Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
At eight thirty nine and taking your calls to keep
you smiling with the healthy place. It's too Yeah, I
can't complain, Tim, How things going for you?
Speaker 2 (00:16):
All pretty good? You know. I mean, gosh, it's a heater. Yeah,
I wore my I'm nearly forty, so I'm trying to
stay cool, you know, and I wore my I'm trying
to stay cool shirt yesterday just to sort of, you know,
extend the vibes. And but no, it's it's beautiful, man.
Family's good. Working hard in the business, trying to provide value,
you know what it's all about.
Speaker 3 (00:37):
And speaking of working hard, you are You've been working
at the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays and gonna be out
there today ten till two thirty.
Speaker 2 (00:45):
Ten till five today. I am pretty excited about it.
You know. It's been a little bit since I've been
in the stores, and it's always been the favorite part
of what I do. I just really like to work
with people in general. That's why we started the business,
you know, in twenty ten, to help people. So yeah,
every Wednesday, ten to five, I'll be working at the
Fitchburg store and I just invite you, invite you out
you know, hey, come say hi, Come you know if
you have questions for you loved ones. I love doing
consultations and I'll be doing that every Wednesday, So come
check us out.
Speaker 3 (01:16):
Great opportunity to stop in say hello to Tim. Don't
forget as well. Not only Tim and the Wells Consultants
at the Fitchburg location. Wells Consultants are there for you
west side of Madison and sun Prairie as well. Also
online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your
Healthy Place dot com. You can also learn more on
social media, whether it's Facebook or Instagram at find your
Underscore Healthy Place and on YouTube some fantastic videos, great
stuff from the team at the Healthy Place on their
YouTube channel. You definitely want to make sure you're checking
that out. Speaking of making sure you're doing something, great
opportunity for you to take action this morning. Love to
have you join us. So I got to just pick
up phone gifts call here at station six oh eight
three two one thirteen ten. That's three two one thirteen
ten on the air with Tim O'Brien from The Healthy
Place and Tim when folks call in, you give him
a little bit of thank you for taking the time.
Speaker 2 (02:05):
To check in with us YEP twenty five dollars gift
card for calling in asking your question. I love to
sort of like incentivize that because questions sort of can
lead to answers and impact and helping people and help
other people that are listening. So now's a good time
to call a small, medium, large problem. You want to
know kind of the natural alternative or supplement that has
sort of been working for our community in that area.
I'll be able to kind of point you in the
right direction.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
Pat some great calls over the years, we'd love to
hear from you this morning. I also love to hear
from those folks that call in one week and call
back a week or two later and talk about their experience.
It's always a great opportunity to get on the air.
Loved hear from you. Six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
I'm starting to see first day of school photos. I
know my son goes back next week and a lot
of families getting prepared for that first day of school.
And you guys are speaking of doing cool things for
the folks. You guys in the healthy place are doing
something pretty cool you've got to You've got a back
school sale underway, don't you.
Speaker 2 (03:07):
Yeah, so we've we've brought in a dozen new brands
in the last year. It's just about the recent months actually,
it's been pretty exciting in the kid's kind of arena,
the kids section, you know, whether we're talking about like
shampoo and you know, lotion topicals like that are part
of that EWG group, that environmental working group that sort
of guards from sustainable sourcing, you know, ingredient and packaging clean, contrusted,
and then you know, obviously supplements is our main stick
and Lama Naturals, Joy Spring Mary Ruth. Over the years,
there's been a consistent struggle in the supplement industry of
like kidster supplements having high nutrition and tasting good. So
you know, it was like June and Becky and I
are chat and like, man, we gotta we got to
really find some high quality brands that also take least
super good because you know, we have kids and we're
doing the same thing. We're trying to force them to
take this stuff. And it's like, so you got if
you're listening, you have kids twenty five percent off this
week on all of our kids lines. And I would
encourage you to check it out, like Lamin Naturals it is.
It's so good. They use real fruit, so no added sugar,
so you're not getting that glycemic kind of insulin spike.
Joy Spring Mary Ruth, Like these are very popular brands,
very high quality, and they taste like amazing, and I'm
sort of like really excited about that because again, you know,
over the years, you try to like educate a community
and like take this, take this, take this, and if
the kidstars don't like it, then it's constant pushback and
parents have a hard time sort of like continuing to
get that into their kids. So it's changed, you know,
come check us out. Checked out the Joy Spring lam
Naturals Mary Ruth. Multi item in probiotic omega threes are
like the three pillars. You know. Parents come in, they'll
be like, Okay, I got a couple of kids, Like
what are kind of like the most important things that
I can give them? And it's multi vitamin because we're
all nutritionally deficient in one way or another. That goes
for our kids. STIs as well. Omega threes because every
cell in the body is surrounded with essential fatty acids
so every system gets benefited. Your sees benefit from Omega's
brain development great for kids obviously, and mood sort of balancing,
which is very important you know in the schoolroom at home.
Omega threes. Tons of science behind that, very good science
reason to believe that Omega threes can help with those things.
And then the third one that's big is probiotics. You know,
you're good and bad bacteria are always in a race
for our kids too. You're good bacteria. You want to
give it a leg up, you know, going into coffin
cold season. Eighty percent of the immune system is controlled
in the gut. So those are sort of like the
three pillars, if you will, in the kid supplement universe.
And then you know, kind of side note for immune
system since you know, thinking of coffin cold season coming up.
The big ones are vitamin D and elderberry and so
all five of those I think every parent should sort
of have in their arsenal to sort of like strengthen
their kid kid kiddos. And all of those are in
very tasty like no sugar, low sugar, tasty, high nutritional
you know kind of ways and approaches to take that.
So yes, all week twenty five percent off our whole
kid all of our lines for kids, and it's obviously
a good week to take action there. And you know
again for my kids, we're starting school next week too,
So here we go.
Speaker 3 (06:47):
Exciting times ahead and tim as we as we talk
about the reason as adults we need vitamins children same
same reasons, if not more. I remember reading sort of
a national geographic a couple of years ago, into headline
basic saying that fruits and vegetables less nutritious than they
used to be. And they talk about how, you know,
because of mass production agricultural practices that the fruits and vegetables.
I mean, as parents, you know, feeding your kid those
fruits and veggies because they're so important, but they're not
what we used to get when we are hit.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
From the nineteen fifties. This is shocking. Like a bowl
of salad in the nineteen fifties literally had twice the
amount of nutrients that it has now. Brown rice from
the nineteen seventies went down in calcium by forty percent.
This is this is I mean, this is shocking to me.
Like broccoli from nineteen oh I'm losing the dates from
nineteen seventy five something like that. Ninety five went down
in vitamin C by twenty five percent. And on top
of that deficiency, there's been more chemicals pestides, orbicides, fungicides
put on our foods more so than ever before in history.
So with those couple of things combined, it's like people
have a very honest question for me. Often they're like,
you know, one hundred years ago, tim this stuff didn't exist,
like these supplements didn't exist, Like why now, And it's
like it's such an honest and real question, and it's
like rewind a hundred years ago, the food that people
ate was like exponentially more nutritious, you know, the amount
of chemicals, Like there's something like seventy thousand chemicals that
we use here in the United States, and something like
forty thousand of those chemicals are totally illegal in Europe
because they're so bad for the human body. So we're
just living in this sort of like Petrie dish. You know,
we're driving behind cars that belt line traffic, like you know,
breathing in exhaust from the car in front of us,
like oxidative stress. You take a bite o of an
apple turns brown like that's that's happening to our bodies,
our organs, Like it's in a very different world than
it was a hundred years ago. So I love that
point and I kind of get excited about it because
that's why I got into the supplement industry. It's like
these two main categories, like people are suffering, you know,
chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, adjust of issues,
and that's category one. And supplements can help natural alternatives work.
It's good for people to know about them so that
they can be the CEO of their own health and
make decisions around their health, you know. And then the
second group of people is like, man, I want to
live a better or I want to live a good
quality of life. And we all have these deficiencies. We
all have our good and bad bacteria in e race.
We all sort of battle inflammation, which leads to chronic pain,
and you know, every form of disease. You talk about
quality of life. Epigenetics is something I like to kind
of geek out on a little bit. Genetics is sort
of like what you're born with, and it was believed
for a long time, like, hey, you know any you
know disease, it's all connected to genetics, there's nothing you
can do to sort of change or prevent or treat.
And so now the world has kind of flipped a
little bit where it's like epigenetics, which means above genetics
is that which you can control nutrition, which includes supplements.
So like, my goodness, all that you know a lot
of science coming out that many diseases are preventable, which
is sort of mind blowing because that creates like this
sense of urgency to get that word out again. Why
Becky and I started the company in twenty ten and
doctor A jail Gouls, one of my heroes, works out
of the Baylor University down in Texas. He was trying
to cure cancer for like a decade in his career,
and the ground that he was making with his team
was so small, and he stumbled across like epigenetics. He
kept seeing the power of prevention, and so then he moved.
The last fifteen twenty years he's been working on prevention
and the science that's coming out around. You know, inflammations
a part of almost all diseases, and so if you
can clean your body of inflammation every day with nutrients
like percumin, like, there's some good science supporting. Hey, the
whole topic of prevention. So making action is what I
love to talk about. So if you have you know,
been in our stores, I thank you. And if you haven't,
like come check us out. And if not us, like
get somebody on your team that can sort of be
a guide in the supplement space because there's so many
voices and it's nice to know, like what can I
do to sort of take action in this area or
that area. And our team, Becky and I are kind
of strategic in not wanting our team to sort of
have commission like as at like G and C or
you know, Vitamin Shop. Like there's just commission as a
part of the story and that isn't bad. I'm not
saying it's bad. It's just a distraction. Like we want
to be able to do like souls before sales, Like
we want to be able to you know, sort of
extend that care to the community, add that value, and
then sales sort of take care of themselves. The more
we add value. So if you have questions like hey,
quality of life or hey I'm suffering or loved one suffering,
like what natural alternatives can work, Like, we want you
to become the CEO of your Own Health. That's like
our whole purpose of being in Madison here.
Speaker 3 (12:04):
You mentioned taking action. It's today is a great day
to do that. It always starts that kind of tim
that first step and encouraging people to take that first step.
And I think one of the great things too, I've
learned from you in talking with you over the years
is you should notice the difference I think sometimes with
people with supplement some of things like I just take
this vitamin multivitamin every single day. Do you know anything, well, no, Well,
you should see a difference and quality and and sourcing
these things, they're all super important. And of course when
it comes to chatting with a wellness consultant at the
Healthy Place, they can get you up to speed on
all of that stuff. It's a great day to get
on in. Whether it's the West side of Madison, Sun
Prairie location or Fitchburg Will Tim will be hanging out
from ten today until five this afternoon. Stop out see
him or one of the wellness consultants at any one
of the locations. Of course, available online finds your Healthy
Place dot com. That's fine, your Healthy Place dot com.
We have busy lifestyle. We're going to talk about something
the really cool that they're doing at the Healthy Place.
Get in, get a snack, get a drink. Oh goodness,
we'll get those details.
Speaker 2 (13:00):
Speaker 3 (13:00):
I'm already salivating. I want to hear all about it.
You're on that from Tim. We'll do that next as
ask the Experts with the Healthy Place continues right here
on thirteen ten double uibi eight fifty thirteen ten doubuib
a and ask the experts. Hanging out with Tim O'Brien
from the Healthy Place. The website find your Healthy Place
dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place dot com. Three
locations west sid of Madison at Fitchburg and Sun Prairie.
I mentioned also getting on over to the website find
Yourhealthy Place dot com. If you're on social media Facebook, Instagram,
if you haven't checked out their YouTube channel, make sure
you're doing that Find your Healthy Place. You can find
them on those on those platforms. Also links right from
find your Healthy Place dot com. Speaking also of getting
a chance to get into the stores, Tim is at
the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays. That's today, love to see
He'll be out there from Tim this morning till five pm.
Stop out, say hello, tell them how much you love
the show, and yeah, I know, I know, Tim, you
do really appreciate seeing folks and one of the things too,
folks can do when they stomp in. I know, we're
all very busy. We've all got a bunch of different
things going on, and sometimes that leads to maybe not
the best choices when it comes to snags, and sometimes
not the best choices when it comes to other grab
and go type items. You guys at the Healthy Place
are doing something really really cool when it comes to
some grab and go items at the Healthy Places.
Speaker 2 (14:25):
Thank you so much, man. Yeah, so, Becky and I
mentioned kind of the new brands that we've been bringing in,
specifically like kids brands like this fall are going to
be bringing in a number of new like beauty personal
care brands. And the third sort of category that we've
sort of been bringing in a bunch of new brands
is the grab and go category. So that would be
like ready to drink protein drinks, you know, electrolyte drinks,
organic sort of clean low sugar or energy drinks, and
all of your snacks and sort of like your grab
and go healthy organic clean sna ax bars for kids
for adults, you know that family unit and a part
of this strategy as we've been sort of looking through
or reading book called Playing to Win, like we really
want to, you know, we set out in twenty ten
it's like, Okay, we want to move the needle on
people's health. We want to you know, we sort of
have been distilling, like what's our goal, Like we want
to move the needle on life expectancy and like total
pharmaceutical drug intake, and like we want to end suffering
and increase quality life, et cetera. So we have our
sort of like winning aspiration in madisone, and like out
of that flowed like, man, okay, this snack grab and
go category has it's really tough because the stuff is
so darn expensive. It's often expensive for us to buy it,
and then we need a margin typically on that as
a business, right, so then it makes it even more
expensive for the consumer for our community. And so we're like, okay,
what if we made our entire grab and go category
be at our cost? Like what if we did that?
And you know, how can we do it for six months,
a year, two years? Like I honestly don't know yet,
but like what I what we did decide is how
freaking cool would that be if we put all of
our grab and go category at costs. So for like
you know, just throwing some brand names out there, like
Element is an electrolyte that's like very popular. It's like
very good quality. It's super hot outside, like people should
be getting their electrites in like chomps uh. You know,
Aloha Bars, Go Macro Bars, which is a local company,
Scout Bars. These are very delicious, like very good foods,
all at our costs. Like drinks. You know, Jocko Willink
is one of my favorite humans, like navy former neighbor's
Navy CEO officer, and he has a cool brand like
his his whole like grab and go category, his his
energy drinks, you know, like it's all at cost. I'm
so pumped about this, dude, because like I know, my
family right, it's it's expensive. It just all adds up.
So you can count on us at the healthy place
to have our grab and go category like at cost
for the foreseeable future, like we're saying at least the
next six months. Check it out, stock up. It's truly
at our cost. And the whole idea is, you know, hey,
we're selling this like at our cost because we want
to add value. Part of that playing to win strategy
that we're going through is like, how do we add
so much value to our community that we really move
the needle. And you know, foot traffic is going to
help us. So it's like not like it's a negative
for somebody to come in buy it at costs, Like
foot traffic is always good for a retail store. So
we're winning. The community is winning. And I wanted to
throw that out there because it's like meaningful to me
and it's tasty, so come check it out.
Speaker 3 (17:44):
Two of the best reasons. I would say the absolute
best reason is to say hello though, so just great
to the Healthy Place. Tim will be at the Pittsburgh
location from ten until five today of course, Fitchburg, west
side of Madison and sun Prairie location the Health The
Place got Wells Consultant standing by Real Quick too. Did
I see this right? You guys are doing a little
bit of a giveaway as well for back to school
or am I have I missed? Did I miss something?
Speaker 2 (18:06):
Tim? One?
Speaker 3 (18:07):
You can win?
Speaker 2 (18:08):
No, we are doing a giveaway. It's like a backpack
with a ton of our kid kiddo brands in there,
you know, talk about like you know, Focus, We have
products in there that are good for your kiddo's like Focus,
all the products I mentioned as far as like you know,
Multi those sort of like pillars of Hell for our kids, Probiotics,
some treats in there as well, like talking about the
grab and go category four kids specifically, like my kids
are munching on all this stuff, very clean, very natural,
free of like contaminants. And you should check our instagram,
our social media handles out, you know, like share, Like
the instructions are all on the website and on our
social media. So that's some really cool giveaways going on.
Thank you for pointing that out, mister Sean Preble.
Speaker 3 (18:53):
Well, it's it's a pretty sweet deal. It's a really
good opportunity you mentioned. All the details are on the
on the post. But check that out again. If you
haven't followed the Healthy Place on Facebook and social media
including Instagram, make sure you're doing that. Of course, all
links right from find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
find your Healthy Place dot com today is today. Get
on in. They'd love to see your smiling face, whether
it's westside of Madison, Fitchburg, or Sun Prairie location. Don't forget. Also,
Tim is at the Fitchburg location today and from ten
until five every Wednesday from ten until five, So stop
on in. I know he'd love to see you, Tim.
Tim always flies by while we're hanging out. You enjoy
this beautiful day. I may have to stop in, grab
a snack and stay.
Speaker 2 (19:31):
Hell over, mom, buddy boy.
Speaker 3 (19:33):
I think I think that's on. I think that's on
my agenda for today. Because of course, Fitchburg location right
up the road from the radio station. Get on in, Tim,
It's always great seeing you, my friend. You enjoy this
beautiful day.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
Thank you so much, dude, you too.
Speaker 3 (19:45):
And again the website find your Healthy Place dot com.
That's fined your Healthy Place dot com. Three locations West Sondo, Madison,
Fitchburg and Sun Prairie. Make sure you're following them online
social media, Facebook, YouTube, that great YouTube channel as well
as their Instagram channel. Dan O'Donnell he comes your way next.
He's got a chance for you. It's final week actually
to win one thousand dollars. He will do that next
here on thirteen ten Wiba