All Episodes

September 25, 2024 17 mins
The Healthy Place as a special event going on to help you de-stress.  

If you have questions for Tim, contact him at
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yo yo yo, mister Sean, doing.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Well, doing well. It's great to talk with you. My friend,
always bring, always bring excitement. Is I'm looking forward. I
always look forward to talking with you. But for folks
that don't a little peak behind the scenes, we do
talk a bit before the show and you give me,
give me some give me some things that have been
going on at the Healthy Place locations, and always excited,

and I'm looking this week, I'm like, oh my goodness,
there guys are just too busy. You got too much
stuff going on, and I can't wait to share it
with folks. Speaking of by the way, things going on
at the stores the Healthy Place of course, Tim has
been hanging out Wednesday's the Fitchburg location Today is no exception.
He will be there with you from eleven until five
today at the Fitchburg location of the Healthy Place. Of Course.

Wellness consultants at all three locations, whether it's Fitchburg, West
Side of Madison, or sun Prairie. Also, you can learn
more and chat with a wellness consultant right on the
website find your Healthy Place dot com. That's fine, your
Healthy Place dot com. Speaking of being on those internets,
there's some great cool pages for the Healthy Place, whether
you're on Facebook or other social media I think of
like Instagram for example. At find your Underscore Healthy Plays,

they've got an awesome YouTube channel as well, some great
videos out there if you are looking to maybe be
healthier and looking for some great guidance. It's a really
really cool page. They have their YouTube channel of find
your Healthy Place, and again the website find your Healthy
Place dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com.
And Tim is here not only to give us give
us some great news and information. He is also here

as a resource and there's a great opportunity for you
to get on the air with Tim at six oh
eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight
three two one thirteen ten. If you've got a question
for Tim O'Brien from The Healthy Place, we'd love to
have you join us this morning. And Tim, when folks
call in, not only going to get not only are
they going to get great information, they're gonna got a
little thank you from you, aren't they.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
Oh yeah, yeah, I got to give a little of
twenty five dollars gift card as a thank you for
calling in, and that can be used on our website
or in our stores. I love questions because it is
a chance to point folks towards natural alternatives that have
been working.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
For our community fantastic. Now is the time to get
on the phone. Six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. Love
to get you on the air this morning with Tim
O'Brien from The Healthy Place Again. The website finds your
Healthy Place dot com. Three locations west side of Madison,
Fitchburg and sun Prairie. And again phone lines are open
for you right now. It's six oh eight three two
one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one

thirteen ten. I love the changing of the seasons. I
love when to get into fall. I love the cooler nights. Yeah,
there's so much great stuff this time here. I will say, though, Tim,
with the days getting shorter and other things, it's not always.
It's kind of that ying and the yang. You're loving
some of it, and then there's the other side's kind
of like you know, and it's just.

Speaker 1 (02:46):

Speaker 2 (02:49):
It just comes with the territory. And I had mentioned
at the start of the program, I was really excited
to talk with you as always this week and uh,
one of the reasons you guys have a really good
deal going on right now for stress products at the
Healthy Place.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
We sure do man So it's twenty five percent off
all week through Sunday through Saturday and stores and Sunday
on the website. It's man stress is a constant battle,
like our community comes in on a regular basis. It's
it's second only to chronic pain in Dane County as
far as what our community is battling struggling with where

they see side effects from some of the pharmaceutical drugs.
They're interested in natural alternatives to manage whether it's cortisol
or general stress, anxiety depression which you know leads and
includes sleep issues. So our community is, you know, suffering
in this area of stress. So on some my annual
basis we have some sort of stress promotion. So twenty

five percent off. You can go to our website. There's
a whole category called the stress category and you know
a couple hundred products there to sort of choose from.
And in stores like I always encourage community, you know,
come in. I'll be at the Fitzburg store today from
eleven to five. Love to give you a high five
and or stop in our stores in general, because I
believe that we give so much more helpful intel to

our community when they come in. And then we get
a chance to ask some specific questions like, well, is
it like anxiety attacks or is it sort of like
mood struggles? Does it affect your sleep? How often are
you stressed? And how stressed are you you know, zero
to ten, And so we get to ask some of
these questions and then we get to give back some

more specific helpful information. So, for example, like your adrenal glands,
most fatigue is actually related to stress, So over ninety
percent of fatigue is related to stress. So adaptogenic herbs
that nourish strength in your adrenal glands will lead to
less stress. They're called adaptogens because they help your body

adapt to stress better, like strengthening your fortitude and your
body's ability intrinsically to be able to handle stress. So
you get to recommend products like, you know, adrenal boost,
or say, cortsol levels are high. You know, I just
got my full men's panel back, did a blood test
and discovered okay, you know, I my coursol is a
little high, and I know what to do there's cortisol nutrients,

products like DHA and Magnolia bark that balance and bring
down the course all levels. So I know what to
do there and so I encourage the community. You know,
my stores are my favorite. Obviously, I love our website.
Come into the stores. Like our wellness consultants. I call
them my wellness consultant army because we work every day
pretty intentionally with each other and with our community. Like

when we're running into a problem or challenge with a
customer that we're struggling with some breakthrough with that customer,
we talk about it, we figure it out. We contact
experts that are smarter than us. You know, we're not
doctors or pharmacists, and we want to be able to
help our community, so we seek out that information. And
we have a whole list of medical doctors and naturopathic
doctors and acupunctures, chiropractors that were able to lean on

as resources, like how do you get breakthrough in this
area in the supplement realm? You know, we don't go
down the line of protendity doctors. We recommend supplements nutrients
and know which brands are good, good, better, best. So
twenty five percent off all week small stress products, bring
it up, check it out, and lower your stress again. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Yeah, feeling good And you can actually bring that up
with Tim when he's stopping and see him today from
eleven until VI at the Fitchburg location of the Healthy Place. Also,
as Tim was talking there about the way, you know,
improving your life information, I know that's a big thing
at the Healthy Place and sharing information. You've got so
much great stuff at the stores as well. One of

the things Too mentioned calling in. Sometimes folks call and
they say, I got a question, but I don't want
to go on the air, And we actually had a
call or call in didn't want to go on the air,
but they wanted to know Tim, if you have anything
for toenail fungus. So I think that's the first time
we've been asked about that one. It's a good yeah.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
You know, it's more common Sean than you'd think. You know,
next time, you know, you have your sheet, your shoes off,
will take a peek at your toenails. But you know,
it's a real thing and it's a little more common
than people would think. So surprisingly enough, tea tree oil
works exceptionally well for toenail fungus. It's so it's I
kind of only chuckle because there's a natural alternative for

like everything. So Ta tree oil. I've been recommending that
Thursday Plantations is a great brand, but plant therapy is
an essential oil that we probably sell the most of
now that I think about it. And you just put
you know, a few drops on the areas of fungus.
You know, two or three times a day. You can
do it. Twice a day is actually fine. Three times,

you know, you know, it would be a little bit
more aggressive. But yeah, if it's bugging, you get some
tea tree oil. You pay like ten bucks for a
bottle and the stuff works.

Speaker 2 (07:56):
Oh that is amazing. Great call, great question. If you've
got a question, love to get you the Edits Morning
with Tim O'Brien from The Healthy Place six oh eight
three two one thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three
two one thirteen ten. Of course, Tim comes to us
from the Healthy Place three locations west sid of Madison,
Fitchburg and Sun Prairie. The website find your Healthy Place
dot com. That's find your Healthy Place dot com. Also

on Facebook and social media. If you're on Instagram, follow
him at find your Underscore Healthy Place. They've also got
a fantastic YouTube channel with a lot of great information
for you. And again the phone lines are open if
you've got a question. Six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten. That's six oh eight three two one thirteen ten.
Tim's got a new gummy. We're going to talk about that.
We'll also talk about weight loss, and you hear a

lot of talk about particular drugs in the news and
questions about that. We'll ask Tim about that and take
your call. We will do all of that next as
Ask the Experts with Tim O'Brien, and The Healthy Place
continues right here on thirteen ten WIBA eight fifty one
thirteen ten WIBA and Ask the Experts. Hanging out with

Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place the web side find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's fine, Your Healthy Place
dot com. Three locations west side of Madison, Fitchburg and
Sun Prairie. Tim will be hanging out at the Fitchburg location.
He'll be there every Wednesday, and that is today. He'll
be there from eleven until five. Stop on end, say hello,
let him know that you love the show and that
you were listening. When you stop in and do that

don't forget I mentioned the website. Also if you're online,
if you're on Facebook, for example, finds your Healthy Place,
you can find them. There also Instagram at find your
Underscore Healthy plays as well as I got a great
YouTube channel and had another caller call in during the break.
Didn't want to go on the air, but they want
to know if you had anything tim for sciatic nerve
pain and one I know we've had folks call in

because that is a tough one.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
That is, it's a long nerve and it can create
a lot of pain in the human body, a lot
of inflammation connected to So there's two nutrients that have
been sort of remarkable as far as treating that pain.
And the first actually I learned about through Linus Pauling
Institute who studies lapoic acid and so our lapoic acid

is a universal antioxidant. It's both water fat soluble. Germany's
used it in their medical system for decades for treating
chronic nerve pain like ssiatic pain, and it reduces the
inflammation as well as strengths and helps the recovery of
the nerve itself. So Our lapoic acid we have a
product called Perfect ten another a couple of different brands

that we have of our lapoic acid, so three hundred milligrams,
two capsules, three d milligrams, so it'd be six hundred
milligrams per day, quite effective. And then with that, just
as important, if not a little bit more important, would
be BCM ninety five kirkcumin. It's the most successful in
our community. I've been talking about it for about fifteen
years now, and it just works for chronic pain of

every kind. Inflammation is a big part of it. So
kirkcumin cleans the body of inflammation, which is you know,
dozens of health benefits and certainly helps with that ssiatic pain.
Most people with ssiatic pain will feel a difference on
these two compounds in about forty five minutes. And I'm
not saying it's going to cure you or make you
never struggle again. I'm saying it'll take the edge off

real quick, and then over four five six weeks, strengthening
that whole nervous system, nerves in general, and cleaning abouty
of information it helps more over time. So bring up
ssiatic pain in the stores or you can hop on
the website and you could search perfect ten and or
Kira Health is a good BCM ninety five Kurk Human.

Another thing when you're trying to remember these words and
names is just me an email Tim at find your
Healthy Place dot com and I can send you some
links and help you out.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
Really good, really good guide and Sarah. And that email
is Tim tim at find your Healthy Place dot com.
And I mentioned you guys are always busy at the
Healthy Place. You're always coming up with newer things to
offer folks. And this week you had a big launch
on Monday, Pinapple Express. What are we talking here, Tim,
let's get the.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
For you to ask. So, you know, in the cannabis industry,
so you go out west, you'll find these different strains,
you know, Pineapple Express, ac DC, Northern Lights, Blue Dreamed,
all these different strains. And over the past years I've
been learning a bit about it because I started with CBD,
you know, some of the benefits of medicinal marijuana without

the high. And then we started recommending some THHC as
more of like a pain blocker and help with stressed
anxiety depression with CBD, and we have several different gummies
products there which I've been quite happy with and as
I've sort of progressed in my research and understanding feedback
from both the community and people that are sort of

smarter than me in this area, I've been learning about
these strains. So Pineapple Express strain, which I guess there
was a movie like twenty years ago or something that
came out of Pineapple expressors I haven't seen, but Pineapple
Express is a strain with a specific sativa versus indoca ratio.

It's about sixty percent sativa forty percent indica. And these
these strains will have and have been grown specific with
specific cannabinoid profiles, So cannabinoids are like thhccbd, cbc, CBG,
just all the letters of the alphabet, and with very

specific terpene profiles, which terpenes are the essential oils from
cannabis or hemp. And these specific profiles are literally grown
to treat specific conditions, issues or problems. So Pineapple Express,
in honor of our twenty five percent off stress Week,

is for stress anxiety mood and it has been working.
I try to sample a few months back when we
were in production and sort of pulling this together. But
what I want people to know is this is literally
cannabis infuse terpenes actually from cannabis, which is cool. Cannabis
itself isn't legal in Wisconsin, but the cannabis terpenes are,

and the specific cannabinoid profile, which for this specific product
is it's three milligrams CBD, three milligrams CBG, three milligram CBC,
and then two point five or ten milligrams of THHC,
depending on what you're going for there. It also has

live resin, so live resin you'll notice the aroma, the taste,
it's quite pleasant, and the results are significantly different than
the other gummies and more specific products that we've sold
in the past, So Pineapp Express, I'm pretty excited about it.
In November, we're looking at bringing up another strain called ACDC,

which will be more for chronic pain, and in December
one called Blue Dream, which is, as you can imagine,
more for sleep. So I'm pretty giddy Sean about these
strain specific, solventless clean source from the Driftless region as
far as that because it's still hemp derived, but these
are deconstructed cannabis gummies rebuilt as actual strain hemp gummies,

and I'm super impressed with our manufacturer that helped put
this together. And it's just a brilliant idea because we're
going to be able to help people more so, whether
it's our website or stopping the store. Come on in
ask for the new gummy if you can't remember the
name or else, Pineapple Express is the name of the product,
and you will like it.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
It is amazing. And that we talked to about Tim,
you mentioned you don't kind of rest on your laurels.
You're always looking for looking to bring new options for
folks to Madison because.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
It's been you know, it's been fifteen years. I talk
about like how I'm getting a little frustrated with how
many people are still suffering in Dane County, how many
people are not living quality of life, how many people
are sort of taking pharmaceutical drugs that have side effects.
They're sort of miserable, but they don't know about natural
alternatives that could help them through that journey. And they're

getting surgeries that are often on that are often avoidable.
And so I'm getting sort of more and more passionate
and a little more frustrated and wanting to get some breakthrough,
like total pharmaceutical drug intake in Dane County in our
fifteen years since we started, I'm like, I want to
move that needle more, you know, longevity and quality of

life and length of life. So that's sort of the
mission that Becky and Iron and we're asking that question
every day, like how can we get more breakthrough, how
can we get better at communicating, educating and impacting, inspiring
educating Our whole mission statement, Our vision is to end
suffering in Dane County, to increase quality life. So I
could kind of go off on that, and but the

point is is like, if you're listening right now, become
the CEO of your own health. Like, gain some people
around you, make a team around you. Whether Healthy Place
is one of those on the team, great, if not us,
Get somebody else that knows supplements, that knows nutrition, get
a team around you, gain some education, and then you're
the CEO of your own health. Your life matters, your
health matters, and there are gifts worth fighting for. Today's day.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
To take that first step, get on into the one
of the three locations of the Healthy Place West side
of Madison Fitchburger Sun Prairie Again. Tim will be at
the west Side Loke Excuse me the Fitchburg location from
eleven until five five. You've got wells consultants at all
three locations as well. Get on in or learn more
online finds your Healthy Place dot com. Even better, do
them both. Head on over to find your Healthy Place
dot Com now and then check on in the west

side Fitchburger Sun Prairie location of the Healthy Place, Tim.
It's always great chatting with you, my friend. You enjoyed
this most fantastic of days.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
Yeah, enjoy the day, brother, Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
News comes your way next here on thirteen ten. Wiba
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