All Episodes

April 16, 2024 22 mins
It wasn't the hiking that cause Charlene to need ankle surgery....also do you know how many toes your cat has? A guy can't get pizzas to stop being sent to his house, the best mispronounciaton of quesadilla we've ever heard. And more does it pop for Blue Heron GCs and Centuries Game for Sam Hunt tickets!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's too cute. I can't handle. It's too wholesome, it's too cute,
it's too Amazingay Carolia Camia Show ninetysix five Kiss that found all my
friends. Welcome into your Tuesday program. We're going to take care of your
dinner tonight Blue Hair and Brewery downin Madonna. We got fifty bucks for

you to go, get your drinkand eat on coming up at two thirty
another round of does it pop?Good vibes. I want to hear all
about how great your days, buteven the small thing that has happened to
you, please share it with theprogram. You can call her text in
it's two one six five seven eightninety six five. Oh. You can
also leave a message on that freeiHeart Radio app low red microphone. Leave

a message. This one's from RonYo Jeremiah, good vibes. I am
just leaving the Cleveland clinic with anannual follow up for heart surgery heart aneurysm.
I have heard there and everything wasall good, So don't go back
till next year. And my birthdayis in two days. Let's go,

let's go, let's go. Indeed, congratulations on that. Thank you for
spreading the good vibes. My dude, I appreciate you, hope you have
a great day. Ex Kiss FMguys, let's go keeping the good vibes
going. It's the jail My Show, ninety six five Kiss FM. Tell
me something good that happened to youtoday in your life via the text two

one, six, five, seveneight, ninety six five. Oh,
I'm gonna feed you here in lessthan twenty minutes ending a Blue Hair brewery
down in Medina. Their patio issuperb, but if you haven't been,
you got to check it out andwe'll pay for your dinner here coming up
in just a bit. Training andspread the good vibes. Tell me something
good that happened to you today inyour life. Happy here to me today
in life. I woke up thismorning, my car started, I had

a job to go to and Ihave good hell, so that's a great
There we go. What kind ofwork you do, Trina pharmacy technicians?
Oh girl, let's go. You'resmart. You're way too smart to be.
You're way too smart to be listeningto this show. Trina. No,
No, we're gonna make you dummer. Cleveland's number one hit music station

ninety six five Kiss FM, OK, get it up without fifty bucks to
blue Hair and coming up on theCheremiah Show. We are ninety six five
Kiss FM. We'll play does itpop for that? About ten minutes from
right now? Spreading good vibes,though we've got Nicole sitting on holding cale.
Tell me something good that happened toyou today in your life, something
good that happened he I'm going homefrom work. What kind of work you
do you, Nicole? I'm aphysical therapist. Ah, little PT action

now, I don't know. Youprobably don't know Jeremiah Show Laura about my
connection with the sports world? Doyou not? Really? You had to
guess what? What would you thinkit is? How am I connected to
sports? How are you connected tosports? You must have played I did?
Do you think I played professionally?Semi pro? Oh, that's very
nice of you, not even closed. I got a d in my first
anatomy and physiology class at the Universityof Akron and had to change my major

from athletic training to radio and TV. And here we are, Nicole.
Well you made the right joy Icould tape a mean ankle though. That's
good six to itself. Nicole,Thank you for calling Kiss FM, Thanks
for listen, appreciate you all right? Does It Pop? On the way
nine minutes from right now, cookingyou with fifty bucks to Blue Hair and
a McDonald and kiss. Does ItPop? Is the game? Fifty bucks

to Blue Hair and Brewery and mcdonayis what you win if you can figure
out what I'm opening here in thestudio, A can it Pop or a
can of beer? That pressure goesto Ashley. She's in Cleveland. She's
calling twelve Ashley, Good afternoon,Hacarl. Hey, hey Ashley, what
have you had more recently? Acan of pop or a can of beer?

Okay? What'd you have? What'sthe go to pop for Ashley?
Doctor Pepper? Oh my girl,I literally have a twenty ounce Doctor Pepper
flanked to my left because it's themost delicious pop ever created. Oh yeah,
that's not an opinion, that isa factual statement. Am I right?
It is? All right? Golet's play the game. It's beer.
It's a does It Pop? I'mgonna open a can here. Well,
I'll turn this music down so youcan hear it. Better tell me

whether I'm opening a beer or apop? You ready? Okay? Here
we go. Here's the first one. Is that a beer or a beer?
That is a beer? One hundred? That is a hazy wife,
hazy life? I p a fromBlue Hair and Brewery. All right,
three out of five to win?All you need is two more? Tell
me what is this one set?A beer or a pop? Let's let's

go pop. No, it's not, but that's okay. You can miss
two here and still pull off thewind. Let's go to the next one.
Here we go. I'm tempted totake a drink of these. Is
that a beer or a pop?Beer? That's a beer? Okay,
we're there, We're close. Wecan we can miss one. How many
have we done this? That wasthree? We can miss one or we

can just win it right now.You're ready to go? Okay for the
win? Is this a beer ora pop? That's right. I just
realized I whispered so much. Ididn't even know if anyone could hear me

on the radio. But I wasjust whispering really, really quietly. I
don't know what's the matter with me, Ashley. Congratulations, you go in
too, Blue Hair for Redonna Medina? Thank you? Have you been yet
before? I have not? Okay, it's gonna be a good time right
off of seventy one or eighteen sixteenbeers on tap I would I'm gonna suggest,
are you a brunch girl, Ashley, brunch it up Saturdays and Sundays.

You can get your brunch of blueheron. They've got it. They've
got a they don't call it bloodyMary. It's called a hail Mary because
it's got a whole freaking meal ontop. Enjoy that. Okay, thank
you, you are very welcome.Sit tight. I'm gonna get more info
from you. You didn't win bluehairing today, That's okay, more tomorrow.
Also still on the show today,Tory Kelly and Sam Hunting gets all
the way. This is the JeremiahShow. By the way, it's kiss

Somebody Cleveland kifessional coming up on theJeromias Show three thirty here in ninety six
to five, Kiss FM. Icould have actually died. Why didn't she
die? Why didn't Charlene diet Allhas to do with her secret coming up?
Then we got to talk pizza fora second. This might be the
best prank ever, but this guy'ssuper sad about it. It is.

It's absolutely amazing because a man isbeing harassed. He's being harassed with Endless
Pizza Cleveland, Jeremy Endless Pizza,Canadian cat who keeps getting pizzas sent to
his house and to his work.This has been going on for the last
six months and he can't figure outhow to stop it. First, they

were coming from a place called Pizzaseventy three. The orders are not only
using his address, but also hisemail and phone number. He's not being
charged for any of these, bythe way, but they keep sending to
his house and then he sends thepizzas back because he didn't order them.
He reported all this to the policebecause I guess it's some sort of fraud,

but now they keep tricking him.This is what police said. The
suspects that are ordering the pizza areactually obviously using technology to spot his number,
which they know, so when theycall it, it's coming up as
him. I never dated anyone,so it's not that. I hope Carmon
gets you someday to your house.Here's the thing and follow me for a

second. Am I the only onethat's not looking at this like, oh,
that's just free food. Why don'tI just take it? Unless it's
an excessive amount of pizza. Butif they're just sending pizzas on pizzas on
pizzas, again, I don't seethis as a bad thing. Is justin
lactose intolerant? Yes, I justsaid Toast, does he have seliacs?
Are they sending gluten pizzas to hishouse and he's gluten free? Maybe that's

it, because I can't think forone reason if some internet scamera is sending
free pizza to my house, whyI would not be ecstatic. You've got
cegrets we love the better. Thisis the Cleveland Confessor on the Jeremiah Show
ninety six five Kiss FM. It'sthe place where Cleveland comes to confess their

secrets, the ones I can't tellmom and dad or God forbid Grandma.
You got a secret, Shoot usat DM at Jays Show Radio and maybe
we'll call you back, like we'regonna call Charlene right now. Hello,
Hi, is Charlene available? Thisis Charlene. Hey Charlene, it's a
here on Maia Show ninety six fiveKiss FM. Hay girl, Hi Charlene.

You remember shooting us a DM abouta Cleveland confessional? I do now?
Yeah? Good? We are hereto collect on it. Are you
in like a safe space you cantell us your secrets so the wrong people
don't hear. Yeah, hang on, let me just close this door,
close the door. Oh okay,Charlene, what do you want to confess?
Okay? Essentially, I have beenlying to my friends and family about

an ankle injury that I I sustained. Oh okay, well tell me why.
How tell me about the injury,and then why we're lying about it?
Give me the whole thing. Okay, so so ridiculous. But I
recently actually had to have surgery onmy ankle. And the reason I've been
telling everybody I had to have surgeryis that I heard it while I was
on a hiking. I go hikinga lot, and I made up this

whole story about how a park ranger, this like handsome park ranger came to
save me, basically making it asdetailed as possible. I gave this guy
a name. I named him Kurtthe Ranger, and you know, like
give him all the details. Hewas so hot, Okay, basically eating
it up. Why are you makingthis elaborate story? How did you really

get hurt? Okay? Well,what actually happened is I broke it falling
off of my swing. You know, if you catch my dressing with a
guy, it's that you know.Wow, Okay, hell yeah, My
first question is how did you dothat? Well, actually, that's a

wild part because those things are normallyreally dang sturdy, so I don't even
actually know one. But a boltfell down. Basically, weren't going into
too much detail. I lost mybalance and landed on my ankle. And
the crazy part of the story isthat I didn't actually really know the guy
all that Well, that's also maybegoing into much detail. Yeah, an

online thing, yes, that's it. Anyway, it turns out he actually
was an EMT, so there wasa little bit of like tie in there
because he did like actually basically savedmy life because long story short, I
guess there was something with how myankle broke that it could have actually been
really bad. There's some sort ofcirculation problem because of how it broke,
I could have actually died. Andthis EMT, whose actual name doesn't matter,

he really did end up saving mylife. But he's not Kurt the
Ranger and it wasn't a hike.Oh my, that's this is the most
serendipitous awkward story I've ever heard inmy life. I know, and I
don't know which story is well.I think I know which one's worse,
but I don't know which one ismore romantic. Got something you want to
confess? Send us a DM JayShow Radio ninety six five Kiss FM.

A thousand bucks on the way foryou. Of course, we're back to
paying your bills, by the way, thirteen shots a day. This is
the Jeremiah Show on ninety six tofive Kiss FM. Let's talk to Aaron
in Brunswick, aeron good afternoon,Hacar, Aaron, what's happening on this
fine tuesday in your life? Inyour world's working? What kind of work
you do? Aeron sales? Whatdo you sell? Food? You sell?

It's like you're purposely being vague.I am, You're just trying not
to put all your information out there? Is that what it is? You're
correct? All right? All Ineed to do? You are colleague twelve.
So you'll win victory Kelly tickets ifyou tell me your blood type and
social Security number. I cannot.I'm completely kidding, you win can Congratulations?
Awesome, thank you you are sowelcome. House of Blues Tory Kelly,

I love House of Blues because it'sjust got such as it's got an
Ohio vibe to it. Does thatmake sense to you? Close? It's
intimate. We're gonna get sweaty,we're gonna touch each other. It's gonna
be fantastic, awesome, it soundsgreat. All right, you said tight,
I'm gonna get more info from you. Okay, thanks so much.
You're so welcome. More Tory Kellyto get tomorrow for you on the show.
And how about coming up about ahalf an hour from right now,
we'll send you to c Sam Huntat Blossom Weird Book up Station. Let's

go one thousand bucks next time,this time with the Jeremiah Show. Brought
to you by my friends over thereKen Ginley Chevrolet a Roar your hometown dealer
three ten West Garfield. Swing by, tell them Jeremiahsentially they're gonna take great
care of you. Actually swung bythe dealership today, got my little oil
change going. Got to drive oneof those electric blazers too, by the
way, Oh that might be inmy future very soon. Friend, swing

by and Sam, thank you forsponsoring this hour up the eat Chair Amiah
Show. Hey holdsome moment of theother day on the show now because this
was just gonna warm your heart.God bless Melody Rose on Instagram. On
air Melody Rose. She does.She does a morning show in Nova Scotia,
Halifax, Nova Scotia up there inCanada. Her daughter might be one

of the cutest human beings on theplanet. This is how she pronounces case
a dia. What's I call it? Idea of Nathan? I always ask
it's an idea show. I'm whatdo you call it? Ide son of
a biscuit? Stop everything right now, I'm now calling every used to be
ca Sa Dylla's thank you Napoleon Dynamite, case of ideas sto. It's too

cute. I can't handle it.It's too wholesome. It's too cute,
it's too amazing. All right,it begs for the question. Now grab
your phone and shoot me at texttwo one six five seven eight ninety six
five. Oh. I don't careif you pronounced it wrong. I don't
care. If it was your children, I don't care. If what was
your niece's nephews? Whoever? Whatwas your kid? Pronouncing so wrong but

so right in the same way?Was it this? What's not call it?
She's a friend deal case of ideaCleveland. I know one. For
example, my daughter would call itfruit snacks snoop snacks, and I still
wish she would. She's nine,she's too cool for them now. Or
I would tell her to go upstairsand get ready for bed, and she
would say, Dad, do youwant me to put on my dejamas?
Her ded jamas? Cleve heard DoDjamas? All right? Text me now,

what was your kid mispronouncing? Orwhat were you mispronouncing as a kid.
You can call two it's the samenumber, or smash that. iHeartRadio
app the talk back feature that's alittle red microphone. While you're listening on
your phone, send you see Samhun We're hooking you up into what we
do. The Jeremiah Show ninety sixfive Kiss at them this hour the pro
Graham brought to you by my friendsover there, Ken Canley Shiver let or
or just stop buying and see themtoday your hometown dealer three ten West Garfield

Town, jeremiahssentire. They're gonna takeamazing care of you. This just it
really brightened my day. The younglady on Instagram how she pronounces Casadia.
This up on our story by theway, in ninety six five Kiss FM,
let's not call it. It's acase of ideas, guys. So
we asked you Cleveland, what didyou what did your niece's nephews? What

did your kids mispronounced? Growing up? Let's go to Missy. She's in
Columbia station. Missy, good afternoon, Hay girl, Missy, tell me
what who was the mispronouncer? Wasit you? Was it your kids?
It was my niece, your what'syour niece? It wasn't Sydney Sydney sixteen?

Well did you? By the way, if you're just joining us on
the show, we're talking about whatwhat what got mispronounced? What what?
And what did what did Sydney mispronounce? So she asked her mom one day
if she was going to drop somepackage they needed to deliver. She said,
are you going to drop that offat Sadia today? And my sister
said where? And she's like studyUX. She's like, what's that?

She's like, mom six like thefix truck? Very calling it that she
goes? Why why she goes?You know ups study e s. It
would have been it would have beenthe perfect story if she called it the
upstruck honestly, can I tell yousome of the actually a few of these
coming to the text are absolutely amazing. Stephanie just texted and said her dyslexic

sister would call artichokes cockroaches. Ohmy, I don't know how does dslex
I don't have dyslexia, but doesIs that dyslexic or is that just mixing
up work? Yeah, that's justb s. Yeah, absolutely had the
two one six. My son saidlunch instead of lunch. I love a
good mispronounced when you right. I'mgonna put my finger on the on the

bleak button for this one because I'mgonna eat it. My son, my
five year old son, Isaiah.He's the one who called his teacher uh,
who actually pete on the playground atschool. This is that kid he
would called goldfish for the longest time. You ready for this, Missy?
I love it so it warms myheart in the nicest way, you know

what I mean, mister. Ilove you. Thank you so much for
listening. We'll talk to you soon, Okay, I love you. Thanks
bye. Heng Ty playing the Centuriesgame for ticket see Sam Hunt He's coming
to Blossom two songs from right now. We got you here on Kiss FM

The Centuries Game Jeremiah Show ninety sixto five Kiss FM. This hour,
the program brought to you by kenGanley Chevrolet Aroor your hometown dealer three ten
wist girl for you in Auror.You go see them. They're gonna take
great care of me. All right, it's the centuries game. I tell
you something that happened. You tellme in what century that happened? The
fourteen hundreds, fifteen hundreds, sixteenhundreds. Don't say like twentieth century because

that always confuses me. Them's there'sthe rules. Let's go to Lena.
She's in a Warren. She's calledher twenty Lena. Good afternoon, Acre.
What about how we feel in forthis fine Tuesday afternoon in northeast Ohio.
I'm doing wonderful. I love itliving over in Warren. Have you
seen Dave girls Grant jump drumsticks before? Yes, sir, okay, I've

yet to see them. Are theyworth the trip out to Warren? I
mean those good restaurants. It's agood little downtown area. Now, yes,
look at you plugging the town.I love it. All right,
let's play the game. Here's thedramatic music. I'm going to tell you
an event that happened. You tellme what century, Like I said,
please don't say nineteenth or eighteenth centurybecause that will confuse me. Just say
nineteen hundreds, eighteen hundred and seventeenhundreds, two thousands, et cetera.

Okay, okay, all right,here we go two out of three to
win. Tell me what century didBrittany meet justin Timberlake. The nineteen hundred,
That is correct. There we go. You get this one and you
win. In what century was thepolio vaccine invented? The nineteenth century?
That nineteenth cent Give me the hundreds, say hundreds, okay, nineteen hundred,

that's right, that's right, youwin. Isn't eighteenth century like nineteenth
centuries like the eighteen hundreds or somethinglike that. I don't know. My
eyes are going crossly in it.None of this matters. You are going
to Sam hunt. Congratulations, Iwon? You w I why one.
Let's go as if there's the music, there's the ao. Here we go,

Hey, yo, old blossom,you have the best time in the
world. Okay, thank you,thank you, You are so welcome.
Sit down on the radio or onhold here, I'm gonna get more info
from you, and we will continueto hook you up. Sam Hunt gets
again tomorrow on the show. Winhim at four thirty. You want a
thousand bucks in your pocket? Surewe're paying your bills. That happens at
five. It's time to smarten youup Cleveland with Jeremiah's Fun Fact of the

Day for ninety six five. Kissup that you would know the chaos that
goes on behind the scenes of theJeremiah Show in between the songs and commercials
and whatnot, you would be surprisedanything ever gets on the air. I'm
just gonna say that because I wasscrambling for this fun fact and I found
it with like five seconds ago.It's like one of those things I saw
and then I guess I didn't bookmarktBut now I found it. Here we

go. Are you a cat owner, friends, because eighty three percent of
cat owners don't know how many toestheir cats have? You think you know
your cat well right now? No, you don't know your toes on your
cat, not that you would needto. Only seventeen percent of cat owners
got this right in a recent poll. How many toes does your cat have?

Go ahead shout them right now,shouted at your radio, because the
answer is eighteen ten in the front, eight in the back. Now.
It's not uncommon though, for catsto have a few extra digits because the
record is twenty eight. That's toomany toes. Guys, Are they all

considered toes? Right? They're toesbecause they walk on them. If they
walked on their name hind legs,they'd be fingers right. Things you never
thought you were gonna thought of gettingout of bed this morning to have your
genius of the day on the JeremiahShow. That somebody who's done something so
stupid. Anything you've done pails incomparison. Today's genius of the day is
stole fifteen hundred dollars in a highend battery operated Boyfriends. That's how I'm

gonna say. A Missouri man standsaccused of stealing eight of these battery operated
boyfriends where there were fifteen hundred bucks, and trying to sell them on Facebook
marketplace. These things go for aroundtwo hundred bucks a pop. Christopher Michael
Booth it would be a three namedguy allegedly snatched them from a display plase
and then fled the store after beingrecognized by employees who had previously asked him

to leave. Guess what. Policetracked him down, found the stolen merch
on booth facebook profile. Guess what. He's done this all the time,
adding some seriousness to the current felonycharge he faces. So they're gonna they're
just gonna pile them all up andcharge. Thank you for it. I'm
a child, It's fine. Thanksfor listening to The Jeremiah Show on demand

this show. For more, findus on TikTok, Instagram and more at
Jay Show Radio and weekdays two tosix on ninety six five Kiss FM.
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