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This is a downbeat on ninety sevento one. The Freak got An author
Don Van Natta Junior com of eightto ten. He's writing the new Jerry
Jones book, the best in thebusiness at writing those big, long piece
informative articles kind of undercover reporting alittle bit in a way as well.
He's outstanding. I think this morningNews eight thirty and fun audio from yesterday
at nine. Good lord, buckleup for nine am for right now,
it's time for a seconds brought toby advanced tereir restoration. It is the
scuttle butt, my Kevin. Staringat the sun for as little as five
seconds can damage the eyes. Evenlonger can make the damage permanent. If
you are experiencing this today, distortion, dark spots, no good, loss
of sharpness, No, I thinkI'm good. Then you have solar retinopathy.
Oh there's no treatment, no treatmentfor the high damage that's caused by
the sun. You just hope thatit repairs itself. Your receptors can get
burned. Sixty seconds, though,is where they kind of say, that's
where the permanent damage sits in.If you're at five, it might just
be kind of if you stare atthe sun for sixty seconds is a bad
idea, you're saying, of coursewe all know that, but sixty seconds
total, maybe I don't know.We all saw a little bit of the
sun without our goggles on yesterday,our glasses on yesterday. Whether it's whether
it's just leaving it on or justwe holded it for a for a second.
No one was perfect when it cameto that. No, that's true.
I did what I would. Iwould take them off, and then
I would hand cover the sun andI would check the cloud stitch in coming.
Because I was like, all right, I want to make sure,
hopefully I'm not think I doesn't doanything, make sure that was gonna be
a clear spot. How many dingdongs pulled this move? Hello? Put
the put the eclipse glasses over thelens of your camera and tried to take
a picture of the sun. Ididn't take one picture, So I'm like,
the world has this covered? Hadthat come out? No? Dice?
Yeah you couldn't tell. I meanit just looked like a fiery circle
that was masked by a thick darklens. Those glasses are something, huh,
pretty crazy. It walks out everythingbut the sun. Yeah, yeah,
but I mean, when I'm lookingat it and the cloud covered it,
it disappears. Yeah, like they'rejust that was insane, very impressive,
little cheap glasses. But now weall have them, and I'm playing
on kind of just keeping an eyeon the sun now in the days that
follow, just to see what happens. Yeah, because no one. I
mean, look what eighty percent ofpeople are looking up there yesterday today,
no one. No one is lookingat the sun. Sisly who knows what
the sun is actually up to unlessthere's a major event. That's why I'd
like to take that helm. I'mgonna keep keep an eye on the sun.
Can you give us like daily sunupdates? Yes? I can.
Okay, the sun by the day, it's closer and closer to taking us
over. Mm wait what global warmingtalk? Okay on your home of global
warming talk? Nice that it alwaysgoes over? Well, right, does
it? Sure? We're either thator we say what we want. People
are fighting that the club's getting hotter. Honestly, I don't know which is
worse. That's why it needs tobe ninety seven won the food. I
think we all agree that that isthe way to get That's the format change
that we're pushing for. I mean, you mentioned fluff for nutters, and
our text blew up. Call talkabout anything we want to talk about,
you know what they trickle in andwe appreciate the interaction. But you mentioned
marshmallow on a sandwich and everyone goescrazy. The phone lines were lighting up.
I just didn't. I declined.Ninety sevent won the food. So
the weather channels posted a list ofsymptoms to look out for. Headaches,
blurred vision and a blind spot andone or both eyes usually results itself on
its own, unless your receptors werecompletely burned and damage forever. I will
say last night I was going alittle bit of a headache. Yeare today
for sure, and then you're goinginto that whole COVID world of a few
I think I'm I think I'm sick, and you're just look at yourself and
Sam panicking, Yeah, panicking,panicing. I think I have a headache.
You think you have a headache becauseI I'm just the power of our
brain is ridiculous, The things thatwe can talk ourselves into when everything's probably
fine. Cash and we were notstoned, but it was a very stone
conversation last week about our headaches real? Oh my, go on, doctors.
Yes, I think migrains are real. I guess headaches are real.
I don't know. Speak more aboutthat. Well that we didn't get too
far. But once the more wetalked about it, I was like,
wait, our headaches real or imagined? I mean, yeah, if you're
hungover, you can have a thumpand thumping head and you know, certainly
it's part of another sickness. Butare you asking I think people use headaches
a lot more often than headaches actuallyexist. Are you asking, is that
the headache actually a pain in yourbrain? Maybe? Because that I just
think is not true. I don'tget headaches unless there's a unless I'm sick,
or if I drink too much.You just don't get headache, right,
So other than self inflicted headaches,yes, our headaches real? And
are you saying there's debate on ifthat's actually a pain in your head?
A headache is not actually a painin your brain. Most headaches happen in
the nerves, blood, vessels,and muscles that cover a person's head or
neck. So if you have nextsoreness that could lead to a headache or
something like that. We're still workingon it, but yes, they are
real. This is what I'm reading. You just google our headaches real.
Yeah, getting a lot of Yes, headaches are real. Well, I
know everyone you know, let's go. I agree with this move. Another
thing we had people have been thisis no evidence of this. People have
claim to have eclipsed sickness. Onelady even said that it knocked her off
her menstrual cycle. Oh, whichI can see that we are creatures.
Women are created the moon, right, yes, no, the moon cycle
created by the moon. Well,the moon cycle is keep going. The
mistral cycle is about the moon,right it is. You think our monthly
pain comes from the moon. Notonly it comes from the moon. I
think it revolves around the moon.It revolves around so it is a cycle.
Experiens are the moon the moon?Well, is the only connection that
they do happen monthly and is oneIt is the human one of reaction to
the moon, between the moon andGod. Well, we have to have
to close out our headaches reel toget to this information. Yeah, are
they coincidentally both just monthly. It'sfunny that you're even looking that up because
based on you know what you've justsaid, I thought you were licensed obgy.
Yeah, well, I guess whatI'm saying is less. Uh,
there's nothing definitive about what I'm saying. But what I am saying is that
there is a sinking up with themoon. They all don't happen on the
same day. I didn't say that, Well, how is it sync up
with the moon? I think whenthe moon cycles change, that could speed
up or de lay a period.You have no idea what you're talking.
You have absolutely no idea what you'resaying right now. Hold on, he's
kind of go on, Kevin,Well we can talk about this, right.
I thought, just the coincidence thatthey both are have mon Well,
what's the moon's monthly exactly? Idon't know. Jesus, move on again.
We're over two exactly. If you'rea female and you can clarify what
Kevin Turner is trying to talk aboutright now here, our number is two,
one, four, seven eight.We love to hear from you.
There they come, here, theycome. Did nothing come up when you
search? That is my creation inany way tied to the moon. I
gave up. But there was sometalk about the moon sinking up with periods.
There was some talk exactly I don'thave any concrete information on one college
football message board he found, solet's go ahead and say it's true.
Alicia Alvarez brought her second child intothe world when she rushed to the hospital
to deliver Soul Celeste Alvarez at onefour minutes before the moon closed in the
sun. Okay, wait before though, well but still, but twelve twenty
three is when it started. Sosoul sol as Soul was Celeste Soul Celeste.
Okay, I like it. FourThe baby was like due next week,
and right when the moon started coveringthe sun, her water broke and
they pushed that thing out in tenminutes. That's not how it worked either.
Have you ever seen a woman naked? No? At least one person
says, I blanking love KT butjust one? Is it signed? Missus
Turner? You take your one andmy mom does not a text? So,
uh, your mom doesn't know howto text. She's my age and
she doesn't like technology. Respect.Florida woman shot at cars in the highway
blamed it on the eclipse. She'sfacing a timpted murder charge, as she
said God told her to do itbecause of the eclipse. Okay, she
saw God and she looked up.I said, I'm started shooting at people.
That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Did he come back yesterday?
By the way, Jesus? Yeah? Or god? We did dangle carry
off the Memorial Tower. Is thatas close as we got? We got
to the rapture? Yeah, tothe rapture. Okay, just checking.
Well, I don't know, Ididn't see on Twitter. If Jesus comes
back, we're going to find outabout on Twitter. Okay, this is
very flimsy here. We have aperiod taller. Okay, this should probably
this will clear everything out. Really, hell, Hi, you're on the
freak, make it quick, becauseI got the peacock story. I want
to get to Hey. So,apparently there is some synchronization between the orbital
moon and your period. I've nevergoogled it, but I did do a
search and it said that there wasa seventeen percent. I guess they did
a test. Yeah, and thatis a thing. So yeah, and
I mean if it, if itmeans anything, I started my period yesterday
after the eclipse. How are youfeeling right now? I'm feeling hungry and
tired. Do you think headaches arereal? I don't really get a headaches.
But my boyfriend's always complaining about aheadache, knowing us they're real mm
hmm. Yeah, there's a lotof people complaining, but no proof.
He's going to be complaining about headachesa lot this week. M Oh,
I know, I know it.I called him on my way in earlier
and uh, because I'm driving towork, and uh, he told me
he doesn't feel very well. Yeah, it's because you started your period yesterday.
We get it. Do you likehe started his too? I don't
know. Maybe it was the eclipse. He's manstrating. Hey, do you
like Steve Vai or Joe Satrianni?I have never heard of either of those.
All right, good. I wasjust gonna try to make your period
better. But that's okay. Happyperiod, and thank you for calling.
We love you. Happy period.So how to your boyfriend? My first
time calling in. I'm I'm excitedI got through. You did really good.
It's actually really easy to get through. Yeah, thanks for calling.
A good day. Bye. Yeah, we haven't built a wall around the
phone. The Moon's gravitational pool,according to India Times dot Com, So
if you have a problem with theIndian people, that's on you. The
Moon's a gravitational pool is said toinfluence the release of hormones like estrogen,
which play a crucial role in regulatingthe menstrual cycle. Kevin vindicated by Boom
Let's Talk peacocks DFW, Big storyhere in the world of Florida. Mike,
Okay, there's a neighborhood. Theyhave a lot of peacocks, right,
i'n't had a lot of blue jayslately, by the way. Really,
yeah, they've been banging. Doyou ever have a nice oriole?
Oh? I love the oriole.I saw a beautiful oriole. It's a
striking bird. Beautiful. But Idon't really know the name of any birds
that don't have baseball teams. Yeah, red birds, you know, the
cardinals, blue jays, other thanyou know, seagulls and pelican, pelican,
the two pelicane. So here isthis neighborhood in Florida where they have
beautiful peacocks. But you have it'smore proof that old people like to complain
about stuff. Because one lady's madand she complained to the city manager.
Uh GJ mind cranking me up here. The group of pretty peacocks is getting
the boot from an Orlando neighborhood.The city is looking to trap and move
them. Fox thirty five Stephanie bothMonty's live in Orlando. Yes, a
lot of people in the neighborhood lovethe peacocks. The peacocks are normally kind
of walking around the neighborhood during theday. At night, if you kind
of pan up the camera, youcould see they're sleeping up in the trees.
And they've been in this area fordecades. They're beautiful. Even the
sound of them makes me happy.But after I complained from a resident about
the peacocks being a health issue anddamaging their property, city Commissioner Patty Sheehan
stepped in. I went and therewas three three inches of poop all over
their front yard. There was poopall over their cars and all over the
roof of their house. And I'mlike, wow, I wouldn't want to
live like this. Commissioner she handsays, the issue everybody's feeding them,
and the more you feed, themore you're gonna have. We could from
having fifteen or twenty peacocks to havingalmost one hundred. However, many longtime
residents are upset. The neighborhood's identityis from the peacocks. It's a symbol
of our neighborhood. They belong inthis neighborhood. They've always been in this
neighborhood, and there's no reason tobe removing them for now. Reporting live
in Orlando, Stephanie buf Monty,Fox thirty five News. Great story,
Stephanie, all right, number one. Jeez, yeah, three inches three
inches of peacock pooh on everything.You're a liar. You're a liar,
lady. She looked like a liar. Did. Yeah. I don't like
them, but she has this thisway. So one person and then the
city. I'll yeah, I'll gocheck. I'll come by your house and
take a look, and you seethe three inch three inches of poop.
We move to this street called BourbonStreet, and I'll be damned if there
aren't people out all night and throwingup. Well, huh, I mean
you kind of I don't know.Didn't you do the research on zillow?
You ol batty? God almighty,I thought that was interesting. I mean,
seriously, they've been there for decades, there's hundreds of them. Don't
move to that neighborhood. Yeah,maybe just do that. Don't move there
to Peacock Creek Florida terrible. Someonesaid, I just caught the tail end
of this, but the moon cyclesdo relate to ovulation, especially for outdoor
creatures or cultures. Outdoor cultures,it was common for people to get married
during full Moon's a lot more tosay. But KT ain't crazy. Thank
you, but don't look, Idon't discore. Lift me up the facts
that have been presented. After avery half baked theory was thrown out there,
it's like, maybe have a legto stand on for the issue these
wacky statements, and then and thenhe does the research in the segment and
then claims vindicator brought it up.I would have never brought it up.
I heard one time about this,Yes, did you make this big stance?
That's what radio is, just loosepremises and making it bigger than it
actually is. I thought radio wasabout like preparation and knowing what you're talking
about before you present an idea ora thought perspiration. Last story, I
saw a headline that that Jordan Speithis going to break out a brand new
hat on Thursday, and I immediatelythought, is he gonna do the underwater
hat? If you have an abovewater hat, do not take that thing
into the water with you, orit could really heavy with all the water.
I mean it could ruin that hat. It could ruin possibly the entire
weekend. I've seen people pop upfrom underneath water with a water soaked above
water hat and then their nap justsnacks right off. What like That sort
of validates our dumb conversations because thatis the most insane thing. And even
if he hadn't have screwed up thepunchline, think about what it was going
to be. The actual premise isthat there's an underwater hat. So you're
saying Jordan's peeth might be wearing anoverwater hat and fallen to Ray's Creek at
Augusta and well behead himself. It'sthe under Armour's stealth form hat. The
under Armour stealth form offers a molded, seamless construction to provide a custom fit
that's breatheable, wicking, and washable. Now do you guys know what wicking
is? Do you like the materialor what it actually is? It's it's
sucks off the sweat from your bodyand pushes it to the outside. Wicking
materials like moisture wicking socks take themoisture of your feet, and it sucks
them through the fabric and then theyget to the outside of the sock and
that's now where the moisture is.You sound like a man that's really done
your research on this. See ifit's verbatim or the definition of wicked?
I'mike Kevin wicking. I can't saythat on the radio. Oh you're an
urban dictionary. Okay. What isthe act of dipping ones junk into the
mouth of another sleeping person? Orwhy you turn it around on the middle
of reading? What is wrong withyou? It's known to be an adolescent
rank it's basically tea bagging. Didyou see it? Dave? Totally wicked
Brad example sentence. Yeah, butyou do it when they're sleeping with their
mouth open. Yeah, yeah,that's wicking and wash you're you're sick.
What's not funny about that? Nothing? Well, there is just not about
four. I think we help alot of people today. Keo yep.
Coming up next worth the price ofadmission. We'll roll out the red carpet
for Don van Nada, who iswriting the book. Hope's Gerald Jones?
All right, interesting stuff? Nextto he seven won the freaking