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August 12, 2024 • 18 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, Good morning, Thank you very much for the
kind and warm welcome.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
How are you doing, sir, I'm doing fantastic. Great to
talk with you, of course, hanging out this morning with
mister Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place. That means phone
lines are open six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six's soh eight three two one thirteen ten. Love
to have you join us this morning with your question.
Of course, you can learn more about the Healthy Place
online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's fined your

Healthy Place dot com three locations as well of the
Healthy Place West Side of Madison, Fitchburg and Sun Prairie,
Facebook and social media including Instagram at find your Underscore
Healthy Place of course, you can find them there and again,
phone lines are open for you this morning at six
oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six oh
eight three two one thirteen ten. Love to get you
on this show this week and Tim, when folks call in,

not only does a great conversation get some great great
uh questions answered, you also give a little thank you
for folks to take the time to call in.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Doe at twenty five dollars gift card as a thank
you for calling in. That can be used in our
stores or online. And it's a thank you because for
a couple of reasons, you know, it helps demonstrate what
our wellness consultants do every day. You know, hundreds of
times in our community people come in they have an
honest question for themselves or for a loved one, and
we point them in the right direction in regards to

natural alternatives supplements that are working in our community. And
that's super fun. So now's a good time.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
To call six eight three two one thirteen ten. That's
six soh eight three two one thirteen ten speaking of
wellness consultants available to you west side of Madison, Fitchburg
and some Prairie locations as well as you can chat
online at finds your Healthy Place dot com. That's find
your Healthy Place dot com. And Tim, you're waring the
uh welcome to the Healthy Place. Tim O'Brien name tag

today and your bro you are in the songs hanging
out as a wellness consultant.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
I'm going to be at the Fitchburg store working today
and I could not be more excited. To give a
little little background. You know, we opened our store in
twenty ten. We sell supplements, vitamins, you know, herbs, all
that stuff. If you haven't been in our store, if
you have, hello, And I mean, my very favorite part
about this job, Sean, has always been the people in

When it's not my customers, it's my team, and working
in the stores historically has been my favorite part of
this last nearly fifteen years now, twenty ten to two thousand.
October twenty nineteen, I stepped out of the stores, and
it was because of the CBD boom. So end of
twenty seventeen, things started to grow and escalate far faster

than I knew how to keep up with. I barely
graduated out of high school. I didn't, you know, go
to business school. I didn't have the sort of management
skills and running a business skill sets, you know, like
a goal setting, accountability, communication, cash flow management, strategy as
a whole. And so the CBD boom hit us and

we were growing sodar and fast as people wanted CBD,
and that was a new thing for Wisconsin and it
was a fun ride, but it was hard too, and
ultimately it sort of tore me out of the stores.
And if I could go back, I probably would stay
in the stores a little bit. I just realized after
these years being out that man, I want to be
by my customers. I miss my community, I miss connecting.

I miss having a space and a time slot to
be like, hey, come visit me over at the you know,
Fitchburg store. I'll be working there on Wednesdays and I'll
just be doing that for the foreseeable future. Today I'm
working in the stores.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
Can't wait.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
And then September is when it starts every the cadence,
every week for the foreseeable future. So if you're out
there and you know we've worked together, you should totally
come visit today, Come visit on some Wednesday. If not today,
I want to connect with you. It's my you know,
I miss you. I'm just super pumped on it. It's
like when you get to show somebody a natural alternative

and it just sounds so simple, but so when that
improves their quality of life or minimizes their suffering and
then you hear about it, you know, you know what's
happening all the time. But then when somebody comes back
and they say, man, this got better. That As a
wellness consultant and personally is my very favorite experience of

what the healthy place does, and not just because you
bring relief in that one area, but because it fans
the flame of their health. So now all of a
sudden they're like, well, hey, if I got this problem
under control, maybe I can improve my health or quality
life over here, or maybe I can minimize my suffering
from my condition or problem over here. And it just

sort of starts this forest fire. So I love it
so much and I'm excited to get back in the stores.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
It's exciting to have you back there.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
And of course for folks that don't know the Fitchburg
store store that's the original, that is a store.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
Oh yeah, number one.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Yes, flagships are Becky and I. You know, we live
in Verona, and twenty ten we said, hey, where should
we have our stores. We planted it Fitchburg right by
the Super Target, share the building with Ryisen Wireless, and
we are the first tenants there. And man, they've built
up this whole area since then. It's it's been fascinating
to watch.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
It is pretty amazing what's what's built up there as well.
And it's a great day speaking of pretty amazing things
and building things up. It is a good day to
start taking care of yourself and building yourself up. And
it all starts with the stop. Whether it's the West Side,
the og, the Fitchburg location, or of course sun Prairie
location up the healthy Place online find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. If

you're in the Fitchburg area today, definitely stop on in,
say hello to Tim.

Speaker 3 (05:34):
He'd love it. Come on stop by, get on in,
get on again. It's a great experience there.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
Phone lines are open, speaking of if I canna get a
chance to talk with Tim, we'd love to hear from
you this morning. The phone lines are open for you
right now at six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six soh eight three two one thirteen ten. Another
way to reach the show is via email Tim at
find your Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim tim at
find your Healthy Place dot com.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
And Jack emails in.

Speaker 2 (06:00):
Jack says, what can be done about high blood pressure
without having to take medications?

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Great question, Jack, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
Good question, Jat. You know blood pressure can lead to
high blood pressure. Hypertension can lead to heart attacks and
kidney failure, brain damage. And the scary part about hypertension
high blood pressure is you don't necessarily know you have
it if you're not keeping an eye on it or
getting it checked, and that's why they end up calling
it a silent killer. So there's things you can do. Obviously,

diet exercise are most important. And then as we turn
towards supplements, there are supplements that absolutely work because you
want to protect your heart, overall your arteries. You want
to stop inflammation and overall oxidative stress, oxidative damage. You
want to relax the blood vessels, you want to normalize

blood pressure levels. These are all important sort of action
points that we should be aware of. So in the
supplement space, there's a product called blood Pressure Health by
Terry Naturally. He's one of my favorite humans in this industry,
and Terry Lameron and one of my favorite brands, Terry Naturally.
So he creates a product called blood Pressure Health. You

can check that on our website find your Healthyplace dot
com blood pressure Health. And I love the content because
it's simple, it's straightforward, and it works. I've been recommending
it to our community for gosh going on twelve years.
I think it came out ago ish, like that oliveleaf
extract French GrapeSEED extract very cool science clinical data supporting

that there's some good reason to believe it'll lower the
blood pressure. It takes a couple months, so you got
to be patient with it and no side effects. Antioxidant
benefits as well, so you fight off that oxidative stress
or relaxes the blood belts and helps lower blood pressure overall,
I'd encourage two capsules twice a day is what's called
a therapeutic amount of that. So, Jack, if you're listening

or anybody else that's battling this too, twice a day
for two months is a therapeutic dose that gets it
in your system. You know, I'm I'm not a doctor
or pharmacist, so talk to your medical professional in regards
to getting off the blood pressure medication. You never want
to go cold turkey with blood pressure medication. That can
be a scary thing, so talk with your medical professional.
This totally works. I've seen this again and again over

the years. Help our community find the relief they're looking for.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Really good question, Jack, And as mentioned, you can always
email Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
Tim t I m at find your Healthy Place dot com.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
What about Tim?

Speaker 2 (08:27):
For folks who may not have high blood pressure, but
maybe it runs in their family and you know they're
doing the doing the right things, exercise, leading, right, those
type of things.

Speaker 3 (08:37):
Am I right? Mushroom magic is ringing a bell.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
For some then I feel like when it comes to
just kind of if you've got you know, you're not
somebody that's got elevated blood pressure. Maybe you're somebody with
them and wants to maintain that, which I think.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
We all do.

Speaker 2 (08:53):
There are there are things for folks out there as well,
aren't there.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Absolutely Mushroom magic will strengthen your old cardiovascular system. That's
one of our top sellers. So cool that you thought
of that. Mushrooms in general, the power and immune boosting
properties of mushrooms are pretty profound, so chaga, mushroom, cordyceps lines,
mains mataki, these are all strengthening to the cardiovascular system.

So a lot of folks will come in and say, hey,
I'm actually pretty pretty good range, and we'll sort of
beginning them on some foundational supplements, and mushroom magic is
often one of them because of especially if they sort
of like bring up like, well, I'm concerned about blood
pressure a little bit, I'm doing okay, but would want
to do something as sort of a maintenance. Mushroom Magic

is one of our top sellers for that and some
side benefits besides what it does for hypertension, blood pressure
keeping you you know, normal range, is the energy it
brings mushroom magic. My favorite part of mushroom Magic is
the energy it brings, the cognitive lift, the mental clarity
that it brings, the focus very good for the immune
system as well. As we venture into coffin cold season,

you know you want to be strengthening your immune systems
defense and offense, and the Mushroom Magic does both. So yeah,
good good bringing that up. Bro.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Thank you guys this last week too.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
You're double hired.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
I may have to come work in the store with
you of this.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
It is always so so informative talking with Tim, and
I know one of the big reasons, as Tim points
out that he loves doing this show and loves taking
calls and answering emails as a little demonstration of what
goes on in the stores every single day and online
at find your Healthy Place dot com. Today is a
great day to get on in. Say hello if you're
in the Fitchburg area.

Speaker 1 (10:38):
If you happen to be in Fitchburg, you should totally
stop by say hello, I'll be there from ten o'clock
to three today and usually i'll be in ten to five.
But yeah, you should totally stop out if you're in
the area.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
That would be awesome.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, Tim's going to be at the Fitchburg location. Of course,
they got the great folks, the wellness consultants as well
at Fitchburg, West Side of Madison and Sun Prairie and
online find your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your
Healthy Place dot com. Don't forget as well to follow
the Healthy Place on Facebook and social media of course
on Instagram at find your Underscore Healthy Place, well.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
Looks at you.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Our conversation with Tim, we'll talk a little bit more
about great stuff going on at the Healthy Place, and
of course take your call if you've got a question
three two one thirteen ten. That's three two one thirteen
ten as ask the experts with the Healthy Place continues
right here on thirteen ten wuib A eight fifty one
thirteen ten wib A and ask the experts. Hanging out

with her good buddy Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place
online find your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your
Healthy Place dot com, Facebook and social media including Instagram
as well. Find you find your Healthy Place just course
chat with the Wells consultant at find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your wealth Healthy Place dot com.
Of course Westside, Madison, Fitchburg and Sun Prairie locations as well.

They'd love to see you and again that website find
your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place
dot com and Tim talking about getting back to your beginnings,
getting back to your roots and spending time with folks
in the stores and those type of things. This this
goes back to way back, even before you were employed.

You worked with your mom, didn't you.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
Yeah, yep. My mom managed a health food store growing
up in Muskigo, Wisconsin, mom and pop shop, and us
kids were homeschooled, so we would sit in the back
room doing our studies. My mom was also our teacher,
and just observed her working with the community and health
challenges for you know, my whole upbringing from the age

of like five or six un till I was out
of the house at eighteen, and so I observed that
and it was kind of in my DNA. It wasn't
a passion yet for me to help people in that way.
But then around eighteen, you know, I had sort of
a very large life changing moment, sort of a come
to Jesus moment, and I read a book called Purpose
Driven Life and by a guy named Rick Warren, and

it sort of hit me because I'm pretty open with
my teen years and I had a lot of depression.
I battled, I didn't do well in school, didn't do
well in sports, didn't do well and popular, just a
kind of a tough set of teen years. Parents divorced,
like sad about that, and my anger was sort of
turned inwards. I sort of like didn't like myself and

sort of dealt with some like self hatred type stuff,
a lot of anger towards myself, towards authority in general.
And so then after I read this book Purpose Driven Life,
I'm like, oh, so maybe I have value. And I
started asking that, like, well, if I have value, oh
my gosh, because that was in stark contrast to what
I believed before that book, which was like I don't

have any value. I'm pretty much worthless. I should like
be gone and if I do die, it doesn't matter,
like that sort of mindset. So this light coming into
my life of like, whoh, maybe I have some value
that grew and that sort of became this exciting like
breakthrough for me in actually loving who I am, loving myself,

and that was not a I couldn't say that before
this transformation. So now I'm, you know, early twenties, I'm
like starting to love who I am, who God made
me to be. And then I'm like, oh, my goodness,
maybe I can do that for other people. Maybe I
can help encourage them bring light into their life, Like

in their health is such a personal area of their life.
If I can encourage them in their health, maybe maybe
that could impact and bring lasting change to their entire lives.
And so that light bulb went off early twenties, purpose
driven life. So that's when I moved to Madison to
manage some health food stores. They were franchise owned GNC stores,

and then corporate kind of took those over. I had
to figure out what I wanted to do, and when
we started The Healthy Place twenty.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
Ten, I had arrived.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
I mean, it was very difficult financial beginnings, but when
I started connecting with customers with a business that Becky
and I owned, so we could do it in our
sort of model. You know, GNC has commission at play
and they highlight you know, muscle building, weight loss, and
it's just a little bit of a different vibe than
what we wanted to bring to our community. We wanted
to bring sort of take care of that family unit.

We wanted to bring vitality, energy, immune strength, want to
lower suffering like chronic pain and stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues.
That was sort of our target. And getting to do
that in freedom, man, I mean it was like electricity,
like plug me in the lamp, the light comes on.
And I did that with what I hoped to be

perceived as in excellence. You know, I loved it every
single day, left it all on the field, bringing change
to our community. So stepping out in twenty nineteen was
was really painful for me, and it was years in
the making because I mentioned twenty seventeen that sort of
started blowing up with CBD and I was getting pulled
in so many different directions. So I made the decision

October twenty nineteen to step out of the state's sort
of a step of faith, like Okay, I'm gonna do
my best to sort of step out and make sure
I'm doing all the right things, being a good steward
of this business and what opportunities have been given us.
And over the last five years, it's become painfully clear
that what I'm.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
Good at is people.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
I like people.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
I miss people.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
I want to be with people, and I'm like, why
am I not in the stores, Like I don't have
to be in an office only. I want to get
back with my community, and so there is so much
energy around me getting into the stores. It's such a
personal victory that I've come full circle five years later, like, Okay,

back to the store Wednesdays. You know, I'm already conniving
on how I can get it to two days a
week that I'm in the stores because Sean, I like
it so much. I like that interaction with the customer.
Everybody is deficient in something or they're struggling with something
in connection to their health, and if they're not currently,
they will be at some point. So I want to

bring that to peace people. That's why we started the business.
And I told my team, I'm like, back in Wednesdays forever.
I mean, it's like for the foreseeable future. I want
to make it a part of my life. I even
when I even when I someday retire, you know, it's
like I'm going to retire to a full time wellness
consultant because I love that so much. I love being
in our stores, love helping people. So again, if you're

in the Fitchburger area today, come stop by. We'd love
to say hi to you. If you have health challenges
for you or a loved one, come stop by. I'd
love to be the one to get to help you.
If you just want to increase your quality of life
in some way, you know, stop by. We'd love to
help you. Our army of wellness consultants are always passionate
about helping our community, and I'm going to say I'm
the most passionate one today. So come on into Wednesday

at Fitchburg store if you get a chance.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
Great day to get on in Fitchburg. Of course we're
you'll see Tim. Of course, West Side and sun Prairie
locations of the Healthy Place. Fantastic wellness consultants at all
three locations. Also, of course online finds your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. I
think about purpose in life, think about starting that journey.
You have to take that first step you've got to
take some action and again, sometimes it's a book, sometimes

it's finding ways to improve energy, how you feel. Overall,
it all starts with a conversation and taking that action.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
It's a great Dame Timeline. Become the CEO of your
own health.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
That's it, well, stated mister Tim O'Brien from The Healthy Place,
I might stop and say hello today, and of course
hanging out at the Fitchburgh location also westside Madison as
well as son Pray. It's the Healthy Place online find
your Healthy Place dot com. Dan o'donald comes you way
next year. Thirteen ten w I b a
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