All Episodes

April 3, 2024 25 mins
Cale made a boo boo, wrong sister? Also where did you field trip in school? Most Twenty One Pilots tickets with song smash, and what's the most hated veggie. Plus a local Genius Of The Day!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Jeremias, it's a Jeremiah Show.Let's get ninety six five kiss that fout.
Well, my friends, welcome intoyour Wednesday. Let's do Let's get
into it with good vibes, goodthings happening to you today in your life.
Share with the show, call ortext in it's the same number two

one six five seven eight ninety sixfive. Oh, we'll also hook you
up. Queens of R and Bcoming to blossom. Those tickets on the
way into thirty and of course moretwenty one pilots and four thirty on the
show. But why not start withsome good vibes of some uld school Kanye
gold digger kicking off your Wednesday.Distion to the Jeremiah Show. It's ninety

six five. Kiss fam Ay saysyou go dig It's a Jeremiah Show.
On ninety six five kiss fam spreadingthose good vibes with you, Cleveland.
If you've got some something good happeningin your life, please share it with
the program. You can call hertext it in two one sixty five seven
eight ninety six five. Oh.You're asking yourself what is considered good vibes.
It could be the largest or smallestthing to happen to you today.

Something as small as a nice,delicious lunch could be a good reason for
good vibes. Maybe you actually pickedthe right line in target when you didn't
do self checkout. I am theworst at that, by the way,
I always pick the worst line.They could have the least amount of things,
but they take the most time tocheck out. What about you,
Natalie, spread some good vibes?Tell me something could that happened to you

today? Something that that happened today? I mean I got the day off
to spend some spring break with mydaughter. Oh what kind of nice boss
do you have where they gave youa day off for spring break? I
have a really great job. Actually, I work for a met life legal
plan Met Life Legal Plans. Yet, are you a lawyer? No?
No, no, no, wehelp We help folks enroll in our legal

plan to find attorneys. Oh,part of our network. So are you
telling me if I break the lawyou can you can help me find an
attorney to get get me off,is what you're saying. It depends on
your plan. Oh so wait,I need to buy a plan ahead of
time. Yes, I should probablydo that. You've heard this show.
I stay dumb things all the timethat could get me in lawsuits. Yeah,

you're good. Completeland's number one hitmusic station ninety six five, looking
you up with the Queens of Rand B coming up in just about ten
minutes here on the chair on myshow. It's ninety six five. Kiss
f M. In the meantime,let's keep those good vibes going. Good
things happen in your life, Alex. What you got spread some good vibes?

I got some suit with my momand we watched some TV and that
was really nice. Just a littleQT with mom. Yeah, are you
on? Are you still in school? You're on spring break this week?
Are you just being a good,good kid and hanging out with mom?
I was in school earlier or springbreak was like two weeks ago. Ny,
what'd you guys watch? What werewatching? We're watching Friends? I

love a good Friends bench. Canyou believe it or not? Though I've
never seen one episode of that show? Really is is that a crime?
Am I committing a felony of somesort? You should watch? It's good
show. Yeah, it's to thepoint. Now, have you ever just
had a show jam down your throatso much that you're watching it? Not
watching it out of protest. AlmostYeah, I've done that with movies before.

I think that's where I'm sitting withthat right now. So maybe you
know, maybe I'm being stubborn,or maybe it's just a crap show.
I don't know. Alex. Thanksercalled kiss F I appreciate you. All
right, stick around ten minutes fromright now, we'll send you to Queens
of R and B. It's kissingMe. Time to play the AI Feud.

It's a dramia show, ninety sixto five kiss FM, hooking you
up as we do this week.We got Queens of R n B tour
tickets for you on the show.Let's bring Caller twelve and our contestant to
play, and it's Candy. She'sin Cleveland. Candy. Good afternoon,
Acer, Hello, Hello Candy,welcome into the show. How are you?

Oh good are you? I'm lovelyCandy. We're gonna play the AI
Feud. I've asked our I HeartRadio AI to make me a list of
the top ten most hated vegetables.I just need to get three of these
right on the list before you missthree. Sound good? Okay, here
we go. Let's see if youcan pull it off most hated vegetables of

the top ten. What do youthink is on the list you cut out?
I believe right as you were goingto say, you're vegetable, what
did you say asparagus? Asparagus isnot on the top ten? Interesting you
would think it would be. I'ma big asparagus guy myself, but it's
not on there. Give me anotherone, Russell sprout. Brussell sprouts number

two on the list, which,by the way, it shouldn't be if
you're cooking your Brussels Sprout's right,am I right? Candy? That is
true. I'm just saying, allright, you got one down, you've
missed one. What else is onthe list of top ten most hated vegetables
according to our iHeartRadio. AI areyou onions? Now? I'm sorry?

Onions is not on the list?Now? Is it not necessarily a vegetable?
Maybe? Is that maybe why it'snot on that list? I don't
know, it's AI, you knowwhat I mean? Another one? Broccoli?
Yeah, you're right, it's numberthree on the list. Again,

I disagree. If you're cooking thesevegetables, right, we know they're delicious.
I think about it. You've gottwo off the list, So that
means there's eight still out there.Peace is number. You know, it's
not on the list, but I'mputting it on the list because it's the

grossest of all time. Peace aredisgusting? Are you kidding me? I
dry thinking about them. That's howbad they are. All right? Sorry,
I just it. Put me init, put me in a weird
headspace. Candy, I'm out ofit. You are going to Queens of
r and B at Blossom, havethe best time. Thank you. You

are so welcome. Sit tight.I'm gonna get more info from you off
the air. There you go.There you have it. If you're sticking
around, please do. If you'rehopping out of the car and I'm on
your radio, put us on yourfree iHeartRadio app, listen online, smart
speaker, all of it. Becausetwenty one Pilot's tickets are up for grabs
at four thirty. His opinion aboutPittsburgh is known. Don't bring any of
that dirty Pittsburgh nonsense back with you. Make sure you take a shower before

you come back across state lines.Okay, Oh absolutely, I appreciate you.
Alexis The Jeremiah Show, ninety sixfive Kiss FM, Alder ghosted on
the way. Coming up at threethirty on The Jeremiah Show. It is
ninety six five Kiss FM. Alsotwenty one pilots tickets four to thirty on
the show. That is what's aheadright now. I want to talk about
field trips for a second. Myson a couple of weeks ago, got
to go to a charge game fora school field trip, which I thought

was really cool, and it gotme thinking about the field trips I got
to go on as a kid hereliving in Northeast Ohio, growing up in
you know, Ritman, Chatawayne County, Way County. I was wondering.
I was thinking back to what thelike quintessential field trips were for kids in

Northeast Ohio. Helped me make alist, Shoot me a text, give
me a call two one six fiveseven eight ninety six five. Oh.
The one I remember the most isgoing to Hail Farm. Did you guys
go to hal Farm? Is that? Is hail Farm still a thing where
kids go to? It's like theuh it. Honestly, if you've seen
Billy Madison, it reminds me ofthe field trip scene from Billy Madison.

That's essentially what Hal Farm is.It was like colonial times. I remember
dipping candles. I think we milkedany cows, might have swatted some quilts
with a tennis racket looking thing.I also remember doing a science center,
but this was the nineties. Idon't think it was the one downtown though,
Like was there another science center?But the Great Lakes Science Center downtown

is a great field trip. Wenever went to the Rock Call. I
don't know if is that school appropriate. I haven't been in the Rock Hall
for a minute. But we nevergot to go on the DC trips when
I was a kid. My favoriteone of all time, this was seventh
grade. We got to go toGibraltar Island, which is that little tiny
island in put In Bay. It'sactually like a marine biology research island,

and we got to stay there overnight, which I think was probably the coolest
field trip I've ever went to.So hit me with him right now on
the text you can call to it'sthe same exact number two one six five
seventy ninety six five. Oh wherewhat field trips did you go to school?
Go to here in Northeast Ohio growingup. Leave a message on the
iHeart radio app as well. Thatlittle red microphone clicked that back Cleveland's number

one hit music station, Kiss FM. I think we sparked the nostalgia and
you Cleveland. It's a Jeremia Showninety six five Kiss FM. We'll get
your ghosts to nine minutes from rightnow. But I asked, where'd your
field trip grown up? Here innortheast Ohio? Another fellow Haile Farmer went
in first grade. They said,I can still smell it, love Hail

Farm. Another Hudson Middle school studentwent to the Charge game. My son
was at that one. Also.The McKinley Museum was the one we went
to in fifth grade. Most elementaryschools are going to Ramsire Farm as well.
That's in Wayne County. Friends playcamp, drive through Safari. I

think I've heard of that place.Is that in like Zanesville or something like
that? Or is it over bylike Sam Dusky. Let's see Joga Lake?
Wow? Who got to go toJoga Lake as a school field trip?
Are we doing school field trips?Lakes Cedar Point? Now? We
never did that. Let's get toStephanie. She joins us on the show.

Now, Stephanie, good afternoon,hachar All. Hello Stephanie. What
is camp, my brobie, thatsounds like someplace where you go to do
CrossFit. Honestly, it was likethis three day camp and it was all
different schools. When it was MiddlebrookHeights, Buria and bra Park and then
that's like the microbi But that's itjust connected what it was. Where would

you guys go? What is thisall about? It was only like a
couple hours away, and it wasjust like an absolute camping experience, like
you sang songs like blind Damn Thing. We would go out in the field
in the middle of the night anddid like you fit on these mints and
they made like sparks and stuff.I don't know, we have fires,

like wait, I think that mintthing is just any life saver mints in
the dark, Like if you havefillings, doesn't it spark? Is that
what the science says? I don'tknow. Yeah, no exactly. So
this is out in Wingsor, Ohio, which is like, uh, Youngstown
ish north of a Youngstown. Iguess I don't know. Oh yeah,

I don't know. That's amazing likearchery and stuff. I don't know.
Yeah he did, like I don'tknow, but the he spluts and stuff
where the counselors, and it waslike three days we were all with the
different ups in different cabins with differentgirls and stuff like that, and the
boys had their own side. AndI don't know. That's absolutely amazing.

It brings back all the nostalgia,doesn't it. Stephanie. Yeah, No,
I mean I love camping too.That's fantastic. I love it.
Well, Hey, thank you somuch for chiming in and being part of
the show. I appreciate you.Bye bye. Let's get you ghosted?
Why did Kale ghost? Malia?Find out? Two songs from right now
in ninety six to five kiss thatFami's Jeremiah Chef. Stop staring at that

red receipt and let the Jeremiah Showfind out why you got ghosted? Leah,
welcome into the show. Tell usall about you and Kale leading up
to the ghosting. What happened sofar? Well, okay, So Kale
was a really super nice guy.Nice at first, Yes, yes,
yes, we talked about out goingout for a while before we actually went

on the date, and when wewere in person, he just sort of
seemed a little pre occupied, alittle disconnected when we when we met,
and I would have really just writtenhim off. But because we had connected
so well before the date, youknow, I wanted to give him,
you know, another chance. Buthe's not responding. He hasn't responded to

any of my gestures or you know, emojis or anything sort of fun to
kind of get things back going.And so, I don't know, interesting,
Like I mean, so on thedate it was weird. So I
mean, there could be a numberof different things. And he really wasn't
clear about like what he was insuch a bad mood about. Yeah.

I just you know, where youfeel like you're really connected with someone,
and especially when you haven't met themin person, and so I thought we
were over all that sort of youknow, first jitter situation where okay,
this is going to be excited eachother and whatever. But I mean,
I don't know, you just heardof looked like a deer in the headline
a little bit. Okay, Sowell, I don't know. Let's see

this, Mollie. I'm gonna giveCale a call. I want you to
stay on the phone for me.Don't say anything right away, let us
talk to him first, and atsome point we'll bring you back into the
chat. Okay, Okay, allright, here we go. Hello,
Hi, looking for Kale. Yeah, this is Hey. It's the Jeremiah
Show, ninety six to five KissFM. How are you sir? Okay?
Good, Hey, this is Jeremiahninety six point five Kiss FM,

Cleveland, Ohio the radio station.Okay, all right, okay, Cal
giving you a call because we spoketo a girl named Maliah who said that
you guys went on a date,but you ghosted her. Oh my god.
Okay, Oh you gotta be kiddingme. I remember that girl that
was that was mad embarrassing? Ohokay, well you actually can. Can

you hang on a second, We'llplay a couple songs and come back and
you can tell me what was embarrassing? Yeah, yeah, fine, okay,
all right, let me give youa post Malone. And then after
Taylor More ghosted on the Jeremiah Show. It's Kiss FM. Oh good,
I like you hot. It's aJeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM ghosted

leaves us with Cale and Malia.Cale's on the phone. You said the
date was embarrassing. She mentioned usyou seemed a little off. So what
was going on with you and Malia? Dude? I thought I was going
out with her? Sister, nother. What do you I don't understand.
What do you mean? How didyou like? I see this really

cute girl on Instagram right yeah,shout out. I didn't into her dms.
And you know her page is fullof these hot girls, hot girls,
hot girls. And I thought itwas the other hot girl. You
with me? Oh yeah, itwas her sister. That's going I would
do that? Are hitting me?Oh? Cale, Yeah, that's my

bad? Dude? What are wedoing? Dude? Do wait? Okay,
so you thought that Malia was hersister because I honest mistake. She
had a million pictures up. HowI was my bad? I was confused,
okay, and that's what happened straightup on his hands. I thought

I had her sister. I mean, Malia, let me just say,
let me just I'm sorry. Ididn't want to say anything during it because
I didn't want you to be embarrassed. I'm embarrassed honestly. I mean,
I just felt like we could justmove on with our lives, just keep
it moving and not have to addressit again. And you know, no

harm, no foul, so tospeak. That's probably the worst way you
could have handled it. I mean, how dumb are you that you didn't
know we were. We talked foreverbefore this. I mean, I rely.
I had retied blonde hair, hehad dark hair. Everybody in their
shot has a million pictures of themselves. Who knows you're even going out with

half the time? I really no, dude, You're just You're an idiot.
Bye, I'm out. No,All right, she's gone. Where
you go sit, slide into ourDMS at Jashow Radio and we'll get to
the bottom of it on the JeremiahShow ninety six five Kiss FM. All
right, we'll give you those twentyone pilot's tickets coming up in just over

twenty minutes from right now. Wewill hook you up there. We are
your hook up station. After all, it's Jeremiah Show ninety six to five
Kiss FM. Hey. I foundthis one and it hurt my heart at
first, because, well, mydegree is in this list. But this
is a list of the college majorswith the highest unemployment rates. So the

average unemployment rate is three point fiveand under unemployment rate is forty point three.
What is an under ployment rate?That's like the opposite? I guess
okay, So here we go.Top five history degrees have a seven point
five percent unemployment rate. Aerospace engineeringreally is aerospace space craft? So is

that My people over at nasag lenseven point eight percent unemployment rate? Fine
Arts and Liberal Arts tied per sevenpoint nine percent, and the number one
most unemployed college major is art history. Eight percent of those with art history
degrees are unemployed. I mean stilloverall, it's that's still a low number.

But if you, I guess maybe, if you're looking ahead to college
here in the next couple of years, maybe maybe don't do art history unless
you're superimely talented and gifted, thendon't listen to me. My degree mass
media six point three percent unemployment rate. That's seven percent right there. So
I made the top ten. Theother ones you got English language at six

physics. I'm looking at these degreesand thinking, like, what what kind
of job are you going to dowith an art history degree? Like you
work? Do you work in museums? Is that the goal with an art
history degree? Is that really allthere is to it? Liberal Arts,
I have no idea, no bloodyidea what you do. And a sociology

degree that is number ten. I'mnot really sure. Oh, guys,
covercial art graphic design six percent unemploymentrate. That is the ninth highest unemployment
rate for college majors. So thinkabout those, Maybe change you know,
or you know, maybe sell yourfee. Don't even from the Universal windows
hooking you up on the Jeremiah Showbecause that's what we do. Ninety six
y five Kiss FM twenty one pilot'stickets for you today if you can win

the song smash, let's get toColor twenty in. Our contestant to play
first, it is Hannah in Richfield. Hannah. Good afternoon, Hay girl,
Hannah, welcome into the show.As we're beginning this program, my
actual audio file for the game hasnow frozen, so I'm stalling while I'm
talking to you. Tell me aboutTell me about Hannah. What does Cleveland

need to know about you? Friend? Well, I just turned twenty nine.
Okay, I just got off work, I got home. I got
not really a lot of plans today. What kind of work do you do,
Hannah? I work in an endoscopycenter. Endoscopy that is the that's
the opposite of the butt, that'sthe other end. It's actually both.

Oh you do do we do both? Endoscopy? Is the scope correct?
Yeah? Hashtag not a doctor gota de in collagen, anatomy and physiology,
So that's about my medical expertise.I'm not even a nurse or anything
there either. I just make thebeds. But you know what, Hey,
someone's got to make the beds,and I'm happy at you. Hannah.
All right, it looks like ourfile has loaded. It's three songs

smashed together. Give me the titleof each of these songs and you'll be
at twenty one pilot since September.Sound like a plan. That good?
Good luck, ring, Hannah.What three songs are those? Oh jeez,
I'll give it to you again.Hang on, I'll give it to

you again. There they are,Hannah, three songs. I don't watch
the one. I don't think Iknow the other two. You might.
You want to take a guess,So you just got to give up.
I honestly couldn't really hear it thatwell. Let me try, hang on,
let me try, let me justtry again. It seems the first
person to play it really needs tohaving difficulty hearing it. So I'm gonna

mess with the volume a little bitand see if this happens. I think
it's just going really fast too.It is quick. I will cause only
true fans. I want to winthese tickets. So here, here it
is again. I'm gonna give ita beat listening, Hannah, I say
one more time. What three songsare those smashed together? I don't know.

No, I'm sorry, no,I'm sorry that you didn't win.
I hope you have a great daythough. Okay, thank you? Ye,
all right, let's do it here. We'll get someone else on hold,
let's go to Stephanie. She isin Stowe. Stephanie, good afternoon,
Hey girl, Hello Stephanie. Twentyone pilots are coming to Cleveland.

Would you like to see them?Yes, of course, one of the
best bands to do it live.Here are three songs. Tell me what
the three songs are? Ringing,Stephanie and Stowe? What songs did I
smash together? I hear Ride myHeart. That's two songs, and I

can't quite hear the second one.Could I hear it again? I'll give
it to you one more time.Here it is ringing, Ride, Tear
in my Heart. What's the thirdsong that you want to guess? Thank
you? Oh gosh? Four Camertthree two one? What was that?

Right? You win? You justpull it out of your butt? Was
it a complete guest? Wow,they're so cool. Silence on the other
end, Stephanie is in issues inshock. You're not need of medical assistance,
are you? I'm here, Okay, there you are. I'm just

making sure you weren't need of medicalassistance. Your silence words no, no,
no, okay, I am surprised. Yes, I'm very shocked.
You killed it, You nailed it. You're going to be at twenty one
pilots. You have the best timein the world. Okay, awesome,
Thank you so much. You areso welcome. Sit tight. I'm gonna
get more info from you, andthat's how we do it. Cleveland willk
you up all the time. Righthere in ninety six five Kids FM,
you want another shot to win,I'm going to be taking some people to
the pit. You could be thatperson. Kiss Cleveland dot com get registered

to win. There it's kiss timeto smarten you of Cleveland's with Jeremiah's fun
Fact of the Day for ninety sixfive Kiss FM. Do you ever walk
by a fountain and for some reason, the fountain at Rowing Acres Mall in
Akron is the first fountain I thinkof with the red tile and all that.
If you know, you know,ever walked by a fountain and wonder
how much money's in there? Well, I can tell you The Mall of

America in Minneapolis, granted that isa giant mall on average, collects twenty
five thousand dollars in coins every year. Twenty five thousand. That is a
lot. Twenty five. See.I would say that the one the rowing

acres won down an acron that hadto be about four to seventy two.
You love to see it. Wegot a local one. It's at Jeremiah
Show in ninety six five Kiss FMwith your Genius of the day, someone
who's got that thing so stupid,anything you've done pales in comparison. Over
in South Uclid, police report thatofficers were called at a recent incident and
a Popeye's Chicken over a customer serviceis you? The department says a woman

was upset about the content of herorder from the Warrensville Center Road Popeye's location
on March twenty sixth. Police werecalled to the scene because she was dissatisfied
with the ratio of wings to drumsin her order and was frustrated that the
restaurant would not remake her order.In the end, the woman was provided

with the store manager's name and thephone number to Popeye's corporate offices. I
listen, I get the flats,the flats drums debate, which I'm assuming
that's what this was. We havewings to drums, but you can put
the request in. We don't haveto do it. I worked at beat
ups sometimes if I was particularly annoyed, if their order was extra, extra

extra, I would on purpose dothe exact opposite. Ha ha, take
that jerk face. Thanks for listeningto The Jeremiah Show on demand. I
Love this show. For more,find us on TikTok, Instagram and more
at Jashow Radio and weekdays two tosix on ninety six five Kiss FM.
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