Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's Wednesday morning at eight thirty nine and taking your
calls to keep you smiling with the Healthy Place. It's too.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
Good morning, good morning, beautiful manny.
Speaker 1 (00:16):
I'm doing great. If I are doing any better, they
call me Tim O'Brien. I'll tell you, no matter.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
How I'm doing, no matter how tired I am coming
into the show. I hear that intro and I'm like,
it's go time.
Speaker 1 (00:28):
You bring the energy, you bring the passion, and we
love talking to you each and every week. Of course,
Tim comes to us from the Healthy Place online find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. Speaking of being online on the computers, on
the social media, well, they've got you covered at the
Healthy Place, of course. They're on Facebook, Instagram at find
your Underscore Healthy Place. They've got a fantastic YouTube channel,
great videos, just some really good information up there. You
find links to all of those that find your Healthy
Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
It's also a great day to get on in. Stop
in say hello at any one of the area Healthy
Place locations, of course, the three west side of Madison,
Sun Prairie in Fitchburg. And if you stop in on
the Wednesdays. That's today, Wednesday's today is Wednesday. You get
a little special treat, Tim. You're hanging out the Fitchburg location,
aren't you.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
Yeah, yup at the Fitchburg store ten till five pm
every Wednesday, and would love to see.
Speaker 1 (01:25):
You, So that would be today. Get out there, say
hello and talk with Tim. And Tim. I know you
love getting a chance to hang out with the folks
and getting caught up with people. I know, obviously running
a very popular and very beloved business takes a lot
of time, and I know for a while there you
had a lot of stuff to do behind the scenes.
It's been great. I know you've really enjoyed getting in
front of people again, and I know the folks are
actually loving to get in to see you as well.
But one of the cool things is with The Healthy
Place is not only are you there, You've got a
team of wellness consultants around you at all three locations
as well as online, and these people share that passion.
These people are equally committed to what you guys. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (02:06):
From twenty ten when Becky and I launched The Healthy
Place to twenty nineteen, I was in the stores like
twenty four to seven. I loved it. I thrived. I
didn't get tired from it. I enjoyed it because my
community has always been my favorite part, and something about
leading people a little bit closer to their healthy place.
That's why we called it. That leading somebody a little
bit closer to their healthy place very rewarding for me fulfilling.
And when things got a little too busy in twenty nineteen,
I had to step behind the scenes for about five years,
and I started to dust myself off and go, Man,
I really miss being in the stores. It's always been
my favorite part. I'm turning forty in two days and
I need to get back into my stores. And so
it's been cool and our Wellness consult The cool thing
about working behind the scenes since twenty nineteen is Becky
and I and our team were able to develop our
Wellness Consultant training program because I wasn't in the stores,
so in the beginning, it was only me working with
our community, and then all of a sudden, you get
a greater team and more stores and you can't be
everywhere at once, so you need to and it became
essential to create a training program so that we could
hold the line on what our mission actually is, which
is to empower, impact and educate every customer to learn, grow,
create a lifelong foundation of health and wellness. That's our
mission statement. So when I stepped out of the stores,
the big question was like, well, how are we going
to hold the line there if I'm not in the
stores and I'm over at the office. And so we
created I'm very proud of it. I struggled in school
as as a teenager and you know, into adulthood and
you know, so creating a whole training program with my team,
I'm like, very proud of it. Nine different modules, quizzes, tests,
vendor trainings, role playing with managers. So when you walk
into a Healthy Place store and you see a wellness
consultant there in front of you, you can know that
they have been through three months of training to know
what supplements are good, better, and best for the top
issue and struggles. So it doesn't make us doctors or pharmacists.
We have some of the best in the world here
in Madison for that those purposes. Our expertise is supplements,
brands are good, better, best. There's some that are really
bad out there that you cannot trust. There's mediocre ones,
and then there's top of the line ones. Same with
forms of ingredients. There's nutrients that are as basic as
B twelve that don't absorb in your body almost at all.
Sign Kabaloman is a synthetic form of B twelve. Your
body doesn't absorb it. So you want a methylcabaloman form
which is bioactive and your body absorbs it really well,
which might all sound like Greek to you, But if
you have a B twelve deficiency and you're running around
with no energy and higher stress cognitive issues, you know
you want a B twelve that's going to absorb. And
so those are the sorts of things in the training.
As you brought up, our team of wellness consultants are
educated and ready to help you find your healthy place.
So there you go.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
And Tim speaking of the wellness consultants as well, is
education doesn't end after after the training. It's ongoing. You
guys meet for folks that don't know this regularly as
a team. Yeah, let's talk about what goes on in
those Yeah.
Speaker 2 (05:09):
So we have a wellness consultant. We call it a
strategy meeting every two weeks. And so right now, an
example is ozepic. You know semaglue tide drugs that target
that GPL desh one hormone. Tons of very concerning side effects,
both short term and long term side effects. So as
a team, as a company, part of our mission, part
of our vision in Dane County is to help people
reduce their side effects from pharmaceutical drugs, help people find
natural alternatives for things, help people live full quality of life.
So when there's something popular that's also causing side effects
for people, we want to be able to be ready
to have answers for that. So, like in yesterday's Wellness
Consultant Strategy meeting, we're meeting with Cheryl. She's the educator
for a company called Europharma up in Green Bay. Actually
we sell their products and she's one of the top
experts as far as natural approaches to both weight loss
and type two diabetes sugar control. And we have some
products Sue Controlled d Metaba Gogo that are helping people
find natural alternatives to a zepic. But my team, you know,
needed some education there, like, Okay, what it goes on
with ozempic, Like what are some of the side effects
that people in our community are concerned about? And while
we want to leave some of those larger questions to
the medical professionals, we want to be a resource when
folks are coming in saying, hey, what is a natural
approach to sugar balance? Items like berberine work incredibly well
to when you eat food. Sometimes it can be stored
as fat. Well, berberine helps it be stored as energy fuel,
So all of a sudden, you're converting your food into
energy instead of storing it as fat with berberine. So
we're educating the community on burberine. Sue controlled d helps
balance and insulin sensitivity and carbo height restriction, and people
tend to lose weight when they get those items balanced.
Metabo go go. You know I'm shooting a lot at you,
but it gives you an idea of how you could
spend an hour with a wellness consultant team on educating
Metabo go go helps fire up the metabolism, helps with
sugar carb cravings, helps stimulate something called fatlapolysis, which is
your body's natural fat burning effect. So somebody comes in,
We'll ask them a few questions, see what direction they're
trying to go in, and get them literature, information, education,
and then The coolest part to me is we were
there for them after that point. So you know, I
was telling the team yesterday, like make sure to hand
every customer a business card because you know, whether they
use it or not, isn't the point. The idea is,
how can we be a resource to this community to
help improve quality of life, end human suffering, reduce total
pharmaceutical drug intake in our city, and increase like life expectancy.
Like how can we truly add value to this community?
And education is one of those top components. So that's
why we do that as a team every two weeks.
Speaker 1 (08:10):
It's pretty amazing. And that The other thing too, as
you mentioned there, I just love is that there's continuing
follow up. Is that if people have more questions, they're
very much invited to make sure that they make contact
with the folks the Healthy Place to really help and
see that success. That's a great thing. We stop it
on in. It's always fun to get on in, whether
it's Westside, Fitchburgerson Praye location of the Healthy Place online
find your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy
Place dot com. Tim will be hanging out today. It's Wednesday,
of course at the Fitchburg location from ten until five.
Stop on it and say hello to him. Another way
you can make contact with Tim is via email Tim
at find your Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim tim
at find your Healthy Place dot com. And Aaron emails
that I've had some painful lumps in my breast for
several years and I've been told their fibros fibri cystic
and not harsistic. Say it one, we're telling you you're
better at.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
This to me, fibrosistic. Yeah, that's that's no fun. It
was that the full question.
Speaker 1 (09:06):
Yeah, that was the well. They also she asked the
pain can can be quite uncomfortable. Are there any remedies
to ease this discomfort? And then email from Aaron.
Speaker 2 (09:17):
Yeah, good question, Aaron. And that's a bit more common
than you might think. And often, you know, folks are
concerned that they're cancerous, so they'll get that checked out.
That's typically a good idea. And when it's fibrocystic, you
know that's non cancerous. You know that's a good that's
good news. But it can still lead to this like tenderness,
this painful, consistent experience. And there are a few nutraceuticals
that I've seen to be quite helpful that are backed
by science. The top one, believe it or not, is iodine.
Iodine is an important mineral really for every cell in
the body. Every cell actually has iodine receptors, so all
of us can benefit from a little more iodine. It's
sort of the forgotten mineral top deficiency in the United States,
second only to bite and D deficiencies. So many many
people are iodine efficient, and so iodine for women very
powerful both for men and women. But in this case
for Aaron thinking of what she has going on, thyroid health,
breast health, ovary prostrate for men, muterous health for women,
and the studies show that it can reduce breast pain
from symptoms what Aaron speaks about the fibrocystic lumps by
something between thirty and fifty percent, depending on which studies
you see. So Aaron would highly recommend that you get
maybe six to twelve milligrams of iodine. I really like
a blend of the potassium iodide and molecular iodide. We
have a couple different products at the Healthy Place. One
by that you're a pharma company I was talking about earlier.
Also by Lively vitamin co makes a thyroid TLC it's
called and that within even the first week, women feel
a reduction in pain from that. Fibercystic lumps. Another thing
to bring up. Kircumin is a powerhouse when it comes
to inflammation. The root of really all pain throughout the body,
many different forms of pain, is inflammation. So if you
get a highly absorbed form of Kirkcuman BCM ninety five
is one of my favorites. There's a brand called Lively
Vitamin col. It makes Curra Health also forgetting the name
of the second brand, so I'll just stick with Lively,
But Kira Health is a BCM ninety five Kirkcuman that
it absorbs two hundred upwards of two hundred times better
than straight turmeric. So if somebody is taking turmeric, you're
not really absorbing that very well standardized kirkcuman is the
active compound from it, you absorb that a bit better.
But then if you have enhanced absorption from there through
whether it's a phytosome or liposomal or this BCM ninety
five I'm talking about, reduces the pain quite a bit
from that inflammation perspective. So a lot of information on
the air here. If you're listening you have some of
these struggles or a loved one that does, you can
email me Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com.
I'll shoot some links your way. Also, stopping in the store,
I worked every Wednesday ten to five about any of
our team. You bring this up. This is a common
question that comes up, So stop by one of our stores,
bring it up. That's my favorite thing for the community
in general, Sean is come in if you have questions.
Just gain some intel. Doesn't mean you have to buy anything.
We offer that education for free. That's our mission. And
gain some intelligence, gain some education, and then make decisions
between your sort of specialists that you have around you.
Speaker 1 (12:37):
I was just counting, let's say forty one, forty two,
forty five, well like almost fifty's right when you mentioned
you're trying to think of the Kirkcuman and I'm like, oh,
I wonder the which Kurcumin product. Tim's talking about more
than fifty products. I'm like, isn't that wild?
Speaker 2 (12:58):
Is that wild? So then imagine somebody getting online, right,
you just google it, right, and all of a sudden,
Kirk Human and every brand wants to sell their product, right,
And I get it. I'm a business guy. I have
a business. I like it when sales go up versus down.
And it's nice to have a marketplace business where you
have hundreds of brands and thousands of products, because then
the focus really becomes more about getting the customer's results realized.
And if you help them find their healthy place, then
you're going to retain a customer. Far more likely retention's
going to go up. So do the right things for
the customer and your business will naturally grow. And that's
that's why I love our service. I'm a little biased obviously,
why I love our service in Dane County and why
I love other companies like Willie Street, co Op, Community Pharmacy,
Holy Apothecary, because these are companies that have, you know,
dozens of brands. They're not they're not they don't have
the same type of you know versus googling it. So anyway, Yeah,
that's take that for what it's worth.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
It is. It is absolutely amazing, and if kind of
it also reinforces working with a wellness consultant. There are
different different approaches and different things, and of course it
all starts with that conversation online. Of course, find your
Healthy Place dot com or stop on in. They'd love
to see you. West out of Madison, Fitchburger Sun Prairie.
Don't forget Tim is hanging out on Wednesdays. That's today
at the Fitchburg location ten until five. Stop on out,
say hello. I know he'd love to see your smiley face.
We'll talk a little bit about when he stop on in.
The grab and goal that's been going on at the
Healthy Place. Some really really cool stuff, great snacks and
some other things just pick up right at the Healthy Place.
A great special, great deal as well on those. We'll
talk with him about that and so much more. Next
as ask the experts with Tim O'Brien and the Healthy
Place continues right here on thirteen ten wib A. Hanging
out with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place here at
thirteen ten wuib A. Don't forget about the website, Find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. Great place to start. You can of course
chat with a consultant right at the website. Also, you
can order online and so much more at find your
Healthy Place dot com. Even better, what a great day
to get on and say hello. They'd love to see you,
whether it's West Side of Madison, Fitchburg or Sun Prairie
if you're in the Fitchburg area of course, on Wednesdays,
Tim is out there from ten until five. He would
love to see your smiling face, love to say hello.
You've been listening to the program for a while. Make
sure you let Tim know that that you get finally
that you're listening and that of course, and put a
face with the with the voice as well. Again, Tim's
at the Fitchburg location from ten am until five pm
on Wednesday, as that includes today. Of course, you can
always chat with any of the Wells consultants West Side
of Madison, Fitchburger, Sun Prairie and Tim. So, one of
the really cool things you have been doing at the
retail locations is the kind of that grab and go
for folks that are looking for good choices when it
comes to snacks and other other goodies. You guys have
really kind of kind of up that up that whole
game when it comes to that that area.
Speaker 2 (15:55):
Yeah, yeah, we did this whole campaign, dude. We like
went like the fifteen different stores around town that just
sell healthy you know, snacks, drinks, et cetera. And just
got an understanding of like, Okay, what price point are
all these folks at because Becky and I's thought process
was it's hard to eat healthy. I mean, inflation, cost
of living increasing, et cetera. Like, like groceries have been
one that has been hit the hardest. So families are
making decisions based on, Hey, I got to get my
kid to college, or I gotta get my kid to
karate or whatever it is. And so the idea of
spending extra cash on healthy snacks is healthy foods in
general is a very large sacrifice for families. So we're like,
what's something little we can do. You know, we don't
sell fruits and vegetables and bread and you know, frozen items,
but we do sell a lot of healthy snacks. You know,
Aloha bars, Scout organic protein bars, Chomps, beef sticks, sell
forty fruit bars, nut bars, jocko Go energy drinks are
very clean natural energy drinks, protein electrolyte drinks, et cetera.
And we're like, if we put all of these at cost,
it's going to be significantly lower, you know, thirty to
fifty percent lower costs than anywhere else in town that
our community can purchase these items, this is going to
be really helpful, so we put it at our cost.
So the idea is that we don't make money on it,
and the idea is that it helps our business in
the sense of more foot traffic is always good. And
we read this book called Unreasonable Hospitality, which kind of
gave us the courage to take a step like this
Unreasonable Hospitality, great book, you know it encourage it to anybody.
And the idea is, how do you add so much
value to your community that that you know, at first
glance it looks unreasonable. So selling all of our snacks
and drinks at cost seems unreasonable, Like we're actually losing
a little bit of money, right because the labor cost
to sort of get it in and get it everywhere.
But the idea is you add so much value that
ends up coming back to you. So that's sort of
the idea there, and I'm sort of pumped about it.
Every week I kind of check the numbers, and we're
moving more and more of these grab and go items,
which means the community's going Dang. I really like these
prices and these taste great, and I feel better daily
versus stopping at the gas station getting some sort of
not so clean energy drink or not so clean snack,
and it's just something little we could do that's impacting
the community in a larger way.
Speaker 1 (18:18):
It's pretty amazing what you guys are doing in the
in the Healthy Place locations and that mission overall. It's
a great day to get on in. Get in there today,
whether it's the West Side Fitchburger Sun Prairie location. Little
special bonus though, if you do get by the Fitchburg
location between ten and five today, Tim will be hanging
out there as well well. This consultant standing by at
all three locations, also online at finds your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. Tim.
It's always great chatting with you. You have a fantastic
day and we'll probably this morning.
Speaker 2 (18:46):
Looking forward to it. And if you're listening right now,
take a step, no matter how small it is, you
have a health concern, small, medium, large, find out what
the natural alternative is for that our team standing by.
Have that in your back pocket because if we can
fix it, you'll be happier and we'll be happier. So
there you go, have a great day, Sean, Thanks for
the time.
Speaker 1 (19:05):
Tim O'Brien with the Healthy Place Online find your Healthy
Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
Dan o'donald has your chance to win one thousand dollars
next right here on thirteen ten WIBA