All Episodes

April 9, 2024 30 mins
Gina has a crush on her BFFs friend, but so does her BFF. We try to untangle the web in today's CLE Confessional. Also what is the most painful thing you've experienced, why is a sausage company bringing the world together. A lot of you are today's Genius of the day. And you better know country artists to win Sam Hunt tickets.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I can't make it, So Joeblow off the streak and win these things.
Mumia show, let's step about ninetysix five Kiss that found Hollo friends.
Here we are back in the confinesof the Kiss FM studios here at
six six eight euclid have we aredowntown Cleveland. By the way, it

is the Jeremiah Show. Happy Tuesdayto you. Guards got that dub last
night. I'm not gonna say I'mgood luck, but they're one to zero
at home when I'm there, justthrowing that out there. How are you
though, Cleveland? Would you liketo spread some good vibes? Good things
happening to you today in your life? Happy you sent the kids back to
school today? Maybe that's one ofthem. Really could be anything call or
texture good vibes in to two one, six five seven eight ninety six five.

Oh, I found out today thatI did not tear my rotator cuff.
Well at least we don't think i'dbed. Oh the joys of now
being forty years old. All right, We've got Glass Animals tickets for you.
You can win those coming up attwo thirty on the show, So
we'll hook that up there. Ifyou missed all of our coverage and goodness
of the eclipse at the Science CenterProgressive Field. I think I got myself

a pretty good picture. Check itout for yourself and you make your judgment
in the comments at Jashow Radio,on all the socials, uh, Instagram,
TikTok, all of them there foryou. All right, au,
sure, let's Tuesday, dude,you search and put the glass animals tickets
for you. We're hooking you upon the Jeremiah Show. We are ninety
six five KSFM. We're also thespreader of good vibes. Good things happening

in your life shared with the program, We'll share it with the world and
in turn make the world a betterplace. That's all I'm trying to do
here. Guys two one six seveneight ninety six five. Oh, you
got some ones to text in?You can call to it's the same number.
Also, you got that free iHeartRadioapp. We got a little old
microphone, well red microphone there.You can leave your message there. We
called a talk back. All right, Jennifer with the good vibes. Tell

me something good that happened to youtoday. Jennifer. Oh, oh,
I just got off work and Idon't go back for another forty Oh that's
a good Are you I'm going?Are you going on vacation? No?
I wish I was. What areyou doing for the next four days?
Is this just your schedule time off? I'm packing? No, I'm actually
packing getting ready to move in theclasses of buying a house. Oh congratulations

on that, Thank you, thankyou, I mean all yes, all
the good vibes sending your way.Also, remember don't ask me to help
you move, because I will flake. All right, sound like clare you
along with everyone else exactly. MusicStation ninety six five We got glass Animals
tickets for you coming up in justunder five minutes on the Jeremiah Show.

It's ninety six five Kiss FM.How can the Browns Stranaut help you win
those glass Animals tickets? You'll findout then. If you don't know what
a Browns Stranaut is, well thenyou got to go to our Instagram story
right now. Ninety six five KidsFM meda Brown's astronaut kind of not like
an official astronaut at least maybe heis. Maybe Cody is. See the
picture in ninety six five Kids FMon the gram All right, good vibes,

Continuing to spread those candies up.What you got candy? Tell me
something good that happened to you today. I woke up, you woke up.
What did you do today? Okay? How do we make that money?
I do? I love it.We love our lift drivers, our
uber eats, all those people thatare out there commuting, because that just
means more people could potentially be listeningto The Jeremiah Show and Kiss FM.

You know what I mean? Everyday. I appreciate you for that.
Can we make a rule if anyonerequests you change the station, you immediately
smack them in the face and givethem a one star review. Gotcha?
Okay? I appreciate you. Iknow, I know you're looking out for
me. Can you glasses cooking youhave with Glass Animals tickets all week here
on The Jeremiah Show Its ninety sixfive Kiss FM. We are your hook

up station after all. All weekwe're going to be playing for these Glass
Animal tickets. Today, let's playthis screte match, the game where you
just got to match our stranger onthe screen. So let's talk to Liz
and Cleveland. She's callably twelve.This is Good Afternoon anchor. Hey,
Liz a clips Yesterday let's chat aboutit for a quick second. Am I
the only one who is kind oflightweight hating on like this is going to

be lame? And then when Iactually saw him, like, okay,
I get it now that seems tobe the common trend. Okay, were
you in that boat too as well? Liz? Yeah, okay, it
was impressive, way cooler than onehundred percent. All right, well,
let's see if we can send youto see glass and animals at Blossom.
I met this gentleman on the streetsat the Great Lakes Science Center pre eclipse.

Let's meet our stranger on the street. Here he is. We are
the Great Lakes Science Center and I'mwith. My name is Cody AKA.
You are a dresser at a fullastronaut uniform decorated in Brown's gear. I'm
here for it. I love it. It's amazing. No dogs, the
one and the lead. Are youvisualizing what Cody looks like? Liz?
I am visual Yes, he wasdressed like an astronaut. If you want

to see what he looks like,go to our Instagram story now at ninety
six five kiss FM. All Right, we asked him four questions. You
just got to get three of theseright, and again the goal is to
match his answer, not necessarily getthe answer right makes sense. Question one
answer the following questions, who isCleveland's NASA name for? How do you

think? Cody the Brown Stranaut answered, what is Cleveland's NASA branch named for?
What? Astronaut? John Glenn?John Glenn is your guest? Glenn
Cook? Oh, you were right, but he was wrong, so that
means you were over one. Butthat's okay. You only got to get
three light right. I got fourquestions for you. Okay, Liz,

are you there? Oh? I'mhere? Oh, there you go.
Question two? Here we go.Question two? What Apollo was the Tom
Hanks movie about? How do youthink? Cody answered that one thirteen.
Yeah, we'll go one three,one three is right. There we go.
We're one for two. Two moreto go here and you get the
wing. Question number three with Codythe Brown Stranaut. Question number three,

who's number four for your Cleveland Browns? Who is number four for your Cleveland
Browns? Liz? It might rhymewith Rishawn Dotson Watson. Deshaun Watson is
your guest. That's the big DeshaunWatson. That's right, there you go.

I don't know how you did it. It just came to you,
Liz. Question number four, howdo you think he answered this one?
Would you rather fly to space orwin a world series? Would Cody rather?
Cody the Brownstronaut remind you rather flyto space or win a world series?
Probably win a world series. Let'shear what he says, world series.

That's right, you win. Comeon, congratulations, Liz. Cody
has some words of encouragement for you. Awesome, man, you did it.
Congrats still dogs. Obviously he didn'tknow you were going to be a
woman, but here we are.You still win. Congratulations, awesome.
I'm excited. Blast Animals in Blossom. It is going to be an amazing
show. It's going to be August. It's going to be great. You
have the best time in the world. Okay, you are so welcome.

List Sit tight. I'm gonna getmore info from you off the area.
If you want more Glass Animals tickets, We've got you covered. Tomorrow when
I'm right here on the Jeremiah Show, we'll do to two thirty. His
opinion about Pittsburgh is known. Don'tbring any of that dirty Pittsburgh nonsense back
with you make sure you take ashower before you come back across state lines.
Okay, oh, absolutely, Iappreciate you. Lexis The Jeremiah Show

ninety six five kiss cleaving confessional onthe way for you. Coming up at
three thirty on The Jeremiah Show,we are ninety six five kiss at them.
Pretty sure Gena is breaking girl code, but it's a gray area.
Stick around. We'll talk about thatat three thirty. I want to know
right now the most excruciating pain you'veever dealt with, because I I don't

know if this one, like it'shigh up there on the list for me
because of the longevity of it.So I went to the doctor today because
my shoulder's been bothering me, likeI'm losing I can't pick up things.
It hurts the mouse over here sometimes. Now. I thought I tore something,
but it turns out doctor says,no, it's just like an overused

thing, and I haven't had timeto let it heal. Because do you
know how much you use your shoulder. You probably don't until you try to
use your shoulder when it hurts.You use it all the time. I
mean, I'm moving this mouse overhere on my computer and I'm using and
it hurts, so I got myselfwell a quarter zone shot. I feel
like like an NFL player right now, all quarter zoned up. I don't

even know what's in there. Isthere pain stuff in there? I don't
know. That's not what I wantto know. What I want to know
is the most excruciating pain you haveever dealt with. I think that that's
number three for me. And againbecause of the longevity it's there, number
two, number two. Maybe it'stied because not everyone goes through boths of

SATs. A lot of people gothrough one of them. Some of them
go through go through good, don'tgo through any And I envy you h'
for first place for me? Andthen I want your text two one six
five seven eight ninety six five.Oh, you can call to it's the
same number. Kidney stones and puttingyour hand in a snowblower, those are
time for first three. Let meknow what's your most excruciating pain you've ever

dealt with? Smashed that. iHeartRadioAP two. If you're listening there,
click the red microphone and you canget them a little talk back at Cleveland's
number one Hates music station at ninetysix five Kiss FM. Is Gina breaking
girl code? Hear her cleaving infessionalcoming up in less than seven minutes on
the chair on my show. It'sninety six five Kiss FM. Talking about

pains, the worst ones you've everhad in your life. The consensus on
the text seems to be kidney stones. Coming from what I can deter is
both male and females. Now,my wife said her kidney stones are worse
than her labor pain. Again,reminder, my wife said that I am
not saying labor pain is worse thankidney stones. I've only been through one
of those things. It sucked toKaylie. Now she's in Lorraine, Kaylen,

Good afternoon, hag Gary, Kaylie. So I say my shoulder pain
is top three pains for me inmy life, not because of the excruciatoriness.
I think that's a word because ofhow long it's lasted. But what
would you say, is the mostpainful thing you've ever experienced? Well,
yes, I heard you talking aboutthat, and I I was racking my

brain like, oh my god,I can't decide between my kidney stones like
all stones or well then I wasthinking, oh my god, well I
had stitches without numbing. It wasnineteen stitches and my lip without numbing.
Why, Kaylee, why why wouldthat? Or? I threw up right

after I got my tackle rooms,Oh just like liquid fire. You poor
girl? What made you? Whatmade you puke? It's a very long
story. I don't want to getinto the Okay, No, that's fine,
we can save that for off theradio. The more important question is
why did you get nineteen stishes inyour lip without any numbing? What happened

there? I was in fourth grade. I was playing softball and the softball
hit me right in the face,in the mouth and my two flint through
my lips. Oh my gosh,and it left just a straight hole right
in my lips, and I hadto get stitches. Yeah, And they

told me they couldn't give me numbingbecause there was a risk in some sort
of the like ingredient that it couldpossibly like paralyze half my face. Oh
yeah, you didn't want that.No one wants that. No, that's
a pass. That's a pass onthat so well, Jesus, it sounds
like you've been through it. Justkeep your hands away from heavy machinery because

that was my downfall. Yeah,don't do that. Not zero to zero
stars. K would not recommend puttingyour hand in a snowblower. Yeah,
yeah, oh yeah, no,no, yeah, I'll keep that for
men. Yeah exactly. Well,thank you so much for listening, Kayley.
I appreciate you. Of course listenevery day. I love you.
Ye. Alright, stick around.Let's get to that Cleveland confession with Gina

Breaking girl Code two songs from rightnow and Kiss You've Got Secrets. We
love secrets. The juicier the better. This is the Cleveland Concession on The
Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss FM. Cleveland Confessional Time on the Jeremiah Show.
We do this twice a week.By the way, if you have

a secret that you can't confess tothe people in your life, reach out
to us. I'll start with aDM. All of the socials at Jayshow
Radio. Look for The Jeremiah Showand maybe we'll call you back like what
it called Gina right now? Hi? Hi? Is this Gina? Yes?
Hi? How are you today?Gina? It's The Jeremiah Show,

ninety six to five Kiss FM.Hay girl, Hey, Gina, you
remember shooting a m that you hada Cleveland confessional for us? Yes,
I do we're here to collect onit. Are you in like a safe
place where you can tell us yoursecret, where like the wrong people won't
hear it and whatnot? Yeah,I'm literally in my car in my driveway

contemplating whether or not I could godo this. All right, so we'll
tell tell Cleveland what what's your secret? What do you want to confess,
Gina? Okay, so I wantto confess that I have a crush on
my friend's friend, your friend's friend. Okay, break down the dynamics.

Who is without names, of course? Who is this friend that you have
the crush on? Who's a friendof your friend? Okay? So my
friend, my best friend, we'vebeen best friends pretty much since like childhood,
and lately she's been hanging around thisreally cute guy and they're like just
platonic. Well I mean not lately. They've been friends for like two years

or so, but lately I've justbeen like really seeing like how cute he
is and how nice he is,and we've all been hanging out a lot,
you know, so don't I don'tknow, he's like super cool,
he's like our age, like reallysweet, and you know, there's not
really many guys like that. Nowyou know, yeah, you ain't kidding

exactly. So so what I mean, what is what is keeping you from
doing? Is this a girl again? I'm a guy, dumb guy over
here? Is this a girl codething we've got on our hands? Where
is it kind of like dating someonethat they've dated? What are you?
What's the hold up? Is myquestion? Okay, wait, okay,
So the thing that saves me isthat they haven't dated. They haven't dated.
Okay. I think I'm just worriedbecause it like is a girl code

thing and I don't know if likelike we like do get together like things
like work out, We get togetherand then we break up like sides exactly.
And Okay, this is the partthat's kind of like the confession,
and I like, I feel kindof bad about it. And that's why

I'm like, that's why I sentyou guys a DM because I just really
had to get this off my chest. But she told me a couple of
nights ago that she likes him.Oh well, then you got to stay
away, right, Okay, butI liked him first? Did you tell
her that you will? Obviously youdidn't tell her that you liked him,
because then she probably wouldn't have toldyou that she liked him, right,

I mean I didn't tell her Iliked him. But I feel like I've
like kind of been making it alittle obvious, like you know, like
I've been making like a little passiveand like me and him aren't friends,
yeah, like their friends. SoI feel like it's like she can't really
date him because of their friends.So I felt like that would kind of
be the thing where it's like,Okay, well I want you and him,

you know what I mean. SoI'm like in a very sticky situation.
I just really don't know what todo. This is icky, not
in like a bad way, andIkey is in a situation I'm glad I'm
not a part of. But we'lltry to help you out. Gina.
How's that? Yeah? Thank youso much? Because I'm literally like my
car, I'm like I want tolike go to her house and like tell
her, Oh, there's a lot. There's a lot to unpack here,

a lot of opinions that can Sohere's what we'll do. Stay in your
car after you hang up and listenor you know, POPU on that free
iHeart radio app, smart speaker,lexa, whatever, and we'll see what
the people of Cleveland say. Weare of the people, by the people,
and for the people, So Cleveland. How should Gina proceed here?
So it's her best friend's platonic friend. She has a cross show on him.

Now we're learning that Gina's best friendhas a crush. Who gets the
man who can pursue it? Likethat? All right? Like so bad?
All right? Well I'll do this. If you're listening on that for
your heart radio, thank you,crush the little red microphone there that's called
a talkback or you can call ortext in it's the same number. What

should Gina do? Two one,six, five seven eight, ninety six
five? Oh all right, Gene, we'll try to help you out.
Okay, thank you so much.Did you have my show in ninety six
five kiss FM? Hey, well, look keep with Sam Huntings a little
less than an hour from right now. But we're talking about today's sleeping confessional.
Roz joins us from Willoughby. Canwe help Gene out with her little
situation? She's crushing on her bestfriend's platonic friend, but they both have

a crush on him now, butshe hasn't said anything to her friend it's
a tangled web, Roz, howdo we proceed here? Right? I'm
just like, I don't know.I don't want to say she a bad
friend, but I'm feel like that'snot okay. You're in a safe space.
She asked for the judgment. Judgment, Roz, throw it out now.
She want to say something right afterher friend just told her, Like,

why you ain't saying nothing before shetold you? She just told you
that she liked her. Oh,now all of a sudden, now you
like him? Like, no,you know what she didn't She didn't lay
out that timeline as to when sheadmitted to liking the guy and then when
her friend admitted those those kind ofgot flip flopped there, didn't they?
Right, she's talking about she likedher, and then she's talking about they

started off fat friend, So theycan't know. Our relationships supposed to start
off at friends. Have a friendthat friends her hookup, Froz. That's
that's my experience. Yeah, right, like she talking about their friends.
It's already like no, So I'mjust feel like I want my friend ain't
like that. So you're saying she'sa bad friend and she shouldn't pursue this,

Yes, like stop and yes,who's cheering you on in the background
there, Roz somebod what's your bestfriend? Aliah? Telia? Talia?
Do you you concur with Rose's sentimenthere? Telia? Yes, I would
never my best friend better not orhonestly, she might as well just say
forget her best friend and go getthe man at this point, because she

already on that path, ain't heThank you. Thank you for not saying
bad words on the radio. Ifelt your want to and I appreciate you
holding back, he did. Iwas crying my heart to think that when
you talk to me on the radio, you just gotta act like Grandma's listening.
That's kind of the rule, rightright. I appreciate you ladies.

Ros t Lee, I appreciate youso much for listening. I hope you
guys have a great tech. Youdo. Bye, bry Cheryl Maya Show,
Hello, love this show by hookingme up with Sam Hunt tickets twenty
minutes from right now. On theJeremiah Show, we are ninety six five
Kiss FM were hook up station andwe hold up to it all right.

What an amazing day yesterday was.Thank you to everyone who came out and
said hi. At the Great LakeScience Center where we were hanging out.
We were also hanging out in thecorner bar at Progressive Field, celebrating an
amazing day in the land. Therewas a synergy that you don't always feel
in the world, in the country, in the immediate area you are.

But according to Johnsonville, yes,the sausage company, sausage America doesn't want
to be so divided. Apparently Johnsonvilledid this study because why not. A
lot of Americans talk about how dividedit is, how divisive things are,
and we don't want it to bethat way. So the Johnsonville Sausage Company

recently conducted a survey on American attitudes. Eighty percent of adults said they're sick
and tired of anger and negativity inAmerica. Eighty nine percent wanted less negativity
in the news and social media,and this has all led to a lot
of us feeling less connected. Sixtypercent of adults say having fun with people

has gotten harder lately, but eightypercent say there are people in their lives
that they really want to connect with, even if they disagree on some issues.
I agree with that, and ninetyone percent of adults say they don't
agree on everything with someone, they'dstill like to enjoy a meal with them.

Seventy one percent say it's easier ifthey're sharing great food probably me.
And seventy five percent of Americans agreethat people are mostly good. So what
I thought was going to be asilly story done by Johnsonville, the sausage
Company done, They've done some real, some real good work. Guys,
Go get yourself, Go go toJining Eagle tonight, get yourself some Broughts

in celebration of Johnsonville spreading the positivity. Good for you, guys. Sam
Hunt tickets on the way next.He's trying to expand his brand anyway he
can. Can I assume you're pregnant? Okay? Do we know boy or
girl yet? Boy? Also perfect? Jeremiah Right, it's set in Stone,
right down. Come on the JeremiahShow. Ninety six five Kiss FM.

Sam Hunt tickets for you all weekon the Jeremiah Show. We are
ninety six five Kiss FM, yourhook up station, and we don't joke
around when we do that. Solet's see if we can reward Jenna from
Lorraine some Sam Hunt tickets. Jenna, Good afternoon, hag girl. All
Jenna, I'm really gonna test you. I want to make sure you're a
true country fan. So the gamewe're gonna play this week for Sam Hunt
tickets real or fake country stars?All right, I've got a theory.

This is my theory. You throwit together. Any two names and they
sound like a country star. We'regonna test this theory right now. All
you gotta do just get get twoof these right and you win. Okay,
Okay, good luck, Jenna.Let's start with your first country star?
Is Michael Wesley a country star?Michael Wesley? No, no,

it's correct, he is not.I completely made that name up. There
you go, two first names slammingtogether boom country music artists. All right?
For the win? Is Connor Smitha country star? Connor Smith?
No, he is. I'm sorry. I told you it's it's hard.

It really is. Two one sixfive, seventy eight ninety six five.
We're playing Are they a corunch ymusic star? For tickets to see Sam
Hunt? He is a country musicstar. By the way. You would
know that because if you want thetickets, you're gonna you're gonna have that
information ready, uh and ready togo for you right, all right?
Number again two one six, five, seventy eight, ninety six five.
Oh, I'll give us some samHunt tickets. He's coming to Blossoms ninety

six five Kiss FM. You guysthought it was gonna be easy, real
or fake country star for sam Hunttickets. It's a Jeremiah Show ninety six
five Kiss FM. You can't comein here, cocky. You gotta come
in. You gotta come in chill, you gotta come in ready to go.
You gotta come in a country musicexpert, or at least a big
fan. Let's go to Brionna.She's in a leary. She's up next
to play Brianna. Good afternoon,Hey girl, Brianna, let's play the

game really fake country star. Justso you know, I did have Carletta,
who's on our sister station ninety ninepoint five. She gave me the
real country artists because I I know, like Billy Ray, Cyrus and Garth
Brooks. That's it. So shegave me some wants to use. Here.
I'm gonna give you a name.It's a real or fake country star.
Again. My theory, in caseyou missed it, you can slam
any two first names together. Theysound like a country music artist. Okay,

let's get it. Country star oneor fake Hannah Ellis? Is Hannah
Ellis a real or fake country star? Fake? Fake? No, she's
real. Thank you for playing.I told you, guys, I'm not
even messing around. Sharon Streetsboro,you were a up next Share, good
afternoon, Hey girl, Hey twoone six five seven eight ninety six five.

Oh, if you want to callin to play unlet's share just takes
this home. Would you call yourselfa country music fan? Share? I
like country music? Yes? Okay, Well let's see how you do here.
Let's go to a country name.They're either real or fake. How
about Nicholas Lance? Real or fakecountry artists? Fake? Fake Nicholas Lance

a name I made up completely.There you go one more for the win.
Tell me, is Jackson Dean arealer fake country star? No?
No? Is in what? No, it's not it's fake. No,
that's a that's a real person.That is a one real person. Guys,

this might be the hardest game I'veever played, but we're going to
continue on. Good luck two onesix five seven eight ninety six five.
Oh, real or fake country star? Sam Hunt tickets are on the line
The Jeremiah Show. He's got afocused, one track mind. I'm sorry.
There's nothing you can say to meright now that isn't going to come
across dirty in my mind. That'swhere my brain is. The Jeremiah Show
Now on ninety six Kiss maybe thehardest game of the world. We're playing

real or fake country star for samHunt tickets. He is coming to blossom.
Let's go to our next contestant.It's Isabella in Middleburg Heights. Isabella,
good afternoon, Hey girl, Hi? Were you Were you just as
confused as everyone else who's played sofar? Were you yelling at people forgetting
these wrong? I think I'm justas confused. Okay, well, let's

give it a shot. Shall wereeler fake country artists again. My theory
is you can literally smash together anytwo names and it sounds like a country
artist two in a row to win. Let's start with mary Lynn April.
Is Mary Lynn April a reeler fakecountry artist? She is fake, She's
fake. There you go. Youwanted to say real, but you went
with your gut. And that's howyou gotta play this game, is it,

Belle? You gotta play it withyour gut okay, yes, for
the win. Jackson Dean is JacksonDean Reeler fake Jackson Dean is fake?
Fake, No, he's real.Oh my gosh, I was totally gonna
say that too. Thank you forplaying. I appreciate you. Bye bye,
Brie and Oleiria. You are upnext. This is not going well

for Cleveland. Do you consider yourselfa country expert? I do? Okay,
good, I'm running out of fakenames, but I still have a
few. I have a few.I've got some real ones. I'm to
have Karletta from our country station.Give me some more real ones too,
because if I say Garth Brooks,obviously that's gonna be be obvious. But
that's not your first one. Getto in a row? Right? Is
Ashley Cook a realer fake country artist? Fake? She's real? This is

fantastic, Bree, thanks for playing. Sarah and Parme. You may be
my only help because we are notdoing well at this game. Sarah,
Sarah, Hey girl, Hey hey, are you ready to play? Yes?
Real or fake country artist? ChrisRogers fake fake? He's fake,
one hundred percent all right? Forthe win? Is Cameron Marlowe a realer

fake country artist? I want tosay real. You should say real,
because that's right. You win.Sarah, Come on, that took entirely
too long, A lot longer thanI thought it was going to be.
I really didn't think it was goingto be that hard. But again I
could. I look at this wholelist. They all look fake to me,
Sarah. That's I heard some fakeones and then there was it was

confusing a little bit. Well therewe go. That's how I just can't
make it. I can't make itso Joe blow off the freak can win
these things. I need a realcountry fan to win it, even though
we're not a country station exactly.There you go, Sarah, have the
best time. Sam Hunt is comingto blossom. You are going to be
there. Thank you so much.You are so welcome. Sit tight,
I'm gonna get more info from you. Okay, thank you? All right?
I bet I better pump on mylist. We'll play again tomorrow.

Reeler Fake Country Star for sam Hunttickets at four point thirty on Kids,
It's time to smarten you up.Cleveland's with Jeremiah's fun Fact of the Day,
Kiss that fac Listen to me.Whenever there's an opportunity to talk about
cheese on this program. That JeremiahShow will take that opportunity. Let's talk
about government cheese. It's a realthing, by the way, I think

you get them on Wallburger's right.So the USDA has one point five billion
pounds of cheese stashed in caves inMissouri. This process all started about seventy
five years ago as a part ofa plan to stabilize dairy prices in the
country. Now it's mainly used forfood assistance programs. I don't know,

can you still buy it in agrocery store? Have I? Government is
one more? I mean, I'vehad about every other type of cheese.
I don't know how government cheese wouldhave escaped me. I'm your genius to
the day of the Jeremiah Show.It's ninety six to five Kiss FM.
Who's your genius to the day?Well, someone's who's done something so stupid.
Anything you've done today pales in comparisonbecause you probably did it yesterday.

I for you're today's genius of theday. If you looked at the eclipse
without glasses on now, I thinkwe were allowed to look at it when
it was like completely covered. Atleast I did. My eyes didn't hurt,
but Google searches for my eyes hurtskyrocketed right after the eclipse, right
around three twenty pm. That's whenshe passed through Cleveland and the searches were
up. Google searches for my eyeshurt skyrocketed. Also, why do my

eyes hurt? The answer because youlooked at the sun. We've told you
not to. We gave out freeglasses. Come on, guys, thanks
for listening to The Jeremiah Show ondemand. I love this show. For
more, find us on TikTok,Instagram and more at J Show Radio and
weekdays two to six on ninety sixfive Kiss FM
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