All Episodes

January 15, 2025 • 23 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What is going on? Mister Sean Frebel.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
Who sketch my breath? Eye?

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Tim, how you been my friend?

Speaker 1 (00:15):
I got the shout out, just just gave you a heart.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
I fell right out of my chair.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Man, I'm doing good man. It is frigid out there.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Oh is it ever you have?

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Yeah? Wow, I mean negative three. I think last night, do.

Speaker 3 (00:30):
You guys have anything like uh that that we can
like beverages that can be warmed up?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
And it's like I hadn't thought about that.

Speaker 3 (00:37):
I know, we see you guys have a lot of
great grab and go options. Think do you have anything
like uh like a warm tea?

Speaker 2 (00:43):
I could uh.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
Oil up something?

Speaker 3 (00:46):
And yeah, Well, it's great to talk with you this morning.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
And we've got so much stuff going on at the
Healthy Place. Of course.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Tim O'Brian comes to us from the Healthy Place, three
locations west side of Madison, Fitchburg AND's and Pray. Speaking
of Fitchburg, speaking of Wednesdays, speaking of speaking with Tim O'Brien,
you can talk with them this morning and to this afternoon.
He'll be out at Fitchburg location from ten until five today.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
So every Wednesday, Fitchburg store ten to five. I'm loving
it sean great data.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Get out on you.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
We have not been in in a while. You're listening,
Come on in, give me a high fived. Love to
see you. And if you're someone dealing with some sort
of health concern, challenge for you loved one, come on
in too. Love to do health consults. So Wednesday's Fitchburg Store,
I'm loving it.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
It's a great day to get on in again.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Whether it's Fitchburg say hello to Tim today from ten
until five west Side or some prayer location website find
your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place
dot com an amazing website, great resource to learn more
about Tim and the team at the Healthy Place. You
can start a conversation wellness consultant. You can order online
as well. Speaking of being online, if you are on
social media, whether it's Facebook or Instagram, YouTube, they've got

a great channel at find your Underscore Healthy Place find
them on social media as well. The phone lines are
open also, speaking of all the great different ways to
make contact with Tim and the team at the Healthy Place.
Great opportunity right now. If you've got a question left
you have you join us six oh eight three two
one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten. We'll get you right on the air with
Tim O'Brien from The Healthy Place and Tim, not only
will folks get some great answers to their questions, but

you give them a little thank you for taking the time,
don't you.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Yeah, twenty five dollars gift card for calling in love
questions because it kind of demonstrates what our wellness consultants
and myself do in our stores every single day with
the community. So a good question, any question on your
health and you're curious maybe on natural alternatives supplements that
are good for that specific issue. That's what I love
to talk about.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Phone lines are open six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
Gets you right on the air with Tim O'Brien from
The Healthy Place and Tim.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
We started a conversation last week.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
It's a little bit about New Year's and New Year's resolutions.
I know we're getting now into the into the new
year and folks are really starting to either either settle
into healthy habits or this is also a kind that
time of year where people can either kind of stick
with things or they start to kind of fade off,
and that's a mistake. I mean, for a lot of
folks that have made a good decision, it's an important

time to reinforce, stick with the plan, really really think
about your overall health, isn't it.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Yeah. I like to remind people that there are natural
alternatives that work, and you know, our health and our
life are kind of like the most important things. Just
breathing still is a good idea, and health is a
big part of quality of life. And so so many
people are walking around sort of stressed out, depressed, maybe
not getting good sleep, maybe some health conditions. They take

a variety of drugs and they just kind of coast
and say, hey, this is life. I have too much
else to do to sort of figure out these problems.
And you know, the medical system doesn't naturally educate on
natural alternatives, so we're trying to educate around that topic.
So if you are alive and you are wanting to

live life to sort of its fullness, then I would
I would just speak to you directly and say, hey,
you know, why not know about the natural alternatives that
you can take instead of the drugs under your medical professional.
So often you can get off the drugs that sort
of treat a symptom and damage the body, and then
get on a natural alternative that treats the same symptom

and helps the body, strengthens the body. So you know,
whether it's ozepic for weight loss or the resuprem for anxieties,
O off depression, you know, ambient for sleep. Like, sometimes
the drugs are needed, and so I respect people's decisions
around that. So it's not so much trying to persuade people.
It's do you know what is working out there in
the natural alternative space, and do you know what some

of the pharmaceutical drugs are doing in the area of
damaging your system, damaging your body. Those those side effects
can grow over years and years and years of being
on a medication. I mean even something simple like ibuprofen
or tile on all you know you take a handful
of every day. You know that's going to be hard
on your kid, and he's hard on your liver. And
if some CBD oil or some kurkuman or bosuelia to

lower the inflammation does the same thing for what your
goal is. Say you have a little arthritis or some
pain in the neck or something. Inflammation is the root
of that pain. So if you reduce the inflammation, you
can treat the pain very quickly and naturally. And so
I'm wanting folks to know what's out there, and so
use us as a resource. There's other great companies in town.

Use them as a resource. The point is, be the
CEO of your own health this year. Take up that sword,
you know, and it might just be a it might
just be a small micro decision like, hey, I take
this drug. I'm curious what natural alternative helps with this issue.
And those little baby steps will move you closer to
sort of the fullness of your health or your healthy place.

You know. That's kind of why we named our company
the Healthy Place is we want to help you find
your healthy place.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
Doug, it's running with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place online.
Find your Healthy Place dot com. That's all one word.
Find your Healthy Place dot com. Great place to learn
more about the Healthy Place. Also, you can order online
start a conversation right on the website as well. Of course,
speaking of being online, if you are on any of
the social media sites, make sure you check out the
Healthy Place, whether it's Facebook, Instagram. They've got a fantastic

YouTube channel as well. Great opportunity if you've got a question,
love to get you on the air with Tim O'Brien
from The Healthy Place TOLF number six so eight three
two one thirteen ten. That's six so eight three two
one thirteen ten.

Speaker 2 (06:28):
Don't forget.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
Tim hangs out at the Fitchburg location of The Healthy
Place on Wednesdays from open to closed ten until five
of course Fitchburg. And also get into the west Side
location or the sub prairie location of the Healthy Place.
They'd love to help you there as well. And Tim,
speaking of kind of really cool things that folks are
looking for. I know antioxidants are are really really good

for the body, and uh, you guys have a really
cool the Greens powder, and let's talk about that product
and what it's, what it does.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
And people absolutely love this stuff, don't they.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
I'm really excited about our lively vitamin co Greens powder
that we brought together. We brought it in a couple
months ago and it has forty two different superfood phyto
nutrient kind of superpowers. It has a lot of your
reds and fruit extracts, so it's equivalent to seven servings
of vegetables and four servings of fruits. It also has

an adaptogen blend which helps your body adapt to stress
Rodeola ashwaganda some of your adaptogens and you feel it
like you feel. You take a scoop of the greens powder,
mix it with a little water. It tastes like juice
because of the fruit extracts in there. So we're not
adding any sugar, but the fruit extracts improve the taste significantly.

So you get a full adaptagen blend in their brain
focus blend, digestive blend, and some probiotics in there. So
we've been sampling this out in our stores and so
you can pop in the store ask for a sample
of the greens. Folks struggle in general getting the amount
of vegetable content in their daily diet, and with their
kids even more so, you know, thinking about our children,

Becky and I, it's tough to get the amount of
greens that we want to see in them. So the
fact that this tastes good and that they drink it
mixed with water. Others mix it with as smoothie or
add some juice to it, but it actually tastes pretty
good just with water. And I even think it's enjoyable.
I mean, most greens powders taste kind of like your
front lawn, like under the lawnmower right there, those chunks.

That's what most greens taste like. So I'm real proud
of the taste on this one, and even more proud
of the nutritional content. You feel better, you know, as
stress anxiety is a big and depression. Like people feel
better when you're getting the right nutrients, and so taking
a quick shot in the morning of Lively Greens powder
is helping people feel better in general. It's a better

start the day often than what their you know, coffee
and you know something from the gas station. It's quick
because you can mix it just with a cup of water.
It's not like clumpy. So Lively Greens got to check
it out. Ask for a sample in the stores we
have been making it. Rain Greens in Madison is fantastic.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
And by the way, Tim, I was driving around listening
to a podcast the other day and your voice popped
into my head and it was they were talking and
it's right along the same lines about the Lively vitamin
co the Greens is. They were talking about modern agricultural practices.
They're talking about how you know, they prioritize things like

yield over things like soil health and nutrition density. And
something that you have said had said to me in
the past, really kind of jumped out as I was
listening to this podcast about vegetables today are less nutritious
than they were generations ago for those.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Wild Yeah, you know, you look back in the nineteen fifties,
b LA salad had literally twice the amount of nutrients
in it. And there's a few examples I like to give,
like broccoli from nineteen seventy five to nineteen ninety five
went down something like thirty percent in vitamin C, and
from nineteen sixty to present a bowl of brown rice

went down forty percent in its calcium content. So there's
a bunch of reasons for this, you know, not letting
the soil rests, like you mentioned a lot of the time,
will harvest before foods are ripe. You know, I'm not
a farmer, so I'm not gonna pretend to know how
it all works. This is just some things I've read. Pesticides, herbicides,
fungus sides, you know, leech content, and then sort of

our negative in our systems and our bodies GMO conversation.
So the world has changed since the nineteen fifties, and
it's really it's really an important point because a lot
of folks will bring up an honest question like, hey,
you know, one hundred years ago, they didn't really have
all these supplements, so makes sense to that for me,
you know, And one hundred years ago, the whole world
was like very different, like the amount of free radical damage,

oxidative stress toxins. You know. I think we work in
the United States, I think the number is still around
like seventy thousand different chemicals that you know, forty thousand
plus of those chemicals are illegal over in Europe because
of how toxic harmful they are to the human body.
So there's things like that that we're dealing with where
the world and the food and our systems and our
nutritional deficiencies, it's all very different than one hundred plus

years ago. So I encourage folks, yeah, whether it's lively greens,
good quality multi vitamin to get those basic foundational nutrients
in you every day. And then obviously eating well and
exercise are even more important than supplements. So those three
kind of work together and it can make a difference.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
It's it's pretty amazing. And yeah, listen to this podcast. Like, hey,
Tim was telling me about this a couple of years,
so it's always fantastic information from our friend Tim O'Brien.
If you've got a question, love to have you joined
us this morning, Tef and I'm going to get down
the air six so eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six O eight three two one thirteen ten. The
phones we go and Becky joins us. Becky, welcome to

the program here on the air with Tim O'Brien from
The Healthy Place.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
Hey, Becky, good morning, Thank you, good morning for sure,
good morning. How are you really good?

Speaker 4 (12:16):
So I had a question. I have had some great
success with your advice that Kira Meds has been has
been really great for my hip and joint pain, and
so I'm wondering if there's something you could suggest so
I could get off the prescription for Goerd medicine.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Oh yeah, Goerd is no fun at all for those
listening for Cuman Kiramed that Becky's taking lowers the inflammation
in the body, so that's kind of like the root
of pain, and that works as a natural painkiller for
a lot of people. So I'm glad that's helping you,
Becky for gird. There's a few different products I recommend
a heartburn Peer Encapsulations has been a top selling product

that has your marshmallow and your slippery elm and your
dgl licorice that helps sort of that immediate heartburn, very
fast acting, So that's a top recommendation there. And then
by Terry Naturally there's Advance Heartburn Rescue and that's a
second product and that goes more after like balancing your acids,

balancing your sort of like acid producing factories, and that
has D leimanine and C. Buck thorn in there, so
that combo of those two products and there's more you
can do, but that's a really good start. And then
you know, working with your medical professional or sort of
making some decisions yourself, like you kind of want to
wean your way off of some of those medications because
if you know, you picture yourself having on average, say

six acid producing factories. When you go on some of
those medications, it suppresses your acid production, and if you
go cold turkey off of that, then all of a
sudden you jump up to twelve acid producing factories and
it can be like, oh, my goodness, very intense and
no fun. So a lot of folks will reduce it
twenty into four weeks, you know, each week, kind of

reducing twenty five percent at a time, so they sort
of cut that pill and half are into parts or
work with their medicationannel to kind of get a plan there.
So but that that's been working. That's been We've this
a common question, Becky, and I think that you could
come in to the store get a little battle plan.
We'd kind of write out how many to take of
each and win. Or you can do that over email

Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com or with
any of our staff. We'd love to work with you
over the next three six months. It'd be pretty cool
if we get you off those mets.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
Great question, Becky.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Love to get a follow up as well, and again
Tim's email addresses Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com.
That's Tim ti Am at find your Healthy Place dot com.
Looks into your conversation with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy
Place just moment in the meet time. You haven't been
to the website yet, head on over there find your
Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
Great day to get whether it's the West side Fitchburger
Sun Prairie location at the Healthy Place. Don't forget it's

a Wednesday. That means Tim is at the Fitchburg location
ten until five. Stop on in, give him a high five,
say hello again. The Healthy Place three locations westside of Madison,
Fitchburg and Sun Prairie phone lines are open for you.
We'll check in with Robin and News and talk more
with Tim next as ask the experts with the Healthy
Place continues right here on thirteen ten Doublyuiba a fifty
thirteen ten Wiba hanging out with her good friend Tim O'Brien.

Of course, Tim comes to us from the Healthy Place
online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's fined your
Healthy Place dot com. Fantastic website you can.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Now order right online.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
You can learn more about the Healthy Place, links there
to their YouTube channel and some other really cool stuff.
And of course you can also start a conversation start
at chat with the welds consultant on the website.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
Even better, it's a great day to get.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
Into the Healthy Place you haven't been in recently. It's
a great time to stop on in. Whether it's the
West side Fitchburger Sun Prairie location added bonus if you
go to the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays, that would be
today from ten until five. Tim O'Brien is hanging out
at the Fitchburg location. I know, Tim, you love love
getting into the stores. And for people that don't know,
I was obviously running a business. You've got some great,

great people around you. You of course you went Becky
and then you've got the fantastic wellness consults at the
Happy Place, the Healthy Place, keeping everybody happy. And one
of the things that happened was is, of course got
a lot to manage and a lot of people to
be taken care of, and you kind of had to
step back a little bit from the day to day
stuff inside the stores.

Speaker 2 (16:35):
You really missed that time, didn't you.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
Yeah. Yeah, If you don't know, from about the end
of twenty nineteen beginning of twenty twenty to just three
four months ago, I had not worked consistently in the
stores at all, working behind the scenes and over at
our office in Fitchburg, and I grew over time missing it.
I don't know if you can identify when you gain

fulfillment from something and then you go do something else
because duty calls, and then after some years you go.
I get a lot more joy working with the community,
figuring health problems out caring for people in ways that
they're often not cared for, helping figure out health challenges
and for them and their loved ones. It's just it's
like a puzzle and it's fun and I like working

with the community in general. So every Wednesday this year
at the Fitchburg store is my commitment ten to five.
So I really enjoy seeing our community. If it's been
a little while, come on out, give me a high five.
If you have questions around your health or what natural
alternatives are working in the community. You know, we get
to do this all day as a team. So we
just start to figure out what supplements work, what brands

are good, better, best. You know, we have about two
hundred brands, four thousand products, and our army of wellness consultants.
This is like all we do all day is problem
solve for people. We don't pretend to be doctors or pharmacists.
We are natural alternatives. We know nutrition, we know supplements,
and we know which brands forms of ingredients are gonna
be good, better, best for this issue. Or that, and

we've just I'm just very proud of how consistent and
successful we are with so many common issues that folks battle.
You know, Becky called in earlier talking about pain and
some gird that she's dealing with, Like these are common,
like folks dealing with depression. You know. Natural alternative that
we're on the radio with right now is for chill

pill product that is working in place of anti anxiety
medications and antidepressants and sleep medication. Like people are feeling
better on natural alternatives when you can figure it out.
And it's just it's been fun. So yeah, stop in,
stop in any one of our stores. Like the idea
we're early here in twenty twenty five, like be the

CEO of your own health, Like just one little baby
step at a time, doesn't have to be worlds changing.
Make a step today, you know, be the CEO of
your own health.

Speaker 3 (18:58):
One of the things too that and I I know
folks that have had a chance to work with a
wellness consultant, is there's a relationship that develops there. We
folks calling in all the time talking about who their
wellness consultant. Is that relationship that they develop and all
the great success they've had. For folks that haven't had
that opportunity that maybe just listen to the program and say,
oh Ti, Tim is very knowledgeable, he's very passionate. What

I think is very apparent to anyone that's had a
chance to get into anyone of the location of the
healthy place that carries through your wellness consultants. Very knowledgeable,
very passionate. These are people that every single day wake
up wanting to help and the best thing is they've
got the tools to actually do it where they can actually.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Make a difference in our community.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
It's so cool, man. I mean, we meet every two weeks,
every other Tuesday. We come together for ninety minutes and
we say, hey, you know, how can we add more
value to the community. How can we get more breakthrough
in these health problems. How can we consistently strategically move
the community forward in their education of their own health

and their options, and how can we help empower them?
As part of our mission statement impact, empower and educate
every customer to learn GORO create a lifelong foundation of
health and wellness, and that ties into our vision which
is all about ending human suffering and increasing quality of life.
So if you come into our stores. I think you'll
be met with a smiling face. We don't do commission

with our team because we don't want dollars sort of
distracting folks from what the top recommendation is. Supplements can
get expensive, so you can have that peace of mind
that's what is being recommended to you is not tied
to any sort of commission. So that's sort of a
difference maker that Becky and I have created in our
company versus other health stores, and so you can come

in get education. We want folks to utilize, whether it's
calling in our tool online to submit a ticket, you
can ask questions online or pop in our stores. We
want to make it easy for folks to find natural alternatives.
And then whether you buy it or not is beside
the point. Like it's more about you having that cation
in your back pocket for you, your loved ones in

all these areas of your health, and I would encourage
you to take some action there. In twenty twenty.

Speaker 3 (21:07):
Five, it's a great year to do it, a great
day to start that mission, start that journey.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Stop in, say hello, they're all so friendly and knowledgeable
at the Healthy Place. Other cool thing.

Speaker 3 (21:15):
There's a lot of really nice information at all of
the location of the healthy Place, kind of like a
little library you can pick up some more information on
things and tim before we wrap up, We've got just
under a minute here.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
I just wanted to ask you too.

Speaker 3 (21:26):
I know there's a lot of kind of respiratory things
going around right now, and I know we talked before
the holidays about this, but there are some really important
things folks can do to and I know this is
something we could probably talk hours on, but again, I
got just under a minute. Is there something to say
if you were to say, like, this is what something
somebody should be looking at right now to keep themselves healthy.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
Yeah. Long, you know, especially in the cold, I have asthma,
So if I'm working outside in the cold like i'll,
my asthma will act up a lot faster because of
that cold. So Bronchial Clear by Terry Naturally and boz
Med by Terry Naturally really respect that brand. The Bronchial
Clear will have time and some of your herbs that
sort of open up your airwaves, and that product works.

I've been using that for years. And then Bosmed targets
it's called five locks inflammation, which is common in your lungs.
So it targets lung inflammation really well. And so those
are two really big ones. If it's a little bit
more allergy related or some sort of sensitivity, a product
called Inhale Exhale by Lively Vitamin Co has been a
top seller for allergies. So main thing is, Hey, we're here.

We want to be on your team. We want to
help educate and empower and inspire if we can. So yeah,
like Sean said, like get some literature, get some education.
We'd love to be on your team.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
It's a great data get on in, especially great data
to get into the Fitchburg location, but any one of
the locations of the Healthy Place, whether it's Fitchburg, West Side,
sun Prairiy or online online, start that conversation again. Tim
is at the Fitchburg location on Wednesday, so that's today
from ten until five. Stop on in, give him a
high five. I know he'd love to you again. You
can learn more online find your Healthy Place dot com.
That's fine, your Healthy Place dot com. Jim, it's always

great chatting with you, my friend. You enjoy this fantastic day.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Thanks John, Stay warm, buddy, You do the same.

Speaker 3 (23:10):
Vicky McKenna has your chance to win one thousand dollars
next right here, I'm thirteen ten Wiba
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