was
telling me the letter J and Ikept on saying the letter g Oh,
yeah, So I'm pretty sure I'mdyslexic reading the cheese man. Yeah,
when I read think or when likea listener, I'm getting a listener's information
and they say, like a certainletter, I mess up letters, so
I'm like, oh, maybe Iam dyslexic. Wow? Is this self
diagnosed? Yeah? Okay, youknow that's why I always mess up a
little undiagnosis or rap name. Yeah, hilarious. Yeah, well Jack,
we really do want you to getbetter, man. Honestly, it's not
about anything except like, we're alla family here and we just want you
to feel better. You know,I was. I was really thankful I
didn't give anybody COVID because I,like, I didn't come back very long
before I had to go back fromvacations. I was so thankful that nobody
got it. I got it obviously, probably in Paris, and then came
back and I was at work forwhat two days, and then I had
to go right kidding. It wasprobably a Disney. I think it was
at Disney, you know, wasDisney Paris, Garcia. It was really
really cool. I love it waybetter than this super cheaper Yeah. They
have this. They have this thingcalled Premiere Access. You get it right,
Yeah, you get it ride everysingle ride yeah once, and you
get cut. So it's not likefast pass or schedule it or nothing.
You just walk right up, goright on. That's the best. How
many to get in. You know, my wife would answer that she handled
the budgets, Garcia. I justI need American dolls. But it was
still cheaper for four of us withthe line cut and everything. It was
still cheaper than four of us hereby a mile. Wow. And honestly,
you Disneyland, like outside of hereis always better, dude. It's
so crazy how clean it was,how not dummy packed it was, you
know, like you come here,like if you can go here, even
like on a Wednesday or Thursday,it's still you're like body the body not
even question. Yeah, me too, I have a question, you know,
like out here, right, theyhave like tootle stands all over Disneyland.
Is there cheotle stands? No,there was only one and it drove
me nuts. And they're not evenreal tootles, because that's all I was
looking for. I'm like, Ineed a damn trueO. I need a
damn tootle because they have all kindsof like French stuff. So they have
like crap, they have waffles thatare fired with nutella and all kinds of
stuff. They have really good stuffthere, but it's French style. And
so I was searching for Trudeau andwhat they ended up having, we found
and they actually did level them upwith you would appreciate cruise is. They
were kind of like you know theBK chicken fries, Yeah, like the
longer and skinny. Yeah. Sothey put them like in a little cone
cup so you can get them juststraight like that, right, or like
then they put like whipped cream andthen chocolate sauce and all kinds of stuff
on it too, so you getlike a deluxe or irregular. But right
now, that sounds so good.Rides were dope, though the thunder Mountain
was better. Longer. People.People people are great, man. They're
from everywhere, like England. LikeSarah and I were talking to somebody when
we were lying for something and theydrove seven hours from England to go there.
Whoah yeah, wha what place hadbecause you visited a few different places,
right, what place had? Likethe most beautiful people? Paris?
Paris. Everybody's fucking good looking inParis. Honestly, that's stupid. All
the women are like they walk andwith no makeup, like no makeup.
Just man, that's cool with me, man, Yeah, And it's just
like it's funny because I could getI see my kids kind of breaking their
neck here and that ain't but they'reno, but they're very pretty and honestly,
like they get a really bad rapand lets you you can attest to
this too. Like a lot ofpeople over here be like, oh French
people hate Americans this that. No, they were the nicest people everybody.
He was great and honestly so superfriendly. If they see you trying and
you hit him with the or whateverand you're being cool and you're like you're
trying and you're polite. Bro,they're with the ships. If you're not
as whole, they're gonna treat youlike asshole. From my experiences out there,
from my experience out there, itwas like they're not like friendly friendly,
like they just say had everybody.But if someone from their circle introduces
you to this circle, they're solike, yeah, whatever you need.
It's almost like you need an endto the group. But it's love and
no they man, I remember everybodywas like you're from La. Oh my
god, we love La, welove we love it that. Yeah they
think Hollywood right movies. Dude,Desi Hollow rapper from Ocean Side. He
just hit a West Coast festival outthere, who's dressed up like Cholo's lowriders,
like they really love La Garcia.Did you see any women with like
Harry Pitts or no, No,that's a misnomber two. No, Harry
leg keeping hair. There was alot of really beautiful women and I didn't
notice any of that stuff at alltravel the World War than that that that
south Gate ten might be a Southgatesix after your visits. Probably a five.
Yeah, yeah, maybe even athree. Don't like a culture and
Lisbon had a lot of really prettywomen too broad. You're right, yeah,
yeah, I know what you know. Go find out what you deserve.
What were you saying? I saidLisbon had a lot of pretty women
as well. Man, it wasit was just nice. It was a
lot of fun and just to seedifferent stuff. And that's what I want
my kids to see as well.Man, get that experience. Don't be
scared, man, you want togo. Yeah, so like people I
grew up with them, Like thelove of your life is not from Southgate.
Wow. First of all, I'mnot here for the south day centers.
Just clarification. Shoutout with shout out, shout out city listen. I
was single, I'd be a passport, bro Bro, Yeah why not?
I think so, you know whatI'm saying. Yeah, yeah, I
don't know. I didn't want fromThailand or something something like you and Donald
Trump, Bro Ivanka. But Iwould recommend it to anybody. Man,
try saving money. Man, youdon't need more stuff. You don't need
more stuff. Go to me stuff, go see stuff and stuff buying stuff.
You don't need stuff. I likethat. That's the kind of attitude
we came back with because it's agreat experience. I'm really thankful for and
thank you guys for letting go.But yeah, diey that Paris if you
get a chance to go, becauseif you're a Disney head you appreciate all
the differences and stuff like that.It was. It was awesome, man,
it was really They got a ratitudewe ride. That ride was dope.
The ratitude rider was real sick.That's crazy. They have a you
appreciate a toy story, right,Yeah, So they have the RC Racing
car, Oh sick, and it'slike a big U and so it's one
of those ones not like a bigU. It's kind of like a J
on its side. So they launchyou up and then you fall back down.
Yeah, it's really fucking cool.Man, that was a really dope
ride. They have a turtle ridefrom Nemo. What's the turtle name,
Crush Crush? Yeah, man,an interactive one. Uh, they have
an interactive one here, Like it'sjust a show. This one is you
sit in a little turtle show andyou sit back to back. So we
sat back to back with the boysand it's a fastass roller coaster and you
spin so you don't know if you'regoing to fall forward or fall backwards.
My question is if Disneyland was createdin the United States, how come we
don't have that? Like? Whyare we being deprived because of certain rides?
Because we're man, no there,it's business. So you go to
those places because I come back andtalk about it. What do I do
make you want to go? Now? I want to go? Now you
want to go? So those littledifferences make you want to go? Can
you take a Greyhound to France?No? Let you be out there in
a little bit. You gotta sayhi to the homie Thomas. Oh yeah,
for sure, I'm gonna love Tomas. I'm gonna be out there September,
from that September to early October.Yeah. Two weeks. How many
times am I going to be doinga chief mans for two weeks? For
two weeks? Two weeks. He'sletting you know right now, you know,
right now, I'm going to gotwo weeks with my mom and my
sister. It's the first time goingto Europe. So I'm excited. Oh
they are going, Okay, cool, that's gonna be Yeah, Thomas is
excited. You're going, man,We talked about a lot of at lunch
Fromas's let's international connect. Now he'sthe guy that flew me out to DJ
out there, him and his friendsday the bat. That's right, you
got fluid, damn man. Definitelychanged my life. Yeah, show.
He showed me a bunch of picturesof you out there really yeah, DJ
and stuff. Yeah yeah, yeah, told you know Cap in my story?
Was it baby let you Yeah?Yeah yeah, bro prety crazy out
there. I remember my debut prettymuch. Yeah. They were pregaming at
seven pm. The club didn't starttill midnight. That's right, hours the
pregame. May I DJ for sixhours, did the marathon set, and
they still went to the after party. Who that's like at six am they
go to an after party, Yes, and they party till like until like
till noon the next day. Well, you don't need it. Tell,
you don't need tell eight or nine. It don't get dark till ten thirty.
I ate dinner like at nine thirtyand ten, A couple of different
nights. Yes, sir, outthere just with that. Yeah, it's
that's it's just different, different outthere. It's fun. I need to
take my own and just trouble theworld. Yo, that's crazy. Don't
say crazy. What in the world. And now that you know you have
vacation time, you don't have todie, you know, I mean,
there's an easier rage. I keptyou say, there has to be unless
you don't want to include Nico,then you have to die. But yeah,
Tomas is the best man. Ihate snails with him, which were
na. No, that's one thingI'm never doing. Dog You say that
now, but I promise you youshould go. We're not doing snails.
They really shout out Peaches, Imiss her. I'm not doing snails.
I'm not doing frog legs. I'mnot eating I'm not eating DearS, really
good bison, dear. None ofthat stuff's all good. That's actually really
good. Buffalo burgers are good.I guess you have a point. You're
stupid. You're so stupid man duringthis podcast. All right, So that's
a drop that Mike moment. Ireally don't want to talk about anything else
after we keep it going, Imean, any questions, but I do
ask you one hip hop question realquick, because we've been having fun talking
about all this hip hop stuff andgoing back and forth on the radio with
you know, who's the best millennialrapper? Who's this? Who's that?
Best female's best uh rapper? Turnactor? Who gave the best feature on
the hip hop song of all Time? Best feature? Damn? You know
it's a classic dog you know whatI mean. But like method Man's verse
on All I Need with Marry Jis crazy, bro crazy crazy Snoops verse
on Nothing but a g Thing wascrazy too. Damn. That's a hard
question. I think Kendrick's verse onDedication is just out of here with nip.
Yeah, it's a good one.I love kendricks feature on a future
song too. A lot of peoplethat don't like it, right that verse
got yeah, that verse like what'sthe one? Uh feelin bun joel like
bedro, Yeah, I gotta halorepresented at that Yeah, that's a great
one too. Yeah. I like, uh, pretty much anything Little Wayne
is featured on is always yeah right, Like he did the Jack Carlow remix,
murked it, Tyler the creator HighWind blows killed that ship too,
like he's always gold. Yeah.Tyler's verse on the game song mm hmm
wow, someone looking up please,it's the game. Well it's that that
that that that hard ass beat too, And Tyler says he was just messing
around with the beat. I thinkhe made the beat and he was like,
I just wanted to make Goblins Martiansversus Goblin. No, I don't
think so. Its Goblin. Yeahit's that Lil Wayne and Tyler the Creator.
I know the game and yeah it'sfeaturing Tyler creator and uh Little Wayne,
But like, why you Tyler's verseon that is just crazy. He
continues to be very underappreciated. Thattime's here on the West Coast. That's
why I'm got. He came outat the pop out, Nasty Nate,
come up here real quick, bestfeature, best features to get close to
the mic, bro, what Iwould have to say is eminem on a
renegade jay Z. Wow. Yeah, we were talking about that last weekodcast
song. Bro, that's a goodone because Big Sean went off on him's
new song too though. That's agood one. Yeah, we'll show for
sure you find the name of thesong. Is it hold On? It's
was it the Game? Where isit? Tyler song? Oh? I
think it's Tyler hold On, holdOn Tyler the Game? Give me one
second. It might have been hissong dog if it came out a few
years ago, So give me asecond, bro. Yeah, we gotta
talk about this on the air aswell. No, that ain't it.
That ain't it next episode. We'llget back next episode, you guys.
Bro give me a sack. That'sa cliffhanger. Bro, what a tease?
Tease? Yeah, yeah, I'llfind it. But it's yeah,
but you think about it, right, Like I remember when Luda used to
jump on a song. He usedto just instantly turn it up, it
went somewhere else and that was justalways very special. Yeah, for sure,
man. And you think about allthe CATLT songs with all those features
as well. That'll be fun totalk about on the air. So hey
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in addition to that, we putall our interviews on this particular podcast as
well, and there's some really greatstuff Common and Pete Rock, Don Tolliver,
Cali Uccies, Bob, I mean, it's just endless. Jackie and
I interviewed uh one of the youngwomen that stars in Under the Bridge on
Hulu. That's a really good interview. Eva Longoria. Cruz got stuck to
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