All Episodes

April 17, 2024 26 mins
Joe loves LARPing, and apparently porn....also have you ever stolen a computer chair? We talk to Angela Boehm about movies casting in Cleveland. A juggalo gives us a fun fact, and we play the Centuries Game for Sam Hunt tickets.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good. I just love saying LARPingPersonallymia show. Let's kiss that out.
Friends on a Wednesday program on deckfor you, thank you for being here.
Uh. You got good vibes,good things happening in your life,

spread them with the program right nowin two one six ninety six five.
Oh, that's number of text intothe show. I got the hiccups off
of a sudden I apologize. Alsonumber to call into the show. Here's
my good vibes. Nothing beats anice salami sandwich from the grocery store.
And by grocery store, I meanpop into the deli. Get get some

salami, Get some monster cheese,baby sweet you cheese, you your choice,
Slap some mustard on there, somegood old Italian bread. Boom,
tell me a better one. Sosimple yet complex at the same time.
That's how simple your good vibes canbe. Friends, So text the me
in like I said, or Idrop a message on the free iHeartRadio app.
Well microphone there, little red buttonyou leave a message gets to me

right here in the state. We'llhook You have a fifty bucks to blue
Hair and down in Medona. Thathappened into two thirty on the chair Amyas
Show. We're Kiss FM. It'sthe cheer Onias Show on ninety six to
five Kiss FM, Blue Hair andBrewery down in Madna. We're looking up.
Get some dinner there. They gotbrunch on the weekends, working up
at two thirty on the program GoodVibes Now, good things happening in your

life? Text admit of the showtwo one six seventy ninety six five.
Oh, you can call it thesame number, or I'll drop a message
on the free iHeartRadio hab little redmicrophone there. You can drop it there.
Let's talk to Page. She's inthe ak rowdy page. Good afternoon,
a girl, No sound Page breadthe good vibes. Tell me something

good that happened to you today inyour life. I went to work and
I am off early on this beautifulday. You're you're off early. Let's
go. What am I gonna dowith today? How are we gonna carpet
the d MS? Page? Ithink I'm gonna go for a hike and
take my dog for a walk.Oh wow, you're like fit? Fit
is a fiddle. I didn't knowfit people listened to this show. I
just thought, because of my lifestylechoices that only people that just you know,

tried not to run listen to theshow. Did you know this was
a fun fact a couple of weeksago on the show, ninety five percent
of human beings over thirty will neversprint again in their lives. I did
not know that. When's the lasttime you actually sprinted? Like legit sprinted?
Probably a couple of years ago.Why I feel like my job has

made me sedentary? What is yourjob? I'm a social worker for a
nursing home. Actually, boy,will bless you because that's a thankless job,
So you deserve to be thanked.Thank you. Do you have to
chase after an old person? Sometimes? No? A hundred percent believe it.
I've heard stories. Yeah, definitely. In summer one hit music station.

Two things to look forward to inthe immediate future. We're talking a
thousand bucks in your pocket. We'reback to paying your bills, thirteen shots
a day with that three o'clock yournext shot to win in less than five
minutes. We're going to hook youup with fifty bucks. Two blue Hair
and Brewery down and Madonna another raditdoes it pop? Let's get the good
vibes going though. Jenna, whatyou got to tell me something good that
happened to you today. It wasa great day outside. I got to

take the kid down on a nicehike. Ah, a nice hike.
Who cried, be honest with me. The middle one. It's always the
middle one. It's always what werethey mad about because they didn't get enough
snack or they didn't get any snackblack thereof or not the one they wanted.
They're very preferable. I'm laughing inthe relatableness of the content we're providing

to the people because I've had thissituation happen to me many times. This
is why I think as parents weall need to keep squirt guns full of
kool aid, because when they getlippy, like, oh I want a
snack, you just pray right intheir mouth extra sugar. That was a
little aggressive, Jenn, I apologize. You can tell we got We both
have parenting PTSD because you gave yougave it zero am. No, honestly,

you can't get some anymore. Ilove it Blue Hair and Brewery down
in Madonna. Love working with theseguys and we're hooking you up. I'll
basically all summer long fifty bucks togo check them out. Down in Madonna
right off seventy one at eighteen,and they got a brunch. That's one
of the amazing things they have.I'm excited for brunch. Big bunch guy.

Let's talk to Morgan in Westlake.Morgan break brunch girl. Hey girl,
by the way, hey, howdo you feel about brunch? Any
food is good, Any food isgood, and they have amazing food of
blue hair. And so let's playdoes it pop? I've got some cans
here in the studio. I'm goingto open them. You have the opportunity
five chances to get three of these, right, whether it's a beer or

a pop I'm opening. Okay,okay, all right, let's start with
let's turn this down so you canI want you to be able to hear
the cans. I don't want themusic to distract you. Here is option
number one. Is this a beeror a pop? What do you think
pop? That is a pop?There you go, one for one,

two more to go. How aboutthis one? What is this a beer
or a pop? Beer? You'regonna say beer, it's a pop.
But that's okay. You can missa couple. Let's do this one.
What do you think beer? Pop? I guess beer. I couldn't hear

it. You couldn't. That wasa great guest because it's right all right?
One more for the wind. Isthis a beer or a pop?
Morgan? What do you think?What'd you say? Pop's right? You
are? Come on, let's go. You mind if I call you Morgie?

Sure? Why not? Because Ijust gave you fifty bucks to Blue
Heron Brewery in my dining Congratulations.I do say. I've been there one
time, and I'm a picket eater. They have amazing food. It is.
It is amazing, and I'm alittle bit biased because I'm working with
them and Ben is a good friendof mine. But you just vouched for
them. That's a double endorsement.Morgan. Definitely. I was. I
was there for the first time acouple of months ago, and I was

blown away about how their food itis so good. You have the best
time in the patio. And youyou were there a couple of months ago,
you didn't get to see the fullawesomeness of the patio, but I
hope you get to see it thistime. It's absolutely amazing. Okay,
great, Thank you so much.You are so welcome to sit tight I'm
gonna get more info from you.More Blue Heron gift cards on the way
for you tomorrow. We'll do itagain at two thirty. I got Tory

Kelly tickets still on the way.Also Sam Hunt tickets too. That'll happen
at four to thirty. Right here. Okay, your bills win one thousand
dollars. Nancy jeral My show ninetysix to five Kiss FM. Let's get
you a Cleveland confession. No,what day is today? I'm lost?
We've got a ghost. Did coverit up for you? Why'd someone get
left on red three thirty? We'llget it to that. I'm very excited

right now because you may know,for a number of years the Greater Cleveland
Film Commission here in Cleveland has gota ton of awesome and huge movies.
We're talking Avengers movies. We're talkingmovies with some of the biggest stars in
the world. You're Liam Neeson's,your Matthew McConaughey's, et cetera, et
cetera. And well, it's nowthat this strike is officially over, it's
starting to pick back up. SoI thought i'd get my friend Angelo Baum.

She's of Angela Baum Casting and shecasts for pretty much any movie coming
to Cleveland. She's your go tosource for that. So Angela, welcome
into the show. Hey girl,thank you, Hello, Hello, Hello,
So Angela, there's a lot happeningin Cleveland and in northeast Ohio,
probably in the whole state. Andwhen it comes to casting, from what

I've learned in my history, you'repretty much the go to lady when it
comes to this. Am I wrong? That's a very nice compliment. You're
very You're very busy. Am Iwrong? I am very busy? So
what what what do you do asfar as when you know, no matter
if it is the smallest budget movie, if anyone has casting to the biggest

movie spending billions of dollars, whatare you doing for these people? And
more importantly, the people listening toKISSFM right now, you know on the
radios and there I heart radio apps. How can if they want to get
involved and possibly be in some ofthese movies and TV shows and whatnot.
Yeah. Sure, So we doboth local casting as well as background casting.

And that difference is that local castingis going to be your waitress.
That says to McConaughey and Gardner,like, what can I get you to
eat today, or you know,they have a couple of lines they move
the story along. We don't wantto fly them out from New York or
LA, so we want to uselocal Cleveland people to be those actors.
And then the background casting is yourin a restaurant and all the people in

the restaurant with you, all theother tables, the cook, the shoo,
chef, whatever, So we doall of that casting. We are
on a project right now. Wedid five weeks of pretty casting for and
we'll start next week with the backgroundcasting. And it's a pretty big project,
so we're excited about that. Andbasically for background, it's fairly simple.

They go to our website, Angeloboumcasting dot com they create They just
sign up for our mailing list andwe send them opportunities. And it can
be anything from we're casting a Nikecommercial, we're casting a short film for
a university, or we're casting amajor motion picture. It's all of the
above. Yeah, I forget aboutthe comment. There is so much happening

as far as film industry stuff.I know. We just had that big
bill pass which gave gave the moviepeople like a tax credit to come here.
Which is going to entice them more, right, am I am I
describing that right at all? Yeah, we already had a text credit,
but they raised it. Oh okay, Yeah, that's awesome. So what
does that mean that we raised it? Like, what does that do?
Why did we want to raise it? Well, we bring so not we

but these production companies bring so muchwork to our city. I mean,
whether it's the extras, the actors, the crew, also so much money
to the city. You know,there's not a film I haven't been on
that doesn't rent out the rock Holeand throw a Hall of Fame and throw
a big rap party or you know, host tons of crew into hotel rooms
or open up tabs at Starbucks forthe entire career. Like, they're bringing

a lot of money to our city, which is wonderful, and a lot
of jobs and giving them these biggertext credits means bigger movies can come,
right, and more movies. Itmeans that you're going to get you know,
you're going to get a percentage ofwhat you spend in Ohio back through
that text credit. So it's it'sa great thing for us, so awesome.
So if you want to be apart of this you're you're you're an
aspiring actor. Maybe you just wantsomething to do. You got a few

days off, why not go bea background actor? That's that sounds like
a blasphemy. It is. It'sa lot of fun and one of the
really cool things. Other than feelinglike you're at Universal Studios being paid to
be there. Forget the cost ofadmission, but you are being paid to
be there, You're also you know, you're witnessing everything how we make movies
front hand, and you're also sitting. When you're sitting and holding, you're

meeting people from all over all walksof life that never would have crossed your
path. So it's a really coolindustry. And in addition to signing up
for that email list, they canalso follow us on our socials, our
Facebook, and our Instagram, AngelaBoemcasting and see our notices there as well.
There it is searched out b Oe h M. By the way,
I was so afraid I was goingto pronounce it wrong, but I

think I nailed it right. Yougot era awesome, Angela. Any if
you're searching for any radio hosts forcastings, you know who to come for
right. You are the first inline one. I appreciate you, Angela,
thank you so much for the time. Good luck with all your casting.
Try to get some sleep. Okay, thank you ninety six five,
he's not found. Stop staring atthat red receipt and let the Jeremiah Show

find out why you got ghosted.All Joe, welcome into the show.
You ghosted by Casey unfortunately. Isthat correct? Yeah, And I mean
it's this stuff hasn't happened to mesince I don't know, I'm gonna say
high school, maybe like first yearof college. Like, it's just it's
it's been a while. We'll catchusself a weird thing on your guys's situation

and how you met, dates you'vebeen on all that stuff, so we've
got a full backstory, and thenwe'll try to give Casey a call here.
Well, look, I mean likeshe's great and like we we we
met, we we went out,we both into it. LARPing, that's
it, like we it's how wemet. Okay, ling, you did
say LARPing, right, LARPing.Yeah, that's a live action role play
there. Yeah, that's like medievalfor for those for those who aren't familiar

with with the lifestyle. No,I'm not laughing at you. It's just
a funny word. Well, explainreally quick, in like one sentence the
lifestyle of LARPing what that is forthe people. So they've got a picture
in their head. Okay, Solike if you enjoy Lord of the Rings
or something like I do. Imean, maybe you dress up like a
character from there, like an elffor a yeah, the Hobbits, that

kind of thing. Okay, yeah, yeah, So you might have a
character you like in that story andthen follow that you make your own storylines.
Maybe you do D and D Imight I go further into this,
that's all Maybe I gotcha. Soyeah, kind of fantasy world stuff.
I think that's maybe an easy wayto describe it, right, sure,
yeah, go ahead, exactly.How how did you meet Casey through LARPing?
Almost we were both commenting back andforth on a post on Instagram,

and my, wow, she knowsshe knows her stuff. She's funny,
like witty, and so I reachedout. We set up a date,
but I have not received that textback, which is troubling. I will
say, yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, so we went on a
date. Afterwards, we've had nofollow up because question mark that's it.

Okay, all right, Well,I'll tell you what. Here's what we'll
do. I'm gonna play couple ofsongs. We'll come back, and then
we'll give Casey call see if she'lllet us in as to why she ghosted.
Jokay, all fantastic, All right, let's go weekend now and then
after Taylor More ghosted on the eJMA Show's Kiss FM. It's EJRMA Show
on ninety six five Kiss FM,a couple LARPers thought they found love,

but they just got ghosted. Well, I guess one that would be Joe,
who's still with us? Joe,you were ghosted by Casey after the
date you've you met over a loveof LARPing and the comments on Instagram for
those just joining us, right,that's right, She's funny, witty.
I just I gotta know what happened. All right, we had a connection.
I thought, let's see if wecan get into it. I'm gonna
give Casey a call. Do mea favor, Stay on the phone,

don't say anything right away. Letus talk to her first, and at
some point we'll bring you back intothe chat. Hopefully you guys can go
LARPing into your happily ever after.Yes, that sounds good. I just
love saying LARPing personally. Here wego, good luck? He Hi,
is Casey available? Casey see JeremiahShow ninety six five Kiss FM. Hey

girl, what hey? The radio? The radio show, the radio station
on the Jeremiah. We're on ninetysix five Kiss FM. I called about
something maybe involving your life. Doyou have a second to chat with us?
Sure? Okay, did you goesta guy named Joe? Yeah?
I did go to Joe. Okay, he's clueless as to why will you

tell us Joe was a little bitof a creeper, and by a little
bit, I mean like a lot. Okay, what do you mean?
Can I get more context as towhat the creepiness is? Yeah, I
mean okay, let's put to sayJoe himself not a creeper. Cool guy.
We have great conversation, all thatgood stuff. Anyway. I don't
know how much you know about howwe met or whatever, but we do

something called LARPing. Yes, yes, he gave us a background. I'm
familiar with it. We familiarized thepeople of Cleveland. There was something about
you guys met in the comments onInstagram or something like that. Right,
Yeah, we were both agreeing alot to a post. So what happened?
Yeah, we were on a date, things were going okay, and

we just started talking about this nextIt's a long story, but was talking
about this next gathering and he wasshowing me this tunic that he bought and
wanted to get my opinion on it. And he came over to my side
of the table, brought his phoneand we're looking through these tunics and he
like popped the opening to the pagewhere all of your internet pages pop up.

Yeah, there were like ten pornpages. Oh no, that's unfortunately
for job fully Open. I forgotto mention Joe. Joe's actually still on
the phone. We chatted with himfirst and he kind of stayed on when
we gave you a call. Iwant to bring him back into the check
now, Uh, Joe, Sowhat's up with all your porn tabs?

Dude? Uh uh, I'm I'mjust like, I'm surprised. I like
to hear about this, Like,you you're like spying on me. It's
what you're saying, Casey, You'respying on me, spying on you.
You like brought your phone to me. You showed it to me, like,
I mean, like I wanted youropinion about something. But now it's
like you're accusing of something. It'sjust it's just like it's ridiculous. I

can't know it's true, Like Idon't I don't know what you're talking about.
Like, it's not I don't usemy phone for that what you're talking
about. I mean, you couldfeel free to gas blame me all you
want. But I was there andyou on your phone and you had ten
browsers open with porn sites. Bro, Like, I really, again,

I think that you're you're way outa line here. It's it's something to
accuse me of. It's just it'sit's not I think. Yeah, it's
it's mistaken, totally mistaken. It'sa mistaken, totally mistaken. Absolutely.
Okay, Well, I'm gonna letyou go, and I'm not looking at
all the porn on your phone.By the way, there's something called incognito

moone. I don't know if you'reaware, but check it out. It'll
help you in the future. Yeah. Well, I appreciate your advice and
din like advice. Okay, thankyou, all right, but were you
slide into our DMS at JA ShowRadio, and we'll get to the bottom
of it on the Jeremiah Shaw ninetysix. Kiss uf, Gabrielle in brook

Park. You are calling twelve.Congratulations, you are going to toy Kelly.
Let's go. Thank you, Youare welcome, Gabrielle. You doing
today? Now? Then bobbling mykids up from a nap? Wake them
up from a nap? What ina nap? Be glorious? Right now?
Yes? It was? Oh my, how old are your kids?
I have twin boys that are twoand then a four year old daughter.

Are you just how how are youdoing? Do not just have a backpack
of wine attached to you at alltimes? I wish that is. I
think that's the only way to handletwo two two year old twins and a
four year old. Yep, youwere the thick of it. You deserve
a night out on the town.Go see Tory Kelly. You have the
best time in the world. Okay, all right, thank you? So,

and you know what, let thekids sleep a little bit longer.
You deserve it. Yeah, allnight. Oh good point. That's a
great point. All right, it'stight. I'm gonna get more info from
you, okay, all right?Thank you. You got it. There
we go, more hookups for you. More Tory Kelly tickets tomorrow. You
want those Sam Hunts, We gotthem for you less than a half an
hour. Right now we're kiss FM. Well, imagine I stole an office

chair one time? Me too?Wait, what did you Jeremiah show ninety
six Kids FM? I accidentally stoleone one time. Oh I this was
when I just moved to California.I went to my low local office MAX
to get supplies. I think Iabout a desk or something, but that

really the one thing I wanted wasa computer chair. And I paid for
the things I didn't pay for thechairycsuse. I said, I got to
make sure this will fit my car, because I had a plymouth neon.
I put it in the car withthe guy with me. We agreed that
it fit, and I got inthe car and drove off. Oh my
goodness, I do is that?I mean stealing? But not like is

stealing stealing if it's not intentional?I mean, yeah, but it's an
honest mistake. Yeah, I donethat before. So how did you steal
a computer chair? Well? Ithought about it while you were telling your
story, and I don't think Iwant to disclose because I kind of took
it from our current employer. Really, yes, here the old office.

Oh no, that is no biggie. They were clearing it out anyway,
but I took an extra How didyou get it out of there inconspicuously because
it was I guess so I reallydon't remember. But now my little brother
is a gaming chair ah in hisroom, and that is that office.
Technical crimes that shouldn't be crimes.I innocently drove off without paying. Exactly.

You donated it to your brother's gaminghabits exactly, And you know what,
I reused and recycled and reduced wastebecause that would have went, that
would have went to the trash,and now it didn't exactly. You're welcome,
you know what. You're welcome.Thanks everyone, Cleveland's number one hit
music station did draw my show ninetysix five Kiss FM and his time once

again in Cleveland for Sam Hunt ticketsto play the Centuries game. Also sidebar,
it is not looking great out there. I was just looking at the
radar. I've got a lacrosse gameI'm gonna try to get to tonight.
I'm hoping it blows over so sendthe good juju my way. Let's get
to us, Sarah. She's anoilyrics. She's called her twenty Sarah.

Good afternoon, a girl. Hey, hey boy, Sarah. I know
it's fun, isn't it. Ialways I love however you send it back
to me. So just that yousend it back makes me feel good.
How's it looking at your window rightnow? I always forget because I grew
up. I grew up down south, you know what I mean. I
grew up in Wayne County. Rightnow? Is Aliria easter or west?

I can never keep it straight.It's you're on the west side, okay.
And it's raining in Alyyria. Isit like is it like scary raining
or just normal raining? It's justnormal raining right now. Yeah, I
sew the radars it's coming through.Be safe, batting down the hatches.
If you need two friends, Sarah, Let's play the same game. Pretty
simple. I'm going to tell yousomething that happened in a specific century.

You just have to tell me whetherwas it the fifteen hundreds, the nineteen
hundreds, the two thousands. Gettwo out of three of these right,
and you win. Okay, Okay, I wish you all the luck in
the world. Here we go.Let's start with this thing. When was
the steam engine invented? In?What century? Steam engined? What do

you think steam engine? I'm sayingit weird. I'm gonna say eighteenth century,
eighteenth Well give me just because eighteenthcentury doesn't necessarily mean eighteen hundreds?
Which did you mean? Did youmean? Did you because the eighteenth century
This is why it's so confusing tome, say seventeen hundreds, eighteen hundreds
and nineteen hundreds, et cetera.Go ahead with your Okay, I'm going

to change because my son just saidnineteenth century. So I'm gonna say nineteenth
nineteen hundreds would be no incorrect.That's actually the seventeen hundreds that came out.
But that's okay, because you've gotthree shots to get too right.
Pardon the pawn on the next one. But when was Abraham Lincoln shot I'm
looking at Okay, what do youthink what century was that? I'm gonna

go eighteen eighteen hundreds is correct.There we go. You got one one
more to go in what century whereTomagatchi's popular? You got this, You
got this, I know you gotit. By the twentieth century. You
mean the nineteen hundreds, correct,yes, yes, right, you went.

Congratulations. Come on, Sarah,you're going to Sam Hunt. Congrats.
Thank you. You are so welcome. Have the best time. It's
going to be a blossom. It'sgoing to be amazing. That's I just
got good vibes for you. Sendhim your way, Sarah, thank you,
thank you, you are so well. I appreciate you for that.
All right, sit tight, I'mgonna get more info from you. We

do have more Same Hunt tickets tomorrow. Also Tori Kelly tickets tomorrow. Hookups
on Hookups on hooks plus a thousandbucks on the way at five o'clock.
Come on, it's what we do. We're ninety six five Kiss FM.
Get on board. Let's do yelljugglo really quick. I don't feel comp
do it, do it, justdo it really quick. Tuggalo, it's
time to smarten you up. Cleveland'swith Jeremiah's Fun Fact of the Day or

ninety six five Kiss that at thispoint might has way more questions than answers.
Oh, I mean, by far, I turn your attention, Maya
to the screen to your left fortoday's fun Fact of the Day. Not
for me, but from this gentlemanwithout a shirt green bandana, what we
can assume were juggalo tattoos. Becausehere's his fun fact about his boy nug

Uh, one of my homies passedaway. His name is nug One of
his things was he wanted his ashesto be putting a Fago bottle in to
be launched. YICP was playing funfat. When you put human ashes in
a Fego bottle, it acts likeMento's Yeah, wow, what do I

do with that information? You knowwhat? You put it on the radio?
I guess we spread it to thepeople. Oh my goodness, do
you feel smarter knowing all that?I feel like I got five percent dumber
for just experiencing that. But Ilearned something at the same time. Ripnug
rpnug Big ups to ICP. Didyou have my show ninety six to five

KISSFM with your Genius of the day, someone who's done something so stupid.
Anything you've done pales in comparison.A man in Memphis tried to rob a
store with a snake. First off, Reginald Smith. He's twenty six,
stop by a Shell gas station,made a few purchases and came back a
half an hour later, demanding moneyfrom the cash register. Well, obviously

not seeing anything the cash the cashiersaid no way, bro So Cook left.
Thirty five minutes later, he cameback with a five foot long snake
and a green backpack, demanding thecash once again, even threatened the cashier
while reaching into his backpack. Fearingfor his safety of the cash here called
nine to one one and brandied hisown firearm, leading to Cook's arrest without

any money being taken or injury sustained. What happened to the snake confiscated?
What happened to the backpack? Well, there was a railroad spike inside.
Sure. Thanks for listening to TheJeremiah Show on demand. I Love this
show. For more, find uson TikTok, Instagram and more at Jay
Show Radio and weekdays two to sixon ninety six five Kiss FM
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