Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What is a thank you for that, very very kind welcome.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Not much going on, Tim, It's just you know, getting
ready for Halloween, get ready for fall. It's good to
talk with you, my friend. It's good to.
Speaker 1 (00:13):
Talk for a day out there. Chris Bahar, I thought
I said this morning, I said, it's a beautiful day
to fly.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
Oh, that's very true. I like it. I like it.
Speaker 1 (00:24):
I like it.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
A lot of other things I really like is I
like your website. If folks haven't been there, find your
Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place dot com.
There's a lot to like. There's a lot to love.
While you're there. You can chat with the wellness consultants.
You can place an order online. You can get a
lot of great information. There's links actually there. I'd find
your Healthy Place dot com. Social media pages for the
Healthy Place, whether it's Facebook and Instagram of course Instagram
at find your underscore Healthy Place YouTube. A lot of
fantastic videos you guys have posted there as well, with
a lot of fantastic information. Even better, though, today is
a great day, we talk about Tim talking about this
beautiful weather. What a great day to get on out
stop on in, say hello, whether it's the west Side location,
Sun Prairie or Fitchburg. And I say Fitchburg for last
because I know it's a Wednesday, and I'm gonna guess here.
You are going to be hanging out with Fitchburg today,
aren't you?
Speaker 1 (01:15):
Ju till five over at the Fitchburg Store. I'm loving
it if you are wanting a health consultation, you know,
whether it's five minutes or an hour chatting about a
condition that you're facing or a loved ones facing. It
can be small, medium, large. It's my very favorite thing
to do. And I'm excited to be back in the
stores now every Wednesday at the Fitchburg store from ten
till five.
Speaker 2 (01:34):
Heard from a couple of folks that have had a
chance to stop in and say hello. And I know
people really really.
Speaker 1 (01:39):
I'm really loving it, dud. Yeah. I mean people have
been listening for years, which I didn't know about. You know,
sometimes I just wonder, hey, maybe it's just Sean and
I on the show, or it's been super cool to
meet people that have been listening for years, encouraging me
my family that have sort of followed our story a
little bit. And then when they have some sort of
some will just stop by for a high five, which
I love a totally invite community out for a high
five because it's like, literally, we couldn't have done this
and do this like without our customers. I tell the
same thing to my kids, like we couldn't run this
house like without you, Like we've been a team in
this community or like impacting life since twenty ten. It's
super super fulfilling and cool. And if you have any
questions around your health and you're just curious, like hey,
what's been working in our community from a natural alternative
like supplement perspective for any real issue, you can imagine
I mean when you grow up in this industry show
and it's kind of funny because you know, I joke
about it, like, ah, there's something for everything in the
natural space, and there is. I mean, whether it's chronic pain,
it's an inflammation issue, whether it's a stress anxiety. You know,
on to strengthen the hippocampus part of the brain with
nutrients like CBD, and strengthen the adrenal glends with nutrients
like adaptagens anxiety depression, sleep problems, asthma. You know, I've
battled asthma and seen some great benefits from some natural
alternatives stomach issues like digestion. Like we all have something
and I love Sean like I love people being equipped,
like in their tool belt, liking to know what natural
alternative works for what doesn't mean you have to buy it,
but like, hey, get the information, get the intelligence, and
then you're the CEO of your own health. So if
that's you, you should stop in today.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
It's a great day to do that, whether it's stopping
in the West Side Sun Prairie or Fitchburg location of
the Healthy Place. Don't forget Fitchburg location. From ten until five,
Tim will be hanging out standing by chance to say hello,
I know we'd love to see you, love to give
you that high five. Another opportunity if you got a
question for Tim, we'd love to have you join us
on the program this morning timefhe number to get on
the air six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six soh eight three two one thirteen ten. We'll
get you right on the air with Tim O'Brien from
The Healthy Place, and Tim will get you a nice
little thank you for.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
Taking We add twenty five dollars gift card for calling in.
You can have a testimony from natural supplements. I love
those because it kind of demonstrates to our community the
power of natural alternatives because they work. And second thing, Hey,
you have a question you know you want to call
in on the air here like how do I treat
this issue that issue or see a little relief like
what's our community using in the natural alternative supplement space?
Like now is a great time to call in a
twenty five dollars gift card.
Speaker 2 (04:06):
Six o' eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six
oh eight to three two one thirteen ten. We'll get
you right on the air with Tim O'Brien from the
Healthy Place. Of course, the website finds your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com twenty
four seven three sixty five. It's there for you wellness consultant,
a place to start a chat there with them. Also
online on Facebook social media you'll find the Healthy Place.
They got a great YouTube channel as well. And as mentioned,
phone lines are open for you right now at six
oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six so
eight three two one thirteen ten. I love some of
the calls we get. Sometimes folks bring up things that
I'd never thought of another thing. I get emails from folks,
and I know you get you get the lot of
great emails tim at find your Healthy Place dot com
and things I'd never thought of. And Jenny has an
email this morning. I'd never thought of this, but really
really good question. She says, my teenage son has sensory
sensitivities that make it tough for him to eat a
variety of foods. He has a hard time with certain textures,
especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. I can
sometimes sneak it into as smooth as what she handles. Well,
do you have any recommendations? And that email is from Jenny.
Speaker 1 (05:13):
Yeah, Jenny, that's a super good question. You know, I
got five kids, and you know, food is definitely a
topic of conflict at times. Trying to get the right
nutrients in takes like planning and diligence and consistency, and
it's one of the harder tasks that my wife and
I have taken on, you know, just trying to do
the right things. And so we see our kids, you know,
struggling with say mood problems or anger issues, you know,
or hey, we're trying to get them enough sleep throughout
their teen years with all the sports in school and
keeping their brains developing strong, and we all know the
right nutrients are going to going to like provide that better.
They're going to build stronger cells and stronger bodies and minds,
et cetera. And the how to do that is super challenging.
So over the year this comes up actually a lot
in the add conversations where parents are curious, like, hey,
you know, how can I help my kid would like
focus more. It comes up often with mood issues because
nutrients impact moods so much. You know, junk food's going
to lead to this mood. You know, healthy, clean food's
going to lead to better moods. Immune structure obviously, and
the list kind of goes on. So my favorite thing
from the supplement perspective, because I always like to remind people,
you know, diet and exercise, like there's nothing no way
around that you can't like supplement your way. My expertise
is obviously supplement. So that's number three. It's like diet
exercise supplements from a supplement perspective, powders are incredible. You
can get clean freeze dried greens, fruits, powders for way
less expensive than trying to juice foods and chemically in
your body. It's very similar to juicing foods. So if
you get a greens we have like a dozen different
greens powders with fruit extracts. That gets you seven servings
of greens, four servings of fruits in one scoop, All organic,
super clean. You know, a little biased to my brand,
Lively Vitamin co but we have other brands too. Lively
Greens is packed out like we made it that way,
So like alfelfa grass powder. All this is organic wheat, grass, barley, spiralalina, kale, dandelion, ostrogolus.
So you get all these greens and then the fruits too,
because fruits sean you know, Okay, So vegetables alkalize your body,
so you can take a pH strip test your saliva. See, hey,
I'm a little acidic, so not to you know fre
you know we're talking about kids here, but cancer thrives
in an acidic environment, it dies in an alkaline environment.
So for humanity, if we can alkalize our bodies on
a regular basis, like getting more vegetables in our system,
it's really good, is the moral of the story. So
that's the greens. On the fruit side, there's something called
rac value, so orac value is like a measurement of
antioxidant per grammar out. So fruit extracts will have all
this antioxidant capacity, and superfoods are super for your brain,
your body, your digestion. So like the lively greens fruits,
powder we have is has your asie berry, your elderberry, fruit,
beet root, ammala fruit, cranberry, goji, just like a hundred
of these different fruit extracts. And then it has adaptogenic
formulas with like maka and ashra ganda and focus memory
blend with like ginko and lion's maine. It's like a
mushroom phospateul cyrenes like a brain food. So anyway, you
get all this in a little scoop. And so I'm
just like thinking here, like hey, parents, like mam, we're
running so hard. So for my kids, I take a scoop,
I mix it with water, and dude, I am not
fibbing or exaggerating. It tastes like juice because of the
fruit extracts in there. There's virtually no sugar. There's actually
zero grams of sugar, but because of the fruits extracts,
it tastes good. So I'm encouraging parents and really adults
in general, like go to the Healthy Place, ask for
a sample of lively greens. We have it right there
ready for you. It tastes really good just with water.
And then if you want to add a little protein,
you can get a way isolate or a plant based
powder like these have made it a long way. When
we were kids, Sean, these powders tasted horrific, Like green
powders were terrible. Protein powders terrible. They've made it like
so such a far away where the taste is delicious,
it's actually creamy. It's actually good. So you can get
your protein, your greens, your fruits in a shake that
kids actually like the taste of. So I would encourage
you to stop in one of the Healthy Place locations,
you know, Sun Prairie, west side of Madison, Fitchburg, ask
for a sample of the protein greens or the greens
by itself. Bring your kids in. Because parents like, they
don't really believe me that their kids are going to
like this greens fruits powder until they taste it, like
just with water, I haven't found too many that kids
love just with water. Usually I had to doctor it
up a little bit, but the Lively Greens has been working.
So it's a huge hack, like huge parenting hack, you know, Jenny, Like,
if you're listening, this is for you, Like you should
at least try it, you know. I think it's like
fifty bucks for thirty servings, so it's like a dollar
and a half. When you mix it with the protein,
it can work as a full meal replacement. So whether
it's a healthy meal snack for a kiddo on the
fly or an adult that's trying to keep calories down
a little bit, like, it is such a good hack.
Speaker 2 (10:23):
Oh that is awesome. Well, that is that is really
really good and great email Jenny. Of course Tim talking
there about Lively Greens the powder again, stop on it.
It's a great day to get into the healthy place,
start that conversation, get a little sample there while you're
at it. Again, whether you stop by the West Side location,
Fitchburg or sun Prairie, they'd love to see your smiling face.
Don't forget added bonus if you swing by the Fitchburg
location on Wednesdays, that's today b hanging out. Yeah from Deditie, Yes,
I vibes all around. Get on in love to see
of course the website finds your Healthy Place dot com.
That's find your Healthy Place dot com. Our conversation with Tim.
We do have time for calling. Question if you've got
one love to get you on the air six oh
eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six soh eight
three two one thirteen ten gets you on the air
with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place mentioned the three
locations Westside, Madison, Fitchburg and Sun Prairie. Also online find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com. More of our conversation with Tim O'Brien from
the Healthy Places next right here on thirteen ten wib
a eight fifty one thirteen ten dou wuiba and ask
the experts. Hanging out with Tim O'Brien. He comes to
us from the Healthy Place online. Find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's all one word, Find your Healthy Place
dot com. Great website. You can order online, you can
chat with a wellness consultant on the website. A lot
of really great stuff there. Links to their YouTube channel,
also Facebook, social media things like Instagram, at find your
Underscore Healthy Place. That's at find your Underscore Healthy Place.
If you are on Instagram again, He've head on over
to find your Healthy Place. Dot Com links to all
of those those sites as well. It's a great day
to get on in whether it's West Side, Fitchburg or
sun Prairie location of the Healthy Place. Don't forget. Tim
is at the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays. That's today from
ten until five. Love to give you that high five.
Lof's talk with you. Left to meet you in person
and see you again. Just stop on it at Fitchburg
location from Yeah.
Speaker 1 (12:17):
You know, have you ever like you ever invited somebody
to your home? You know, it's like so personal, Like
that's how I feel about the Healthy Place, Like at
the Fitchburg store, I'm like super happy to be back,
like being able to invite the community because it's like
when you hear about the Healthy Place, like if you
haven't been in there before, you don't know that it's
not like a high pressure environment. You know, people might
think of like GNC or some sort of commission structured
sales team that's sort of trying to sell you things.
And at the Healthy Place, like we don't do commission
like we we have this whole philocity philosophy of asking
questions and digging into like what can actually help this
person because we have hundreds of brands right and thousands
of products, So we don't have this sort of commission
structure or structure that's going to guide us towards like, hey,
we have to sell this to these people. It's more
like what's working in our community. And we have this
like amazing tool belt of different nutraceuticals, like literally thousands
of options. And we have this pretty intense training that
all wellness consultants have to go through. We're actually revamping
it right now because there's updates every few years. So
you know, I just went through module one. We have
these nine different modules. Takes a couple hours just to
read through it, let alone study through it. So our
wellness consultants are educated. You can trust when they come
in that they're not guided by commission then that they
have education, not like we're doctors or pharmacists. We don't
pretend to be like we know supplements and we know
forms of ingredients that are working good, better, best for
our communities. So that's what I love about being at
the Fitchbrick store on Wednesday, Sean is like, you know,
if you're out there and you have some sort of
problem you're battling, like a medium, large or a loved one,
that is like, stop by the store today. I'm there
ten to five, Like, just ask a couple questions. Today's
a good day for.
Speaker 2 (14:07):
It great, great day to get on in West side
of Madison, Fitchburg or sun Prairie Again. Tim's at the
Fitchburg location from ten until five ten this morning till five.
Love to give you that high five. Speaking of stopping
in to any one of the locations of the Healthy Place,
I know one of the really cool things you guys
have done recently is the grab and go. Is the
opportunity to come in pick up some healthy, smart snacks
amazingly well priced, by the way I do well as
an understatement, amazingly priced period that you guys have and
I know folks have really responded to this opportunity, haven't they.
Speaker 1 (14:38):
That's been cool. Yeah, it's been cool. You know because
a lot of us will stop at a gas station,
grab you know, a drink, grab a snack for the day,
running fast, running hard. You know, we didn't maybe plan
ahead to like have something healthy, and we find ourselves
in this sort of loop. So at the healthy place,
we're like, okay, we have three Dane County locations, and
you know, people a lot of people are near where
they could st by, grab and go. So like brands
that you might have heard of in the clean organic
snack drink world, like Aloha Bars, Scout Organic Chomps, beef
sticks sell forty fruit bars, sell forty nut bars, Jocko
Go drinks like an organic energy drink, protein shakes that
are clean, Guayaki You Ramonte, Element Sparkling Electrolyte, Water Quest Bars,
Nosala Kombucha's like Life aid Go, Macrobars. You know, that's
just like a short list, and it's all here's the
cool part, it's all thirty to fifty percent lower costs
than any of the like the big box stores or
the other you know, grocery stores that you might see
some of these items at. So we priced it there
with the intent of, hey, we're not gonna necessarily make
money on this, and that's okay because it's adding this
value to the community. And usually when you add value
in ways, it comes back to you. So I would
encourage you if you're trying to eat a little cleaner
like you know, you feel better when you eat cleaner
snacks for you your family, Come buy some bars, get cases.
We have people, you know, somebod cam in yesterday to
get in like three cases for their family and it's
just a grab and go and because the price is lower,
it's actually affordable.
Speaker 2 (16:04):
And I got to ask you too, and that's a
great to get. When you had mentioned two of the
Jocko Energy drinks something I know there's also pre workout
and there's the whole line and I know for there's,
especially with younger folks, a very very popular jo they're
very familiar with it. But Jocko Fuel and that type
of thing also a very very popular newer addition to
the healthy.
Speaker 1 (16:28):
P Yeah, Jocko's a stud. You know, he's Navy seal.
He's retired Navy Seal lieutenant and from nineteen ninety to
twenty ten he served Navy Sea officer in the Iraq
War urban combat. He wrote a couple of really cool
books that sort of changed my life. So he has
a whole product line called Jocko Fuel, and it is
the whole idea is clean fuel. So it matches our
mission in the workout space, you know, like no artificial sweeteners,
no artificial dyes and colors, Like they're adding so much stuff,
sean to the supplements these days to make it look
cool and to make it like when you take it,
like it's all about the taste or this or that,
and you can get incredible taste, incredible quality, and we
don't need these dies in the capsules and in the powder.
Like that's at least our philosophy. So we want to
help people find their healthy place, and Jocko's product line
has been helping us do that.
Speaker 2 (17:19):
Great day to get into the healthy place, whether it's Fitchburg,
west side of Madison or some prairie location always available
as well online find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
find your Healthy Place dot com. And Tim just got
over over a minute here. I don't want to really
quick talk. You mentioned about how great it's been and
how much you really enjoy getting back into the Fitchburg
store and really feels like kind of a little bit
of a homecoming. It's a comfortable place for you. I
know that's something you really love doing. Let's talk about
the healthy place and kind of that overall design and
make it fairy y. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (17:50):
I mean we all grow up in the ways we
grow up, right, and we're all like sponges. We absorb
the information around us and one and a couple like
mainstream ideologies are like, hey, we go to the doctor,
we get which we have some of the best in
the world in Madison. I always like to shout out
to them. We go to the doctor, we get some
pharmaceutical drugs. We take the drugs, there's side effects from it,
you know, and then we journey through life, we get surgeries,
and like, I want to educate and I want to
help educate in Dane County on natural alternatives to pharmaceutical
drug intake. You know, Ozempic drugs, for example, are quite
popular right now. So we're marketing natural alternatives to ozempic
and it's working. Customers are seeing weight loss and they're
seeing balance of sugar levels. We just want to educate.
We don't want to like pressure anybody. We want people
to have the knowledge of natural alternatives that work instead
of the vikid and instead of the opiates, insteady of
the ozempic, instead of the therezipram, instead of the ambient
you know, like sleep medications, and the list goes on.
We want people to be empowered with that information so
that they can be impacted and that their lives can
be bettered. You know, our vision is to end human
stuff for increased quality of life, and there's so much
work to be done. So that's why I get up
on the radio here all hyper trying to influence and
inspire people to like take an action. So whether you
stop by one of our stores three Madison stores in
Dane County today or whether you pop by the Fitchburg store,
I'd love to shake your hand, love to meet you,
love to hear your story, love to answer some questions
and equip you truly to be that CEO of your
own health for you, for your family, for your loved ones,
like life is a gift and it's worth fighting for.
Speaker 2 (19:30):
Tim is literally a man on a mission. He'd love
to see you today. Get on out. He'd love to
get you at the Fitchburg location between ten and five
stop by, say hello. Can't make the Fitchburg of course,
west Side Sun Prairie there for you. As well as
find your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy
Place dot Com. Tim. It's always great chatting with you,
my friend, you enjoyed this most fantastic of days.
Speaker 1 (19:49):
Yeah, I love it as always man, thanks to you too.
Speaker 2 (19:51):
Take care, but again that website find your Healthy Place
dot com that's fined Your Healthy Place dot com.