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And what's up is Mike aak killingMike. You're checking out the Cruise podcast.
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It is a Cruise show podcast.You got Jeff Garcia here along with Cruise
Jackie Ramires Leche is warming up hisfood so he will be here soon.
Jackie, you're eating on some saltain here, some salt and it's it's
a green salta. It has satanopeppers, garlic, green tomatoes, celanthrow
onions and dry spices. Spy biteat the end, right at the end.
But usually when it has that kindof cake, it's not worth it.
Man, this one's worth it.It tastes like my mom, which
makes me happy. Yeah. Sothat's the best part about here at the
station is there's always like free foodeverywhere. Yeah, which is also like
a gift and a curse because Iknow you guys are going through the weight
loss challenge. Yes now, moreon that in a quick second. But
doesn't it suck because yesterday it waswhat up though pizza Kev's spot, So
I didn't have any man. I'mvery proud of myself but also mad at
myself. I ate a half aslice of a pizza and then I threw
it away, which I felt reallybad about. I wanted slices so bad.
I realize that I can't eat processedfoods anymore that much because of the
weight loss challenge. Yeah, Like, if I eat something bad, my
body automatically tells me or I feellike I want to throw out same ye,
and then I feel guilty. Ifeel guilty. I feel fat for
doing it. Yeah, I feellike I say that because I'm fat.
It just like it just feels likebad on my body at this point.
So yeah, yeah, process foodsare tough. Man. Like I even
like with bagels because I have toeat a lot of bagels because ibs.
It kind of eases my stomach alittle bit. I started buying fresh ones,
you know, instead of instead oflike buying ones from the store,
because it's from the store the lastthree weeks. Yeah, and it's not
necessarily a good thing, like whereif you go to Western or Noah's or
whatever, like those are gonna lastyou a couple of days. Show got
a organic at that point, right, Yeah, yeah, right, I
mean because they're gonna go bad quickly, which is probably a good thing.
You know. You know what's crazyis most of our food here in the
United States is banned in a lotof countries, legal in other countries,
and here we are shoving it downour throats. We're barely making red dye
forty illegal, and meanwhile other partsin the world are just like we've had
that. Yeah, my poor kids, man, they don't Diana doesn't give
them all the fun cereals we grewup eating. Every once in a while,
She'll give him some lucky charms,you know, but it's fruitful ohs
and panda puffs and uh, they'revery healthy. No artificial flavor, you
know, colors or flavors or anyof that to me like special ca And
I was like, judge them,so is not that bad awesome? But
I grew up like eating fruit loopsand the same same exactly. You know
what, My new favorite snack isjust peanut butter and banana. Yeah,
it's so good. I need itall day. It's so good. Man,
fire, so fire, so fire. Do you to hand the banana
if it's big enough? Pause totry it? All? Right, let's
just back. You can hear hiscoke crack. I love back in the
building. I love like an obscenebanana, man, honestly, just because
I know that's like I really enjoyedthe taste of a banana a banana,
and if it's like a really largebanana, it excites me to pause,
to give me something, to giveyou something. Behind the scenes here in
the studio, we all have tolook away when crews eats a banana because
it's always something silly going on.It's not it's the way way, yeah,
it's the way you eat it.That's like makes everyone because I I
I go down on it, butlike I not go down on it like
that, but like from from thetop. Wow, there's no way out
of this conversation easy. I don'tbite it from the side like a lot
of people. A lot of menbreak it. I break it. People
break it. It's ridiculous. Justeat it. I mean I today,
you see, I sliced it withbana, with blueberries and strawberry. So
I do at home, I'll sliceit and like I'll add some some but
here, so why I put usthrough that here? There's no plate.
I don't have a knife. Ijust get to do it, man.
I I literally like just break itinto like six pieces. I do small
pieces. I don't even do likethe hat. Don't be scared to eat
a banana in public. Some peoplebreak it right and like kind of like
shake it in their hand like it'sdice, and then they eat it.
Make sure no one's looking, likeOkay, there's several ways I like to
eat the banana on cereal fire right, frosted flakes, or on a Pepium
jay sandwich slice. Yeah, justpeanut butter and banana. Yeah. Have
you ever put bacon in that banana? That's the Elvis joint? Oh?
Yeah, yeah, the banana badead and probably why this is probably why?
Right, So he would get breadand banana on both sides of the
bread. I'm sorry, peanut butter, then a couple of bananas to bananas,
baby, and then bacon in itand then close it with another slice
of bread and listen to it isso good if I bring you eat it,
man, I'm down. I'm down. I I I kind of want
to fry one too. I've hadthat before. Have you had it?
Yeah? It's basically like French toast, you know, like you do French
toast and then you put the banana, but peanut butter and banana lets you
sandwiches or to go to fron cansat a good protest about weekend because you
don't it helps with the cramping andstuff. Peanut butter full. Yeah.
Man, all right, so let'stalk about the weight lost challenge. We
are at week five, all right, so ready five of the Cruise Show
weight loss Challenge up for grabs onethousand dollars between Jackie and Cruz. I
have some results here. We cantalk about the results for this week.
Jackie went even all right, soshe lost no weight. She stayed maintained
her weight, which is actually apositive. At least she didn't gain.
So overall for the entire five weeks, she's lost zero percent, okay,
which is good, all right forthe five weeks, for week five,
for week week five, zero percentfor the five weeks. I for sure
lost the pound. Yeah, holdon, let me check. Let me
get that right. Let me getthat right. My bad. You for
sure lost the pound over the courseof the I lost like a pound and
a half. I think I'm afraidI'm gonna find it. She's been able
to maintain. It's important, andyou're building muscle, Jack, I've been
seeing your story building muscle you're workingout like crazy man, and you're toning
up, do you set your pantsfit better? Yeah? Like, so
I ordered these pants, the onesI'm currently wearing and the size that I
normally would buy them in prior tothe weight loss challenge, and and I
put them on today, I waslike, oh, like thee they feel
like loose. So I was like, oh my gosh, Like, wait,
that's encouraging, right, Yeah,it isn't, because I know there's
feel confident in the outfit that I'mwearying. There's been times where Jackie and
I have had conversations where she's justlike, yo, I'm over this shit.
Yeah, and I'm like, YEO, me too. I feel confident
in like the outfits that I'm choosingnow, So that's oh good good.
Yeah, it sucks, I meanthere's no I mean, listen, it
can be fun if you try yourbest to mentally make it that way.
But when you see wins like feelingbetter in your outfit and those kind of
things, that's eventually when you startto turn the tight. So I'm happy
for you. Jack Let's give Cruisesdetails here. He lost another three pounds
this week. That's amazing, Crusewait for an overall weight loss of let
me do the math here. Twelvepounds. Wow, twelve pounds already,
twelve pounds already. I don't seeit. I don't I see it.
I don't really feel it. Idon't. Yeah, maybe it's a body,
this form this formula. Maybe Idon't know even if that's how you
say it, morphia dysmorphia, butyeah, I don't. It's it's it's
tough, it's it's hard. It'sa mental thing too, you know.
I think they said that it takeslike about like ninety days for you to
make us to see a difference inyourself, because you literally look at yourself
every day. Absolutely, yeah,and I'm bored with myself. Yeah,
there's like something where I see alittle jaw line here and there, you
know what I'm saying. But that'sabout it. Yeah, my black T
shirt started to get tight, sothey're feeling they're you know, they're they're
fitting a little looser. So that'sthat's exciting. Thank you twelve pounds.
I mean, dude, I'm thankfulfor you because in the progress that you're
making because I know it's something thatyou've been wanting to do and you need
a motivation. So congrats to youas well. Man, you new jawline.
Who it is? Yeah, yeah, that's me. No, man,
You know, I've done a lotof thinking, especially on my long,
long walks. And I was prediabetic prior to this challenge, prior
to the beginning of this challenge,and it wasn't the first time I was
pre diabetic, and I was veryI was dangerously close. And it runs
crazy through both sides of my family, my mom and dad, you know.
So I just want to say thisthat in more ways than one,
this show has yet again saved mylife, and I appreciate it. Thank
you. That's good And at leastit didn't get to the worst point where
it had to be saved, right, like exactly, that's great as long
as that I'm not you know,I didn't want to have to reverse diabetes.
Yeah you know what I'm saying.Yeah, you don't have to get
to that point where you start fixingthings, because that really sucks. And
I was getting ready to head intothat direction and honestly thought to myself,
I have it happens, it happens, I'll get on medication. I'll be
fine. But is that right?That's not what I want for myself.
It looks like from what I lookedup, it takes about six to eight
weeks for you to notice a changein yourself on its way. So it's
on its way all right. Bynext week you're gonna be able to tell,
because it's already gonna be week six. Yeah, let's go. Yeah,
Well, congratulations to both you guysfor real, for real. Like
I know, it sucks because Ialways going no, no, no,
it's fun and you guys, what'sfun about it? When? When does
it start to be fun? ButI'm sorry, guys, I'm sorry,
but no, But I hope youguys, you know, continue to do
well and then at the end ofthis I think it's going to be all
for the better. Yeah, forsure, I agree. Thank you.
We talked about saving cruisements and youknow, you save my show, saving
yourself. Well, a lot ofpeople will say that Drake and Kendrick are
saving hip hop right now, right, And I think it's been an amazing
few weeks with all of these songs. I think we're going to see a
little lull in the action because ofthat shooting at Drake's place the other day.
Do y'all agree with that, Yes, I agree with you, right,
But would it be a cheap shotif Kendrick dropped another like another freestyle
and called it who's shatcha or somethinglike that, like over the with the
biggie, be with the biggie,be right? Or or would it be
classless of him to rop on rightnow and kicked Drake while he's down?
No, I was thinking about thisboxing or UFC. You know, yeah,
I was thinking about another possible scenario, like does like do you think
Kendrick if like, I don't know, because you know how when something like
some instances come up or like hey, you know with celebrities like hey,
I like, don't bully anybody,blah blah. Do you think Kendrick would
ever come out and say, like, yo, don't go be shooting people
if it like, if it's clearlynot him sending them people? Do you
think he would say that? Idon't know, because then how much streak
grid does he lose at that point? Yeah? I mean maybe if if
the security guard, god forbid,would have died from the gunshot wound or
from the wounds. Uh, he'sstill in critical condition. I think he's
in serious condition. Yeah, thenmaybe someone has to say something. There
was a rumor online too that universalwash. Yeah right, They were asking
Kendrick to apologize about calling him apedal if Drake agrees to you know,
him losing the battle, yeah memoor something because there, I mean,
allegedly worried about losing money, youknow. And quest Love says this battle
actually kills hip hop because it's allegationsand what's true, what's not. It's
petty and no one knows. It'snot really about skill now, it's just
about taking other yeah, just throwingeach other under the buck. I will
respectfully disagree because I think I thinkquest Love is amazing, but I think
you sound like an old head rightnow because they're doing it both ways.
Yes, they're being extremely petty andthey're digging on the internet. That's now.
We can't change that. That's theworld we live in now. But
they are doing it also very skillfully. Dude. It's not like Kendrick is
not you know, bringing the rhyme, you know what I mean. It's
not like he's bringing the lyrics.The skill set is there and the inflection
and all that, everything is therethat you would expect from a Kendrick joint
soul man. So what you knowwhat I mean, it's about you know,
him being pedal or him with youknow whatever. But like he's they're
taking this is the new battle.That's just is what it is. Yeah.
Yeah, And if you're making upstuff, there's there's like there's more
stuff to make up and more outlandersthings to make up. If we're making
up stuff, sure, so there'sgot to be some truth to it really
quick. Questlove told me one timethat him Jimmy Fallon were making fun of
radio guys posing in pictures and Iwas one of the guys they made fun
of. Oh yeah. He toldme that at this event that we Lechen
and I went to and I sawhim. He was djaying. It was
a women's march or something like that, and Lechen and I went out to
cover it and we're doing mornings.I saw quest Of and he was like,
yo, bro, He's like,that is you. He was like,
yo, don't take this the wrongway. But me and Jimmy Fallon
had like we were I think theywere a show. They were trying to
do something for the show or theywere trying to I don't know what they
were doing. But they were talkingabout how radio guys take pictures, and
he was like, you were oneof the guys. We's wrong with your
post. I don't know. Ithink he called like I think it like
some of my poses my arms arecrossed. He's like, that's the bouncer
look. And then I think,like my hands were always up and they
still are. So I was partof that lineup that was getting cleaned.
Say, there is a radio post. There is a radio post ever since
I joined radio. The radio.Yeah, there's the one like putting your
head. I do that. Yeah, we all do. There's a there's
a picture of us. I wassorry, we're not cool quest love and
I'm posing like a freaking guy.So and you know, like at first,
like a part of me was likekind of like not offended, but
like it's funny. I was likewhatever, but like I was like,
you know what, it's funny.It's all good. At least they're talking
about me. Yeah, that's true. On the radar, I'll take it.
And man, anyway, anytime you'reon Jimmy Fallon's radar, I'll take
it. Man, I'll take it. That's amazing, all right, So
we'll see what's next with Kendrick andKendrick and Drake, and we hope that
all the stands behave themselves, Ithink more importantly than anything else. Right,
Yeah, please, please please,You're not gonna get it out from
Kendrick or Drake if you do somethingstupid. Exactly, they don't care who
you are. Bro. I hateto tell you that they didn't even care
who we are. So let's talkabout the Dodgers last night, Jackie.
I want to give you some Ilove when you send us content behind the
scenes out there. If you don'tknow, Jackie and Meyer's hosts out at
the Dodgers in the Galaxy, uhand a few other places as well.
And last night it was Mexican HeritageNight. Loved the fit, Jackie or
Sparkling if you didn't blind anybody yesterday. No, I got a lot of
compliments on my ownfit. I feellike I should try more when I host.
So that was the reason. Goodfor you, amazing, We'll try
more. Yeah, that's great,always always, But you were able to
get us a group of fear methrown out the first pitch, which I
thought was amazing. Tell us alittle bit about being there and how that
went and then the love that theygot out there. Yeah, a Mexican
Heritage night is always lit. Imean like they have so many performances.
There was a banda out in centerfield from Sinaloa, so that was crazy.
It was really dope. It's it'scool to introduce the acts and performances.
There was a charter group of kids, so I think the youngest kid
was probably like five, and hewas doing rope tricks. Was cool.
And then a group of female wasthere throwing out the first pitch. How
they do it? Was it?One of them was Edwin that yeah,
it was just him. That washim. I thought like they would start
at the end, everybody passes theball and then the last guy throws all
we got a maximized time multiple firstpitches, and they multiple they do ye.
There was actually another first pitch sansaEstrada. H yeah, the boxes.
I had a pregame interview with hertoo. She is so dope,
looks so much like j Lo.It's crazy. She does without makeup right,
yeah, even with make up yeah, and then she had some glas
but she is super dope. Shewas born in Boyle Heights raised, so
super cool to see all that andjust the vibe at Dodger Stadium is just
so so awesome. I'll mix inheritage, you know, it would be
great too if they had people whoidentify as Latino, right, like,
like, like Jackie and I weretalking about this the other day. Leonardo
DiCaprio was born and raised in EastLA. Yeah, like, yo,
hit a Dodgers game, Like,well I am he was raising La all
day. Yeah, in the Jets. That's a good idea. Yeah.
So it's like, yo, youfrom there. You you know, it's
almost like you identify without taking fromwho you are, who you really are,
what your culture is, but you'reyou're immersed in this culture from from
day one, you know, Solike we should celebrate them too. Absolutely
well, jack great job as usual. Catch Jackie at Dodger games whenever you
can, and of course follower atI'm Jackie Ramirez, at the Cetto,
at Jay Cruise Show, at theSports Dude, at DJ Fuse, and
of course at Real ninety two threeLA and at the Cruise Show. We
thank you guys so much. Morepodcasts on the way. Please tap in
and check out all the interviews aswell. Lots of really good fun stuff
here. Great at the gym,great for your drives, great for your
walk the fact, and again,congratulations to both of you on the weight
loss challenge and the work that you'redoing. I'm glad you're feeling better bout
yourselves. Let's go. You areinspirational. Thanks as I'm meeting a chip.
What's awesome? Pay checking Rich fromthe Cruise Show. Thanks for listening
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