Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Morning, Good morning mister at the Sunshine Wednesday.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
It's a beautiful day and we've got some great stuff
to talk about, mister O'Brien. Exciting stuff going on as
always at the Healthy Place, three locations west Side Madison,
Fitchberg and sun Prairie. Also online find your Healthy Place
dot com. You can find the Healthy Place also on
Facebook and social media including Instagram YouTube. If you ever wondered,
what does Tim look like? Maybe you've maybe you've been
under a rocket, haven't turned on a TV or stopped
on it? You can see Tim right on their right
on their Facebook page as well as your YouTube channel
The Healthy Place at the Healthy Place is the YouTube
channel Instagram. You can find them there at Find your
Underscore Healthy Place Facebook as well. Let's find Your Healthy
Place a lot of really really great content up on
their social media platforms. I mentioned the website as well.
There's a link right from find your Healthy Place dot
com to all of those areas. You can also chat
with the Wells consultant right online, or even better, you
want to chat with the Wells consultant, get on in today.
They'd love to see your smile. Right at West Side
of Madison Fitchburg AND's on Prairie locations at the Healthy Place.
Another great opportunity is right now. And what that opportunity
is is you picking up the phone give us a
call at six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's three two one thirteen ten. Gets you on the
air with your question for Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place.
And Tim, not only will we have some great conversation,
than give a little thank you for folks that take
the time to chat with us in the morning, don't.
Speaker 1 (01:21):
Yeah twenty five dollars gift card just as a thank
you for calling in that can be used on our
website or in stores. And it's a good time to
call if you have a question. It could be a
small thing or a larger thing for you or.
Speaker 3 (01:35):
A loved one.
Speaker 1 (01:36):
Really and if you have interest in you know what
natural alternatives have been working in Madison. You know we
sell supplements, vitamins like what's been working for this problem
in Madison? You know we have some years of experience
there and over time you start to figure that out.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
So I'd love to share that with you.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
Prime opportunity right now, get you on the air six
oh eight three two one thirteen ten that's six oh
eight three two one thirteen ten mentioned stopping in saying
hello and of course getting into the West side Bitchberger's
Sun Praier location of The Healthy Place also mentioned their
Facebook saying what is Tim? You haven't a chance to see?
Speaker 1 (02:08):
Who's Tim?
Speaker 2 (02:09):
I have I met with Tim? I've seen him. Of
course you can see him on YouTube, but you can
also it's a Wednesday, which means Tim, come on today
in the store.
Speaker 3 (02:17):
Yeah, I'm going to be in the stores.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
For those that know, I've been out of the stores
for a little bit and I am through the moon
looking forward to being in the stores on Wednesday's Fitchburg store,
which is right across from the super Target in Verizon Wireless,
I share the building with them and would love to
speak with you.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
You know, Sean.
Speaker 1 (02:36):
A lot of times, folks, it's sort of intimidating, like
they're sort of used to maybe like a G and
C commission situation where it's sort of like, man, I
don't know if I want to go in there, and
you know, they're gonna tell me stuff, and I would
invite you, like, come out to the Fitchburg store.
Speaker 3 (02:50):
I'd love to meet you.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
My name is Tim, and just like take you by
the hand, sort of show you what's working for quality
of life. You know, there's so many people suffering sean,
and it's like how do we how do we get
the information out there? And that's what our team does
is educate in Madison. We partner with the medical system
or natural alternatives. We believe in nutrition and in becoming
the CEO of your own health, and we're trying to
help people do that. So you should totally come visit
me today. Also like original gangsters out there, you know,
work with you for years, Like totally come in. I
miss you and would love to connect. I'll be ten
to one today at the Fitchburg store.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
Fantastic. And one thing too, I've got to point this out, Tim,
is as you were mentioning about kind of that experience.
And I know my wife she gets into the healthy
place actually the Fitchburg location. One of the things I
know she really appreciates is is it's more education and guidance.
Like I think sometimes people feel and I think you
touched on it there too, maybe feel a little bit
of intimidation or feel like pressure or feel like they're
being pressured in some places that is not the case
the Healthy Place. I think that's one of the one
of the big things is you know when you're chatting
with the wellness consultants or if you stop in today
at the Fitchburg location and you're chatting, chatting with Tim,
it's a it's a great like it's a really good experience.
So you don't feel pressure. You don't feel it's really
about finding solutions and offering solutions.
Speaker 1 (04:06):
Isn't it.
Speaker 3 (04:06):
Yeah, it really is.
Speaker 1 (04:08):
You know, we do a couple of things strategically to
ensure that there's not that pressure. So we are intentional
about not doing commission for our team because it just
can be a distraction from what that customer really needs.
We have like this overall ideology of unreasonable care where
it's like we want to be over the top carrying
like one size fits one, not one size fits all.
The experience is built for you. So like when you
come in the store, it's like, hey, how you doing,
Like how can I help you? And some people like
they know what they're doing and they just want to
go do it and that's great. And other folks are like, yeah,
you know, I have like Crohn's disease, like, what's what's
like natural alternatives that can kind of support what I'm doing?
And we love it, Sean, I mean, it's like the
favorite part of what we do. That's what we hire
for is an integrity and passion to serve the community.
We want to help open people's eyes to like the
value of their health, the value of their life, and
sort of be a partner somebody in their circle that
they can go to to ask questions around supplements because
there's you know, we might have our medical doctors and
our nurse practitioners and our pharmacists and our chiropractor, you know, acupuncturists,
Like do we need somebody that knows the nutrition supplement space,
you know, or not dietitians, but supplements, you know, supplementation
is such a broad topic. And what we know really, really,
really well is the hundreds of brands like good better,
best like forms of ingredients.
Speaker 3 (05:32):
Like what's going to actually absorb in your system?
Speaker 1 (05:35):
If somebody has a B twelve deficiency which happens all
the time, you know, sign Kabaloman doesn't absorb well. The
liver has to convert the synthetic ingredient and convert it
and it doesn't convert very well. So Metha kabaloman B
twelve absorbs really really well. So all of a sudden,
those deficiencies are taken care of. And you know, speaking
of deficiencies, like iron deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, iodine deficiency
are some of the most common. Like if you add
those four up together, it's like eighty percent of people, dude,
that are deficient. And really everyone's deficient in something, and
so to be able to treat that with supplementation along
with healthy diets, most important exercise number two, right, supplements
number three. And we want to be that resource for
people of quality of life, bringing quality of life as
the sun is sort of coming through this the window.
Speaker 3 (06:26):
You know, I'm a little email over here.
Speaker 1 (06:27):
I'm like, we want to bring that sunshine, that like
better quality of life into your life. And then there's
like suffering, right, people are constantly suffering. And that's what
I get so frustrated sometimes, is, Man, I've been at
this fourteen years. We've helped one hundred thousand unique people,
Like that's way more than I could have ever asked
or imagined, and yet there's so many people still suffering
chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues like, digestive problems
like lung issues, chronic.
Speaker 3 (06:56):
Disease like sixteen percent.
Speaker 1 (06:58):
Not to freak everyone out, like sixteen percent of the
populations walking around with a terminal illness that they don't
even know about and they don't know that they could
go get tested, you know, go get a full men's panel.
I just did it last week at the Family Clinica
Natural Medicine, Like I do that annually because you can
discover this stuff and once you find it in its
baby form, you can kill it. And we want to
raise awareness around that type of stuff. You want to
end human suffering like and that's what we do as
a team, and we do it through supplementation and conversation consultations.
You know, we call our wellness consultants that wc's wellness
consultants because we have consultations with people like it's all
about them. It's about how we can equip them and
help them find their healthy place. You know. You notice
our website is find your Healthy Place dot com. And
the reason we named our store the healthy Place is
because we want to help people find their individual one
size fits one, like, their individual healthy place. Because everyone's
at a different spot. And really what we want to
help them do is become that CEO of their own health,
sort of like WHOA. I can gain some education, I
can have a team around me, and then I can
make decisions that I believe are best for me.
Speaker 2 (08:10):
I love that perspective. One size fits one, and that's
a great thing about the healthy place, and stopping in
and chatting with a wellness can solve another great thing.
If you've got a question, we'd love to get you
on the air this morning at six oh eight three
two one thirteen ten. That's six so eight three two
one thirteen ten. We head out to the road and
Tom joins us this morning, Tom, welcome to the program.
You're on with Timo Brothers.
Speaker 4 (08:31):
Hi, Holly, Yeah, how are you?
Speaker 1 (08:35):
Speaker 4 (08:35):
I have a question for you. Can you hear me?
Speaker 3 (08:39):
Okay? I can can you hear me?
Speaker 4 (08:41):
Okay? Yeah. So, you know a lot of us, well,
I have been a pre diabetic and so they've our
docs have put us on a one C reduction medicine.
You know, either somepic you know, the choice of the
Hollywood stars or Arctrucity. But you know, it really does
help and it does help to take off weight. I
was wondering if there's a natural alternative to do kind
of both of those and one one selfop.
Speaker 3 (09:24):
Yeah, there really is.
Speaker 1 (09:25):
It's kind of cool because when you balance your sugar levels,
you balance you know, sugar carb cravings. For example, weight
tends to come off, you know, a couple pounds a month.
And we're actually launching a radio commercial this week.
Speaker 3 (09:40):
Is funny. You should call in on it.
Speaker 1 (09:42):
A product called sue Control D content that's been studied
in Europe for over sixty years with some pretty cool results,
like it's bringing people relief. So we've been selling it
in our community has been taking it for years. That
helps keep your A one C levels in check and
helps manage blood sugar consistently, carbohydrate metabolism, and improves insulin functions.
So some really cool science behind it, you know, again
comes over from Europe. They seem to be ahead of
us in this space, and we've been selling that product
sue Control It's kind of a weird name, but s
u c NTRL soup control D. That product has been
working really well. And then there's a secondary product because
sometimes people are trying to get off the meds or
they want to get a little bit more aggressive with
those sugar levels connected to weight. So I'll encourage a
product called Metaba Go Go. It's called Metaba Gogo and
it has the geminial selvestra in there, which balances sugar levels.
It also has the glucomanin which is a prebiotic really
good for your gut, but also helps make you feel
a little bit more full throughout the day, which is nice.
And then they throw in the raspberry key tones which
stimulates your body's natural fatlapolysis, which is your body's natural
fat burning effects. So the Metaba Gogo, Mataba Gogo and
see control D like make great partners in the sort
of attack of balancing sugar levels helping people, you know,
sort of like stay away from the medications. A lot
of the times I encourage you to work with your
medical professional on that because we've helped get so many
people off the meds. You know, the pre diabetic is
a great space because you know you can treat it.
You know, obviously diets most important, and some of these
supplements really work. So I've seen dozens it's probably hundreds
of times now of personal customers I've worked with over
the last you know, twenty years that I've been in
the supplement industry, and diabetes is great because there's so
much that can be done there. And even when your
type two diabetic, don't lose hope, you know, work with
your medical professional. There's natural supplements and diet that I
have talked to again a significant number that had type
two diabetes that no longer does. So I want to
like offer hope to the community. And Tom, Yeah, if
you can ever make it out to the Fitchburg store,
I love this. ZL actually be there today from ten
to one and I could show you to talk through
some of these products specifically, but any of our staff,
our wellness consultants are an army very knowledgeable on this
topic because it's very often that it's brought up. And
I do think you can see some significant.
Speaker 3 (12:14):
Results pretty quickly.
Speaker 1 (12:16):
It's one of those supplements that you really you feel
and you see a difference within the first weeks.
Speaker 3 (12:22):
It's pretty neat.
Speaker 2 (12:23):
Great question, Tom, and UH, and I love the UH.
I love the the you know people always I remember
when start hearing that term pre diabetes, people like, why
do we need to know if I've got pre diabetes?
When you hear that stuff, it can be a warning
for you to say, you know what, I can make
lifestyle changes that can actually prevent you from actually developing diabetes.
Great at being proactive there, Tom, if you've got a question,
would love to have you join us this morning. Phone
lines are open six to eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six soh eight three two one thirteen ten. It's
a great day to get on into the Healthy Place.
Say hello. Whether it's west side of Madison Sun Prairie
or the Fitchburg location where Tim will be. Uh will
be today on Wednesdays, so he'll be out at the
Fitchburg location. You can learn more about the Healthy Place
on their website find your Healthy Place dot com. That's
fine your Healthy Place dot com. More of asked the
experts with Tim O'Brien in the Healthy Place next here
on thirteen ten wiva three two one thirteen ten three
two one thirteen ten to the phones we go and
Dorothy joins us. Dorothy, welcome to the program. You're on
there with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place Worthy.
Speaker 3 (13:25):
How are you.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
I have a.
Speaker 5 (13:28):
Brother that has an enlarge thyroid and I was wondering
if there was anything that could help that.
Speaker 1 (13:37):
Yeah, that's a great question. Uh, is he on any medications? Yes,
for the thyrol nixinthroid leave with thyroxin.
Speaker 5 (13:47):
Oh I don't no, No, I don't think he's on
anything like that. Mm hmmm.
Speaker 1 (13:53):
So, uh, you know, always encouraged sticking close with your
medical professional. And uh, there's a product called thyroid TLC
we sell that most people have deficiency in iodine. It's
actually like second to vitamin D deficiency, which is sort
of like the most common, and iodine is kind of
the forgotten mineral. And you know, earlier in the nineteen
hundreds they used to supplement it in school because there's
such wide deficiencies around it. And I'm not sure if
you experienced that, but yeah, it's deficiency. So with the
enlarged thyroid, if we can supplement iodine, iodine, potassium iodide,
some of the higher absorbed forms of iodine, some relief
can be realized pretty quickly there. Tyrazine is the top
amino acid for thyroid health and that's also in thyroid TLC.
So that set of products. Is he battling like fatigue
or what are kind of his symptoms that he's struggling with.
Speaker 5 (14:57):
He's having breathing problems with in large thyroid mm.
Speaker 1 (15:07):
Hmm, okay, just having a hard time overall breathing. And
how long has he been battling.
Speaker 5 (15:11):
This too long? I'm not just sure you know how
long it has been, but I think it's it's been
a long time.
Speaker 1 (15:24):
Yeah, And has he been sort of like is it
hashimotos or diagnosed s Graves disease or Okay, but yeah,
the big time minerals would be, you know, vital super
helpful for him. Iodine, selenium, zinc. Vitamin D is actually
super helpful. Lower levels of vitamin D in fact, have
been associated with a number of different thyroid disorders, including
some of those autoimmune thyroids tists and B twelve is
another one. So I'd encourage, you know, if you are
able to bring him into one of the stores. You know,
you can take this information kind of have it in
your back pocket, or you could also take some action.
Maybe bring him into the stores talk about this a
little bit, because I've had enough customers sort of deal
with this issue, thyroid issues.
Speaker 3 (16:14):
It's crazy.
Speaker 1 (16:15):
It's like seventy percent of women seem to battle with
thyroid issues a little bit more than dudes. But dudes
do as well, and it's a very common topic and
it's connected so often to nutritional deficiencies that can help
the situation. So i'd encourage you to pop on in.
But yeah, those are a few of the top ingredients.
Speaker 2 (16:35):
Dorothy, really really good call and great question this morning,
and of course one of the great reasons why Tim
likes to have callers and questions. Love and love talking
with folks, love getting that interaction. But it's a great
example of what they're able to do for you with
the wellness consultants at the Healthy Place each and every day,
whether you're getting the West Side, Fitchburg or sun Prairie location.
You can also chat online with the wellness consultant find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place
dot com again, that available to you on the website.
Speaking of the internet, the webs those things, the social
areas Facebook, Instagram, YouTube channel, all the great platforms. You
can find the Healthy Place there as well. And Jim,
just quick before we wrap up this week, I got
a couple of minutes here just for folks that you
mentioned a little bit earlier about the approach at the
Healthy Place when it comes to helping people out and
really the what the priorities and values are at the
Healthy Place. That is something when you and Becky decided
to start that first location, the one in Fitchburg that
you're going to be at later today on Wednesdays, there
really was a core mission there. Let's talk a little
bit about that, what some of the goals are of
the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (17:40):
Yeah, you know, you find yourself in a world right
that has heavy metals and toxins all over the play herbicides,
past sides, fungus sides in our aluminum in our deorder,
and chemicals in our shampoos. And I read that United
States has some thing like seventy thousand chemicals and over
in Europe over forty thousand of those chemicals are straight
up illegal because they're not good for the body. And
you run into these artificial colors and sweeteners and it's
just sort of you know, the exhaust from the car
ahead of you and oxidative stress. You know, take a
bite out an apple, it turns brown. Like the more
you learn, the more you realize that we're sort of
like a plant planted in soil that's not super rich,
it's not super healthy. It's just the world we sort
of live in and it's not necessarily always moving in
the right direction. So being sort of proactive around your health,
like we want to inspire people at the healthy place
and you can find that's that's like our goal and
promise to you is like we want to be that
resource when you have just questions in the supplement world.
You know, back to school is happening right now, so
like kids, you know, parents are bringing their kids in,
like what do we do for immune structure and overall
like digestive health and how do we keep their little
brain strong and growing and developing well? And and hey,
add and I don't want to go on the medications
maybe as a parent, and you know, what's some natural
alternatives there. So just with that idea, like that's that's
like exactly kind of what we do. So you know,
come in, you know, back to school, you got kids
going back to school. You're going back to school, like
like hey, what nutrients? So for example, for kids, like
we go it's our mission. It's like how do we
find content that's going to be rich for them but
also something a kid would like you know, I have
five kids aged zero to twelve, and it's like taste matters,
you know, quality matters, and so we're just bringing in
a new brand, three of them for kids. Mary Ruth
is one, Lama Naturals is one, Dabble and Dallop is
a third. And it's like these products, I'm super excited.
Took a long time to like, hey, do the research,
figure out content quality sourcing, like which brands out there
are going to be best for our kiddos in Dane
County and they taste great, like the Lama Natural is.
Speaker 3 (19:57):
My little guy, two year old.
Speaker 1 (19:59):
He stole the bottle of multi vitamin gummies and prebiotic
and the third one is Alderberry for immune system, and
he got those little one of the little caps off
and he got it. He was taking handfuls of It's hilarious,
you know. He tastes really good. I pop them and
it's like that that quality. So that's just an example, Sean.
I think what you're asking, it's like, how do we
how do we identify these gaps, you know, whether it's
in our diet or our health or our family's health,
and then how do we recommend something that both is
gonna work, is gonna help, and also has the quality
taste to sort of like have the kids be like, yes,
I won't fight you every single day on this and
I throw it away. I'm gonna actually eat this.
Speaker 3 (20:44):
Because I like it today. That's a perfect example. So yeah,
today is the day.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
Today the day be proactive. Get in and especially if
you get a chance, get off the Fitchburg location. Say
hi to Tim. You're gonna be from ten until you
work out.
Speaker 3 (20:57):
What's Fitchburg store. Come say hi, I'm so excited.
Speaker 2 (21:01):
That'd be awesome to stop by against Fitchburg location. Of course,
well Is Consultant Fitchburg, well as consultants in the West Side,
Sun Prairie and online and find your healthy place dot com.
Let's find your healthy place dot com. Tim, as always,
you enjoy this beautiful day. It's always greatchatting with you,
my friend.
Speaker 3 (21:16):
Yeah, you too, Thanks so much.
Speaker 2 (21:17):
Sehn Danieldonald has your chance to win one thousand dollars
next right here at thirteen ten dol. Will you ivey