All Episodes

March 23, 2024 29 mins
To Channel 3 (kind of). Austin tells us how his story at WKYC Channel 3 has come to an end, but he'll still be around. Plus stinky things turn people on, the Dirty Dozen of produce, an accidental naked funeral stream, and why didn't George Washington know about dinosaurs?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'd love to be picked up byan elephant one time. It's the Cheremiah

Show. Let's Get out ninety sixfive, Kiss that out, Olivery Rodrigo
is unstoppable. I said it allfriends. Welcome into your Friday. That
was the new one from her iHeartRadioWorld Premiere Obsessed. We'll get it for
you again. In case you callit part of it. I think that's
that's it's perfect. That's what Isay. It's perfect. Uh, this
program probably not perfect, but we'regonna do our damn dist Welcome in.

Let's get into it. We've gotold school square Off coming up, Austin
Love from Channel three, Maya fromSales Swinging. Buy for that coming up
at three thirty on the show,Megan Training Tickets on the line there.
But right now, I want totalk about good vibes. I'm going to
talk about good things happening in yourworld, in your life, something that
made you feel good today. Let'sget the positivity out there and spread it
with the universe. Two one sixeight ninety six five. Oh, you

can call it or text it's thesame number. Drop a message on the
free iHeart Radio AP two. That'sa little microphone click that bad boy.
We called a talkback to send meright here in the studio. I got
a text start with at smm snm Rihanna Tracy. I wonder what you
got into last night? Happy FridayFrags, said Jeremiah. Show for you

Friday on ninety six five Kiss FM. Spreading good vibes all over Cleveland and
beyond. I should say Northeast Ohio, no or at Cleveland station, but
I know how far we get downthere. You got some good things happening
in your life, please let meknow. Bought me a text two one
six five seventy ninety six five.Oh, you got some big plans this
weekend? And I don't mean thefam. We're going to Eerie Pa tomorrow.

I've always called it Eerie Pa.I think my aunt did that and
really just ingrained it in my brain. What do you got going on this
weekend? Did you start a newjob this week? You're pumped about that?
All the good vibes can be senttwo one six seventy ninety six five.
O on the text, Jenna,what you got spread some good vibes?
Tell me something good that happened toyou today in your life. My
kids are getting along great for thefirst day in a while. Oh no,

how did you? How did youdo it? Like? What what
was the it's just blitting the matrix. I can't even tell you. Isn't
isn't isn't like mercury in retrospasm orsomething like that. Right now, I
don't want to know, and Idon't want to drink it. I have
you tried the friendship shirt with thembefore? How old are they? They're
some there different ages. They area little bit too little, so they

would just get really really angry fiveand five and one. But I'm waiting
till the day. And I betthe one year old is the bully,
right she gets bullied so much bythe by the middle child. By what
How many kids do you have?I thought we were just talking about you.
Oh boy, put them in aring royal rumble. Let's go.
I plan on it. I loveIt's like number one hit music station ninety

six five Kiss FM hooking up withthe Meghan Trainer tickets about an hour from
right now. It's the chair onmy show, ninety six five Kiss FM,
keeping those good vibes flowing with Rina. She's got some tell me something
good that happened to you today?Off tomorrow? Oh what kind of work
you do? I'm a server.I work at the Saallely restaurant in Old

Berlin. Oh what's the what?Okay, I'm gonna I'll probably get and
yelled at by my sales team,but give your place a plug and tell
me your favorite dish because I lovefood and I'm chubby. Same okay,
same restaurant, and the Country Bridesteak is amazing. Let's go with some
over easy eggs, extra chrispy hashbrowns. I'm sorry, I literally just
ate lunch five minutes ago, andthis is what's coming out of my mouth.

Rina, I need to talk tomy therapist about this. Speaking of
foods, foods, you're not gonnawant to eat the Dirty Dozen? What
are they? We'll talk about him. Two songs. I Kiss News sit
chere Onmiah Show ninety six five,Kiss half fam You got a little less
than an hour'll hook up with MeganTrainer tickets on the show Old School Square

Off Austin Love from Channel three minsfrom sales, gonna swing by for that.
I found a list of the DirtyDozen that would be the twelve most
contamino fruits and vegetables just according tothe Environmental Working Group or OOG. I
think i'd say, say EWIG.They rank the pesticide levels of fruits and
veggies we regularly buy to come upwith its Dirty Dozen. They've been doing

this for a couple decades. Thisis from CNN. The group tested fifty
thousand samples of more than four dozentypes of non organic produce and looked for
traces of two hundred and fifty chemicals. Pesticide exposures tied to a slew of
maladies, including pre term births,congenit. Bad stuff, guys, bad

stuff. So I would say notthis isn't necessarily about which ones are going
to get you sick. But thesehave the most stuff that you need to
wash. Off on that list,green beans, blueberries. I think I
wash all these, but I don'tknow how well, maybe I'm not washing
them now. I don't know howhard do we wash our vegetables, guys.

Are we using any chemicals to dothat? Or is that counterproductive?
I don't know. Back to thelist, cherries, bell and hot peppers,
apples, nectarines, pears, peaches, grapes, all things that I
wash, kale, collared greens,collared greens and mustard greens. I know
you're supposed to massage kale, butis that for said just to make it
happy year? Is that to cleanit off? I'm not sure. Spinach

and strawberries on this list? StrawberriesI wash? Are we washing our spinach
because doesn't the doesn't the bags sayit's pre washed spinach? Do we need
to re wash the pre washed spinach? Guys? This would explain so many
things. If I'm doing this,I don't think I'm doing that. Who

else? Like, we're not washingthe bags of lettuce? Are we?
Are we doing that? We throwingthat in the salad spinner? And then
what do you do with it?Do you put it back in the bag?
Do you put it a container?I'm starting to rethink all of my
produce usage here. Am I notwashing it enough? Am I not?
Am I supposed to be washing?I'm I'm lower a little confused. If
anyone wants to help me, Iplease do nutritionists, vegetarians, vegans,

rabbits please text in the show andlet me know what's going on, because
I'm maybe I'll just stop eating vegetables. I think that's the plane, Yeah,
it's chair on my show on ninetysix to five Kiss FM for your
Friday. So you know what thatmeans. We got my from Sales in
the House. Here I am andAustin Love from Channel three. Oh yeah,

if you miss it. Austin Loveannouncing his departure from Channel three today.
Yeah, big day. Still stillgonna do some sidework for I want
to be a contributor. I'll beon like once a month, okay type
deal. I'm gonna do my foodseries and then I'm gonna show up once
in a while randomly for live shotsand maybe just in the middle of a
show and slap Dave Shadowski in theface who knows, and then run away.

I'm here for that. I stillhave access to the building. Yeah,
oh that's good. That's good.Yeah among that last absolutely. I
know they haven't dragged me out yet, but yeah, it was a fun
day. And I've been hearing froma lot of different people. So if
you are out there and you reachedout to me, thank you so much
for the well wishes. I'm exciteda lot of people in Cleveland making changes
in their lives. It's weird.Yeah, so let's do old change square.
Yeah. Change is great. We'lldo old school square for Megan Trainer

tickets at three thirty. Whoa,whoa, yeah, man about a base.
We're not about the trouble though,No, no, you know,
I had nothing else planned but justtalking to Austin about him leaving. Oh
now, and that took like awhole minute. You want to talk.
I was born a baby, allright here, let's do let's do an

old school warm up? Okay,because I prepare, I prepared. Maya's
very busy, so you know,sometimes she can't make it, so I
always have a backupd This is nota did you think I was going to
talk for like ten minutes without askinga question? Nothing? Any big announcements
you want to make on the show. No, I'll be doing that later
day when everything. When I'm notpregnant. Everyone seems to think when there's

announcements, it's a pregnancy. That'strue. Yeah, well that's funny because
it was Dave Shadowski's birthday the daybefore, and Matt Wins our weather guy,
he got him a like a congratsin the new baby Boy or something
as a balloon as like a joke, and everyone thought that my wife was
pregnant They're like, what is this? I was like, not for me,

They're wishing it into existence. Shewas a joke. There are too
many hot dog hats out there foryou to consume and buy to be able
to afford a child right now.My second I just realized that my lord,
one's a high top like this one. Another one's black. It's kind
of like the dad hat type ofdeal. Wow, you for when I

want to go, you know,a little bit more dad when I want
to hit my middle aged stage orera. What? Okay, look,
what are the best conspiracies that you'veheard so far about what your new Your
new gig is that I'm going tothe moon. Not really, No,
The baby one's pretty good. Oh. One person thought that I was leaving
TV just to focus on my podcast, and I'm like, I literally make

zero dollars on my podcast. That'dbe the worst financial and career move of
my life. You know what Iactually thought? It was my he's gonna
change careers and become a Spanish interpreter. Yeah, I live a low cow
since I'm so strong in that ass. So I mean it's like you were
born speaking Spanish. Cow. Ifyou had to throw a rampant speculation about

his new path, just completely speculate. What would you think it would be?
What a great question. I alwaysthought i'd be a good tour guide,
tour guide, tour guide. Yeah, NBC page. You know,
it's funny. I wanted to beone at Iowa, but my GPA wasn't
high enough for some reason. Youneeded to that just like to speak,
well, like, I'm excited aboutthe welcome to the University of Iowa.

Here's we have Caitlin Clark. Butwe didn't then alive. Probably not.
I was like, what does aGPA have to do with anything about being
that's interesting? Yeah? Maybe justa weed weed out the riff raff.
Probably, I think that's why youdo that. Yeah, all right,
we've given you time. I feellike you could work at the zoo.
Zoo I have. I was azoo keeper for a day with the Cleveland

Metro Park Zoo last year. Ibathed an elephant. How did that go?
It was awesome? All right?Yeah, were you intimidated by the
by the elephant? No, becausethere was literally like a King Kong cage
like there. But oh it's likein the observing area. Yeah, you
just reached the brush through there.Yeah, it was really cool. Though,
I'd love to be picked up byan elephant one time. They don't

let they don't allow that. No, I know they don't allow it.
I'm just saying, like, ifyou if I met an elephant and then
eventually you asked for your favor,you want to throw me up? Throw
me on your back? There?What's going on? It's like going up
to a really strong person. Justbe like pick the alright, let's get

into the old school square off decksmaking trainer tickets on the line. Stick
around Cleveland's number one hits music stationat ninety six five Kiss FM. It
is the Jeremiah Show with a littleFriday program and an old school square off
for you. I'm excited. AustinLove from Channel three in the house.
What's up? Maya from Sales ishere? Here I am, and we've

got making trainer tickets for someone towin. Who's it going to be?
Let's go to call her twelve first. It's Danielle in New London. Danielle,
good afternoon, Hey girl, HiDanielle. Have you heard the old
school square off before? I'm not? Okay? Well, then you have
your idea tree who is great atthis game. But you get to pick
who's going to represent you. Ifthat person wins, I'm not going to

say a word. If that personwins you in the Megan Trainer tickets,
I will tell you I am notguessing anything. I am only trying to
stump them. So if I stumpthem three times, I win. And
with Austin and Maya, whoever getsthree right first, we'll win. Okay,
okay, Well, you like Mayafrom Sales Austin Love from Channel three?
Are you gonna go with me forthe stump? Oh? Boy,

let's go with Austin. That's arookie move, that chap. I'm flattered,
Danielle. Not after last week.I don't It was horrible. I
was solo, but it was embarrassing. But you had people calling in ripping
on me about that. It wasall right. This is another Danielle.

She's in the a k rowdy Danielle. Good afternoon, Hey girl, Hey,
how are you all right? Danielle? Do you want Maya or you
want the stump with me? Maya? Going with Maya good than daniel For
those who are just joining us forthe first time, like Danielle in New
London. Uh, Maya is probablyis probably the raining champ by Far By

Far have a pretty good record,pretty good record. Austin did pull off
the doll a couple of weeks,blew me out of the water a couple
of weeks ago. Let's go soMichelle From's so she's called fourteen. If
I stumped them three times before theyget three right, uh, she will
win. Guys. The rules arethis year name is your buzzer, first
to three, title and artist ofeach song that is older than the year
twenty fourteen. Because that's what weconsider old school. That's crazy. Here's

the first song, as I heardAustin, it is Daft Punk. Get
Lucky. That's correct, Let's calla baby, Let's go get news on

the tip of my top all timekeeping such a I'm glad. It took
me a moment because I almost Ithought it was Pharrell. That's what I
was thinking, right, that's wild, He's true, I believe well it's
his band. Daft Punk is notFarrell's band a daft Punk no any r
d oh yeah? Is it justdaft Punk featuring I don't even have credit?

But does he just? Is it? Uh? Uptown funk Bruno Mars
is not credited. I think Ihave no it's Mark. It's Mark Ronson.
Yeah, you're right, I mean, wait, okay, but what
about Well, we're really going intoa deep dep we're going to I don't
know what I love. I Rihannaand any r D is on that song

at all? Yes he is?Okay, so there are a few any
r D. He is featured onthis song. I get lucky. Yes,
So there you go, and wedon't we don't require featured. But
I also did mentioned Farrell. Youdid sot about him too? Friends.
Well, hey, do our contestantsknow that we can ask them for help?

Yeah? I let them know,but just not from getting nervous.
That's what I want him to beaware. All right, here we go.
Next song in the old school squareoff is Oh Yikes, the epic
Sacks. I love a sax solo. Maya Maya Sweet. Danielle from Akron,

it's a good move there, Daniellefrom New London. No, no,
no, who wait, Danielle Acron, Yes, daniel Acron. So
I know the title of this,but I don't want to say it and
give it away. We don't knowthe artist, so do you have any
idea who the artist is? Asa she's consuming it? Think on it.

I think she's there, Danielle,Are you there, Danielle? And
Akron? Is she there? Danielle? Can you hear me? Are you
the show? Do you know theartist of this song? I do not
me either. I don't want thisto stick a dump, take a good
guess. Oh god, she's eithergoing to be a stump or maybe Austin's

gonna give it, so you mightas well have I honestly have no idea.
Okay, this is one of thosesongs that you just know the song
but you don't know anything about thename. But I cannot think of who
this could possibly be. This wasa good bye song by the way.
Oh it's careless whisper Bye Marvin Gaye, Austin. I'm just throw out.

I'm just throw it out. Aguess, careless whisper, Michael Bolton,
you're close because it's wamam oh okay, but it was careless whisper. It
was careless whisper. That was correctcrazy guess how pissed you better? If
I got would When you say youdidn't know it, yeah, I was
like, I don't I don't trustthat face. No, I really did.

I just was like that, didyou know the name? Said the
name? No, that's all right. How about this song? You guys
know this one if Maya Maya,If I Die Young by the band Parry.
That is correct. It's good ifFA. I was like twelve listening
to this song and just like cryingin the car and my mom was like,
this is so sad, and Iwas like, all right, here

we go. So complicated it wascrazy. Next song in the old school
square, WHOA? Sorry, thatwasn't supposed to be playing obe, did
you hear it? Because that wasn'tthe song. This is the song.
Awesome, awesome love Nelly country grammar. That is correct. Let's take a
break shore. This is all right, let's listen. I might have edited

the game if one of you guysdidn't get this. By the way,
it's a chere Onlia Show ninety sixfive kids. You guys can't miss Nelly
songs. That's a rule. DidI ever did ever lay that down?
Another one? Hey? I knowit now, don't worry. Old school
Square of Austin's got to Maya fromSales has one? Here is the next
song? Maya, Maya irreplaceable byBeyond. That is correct. Oh,

thank you. I was nervous.I hate this song for some reason.
I don't know. I just hada flashback to playing it on one of
my other stations in life. Ido not like this song. It's okay,
I don't. I don't have agood reason for it. Just a
blind hatred for this song. Yeah, I don't know why. All right,
Sorry, I kind of mented.I kind of vented for a second.

How about this song, guys,look by It just gave me Austin's
Field confident. No, I'm notI lyrics are coming, don't worry.
You know who sings it with us? Are fun? The freeway and the

hand calls down. I can't buyhad nothing. What is this song called?
What is Boston's Austin? It isJason Moraz remedy, the remedy.

That's great, Let's go, Let'sgo. I wouldn't if he wouldn't have
finished with it. That was crazy. I never heard that song in my
life. That is a great song. Jason Moras good guy. Last time
he was in town. Oops,I didn't mean to stop that. I
interviewed him. Yeah, he volunteeredtime with the Food Bank in Cleveland last
time we was here. What aguy you interviewed him? I did sounds
like insider training. He volunteered histime with me. Yeah. Danielle from

New Love and Congratulations, you're goingto Megan training. Let's go, Dan
Yelle. Great pick by the way, great pick, well done, rookie
new Yeah right, hey, danielor what Meghan trainer is gonna be unreal?
I know, I'm so excited.It's gonna be a great time.
You're gonna have way more fun thanan average time. You're gonna have a
great time, great time, timeof your life. Danielle, Sit tight,

Uh, I'm gonna get more infofrom you, okay, ye,
I appreciate your friends. When you'reready for that announcement, that microphone's always
opened, I gotta sign a fewcontract Yeah, let me knowy holiday youtobe,
Merry Christmas, everybody zero my show, no kid sitting to Blue heron

Brewery down and Medina coming up atfour thirty on the chair. Im I
to show another round of does itpop or we open cans on the radio?
You have to listen and tell mewhether it's a can of pop or
a can of beer. You mightthink there's a theory, you might have
ideas. I don't know if you'reright or not, because I was not
good at it. That'll wait fourthirty on the show. Guys, you're
gross. I'm sorry most sixty twopercent of you are gross because this story

on metro dot co dot uk.According to a study, sixty two percent
of people claim they would choose apartner based on their smell more than their
physical appearance. Fifty eight percent ofyou said they'd actually break up with someone
if they didn't like the way theysmell. Normal smells, no, I'm

talking weird smells. Seventy four percentof people in this two thousand daters study
revealed they're sexually attracted to weird smells. Of that, seventy four percent do
the math on your own. Themost popular bad smell, with sixty eight
percent said their partner's feet that stenchturned them on. When it comes to

actual bo body odor, which nowI'm not going to say it, I'm
not gonna say what I think ofNo, no, all right, it's
like marinating meat. Basically, theunderarm sweat turns fifty nine percent of daters
on. Fifty nine percent of seventyfour percent. That's a lot of people.

Thirty nine percent admit to enjoying theirpartner's mourning morning breath. No,
who, No, unless you,unless you are the negative or the point
oh five percent of people in theword who don't have trashy morning breath.
That's the only way I can seethat making sense. And then finally eighteen

percent, what turns people on thesmell of their partner's farts? Guys,
we're done here, We are donehere. Give me some cucumber, melon
or something. On RAN's number onehit music station ninety six five, The
Jeremiah Show in ninety six five,Kiss have fem This hour of the program

brought to you by my friends ofkeat Ganley Chevrolet Ror your hometown dealer at
three ten West Garfield. Swing bytelling Jeremiah Senya, they will hook you
up. We got fifty bucks toblue heron. We've been doing it all
We blue Hambury down on a Dyna. Make sure you check them out this
weekend. Great guys, great food, great beer, great all around things.
Also something great mine from Samam.Hey, guys, are you I'm

still here? I know normally likewe peace out, but you got job
stuff to do. Yeah, man, I sure do. It's way more
fun. Let's do that. Okay, we've played this before with you.
It's does it pop? Maya's gonnagrab a can. She has some delicious
uh pop beverages. She also hassome beer beverages from my friends at Blue
Heron. You just have to correctthe id whether she's opening a pier or

a pop. Three out of fiveis all you need to win, all
right, so you can miss two? Right? Is that math? Right?
Is that math? Mathin? Allright? Let's get yeah, best
of five. Heather in Strongsville isup first. Good afternoon, Hacre are
all I said? Heather in Strongsville. It's Heather and Wadsworth. But you
used to be Strongsfield, didn't you? No? No, oh, there

was There was an og listener ofThe Jeremiah Show from when I got up
way too early in the morning wholived in Strongsville and moved Towardsworth. I
think I'm sure, I I know, I'm just covering that. I'm sure.
All right, Well this Heather's inWadsworth. Heather, good afternoon,
he girl. Hey, all right, that got confusing. This is not
hard. This is not confusing.Mane is going to open that can over
there. You tell me whether it'sa beer pop three out of five and

you win. Okay, okay,here is your first can. What is
this that is a that's a pop? One for one? Is that a
pepsi cola with real sugar? It'sa soda shop pepsi pop. Look at
that. That's a great, greatword. All right, are you gotta

do? Get two more here,Heather, and you shall win. Here's
your next can. That's a beer. That's a pop. This is a
lie. It's a Seltzer. Yeah, it's a can Seltzer beverage. It
is all right, that's right,you're one in one's a beer? Yeah?

What are you framing this off of, Heather? I'm just curious what
your psychology is. Don't get inher head. So well ahead. So
I drink pop, but my husbandmakes beer. I hear that can quite
often. Okay he makes beer?Wow? Wow, Yeah, I'd love
to have some, Oh he would? People's opinions on that. Okay,

here we go, next can.You've got two more shots to get one?
Right? What is this that's abeer? That's a pop. That's
a story. You know you haveeach time you do, and you're you're
two for four. Yeah, soyou just gotta get this next one.

Channel the hope channel, the barleychannel, your husband channel, your husband
channel, the sugar. I'm tryingnot to get like I'm trying to say
all the ingredients, so you don'tthink so, I don't think I'm gonna
shut up. Go ahead, Maya, All right, here we go.
Let's say beer where Well done,Heather, you straight up killed it.

Congratulations, crushed it. That wasa hazy wife, hazy life from my
friends over at Blue haird So makesure you have one when you go.
Okay, oh he will, that'sa real beer. I didn't make that
up. I love that. Ithought you were calling her the hazy wife
because her husband makes beer. No, I did not. Fun but Heather,
congratulations, have the best time.Okay, you were made for this.

Well done. By the way,I'm not doing a bit. This
is the next song we're playing.Here we go. I love it.
All right more Blue HAIRND. Butby the way, all next week right
here on the Cheremiah In Show,it's ninety six five Kiss FM. It's
time to smarten you up. Cleveland'swith Jeremiah's Fun Fact of the Day for
ninety six. Kiss that follow meon this one, because I got the
appic has had. I started doingsome maths, some googling, some redditing,

and I think I've got this figuredout, So follow me. George
Washington didn't know dinosaurs existed. Thinkabout it. He was born in seventeen
thirty two, passed away in eighteenninety nine, in eighteen excuse me,
in seventeen ninety nine, let's getthat straight. In seventeen ninety nine,

he wasn't over one hundred years old. So Washington died in seventeen ninety nine.
In eighteen nineteen, William Bucklin foundsome bones, wasn't sure what they
were. They got stored away somewhere, and then in nineteen forty one,
Sir Richard Owen identified that those boneswere something different, something like terrible lizards.

He said. He named them dinosauria. That's the guy who created dinosaurs,
guys, or at least gave itthe name. So in nineteen forty
one the term dinosaur was claimed.In the eighteen hundreds, dinosaur bones were
found, and George Washington died beforeall of that happened. Sorry to blow
your mind, guys, Cleveland useextation. Did Jeremia showing ninety sixty five

Kiss FM with your genius of theday. Someone who's done something so stupid.
Anything you've done pales in comparison.A woman in the UK is mortified
because she accidentally live streamed herself nakedin the shower during a funeral. A
lot to unpack here, here's thecontext. A woman of the UK inadvertently
exposed herself in the shower while attendinga Zoom funeral. The incident occurred during

the service for the much respected fatherof three who passed away after battling cancer.
Quickly went viral and was shared onWhat's app Apparently she joined the zoom,
intended not to turn on the video, but click the wrong button and
did so. So many questions likewhy if you were attending a Zoom funeral,

I mean, okay, I'll letthat one slide. Why aren't you
taking the time to attend the funeral? Why you're not shower? And then
how is that phone pointed directly?See? This seems like you're either so
dumb that you made it. It'slike the perfect amount of dumbness, or
you did it on purpose. Youdecided Cleveland. Thanks for listening to The

Jeremiah Show on demand this show.For more, find us on TikTok,
Instagram and more at Jay Show Radioand weekdays two to six on ninety six
five Kiss FM
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