All Episodes

April 1, 2024 28 mins
Natalie thinks Eric has too much baggage. We don't necessarily disagree. Also Dad Bods are in! How were you sneaky with your phone. And we play song smash for Twenty One Pilots tickets!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'm an idiot, so what doyou want me to do? Care?
Sheeremiah Show, Let's Got It Outninety six five, Kiss That Out.
Friends, Welcome into your Monday.Whether you're just getting back from spring break
or kicking it off, Welcome ineither way. Thank you for having us

on you pop out of the car. Don't forget bring your ears on your
free iHeart Radio app on your smartspeaker at home, in your computer.
If you're working, you can listento us in many ways and spread good
vibes. How was your weekend?You can text or call into the show
with that at two one sixty fiveseventy ninety six five. Oh, trying
to figure out why someone texted usat twelve fifty four this morning saying you

like texting in emojis. Huh,but we didn't send them a text.
But text me and emoji if youwant to, and tell me all about
your weekend. Did you have didyou have plenty of ham? How many
ham leftovers you have in today?Deliciousness? Let's go here we go Monday,
looking you up? Coming up twothirty on The Jeremiah Show. It's
ninety six five Kiss FM. Youwant to see the Queens of R and

B. They're coming to Blosso andwe've got them for you. Escape SWV
maya total in seven oh two,I'll coming to town. We'll hook you
up up, we'll play Google Feud. Then right now, we'll keep the
good vibes going. Good things happeningin your life, starting a new job
today, you're celebrating an extended springbreak. Whatever it is, whatever made
you feel good. I'll reach outto the program caller texts. It's the

same number two one six, five, seven eight ninety six five, Oh,
Patty, which you got spread thosegood vibes. My son just one
has two basketball games. Oh,what do you mean AAU season? Is
that? What's going on? Yes? Yeah, what's it? What's the
name of his team? Because Ifeel like AAU teams always have like cool
fun names because they get to makethem up. It's called smack Buyers.

Oh, smack buyers. That soundsawfully violent. Patty, Well, there's
lots of smack teams, so Ihave to say buyers what what what is
buyers like purchasing buyers? The coach. Yes, there's a lot of teams
that are AAU teams with the nameSmack in them a lot and acron in
Cleveland. Yes, is there areason for it? That's just the team,

you know. I have a suggestionfor a new for an AAU team
name. What do you think ofthis one? It's a great name.
I love it. Great name.Cleveland's number one music stations ninety six,
Queen's R and B. The tourcoming to Blossom in August. We're hooking
up here in just about seven minuteson the show. Also, if you're

looking a little more forward in theprogram, twenty one pilots tickets up for
grams. We'll play the song smashat four thirty. Right now. We
got the good vibes for you.Good things happening in your life, Brooke,
What you got? My dad hada good doctor's appointment the other day.
Oh, there we go. Itwas a really important one. So
we're grateful for that. That's awesome. Yep. Those good vibes need to

be spread and then celebrated. Where. Where's your dad's favorite place to go
out to? You guys should gothere tonight. He loves REDLP. I
know, Brook, I'm either yourdad or me and your dad. We
have our cycles SYNCD up. I'mnot sure which one it is. I'm
a big red lobster guy. Getthem chair to Bay Biscuits in my mouth
hole, you know what I mean? Brook Right, Absolutely, I just

said mouthhole on the radio because that'smy job. It's a weird job,
guys, but we do hook youup. Queens of RnB. Tickets on
the way. Two songs from rightnow. It's ninety six to five kiss.
It's e Jerremiah Show on ninety sixfive Kiss FM, hooking you up
all the week. Queen's of Rand B coming to Blossom. I love
giving away blossom shows, especially whenit's like not super nice oucause it just

puts me in that blossomy twenty fourounce beverage in a tank top. Sorry
for the visual mood. So let'slook it up. Let's see what Rina
and Maria can do. RENA goodafternoon, acar all Hi, Rina,
welcome into the show. Did youhave a nice easter? I did?
How was yours? It was fantastic? You know? I had ham?

Can I can I say any bad? After I say the sentence? I
had ham. That's all I askedfor as well. That's it, That's
all I need. All Right,Well, we're gonna play the AI feud.
We've got our iHeartRadio AI that I'veasked the question, tell me the
top ten Easter foods. It gaveme a list of ten. You get
just three out of these ten andI will hook you up with Queens of

R and be coming a blossom.Sound good? Yes, all right,
here we go. What do youthink the one of the ones on the
list is? Again, it couldbe one through ten. Name me one
ham. That's number one, ofcourse it's number one. Come on now,
they said glazed ham, but I'mnot a glazed ham guy. I
like a nice savory ham personally,but I don't know if you cared to

know that. All right, thankyou, You're so welcome. Give me
another one. I'm gonna go chooseyour potatoes. Cheesy potatoes. Yep,
number three on the list. Itsays scalp potatoes. But we're in northeast,
Ohian. We all know we makethose cheesy potatoes, whether the cube
or shredded. All right, four, exactly, the win and your tickets.

Name me one more Easter food inthis top ten. Deviled eggs.
Deviled eggs. That's right, youwin. Okay, look at that,
Queens of R and B you're gonnabe there. And just for the record,
in case you don't know, theJeromiyas show, lour, I've said
it since I've had any radio show. My mom refuses to call them deviled

eggs in her house. They areangel eggs, Rena, Oh, angel
eggs. Okay, yep, okay, now you know? And knowing was
half the battle, right exactly.There you go. Congratulations, Queen's a
R and B. It's gonna bea great show at Blossom. You're gonna
be there. Oh, sit tightfor me, Rena. I'm gonna get
all that info from you. We'llhave more of those tickets for you tomorrow

at two thirty. If you're stickingaround for a little bit more, which
you should, you can win twentyone pilot's tickets to in the Jerremyas Show
four thirty on ninety six five KissFM. Why did Natalie ghost Eric Will
find out on the jere Onmiah Show. It's ninety six y five Kiss FM.
She had this to say, he'sstill married? But is he?
I know that's a weird question toask, but is he? We'll talk

about a three thirty on the show. All right, So my son oldest
son turns twelve this month, andwe finally decided to get him a phone,
and I need your help. Sowe gave it to him over the
weekend because my wife is impatient.But that's fine. He's got it.
He loves it. Super proud ofhim. He earned it. I know

he's one of the last kids inhis grade to have one. But that's
fine. So we've set the boundariesright. You give it to me whenever
I say no social media. Youknow I can look at it anytime.
We got the tracking stuff on himand stuff like that. And he's an
honest kid. He's he is mewhen it And what I mean by that
is I was a kid to remindthe teacher about a pop quizing class to

trust me as the kids I wentto school with, I did a number
of occasions, so I would tellon myself all the time. On ninety
percent. Sure he's gonna tell onhimself all the time. So that ten
percent is what I need to knowabout what what? And I'm a text
savvy guy, So grab your phoneand shoot me a text and tell me
how you used to sneak around withyour phone behind your parents back two one

six five seven eight ninety six five. Oh, you can call or text.
It's the same number. Give methe little tips and tricks. What
what did you do or what didyour kids do? If your kids did
it? Because I know for me, when I got my phone, I
could I couldn't even text. Idated myself. But you guys know who
I am, so it doesn't matter. Let me know. I'm trying to.

I'm build a little list. MaybeI'll share it with my friends.
What are the secret things? I'veseen? The tiktoks and the Facebook articles
that are nonsense and I didn't evenknow if they're real or not. But
what did you actually experience? Howdid you sneak around where there's secret apps?
The secret things you could do?Two ninety six five. Oh,

you leave a message too? Youlisten on the iHeartRadio app? Thank you,
it's free that little red microphone tapic. Leave me a little message there,
Cleverance number one hit music station ninetysix five. Ghost it on the
way less than ten minutes from rightnow. Why was Eric left on Red?
We know this much so far.He's still married. But is he?

Yes, I'm saying, but ishe We'll get to that coming up
at three point thirty other yere onmy show. I was talking about my
almost twelve year old. He's gota phone. I want to know the
secrets. I need to know thehacks are. How are your kids hiding
things for you? How did youhide things from your parents? You can
drop a text in a two onesixty five seven eight ninety six five.
Oh that's this text that I got. Who I've actually got on hold right

now? First off, what's yourwhat's your first name? You want to
be secret? Will you be secret? You're Natasha? Then if you're anonymous?
Okay, so Natasha, were you'retexting me? So my almost twelve
year old has a phone now?And I asked for the sneaky things that
your kids did. You said youroldest son had codes for things. What
does that mean? Oh? Yeah, he had like you know how you

have the emojis and symbols. Itwasn't anything dirty. It was just like
emojis and symbols, and it wasthis whole secret language that only he like.
He was there was this girl hewasn't. Yeah, he was supposed
to see this one person and itdid blow up in his face. This
is like fast forwarding through the pastas he was younger. Anyways, he
was so old enough to know better. Seventeen, Yeah, you know.

So anyways, yeah, so thismeant that, this meant I kissed her,
this mont I met her here,This meant I met her at the
park. So you would just seetext strings of just emojis and not really
know what it means and have totry to figure out what you could.
So well, he would delete thetext, but he kept a record like
he was curious. Oh, hehad like a legend in his notes at

Oh my god, he was aIt was so deep. I didn't even
you know, I didn't go there, Natasha, you have to tell me
now, especially since you're anonymous.How did it blow up in his face?
So it was a girl you didn'twant him talking to? What happened
to him? Well, because unfortunatelywe knew this person. And if I
it's I work in a slam situation. So I literally knew her. Just

anyways, I said, listen,talk to my boss if you want.
She was known to be having severalboyfriends. Uh, all those other things
that if you need medical assistance,great you should do that. But if
you don't take those pills, thenyou know, that's not a good thing.
So anyways, it blew up onhim and he saw everything I was
trying to tell him, and actually, yeah, after he moved out,

he set up a camera and bustedher. It was oh my gosh,
there were secret cameras and see thisis this is a great learning moment.
Anyone listening. Always listen to yourmom. I could write a book.
It's not like I was just It'snot like I was just blowing sea somewhere,
but I had. It's literal.You're experienced. I'm trying to save

you. I'm just saying I loveit. Well, Natasha, thank you
so much for chiming in. Iappreciate you. Good Bye. Right,
let's get to your ghosted fix.Two songs from right now, we'll go
JT then after Benson Boone, whydid Eric get left on red? Stop

staring at that red receipt and letthe Jeremiah Show find out why you got
ghosted? Another ghosted for you,this time Eric and Natalie. Eric joins
us now because he was ghosted.So Eric tell us what's going on,
how you and Natalie met, howmany times you guys been out, and
what's really what you're sneaking suspicions mayor may not be well, uh not
than I We met online, okay, and then we went out for a

couple of times. It went great, went really great actually, and uh,
you know, I was really kindof expecting to get to the next
level. But our last date isValentine's Day, which is this, Yeah,
well a long time ago. BIf you're going out for Valentine's Day,

you guys are like dating dating,not just like casually in my opinion,
right right, And you know,she just ghosted me completely fell off
the face of the earth. Don'tknow what's going on. And you didn't
do nothing weird happened. You didn'taccidentally slip and I love you in there
or something like that too early?No, no, no, okay,
I'm just checking. All right,let's do this. Let's give a Natalie

call. Stay on the phone withme, but don't say anything right away.
Let us talk to her first,and at some point we'll bring you
back into the chat. All right, my friend, gotcha? All right?
Er, good luck? Hello?Hi, is Natalie available? Ah?
Yeah, this is she? Hey, Natalie's a Jeremia Show ninety six
to five. Kiss FM. Haygirl, Oh, wow, yeah,

hey, hey, I know,well, I'll get right to it.
Natalie, you're on a segment calledghosted because we just talked to a guy
named Eric who said you ghosted him, and he is clueless as to why
will you tell us? Uh?Yeah, I go to Eric because he's
still married. Oh oh okay.One, we can't see the bad words.

But two, you said he's married. Yeah, married like in sickness
and in health. Married. That'snot information we had before I started this
conversation. I'll tell you what willyou? Will you hang on a second
and we will come back and digmore into this. I guess okay,
yeah, yeah, thank you.Well we'll go Chris Brown. Then after
Tate McCray, we'll find out aboutmarried Eric. More ghosts of the Jeremiah

Show. It's kiss Natalie tells usEric is married, and that's what kind
of where we say with ghosted It'sa Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM.
During the songs we got everyone together. Everyone has agreed to come back
on and kind of tell us becauseEric, you didn't tell us you were
married, And Natalie, what whatdo you mean? How did you find

out he's married? That's my question. Well, our last date, this
chick like randomly messaged me and saidI was dating her husband, and then
she sent me their wedding photos likeshe had the receipts. Oh look,
yeah, look, hang on,hang on, okay, look, my
ex wife and I got divorce threeyears ago, and I have no idea

how she found you. But like, this isn't the first time that this
has happened. I'm sorry that thatshe does this. She's kind of crazy.
But like every time I go outon a date, she pretends like
we're still together and she tries toget the girl to break to break up
with me. So like this isjust I really apologize about it. I'm
not married. I'm not married.I promise you I'm not married. I

that's pretty crazy. I mean,go ahead, Natalie, what are your
thoughts now that he's not actually married? And she's like crazy, sorry speechless.
Well, I guess, you know, like I just yeah, I
mean skeptical. I mean, youknow, I guess you seem like a
nice guy, so maybe you aretelling the truth. But at the same
time, like that's a lot ofbaggage and I just don't really want that

in my life. I mean,she sounds tricking crazy, So I I
don't want to deal with that.I'm like, I'm so sorry. I
hope she they won't move on,but yeah, I don't want to deal
with that crazy. She's gonna killme or something. So I'm not trying
to Sorry. I like you,but not enough to deal with that.
Yeah, I guess you got tofigure out the ex wife situation first.

I mean, what am I supposedto do? Like, you know,
like this is just it's ridiculous.It's been going on for three years now.
Oh boy, I don't know,get her a dog or something,
uh, block her. I justI mean, I'm actually pretty private on
social media. So the fact thatshe was able to find me like her,
is she like she worked for theSBA or like I'll tell you what

fbib damn. Some of these someof these people who are really you know,
they're they're quite sleuthy on the interneton finding people who they want to
find, no matter if they're inthe government or not. I'm fairly certain
she's got one of her friends whois like sort of like keeping tabs on
me because one of her friends livesin my neighborhood. Oh boy, yeah,
maybe I maybe step one is moved, but until then, Natalie,

are we sure no no more datesfor you in Eric eight? Yeah,
I Eric, You're a great guy, but like you gotta gotta do something
about her. That's just third.I don't want to deal with sad.
That's very insane. I'm really reallysorry about the whole situation. You're really
nice and I wanted to get toknow you more and this just this's just
it sucks. Yeah. I thinkI think that's the perfect way to sum

up this whole situation. It sucks. Yeah. Well, if you get
like a restraining order, you know, she dies, tell me were you
goos? Slide into ore DMS atJay Show Radio and we'll get to the
bottom of it. On The JeremiahShow ninety six five Kiss FM twenty one
pilots tickets on the way for youfour thirty on The Jeremiah Show, those

who beat the box office, bythe way said I'm going sale till Friday.
We are hooking you up. Fourththere on the show, playing the
song smash for that Hey, seventyfive percent of singles out there they want
dad bods in their lives, ladiesand gentlemen. A recent study determined body
type presences presences in romance commission byDating dot Com. So basically, they

like a figure that isn't super chiseled. Seventy five percent of the people surveyed
here. The fightings echo a previouspole by a Planet Fitness, which found
seventy eight percent of women fill menwith dad bods are confident in their own
skin. Nearly half of those ladiessurveyed argue that a bouncy belly is the

new six pack, and eighty threepercent of mothers said they would be proud
to have a husband with a weebit of chubb. I'm quoting the New
York Post wee bit of Chubb forthose in the back. Further research revealed
women don't fight portly men physically attractivedang it. Instead, single people rated

flabbier fellas higher on the evolutionary fitnesstraits, calling them affectionate, nuturerant.
That's got to be a typo andfriendly. They're good parent potential, is
what they're saying. Nuturant providing physicaland emotional care and nourishment. Does that

mean I know how to feed peopleproperly? Is that what that means?
Sit cher Amia Show on ninety sixfive KISFM. We got twenty one Pilots
tickets all week. The Clancy Touris coming to Cleveland. We're playing song
Smash. We'll get you a pairof tickets if you can win. Call
her twenty gets the first crack atit. It's Seth and Willoughby. Seth,
good afternoon. How are you?I'm good? Haru, Well,

Seth. I'm not gonna lie toyou. This game is specifically for members
of the click and if you know, you know this is not going to
be an easy song smash unless you'rea huge twenty one Pilots fan. So
I'm not asking you, I'm justwarning you what's about to happen. Are
you ready to play? Yeah?I'm ready? All right. I wish
you all the luck in the world. Three songs smashed together. Give me
the title of all three of these? Here we go. How'd you imma

rhymetime? Seth? What three songsare there? Could I hear them one
more time? I would love togive them to you one more time?
How'd you imma rhyme vertime? Whatdo you think? I honestly, I
have no idea, no idea,Seth, Well, I appreciate you playing

my friend. I hope you havea great day. Thank you, so
bye. I told you it's forthe Click two one six, five,
seven, eight ninety six five oho, three songs smashed together. Tell me
what those are? And you're twentyone Pilots when they come to Cleveland the
Clancy World Tour in September, goodluck. Save the number on your phone.
It's two one sixty five seven,eight ninety six, five oh,

twenty one Pilots. They're coming toCleveland and say September. And when they
told me I was gonna have togive them away, it said Jeremiah Show
ninety six five Kids FM. Isaid, give have to, No,
I want to, And I knewI had to make it good because I
know twenty one Pilots fans. Iknow you guys line up outside Rocket Mortgage
field House before the show. Sothe song smash it's gonna be. It's
gonna be for the members of theClick. So let's go to Mira next.

She's in Kent. Mira, goodafternoon, Hey girl, Hey,
would you consider yourself a casual orprofessional twenty one Pilots fan? Mira,
there's like two for the albums.That I'm really familiar with. You said,
there's how many albums you're familiar with? Two albums? Okay, I'm
familiar with all right, Well let'ssee how you do here. Okay,
what's the other one? And vessel? Okay, Well, I've got three

songs. They may or may notbe from that album. I'm gonna play
you the three songs smash together.Tell me what they are? You ready?
Good luck? Had you Emma everytime? What do you think I'm
gonna go with? Not today?I'll stop you right. There is not

one of them. Thank you somuch for playing, Mira. I hope
you have a great day. Twoone six, five seven, eight ninety
six five zero of the game SongSmash. The prize tickets to see twenty
one pilots in Cleveland two one six, five seven eight ninety six sit Cherre
on Maia Show ninety six five KissFM, Cleveland's number one music station.
Twenty one pilots tickets are up forgrabs. The game is called song Smash.

Three songs smashed together, and Itold maybe I made it too hard.
We're gonna go through and see ifwe get ourselves a winner for the
twenty one pilots tickets. Let's goto Anthony in Northfield. He is up
next. Anthony. What's your opinionbeen so far of the people who played
song smash today? Ah, they'vebeen great people. I just don't think
they know twenty one pilots good enough? And would you say that you do?
Would you call yourself, Anthony?Would you call yourself a member of

the Click? Yeah? I definitelywas. Okay, Well, the pressure's
on you now because you're an expert. I've got three songs smash together.
Tell me the title of all threeof these songs and you could be a
twenty one pilots Okay, Okay,hit me with it. Good luck.
How'd you imma, Anthony for twentyone pilots tickets? What three songs are

those? The first one's uh Chlorine, the second one is Blurry Faith,
and the third one is goner Mnot correct sir. I'm so sorry,
but thank you for playing. Iappreciate you for that. Here, we're
gonna keep going. We got morepeople on the line here, So let's
let's go to Pamela. Pamela isin Canton. Pamela, good afternoon,

Welcome into the show. Good afternoon, let's see if we can send you
to twenty one Pilots when they cometo Cleveland in September. Here are the
three songs. I'll play them foryou again. Tell me title an artist
of these three songs? How'd youImma, Pamela? What songs are those?
Colory blurry face is stretched out.I'm sorry, that's incorrect. Fun

fact, blurry face not the nameof a song. Just just for the
record, just for the record.There, All right, Let's go to
Michelle next. She's in the akawriting Michelle, good afternoon, Hey girl,
Hey Michelle? Have I made these? Have I made these too hard
for Cleveland? Are they just notbig enough twenty one Pilots fans? That's
the question I'm asking myself right now. My daughter's saying too hard, but

she's telling me what I should say. Okay, well, here we go.
Do you want to put your daughteron the phone so she can hear
it firsthand? Oh, we're inthe car. Okay, and so she's
hearing You're on speaker All right,Here we go on speaker phone. Here
are the three songs? What arethey? Had? You? Emma say,
I accidentally played the longer version,but that's to your benefit because I

click the wrong button. What songsare those? Michelle Corey stressed out and
tear in my Heart, Tearing myheart all. We're so close, Cleveland,
We're so close, Janet and SheffieldLake, you are up next.
I guess I gotta play the longerversion now because I click the wrong button.
But that you're okay with that,right? Absolutely? I thought it

might be too hard, so Imade a longer version. Here were three
songs by h Well, we knowthey're by twenty one pilots. If you
don't know, you don't know whatsongs are these? How'd you imma rhyme
vertama say? Janet, it's onyou, Coreen sussed out and Ride and

Ride I'm sorry, two one,six five seven eight ninety six five.
I'll play it again. Let meturn this down. I'm gonna turn that
down. I'm gonna play this foryou, Cleveland, listen, how'd you
emma rhyme ver tama say? Whatis that last song? Figured it out?

You win? Twenty one pilots.It's either too hard or we don't
have big enough twenty one pilots.Fans in Cleveland, It's a Jeremiah show.
Ninety six five Kiss FM. We'replaying songs smash. Erica is in
Youngstown. She is up next toplay Erica, good afternoon, Hey a
girl? Hello? Have I madethe game too hard? Erica? Not?
The third song was the one trippingme up? But I after you

played the long version, I gotit. Yeah, that was my bad.
I meant to make that go alittle longer. But I'm an idiot.
So what do you want me todo? It's your advantage, Erica.
Here are the three songs. Tellme the title of each of these?
Had you Emma Erica for twenty onePilots tickets for free before you can
even buy them? What three songsare those? Florine, Stressed Out and

Sleep? That's right, you wereCome on, Erica, boys are coming
to Cleveland. How pumps are you? I'm pumped. It's gonna be very
much an amazing show. You knowas well? Have you seen them live
before? I've seen them three times. I'm not surprised by that answers,
because we know. I mean,I'm a twenty one Pilots fan. Best
live show on the face of theplanet. Yes, they are, without

a doubt, with only two peopleon, With only two people on,
stage louder for the people in theback. All right, Erica, you
have the best time. Your ticketsare set to see the Clancy World Tour.
Congratulations, thank you, You're sowelcome. Sit tight, Eric,
I'm gonna get more info from youas far as more twenty one pilots tickets.
We got you covered coming up tomorrow. Right here on The Jeremiah Show
A four thirty, it's time tosmarten you of Cleveland's with Jeremiah's fun Fact

of the Day for ninety six.Kiss up as Oh, I am about
to open a gateway to streaming inyour life. Friends. I was just
scrolling during a commercial last night.We're catching up on Gray's Anatomy, and
I saw this pop across my feet, so I emailed it to myself and
then I saw this morning. I'mlike, what does this mean? Un
a lad posted yesterday. Netflix viewerssay, typing nine eight seven five stop

them scrolling for hours trying to findsomething to watch, because here's what you
do. You put nine eight sevenfive after the URL in your browser address
bar, and that's a secret codethat brings up true crime documentaries, categorizes
them all. What else can youdo? Uh? One? One seven

to eight one in the search barand Netfix catalog of steamy romance movies.
Oh okay, that's like Skinemax stuff. So there's a whole bunch of these
that you can pop in because Iknow, I get that dome doom scrolling
going on and I can't really findanything to watch it. We can agree
on, but true crime documentaries putnine to eighty seven five at the end

of the rol boom. You gotto cover there now, Please, no
one tell my wife sit here?Am I show ninety six to five kisfm
with your genius of the day,someone who's done something so stupid. Anything
you've done pales in comparison. Normallyit's the squatters that I would call the
genius of the day, but Ithink it's whoever made this dumb law in
New York City because a couple isbeing sued by squatters living in their almost

million dollar home. Two squatters accusedof unlawfully moving into a queen's duplex or
suing the owners after refusing to vacatethe home. The owner has put up
all over four granted legal bills,so if o fighting the squatters, she
and her husband has been over halfa million dollars renovating the home before putting

it up for rent, before someonebroke in and changed the locks. So
in the Five Boroughs of New YorkCity, squatters only have to occupy a
property for thirty days before legal protectionsmake it hard for the owner to evict
them. The owner's husband said,you can't really blame them in a way
because it's handed to them on asilver platter. What can you do?

Nothing? I guess you put itup for rent and that's it. Now
we're dealing with a nightmare that iswild squatters man, Let me go squat
somewhere and new That sounds now.I'm done. Thanks for listening to The
Jeremiah Show on demand. I Lovethis show. For more, find us
on TikTok, Instagram and more atjashow Radio and weekdays two to six on
ninety six five Kiss FM.
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2. In The Village

In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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