Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Sean, How are you doing good, sir?
Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'm doing well, my friend. It's great to talk with you.
And we've got some We've got some really cool stuff
to talk about this week. Always have cool stuff. But
a new product available at the Healthy Place we're going
to talk about talk about Jocko in just a moment.
I've got a lot of stuff as I mentioned, to
cover this morning as well. Of course, Tim O'Brien joins
us each and every Wednesday morning. He comes to us
from the Healthy Place. The website find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's all one word, Find your Healthy Place
dot com. Of course, also available to you on social
media if you haven't checked out their YouTube page and
your YouTube channel. Definitely checked that out. Some really cool videos,
some really helpful and informative things. Speaking of helpful informative information,
not only available at find your Healthy Place dot com,
Facebook as well as Instagram at find your Underscore Healthy Place.
You can find them there. Oh but wait, there is more.
Three locations Madison, West, Fitchburg, and sun Prairie. And speaking
of the Fitchburg location, Tim, you hang out at the
Fitchburg Are there from ten until five?
Speaker 3 (01:04):
Yeah, five, ten to five every Wednesday at the Fitchburg Store.
Speaker 1 (01:07):
I love it.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
I've been out of the stores working behind the scenes
for the last five years, and I'm like, I miss
my people.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
My community has always been my favorite part.
Speaker 3 (01:15):
Connecting with the community, getting to guide them, ask questions,
help them if I'm able to in the natural alternative space.
So yes today and every Wednesday ten till five at
the Fitchburg Store, even if you just want to come
give a high five. You know, Sean, there has literally
I was doing some just like contemplating and thinking and like,
there is hundreds and hundreds of people that I have
spent like hundreds of hours with because you know, when
you come to the healthy place, like our model is, Hey,
We're called wellness consultants. We don't pretend to be doctors
or pharmacists. We study up on natural supplement brands, forms
of ingredients and what's working for our community for all
matter of things you know, stress, anxiety, depress and sleep issues,
chronic pain, headaches, the stuff that is very common in
our community. And we keep getting better and better at
making recommendations. So a customer walks in our stores, if
you haven't been in our stores, come check us out.
Speaker 1 (02:18):
Like, we will ask you a.
Speaker 3 (02:20):
Bunch of questions, you know, several questions like what are
you battling?
Speaker 1 (02:23):
Like how are you feeling? How are you doing?
Speaker 3 (02:25):
And some people know what they want, so they come
on in, grab what they need. They go, that's great.
We love those guys. Others are looking for help for something.
So they come in. They're battling some sort of condition,
or are suffering in some sort of way, you know,
or their quality of life isn't where they think it
could be. And so they start asking some questions and
we help draw it out of them to find out
more clarity. Because the more clarity we have, the more
direction we can give them on what's been working for
our community. And so these folks will come in and
we'll talk, you know, sometimes it's five minute chat, other
times it's an hour. You know, we'll have a conversation
around their health and their their history and what they're
looking to go towards. And so then we might wait,
they might purchase a couple of products and then hey,
you know, come back in two months, you know, let
us know how that's working. If we need to tweak something,
change something, return something, to try something else, we have
a great return policy, like but but like, hey, here's
my business card, call me, like, let me know how
you're doing and keep me posted because we can make changes.
Like let's over the next six months, nine months, let's
get you some breakthrough in this area or that. That's
like a common phrase I'll say to somebody because I
want to help them.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
That's why we're here, that's the whole idea.
Speaker 3 (03:43):
And so then these folks come back a couple months
and we'll have another conversation. And so then we I
have these oh man, the community that have done this
for years with and I like miss those guys so much.
Speaker 1 (03:53):
So if that's you you're listening, come visit. I miss you.
I want to give you a high five.
Speaker 3 (03:58):
And if you haven't like coming, if you have health
questions like a loved one does, like come on out.
Like I just love helping the community. So ten to
five Fitchburg Store, and that'll be every Wednesday from now on.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
You know, one of the things I love to hearing,
Tim is when we get folks that call in and
they talk about whether having a chance to work with
you where a wellness consultant at the healthy place, that
relationship that develops that trust is they you know, they
go in, they've got questions, they work through, they talk
with the with their wellness consultants, they get answers and
solutions to their problems, and it develops just this this
long term relationship of I go see I go see Tim,
Tim is my guy. Yeah, Like they develop that stuff.
It is so dang cool to see. And that's why
it's so great to get on in, get on into
the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
We all need somebody on our team. You know, we
have it.
Speaker 3 (04:41):
We all need a team around us to educate us,
kind of guide us, lead us in specific areas of
life or health or whatever, mental health, I mean, all
that stuff's important to have a team around us. And
then you're the CEO of your own overall health. So
now you're equipped with information to make decisions on and
we want to be a part of that support network
around you.
Speaker 2 (05:02):
Great day to get on in. Whether it's West side
of Madison, Sun Prayer, Fitchburg location of the Healthy Place.
Don't forget Tim is at the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays,
that is today from ten until five, stop on in,
say hello, I know we'd love to see you. Speaking
of saying hello, we'd love to hear from you this morning.
If you've got a question for Tim O'Brien from the
Healthy Place, we do have a phone line open just
for you. All I got to do is pick up
phone dial in phone number six oh eight three two
one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten. And Tim, I know you love getting questions
so much. You give a little thank you for that,
don't you.
Speaker 3 (05:31):
Oh yeah, yeah, twenty five dollars gift card just for
calling in. You can ask a question for you a
loved one, share a testimony. I love our listeners just
hearing what actually like happens at the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
And now's a good ten to.
Speaker 2 (05:43):
Call six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's
six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. We'll get
you right on the air with Tim O'Brien from the
Healthy Place. We'll talk about some of the really cool
new things going on at the Healthy Place and just moment.
But I know, Tim, speaking of new things at the
Healthy Place, you are always working to bring new products
to the town to folks and opportunities for folks to
get some great stuff. We'll talk about the grab and
go stuff that you've been doing recently and how people
have really absolutely loved it. But the newest product too,
kind fits right into this is jockal Fuel. Let's talk
about what this product is and how people have responted
and what made you say, you know what, we need
to get this on the shelves at the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (06:23):
Speaker 3 (06:23):
Absolutely, So you know this summer, Becky and I are
like strategizing around our stores.
Speaker 1 (06:28):
So Becky's my wife, co owner.
Speaker 3 (06:30):
We've run the company together since the beginning, and we're
like strategizing, like how can we bring greater value to
Dane County and to our community. And so one idea
is like, man, we got a lot of dusty inventory.
We got brands that are not as popular sometimes and
brands that are popular, and it's like, why don't quarterly,
why don't we start to discontinue brands and products that
aren't really helping our community and let's bring in brands
that we think can can help and serve our community
in a greater way. So this led to a variety
of new brands being brought in for kids and kiddos
as well as Jocko Fuel is one of these newer
brands that were bringing in, So jock O fuel. If
you have not heard of Jocko willink. He served in
our military from nineteen ninety to twenty ten, Lieutenant commander Navy,
retired Navy Seal officer. Like absolute stud I mean, this
guy like bled for us, Like he led teams that
bled for us. He wrote a book called Extreme Ownership
that like impacted my life. And he created the book
from a perspective of like military like prioritize and execute
decentralized command just like that, which was cool in my opinion,
and it like spoke to me. And that book was
pretty neat. And then the second book he wrote was
one called The Dichotomy of Leadership, because extreme ownerships about
like taking full ownership of everything in your world. Well,
if you're a manager of someone, you can take extreme ownership,
but what about an employee that's just needing to get
you know, sort of like written up or something. So
the Dichotomy of Leadership was like the breakdown of leadership principles.
And so both of those books have been like tremendously impactful,
to the point where I went to one of Jocko's
leadership seminars in Chicago, I mean super cool. I would
recommend it to any leader or aspiring leader. And so
this guy, you know cool podcasts like he's making a
difference in the world. He's leading leaders. He's a voice
in the supplement industry now too, because he created a
product line called Jocko Fuel. So he's probably most well
known for like the Jocko Go drinks, which are clean, organic,
you know, natural energy drinks. But he has a full
supplement line. So we brought his full line into our stores,
so all three locations as well as on our website
and just a list kind of like a few of
his products and keeping in mind clean fuel. So that's
sort of his mantra, the healthy place. We're moving away
from artificial sweeteners, away from artificial colors, you know, like
blue forty and stuff like that, like just you know,
we don't really believe in it. So clean fuel, so
energy drinks, protein hydrating drinks.
Speaker 1 (09:15):
This is all Jocko fuel.
Speaker 3 (09:16):
Protein pre workout because you know, even like natural fat
burners in this industry, Sewan, you have a lot of
unhealthy fat burners and approaches to like weight loss, you
have a lot of unhealthy pre workouts that will have
too much caffeine heart on your heart or artificials that
have a negative impact to your system body. So I'm
loving his whole product line and he's got like fun.
His immune product is called Cold War Immune System. This
is like cool stuff like that, So check it out
on our website, check it out in our stores. Jocko,
we created a commercial with the guy. I think it's
gonna start October first. I'm like saving the commercial forever
because he's like talking, you know to me.
Speaker 1 (10:00):
I'm like, you're awesome.
Speaker 3 (10:01):
So anyway, he's like a personal hero of mine, so
I'm kind of geeking out over him. But in general
for our community, I think we're going to bring in
you know, this brand is going to bring and add
more value to our community.
Speaker 1 (10:13):
So check it out.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
Really good product line that fits perfectly in with what
you guys do at the Healthy Place.
Speaker 3 (10:18):
Really does like our missions to impact and power and
educate like his missions clean fuel, no excuses.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
Yeah, I love it.
Speaker 2 (10:24):
Imp and for folks feelings, I know that name Joe
Rogan's I know had him on a very popular podcaster.
Dave Portnoy with Barstools had him on so very popular.
It's it's kind of like a coming together of a
couple of really really cool, cool, great organizations and really
great stuff. Of course, you can learn more online Find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's fine Jory Healthy Place
dot com. Three locations west side of Madison, Fitchburg and
sun Prairie mentioned the well the website wellness consultants online
as well as in stores. Also, speaking of being online,
if you're on Facebook or Instagram, you can of course
follow and learn more about the Healthy Place on their
social media as well as their YouTube channel. Some great
stuff up there. Phone lines there open for you right
now at six poh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. We'll talk,
grab and go and take your call. Next as ask
the experts with the Healthy Place continues right here on
thirteen ten double uibi eight fifty one thirteen ten. Wuiby
and ask the experts. Hanging out with our good friend
Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place online Find your Healthy
Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
Sping of being on those computers and the phones. I
think everyone's on the phones now sometimes with the computers.
Maybe you got some time at the office today make
sure to check out their Facebook page, also Instagram and
YouTube channel for the Healthy Place at find your underscore
Healthy Place again. The website finds your Healthy Place dot com,
three locations west sid of Madison, Son Prairie, and the
Fitchburg location. Wellness consultants standing by online as well as
at the three locations of the Healthy Place. Extra bonus
getting the Fitchburg location on Wednesday set is today, Tim
ags out there from ten until five and Tim speaking
of hanging out at the Healthy Place, great place to
run too if you're looking to grab some lunch or
a midday snacks. You guys have made it really easy
to make smart choices, and sometimes I feel like when
I say I'll make it, E just make smart choices
that somehow there's a compromise. As a matter of fact,
you're getting fantastic, fantastic things for you, but also really
tasty snacks and other things grab and go at the
location of the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (12:27):
Right, Yeah. Absolutely, man.
Speaker 3 (12:29):
So I was kind of chatting about Becky and I
strategizing this summer, like how can we add more value
to our community? And so one idea came is in
the grab and go space, which is you know, like
protein bars and ready to go drinks, hydrating drinks, energy drinks,
protein drinks.
Speaker 1 (12:45):
Et cetera.
Speaker 3 (12:46):
All that grab and got stuff like it tends to
be expensive. So we're like, what if we sold it
all at wholesale costs? So like, what if we sell
it at our cost and our cost is significantly lower
than anywhere else in the city that it's able to
be purchased, Like what if it was significantly lower, like
thirty forty percent lower. And so that's what we've done
on all of our grab and go items. You got
to come check it out, you know, self forty go
macro drinks, there's kombucha drinks, you know, Jocko's drinks. I
was talking about element t drinks, all everything you can
kind of imagine in like a health food store that
would have you know, protein, health bars, drinks, healthy drinks,
et cetera, all at wholesale costs. So picture thirty to
forty percent lower than any other grocery store that you
could could buy it at in town. So it's this
huge gift. You know, my team's like, hey, that's going
to be quite a lot of muscle as far as
like you know, we get maybe a pallett of this
stuff we got to distribute to our stores and you
have to.
Speaker 1 (13:47):
Move it around to do all this.
Speaker 3 (13:48):
And it's like we just went through this book called
Unreasonable Hospitality as a leadership team, and what does it
look like to practice unreasonable hospitality to our community, to
our city. Like it sort of gave us a good pumps,
were like, let's just do this. So it's been pretty cool.
Like it's been this increasing thing where more and more
people are coming in. They're just grabbing cases of this
stuff for their family. You know, you can buy a
couple cases of whatever and head out, come out, you know,
once a week, just check it out. Like we don't
make money on it, and it's it's like healthy for
us though, because it's getting foot traffic in our stores,
so it's a win win. But picture it as extreme hospitality.
It's a gift to the community, and the community has
been loving it. And it's been really cool to see
all those you know, because people are they're eating more
healthy now, like they're drinking more healthy now for those snacks,
those grab and go it's this little thing that we
were able to do that's creating this sort of like
impact and real impact in people's lives.
Speaker 1 (14:43):
So it's pretty neat.
Speaker 2 (14:44):
I'm hearing some great things about it. Do you correct
me if I'm wrong? Tim, didn't you do a little
undercover investigating go around you and Beck?
Speaker 1 (14:50):
Speaker 3 (14:50):
We Colin colin Ewick's in our office. I was like, hey,
can you hit these like twelve spots and ton and
just write down like I'm just curious, like what are
all the competitors in this grab and go space? Like
what is the cost on this and that and this
and that? So we're killing it, dude, it's like twenty
to forty lower on everything.
Speaker 1 (15:11):
It's killing.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Oh that is that is amazing because.
Speaker 3 (15:13):
It's just a gift. And then people are like, you know,
they're just more concisent. If you have a case of
bars that taste amazing around you, you're more likely to
reach for that, right than the twigs?
Speaker 2 (15:22):
Yes, exact, exact, And that's the and that's the great thing.
And as I'm hearing more people talking about it, you
mentioned folks coming in and stocking up. Is a lot
of people are doing. This is just now part of
their routine. It's a cool thing too. If you haven't
a chance to get into the Healthy Place. Check out
those grab and go options again.
Speaker 1 (15:39):
Have you hit a chomps and chops?
Speaker 3 (15:41):
Speaker 1 (15:41):
Yeah, these are so good.
Speaker 3 (15:43):
They're like a dollar seventy nine. I mean it's like
they're like two and a half three bucks.
Speaker 2 (15:47):
Everywhere else you're almost giving them away at that well,
it goes so good. They are delicious, and so it's
a great day to get on in do that grab
and go again, whether it's west side location of the
Healthy Place on Prairie Fitchburg. And of course extra bonus
if you get in today. Tim is there for you
on Wednesdays. He's always there for you, but he's there
in person from ten until five. Make sure when you
stop in and say hello. Mentioned to Tim that that you,
of course you listen to the radio program because I
know that.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah. I'm always saying to you, man, thanks for listening
to me.
Speaker 2 (16:18):
People are like shy, and I'm like, just tell him,
tell Tim that you.
Speaker 1 (16:21):
Oh I love it. Yeah, so much like means a lot.
Speaker 2 (16:25):
And again those three locations online find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. And Tim,
before we wrap up this week, you mentioned, of course
getting together with the team. I know you guys. You
guys are are really important and sharing of information. I'm
sharing perspective, and we talk about your experience of course,
uh and your background and what led you to start
the Healthy Place with Becky, and also talk about what
your mission is at the Healthy Place. The other big
thing that's important is when you are when you are
finding people to work as wellness consultants, they share your passion,
they share your love. These are not folks that are
just doing a job. These are peopleeople that literally do
this because they love what they do, don't they?
Speaker 3 (17:04):
You know, come on, bro, It's like my mom thought
through cancer. You know she was able to beat it.
You know, hey, praise God. That's awesome. And that led
my family and towards natural alternatives. So I grew up
with this.
Speaker 1 (17:14):
It's been in my blood.
Speaker 3 (17:15):
So when Becky and I started out in twenty ten
with the Healthy Place, with this mission to like impact
and power and educate our community, it came out of
sort of U and Becky's mom I had also had
a health journey that led them towards natural alternatives. So
when we started the Healthy Place, it was with this
mission to impact the community. And so as we started
to grow man our teams also need to be on
the same page, and so that led to creating core values,
you know, integrity and customer focus and attitude and mission,
and we need to share these core values. So we
want to attract and retain a team that's upholding those
core values. And if somebody's not jiving with that, it's okay.
It doesn't mean they're like a bad person, but we're
maybe not a good fit for them. The Healthy Place
way is all about souls before sales. The Healthy Place
way is all about touching their heart before you ask
for their hand. Like the Healthy Place way is about
unreasonable hospitality, Like we want to actually move the needle,
and so I get kind of excited about it. In
the summer, I've been bringing up that Becky and I
went through a full and our team is going through
a full strategizing project because we've helped something like one
hundred thousand unique customers in Dean County and I'm like, wow,
forever grateful, the gratitudes off the charts, and I'm also
have this lack of contentment, hopefully in a good way,
that people are still suffering, people are still dying needlessly,
people are still not living the highest quality of life.
People aren't the CEO of their own health. They're sort
of like bogged down, drained out, and we are wanting
and getting aggressive around how can we add so much
value to Madison that we can move the freaking needle
on these things like little pharmaceutical drug intake, total amount
of surgeries needed. A lot of these things can be
prevented or minimized under the medical professionals guidance because we're
not doctors, we're not pharmacists. We're men and women on
a mission, a little bit on fire. I got sort
of that fire and refeeling because there are so many
people suffering, and it's like, how do we move that needle.
So we're doing things like this grab and go at wholesale.
We're bringing in new brands to add more value. We're
getting more strategic. We have a WC Wellness Consultant Strategy
meeting every two weeks to ask the question, how can
we help educate better, how can we help inspire more,
impact more, etc. So we do it with our whole
leadership team, our management team, our wellness consultant team, and
we're going to get the job done.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
We're going to keep going. We're gonna do it.
Speaker 2 (19:48):
Yes you are. And it's a passion that runs throughout
and it's really all about helping Madison, Dane County and
folks are listening today as today, get on in. Tim
would love to see you again. He's at the Fitchburg
store from ten until five on Wednesday. Stuf hop out
say hello to him. If you're on the West Side
or sun Prairie, don't worry. Tim's got you covered there
as well. Wilm's consultants are hanging out also anywhere. If
you can hear our voice, head on over to find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. Tim. It's always great chatting with you, my friend.
You enjoy this most fantastic of days.
Speaker 1 (20:16):
Always have a blast YouTube my brother.
Speaker 2 (20:18):
Take caaring again that website find your Healthy Place dot com, Facebook,
social media including Instagram, YouTube channel as well at find
your Underscore Healthy Place Dan O'Donnell. He comes your way
next right here. I'm thirteen ten Wiba