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They say, what's having man tI Peter King Good on the Cruise Show
tap into the number one afternoon showin l A from two to seven pm.
Man on Real ninety two three.What you know? I got that?
Church shout, Church said, wellsay so dang yo up playing man
wilds sit. I got a littlefor the game. But hey, I'm
not a little all the man stupidSeldy Junie know I would sell yall you
time. Ain't nobody hide as meeven if they wrapped their assoft plass off
and outstanding go out come on.Were in the club home getting our thugs
on bottles of controlling you wrong.Okay, we walk off in the Yeah
fall that in talking number levels andfor robbers and ab going telling you know
what, so fas hey what youwant to go through? This? She
got pe coming live from the VPheod tonight life brot like this. I
ain't watched that. We're in theneighborhood about where I'm standing. That conched
out what dow dow dow dow dowpyea cruise show back at it. That
intro is brought to you by DJFughes there in the corner. That's crazy
right. Wow, when you hearback to like Rubber band Man songs like
that, right, bring them out? Right? What do those songs feel
like to you? Because for usit's instant. It takes us back to
a moment when it first dropped.Yeah. I usually think about you know
when I recorded it. You knowwhere I was in life and physically,
you know what I mentally, mentallyand physically you know what I mean,
like like when the actual recording happened. But because all of these songs,
you know what I'm saying, theyjust snapshots of where I was, uh
in my journey, Yes, sir, Yes, sir. Some of those
songs were recorded during a time whereyour life was wild, yeah wow,
wild as fun? Yeah usually soyeah, you pick up journey, you
know, in this place of yourjourney, where you're in life. What
do you like to be a dress? Is it t I use a tip,
mister Harris. I've always been tipped, you know. I usually people
only call me t I like onstage, you know what I'm saying,
and I guess in a in aa professional setting, you know what I'm
saying. Personally, I've always beentipped. When you're in New York and
they say tip do they follow itwith a pause? What that? Oh?
Nah? They do out there dog, same ship here. We can't
talk about nothing without pause and everything. Yeah nah, I mean you know,
I don't really, I don't participatethe pause, don't apply proceeded pause
button broke it man t I ishere Man Long live O G Clay.
Yeah, rest in peace, that'syour man, definitely, God bless them
man, oh bless his family.Rest in piece of videos wild too Man's
animation? Yeah, what made yougo animation with it? Uh? Man?
I couldn't get the I couldn't getthe YB. You know what I'm
saying. Some things going on?Yeah, yeah, I felt like this
would be the most appropriate creative way. I like to bring the mart to
life. Yeah yeah yeah. Andthen you know, animation you can kind
of you can visually present everything thatthe artist is saying, you know what
I'm saying. So it made itmade the most sense for sure. You're
talking that talk on the song tooman? Was how is that a tough
process to record? You know,a lot of us we get to grieve
privately. You have to grieve onthe mic. Yeah, I mean,
you know what I'm saying I thinkthat at the time when the song came
up that you know, it wasfresh, it was fresh and uh sounds
like it. Yeah, And thatwas the only thing that I was that
I was really thinking about at thetime. So you know, it was
it was tough, but it wasit was easy. Yeah, it's easy
because it's there. Yeah, it'sin its raw form's right, right,
just spill it out. And Ithink that's the best form of art,
you know what I'm saying, whetherit's comedy music, actually you bring all
that. This is true there,right, this is true man, you've
done it all to you a comedianas well, bro, Yeah, I
mean yeah, except it you're acomedian man, you know, I think
you're a light as well, andto be a light you have to know
how to receive light as well.True, you feel me. And you're
up there on that stage man,by yourself doing it. You're not wrapping
your in another world, a worldthat you're creating for yourself. That's not
easy. Even here's in years ofyou on stage being a comedian. That's
got to be totally different. Itis. It is, it's definitely different
because you know, you walking upand it's you in this microphone, communicating
with a room full of people,and you have to find an ability to
relate, you know, something thatyou've gone through, that you're going through,
something that you and acknowledgement, youknow, some logi, some kind
of something that everybody else can relateto. And that's where the humor is.
With music, the thing that yourelate to is the song. You
know what I'm saying. You playthe song, they know the song,
You know the song, and thatis the relation. With comedy, you
have to actually find that thing.Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's
no beat behind you, right,you're talking and it's like, man,
you got to be comfortable with thatawkward silence, right, you have to
lay definitely who's texting us? Man? This Terrence J? Man? Terrence
J. Said, what's something that'smy god? Man? Remember him at
the BT, right, that's myman's all day? Man? Yeah,
man, But I think that it'sa it's a freedom and a piece with
comedy. Yeah, yeah, Ienjoy it a lot. Have you done?
Have you met a Heckler? Haveyou? Yeah? Several several several,
yeah, several. They want totry you because you're a rapper.
Now they're not People want to beheard, want to be heard. What
do you quate a heckler to inmusical terms? I mean, I don't
know. I think maybe a critic. I can't say, because the worlds
are so different, because when peoplehear your music, they're not yelling out
over the music, right, Butsometimes you got to remind a heckler like
yo, man from the trap firstmoment. I mean, whatever you say,
it has to be funny, youknow what I'm saying. You can't
escape the obligation of being funny justto address a heckler. You know,
even when you say something, ithas to be funny. Yeah, man,
you don't want to ruin You don'twant to ruin the moment for everyone
else besides the heckler, and thatperson is trying to do that to the
room and you trying to kill thevibe. Long Live O. G clay
Man. He had a stroke unfortunately, Yeah right, And does that make
you look at your own health?You know, the black and brown there
to go to the doctor. Idon't want to hear. I don't want
to hear the news that that maybe coming our way. There did I
go? I got a wife andshe you know what I'm saying, she
she keep me make it there.And you know every once or twice a
year in there just you get yourcolonoscopy. Yet no, I know neither
have I got to do it.That time is not enough of me.
It's always kind Now the doctor toldme fifty fifty. I was told thirty,
Garcia, what do you think forty? I got mine and I've had
two and you know it is whatit is. I know, you know
some people can't that the thought ofthat, you know happens. But and
I heard they could check your bloodnow for some yeah you can. You
can poop in a box. Youcan poop in a box and send it
poop in a box, yeah,and and and send it off that Amazon,
these technology man be a different way. Yeah, you know what saying
mean. We reduced the pooping ina box pieces Amazon. Right now,
you just got the old school technologyright now. This is it right here,
dog man, hands and feet arethe ultimate technology. Man, This
is it. I don't know,but what's something old school that you kind
of still do that even though wedo have different ways to do things,
you still operate. Do you putwater shampoo bottle and shake it just to
get that bit more. Nah,I don't. I still do that,
I think, Uh, man,I still put my code in the phone.
I don't use the face. Ohyeah, I still push the code
in the old fashioned way. Isyour phone on ringer or vibrate? Vibrate?
Okay, all right, that's right. Is there fear with the face?
Id? I just don't who iswatching? I don't want to.
I don't. I don't. Idon't want to get that fall into the
future, know, I feel Ifeel your your I G page says it's
ran by management on the way,Man, No I did. I I
volunteerly opted out. Man, Idon't think you know, social media ain't
the place for well, for me, I'll say, I just think that.
I think it's a cis pool ofopinions, you know what I mean,
And certain strangers I don't think shouldhave access. I just I don't
think I should be hearing what they'resaying. And I don't think, you
know, they should have access toeverything I'm saying. Is it a way
to protect yourself energy? I mean, man, most of the stuff out
there is none of our business.Yeah, that's it's a it's a it's
a way to fill my day withpurpose, you know what I'm saying,
and not just falling too uh,just some some belligerents like just like dead
scrolling and all of a sudden,yea, three hours you're scrolling crazy.
I see people just doing this,just scrolling and I'm like, yo,
bro, what are you doing?You know what I mean? Oh shit,
nothing, you know what I mean. I just don't want to be
like that. You know. Youthink back to some family drama that you
had as a kid with your family, right and that was very private.
Right now, a lot of thefamily drama is in front of everyone.
Damn Internet, vera for everyone getsto be referenced, vera. For the
people in everybody business. People justtoo deep in everybody business. And it's
terrible. It's terrible, man,you know, because everybody business ain't everybody
business. And there's a reason forthat. There's a reason for that.
Yeah. Yeah. I also doappreciate the way you're you're you're a little
tough with your sons to be withmine, because I think I may be
too soft for my kids real Yeah, so I think I just have to
kind of toughen up without, youknow, without being a They don't want
to be as tough as my dad. Right, they go home and kick
their ass to Jay. They've donesomething, right, They've done something you
hear me. Gentle parenting. Yeah, well that's cool, that's cool.
I mean, I got a model. You're gonna kick their or they gonna
kick yours. That's a fact.That's a fact. But nah, man,
I got good kids. Man,I'm blessed. I'm blessed and fortunate.
You know, thank you, thankyou. We want as well.
Yeah, man, we look atwhat my sperm can do. Your sperm,
Man, they getting tracks, Yourswimmers are getting tracks. I'm telling
you, man, THEMANI is outof here. Yeah. He dope,
he dope. Man. You sawit in him early, h I mean
his sound. I began to seeit. He you know, once he
started working on it and dedicated himselfto the challenge of change, you know
what I mean, he evolved andyeah, and once once he began to
evolve, I started to see it. That's rights project man, last of
the EP out now Man, absolutely, man, he just uh, he
just continued to shot the world,at least shot me with how elevated his
talent and his consciousness has become verysmart. Man. I think of like
the pressure that you know, beingthe son of yourself that you know,
No, I mean, I'm sureit does. But I be thinking about
the pressure of being poor, Iknow, you know what I'm saying,
Like, that's the pressure I'm thinkingabout. And I think that, you
know, if you have to chooseone or the other, I think the
pressure of having a famous parent isbetter. Yeah. If I had to
choose, I choose to because Iwas born that sack, you know what
I'm saying. No, I wantto go back to that, you know,
getting food from the church, yeah, man, mean or not getting
food at all, you know,at all. I remember as a kid,
I went into the friends that wasnothing. Man, A fly flew
out, damn, And I toldmy mom I'm hungry, She said me
too. Hurt my heart, man, And going to the pond shop of
my mom, she's telling her weddingring and her necklaces so she can get
us a burger. Damn. Itwas fake jewelry. But still she got
a few months out of it.Man, eating is eating, eating is
eating, man and all the menu. I think God for it. Yeah,
I think that when we when youlive through days and times like that,
it's just hard to give the properamount of empathy to those types of
matters. It's just hard, bro. I mean, and I'm sure that
it exists. I'm sure they havetheir their levels of challenges to overcome,
and I'm aware of it. ButI just don't. I can't. I
can't understand it as much as Iunderstand how much we had to overcome being
poor. You know. So that'sa struggle. Are hurdles, man,
that not a lot of people unlessyou're in it, you understand, right.
If you're not in it, youdon't get it. You know what
I'm saying. Money don't matter untilyou don't have it. Man, That's
so true, Man, so true. T I is here man long live
O g Clay on all digital streamingplatforms really quick. Going back to bring
them out, Swiss Beats brings youbring them out with the jay Z sample
and are you instantly in or youlike, I don't know, man,
you're a competitor, nah, Ijust didn't. My main thing was I
was asking Swiss head JA like approvedthe use of that sample? You know?
That was my main concern. Ididn't want to be out here just
using somebody's voice with that hole wasdropping hits at that time as well.
Yeah, absolutely, yeah, absolutely, so it didn't make a lot of
sense. Yeah, and then itjust it just went off and it did
and then you stepped in there anddid your thing and that was it.
Hey yeah, man, hey man, thanks to thanks to Swiss Cret Camman,
you know, and the team thatkind of let me know that that
was that was the record to do. Yeah, he's a DJ, right,
so when you're in there, isit like, are we producing the
record? Is it's a club?It's got to be wild. I mean
it was instant energy. Yeah,definitely instant energy. Yeah, and it
was way different from any other recordthat I had done and released at the
time. It was a blessing tobe able to be a part of it
in Swiss Beats and for are theyproducers that can say, maybe right,
you know, write the verse again, I need to give it to me
one more time. Yeah, Ilisten. I mean, I think the
person who made who's had me rightversus more is probably doctor Dre. Probably
Dra is probably the one who haspushed me more than any other producer.
Yeah, I've heard about that.Yeah, when he just pushes and pushes
until you know, you're exhausted,but there it is. He finds it.
Yeah. I think Drake dra hasa he has an ear where he
hears something in his head and that'sjust the way that he wants to hear
it, and is is your jobto find out what that is. So
you're on detox, I mean,no comment, no comment. What's up?
Jack? You know when you yousaid when you're a kid, you
always knew that you wanted to bein some form of some form of entertainment.
You wrote it down. You knewthat this was going to be your
life. Do you still practice thattype of like manifestation of like believe in
it in that sense? Yeah?I think, you know, I believe
I do. You know. Ithink that it's important, you know what
I'm saying, because the thoughts thatyou have have become your reality. And
you know, I just try tostay positive and and see the things that
I want for myself and my familyand my children. But most of the
things that I want now for mychildren. Yeah, that's what it's about
at the end of the day.That's right, man. You know last
time, well was it last timeI was here? And he told us
that, uh, that tiny washeshim down in the show. How do
you feel about that, Jackie?Are you doing that for Nico? No,
I'm not doing Come on, man, I love your man. Why
man, she bathes him? Great? We should all be so lucky.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, man, I think, I mean
we bathe each other, that's right. Yeah, you got to Yeah.
Is that the key to a happymarriage? I think is uh constantly touching
each other. Much of the keyson Janitor's key chains, that's a ball.
Mother's Day is coming up a messageto the moms out there into the
wife. Man. We wouldn't behere with at you. You know,
you guys are definitely the centerpiece ofour happiness in our lives, and we
appreciate you. Kendrick versus straight goodfor hip hop, back for hip hop.
I mean, I think everything it'sfun for spectators, right, Yeah,
I think everything is there's there's dopeand of a superlative skill set.
It's gonna be it's gonna push thebar. Yeah, I mean, it's
gonna push the bar for expectations.So yeah, I think it's good.
Man shot the killer Mic as well. Absolutely, that's our guy. Yea
contained at the Grammys. Yeah,winning I was very proud of him.
I was proud of him for winningthose those three Grammys. That was dope.
But then I was extremely upset withhim because he he he had he
violated my intellectual property seeing to awardshows and getting arrested. That's what I
do. So you kind of watchingyou messed up there. You need to
stay out of that. When yousaw that, you were like, oh,
yeah, okay, I'm trying todo my thoughts, be original,
get your own ship here in thisspace and in the creative space. The
hard important is it to be original? Well, it's not if you're honest
with yourself, saying if you're honestwith yourself and you know you you you
have genuine thoughts, genuine ideas,and it's coming from a genuine place.
All you got to do is followthat. I feel I feel like a
lot of people don't, and that'swhy they need those challenges as to why
they're not blowing up or why istheir music not being received because they're trying
to be something they're not. Yeah, some people just aren't good. It
is what it is. Yeah,right, be sure, you ain't gonna
never be good if you don't realizeat some point you're not. You don't
think you can practice to be goodthough, yes, but if you think
you are ready good, you ain'tgonna see a need to practice. That's
a fact, a delusion, justbeing delusional. And then no one is
telling you if you got if there'syou know, if no one is saying
something to you, and wrong,if people are saying something to you and
you're not listening, because at somepoint, you know, of course,
you know, you have to goyour own way, and you have to
you know, follow your heart andbelieve in yourself. And then sometimes you
need to listen. If everybody,if you hear more than three people say
you're drunk at a party, youshould lay down. You're drunk, you
know, for real, three peopleare saying you're whacky. Maybe listen,
you know, come on, man, you say that. Has there ever
been a situation where you wish youwould have listened? I mean several,
you know, several, But Ithink God, all things, man contribute
to the journey. I agree,everything you know, it all leads to
us winding up exactly what we're supposedto be. Yeah, yeah, it's
all happening for us, that's right. Yeah, man, you know,
talk. We all know that youand nep had a tight relationship, a
strong friendship. Is there anything thathe said to you that you carry with
you day to day? I think, I think, man, you know
our conversations about leadership, ownership,equity, and I mean, yeah,
definitely, you know the books thatwe've exchanged to read. But I think
that being a part of the growthin our communities. You know, there's
definitely something that you know that weshare and I think that that's something I
take with me and whole. Youknow, I hold I hold it close
to the close to heart because Iknow that was his intention. So for
me to still be here and beable to do it, you know,
it's important and it's meaningful. It'sa blessing too. It is long living
as well. Man all day?Did you watch the greatest Roast of all
time? Tom Brady? Yeah,watched, watched all three hours. You
got it, you got three hoursto Sparrow was working. Yeah, I
was me and my old lady.It was just you know, it was
just chilling and uh and watching itand it was it was It was crucial.
Man. Kevin Hard is just thegenius, right, But that Nicky
Glazier is wild. Yeah she is. Wow you look and grunk grunk wow
yo that it was something else?Yeah, man, I mean smashing a
shot glass on stage. I wasjust like, that's when three people need
to tell him he's drunk? Right? Could could you roast someone? I
mean, I know you've done ithere in there, but like, could
you could you sit there and getroasted? I wouldn't sit the hell dog.
I wouldn't. That's bad for mymental health. Nah, I wouldn't.
But at the same time, Idon't. I mean, bro,
I don't enjoy like sitting up andjust like finding negative things to say about
people if we're in conversation at onething. But I don't want that to
be the purpose of an event.For me to show up and just say,
you know, hateful things about somebody. I don't really want to do
that. I feel I've been askedto do it. I don't really want
to do it. I mean,you know, I say something, but
I like, I participated in thein the Snoop Dogg roast, but we
did I did. I want adifferent direction. You know, I roasted
to people who was roasting smart Smart. I'm just gonna go this way.
Well, we're gonna roast lectures.So let's get ready. Stuff Friddy.
I know it's a few months out, but what are we doing for our
birthdays? Because we share the samebirthday? What we're doing? Hey,
man, I'm going to Europe withmy mom and my sister Joy. Okay,
we're gonna go to Paris, London. Answer that, Madrid, Barcelon.
That's gonna be Mexican. I'm thinkingSandra Pei. Man, you know,
I mean, you know something likethat. Za Nah, man,
ain't smoking, Ain't no smoking inBodley. I did Turks last year.
Wow, you've been to Dubai.I can't smoke in Dubai. I heard
what's been your favorite birthday? Like? You know, man, I love
a man. It's a blessing.It's a blessing to be here. Every
last Last year was a dope one. Last year was a dope woman.
Fortieth was a dope. I mean, I mean I enjoy all Yeah,
that's what the other ones you can'tremember? Yeah right, Okay, what's
been the most expensive? Mm hmmget more and more expensive? Man,
never more expensive? Yeah, yeah, well that's a good problem to have.
I mean, it's all right,it's a blessing, a blessed until
the accountant calls. Yeah. Nowmaybe the accountant said it was cool.
There was much of her. Man, I mean I have I have a
rich wife. She does work veryhard. Yeah, lucky bastard, you
got a manifest man, I wantto rich if I wanted to crazy.
Yeah. The problem is already havea wife. She's not rich. But
we're hanging in there. Maybe shouldmaybe it should leave. You have a
rich husband, I'll take some ofhis money. Man, that's a manifestation.
That's right, that's right. Yougotta get it one WINDG Live O
G Clay on all digital stream platforms. Man, tip Man, we gotta
thank you for your time. Man, thank you interviewing you from the jump
Dog and it's always been a pleasure. Amen. Ain't numbers in love?
Bro? Come on alright you did? Hey checking rich for the Cruise Show.
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