Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:12):
Yo yo yo, Happy New Year, stir showing pre ball.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Oh Tim, happy new Year, my friend. How was your
new year?
Speaker 1 (00:22):
Ah? Fantastic man.
Speaker 3 (00:23):
I Becky's not a huge fan of staying up till midnight,
so before the kids got a little older, it was
in tended to be me kind of chilling on the.
Speaker 1 (00:31):
Couch counting down solo.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
And now that my kiddos are a little older, you know,
Rosemary's thirteen already, Oliver's eleven, and Henry's nine, we have
been busting it till midnight last couple of years.
Speaker 1 (00:43):
So we made it and did the countdown and it
was so fun.
Speaker 3 (00:47):
I still man, I mean forty, but I get so
excited about.
Speaker 2 (00:52):
Tim, having known you for a number of years, I
believe you get you get pretty pumped up for it.
And that's uh, I can't believe your oldest is he
said thirteen thirteen.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
YEA, well that's some goes quick, man. You got to
make the most of it.
Speaker 2 (01:06):
And then that's that is absolutely true. And as we
talked this morning with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place,
I've been to the website recently. Head on over there
find your Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your healthy
Place dot com. Great starting point, great place to learn
more about the Healthy Place, some great information available to you. You
can also order right online at find your Healthy Place
dot com. Speaking of being on the computers, if you're
on Facebook, any social media including things like Instagram, of
course at find your underscore Healthy Place, you can find
them there and really cool stuff on there. And we
were talking earlier about YouTube what a fan like. Everything's
just fantastic. The Healthy Place their YouTube channel, some great videos,
some great information, some stuff with Tim as well on
their YouTube channel as well. Make sure you subscribe and
follow the Healthy Place on social media. And speaking of
seeing Tim, of course, there's three locations of the Healthy Place,
west side of Madison and sun Prairie as well as Fitchburg.
And I leave Fitchburg off until the end because we've
got to hand a little note about Fitchburg on Wednesdays.
Today's Wednesday, right, Yeah, Today's Wednesday, which means Tim, from
ten until five, you are hanging out in the store,
aren't you.
Speaker 3 (02:11):
You got it, sir? Every Wednesday ten to five at
the Fitchburg store. It's like my favorite day of the
week because I enjoy working with our community.
Speaker 1 (02:18):
So two invitations.
Speaker 3 (02:20):
One, if we have worked together and before you should
totally stop by, give me a high five, be good
to see you. I've been seeing Sean like dozens and
dozens and dozens of our just greatest kind of longest
standing customers, like many who have supported us from like
twenty ten, and so just inviting the community, like I
really enjoy seeing you quite a bit.
Speaker 1 (02:42):
Come on out.
Speaker 3 (02:43):
And then second invitation is if you have been struggling
with some sort of health condition, some sort of health
challenge for you or a loved one.
Speaker 1 (02:52):
Stop on out.
Speaker 3 (02:53):
It takes you know, can take five minutes to discover
a natural alternative that works for you or a loved one.
I really enjoy giving those health consultations. So I'm over
at the Fitchburg store ten to five. Come stop on over,
ask some questions, get some direction, and I would enjoy
that very much.
Speaker 2 (03:11):
I know I a few folks I've known that having
a chance to stop in and visit with you, wanted
knowing you for a number of years. Another I had
never met you before, and said Tim is Tim is realizing, yeah.
Speaker 3 (03:24):
I never know that some sort of AI very excited
AI program.
Speaker 2 (03:30):
I think she was. I think she was shocked. She said,
like about your energy, and like I'm like, yeah, oh yeah,
he's he is. He loves it literally and that's not
no no joke. Tim loves and and for good reason
love what you do. And I know you're talking earlier
about celebrating the new year, and a lot of us
part of the new year is a nice reset to
kind of look towards our future, assess where we are,
what we want for ourselves and for our family and
and for our health. And I know that's a very
important thing. And let's kind of talk about the new
and kind of that healthier year and kind of break
down some steps folks can be taking Tim this time
a year to really make those lasting improvements in their
overall health and their overall quality of life.
Speaker 1 (04:12):
Speaker 3 (04:13):
I'm a big fan just personally of making like micro
changes in your life. For me personally, if I get
like a large battle plan and it's numerous points that
I need to stick to, I am one that needs
to develop habits sort of like one by one or
else they can fall off the Bandwigan. So what I'm
encouraging people to do this year everywhere, Like I'm really
trying to move the needle on this sean Like when
you encounter a health condition small, medium, or large, find
out what the natural alternative for that condition is. Like
we're on the radio right now advertising a natural alternative too,
ozempic because ozempic as a weight loss drug, those gpl
desh one hormones, they have all of these side effects.
So we tend to talk to folks who have taken
ozempic or a similar drug and.
Speaker 1 (05:06):
Dealt with those side effects. So this is like the.
Speaker 3 (05:08):
Weight Loss Conversation is a good example where we want
to educate folks that there's natural alternatives to some of
the most popular drugs out there. And if you're dealing
with any sort of health condition, like what I want
to help educate Dane County around and we have there's
other places that you can go to do this as well.
The Healthy Place is one obviously get excited when you
work with our company, but there's other great resources, like
get somebody on your team this year that can guide
you in the area of natural alternatives. Like, say you
battle the weight loss thing, you know, and you're like
curious about ozempic, Like why not just find out what
the natural alternative is for ozempic before getting on the drug.
You know, we're seeing a decent percentage of people working
really well on a product called to control d Burberine
and metabogo Go are kind of our top three selling
weight loss products that are balancing sugar levels insulin levels,
and you know, when people see success on that, now
they don't have to go down this drug path with
all the side effects and potential damages to your system,
your organs, liver, kidney's, stomach, et cetera. And there's other
examples too. So just to get the creative juice is going,
Like if you deal with headaches on a regular basis,
like why not find out what the natural alternative is
for that. You know, when you take purple butter bur
it's an herb. Purple butter ber relaxes the blood vessels
in the brain and it gets a lot of people
off the medications for headaches, for migraines, away from the ibuprofen,
the tail and all. It's like I own Thailand all
and ibuprofen in my house. You know, there's a time
and a place for that, and I'm really grateful for
those times and places and in general, if we can
find a natural alternative that strengthens your body, treats the
same symptoms, and doesn't cause all these side of that.
You know, chronic pain is one that's sort of plaguing
Dane County, Like over the years. I'm consistently shocked with
how many people deal with chronic pain.
Speaker 1 (07:13):
And a lot of people don't like to complain.
Speaker 3 (07:15):
They don't like to so they don't even, you know,
really talk about their pain that much. But they're living
with it day in and day out. And folks come
into our stores and they're trying to get off the
vike it in or the morphine or the GABA pentant.
And there's natural alternatives sean that are consistently helping people
with chronic pain. When you reduce inflammation, you reduce pain.
And there's a new gummy we have that comes in
a couple different levels of low THHC or a little
bit higher that's a pain blocker. But it's called ac
DC strains. It's a deconstructed marijuana strain and reconstructed utilizing
hemp derived ingredients. And it's incredible to me, surprising anyway,
how much these terpenes can make a difference for treating
people's chronic pains because cannabinoids are one thing.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
You can have some.
Speaker 3 (08:09):
THHC, some CBD, some CBC, you know, treating pain. But
the terpenes, which are like the essential oils from the
hemp at these different ratios. My mind's kind of been
blown this last year around how much further impact you
can create for somebody in these specific conditions. You know,
chronic pain is the example I'm giving right now, so
like why not? And then kurkhuman, you know, reducing inflammation.
I talk about that a lot. Get a form that
absorbs really well, that treats the inflammation, and folks are
feeling pain, relief minimized in like forty five minutes, and
it's it's consistent. You know, it's not everybody. Just like drugs,
you have folks that it works for folks that it doesn't.
And the supplement world is super similar. So I could
I could give another a dozen examples, but the point is,
like when you were a loved one is facing a
health condition, like there's an option there, there's an option
to take drugs, go down the surgery path.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
And what I'm trying to do is.
Speaker 3 (09:10):
Get the education out there, get the inspiration out there,
the empowerment out there to sort of like why not
find out the natural alternative? And the cool thing about
or in my opinion, the cool thing about the Healthy
Place is you can gain these recommendations. So you know,
we have this army of wellness consultants. I love our team.
We meet every two weeks on how we can bring
further breakthrough to our community, and ideas come up all
the time and we'll we'll sharpen each other and sharpen
our success. And so what I think is cool about
the Healthy Place is you can gain recommendations for these
very common problems. I mean, we have thousands in the
community come in ask questions every day, every week, every month,
and we guide them sort of towards what's been working
in our community.
Speaker 1 (10:02):
So put that in your back pocket.
Speaker 3 (10:04):
You don't even have to buy it right then and there,
but have the natural alternative in your back pocket so
that you can make better decisions around your health in
twenty twenty five.
Speaker 1 (10:14):
Thank you my encouragement.
Speaker 2 (10:15):
It's it's such an important thing to be doing and
something that I've always found curious. Tim is, folks, when
we want to lose weight, there's a couple of reasons
Obviously you want the look. I think for a lot
of folks they want to feel that feel fit, but
they also it's it's for your health. And when you're
if that is your consideration, you want to make sure
what you're doing to lose that way is going to
be healthy for you, that it's going to benefit your
overall health. And we talk about options and having those
having those conversations, it's such an important thing to talk
about and see all of your options before you make
a decision and understanding the benefits, the risks, the unknowns.
Speaker 1 (10:56):
Having that yeah.
Speaker 3 (10:57):
Well, and folks, you know, zempic's a great example because
it does work.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
You will lose weight on it.
Speaker 3 (11:03):
And I was talking to a Gael the other day
that is trying to get off ozempic and she only
had about seven pounds that she is trying to lose,
and so she got an ozempic, you know, lost to
seven pounds, but I gave her this list of side effects,
so she's like deeply concerned, and she got off of
it and then she gained the weight right back off.
So we've been working on some recommendations for her that
are going to keep that weight off. But like to
your point, Sean, If you get on a drug and
it works, you know, hey, that's that can be great,
But you know, are you going to have to stay
on it for the rest of your life? You know,
you kind of got need to count the costs there,
and is this an option that's good for your your act,
your global life, like your full life, like your quality
of life? Because all these a lot of the drugs,
you know, treat a symptom, hurt your body in these
different ways, cause side effects, and why not find something
that treats the same symptom but then strengthens your body.
That's kind of what we're trying to empower people to
think about.
Speaker 2 (12:05):
And if part of your New Year's resolution, or even
if you're just thinking about starting that conversation, it's never
a bad day to just get on into the healthy place,
start that conversation, meet with a wellness consult and talk
about what you're interested in doing and see what's available
to you. Now, whether you stop in the West side
of Madison, Fitchburg or Sun Prairie location, there are highly qualified,
amazing wellness consultants at all three locations. Don't forget as well.
If you stop in on Wednesdays. That's today at the
Fitchburg location. Tim's hanging out from ten until five. He'd
love to see you as well and start that conversation.
Speaking of having a conversation, if you've got a question,
phone lines or open six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten at six oh eight three two one thirteen
ten gets you on here with Tim O'Brien from the
Healthy Place. Tim will hook you up with a twenty
five dollars gift cards a little thank you for your
call and your question. Give you that to the Healthy
Place when you call in at six oh eight three
two one thirteen ten at six'h eight three two one
thirteen ten to your conversation with Tim and we'll take
your call. Next as ask the Experts with Tim O'Brien
and the Healthy Place continues here on thirteen ten WIBA
eight fifty thirteen ten WIBA and ask the Experts hanging
out with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place online find
your Healthy Place dot com. I hope you have it
a chance, have had a chance to get over there.
If you have it, do it when you get into
the office this morning. We won't tell anybody. Find your
Healthy Place dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place dot com.
Of course Facebook social media including not just Facebook, Instagram
as well YouTube channel, you can find them there. Speaking
of finding folks, they'd love to see your smiling face
at any one of the locations of the Healthy Place,
whether it's Madison, Fitchburg, or sun Prairie Forget. If you
get into the Fitchburg location Wednesdays, that is today from
ten until five, Tim is there as well. If you
want to put a face to the voice, or if
you want to just get get caught up and get
reconnected with Tim, it's a great opportunity to get on
and again he's at the Fitchburg location on Wednesdays from
ten until five. And I know you absolutely love getting
a chance to connect and re connect with folks. I
also know, speaking of an opportunity that's a lot of
folks have really responded to, is some of the options
at the Healthy Place when it comes to gummies. And
I know Pineapple Express has been for a lot of
folks a real revolution. It's been life changing for a
lot of folks. Let's talk about Pineapple Express, the gummy
and how we're seeing folks experiencing a lot of really
positive results because of it.
Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah, absolutely, Pineapple Express.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
Last year I was working with my manufacturer and this
very cool idea came up for marijuana strains and how
successful they are. Marijuana strains for those who don't know,
like pineappook Express, like these are specifically grown to treat
very specific conditions. So the cannabinoid profile, which cannabinoids are
like cbd, thhc cbc, CBG, there's a bunch of them,
and those are called cannabinoids. So these strains have a
very specific ratio of cannabinoids in nature as they're grown,
and very specific ratio of terpenes, which are like the
essential oils from the hemp that in some studies are
even more powerful than the cannabinoids as far as like
what their effects are and how those who are taking
it are feeling and feeling relief. So this idea came
up of well, you know, marijuana is not legal in Wisconsin,
so why don't we deconstruct break down these separate components,
these cannabinoids, these terpenes in these marijuana strains and then
rebuild them utilizing hemp derived cannabinoids and turpedes. And so
that idea was born and in the beginning, I didn't
really know what the result would be. So when I
took the first sample that we made, I was sort
of like, you know, is this it's more like a
like a cool idea that sounds cool, or is it
actually going to bring greater relief? So when I tried it,
I remember trying that Pineapple Express strain and it taste delicious,
like a pineapple gum is like my favorite tasting gummy
that we sell currently, And you know, about forty five
minutes later, I'm like, oh, okay, this is like a
stress relief that's very different than our current offerings from
Strata Cosmos Outer Limits. For those that have tracked with us,
you know, we have a number of different gummies to
serve different types of issues and problems, and everyone's a
little bit different, so everyone has these different CBDTHC sweet spots.
So we've tried to create something for everyone. And this
is the largest advancement that we've made since CBD came out,
you know, and you know that we were able to
start selling it in twenty seventeen, so Pineapple Express has
been our fastest growing skew because people are feeling it.
There's a two point five THHC and a ten THHC.
So depending, you know, if you're metabolized faster, you might
need the ten. If you're hey, you know, I'm trying
to take it earlier in the day and I need
to keep a sharp mind. The two point five is great.
Everyone's a little different, so ask questions around it. Point
is if you battle stress, anxiety depression, the Pineapple Express
has been a very successful go to. You know, folks
are also on a number of drugs, so I encourage
people to work with your medical professional. You know, zolof trazodone,
prozax and Bolta. These are anti depressant drugs. You know,
lorazaprem for anxiety. Like we are getting testimonies every day,
you know, every day. There's a few where folks are
getting off of the pharmaceutical drugs with options like Pineapple Express,
and so you can check it out on our website
or stop in our stores. But I wanted to give
it a shout out because it is different than what
we've offered in the last few years around and creating
more success around stress. Ac DC is another strain we
came out with for chronic pain and that one I
just heard another testimony yesterday with somebody that clenches their
jaw so hard and in the morning they would wake
up this is decades morning would wake up with their
jaw just hurting. And Took has been taking the ac
DC over the last few weeks since we came out
with it, and it's she said, it's completely gone. And
so the next strain we're coming out with is called
BlackBerry cush that'll be in the next couple weeks, and
that's for sleep, and we already have some in house
for our own team to try. And so Matt, a
significant other to one of our employees, had taken BlackBerry
cush and reported that very surprising results with sleep and
the employee was like, really, like, are you sure, Like
is this exaggerated? And he was like, no, this is
very different. So I'm excited about this new strain, specific condition,
specific route we're going because I feel like we're being
so much more intentional and specific to what the community's
struggle is.
Speaker 1 (19:17):
So check these new strains out.
Speaker 3 (19:20):
You battle stress, you know your battle pain, you battle
sleep issues, like there's natural alternatives that work. I love
encouraging people this year, like work with your medical professional.
If we can avoid some of the side effects. If
you're suffering from side effects from drugs, just know that
there's natural alternatives working for community every day, and we're
working with folks to get away from those drugs if
they want to and bringing them the results and relief
that they need today.
Speaker 2 (19:49):
That's and I love the variety and the options. Is
a great data to talk and start that conversation. Meet
with a wellness consultant, whether it's online or even better,
stop on end. They'd love to see a West Side
Fitchburger Sun Prairie look off the Healthy Place. Don't forget
Tim O'Brien in stores on Wednesday at the Fitchburg location
at ten am this morning until five o'clock. Can I
get on in say hello, I know we'd love to
see you. If you haven't seen Tim for a while,
it's always a great day to stop on inn say
hello to him. And of course, whether you're on the
West side Fitchburger Sun Prairie, those wellness consultants they are
Therefore you learn more online find your healthy Place dot com.
That's fine, your healthy place dot com. Tim, It's always
great chagging with my friend. You have a happy New
Year and We'll do it all again real soon.
Speaker 1 (20:26):
Always have a blast man. Happy New Year, Brother.
Speaker 2 (20:28):
Happy New Year, Vicky McKenna, She comes your way next
right here. On thirteen ten Wiba