All Episodes

April 24, 2024 26 mins
Corrine forgot she used to bully Mike, until he reminded her of his nickname. Also would you let AI help you date? What food were you picky about. Stop force closing your iPhone apps, and we play Lyrics Shouted from a Roller Coaster for prerides on Top Thrill 2.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I just love tooting my horn tothat. By the way, it's the
Jeremia Show. Let's get ninety sixfive kiss that out all our friends.
Welcome into your Wednesday pro gram.We're looking up with Alec Benjamin. Tickets
coming up at two point thirty onthe show, we'll play another round of

Taylor Swift tracks for those tickets.Good vibes now, good things happening in
your life. I want to hearall about them. You can always text
them in at two one six fiveseventy eight ninety six five. Oh,
you can call to it's the samenumber, or drop a message on that
free iHeartRadio Applord microphone by the playbutton. We'll send it to me right
here in the studio. My goodvibes are as simple as this. My

wife and I met twenty years agotoday, all right, I guess this
evening at a party on campus atthe University of Akron, at a party
on Cling was it Cling or Sumner? I think it was the sorority party
that I crashed. She was inthe sorority and she asked me to make

out with her. Boom happily everafter, Guys, it can happen for
everyone. It really can I forget. I think we talked about telling people
that wasn't the story mark. Iguess too late. Now it's on the
radio and the podcast on the freeiHeart radio app. Wherever you get your
favorite podcast, love you. Ifit's a Jeremiah show, send me to

Alec Benjamin coming up at two thirtyhere and said jerreed Maia Show ninety six
five. Kiss f fam. Wegot a little Wednesday program going. Thank
you for hanging out. I appreciateyou for that. Let's spread good vibes,
good things happening in your world.We try to do it each and
every day on the show as muchas possible. So if anything gonna happen
to you today, share it withthe world via the text here in the
studio two one six five seven eightninety six five. Oh Sarah, what

you got? Spread the good vibes. Tell me something good that happened to
you today in your life today?What happened good to me today? Oh
my gosh, I put out afirework and it went really well. I
don't know literal fire or figurative fire, figurative fire? What kind of work
you do? I want to tryto guess what the fire. Was I
own a real estate title insurance?Oh? Did someone pee on the carpet?

No? No, No, itwas just a paperwork. Okay,
you know, And you said realestate, That's what I said, p
on the carpet. Then you saidtitle company. I'm like, oh,
someone miscoalated Sarah. Yeah, No, you can't miss coalate. That's like
rule number four hundred and sixty fivein titling, don't miss coalate. People
can have physical accidents such as thatand title insurance. Yeah. Fine,

someone could pee on the carpet atyour office. Maybe you should. Guys
should different hire different people? No? I love them all. In Cleveland's
number one hit music station, kissFF, you're just minutes away from getting
hooked up with a helec Benjamin Ticketson the Jeremiah Show. It's ninety sixty
five Kiss FM. He's coming Houseof Blues in October. Right now,
we're spreading the good vibes with Ashley. Ashley, tell me something good that

happened to you today and you'd like, I made it through work? You
made it? Was it that muchof a struggle today? No? Not
no, not too bad. Whatkind of work you do? Administrative work?
Administrative. Did you get in alot of paper cuts today? Is
that what made it so hard?So hard? It is very hard.
Listen. There is a reason thatI say dumb words on the radio,
and I don't have any job titlethat says the word administration or supervisor or

doctor because I would fail horribly andprobably kill somebody. And I wouldn't kill
someone because I'd be a bad doctor. Just somehow I'd managed to have someone
dying on my watch being an administrator. I don't know how, but I
would do it good. So Istay in my lane. Ashley, dumb
words on the radio. Yes,Ashley, thank you for listening. I
appreciate you. All right, giveme two songs you can see Alec Benjamine

it House the Blues. You justhad to get hooked up, coming up,
hanging up. We got Alec Benjaminbecause for you all week on the
Jail Maya Show. It's ninety sixfive kiss fam with your hook up station.
After all, it's just it's kindof just what we do. Let's
talk to Summer at maislon. Sheis callab twelve Summer. Good afternoon,
Hey girl, Summer, It's Wednesday. How are we feeling on the way

it is? It rainy down inMasslin. What's the deal down there?
It is not. It's just cloudyand cold. Yeah, just April.
That's the way I'm defining today.It's April. I wish it was summer.
I wish it was summer. Idid see what I did there,
cause it's your summer summer because it'syour name. It's funny because it's your
name. In case you didn't catchon. All right, let's see if

we can look up without Benjamin tickets. The game is real or fake Taylor
tracks? I've got a list oftracks that could or could not be on
Taylor Swift's latest album, The TorturedPoet's Department. Do you fancy yourself as
Swifty Summer? She's okay, Mygranddaughter's a fan. Okay, Well,
let's see how we can do here. Tell me is down bad? Two

out of three to win? Isdown bad? Down bad? Is that
a real Taylor Swift song or oneI made up? Down bad? Yes?
That is yes, it is there. You go, Jim down bad
off Tortured Poet's Departments. Oh okay, look at Taylor with the naughty words.

I'm glad someone bleeped that because Ididn't them. Yeah, just a
couple of years. All right,Yeah, you get this one and you
win. I can fix him.Is that a real or fake Taylor Swift
song? That is real? Thatis real as well. That's right.
There's some parentheses in there, butit's not necessary to the game. Here
there it is summer Congratulations. Youare going to Alec Benjamin at the House

of Blues hooked up officially have thebest time in the world. Okay,
I will. You are very welcome. Sit tight. I'm gonna get more
info from you if you want thoseAlec Benjamin tickets. Will do it again
tomorrow to thirty right here on TheJeremiah Show where ninety six five Kiss that
fam stand by. Okay, gosit on the way for you. Three
thirty on The Jeremiah Show, We'llget you with this one with Corin and

Mike. Well, she bullied mein high school. She doesn't even remember
it. She does remember bulletying himand they went out. We'll get to
a three thirty here on the JailMaya Show. Found this study on what
is that website Eureka Alert. Surethree and five parents play short ordered cook
for picky kids. This is nonsense. By the way, I don't know
why these parents are doing this.I just make two meals for my kids.

It's not a big deal. Iget it. Kids are picky eaters.
It's not about getting healthy food inthem, and like everyone wants us
to think it is, it's aboutgetting food in them. Let them eat
chicken fries for three months. Itdoesn't matter. It really doesn't matter.
But then it got me thinking aboutbeing picky as a kid. If you've
seen pictures of me, you knowI wasn't a picky eater growing up.

It'still not a picky heater, exceptwhen it comes to peas, but that's
a whole different thing. Here's whatI want to ask you, Cleveland,
grab your phone, shoot me atext right now. What were you a
picky eater about? What food wasit? Did you eat the same food
for two decades straight? I hada friend until his thirties would only eat
chicken fingers in French fries. Thathuman being exists on the planet. Love

you, Scott? Text or callit's the same number two one sixty five
seven eight ninety six five? Ohwas it you? Was it your sibling?
How were you the picky eater.Also, if you're listening on that
free iHeartRadio app, tap that littlered microphone there comes to me in the
studio. We call it a talkback. What were you picky about? Cleveland?
Cleveland's number one head music station,ninety six five is cheap in mind.

Thirteen days of tailor still happening rightnow. You could win a trip
to Miami to see Taylor. Andall you got to do is fire up.
You're free I Heard Radio app andlisten to ninety six five kids a
FM. You can enter once aday. We're on like day five or
six. At this point, Iforget but thirteen shots for you to get
registered each and every day. Onthe program, we're talking about the picky

foods and the picky eaters you weregrowing up, that you or your siblings
or your kids. Cleveland texting andtwo one sixty five seventy ninety six five
Oh, my son will lead Frenchfries, but not mashed potatoes. Same
very much same on that one textout of the four four Oh, I
hate cooked mushrooms. They remind meof chewy fungus. My mom would make

green bean castron use cream and mushroomsoup and I wouldn't be able to fit
them in my mouth. I've literallythis is an old bit for my old
show on the radio. I'd eatpeas on the radio and I gagged.
I almost vomited. Josh, whatyou got? You're in Kent? Tell
me what are you picky about?That's actually my five year old son right
now. Oh what's he going throughright now? All he wants to eat

is corn dogs? Bit he doesn'tand he doesn't want sauce on them.
Nothing, just corn dogs, justa plain he's plain old corn dog.
But he's got to tear it apart. So he's gotta eat corn corn breads
first, yes, and then he'syes. My she's nine now, I
haven't seen her do this in aminute. She would peel apart the chicken
McNuggets. I had a friend thatthat high school. Oh my, I

just I just immediately flashed again,Josh. One of my uh, this
guy was a senior in high schoolwhen I was a reshman, and I
have this vivid memory. Of course, you know, born and raised Wayne
County, right, Wayne County.I we were going to a Strasburg basketball
game. He ordered a twenty pieceChicken McNugget while he's driving a Chrysler minivan.
Wow, this is coming back reallyvivid. I apologize. Uh,

he's driving this Chrysler minivan biting intoa chicken nugget to see if it's white
meat or dark meat. If it'swhite meat, he puts it back in.
If it's dark meat, he eatsit immediately because he wanted to enjoy
the white meat chicken nuggets at theend of the meal. Whoa, I
just blocked out, Oh boy,oh my gosh. Well yeah, no,

fully that your child will be justfine eating just corn dogs for as
long as he wants. You're notgonna he's gonna grow up to be a
fine human. Yeah, he's notgoing hungry. That's all that matter.
There we go. That's what I'mtalking about. Josh, Hey, thank
you so much for listening. Mydude, I appreciate you. Thanks.
We'll touch you so bye bye,go sit on the way for you.
Two songs right now. Carin wasMike's bully, but she doesn't remember.

We'll get into it. It's akiss ninety six. Stop staring at that
red receipt and let the Jeremia Showfind out why you got ghosted. Great
welcome into the show. Let's talkall about you and Mike. You guys
connected in some way, but sincehe has ghosted you, why don't you
catch us up to today. Letus know how you guys met all that
fun stuff leading up to you gettingghosted. Okay, well, well thank

you for having me. So let'ssee. Mike and I we met on
an app. I thought it wasa great date. Actually turns out strange
thing here. We went to thesame high school. Like, oh,
we didn't know each other, Likeit was like one of those really really
big high schools, so we neverran in the same circles. But like,

I mean right, like isn't thatcool? Yeah? So, I
mean, did anything weird happen onthe date that you would think would queue
you as to why you're being Thisis like a zoom out moment where you
try to think objectively as much aspossible to see if anything weird happened that
you can remember. I mean know, like it was just one of those

really great dates. He was superhot. Oh I was thinking, oh
my gosh, she's like so outof my league. But like, but
like this is it was like oneof those like oh my gosh, this
full circle moment. Yeah, he'sgot the same high school he was like.
She was just great and I mean, I can't wait to see him
again. But then there was likenothing, and I thought, I don't

know, so I reached out toyou. He was like the one that
got away that you never knew existed. Yes, exactly. Sorry, here's
what we'll do. I'll play acouple of songs. We'll come back and
we'll give Mike plsey for let usknow why he ghosted Joika. Okay,
great, all right, let meget gelato now. But after Jack harlow
More ghosted on the Jeremiah Show,it's kiss. So Karinn well went to

high school with this guy that ghostedher. She just didn't know him because
big school and all that. Sothat's where we sit now. It's at
Jeremiah Show, in the middle ofyour ghosted on ninety six five Kiss FM
Kurin. We're at the point ofthe program. Now, I'm going to
give Mike a call. I wantyou to stay on the phone with me,
but don't say anything right away.Let us talk to him first,
and at some point we'll bring youback into the chat. Okay, okay,

good luck, Corinn, Hello him, looking for Mike. Yeah,
this is Mike, Mike. It'sThe Chaumaia Show ninety six y five Kiss
FM. Good afternoon, sir.How are you. I'm good. How
are you? I'm well? Thankyou for asking. I know you're a
bit confused. It's it's always aconfusing moment on the show. You're on

a segment Mike called Ghosted where wehad a lady by the name of Carinn
reached out to us and said,you guys went out, you met online,
uh, and you ghosted her andshe's in the dark as to why
do you want to tell us whyyou ghosted? Oh? Sure, yeah,
okay, yeah I ghosted her.Well, she bullied me in high
school. She doesn't even remember it. Oh okay, let me bring Courin

back into the chat immediately because she'sshe's on the phone, has been the
whole time, Ukrinn. You saidyou went She told us that you guys
went to the same high school,but she said that you guys didn't know
each other. Yeah, Hi,Mike, what are you talking about that?
I didn't believe you. Yeah,I honestly, you know, I
thought I thought you recognized me whenwe matched, and maybe you had like

turned a new leaf or something,or that maybe i'd get an apology from
you. But when we met you, I mean, you acted like you
didn't even know me. Uh.I look, I'm sorry, Like maybe
you're mixing me up with somebody else. Like we had a really big high
school. It's very possible that youcould be thinking about a different person,
because I don't think we've ever met. No, no, no, I

think I was about seventy five poundsheavier. And is there anyone in high
school that maybe you called Michael Demanite? That sounds familiar. Oh, oh
my god. Wait you're like oldman te Oh my god. But you're
like you're so hot? What okay, So so now you remember yeah,

oh my god, that's that wasyou. Whoa, Oh my god,
I can't even wow. Well,I mean, I'm sorry for forgetting you,
but like you look really amazing,like you're so attractive and like wow,
I can't believe my god, andand and what and I want to

go there? Anything you want toIs there anything else you want to say
to me? Well, I meanI was kind of a bit in high
school, but like I've changed,Like I mean, I'm clary was mean
to you, but like, wow, you look amazing. Hello, Mike's

gone, wow, that was weird. Like I just gave him a compliment
and he hung up. Maybe crazy, Maybe it was the years of trauma
without an apology, just throwing itout there. I mean, I totally
apologized. I just like I thoughtwe were over. I mean, like
high school has been over for likea long time, right, were you

gooss slide into our ds at jShow Radio. Then we'll get to the
bottom of it. On The JeremiahShow ninety six five KISSFF would love to
get you out too, Blue Hairand Brewery down in Madina tonight. Get
some dinner, have some cocktails,have some of their delicious craft beers,
or set you up for some brunchthis weekend. Either way, we're looking
up fifty bucks to see them andgo get taken care of. It's The

Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kids FM. Let's talk to Sarah and Madonna because
she's called twelve a good afternoon.Hacar Hi, Sarah Blue heron right around
the corner. Have you had theprivilege of attending it yet? I have.
I love Blue Hair, and I'mreally excited about this. I don't
embarrass myself. I think you'll dookay. I mean you already go to

Blue Heron, so that means youyou enjoy the taste of alcohol from time
to time. Correct. Absolutely.The cocktail game, I'm gonna give you
ingredients that's from a specific cocktail.Tell me the name of the cocktail,
and you win. Okay, okay, good luck. Your ingredients are one
in one half ounce of tequila,point five ounces of grenadine, and topped

off with some orange juice. Whatcocktail is that? I think that's a
tequila soun, right, that is, Sarah. Let's go fifty bucks for
your Blue Heron. Try the beeron tech excited? Are you a beer
drinker or a cocktail drinker? Sarah? Both the above. Have you had
the hazy wife, hazy life overthere? I haven't. I don't think

someone maybe I have. I don'tknow you had that many? Huh,
maybe I don't know. Well,make sure you get some brunch there.
Try that that. I keep wantingto call it bloody Mary, but it's
not. It's all it's a hailMary because it's got a whole meal on
top. Sarah. Yeah, I'mcontractually obligated to deliver it. That aggressively
every time too. It's on paper. Okay, all right, Sarah,

you enjoy have the best time.Tell Ben and bayank I said high,
Okay, I thank you so much. Well, I appreciate you. Thanks
for listening. I'll sit tight.I'm gonna get more info from you.
We are going to continue with thehook cups. By the way, let's
get you to see you point.You want to ride Top Thrill too before
most humans can't. You're shot towin at four thirty. You could be
one of the first human beings onthis planet to ride Top Thrill to it's

theater point on Sunday. Also,I'll be there too, so that's an
added bonus. Maybe if you likeme, so chere on Maas Show ninety
six five Kiss FM. You're shoutto get hooked up with that coming up
in about twenty minutes from right now. Plus we'll tack on a paracea to
point tickets to come back later inthe year. All of that on the
way. AI is taking over,sometimes for the good, like when I'm
being lazy you need help coming upwith content for this radio program. Maybe

sometimes for the bad. Because twothirds of an online survey dater said they
would use AI as a dating coach. This is from a twenty twenty four
Norton Cyber Safety INSIDS report. Thenumbers are out nearly three quarters. That's
seventy one percent would use AI towrite pickup lines and conversation starters, while
seventy percent would use it to developtheir profile in sixty four percent for enhancing

photos. Now, I know we'vegot our iHeart AI here, and I
use it from time to time onthe show, So I figured I would
ask it maybe for some conversation storties. Maybe maybe got a date coming up.
You can take these with you anduse them. They gave me three
options. Here's the first one.What's something you were passionate about? Okay,

that's good, right, open endedquestions, not a yes or no.
It could spark a deeper, morethought provoking conversation. Don't like that
one. How about this one.I've been trying to pick up a new
hobby lately. Do you have anyhobbies you'd recommend? Oh, there we
go. I like that one.What are you into? What are you
hobbing? You into? Pickleball?Maybe you just got into fly fishing.
Maybe maybe you're making fly fishing lures. I don't know. All right,

we'll get you one more and thatway you have options for the day you
got coming up. Would you beagainst me taking pictures of your feet when
you sleep? I would not recommendthat one. I would say stick to
the first two. Yeah, definitelystick to the first two. All right,
let's get you on Top Thrill twocoming up next, Second's number one
hit music station, ninety six FIVEFM. It's See Jeremiah Show on ninety six

five Kiss FM, Cleveland's number onehit music station. We are hooking you
up all week. Want to sendyou to zar Point to come with me
and ride Top Thrill two before anyoneelse in your opportunity to win. It's
four thirty in the show, andguess what it's time right now to do
it. Let's get to Calor twelve. Excuse me, we did call her
twenty. That's a mana. She'sin the land. Amana. Good afternoon,

Hey girl. When I say wehook you up all the time,
I'm not just tooting my own horn. We really do it, man,
that's the word. That was metooting my horn. Just for the record,
Amana. You told me on holdyou have no clue what the balls
were doing right now, and Ilove that for you. I just out
of my car turn it on,heard you call and I did. All

right, here's what we've got.We've got Jess from sales. I took
her and I sent her to RecedarPoint. I put her on a roller
coaster and I gave her lyrics toa Kiss FM song. She is yelling
the lyrics to a KISSFM song,not even singing them while riding a roller
coaster. You have to tell mewhat the title of the song is.
Okay, okay, I'll play theclip, tell me what the title is.

And you are coming with me Sundayto write Top Thrill two. Can
you handle that? I can handleit all right? Here we go.
Here's the songead. What song isthat? Oh my god, I don't

know. It was so hard tohear her. I'll play it again,
no worries. We're good. Ican play it again. I make up
the rules to these games. Ican do what I want. Here we
go. Oh, sorry, thatwas that was my horn tuting against Sorry
the horns out of control sometimes.All right? Listen up rather Amanda for

Top Thrill to exclusive preview access.What song is that said? What I
said said what I said, that'snot what it is. I'm sorry.
Give me a call now if youwant to play two one six five seventy
ninety six five. Oh. Ifeel like she knows what the song is,
but she doesn't know the title ofthe song. Maybe you do.

You figure it out. You're comingwith me to Cedar Point on Sunday before
it's even open to ride Top Thrilltwo before most other humans can't hand a
pair of Cedar Point tickets just tothrow it out there to tack it on.
Good luck. Let's hook you upnumber again, two one six ninety
six five US. We're doing whatwe do. That's hook you up on

the cheer on Maia Show ninety sixto five. Kiss FM. Top Thrill
two is coming this season. Theseason starts May fourth. We're getting you
in Sunday to write it with me. If you can tell me what Jess
from Sales is screaming from a rollercoaster. Sarah and Olera, you were
up next to play Sarah, goodafternoon, Hey Gary, Sarah. We're

doing what we do. You knowwhat it is we hook you up.
I just love tooting my horn tothat. By the way, that's beside
the point, Sarah Jess from SalesLike I said, she screamed the lyrics
to a particular Kiss FM song whileat Top roller Coaster at theater point,
you gotta tell me what the titleof the song is and you win.
Okay, Okay, stand by here. It is try Sarah from Aleyria.

What's the name of that song?That is right? I kind of feel
bad for our first contestant. I'vealready immediately forgotten her name. I felt
like she knew the song but ton'tknow the title. Did you get that
vibe from her? Yeah, I'mkind of the same. Well, you

locked it in and you not onlyhave a pair of tickets to go to
Cedar Point, you're gonna be withme on Sunday riding Top Thrill Too before
most humans on the planet. Thatis so awesome. Let's go, all
right, Amanda, Amanda, Sarah, congratulations, I've got too many names
on the board. Sarah, you'remy winner. You sit tight. I'm
gonna get more info from you,okay, Fred all right, thank you,

appreciate you. We'll keep it goingtomorrow. Another shot for you to
write Top Thrill Too with me beforeanyone else can. That'll happen Tomorrow four
thirty on The Jeremiah Show, It'stime to smarten you up, Cleveland with
Jeremiah's fun Fact of the Day forninety six five. Kiss Up Out.
It's knowledge Nugget time, Cleveland.I like to provide an educational program when

I can, silly most of thetimes educational, at least once to twice
a day, sometimes on purpose,sometimes on accident. This is for my
iPhone users, So keep the radioon, but don't listen Green Bubbles.
Did you note you're not supposed toforce close your apps. This is a
rumor that I've been living by sinceI got my first iPhone, is that
you know, you swipe up andyou close all those apps because it's going

to save you battery, is goingto save you memory. Unfortunately, this
is a myth. It's not truein almost all situations. You should only
close an app in the quick launchscreen if it is misbehaving or not working
right, or if it is usingenergy and you don't need it at the
present time. Why shouldn't you doit? Well, they're not running in
the background, they're suspended when you'renot on. The apps doesn't do any

good, So there's nothing to begame, and it doesn't help you battery
life guys. So you literally justyou're wasting your thumb ligaments closing all these
apps. You're welcome America, timeof your genius of the day, and
that you're on my show, someonewho's done something so stupid. Anything you've
done pales in comparison. Stop spreadingbananas on your face, guys. Influencers

are doing exactly that, snapping bananapeels, slapping banana peels on their faces,
claiming it's giving them the natural botoxeffect. One content creator who made
the face fruit go viral is makeupartist Katie Jane Hughes. She posts a
video of herself trying the trend,saying it made her skin feel softer and
her face feel more snatched. It'sa good thing, by the way.

However, doctors are so convinced bythis trend. There's no scientific evidence to
suggest that rubbing a banana peel onyour face is going to help with wrinkles
or inflammation. While banana peels docontain antioxidants, the benefits are so small
you'll likely not notice anything, warnsthe doctor. Despite the skepticism the medical

from the community of medicine. Socialmedia users are raving about the banana peel
hack, with one claiming their grandmotherused it and had zero wrinkles. Doctors
are saying, use the real stuff, guys, you know what you want
to put a banana on your face? Who am I to say anything?
Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Showon demand This show. For more,

find us on TikTok, Instagram andmore at Jay Show Radio and weekdays two
to six on ninety six five KissFM
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