Episode Transcript
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We're listening to the downbeat on ninetyseven to one the Freak. At first
I was pitching, kept thinking Ididn't live without you, Obama. This
is ken answer return cuts from hoursyesterday. No Kevin. Today is me
and Danny and JJ are holding itdown today and tomorrow. We're both off
Friday and Monday. I think Pugsand Company are going to be in here
Friday and Monday. They'll hold itdown day. We love them boys.
I'd love to say that Kevin willsurvive this flight, but I'm just not
sure. Oh we got three hoursleft. I mean, I'll say they're
so far, so good on AmericanAirlines flight one. You ever a cross
reference to flight number in your headwith like that sounds alright, yeah,
but like you try to say inyour head, like will that be some
that won't be That's not a goodnumber that everyone remembers forever. That's not
a good Uh, it's not agood headline number. Yeah exactly. Yeah,
But doesn't the event make the number? It does? It's kind of
like I know, but I stilltry to check it, Yeah, cross
check it in my head. Doesn'tthe the actual output of a band make
justify their name? Because at anylevel, the Beatles is a terrible name
for a band when you change thespelling even but yeah, not as wonders.
Two hours, thirty seven minutes tillhe gets there, So six seven
eight, that's right at nine o'clockor so. So if you're a he's
gonna make it. If you're aEuropean freak listener and just love the downbeat,
yeah, we're giving you information thatyou can show up at the Barcelona
airport with maybe some welcoming signs forKevio and his like. If you've already
made signs or made pictures of Roxanneand uh and Kevin out of macaroni on
a paper plate, and you're atthe airport, we'll have two hours and
thirty six minutes before they get there. But if you haven't considered this,
this could be a call to action. You've got plenty of time to get
there. Yeah, if you're aBarcelona fan fan of ninety seven won the
Freak, it's time to get tothe airport. Sweet Kevin's gonna make it.
I believe in him, but he'sgone till next Thursday. I'm going
to Las Vegas on tomorrow afternoon.We'll open that can of tu to tomorrow,
right, Yes, yeah, becauseI am working myself into a TIS.
I'm very pumped up for my adventures. So you haven't even really disclosed
much about the main reason you're going. People have the connotation when they think
of you, and then you saythat you're going to Las Vegas that in
their minds. Yeah, the onlyreason is to just be a debaucherous sloth
and pump money onto a green table. Yeah, with a mountain of cocaine
and me sweating with my comb over, my flower shirt on buttoned half way
and comb over and a chain,a chain and orange tinted glasses, just
screaming. I like that. Iwish I was that guy. I'm not
that guy. The reality is somethingcompletely different and I can't walk for sure
about that. But that's not themain reason. You've got bigger You got
your sights on bigger events, andI think it's really cool and I cannot
wait for the report, dude,next week, the report back from vacation
tales between you and Kevo. It'sgonna be off the chaps. Yeah,
yeah, it's gonna be fun.Yeah, we'll talk about that tomorrow coming
up in here. In just asecond, we'll have the most important thing
in the world. But before that, you have a big day. The
little boy of our station, youngMalcolm. Yeah, you told me this.
You're like, Malcolm's got something scheduledtoday. It's funny, It is
kind of funny. So he's myyoung toddler who just turned three in March.
He possesses boundless energy and trying tofind ways to channel that energy.
And last night his mom texted mesays, we can try this for free
tomorrow and if he likes it andit helps, it's only twenty five dollars
a class for a month. Weneed to do something to keep him calm.
Yeah, and I look at thescreenshot and it says Tiny Champions Intro
class ages three to four. Ourkids' martial arts programs help your child in
many ways. They'll benefit from physicalactivity, but martial arts offers so much
more discipline, confidence, focus,and leadership skills. So today, at
three point thirty, I will betaking my young child to his first toddler
karate class. It's called Tiny Champions, Tiny Champions, and he will be
well on his way within probably ayear or two to receiving his honorary Elvis
Presley black belt, tell me ablack belt by by the time it hits
one hundred degrees rip or ball sack. No, that I gave up the
ghost on that a long time ago, because I've told you guys, at
every elbow, knee or shoot afoot has broad laser guided trajectories that are
all aimed at my mid section atall times. Dolly thinks about how to
destroy this area. Yeah, becausethat gets a reaction. Oh yeah,
it does so three o'clock today,yea a little GHI probably on day one,
I don't will be a gee.Right, that's a free one off
class. But if you sign upand you start getting the stuff, I
think the best way to approach thisis we we look at the at Day
one is more of a a reconmission. It's it's we're doing surveillance because
I know it's going to happen.He's We're gonna walk in there and he's
gonna No, I want to gohome. I don't. I don't want
this, I think so. Yeah, because of the structure of it.
No, because it's not his idea. Really, he's the most willful child
that I've ever been around in mylife. And if he doesn't do it
himself. If it's not his idea, then it sucks. Like if you
play, he'll ask for juice,and if you hand it to him,
he doesn't want that. He wantsit sat down and he will come get
it himself. No, no,Malcolm, get it all right, dude?
Here, not there here? Okay, how's that? He's like?
The the the amount of independence thatthis child is exhibiting at such an early
age is mind blowing. I guessthat's good. But it is so he
is, for he is forming whothe hell he is as a human right
now with that. Oh and yeah, and you know what, I blame
it on good You know what,I blame it on modern parenting because when
I was a kid, you justget the back of a and and you
do it the way you were toldto do it. And now you kind
of give your kids the freedom tobe self realized, you know, develop
their personalities, and you kind ofjust shepherd them and not try to kill
their spirit. Obviously there's consequences toyour actions, their cause and effect.
You try to implore those you know, principles as best you can. But
it's not like it was when wewere kids, you know, growing up
in the seventies, you did whatyour parents told you to do. You
did what your parents wanted to do. You didn't have a voice, You
weren't able to express emotion safely.You know, you were if you had
if you were if you were sad, you were told to stop crying.
If you were angry, that wasn'tokay. And because I say so,
yeah, that's the reason, theentire reason, and it's kind of irrefutable.
Yeah, because I told you to. And then what little kids do
is they realize that there's no outletfor this, so just to keep the
peace with their folks, they stuffthat stuff down and then it manifests with
I don't know, thirty five yearsof therapy later in life. And it's
true, I really do believe that. Yeah, it's amazing how formidable even
now these years are. And yes, you're right, the threat of getting
the size thirteen boat shoe on mybottom with my primary reason for living,
Yeah, to avoid this at allcosts. So sure, I'll do it,
and I'll take the juice from there. Then thank you, right,
instead of no, Mikey gets thejuice. What huh? It's not the
way the world works, man,does he like action movies he likes Panda
or anything like seen Kung Fu PandaAction. No, he doesn't like big
loud explosions, or he doesn't likebad karate might No, not yet,
so he does even know what karateis. He likes playing really rough okay,
and wants to wrestle and all thatstuff, and he's pretty reckless.
He can't be you could be akarate champion. I kind of probably have
to explain to him what karate is. First. He's gonna walk into this
thing and see these Just show acouple Elvis gifts, and I'll him understand
what he could possibly grow into be. I'll have him watch the Elvis the
Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite special andyou can see some really awful karate.
Then just have him to do karatefor like three weeks. He'll get his
black belt, and then we'll sendhim to Kevin's house and he can just
he can demo Kevin's cardboard home withkicks, with his kicks and punches and
just raise that thing to the ground. I will tell you this. I
have seen little kids that are goingthrough the karate program and they've been through
it for like several years and they'rehanding out belts like their skittles. Right,
I'm watching these kids. You're you'rea brown how Yeah? How are
you? Dude? It's a businessand it's just like these phone games you
play right where it's like you playand it's like then they eventually ask you
for a dollar and look at allthe coins you unlock. I mean it's
essentially the same model as that.Now. I'm not minimizing martial arts to
that level. I really, Despitewhat I say about Bruce Lee, I
do respect martial arts and I thinkthey're great for development and self defense and
all confidence and all this. Godforbid. Yeah, self defense for women.
I love it. But the formatof it is, yeah, look,
you're only three weeks away from theyellow belt. Just stick around till
then. Yeah, and it's danglingcarrots in front of you with timelines,
and that's just a human nature thingthat gets you to want to stick around.
And then, yes, it isstill a business where you are then
there for another month. You're like, well, I got an orange belt.
Now, who's scared of the orangebelt? No, I can get
that next color. So it's agood formula that works. Yeah, And
I think it's mainly at the kidlevel that that that dynamic is in place.
Yeah, because I'm sure like onceyou get to advanced adults and you
will look, I want to legitbe a second degree black belt or whatever
that's your objective. I'm sure thecriteria is incredibly dude. I'm a friend
of mine who does a kto andhe is a multiple degree black belt and
he would whoop my a so quicklyand he's way smaller than me. But
it's all about manipulation, joint manipulationand you know, sort of suppressing your
opponent anticipation. Yes, and it'snot a movie kick high kicks and all
this. There's none of that.I don't think in ikedo it is.
It is just sort of defense basedand it's fascinating. I've had him show
me stuff. We're you're joining shoulderand stuff, and yes, you can
whoop me so bad. So yes, it is. I respect it.
But for little kids, I thinkit might just be a money ground.
What if there's the serious level oflittle kids it's martial arts, it's got
to be that too, you know, when they're five, six seven,
I don't know, really little badasses. I don't know what they're doing over
a tiny champions. I have afeeling it's get daddy to buy the key
and buy this next belt. We'llsee what happened, and Daddy will happily
write the check. Yeah. Yeah, If little Malkie is tired when he
comes home, yes, that isan investment in our future. You better
have some sweaty, stinky feet whenyou get home and be ready for a
nap, little bit. I'm readyfor the most important thing in the world,
all right? All right? Sponsored? I mean nope, nope,
it's sponsored by Toddler Karate Champion,Build build a Champion Today. I pulled
where is it today? Okay,I pulled this audio last night and I
wanted to play it and we'll explainwhat you're hearing on the other side.
Uh uh uh uh uh Elephant downthe road, Oh my god, oh
my god. Only in the circuselephant got loose. Where are you going?
Where are you going for? Andhe's darn, where are you going?
Friend? All right? I don'tsupport cigarettes smoking. Put the laughs
that it is provided for us bythe very beginning of that just she says
that funny, and then a greatsig laugh elephant down the road. Oh
my god, I can hear itin the Oh my god, only in
but the circus elephant got loose.That's so good and friend all right.
So that is audio from a videothat a woman shot sitting in her car
in Butte Montana. The streets,the city streets of Butte Montana. She's
saying, Perry appears to be atraffic light. And on the video you
see a giant elephant just going fora leisurely stroll through an intersection. Yesterday,
yesterday, And what had happened wasthis was a circus elephant. There
was a traveling circus in town,and they were giving this elephant a bath
outside of a big ass tent,and it got spooked by the backfire of
an automobile and briefly escaped. Inother words, he jumped here at the
backfire and said, you know whatf this, I'm getting away from the
circus. I'm going downtown. Thisvideo is so funny because this elephant has
real, no real sense of urgencyor purpose. He's just taken in the
sights of beautiful downtown Butte Montana.Viola is the elephant's name. Let's see
the Peta the Animal Well Welfare GroupYes, identified the elephant as Viola or
is it wa La Yeah, saidthat she's escaped her confines at least twice
before in twenty ten, in twentyfourteen, and they described this elephant as
elderly, and as we well know, the elderly tend to wander off and
maybe not exactly know why they're there, where they were originally going, or
how to get back. Just onthe move. Just Oscar, Mike,
there's a picture of Viola womping downthe road right toward a casino. Right,
boy, that's gonna be me inseventy two hours. Viola sroy giant
giant beast lumbering toward a casino.Yeah, Viola, I mean this is
you're seeing the same picture I am. Then, right, Okay, So
this wash the traveling circus is calledJordan World Circus and they didn't respond to
a request at the time, butapparently the elephant was only on the streets
for a short amount of time,maybe a couple of blocks, maybe two
or three blocks, and then circusstep. You see one guy on the
video. I don't know if you'veseen the video yet, but one guy
kind of like quickly walking by theelephant trying to get hey, Viola back
here. Yeah, he's got theelephant stick with him, right, which
who knows what that work. Yeah, so they ended up loading the elephant
back onto a trailer and it tookabout maybe twenty minutes the whole ordeal.
Yeah, no trampling, no nodamage, no injuries. But the picture
of the determined elephant, it's walkingtowards two buildings. One of them says
hardwood, window coverings, tile andcarpet. And so unless Viola is doing
a little bit of a maybe doinga kitchen remodel, I think the only
the only destination for Viola is thewhat is the name of this Montana Lee's
Casino, Montana Lill's Montana Lill's Casino. They do have the Lusist slots in
butte it appears, is that whatit says? Yeah, so I can
see why one hand on black JackBiela, that's all you got time for
before they load you back onto thetruck, which you can know. Look,
I is Viola. Is Viola happywhere she is in the circus And
it's a larger discussion. We probablydon't have time to get into that,
but I kind of wanted to,but I felt like, if we don't
have enough time covering this, thisone story, that'd be a bigger discussion.
Would Would the elephant be happier inthe wild? You know, No,
our animal is happier in the zoo. Are they happy in the zoo?
Brought to you in a bucket,laid on a plate? And you
know, isn't the basis of animalexistence? Food? Have you met my
dog? That's all she cares about. Reproduction? I mean that's sort of
the baseline stuff. So you gotall that covered, and that all you
want, a roof over your head, a nice warm blanket, some snacks
and and what another thing? Reproduction? Right, But then you see him
in the zoo and you're like,that's so sad. You know, poor
poor fella trapped in these confines.I don't know what the answer is rome
free. It's like, well,if you're off her room free, I
might get killed in second. Nowyou are animals. You're the largest land
animal on Earth, I believe,the African elephant yep, and the least
susceptible. Yeah, they're they're biggestpredators man, without question, yea,
even in the wild. Yeah,they're still hunted. But I don't know.
I had Viola not gotten spooked bythe car, maybe she would have
just stayed where she was, ButI don't know. To me, she
looks like she's having a nice time. Can you imagine, though, just
sitting at a street light downtown Dallas, all right, and then you just
kind of put it in reverse andlet off the break a little and start
easing back. Okay, do youalways see the elephant like just slowly sitting
down on the hood of a car, Like that's one of the tricks,
the circus elephant. It sits onthat little pedestal. Yeah, your Volvo
is totaled because of Viola's butt.You ever an elephant? Yeah? I
have, actually have you. Idon't even know where, but yes,
I have, little kid, itwas some type of Safari zoo trip when
I was little, and you climbup a little stoop. Did your elephant
have to evacuate its bladder? Ittook fifteen minutes. It's just high pressure,
oh god, and it was longand loud and stunk all to be
damned. It is traumatic. Theelephant take a deuce in front of you,
Like, my god, is thatthe size of a small human.
Yeah the Deuce. Yes, well, we wish you the very best getting
back to that circus, all thepeanuts you could ever imagine. We are
safe. Viola has been captured andreturned to her family and friends. All
Right, we got sports. Wedo have sports, and we actually had
a little breaker within the last tenminutes or so. We have big news
in the sexual assault lawsuit against cowboyQB Dak Prescott. I'll kick things off
next in Sports at seven right hereon ninety seven to one. The Freak