Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yo yo yo, mister Sean prevol good morning, happy freezing day.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Yes, what a day now for folks that don't know.
Speaker 3 (00:08):
By the way, Tim comes Swiss from the Healthy Place
online find your Healthy Place dot com. We're gonna talk
a little bit about the Healthy Places moment. Your kiddo's So,
your kiddo's homeschooled.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Right, you do the whole got it?
Speaker 1 (00:18):
Speaker 3 (00:20):
Yep, So you've got You've got Becky as the lead
lead instructor there.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
On days where the public schools.
Speaker 3 (00:27):
Are out kids the day off, we don't even tell
them what's going on out there because there would be
great sorrow.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
And they pursue their school studies.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
I just thought of that. How does that help?
Speaker 1 (00:47):
Yeah, But they do get other pluses. You know. We
might go on a vacation when everybody else is in
school and they go ha ha, that is very cool.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
You and I'm gonna have to talk about that someday because.
Speaker 3 (00:58):
That's something I always I always wonders some kids stud
dad talk will do that for another time.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
Oh, yes, yeah, it is. It is funny to I
mean funny if you could take off your hat and
honor miss Becky because I picture her right now. She's
got our infant eight months old, Charlie. She has George
three years old, who's a toddler that demands attention and
doesn't really like this new creation called Charlie, his little brother.
And then the three older kids thirteen, eleven, and nine
doing homeschool. I'm like, how do you keep that organized?
Because doing two things at once is kind of difficult
for me.
Speaker 3 (01:37):
See Tim, now, I know why you're hanging out at
the Fitchburg store from ten and time.
Speaker 1 (01:44):
It's all yes, it's coming together.
Speaker 3 (01:48):
Yeah, speaking of Tim hanging out at the Fitchburg store,
it is a Wednesday, so Tim will be out there
from ten until five.
Speaker 2 (01:54):
If you haven't a chance to see Tim recently.
Speaker 3 (01:56):
Or if you've never met Tim before, it's a great
day to stop on it and give him high five.
Speaker 2 (02:00):
He'd love to see you again. He's at the Fitchburg location.
Speaker 3 (02:02):
Wellness Consultants though at Fitchburg west side of Madison sub
Prairie locations up that of the Healthy Place. The website
finds your healthy place dot com that's fined your Healthy
Place dot com, Facebook, and social media that includes Instagram
and YouTube at under at find your Underscore Healthy Place.
You can find them there as well. Make sure you're
following them online. Also, speaking of opportunities to get some
great information and start that conversation. Our phone lines they
are open for you right now at six oh eight
three two.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
One thirteen ten. At six oh eight three two one
thirteen ten.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
Love to have you join us this morning if you've
got a question for Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place.
Phone lines are open again sixt' oh eight three two
one thirteen ten. And Tim, when folks call in, not
only is it a great conversation, give a little thank
you for taking the time, don't you.
Speaker 1 (02:48):
Yeah, twenty five dollars gift card just to say thank
you at and that can be used on our website
or in our stores. So if you have a question
for you or a loved one you're curious, you know
what natural alternatives work for this or that.
Speaker 3 (03:00):
That's what we do great time right now, give us
call six o' eight three two one thirteen ten. That's
six h eight three two one thirteen ten. We'll get
you on the air with Tim O'Brien with the Healthy Place,
talk about some of the cool stuff going on at
the Healthy Place.
Speaker 2 (03:12):
We'll do that in just a moment.
Speaker 3 (03:13):
But another way to reach Tim is always the emails
Tim at find your Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim
tim at find your Healthy Place dot com and Lisa email.
She says, I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately with work
and taking care of my family. I've tried medication and
cutting back on caffeine, which has helped a bit, but
I still feel anxious most stays. Are there any natural
ways to help with this stress? And that emails from Lisa.
Speaker 1 (03:40):
Yeah, there's a number of directions I could go here, Lisa,
if you're listening, you know a lot of us battle stress, anxiety,
depression that can lead to sleep issues as well. So
if you were in the store, uh and talking to
myself for one of our wellness consultants, we'd probably ask
you a few questions, like how how's your energy levels
throughout the day, Because when you're fatigued, that's most of
the time connected to your adrenal glands, and your adrenal
glands are also in control of managing much of your
stress levels. So folks are walking around with adrenal fatigue often,
which means their stress is high, their energy is low,
and other times, their cortisol might be messed up. You
know a lot of folks will produce too much testosterone
or estrogen that'll sort of drive up that cortisol production
and almost like a cortisol drip of sorts where you know,
highly reactive. You know, somebody kind of touches it, looks
at you the wrong way and you're like raw, you know,
and I'm there sometimes and you know, that cortisol level
can be high. So nutrients like magnolia bark that balance
the cortisol levels can go a long way. And other times,
you know, hip a campus there can be in the brain,
there can be PTSD, there can be depression going on,
and it can be more centralized in the hippa campus
part of the brain, where nutrients like CBD or THHC
can can help kind of balance the endocannabinoid systems control
and influence over the hippo campus part of the brain,
like uplifting food. So we always like to ask questions
that this is like the perfect question to sort of
reveal how our team works. So when you come into
our store or you stores, you know that we got
the three stores, or you call us or email one
of us you can submit tickets online. You know, our
wellness consultants will usually ask you a few questions to
gain a deeper understanding of specifically what you're going through.
So I could go a few different Like I said,
I could go a few different directions. But to answer
your question, Lisa, in general, a product called chill pill.
Chill Pill is by Lively Vitamin Co has that magnolia
bark in there, which balances the cortisol stress hormone. It
has althenine which kind of calms down those obsessive, kind
of constant thoughts that you just can't let go of.
And then five HTP in there balances the serotonin levels
which uplifts the mood. So I love chill Pill such
a consistent help to our community. We sell a lot
of those, it's a top seller. And Pineapple Express is
one of our newer gummies that have been very proud of,
and it's literally named after the marijuana strain called Pineapple Express.
And when Pineapple Express out West is grown, there's a
very specific cannabinoid ratio and terpene ratio that we've been
able to deconstruct, break down and its multiple components and
recreate utilizing all hemp derived terpenes and cannabinoids, which is
why it's legal. And so we have regular formula that
has just a very small amount of THHC two point five,
so you're not going to get high off of that.
That's been insanely popular and would recommend it to you, Lisa.
I've been very proud of the results there, surprised even
that it's working as well as it is. And then
we have a stronger Pineapple Express that comes in the
ten milligram, which you will have that psychoactive component, so
be aware of that lowering stress specifically. Pineapple Express is
a condition specific product, which means folks tend to buy
it for stress because that's the ratio of cannabinoids really
target that well. So between Chill Pill and Pineapple Express,
I'd encourage both of those to try. And then if
sleep is an issue, then consider trying Bestressed by Peer
encapsulations is a really nice blend for sleep. A lot
of times when folks are dealing with stress, it's because
they're not really sleeping and they don't connect those dots.
So there's a few answers for you, Lisa, and you
can email me to Tim at find your healthy Place
dot com. A reminder, I'm at the Fitchburg store day
from ten till five. I'm like totally loving that. If
you have questions, like Lisa here, this is a good
day to pop over to the Fitzburgh store. We'd love
to meet you, give a little consultation. If I haven't seen.
Speaker 2 (08:11):
You for a while.
Speaker 1 (08:12):
Like likewise, come on in. Give me a high five.
That's been one of my favorite parts about working every Wednesday.
Speaker 3 (08:17):
Great question, Lisa. You too can be like Lisa and
neither call us, give us call gets you down here.
Six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six
o' eight three two one thirteen ten. Email Tim at
finds your Healthy Place dot com. That's Tim tim at
find your Healthy Place dot com. Speaking of calling in,
Dorothy took the time to call us this morning. Dorothy,
welcome to the program. You're on the air with Tim
O'Brien from the Healthy Place.
Speaker 1 (08:39):
Hey Dorothy, good morning, Good morning.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
I was the last time I was at the doctor,
I was low on vitamin D and I thought I
heard you on one of the programs talking about something
that you could take with vitamin D to get the
most use out of it.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
Yes, I was speaking about vitamin K. So are you
already taking a vitamin D right now?
Speaker 4 (09:11):
Speaker 1 (09:13):
Wonderful? And how much are you taking if you don't
mind me asking, like how many I use per day?
Or micrograms?
Speaker 4 (09:19):
Well, I they're little capsule, so I take about three.
Speaker 1 (09:25):
Of them in the morning. It would be worth taking
a peek at that bottle. Maybe not right now because
you might not be by it, but check how many
I use or micrograms are in there. You'd really want
to be getting. If you tested and you actually came
back low, that's great to know because then you can
go get after it. Ten thousand I use a day
is a great dose for somebody that's already knows that
they're low on vitamin D and in the winter months
with it being a bit more dark, try to get
to that ten thousand I use a day. You're probably
getting close if you're taking three three of what you're
taking a lot of times, there's two thousand IU capsules,
so you'd be at about six. You know, the idea
would be to get to closer to ten. So solar power,
this answer is your first question here. Solar power by
Lively Vitamin CO has a five thousand IU options, so
you could take two of those a day. And vitamin
K two is pretty important when it comes to supplementing
vitamin D. And I just learned this a few years ago,
and I didn't I've been unaware of this that when
you supplement vitamin D, your body utilizes its vitamin K stores.
It'll utilize the vitamin K stores to assimilate and absorb
the vitamin D. So you want to supplement with vitamin
K two to strengthen your your K levels to help
assimilate that D. So that's real important. The DK combination
and the solar power has that K two which is
the NAP version of vitamin K. A lot of times
companies will use synthetic vitamins, which I don't know, I
know why you want to create a fake vitamin, but
you know vitamin K one is synthetic, so you want
that K two And that's what we were talking about
on the show a couple weeks back.
Speaker 2 (11:15):
Thank you, Dorothy.
Speaker 1 (11:17):
Yeah, you're very welcome. Thank you. Yeah, good question, Dorothy,
Thanks you. Invitamin D levels up.
Speaker 3 (11:21):
Yeah, I never forget about emailing Tim at find your
Healthy Place dot com.
Speaker 2 (11:25):
That's Tim tim at find Your Healthy Place dot com.
So give Tim.
Speaker 3 (11:29):
We're going to continue our conversation with Tim O'Brien from
the Healthy Place. Still got time for your call at
six oh eight three two one thirteen ten. That's six
oh eight three two one thirteen ten. We'll continue your
conversation with Tim, take some emails and get some more
great information as asked the Experts with the Healthy Place
continues here on thirteen ten WIB. If you haven't had
a chance, check out the website find your Healthy Place
dot com. Let's find your Healthy Place dot com and
also find them on Facebook and social media including Instagram
and YouTube.
Speaker 2 (11:55):
Great day to get on in.
Speaker 3 (11:56):
Whether it's the West Side location, location Fitchburg or Sun
Prairie of the Healthy Place. Don't forget Fitchburg on Wednesdays.
Today is Wednesday. Tim is there from ten until five.
He'd love to see you, but again, wellness consultants are
available to you at all three locations of the Healthy
Place and it finds your Healthy Place dot com more
of Ask the Experts with Tim O'Brien in the Healthy
Place next right here on thirteen ten wuib e eight
forty eight thirteen ten WIB and ask the Experts hanging
out with Tim O'Brien from the Healthy Place online find
your Healthy Place dot com. That's all one word, find
your Healthy Place dot com. You also learn more on
Facebook social media if you're on Instagram at find your
underscore Healthy Place. Also, they got a fantastic YouTube channel
and links. As a matter of fact, right from find
your Healthy Place dot com. Some great videos and information
posted there. Again that is on their YouTube channel. Great
did day to get on in whether it's the West
side of Madison, Fitchburg or sun Prairie location of the
Healthy Place and Tim, it's Wednesday, So you're hanging out
in Fitchburg today, aren't you?
Speaker 1 (12:52):
End of five Every Wednesday Fitchburg Store. Fitchburg Store was
the first one we launched my man, so that has
a special spot in my heart twenty ten, but yeah,
every Wednesday for the foreseeable future, and I've just been
really enjoying it. For those I don't know, I was
about five years over in my office in Fitchburg, which
you know, I like, you know, working in the office.
To love the team over here, working with my community
though and my people is really something that I've missed.
So getting back to the stores every Wednesday, Fitchburg ten
to five, stop.
Speaker 2 (13:23):
On out that it is awesome, a great day to
get on in.
Speaker 3 (13:26):
Of course Fitchburg is Tim mentioned pen until five west
side of Madison got wellness consultants standing by there as
well as sun Prairie location. Also you can start a
conversation at find your Healthy Place dot com. That's find
your Healthy Place dot com. Tim with you mentioned Pineapple
Express in that last segment and just from your experience,
you know, it's being in the stores, and I'll use
my experience. People are raving about Pineapple Express. It's really
helping them, you know, with people that are that are
looking for something to help them relax and life is
as goes with I'll say life was pretty stressful these days, Tim,
and having something to kind of help unwind in a
healthy sense is definitely not surprising.
Speaker 2 (14:08):
But a very popular thing for folks, hasn't it.
Speaker 1 (14:10):
It has been. Yeah. And these these strains specific so
pine up Express we have for stress. Ac DC is
a different strain that's built for treating pain, so chronic pain.
Folks have been loving. This came out towards the end
of November. Has been you know, very successful. Been hearing
those testimonies come back. Have been excited about that. And
then BlackBerry cush is coming in the next week or two.
That's for sleep. So the cool thing Sean about these
strained specific gummies is they are exact representations of marijuana
strained gummies that we purchase, you know in states where
marijuana is legal. And it took me a little bit
for me to understand the science behind what we were doing.
But deconstructing strain and then rebuilding it in its exact
representation utilizing hemp derived material. It's like, save the drive,
save the flight, don't pay the thirty eight percent tax
for your gummies. You know if you drive out of state.
This is the same thing. And I have a crazy
story of a friend that his wife literally got run
over by a truck. Whoa and she is alive today.
She was stuck under this truck for a half an hour.
I mean, by the grace of God, she survived. This
is like in a parking lot. She got hit and
run over. And so Dave, my friend, he would drive
out of state to get these strained specific gummies and
you know, spending the dollars to drive down there to
go get it, pick it up, pay the thirty eight
percent tax come back. You know, he's doing this every
month for his wife's chronic pain. So then this idea
for this strain specific gummies comes out. He's using that
now and that has replaced the Drive. And there were
other good options we've been selling Strata and Cosmos and
Outer Limits. Now, these are great gummies, but something about
the strain specific with the specific cannabinoid profile interpreting profile
is quite a bit different in its success in treating
stress for the Pineup book stress or pain for a CDC,
sleep for BlackBerry cush So I'm I'm pretty lit. So
I'm sort of telling folks like man, save the drive,
save the thirty eight percent tax, try these strained specific
gummies because they're they're killing it. I'm very happy with
the result when I first tried it. You know, you
make a new product and you always obviously have big
hopes in it, or else you wouldn't have created it.
But I didn't know what to expect, and I tried
the Pineapple Express about half an hour in, I'm like, oh,
this is different, this is nice.
Speaker 3 (16:55):
Tim is some of that too, As you mentioned the
different options even in THA see in CBD gummies that
you guys have.
Speaker 2 (17:02):
At the Healthy Place, we talk about meeting with the.
Speaker 3 (17:04):
Wellness consultants consultant and having that conversation. One of the
things that oftentimes can come out of those is finding
that absolute perfect fit for you.
Speaker 2 (17:14):
So you're starting on the right foot.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
I mean yeah. And even with our last three years
of you know or five years ish, wow, it's six
years now of CBD, THHC, the whole conversation, you know,
it's been the community that often has been the educators
to me on what is working or not working, and
so when something's not working, like, that's where we start
the mission to find something that does. And so now
this is our fifteenth year at the Healthy Place and
it's been really cool sean to get better and to
level up and discover more solutions for people and focus
in more laser like on how you can really move
the needle in people's suffering and chronic pain and quality
of life. And so yeah, I love the Healthy Place
And obviously biased as the owner, you know, our team,
when you come into our business, you bring up, we
ask you questions. We don't do commission because we don't
want dollars to distract the team and just experience it.
You know, if you haven't experienced it before, just check
it out. It's so different and you know, I just
credit our team to this. It's so different than like
a supplement store, what you'd picture of a supplement store. Like,
we ask you questions and it's just all about finding
the solutions that work for you. And so the next
ten years, next fifteen years, you know, I want to
double that. I want to be twice as effective and
consistent on helping our community. And so it's fulfillment for
me and Becky. It's super fun. Our team is great.
Come and meet the team if you haven't. And I'm
at the Fitchburg store every Wednesday, so I'm half the
reason I'm there is to connect with the community. So
come on out.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
And you mentioned too the team around you and of
course at the Fitchburg location from ten until five on Wednesdays.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
Today's Wednesday.
Speaker 3 (19:03):
Great day to get on out and say hello and
of course start that conversation. You mentioned the team around
you and that passion, that education. These are people that
are and I know you hire very very specific people,
really people with the ability to communicate and connect with people.
You guys teach them obviously all of the all of
the the under you know, the the stuff that, Yeah,
but that that one quality that that that can't be taught.
Speaker 2 (19:29):
You guys really look for those individuals, don't you.
Speaker 1 (19:31):
Yeah, Integrity and passion, those are kind of the hiring
most important points. Those are like on our on our
core values, unbreakable. We can't have team members breaking integrity
or overall attitude like those are so important to hold
the line on. So when we hire, that's what we
hire around. And then as you mentioned, we have a
three month training program that every wellness consultant has to
go through, which I remember in the beginning justifying that CAU.
I mean just from a business perspective, it is like
that was hard in the beginning to oh but we
had to, you know, especially as I was in the
stores a little less three month training. I mean, I'm
very proud of it because we created it nine different modules, quizes, tests,
vendor trainings, role play with your managers and they have
to pass these these in order to become a wellness consultant.
So they're in training, you'll see their badge, you know,
WC and training. So we do that and then every
two weeks. We come together as a team. Just met
yesterday morning. How can we become more successful with our community?
What are we doing that's working and why? What what
are we doing that's not working and why? And it's
it's So it's one of my favorite meetings twice a
month because the team all works together and we get
to see thousands of people each month in our community.
So the data that we get from is magnesium working
for this or that is are we successful with helping
with headaches or stress or pain or energy levels?
Speaker 4 (21:00):
Speaker 1 (21:00):
What can we do to up the ante and become
more successful? So we started sampling a greens formula. It's
called Lively Greens. It tastes really good. Come and get
a free sample. Asked for the free sample of greens,
because most greens taste like your front lawn.
Speaker 2 (21:15):
It's terrible.
Speaker 1 (21:16):
So the greens it has red fruits in there too,
so that it helps the taste. It actually tastes pretty good.
I give it to my kids to say they like it.
One tolerates it with water. But we're getting seven servings
of greens obviously without the fiber, four servings of fruits
and adaptagen blend. So we're sampling this out and folks
are taking it daily and then they're saying, hey, my
energy is better, I feel a little bit lower stress.
But what about this or that? And you can make
these super shakes. So this is like a new idea
to add these different elements to a shake. It's just
a new idea for a certain segment of the community
that has a hard time swallowing pills or getting all
the food they need in their diet. So it's an
example of our team coming together with an idea of
how to actually move the needle on people's health in
Dane County that struggle with taking pills. So it's just
like every day, every week, we're on this mission to impact,
empower and educate. We're on this vision to like minimize
human suffering and increase quality of life. And it gets
more exciting as we become more successful in helping.
Speaker 2 (22:24):
People great data. Get on get a sample.
Speaker 3 (22:26):
Also, we speak of when you get in grab and
go items as well. At the Healthy Place all three
locations west side of Madison, Fitzburg, and Son Prairie, don't
forget today is Wednesday.
Speaker 2 (22:35):
That means Tim is at the Pittsburgh location. Come on
from ten until five. Stop on in say hello. He'd
love to see your smiling face again. Learn more online
Find your Healthy Place dot com.
Speaker 3 (22:45):
That's Find your Healthy Place dot com, Facebook, social media
including Instagram and YouTube. You can find them there also, Tim,
it's always great chatting. You have a fantastic Dan. We'll
see you real soon.
Speaker 1 (22:55):
Yeah, thanks so much, Sehn. Stay warm out there.
Speaker 2 (22:57):
I will do my best. You do the same.
Speaker 3 (22:59):
My friend Vicki mc jennis has your chance to win
one thousand dollars next right here on thirteen ten wib