Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, Good morning, and happy Wednesday. Sean. How you doing, Middy.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
I'm doing really well. Tip. It's great to talk with you.
And we've got so much stuff, so much really cool
things going on, so many cool happenings going on at
the Healthy Place as we talk with Tim O'Brien this
morning from the Healthy Place. If you've got a question,
love to have you join us this week. All you
gotta just pick ap phone, give us a call here
at station six eight three two one thirteen ten. That's
six so eight to three two one thirteen ten. We'll
get you on the air with Tim O'Brien from the
Healthy Place. We'll tell you about some of the other
extra bonuses to calling in. We get to that in
just a moment. A couple of things also to keep
in mind as we talk with Tim, not only other
phone lines open. Of course, you can always head on
over to the website find your Healthy Place dot com.
Let's find your Healthy Place dot com. Start a chat
with the Welves consultant right on the website. Also, if
you're on the Internet, don't forget you can find the
Healthy Place on Facebook and other social media like Instagram
at finds Your Underscore. Healthy Plays got a great YouTube
channel as well with a lot of really cool videos
and some great stuff there.
Speaker 1 (00:55):
Even better, what a day to get on.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
Into the Healthy Place, whether it's West sid of Madison,
Fitchburger's Sun Prairie location, and an added bonus to get
into the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays, and today is a Wednesday.
You will see mister Tim O'Brien there looking to say hello.
And Tim, I know you absolutely love getting into the
stores again and getting out to help folks and meet
with folks and do your thing right.
Speaker 3 (01:19):
You know I do, and it's always been my favorite thing.
So we opened in twenty ten and in twenty nineteen
things got a little bit too busy, so I had
to step out towards their office berg and you know,
work behind the scenes five years and so I feel
like I've been coming out of the woodwork back into
the stores, back into the community. Because it took some
soul searching to realize, Man, this is my favorite part.
It's always been my favorite part as people. I like people,
I like helping people. My mom's story kind of growing
up is what started the whole thing with her cancer
battle around health and natural alternatives and getting to bring
natural alternatives ideas battle plans, even just encouragement to those
who are suffering or not living quality of life, or
say they're just trying to have somebody on their team
that will sort of give natural alternative ideas if they're
having too many side effects with pharmaceutical drugs and they're
just curious, like, hey, working with my medical professional, what
are some natural alternatives that can help with my chronic pain,
my stress, my anxiety, my depression, my sleep issues. You know,
I was talking to somebody last week with Crone's disease
and we were able to manage their flare ups through
BCM ninety five, curcumen and bosulia and probiotics, and they're
just living a better quality of life. And that's like,
if you have Crone's disease, that's like a pretty big deal.
There's folks that are on biologics and different pharmaceutical drugs
that have significant side effects. Their quality of life is lowered,
And you know, I think most people understand that drugs
in general, they treat a symptom and then sort of
hurt the body in different ways, and so at the
healthy place, it's just cool to get to educate the
community that you can take a natural alternative and treat
that same symptom and then have a host of benefits
instead of kind of hurting the body. And there's a
place for pharmaceutical drugs. So I'm grateful for him, and
I always like to give a shout out. We have
some of the best doctors pharmacists in the world here
in Madison, Wisconsin and at the Healthy Place where that support,
that natural alternative support. So yeah, I'll be over at
the Fitchburg Store today from ten till four thirty. And
if you're around, you should just swing by, stop give
a high five. If you've been around in years past,
I'm missing a lot of our community, Like stop on by,
just give a handshake if you have a health concern
for you or a loved one and you're just curious, like, hey,
what natural alternatives have been working this last fifteen years
for our community that I've sort of observed that our
wellness consultants are sort of observed, you know, stop on
by Fitchburg Store ten to four thirty and yeah, we'd
love to help out.
Speaker 2 (03:57):
And I know it's been very popular here for folks.
I got a chance to finally I've listened to Tim
for years. I finally got a chance to see my person.
Speaker 3 (04:03):
Yeah, yeah, that I mean, that's been cool to get,
you know, shouting out on the and then folks come
in like I've been listening to you.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
For two or whatever, and it's funny, it's just like meaningful.
Speaker 3 (04:12):
You know, I'm not that interesting.
Speaker 1 (04:15):
So like there's a couple of people here in mem Oh. Yes,
I love you.
Speaker 2 (04:18):
People, love talking with you, love meeting you. And again
Tim's gonna be out today Wednesday. He's got the Fitchburg
location from ten until four thirty. Don't forget as well
well in this consultants at Fitchburg, west side of Madison
and some Prairie locations as well. Is online and finds
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. Great opportunity right now as well to call
in if you've got a question. Love to get you
on the air six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. When
you call in, not only will be a great conversation,
you'll be helping yourself and helping others as well.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Speaker 2 (04:46):
You also give a little thank you for folks to
take the time saying.
Speaker 3 (04:48):
A five dollars gift card for calling in yep on
that can be used online or in stores.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
That's a fantastic opportunity right now, I gotta do. Just
give a call, get you on the air six oh
eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight
to three two one thirteen ten. One of the great
things about the Healthy Place, Tim is I know you
guys worked very very hard to be bringing updated everything
to the folks. You are you are very much on
a mission not only to have fantastic stores and fantastic
wellness consultants, but also to carry the best products available
out there. And you guys do a lot of work
and a lot of research, and you've recently added some
new products to the Healthy Place lineup. And you guys
had a great, great product training earlier this week with
your welles consultants. Let's talk about that.
Speaker 1 (05:30):
Speaker 3 (05:31):
Yeah, So in general, our wellness consultants I call them
a wellness consultant army because we are on mission. And
it's like each time we encounter a health condition or
a struggle or a problem that we can't that we
aren't winning with, we go to the books. We go
to those that have expertise that we don't. We have
licensed natural paths and chiropractors and medical doctors and researchers
all around the planet that we are able and connected
to just through networking, going to training events, following different
experts online where you can contact them, and we seek
out the information and we become better. So we've been
doing that for fifteen years and it's really rewarding because
you know, there's no condition that's not like common demand,
so to speak. Like most of the problems that our
community brings up are quite popular problems, and our team
has become better and better about helping those people and
like which brands are good, better best, which forms of
ingredients are more bioavailable, more absorbable, treating deficiencies like gaining
breakthrough putting the forest fire out on whatever health condition issue,
and it doesn't give us one hundred percent batting average
by any means. And that's why we'll have like a
return policy because if somebody comes into us suffering and
they buy a couple products, you know, supplements aren't cheap,
so we want them to know, hey, if this doesn't
work for their specific condition, issue, problem, like bring it
back a month from now. Empty bottles is fine. The
idea is finding out testing what works what doesn't work.
It's actually similar in the pharmaceutical industry, where you know,
all drugs don't work for all people, so they need
to try different drugs, and so in the natural alternative space,
it's kind of similar. Like we'll have our top three
most successful plans for somebody, and we'll start with the
most successful, of course, and then if someone needs to
you know, the way I phrase it is like, hey,
over the next six months, I'd love to find you
breakthrough in this area. And so if it's not with
the first plan, then we'll try the second and the third.
And our overall success rate in bringing relief to the
community has been quite popular, you know. I think that's
I love to just go through our five star Google reviews.
You know, we have like over a thousand, and I'm
just like, it is fires me when I get discouraged
about people. There's still so many people suffering, so many
people not living quality life here in Dane County. I
get like very frustrated about not gaining the breakthrough that
I sort of can visualize. But then I'll read through
my reviews and I'm like, Okay, we are helping so
many people.
Speaker 1 (08:16):
So one area that we like to level up on
and a way.
Speaker 3 (08:20):
We do it is we have these evening vendor trainings
every month or every other month. So last night we
went over to a cafe Hollander and we had Jocko representation.
So Jocko Willink owns a company called Jocko Fuel and
he was a Lieutenant commander retired Navy Seal officer from
nineteen ninety to twenty ten. He wrote some very cool
books like Extreme Ownership Dichotomy of Leadership. Those two books
both impacted my leadership of our company quite a lot.
Speaker 1 (08:51):
So I love the guy. I look up to him.
He's like a hero.
Speaker 3 (08:54):
And so he created a product line a few years back,
and we brought that brand in because it's clean fuel.
Speaker 1 (09:01):
So in the area of you.
Speaker 3 (09:03):
Know, health, in the area of working out or recovery,
there's so much synthetics in our space and the workout space,
there's so many artificial sweeteners and artificial colors and fillers,
and so his whole brand is all about clean fuel
and so we've been educating our team on that. So
last night was just a fun time with the team
over at Cafe Hollander, getting some good food and getting
some good training. And so then our team asks all
sorts of questions about like the ingredients or about the
ingredients impact in the system and the body. And I
just love watching that because each question is out of
this sort of desire to impact our community in a
greater way. And Chas the trainer last night, said, Hey,
you know, there's a lot of companies I work with
where the team is just sort of like eh. And
so it's cool when I get to work for a
team that is passionate and truly wants to make a difference.
And that goes back to Becky and I's approach to hiring.
Like you can hire for sales, you know, you can
hire for knowledge. And Becky and I had to make
a decision a while back to hire based on integrity
and passion because you can teach how to communicate to
the community, you can train and educate on the supplement industry.
And so it was just sort of a cool confirmation
whenever I hear that from the community or somebody training
our company, that like passion is something that sort of
emanates from the healthy place so when you come in
and I encourage you to stop in one of our stores,
you'll hear somebody asking you a couple questions like how
are you doing? How can I help you? Our team
doesn't get commissioned. That's intentional because we don't want a
distraction there and all.
Speaker 1 (10:42):
Of a sudden a conversation will happen.
Speaker 3 (10:45):
And those of you that have been into our stores,
you know how we work, and so we ask questions,
we gain intelligence, and then we guide you in natural
alternatives that work. So that's like one of my favorite parts.
Another thing that we do is we have these every
other Tuesday. We all get together and strategize on how
we can add greater value and greater impact to our community.
So it's all about leveling up and growing in our
knowledge that we can help the community more.
Speaker 2 (11:10):
It's pretty, it's it's it's such a cool and having
had the chance to talk with you personally get excited
about it, and it's it's it's you mentioned that we're
getting excited about it. It is it is an enthusiasm
and a love and a passion that I think and
it runs. You mentioned you and Becky and of course
all the Wells consultants every aspect of the Healthy Place,
people that are truly committed to helping you live a
healthier lifestyle. And it's such an important day and a
great day to get on in. Say hello again if
you get if you're in the Fitchburg area, stop in
between ten and four thirty say hi to Tim. Of course,
there are Wells consultants only at Fitchburg, but the west
side of Madison and Fitchburg location as well all the
Healthy Place and Tim, one of the things I wanted
to ask you about too is as we as we
hear like, we're inundated right now with advertisements for pharmaceuticals,
and there's this one big area right now of a
certain type of injectable thing for blood sugar. And I
know you guys have some really for folks that are
that have have diabetes, pre diabetes blood sugar concerns. You
guys actually at the Healthy Place have have have for
a while now, but obviously as more folks are focusing
in now, you guys have some great, great options for
folks that are that are concerned about those very issues,
don't you.
Speaker 3 (12:21):
Yeah, yeah, I think most people have heard of semiglutide
drugs like ozepic that target this like gpl dash one
hormone to balance blood sugar levels and or help people
lose weight. And the side effects are like pretty intense.
I mean, like vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, fatigue, you know,
are just some of the short term, but there has
been reports of like kidney problems and thyroid tumors and
gall bladder issues like alergic I mean, there's just enough.
Speaker 1 (12:53):
You know.
Speaker 3 (12:53):
It just goes back to our core of like what
we attempt to be to this community at the healthy place.
Like everyone knows about the pharmaceutical drugs. You know, our
medical system kind of like sets it up like hey,
you can go get pharmaceutical drugs if you want to.
And we don't want to shout against that. Like it's
not really about like hating on that. It's more like, hey,
do people know that there's a natural alternative for that
same issue? Like have they been educated on that by anyone?
And most of the time it's not. So most of
the time people are like, oh, really, there's like natural
alternatives to a zembic, Like well, yeah, you can balance
sugar levels.
Speaker 1 (13:32):
Product that we're talking a lot about is Sue control d.
Speaker 3 (13:35):
It's a Hintonia herb that comes from like Central America,
South America. Europe's used it in their medical system for
like sixty years in treating type two diabetes because it's
super successful. It balances the sugar levels and carbohydrate metabolism
and all that stuff. So folks when their levels are
more balanced, they tend to lose weight a little easier.
And so we're recommending hate just gain some education, like
whether it's an alternative to a zembic, like stop and
like just ask some questions. You don't have to buy anything,
but have it in your back pocket, Like get a
team around you. You know, you have your your medical professionals,
and you have maybe your chiropractor, and you have somebody
that knows supplements. Like maybe the healthy Place can be
that bubble around you. And then then gain some education
and then you make the decision that you believe is
best for you. It's like that's why we named our
company the Healthy Place, because we want to help our
community find their healthy place.
Speaker 2 (14:29):
And the great thing too, is that you mentioned the
knowledge and the information, and that's the cool thing as well.
That it's not high pressure, it's not sales there's no
commission there. It's literally helping you find that healthy place.
It's a great day to get on in, whether it's
West Side of Madison, Fitchburg, or Sun Prairie online. The
website find your Healthy Place dot Com. That's finds your
Healthy Place dot com. Also check them out Facebook, social
media including Instagram at find your Underscore Healthy Place. Also
I've got a fantastic YouTube channel. Check that out. All
that stuff. Also links from find your Healthy Place Com.
Let's find your Healthy Place dot com, which calls, we'll
get to emails. We'll do that next. There's our conversation
with Tim O'Brien from The Healthy Place continues right here
on thirteen ten Wui b A eight fifty four to
thirteen ten Wi b A hanging out with Tim O'Brien
from the Healthy Place online Find your Healthy Place dot com.
That's find your Healthy Place dot com. Threelocations west Side
of Madison, Fitchburg and sun Pray great data. Stop in
any one of the three locations, don't forget. Also, Tim
on Wednesday says at the Fitchburg location, he'll be there
from ten until four thirty this afternoon, ten this morning,
fourthire this afternoon, get on in. I know we'd love
to see your smiling face. Speaking of other ways to
reach Tim, you can always email Tim at find your
Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim Tim at find your
Healthy Place dot Com. Got an email from Alice. We're
gonna get to in just a moment, but real quick.
Tim and we were talking about Jockofuel there and that
last segment. Another thing too, not only obviously offering there
the Jockofuel line, but you guys have got some grab
and go options as well in the stores now, folks
and haven't had a chance check that out. It's such
a cool, convenient way to be healthy and smart and
get some really great great stuff.
Speaker 1 (16:07):
Speaker 3 (16:07):
I think in general most people want to eat healthier,
and one of the hurdles sean of folks eating healthy
is the cost.
Speaker 1 (16:14):
The cost is just super high.
Speaker 3 (16:16):
So in the grab and go category, we got strategic
this summer and we said, let's just place all of
our grab and go items at our cost and that way, Hey,
it's good for foot traffic. So from a business perspective,
it can help us there and it helps the community
because it significantly reduces the cost.
Speaker 1 (16:32):
So we went like all around town.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
I think we talked about this, like hit fifteen different
places that sell some of these healthy snacks just to
like compare pricing and see, and we were like thirty
to fifty percent lower costs because you know, all of
these other places need to have a margin too to
stay in business. And so our approach to it was
just like, we don't need to make money on it.
Let's just use this as sort of like something that
can add value to the community and help foot traffic
in our stores. So whether it's like the Jocko Go drinks,
which is a clean ninety five milligram no crash organic
energy drink, or whether it's like electrolytes like the Element electrolytes,
or the Aloha bars, you know, chomps beefsticks, sell forty
fruit bars, like there's just you know, quest bars, Nasala kombucha,
you know, all the healthier snacks that you kind of
know about at a cost that's significantly lower than you've
ever seen because it's just literally at our cost. And
so yeah, I wou'd invite you to stop in. You know,
we have people every day now that are just sort
of like instead of the gas station candy bar and soda.
They're just like swinging by the Healthy Place to grab
a lower costs grabbing go items.
Speaker 1 (17:37):
So yeah, it would totally invite you out.
Speaker 2 (17:39):
Not only feel good, tastes good, it's fantastic stuff for you. Again,
check those outing at any one of the three Madison
locations in Global locations here in Madison, inside of Madison, Fitchburginson, Prarie,
which I haven't brought that up for a while, but
that is still one of those things, Tim, that I
think a lot of times people miss under like they
don't realize because of how well laid out and how
well the Healthy Place is designed and just the very comfortable, feel,
very clean feel. I think a lot of people think that,
oh this must be some some international.
Speaker 1 (18:10):
Company and credits there.
Speaker 3 (18:13):
I joked that I married her for her design skills,
and she is talented and creates beautiful things.
Speaker 1 (18:20):
So thank you for.
Speaker 2 (18:20):
Suing and it's and including your children, Tim, you got
to give her all the credit for that as well
as as we're kind of coming down last minute or
so real quick and we'll get to emails. I apologize.
Also it's your email next week, but but real quick
before we wrap up this week, Tim, I think what's
important is for folks too, is a little bit about
the background of the healthy Place. You know, we talk
about all the great things and how people are benefiting
here in Dane County, but there's there's really an important
story behind the starting of the healthy Place and kind
of how you've grown and to where where you've become.
Speaker 1 (18:54):
Now thank you, you know.
Speaker 3 (18:55):
Yeah, well I mentioned my mom's cancer story pretty often,
and it's like there's this constant suffering in Dane County.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
I mean it's really everywhere.
Speaker 3 (19:03):
And I live in Dane County, so that's like my
mission is here, and so Dane County there's like this
consistent suffering. There's like this quality of life that I
see all the time where people are just super fatigued,
they're super tired, they're super stressed, they have anxiety attacks,
you know, like they have they battle depression, they have
gut issues, they have skin issues, they have cognitive like headaches.
Like the more I ask people questions, the more I
find out everything they battle. And it's like most people
are not living vibrantly.
Speaker 1 (19:32):
You know.
Speaker 3 (19:33):
There's this like my one little saying I have a
stay vibrant, which everybody kind of makes fun of me
on because it's on my voicemail, and but it's like, hey,
we're built to be like vibrant, we're built to like
thrive not just survive. And so seeing that, you know,
Becky and I are like, well, what can we do?
You know, like how can we join like sort of
a movement in Dane County that is bringing light to darkness,
that's like bringing health to where there's a lack of
health that how can we encourage the community of like
life is a gift and health is a gift and
both are worth fighting for, Like how can we educate
people or sort of help them find their way to
become the CEO.
Speaker 1 (20:11):
Of their own health and their own.
Speaker 3 (20:14):
Life because a lot of people are not sort of
taking up that sword and understanding that they can bring
change to their health. They're not stuck, they don't have
to remain stuck suffering, et cetera. So anyway over at
the Healthy Place, that's the whole mission is to impact,
empower and educate every customer to learn, grow and create
a lifelong foundation of health and wellness. That's our vision
statement or our mission statement, and our vision statements like
end human suffering, increase quality of life. So I'll just
encourage you if you're listening, like, take action today, whatever
that looks like for you for your health, because life matters.
Speaker 2 (20:49):
Today's day to get on in say hello again. Whether
it's West side of Madison, Fitchburg, or sun Prairie, don't forget.
Tim is standing by today at the Fitchburg location. It's
a Wednesday. He'll be there from ten until four thirty today.
Get on out, say hello, yeah, Tim, it's always great
chatting with you, my friend. You enjoy this most fantastic
of days. And again the website finds your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com